Localization and Control of Production Line

International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 4 – Sep 2014
Localization and Control of Production Line
Conveyer System by Using UHF-RFID Signals
M.Venkateswaran#1, V.Rajakumar*2
1# Assistant professor, Department of EEE, The Kavery Engineering College, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India.
2* Post graduate Student (ME-Embedded systems), Department of EEE, The Kavery Engineering College, Salem, Tamil Nadu,
Abstract— This paper proposes a technique that enables
localization and control of production line conveyer system by
utilizing Ultra High Frequency (UHF) passive radio frequency
identification (RFID) tags. The proposed technique can be used
in real-industries such as Production conveyer systems and
Temperature chambers and many different goods are dispersed
throughout a wide area. In this method there are two UHF RFID
readers with identical emission configuration attached to an
object to identify a reference RFID tag. By using the Received
Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) obtained by the readers from
the reference RFID tag, the precise position of the moving object
can be localized. The experiments bear out the effectiveness of
the proposed technique in accurately estimating the object
Keywords— UHF-RFID, RSSI.
Now a days the present organizations and industries are
increasing rapidly and moving towards automation systems.
There are two principle components of today’s industrial
automations are programmable controllers. In order to support
the tedious work and to serve up the mankind, today there is a
general needs to develop a smart operation.
The proposed arrangement “LOCALIZATION AND
developed to achieve the various tasks in an adverse
environment of an industry. The intelligent of this project is
highly technical advancement implemented. This prototype
system can be applied effectively and efficiently for the
requirement of industrial and research and commercial
In this project microcontroller is used and this is the heart
of the system which can handles all the peripherals’ devices
connected across it. It contains flash type reprogrammable
memory. It has some peripheral devices to play with this
project to perform well. It also consist a power supply to
provide sufficient power supply to inbuilt peripheral devices.
The peripheral device also consumes very less power in
operation mode. These are the advantages, those appear here.
For moving conveyer to be successful and grateful,
they have to navigate safely in populated and lively
environments. While recent research has lead to a variety of
ISSN: 2231-5381
localization methods that can track conveyer well in static
environment and we have still lack of methods that can
robustly localize moving conveyer in lively environments. But
in this methods people block the conveyer sensors and wires
for extensive periods of time or the position of furniture may
change. To overcome this kind of problem, this paper is
A. Position estimation in dynamic environments
This paper proposes extensions to Markov localization
algorithms enabling them to localize production line conveyer
and control even in thickly populated environments. There are
two different filters working for determining the
“believability” of sensor readings is employed. These filters
are designed and implemented to detect sensor readings that
are corrupted by humans or unexpected changes in the
environment. This technique implemented and applied as part
of an installation, in which a localization and control of
production line conveyer system t in this project.
B. Self-localization with RFID snapshots in densely tagged
In this paper we achieved that, despite some
disadvantageous properties of radio frequency identification
(RFID), it is possible to localize and control of production line
conveyer system accurately in environments which are
densely tagged. I presented probabilistic _ngerprinting
technique called RFID snapshots. This technique interprets
short series of RFID measurements as feature vectors and is
able to position a moving conveyer after a training phase. It
does not require explicit sensor model and is capable of
exploiting given tag infrastructures, e.g., shelves containing
labelled products in shopping malls and super markets.
A. Transponders or Tag
The Transponder or tag is fixed on to the any moving
object to be tracked in the production conveyer. When this
transponder or tag comes within the range of the reader or
integrator, the tag is going to be energized. Now, this tag
transmits the data to the RFID reader. This data is
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automatically sent to the microcomputer for further processing.
In this system RTC (Real time clock) used to find out what
time which tag sensed and corresponding tag signal sent to
microcomputer. These all details are displayed on LCD
(Liquid Crystal Display) .The same is sent to the EEPROM
(Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory)
or Flash memory for used as a backup. This data can be stored,
and retried easily.
The reader produces power to the tag (transponder), by
emitting a radio frequency wave. The passive tag then
responds by modulating the energizing field. This modulation
can be decoded by the decoder to yield the tags unique code,
intrinsic in the tag. After the processing resultant data can be
the passed to a computer. Tags have various most important
features apart from their physical size and other available
features are Read Only, Read Write and Anti-Collision.
B. Passive tag and reader
Operating Principles of RFID Systems:
Passive tags of the power source energized by the
reader itself, It is not contains any other power source apart
from self power source, practically they have very long
lifetimes. A drawback over active tags is the read range;
typically 2cm (1in) to 1.5m (4.5 ft), a strong positive is
individual tag cost. RFID Passive tag is compressed in an
integrated electronic chip and an antenna coil that includes
basic modulation circuitry and non-volatile memory. For most
general purpose applications, the passive tags are usually the
most cost effective. These are manufactured in a wide variety
of sizes and materials. There are durable plastic tags for
disappointing retail theft, tiny tracking tags which are inserted
beneath an animal's skin, wafer thin tags for use within
"smart" paper labels, and credit card sized tags for access
control. Generally most cases the amount of data storage of a
passive tag is quite limited and capacity frequently being
measured in bits as opposed to bytes. However for most
applications only a small amount of data usually needs to be
codified and stored on the tag memory. Most of the tags are
carry an un-alterable unique electronic serial number, which
makes RFID passive tags potentially very useful in
applications where item tracking is needed.
There are many varieties of different operating
principles for RFID systems. But most important principle is
inductive coupling, which is described in detail below.
