International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 5 – Sep 2014 Performance Evaluation of Conditional Active Rreq Flooding-Filter Based Prevention Method for AODV in Manet Neha Kamdar #1, Neeraj Paliwal *2 M-Tech Scholar , Associate Proff. Department CSE ,Oriental University Indore (M.P), India Abstract— Without the management of centralized unit, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are vulnerable to security threats from flooding attacks launched through compromised nodes or intruder. Whenever a source node needs a data session with a destination node, it disseminates a route request (RREQ) message to its neighbors in a hop-by-hop manner. A crucial type of flooding attacks called RREQ flooding appears to be inevitably proliferated in wireless networks. Within the RREQ flooding attack, attackers would launch immense RREQ packets with out-of-domain IP address as its destination node.[1] Forwarding services conducted by all intermediate nodes exhaust their energy and processing resources. This proposed approach can suppress redundant RREQ packets using the co-operation of destination node and neighbor nodes within one hop range of the attacking node.This proposed approach and configure all relevant system aspects in a concise fashion for qualitative analysis. As of quantitative viewpoint, relevant network simulations were conducted to validate the proposed scheme using an NS2. The experimental result reveals that the proposed CARF-F can be applied to economically and effectively elongate the operational lifetime of MANETs under flooding attack. [2] Keywords—MANET; AODV, CARF-F (Conditional Active RREQ Flooding-Filter), RREQ (Route Request) I. INTRODUCTION A mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is a wireless LAN(Local Area Network) model without the need of central base stations and operated as a self-organized, dynamically changing multi-hop network. MANETs can be applied in during natural catastrophes, for military applications and conducting geographic exploration [3,4]. Mobile and wireless devices belonging to a MANET are usually called mobile nodes. Nodes are characterized by high mobility, low power, limited storage, limited transmission range and finite energy budget without recharging gears. Mobile nodes communicate through bi-directional radio links and data transmission is a key challenge. MANET communication events are called sessions.Two communicating parties, namely the source node and the destination node comprise a session pair (or source– destination pair). A mobile node can communicate effectively, but when flooding in the network is minimized. Based on a hop-by-hop routing scheme, the AODV (Ad hoc On-Demand Vector) routing protocol offers quick adaptation to dynamic links, low processing and memory overhead for CARF-F.[5] When a source node needs a route to a destination, it disseminates a route request (RREQ) message to its ISSN: 2231-5381 neighbors. Every node receiving the message creates a mobile ad hoc network (MANETs) are usually formed by a group of mobile nodes, interconnected via wireless links, which is agreed to cooperate and forward each other’s packet. One of the basic assumptions in the design of routing protocols in MANETs is that every node is honest and cooperative. [6] Fig. 1 Example of a simple ad-hoc network with three participating nodes That means, if a node claims it can reach another node by a certain path or distance, the claim is trusted/true. Similarly, if a node reports a link break, the link will no longer be used. While this assumption can fundamentally facilitate the design and implementation of routing protocols, it meanwhile introduces a vulnerability to several types of denial of service (DOS) attacks and node deopping, all this problem resolved by using this scheme CARF-F [7], particularly packet dropping attack. To launch such attacks, a malicious node can stealthily drop some or all data or routing packets passing through it. Due to the lack of physical protection and reliable medium access mechanism, packet dropping attack represents a serious threat to the routing function in MANETs. A foe can easily join the network and compromise a legitimate node, then subsequently start dropping packets that are expected to be relayed in order to disrupt the regular communications. As a result, all the routes passing through this node fail to establish a correct routing path between the source and destination nodes.[8] II. RELATED STUDY Significant works have been done in securing the ad hoc network. A few researches defined the method for secure routing, but secure routing also can not able to handle the flooding attack. The first flooding attack prevention(FAP) method was proposed in [9]. In their paper, first they described RREQ flooding and data flooding. This was the first paper that Page 206 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 5 – Sep 2014 addressed the prevention of flooding attack in ad hoc network. The authors proposed the separate approach for RREQ flooding and data flooding. To oppose the RREQ flooding, they defined the neighbor suppression method which prioritizes the node based on the number of RREQ acknowledged. A node gets higher priority if it sends less numbers of RREQ packets and defined the threshold rate. To deal with data flooding they used path cutoff method. In this method when a node identifies that sender is originating data flooding, then it cut off the path and sends the route error message. During this way the attack is prevented up to some extent, but the disadvantage of this method is flooding a packet still exists in the