International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 5 – Aug 2014 Estimation of Direction of Arrival Algorithms for Adaptive Array Smart Antenna in Wireless Communication 1 K.N.Srinivasa Kumar, 2R.Satish, 3Dr.M.Siva Ganga Prasad 1 2 Department of ECE, C.R.Reddy college of Engineering& Technology, Eluru, A.P, India. Assistant Professor Department of ECE, C.R.Reddy college of Engineering& Technology, Eluru, A.P, India. 3 professor Department of ECE, K.L.University, Vijayawada, A.P, India. Abstract This paper proposes the direction-of-arrival estimation of fully correlated signals in mobile communications. In adaptive array smart antenna, to locate the desired signal, various directions of arrival (DOA) estimation algorithms are used. In the past, conventional MUSIC algorithm has high resolution and accurate method but high percentage error in smart antenna systems. In this work, comparison of different MUSIC algorithms and ESPIRIT and hence ESPIRIT is high accurate and less percentage error compare to MUSIC algorithm techniques. The experimental result shows to comparing different previous MUSIC techniques and ESPIRIT algorithm. Keywords- MUSIC, ESPRIT, Smart antenna, DOA. I. INTRODUCTION One of the most promising techniques in wireless applications with smart antenna growing exponentially. The smart antenna technology is based on antenna arrays where the radiation pattern is altered by adjusting the amplitude and relative phase on the different elements. The DOA algorithms are classified as quadratic type and subspace type [1]. The Barltett and Capon (Minimum Variance Distortion less Response) [1] are quadratic type algorithms. The both methods are highly dependent on physical size of array aperture, which results in poor resolution and accuracy,[2],[3],[4]. The direction of interest is also known as Direction of Arrival (DOA) of the incident signals. Hence accurate estimation of Direction of Arrival (DOA) plays significant role in smart antenna systems. There are several algorithms those have the ability in calculating the DOA of the incidents signals. The most popular among those algorithms ISSN: 2231-5381 are the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) and Estimation of signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Technique (ESPRIT). Efficient source and channel coding as well as reduction in transmission power or transmission bandwidth or both are possible solutions to the challenging issue. With the advances in digital techniques, the frequency efficiency can be improved by multiple access technique (MAT), which gives mobile users access to scarce resource (base station) and hence improves the system’s capacity [5]. Family of existing Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) can be enlarged by adding a new parameter „space„ or „angle„ [6], which results in MAT known as ‘’ Space Division Multiple Access‟ (SDMA). II. MUSIC TECHNIQUES MUSIC stands for Multiple Signal Classification. It is high resolution subspace DOA algorithms and estimation of number of signals arrived, hence their direction of arrival. In this paper, we consider the two types of MUSIC algorithms are used. They are spatial music and Conventional music. A. music with spatial smoothing Spatial smoothing is a widely used in direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation of more than one source from a single snapshot in a smart antenna systems. It has high resolution and accurate method. It is very attractive in Communication, radar, sonar fields. Page 245 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 5 – Aug 2014 The received signal is given by ( )= ( ) ( )+ ( ) Where N is the number of received signals, θn is direction of arrival of signal n and gn(tm) is the waveform of signal n. v is the zero-mean spatially and temporally white complex Gaussian vector with second moment and can be written as ( ) = ( ) = , δ is the Kronecker delta and H is hermitage complex conjugate. The direction of arrival of signal can be written as then estimate DOAs by local maxima of the spectrum. This method suffer from lack of angular resolution. The vector of the received signals at the kth sub array is expressed as: ( )= ) () ,…, ) ⋮ ( ( )+ The diagonal of kth matrix can be written as = ( )= ) Where D is the kth power of the diagonal matrix and n is the additive white Gaussian noise. S denotes an L by N matrix with its N columns being the eigenvectors corresponding to the N largest Eigen values. 