Inductive coupling:
An inductively coupled transponder consists of an
electronic data-carrying device in single chip and a large area
coil that works as an antenna.
Inductively coupled transponders are always operated
passively. That means all the energy needed for the operation
of the microchip has to be provided by the reader itself. For
this purpose, the reader's antenna coil generates a strong
magnetic field as high frequency, which penetrates the cross
section of the coil area and the area around the coil. Because
the frequency wavelength range is many times greater than the
distance between the reader antenna and the transponder and
the electromagnetic field might be treated as a simple
magnetic alternating field with respect to the distance between
transponder and antenna. A tiny part of the produced field
penetrates the antenna coil of the transponder, which is some
distance out from the coil of the reader. A voltage (V) is
generated in the transponder's antenna coil by the induction.
This voltage is converted in DC (Direct current) and the
power supply provided for the data carrying device. A
capacitor is connected in parallel with the reader's antenna coil
and the value of the capacitance is selected such manner that,
It combines with the coil inductance of the antenna coil to
form a parallel resonant circuit, with a resonant frequency.
This frequency corresponds with the transmission frequency
of the reader.
Very high currents are developed in the antenna coil of the
reader by resonance step-up in the parallel resonant circuit,
which can be used to develop the required field strengths for
the operation of the transponder. The antenna coil of the
transponder and the capacitor C is used to form a resonant
circuit tuned to the transmission frequency of the readers.
Figure 1 – Different types of Tag
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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 4 – Sep 2014
linear arrays of antennas with roundly polarized fields. Each
antenna is collected of a pair of crossed rods staged to have
adjacent antennas of an array generate roundly polarized fields
of opposite rotation.
Figure 2 – Principle of Inductive coupling
The voltage V at the transponder coil reaches a
maximum value due to resonance step up in the parallel
resonant circuits. As Explained above, inductively coupled
systems are depended upon a transformer type of coupling
between the primary coil in the reader and the secondary coil
in the transponders. This is real when the distance between the
coils do not exceed 0.16 times of the wavelength, so that the
transponder is located in the near field of the transmitter
antenna. If a resonant transponder is placed within the
magnetic alternating field of the reader antenna, then this
consumes energy from the magnetic field. So this additional
power consumption is measured as voltage drop at the internal
resistance in the reader antenna by the supply current to the
reader antenna.
The switching ON & OFF of the load resistance at the
antenna of the transponder therefore effects
of voltage
changes at the reader's antenna and thus has the effect of a
voltage modulation of the antenna voltage by the remote
transponder. If the load resistor switching (ON & OFF control)
is controlled by the data, then this data can be transferred from
the transponder to the reader. So this type of data transfer is
called load modulation. To get back the data in the reader, the
voltage is rectified to measure at the reader's antenna. This
signifies the demodulation of an amplitude modulated signal.
The advantages of a passive tag are:
• The tag works without a battery; these tags have a
useful life more than 20 years.
• The cost of the tag is very less
• The tag is very tiny size (some tags comes, looks like rice
The vector components of the polarization in the
direction crossways the width of the conveyor have peaks and
nulls, and the interspersed arrays are arranged such a manner
that the nulls of one array fields are enclosed with the peaks of
the other array fields. These arrangements permit the reader to
the identifier from the tag when the tag is at any direction. A
tag at the side of the reader is allied in the direction of travel
by rails on the conveyor. The reader has antennas allied in the
direction of travel to read such tags.
Figure 3 - Bock diagram for localization and control
of production line conveyer system.
The progress is nonstop process in science &
technology. New things and new technology are always being
invented. As the technology improvements day by day, we
can imagine about the future in which thing we may occupy
every place. The planned system based on Atmel corporation
microcontrollers is found to be more compact, user friendly
and more compact and less compound, which can willingly be
used in order to perform good task. Several tedious and cyclic
tasks though it is designed keeping in mind that the need for
industry, it can comprehensive for other purposes such as
research and commercial applications.
• This tag functions at all environments.
I express my sincere thanks to the management of THE
adequate facilities to complete the thesis.
A reader reads identifiers from tags on wallet or pallet
conveyed past the reader. The reader includes two intersperse
I immensely grateful and sincerely convey my thanks
to our honorable Principal Dr.V.VENKATACHALAM, B.E.,
M.S., M.Tech., Ph.D who has been my constant source of
• This tags are unlimited consumer application.
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I express my sincere thanks to the Head of the
Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department and project
in charge Mr. S. KARTHICK, M.E., (Ph.D) for providing
adequate laboratory facilities to complete the thesis. I wish to
express deep sense of gratitude and loyalty to my Project
Guide Mr. VENKATESWARAN, BE, ME., for being the
beacon of guidance in my project and motivating me in every
possible manner and without whom this project could not
have materialized.
I feel proud in sharing this success with staff members
and friends who help directly or indirectly in completing the
thesis successfully.
Above all, I thank Almighty for giving me the
strength, courage and blessings to complete this project.
Mr.Rajakumar.V was born in
Tamil Nadu, India in 1987. He is
studying Master of Engineering
from The kavery Engineering
to Anna
University in Tamil Nadu, India.
He has received Diploma in
Engineering from Directorate of
technical Education in 2006 and
He has received Bachelor of
Engineering in 2012 from
Tamil Nadu, India. His research
interest is Moving production line
conveyer localization.
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