network. This limitation of FAP is eliminated by [10] presented threshold prevention. In this method they defined the fixed threshold value for every node in the network. Now if any node receives the RREQ flooding, packet more than the threshold value, then the sender is assumed as an attacker and all the packets from an attacker is discarded by the receiver node. This method eliminates the flooding, packet but if the intruder has the idea about the threshold value, then it can bypass the TP mechanism. A usual node with high mobility is treated as the malicious node. In [11], the author proposed the distributive approach to resist the flooding attack. In this method they have used the two threshold values; RATE_LIMIT and BLACKLIST_LIMIT. If the RREQ count of any node is less than RATE_LIMIT then the request is processed otherwise check whether it is less than BLACKLIST_LIMIT, and if yes, then black list the node, but if the count is greater than RREQ_LIMIT and less than BLACKLIST_LIMIT then put the RREQ in the delay queue and process after queue time out occurs. This method can Handel the network with high mobility. In [12], the author analyzed the flooding attack in anonymous communication in the network. They used the threshold tuple which consist of three threshold components: transmission, blacklist and white listing threshold. If any node generates RREQ packet more than transmission threshold, then its neighbor discards the packet if it crosses the transmission threshold more than blacklist threshold then it black list the node. III. PROBLEM DOMAIN The Flooding is the active category based network attack whose aim is to make the network congested by some fake route request (RREQ) packets. In this scenario when a route initiated route discovery then the source node sends RREQ packet to its neighbors and waits for a time for its reply. The node is not having any information about the behaviour of its neighbour. The neighbors distance is taken as a hop count. Thus if the node is having smallest hop count the packet is forwarded to it[13]. During this process of traditional routing the verification of legitimate node condition is not involved and hence some new node will destruct the actual working of the network by flooding the fake RREQ packets to the ISSN: 2231-5381 network. By this packets the actual packet route discovery gets affected and which later makes denial of service (DOS) attacks. Thus, in the absence of any malicious packet removal schemes the network is getting congested with these fake packets. Traditional schemes are not capable of identifying these packets. So later on several improvements over the AODV protocol is proposed[14]. This paper studies various techniques proposed for overcoming the flooding attack situation and measured that there are some issues which remains unsettled. IV. PROPOSED CARF-F ARCHITECTURE & METHOD All the nodes in an ad hoc network are categorized as friends, associates or strangers based on their relationships with their neighboring nodes. During network initiation all nodes will be strangers to each other node. A trust estimator is used in each node to evaluate the trust level of its neighboring nodes.That trust level is a function of various parameters like length of the association, proportion of the number of packets forwarded successfully by the neighbor to the total number of packets sent to that neighbor, proportion of number of packets received intact from the neighbor to the total number of received packets from that node on that time, and average time taken to respond to a route request etc. Consequently, the neighbors are categorized into friends (most trusted), acquaintances (trusted) and strangers (not trusted). In an ad hoc network, the link of a node i to its neighbor node j may be any of the subsequent varieties A. Node i may be a stranger (S) to neighbor node j : Node I actually have ne’er sent/received messages to/from node j. Their trust levels between one another are going to be terribly low. Any new node getting in to ad hoc network will be a stranger to all or its neighbors. There are unit high probabilities of malicious behavior from stranger nodes. B. Node i is an exponent (A) to neighbor node j Node I actualy have sent/received few messages from node j. Their mutual trust level is neither too low nor too high to be reliable. The probabilities of malicious behavior can go to be observed. C. Node i is a friend (F) to neighbor node j : Note i sent/received plenty of messages to/from node j. The trust levels between them area unit are reasonably high. chance of misbehaving nodes is also teribly less. The above relationships are represented as a Friendship table for each node in an ad hoc network. Consider the node n0 in Figure 1. The threshold trust level for a stranger node to become an acquaintance to its neighbor is represented by Tacq and the threshold trust level for an acquaintance node to become a friend of its neighbour is denoted by Tfri.This idea provide a uniform approach for mimizing node dropping and perform the process with high accuracy and avoid the problem of misbehaving .This approach generate a better result as a outcome. Page 207 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 5 – Sep 2014 Figure 2 : Proposed CARF-F Based Flooding Attack Prevention and Removal The relationships are represented as R (ni →nj) = F when T ≥ Tfri R (ni →nj) =A when Tacq ≤ T < Tfri R (ni →nj) =S when 0 < T < Tacq 5. Else 6. Forward the RREQ packet 7. If node =A‘ is an acquaintance and Z [A] = 0 then 8. Increment X [A] 9. If X [A] > Xra 10. Drop the RREQ packet and set Z [A] = 1 11. Else 