International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 1 – Sep 2014 Study on Effect of Some Parameters on Drilling K. Usha Rani Guide: A.SreenivasuluReddy Asst.Professor Academic Consultant Dept.of Mechanical Engineering School of Engg & Tech Sri Padmavathi Mahila University,TIrupathi Chittor Dist,Andhra Pradesh India-517502 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering S.V.U. College of engg, Tirupati,Chittor(Dist),Andhra Pradesh India-517502 ABSTRACT This project work entitled “Study on effect of some parameters on drilling” is carried out in the machine tool laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Drilling process is one of the important process in Engineering Industries particularly in metal cutting area, hence great emphasis should be given to this process. drill may produce one as much as 0.5 mm oversize • The rotary motion is called cutting or main motion. • The drill is moved in a straight line towards the fixed work piece. This movement is called feed and it controls the thickness of the chips In the present work, effects of parameters such as speed, feed, point angle of drill tool, during drilling of mild steel with HSS drill bit are studied. From this, the parameters such as thrust force, torque, power, temperature and chip thickness are calculated. Finally, the combined effects of machining parameters are studied and their optimal levels are recommended. INTRODUCTION Drilling is the operation of producing a cylindrical hole by removing metal by the rotating edge of a cutting tool called the drill. The drilling is one of the simplest methods of producing a hole. Before drilling the centre of the hole is located on the work piece by drawing two lines at right angles to each other and then a centre punch is used to produce an indentation at the centre. The drill point is pressed at this centre point to produce the required hole. Drilling does not produce an accurate hole in a work piece and the hole so generated by drilling becomes rough and the hole is always slightly oversize than the drill used due to the vibration of the spindle and the drill. A 12 mm drill may produce a hole as much as 0.125 mm oversize and a 22 mm ISSN: 2231-5381 Drilling action on drill machine (a) Cutting motion (b) feed motion Base: The base of a radial drilling machine is a large rectangular casting that is finished on its top to support a column on its one end and to hold the work table at the other end. In some machines T- slots are provided on the base for clamping work when it serves as a table. Column: The column is a cylindrical casting that is mounted vertically at one end of the base. Page 7 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 1 – Sep 2014 It supports the radial arm which may slide up or down on its face. Radial arm: The radial arm that is mounted on the column extends horizontally over the base. It is a massive casting with its front vertical face accurately machined to provide guide ways on which the drill he may be made to slide. The arm may be swung round the column. In son machines this movement is controlled by a separate motor. Drill head: The drill head is mounted on the radial arm and drives tile drill spindle. It encloses all the mechanism for driving the drill at multiple^ speed and at different feed. All the mechanisms and controls are house within a small drill head which may be made to slide on the guide ways of the arm for adjusting the position of drill spindle with respect to the work. Spindle drive and feed mechanism: There are two common methods of driving the spindle. A constant speed motor is mounted at the extreme end of the radial arm which balances partially the weight of the overhanging arm. The motor drives a horizontal spindle which runs along the length of the arm and the motion is transmitted to the drill head through bevel gears. By train of gearing within the drill head, the speed of the spindle may be varied. Through another train of gearing within the drill head, different feeds of the spindle are obtained EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Watt Meter (0-5000 watts) Thrust Force (kgf) and Torque (kg-m) meter Temperature Gun (centigrade) Micrometer Speed variable(m/s) Feed (mm/rev) ISSN: 2231-5381 Experiment procedure: A new tool (HSS) of Addison Company was used for experimental work, it had point angle of 1180. Table Properties of HSS: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Density Poisson’s Ratio Young’s Modulus Coefficient of thermal expansion Specific heat capacity Thermal conductivity 7827.08kg/m3 0.27 199948MPA 1.17*10-05/C 4.73341*10 08 mm2/sec2 43.0125N/sec C The process is performed by keeping any one of speed or feed kept constant and other parameter varied. The process carried out under various point angles such as 100o, 110 o, 118 o, 100o. The following observations were made. TABLE 1: FOR DIFFERENT CUTTING SPEEDS Point angle=100O,drill bit size=18mm,Cutting feed=0.36mm/rev were kept constant and then response of the following parameters are recorded Page 8 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 1 – Sep 2014 S L . N O . 