American University Residence Hall Association c/o Housing & Dining Programs | 4400 Massachusetts Ave, NW | Washington, DC 20016-8142 Phone: (202) 885-1878 | FAX: (202) 885-1154 | E-mail: | Reiter Boldt President (202) 885-1878 Devon Wallick Vice President of Administration and Finance (202) 885-3606 General Assembly Agenda • • Rajita Sanji Vice President of Advocacy & Community Coordination (202) 885-1742 Hayat Abu-Ghazaleh Vice President of Programming (202) 885-2772 Patricio Barnuevo National Communications Coordinator (202) 885-3676 Marieka Cober Chief of Staff (202) 885-2179 Daniel DeHollander Advisor (202) 885-3138 • • • April 17, 2014 Call to Order o President Reiter Boldt called the meeting to order at 9:02 pm. Attendance o Anderson 5/6 o Cassell 4/5 o Centennial 3/5 o Hughes 6/6 o Leonard 4/6 o Letts Clark and Roper 5/6 o McDowell 0/4 o Nebraska 0 Minutes Approval o Motion to approve last week’s minutes, unanimous consent seconded Agenda Approval o Motion to approve this week’s agenda, unanimous consent Objection • Motion to move Hall Wars report to beginning • Seconded o Motion to approve this week’s agenda, unianimous consent seconded Hall Reports o Anderson Working with RAs to study for finals Wrapped up Holocaust Remembrance Week o Cassell Finishing door dec contest Working on transition Finishing the last event o Centennial Mentors in McKinley happening right now Planning spring fling and final freak out Getting ready for Hall Wars finale and transition o Hughes Finishing transition documents Planning study break for finals o Leonard Good weekend with block party and Taste of Leonard Working on transition documents Shanon handed out bags with Green Eagles o Letts Clark and Roper Had cereal bar on Monday Ice cream bar next Monday Giving RAs fun bags Information: hall council transition documents are due to Reiter by transition McDowell None present o Nebraska None present Executive Board Reports o President What I did • Bylaw revisions • Director of residence life interviews What I plan to do • Any needed bylaw revisions/updates • Work on transition o Vice President of Administration and Finance What I did • Updating budget • Looking into credit card reader • MFS package delivery for Monday What I plan to do • Transition speech • Drafting memorandum of understanding with NRHH o Vice President of Advocacy and Community Coordination What I did • Hall Wars finale: checking contract, weather, Chipotle, everything else • Finished counting HOTY • Continue working on transition document and trasitioning Nate What I didn’t do this week • Finish making assignment spreadsheet for Saturday What I will do next week • Finish assignment sheet (actually by tomorrow) • Finish transition document o Vice President of Programming What I did • Finalized food order for transition • Finalized transition speeches • Finished transition schedule • Finalized Hall Wars Finale What I plan to do • Finalize transition document • Clean out desk • Finalize transition banquet details o National Communications Coordinator What I did • NACURH prep • Program proposal for the delegation on RAINN Day • Fundraiser in Anderson lobby this Friday from 8-12 at night o Chief of Staff What I did • Took plaques into store and got a work order, should be done by 22nd • Made guide to minutes to talk about tonight • Met with Daniel for one-on-one What I plan to do o o • • • Advisor What I did • Attended Relay for Life • Met with Reiter, Meg, Megan, and Marieka • Reviewed bylaws and governing documents • Requested summer housing for Megan What I didn’t do • Run/walk/skip in the Poker Run 5k What I plan to do • Meet with Zoe (4/18) • Attend Hall Wars finale • Request check for NACURH delegation • Finalize RHA Poster Sale for August 2014 HDP and Other Updates • Hall Closing and Late Departure Process o The residence halls close at 12pm (noon) on Wednesday, May 7, 2014 o Anyone who is requesting to stay in the residence halls after 5/7/2014 must fill out the form located at • Project Move Out o Aramark and FM will be distributing clear trash bags to student rooms next week along with Move-Out instructions to assist with our student donation/collection drives. • Facilities o Nebraska & Cassell Halls - Windows Inspection: On Monday April 21 from 1pm to 4pm, interior windows inspection will be done at Nebraska & Cassell Halls. o Nebraska & Cassell Halls - Floor Damage Inspection: On Tuesday April 22 from 11:30am to 2:30pm, a contractor will be on site to inspect all rooms reported to have floor damage (delamination, surface wear and discoloration) in Nebraska & Cassell Halls. • Administrative Board Reports o Parliamentarian What I did • Finished transition speech • Finishing touches on transition document What I plan to do • Transition new parliamentarian once selected o Deputy Programmers Meg working on Final Perk • Beach bash theme outside of library • Free cookies and activities Hall Wars Finale is this weekend • Need to finalize tables that will be there on Saturday Prep for transition! o Social Media Deputy What I did o • Finish transition speeches Finish transition documents • • • • Met with Patricio and Marieka • Finished digitizing posters What I plan to do • Work on McFormal ads • Advertise for Hall Wars • Add posters to the i-drive NRHH Report o Presented by Reiter and Marieka o Puppies on the Quad! RHA Executive Board-Elect Report o Presented by Megan This week is busy Working on application process for appointed members Working on general transition stuff New Business o Parliamentary Procedure via Minutes with Marieka Presented by Marieka o Vote of Confidence on RHA Strategic Plan Presented by Reiter Plan and goals have been sent to everyone Only changes since the last presentation were the addition of assessment measures for each goal