12. Forward the RREQ packet 13. If node =A‘ is a stranger and Z [A] = 0 then 14. Increment X [A] 15. If X [A] > Xrs 16. Drop the RREQ packet and set Z [A] = 1 17. Else 18. Forward the RREQ packet End Figure 3: Nodes in an Ad hoc Network A. Proposed Algorithms CARF-F Algorithm: Begin If an intermediate node receives RREQ flooding, packet from Node A then 1. If node =A‘ is a friend and Z [A] = 0 then 2. Increment X [A] 3. If X [A] > Xrf 4. Drop the RREQ packet and set Z [A] = 1 ISSN: 2231-5381 The packets are successfully received by n0 else if Xrs < X, the packets are dropped. Again, if the n3 is sending X packets to n0, is compared with the threshold value of acquaintance. If Xra > X then the packets are successfully received by n0. Else if Xra < X, the packets is dropped. Similarly the transfer of X packets from n4 is compared with the threshold value for friend (Xrf). The same procedure is followed for preventing DATA flooding attacks from the neighboring nodes. Page 208 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 5 – Sep 2014 A. Energy Description with respect to time (PDR) – The no of nodes packets received at the destination to the number of packets sent from the source. When flooding is judged it shows uniform result. B. RREQ packet with respect to Nodes: Graph Summary: As turnout live the transmission potency in terms of which success, delivered packets in unit time for a mere channel information measure. The higher than result shows the effectiveness of the steered approach, whereas compare it with the prevailing. The graph interprets the constant turnout for many cases that justify the approach. D. Node Overhead: Routing Load is that the quantitative relation of the local variety of the routing packets to the full variety of received information packets at the destination. The number of batteries consumed generated (in bits) per information traffic delivered (in bits). It ought to be taken in terms of the additional load started whereas executing the steered approach than the normal protocol load for the system. Graph Summary: As the PDR ratio is used to identify the performance of the approaches using the packet delivery ration. It is the ration of the number of packets sent to the amount of packet received. In ideal condition it ought to be high as possible. C. Exist RREQ It is one of the dimensional parameters of the network, which gives the fraction of the channel capacity used for useful transmission selects a destination at the beginning of the simulation, i.e., the information whether or not data packets correctly delivered to the destinations. ISSN: 2231-5381 Graph Summary: The above graph verifies its results by uniform node with the suggested approach. It also shows that the execution of nodes using the proposed method is quite uniform with comparison with other methods. V. CONCLUSION This analytical work planned a distributive approach to known and stop the flooding attack. The effectiveness of the planned technique depends on the choice of threshold values. Although, the idea of delay queue reduces the likelihood of accidental blacklisting of the node, however it conjointly delays the detection of misbehaving node by permitting him sends more packet until delay queue time out happens. This Page 209 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 5 – Sep 2014 analysis addresses related works on security problems and trust institution schemes. A proposal to effectively stop flooding attack exploitation AODV Protocol is mentioned. An improved understanding and modelling of the protection attacks is required in MANETs if economical, secure routing algorithms are to be built into the network [15]. Future work of this analysis is optimizing price of threshold and improve their performance this distributed approach to identifying the flooding attack. The effectiveness of the planned technique depends on the choice of threshold values. Although, the concept of delay queue reduces the probability of accidental blacklisting of the node, but it also delays the detection of misbehaving node by allowing him sends more packet until delay queue time out occurs. This works on security issues and trust establishment schemes. A proposal to effectively detect flooding attack using AODV Protocol is discussed. A better understanding and modeling of the security attacks is needed in MANETs if efficient, secure routing algorithms are to be built into the network[16]. Future work of this research can be optimized value of threshold and improve their performance. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] VI. FUTURE WORK Some problems and concepts that remain unaddressed can be performed in the future. This system can further be extended to implement CARF-F scheme in real-time networks where it has to deal with the flooding problem. Such as with the help of pre-emptive approach more information can be added to exact, timely analysis node dropping minimization problem can easily solve. We are also working towards embedding the developing source code of our proposed scheme in NS2. In our proposed scheme so as to use the benefits of an approach like open source. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This research work is self financed but recommended from the institute so as to improve the CARF-F with current techniques in Ad Hoc network using this method. Thus, the authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments, which strengthened the paper. The authors also wish to acknowledge institute administration for their support & motivation during this research. 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