1 CUT TING SPEE D (rpm) 2 300 3 350 4 400 250 TH R US T (kg f) 40 1 43 6 46 0 49 2 TO RQ UE kgm) POW ER (watts ) TEMP ERAT URE (0c) CHIP THIC KNE SS (mm) 2.2 1300 57 0.45 2.6 1500 65 0.75 3.0 1700 72 0.81 3.3 1800 82 0.91 TABLE 2: FOR DIFFERENT FEEDS Point angle=100,drill bit size=18mm,Cutting Speed=300rpm were kept constant and then response of the following parameters are recorded S L . N O . 1 FEE D (m m/r ev) TH RU ST (kgf ) TO RQ UE kgm) PO WE R (watt s) TEMP ERAT URE (0c) CHIP THIC KNES S (mm) 0.15 277 1.1 1100 58 0.34 2 0.2 321 1.6 1200 60 0.47 3 0.3 391 2.2 1300 68 0.71 4 0.36 450 2.6 1500 76 0.87 TABLE 3: FOR DIFFERENT CUTTING SPEEDS Point angle=110O,drill bit size=18mm,Cutting feed=0.36mm/rev were kept constant and then response of the following parameters are recorded S L . N O . CUT TIN G SPE ED (rpm ) TH RU ST (kgf ) TO RQ UE kgm) POW ER (watts ) TEM PER ATU RE (0c) CHIP THIC KNE SS (mm) 1 2 3 4 250 300 350 400 391 430 458 481 2.1 2.3 2.9 3 1200 1450 1600 1800 55 63 69 80 0.47 0.54 0.59 0.61 ISSN: 2231-5381 TABLE 4: FOR DIFFERENT FEEDS Point angle=110 O,drill bit size=18mm,Cutting Speed=300rpm were kept constant and then response of the following parameters are recorded S L . N O . 1 2 3 4 FE ED (m m/r ev) TH RU ST (kgf ) TO RQ UE kgm) POW ER (watts ) TEMP ERAT URE (0 c) CHIP THIC KNE SS (mm) 0.1 5 0.2 0.3 0.3 6 269 1.0 900 55 0.34 315 384 441 1.5 2.0 2.4 1100 1200 1400 59 66 74 0.38 0.49 0.56 TABLE 5: FOR DIFFERENT CUTTING SPEEDS Point angle=130 O,drill bit size=18mm,Cutting feed=0.36mm/rev were kept constant and then response of the following parameters are recorded S L . N O . 1 2 3 4 CU TTI NG SPE ED (rp m) 250 300 350 400 TH RU ST (kgf ) TO RQ UE kgm) POW ER (watts ) TEM PER ATU RE (0c) CHIP THIC KNE SS (mm) 390 425 456 475 1.9 2.2 2.6 2.9 1150 1400 1500 1700 55 62 67 79 0.61 0.65 0.71 0.74 TABLE 6: FOR DIFFERENT FEEDS Point angle=130 O,drill bit size=18mm,Cutting Speed=300rpm were kept constant and then response of the following parameters are recorded Page 9 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 1 – Sep 2014 S L . N O . 1 2 3 4 FE ED (m m/r ev) TH RU ST (kgf ) TO RQ UE kgm) POW ER (watts ) TEM PER ATU RE (0c) CHIP THIC KNE SS (mm) 0.1 5 0.2 0.3 0.3 6 269 0.8 900 55 0.46 309 375 430 1.4 1.9 2.3 1000 1200 1350 59 65 73 0.49 0.57 0.67 S L . N O . 1 2 3 4 CUT TIN G SPE ED (rpm ) 250 300 350 400 TH RU ST (kg f) TO RQ UE kgm) POWE R (watts) TEMP ERAT URE (0c) CHIP THIC KNES S (mm) 369 416 452 468 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.3 1100 1300 1400 1500 52 57 62 69 0.9 0.92 0.98 1 TABLE 8: FOR DIFFERENT FEEDS TABLE 7: FOR DIFFERENT CUTTING SPEEDS Point angle=1180,drill bit size=18mm,Cutting feed=0.36mm/rev were kept constant and then response of the following parameters are recorded S L. N O . 1 2 3 4 FEE D (mm/ rev) 0.15 0.2 0.3 0.36 TH RU ST (kg f) 257 296 358 422 TO RQ UE kgm) 0.6 1.2 1.7 1.8 POW ER (watt s) 750 950 1150 1300 TEM PER ATU RE (0c) 53.6 55.4 63.9 71.3 CHIP THIC KNES S (mm) 0.6 0.67 0.78 0.8 Point angle=118 O,drill bit size=18mm,Cutting Speed=300rpm were kept constant and then response of the following parameters are recorded Thrust force, Torque, Power vs feed RESULTS The output parameters of Thrust force, Torque and Power varied linearly with both the parameters feed and speed. Thrust force, Torque and Power increases if speed or feed increases. Thrust force, Torque and Power decreases if speed or feed decreases. 1.The graph between Thrust force, Torque, Power and feed keeping speed= 300 rpm and Point angle=118o ISSN: 2231-5381 2.The graph between Thrust force, Torque, Power and speed keeping feed= 0.36mm and Point angle=118 o Thrust force, Torque, Power vs speed Page 10 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 15 Number 1 – Sep 2014 CONCLUSIONS • From the results, it is observed that thrust force, torque and power linearly varies with the speed and feed. • Further, the best optimum point angle is 1180 for HSS drill bits, which consumes minimum power. The optimum point angle for High Speed Steel (HSS) is 118 o as it is the angle at which Power consumed, temperature of the chip are minimum. 3.The graph between Power consumed and Point angle is drawn with keeping constants at speed=300rpm and feed=0.36mm Power consumed and Point angle • It is also found that temperature is minimum at 1180 point angle. 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