Questions/comments • Would you recommend that new e-boards keep adding things or make a new one? o Things will change with new members o Document will evolve but gives a guideline o Not set in stone • Language can be changed to match the new governing documents • Minor spelling and character changes Motion to call the question • Seconded • Vote: 29-0-0, passes o Hall Wars presentation Presented by Rajita Hall Wars deadline is Tuesday at 11:59 pm Put graphic on your Facebook Weather: 70 and sunny o Bylaws Presentation and Voting Presented by Reiter and Paul Ceding the chair to Devon Motion to extend the presentation time to 20 minutes • seconded Question and answer • Why is the speaker included for SG? o Provides a link to the Senate with RHA o Point of contact for legislator • Are stipends per semester? o Amounts are annual, paid monthly • How are stipends handled if someone steps down? o The appointed person would get paid for the months in office o Not a problem, person knows the job • • • • • • • • Why are there crossed out sections? o Just a typo, has been fixed What is a first reading? o First reading of legislation, usually done at roundtable o Introduces a resolution and allows it to happen in GA delegate roundtable Can you clarify the role of Chief of Staff and the a-board? o Gives CoS the role of making sure all deputies are treated fairly o Makes them an advocate o Keeps them in the loop about deputy assignments o Check and balance Is the memorandum of understanding annual? o Jointly draft memorandum o In effect until the time of creation until the end of term/academic year o Sets the expectations of both organizations o No set format What is an active hall council? o Trying to add accountability in the future o In the old documents How will raises work? o Omitted and not replaced o Might replace in the future o Need to talk about what would be reasonable o Advocate to work on this next year Motion to extend the period by 15 minutes o Objection Con • Already had time to ask about this • Make this period about last minute questions • Make it 10 instead Pro • Still have lots of questions • Really important • Need Paul and Reiter to answer • Lots of other people have questions Con • Can always add more minutes • 10 minutes is a good start Pro • Can always end period early Pro • Most people are here, let’s politely question these people! • Extra time Motion to call the question Vote: 25-1-1, passes What is the section for elections? o Rules of elections are in election packet each year o Stipulations of elections are not in the by-laws o Parliamentarian transition sets standards for elections o Will be prepared for the future • • • • • • • • • • • • • o Typically not in the documents Who is the parliamentarian’s boss? o CoS oversees the board o Parliamentarian works directly with president usually o Each member reports to their member of the e-board Can a-board be new RHA members? o Can be a new person o Everyone needs to live in the residence halls No mandated meetings between a and e boards Can you explain the HDP change? o Complies with established councils of HDP o Based on structure of RDs o Not codified, how it goes right now o McLeo has separate hall councils but the same RD o Could change with East Campus o Cannot dictate how structure is done, point of advocacy o Could advocate for our position/organization Could you clarify the appointment process for NCC? o Not changing at this time o Could look for this change in the future, didn’t feel comfortable with changing it right now Where would publicity officer job go? o They don’t do this right now o Work with regional and national relationships What about the section on what cannot be suspended? o Please amend to add this to the document Why are VPs appointed not elected? o We looked how hall council elections work o President still makes the selection and gets it ratified by the GA, legislator works as a check o Special election in GA to vote for a new president o Educated individuals who can confirm or deny Can you define previous RHA experience? o GA, a-board, anyone appointed or elected, any part of the organization o Majority of e-board has been members of RHA o SG positions are open because they advocate for all students, we work for residential students o Make sure running students are residents and know about the organization/role o Removes the current clause that allows a waiver Motion to extend the period by 5 minutes o Seconded Would we add prior e-board experience to the e-board section? o Has already been added there How long does a person need to serve? o Can be a semester, year, whatever! Would you add a clause that stipulates the power of the governing documents? o Could be added o There is a stipulation that mandates the creation of financial policies Can you clarify removal from positions? o Gets rid of “duly passed legislation” section o Bylaws determine why you can be removed from office o Other legislation could be confusing • Motion to extend the period until Reiter ends discussion o Seconded • Do you stipulate how often the advisor should check membership status? o Done every semester • Who is picked before transition? o CoS, NCC, and Parliamentarian o Sworn in with e-board at transition o CoS and NCC already had this provision o Added provision for parliamentarian • Are deputies necessary? o Can have more than listed o Positions do not need to be filled o At the discretion of the e-board o Only parliamentarian must be filled • Can the BoE be kept as an alternative? o Could be done o President and parliamentarian could work together on that o Probably doesn’t need to be mentioned, parliamentarian can oversee that o Paul would not advocate for a Board of Elections • Where did deputies come from? o They are picked by the e-board o Respective people appoint their picks o Confirmed by president o Positions need to be filled before first GA • Do you need RHA experience to be on a-board? o No! o Same requirements as hall council members • Reiter can be called in for more questions. Motion to consider the bill by parts • Seconded Motion to amend “delegates” to “delegation” • Seconded • Discussion o No points • Vote: 29-0-1, passes Motion to add 4th sub-point • Seconded • Discussion o No point • Motion to call the question o Seconded o Vote: 27-0-3, passes Motion to amend to stipulate a regular meeting between e and a boards by the third GA • Objection o Con Requires more flexibility • o o o • • • • Con Pro Shouldn’t be written into the Constitution Worried about busy schedules Regular meetings would ensure meeting Allow members to have flexibility People will be busy Will have time and the responsibility to meet Not doubting members Gives a deadline for all members to have an established time Con More flexibility is better Can work with plans o Pro Publically announced and regular Can still plan one-on-one meetings Hold them accountable to their jobs o Information: why is section 5 that way then? Ensure that communication is constant between the board, not trying to suggest a particular meeting time o Information: what communication are your encouraging? All a-board and e-board Entire e-board needs to know what is going on Have attended some e-board meetings o Information: what is the wording of the amendment? Nate read wording o Motion to end the period of pro/con Seconded Friendly amendment of the wording o Accepted Motion to call the question o Objection Con • Making them set a meeting time • Want it to be more of a suggestion Pro • Suggestions are not put in bylaws Pro • Amendment mixes original intent with what actually happens Motion to end the period of pro/con • Seconded Motion to call the question o Objection o Withdrawn Motion to postpone the amendment o objection o withdrawn Motion for a three minute recess o Seconded o • Pro Friendly amendment to change language o Seconded • Motion to call the question o Seconded o Vote: 27-1-1, passes Motion to change “being” to “be” • Seconded • Discussion o No point • Motion to call the question o seconded o Vote: 30-0-0, passes Motion to move to title 2 • Seconded Motion to amend stipends • Withdrawn Motion to move to title 3 • Seconded Motion to amend to add conflict of interest clause • Seconded • Discussion o No points • Motion to call the question o Seconded o Vote: 26-0-2, passes Motion to move to title 4 • Seconded Motion to amend SG section • Seconded • Friendly amendment not accepted • Discussion o No point • Motion to call the question o Seconded o Vote: 7-17- 4, fails Motion to move to title 5 • Seconded Motion to amend “a” to “an” • Withdrawn Motion to amend “or” to “of” • Seconded • Discussion o No points • Motion to call the question o Seconded o Vote: 28-0-0, passes Motion to amend to add “full year” • Seconded • Friendly amendment “full academic year” o Accepted • Friendly amendment “semester” o Not accepted • Discussion o Semester commitment can show the work • o Academic year is a little long o This amendment limits the number of applicants • Motion to call to question o Objection Con • Want the chance to speak Motion to end pro/con • Seconded o Vote: 19-7-1, passes o Withdrawn Motion to table this discussion • No second, motion fails Motion to add “one semester” • Seconded • Objection o Con Don’t think stipulation is needed for the time served Could have other roles and give them the know-how Dedication more important than time served Past experience showed great people o Withdrawn Motion to move to title 6 • Seconded Motion to amend to include the language from the old bylaws • Seconded • Discussion o No points • Motion to call the question o Seconded o Vote: 25-0-2, passes Motion to move to title 7 • Seconded Motion to recess • Seconded Motion to move into un-moderated caucus • Seconded Motion to amend title 5, article 1, section ii • Seconded • Discussion o Amendment is a good compromise o Certain level of expectation o Waiver would allow exceptions o Document would need to be created for a waiver o Information: How would the waiver work? Applies to members who haven’t served in the position for a full semester o Election packet has to be approved anyway • Friendly amendment to “written consent” o Accepted • Discussion o Another hoop for people who want to apply o Could limit applicants One signature should not bar someone who wants to serve in the office o Need experience in order to fulfill the e-board role o Some experiences are needed to serve in the position, ex: training • Motion to call the question o Seconded o Vote: 29-2-0, passes Motion to add title 5, article 3, add section 6 • Seconded • Discussion o No points • Motion to call the question o Seconded o Vote: 29-0-1, passes Motion to amend title 5, article 3, section 5 • No second, fails Motion to enter a period of discussion for 5 minutes • Seconded • Objection o Withdrawn • Discussion o Elect members rather than appointment o Special elections would be not feasible and difficult o People wouldn’t run in all of the elections o President has the trust of the hall to appoint people and do the president’s job for the residents o Low turnout for special elections o Elections to fill positions on e-board? o President has our confidence, can appoint and fill the empty seat o GA has to approve the new e-board members o Motion to end the period of discussion Seconded Motion to suspend all governing documents • Seconded • Vote: 31-1-0 and 6, passes Motion to call the previous question and ratify the new governing documents by dividing the house • Seconded • Vote: 31-1 and 6, PASSES • Adjournment o Meeting adjourned at 12:59 AM. o •