1 ( ( ( A is the direction of arrival of signal can be written as ) 1 Where k is the wave number given by 2πdλ, d is the element interspaces, λ is the wavelength and L is the number of elements. The waveform gn(tm) of signal n is given by ( ( )= ) ⋮ ( ) ( ) The correlation matrix of the array is given by Gn(tm) = [0, Ø1, Ø2, Ø3, ØL-1]; = ⋀ Where Ø is the direction angles of desire signals + ⋀ The correlation matrix of the array is given by = ⋀ The MUSIC spectrum is an all-pole function of the form: + ⋀ Where S denotes an L by N matrix with its N columns being the eigenvectors corresponding to the N largest Eigen values of the array correlation matrix R. Λs is a diagonal matrix that contains the relevant Eigen values at its diagonal. E denotes an L by L − N matrix with its L − N columns being the eigenvectors corresponding to the L − N smallest Eigen values of the array correlation matrix R. Λe is a diagonal matrix contains the corresponding Eigen values at its diagonal. B. Conventional music Conventional music also called classical music which first compute a spatial spectrum and ISSN: 2231-5381 = exp(− 2 cos ) exp( 2 cos ) III. ESPIRIT ALGORITHM ESPRIT stands for Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques which is another subspace based DOA estimation algorithm. ESPRIT is similar to MUSIC in that it generates estimates that are asymptotically unbiased and efficient. In addition, it has several important advantages over MUSIC. In this algorithm is more robust with respect to array imperfections than MUSIC. It has high resolution, less percentage error, Computation complexity and storage requirements are lower than MUSIC. Figure 1 shows the spirit Page 246 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 5 – Aug 2014 algorithm of four element linear array which is composed of two doublets. Eigenvalues without much computational and storage requirements. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The different MUSIC algorithms & ESPRIT methods of DOA estimation are simulated using MATLAB. A uniform linear array with M elements has been considered here. CONVENTIONAL MUSIC 10 smoothing music conventional music 5 0 Figure1. Four element linear array which is composed of two doublets using spirit algorithm. The signals induced on each of the arrays are written as magnitude (dB) -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 -35 ( )= ∗Λ∗ ( )+ ( ) -40 -45 And ( )= ∗Λ∗ ( )+ ( ) Where S denotes an L by N matrix with its N columns being the eigenvectors corresponding to the N largest Eigen values of the array correlation matrix x. -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 angle (degree) 40 60 80 Fig. 2 Comparison of Conventional MUSIC with Spatial Smoothing technique for the case of two coherent waves and one incoherent wave received by an 8-element uniform linear array at angles 30, -30, and -45 degrees, respectively. 10 smoothing music conventional music 5 0 Λ = diag{ejkdsin(θ1) ejkdsin(θ2) ----- ejkdsin(θD)} A is the direction of arrival of signal can be written as -5 magnitude (dB) Λs is a diagonal matrix that contains the relevant Eigen values at its diagonal. -10 -15 -20 -25 -30 A= [a(θ1) a(θ2) a(θ3) --- a(θD)] -35 -40 Thus the eigenvalues of ф must be equal to the diagonal elements of Λ such that = , = ,… = Once the Eigen values of ф, λ1, λ2, ------ λD are calculated, we can estimate the angles of arrivals as = sin ( ( )/ -45 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 angle (degree) 40 60 80 Fig. 3 Comparison of Conventional MUSIC with Spatial Smoothing technique in coherent multipath environment. Four coherent signals arrive at an 8-element linear uniform array at angles 30, -43,70 and -81 degrees, respectively. ) It is eliminates the search procedure and produces the DOA estimation directly in terms of the ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 247 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 5 – Aug 2014 REFERENCES 200 forwardmusic [1] Harry Trees,” Optimum Array Processing, Detection, Estimation and Modulation Part IV”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 2002. backwardmusic 150 100 Pmusic [2] Varade, S.W., Kulat, K.D,” Robust Algorithms for DOA Estimation and Adaptive Beam forming for Smart Antenna Application”,2nd international conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology (ICETET), 2009 , pp: 1195 – 1200, Dec. 2009. 50 0 -50 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 DOA 20 40 60 80 100 Fig. 4 Comparison of Forward Spatial Smoothing technique with Forward/Backward method. Five coherent signals arrive at a 9element uniformly spaced array at angles - 81, -43, 30, 57’and 70 degrees, respectively. Simulation of ESPRIT algorithm for linear uniform array with four elements with SNR =20 Table 1 DOA ESTIMATION USING ESPRIT FOR VARYING ANGULAR SEPARATION (M=4, SNR=20 dB, K=100) Sr,no 1 2 θ Input (deg) 10 25 20 80 [3] De Leon, F.A. Marciano, J.J.S. ,” Application of MUSIC, ESPRIT and SAGE Algorithms for Narrowband Signal Detection and Localization”, TENCON ,IEEE Region 10 Conference, pp 1-4, Nov. 2006. [4] Sheng, W.X.; Zhou, J.; Fang, D.G.; Gu, Y.C.,” Super resolution DOA Estimation in switched beam smart antenna”, Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, 2000. Proceedings. ISAPE 2000. 5th International Symposium, pp 603-606, 2000. [5] John Litva, Titus Lo,” Digital Beam forming in Wireless Communication”, Artech House Bostan-London,1996. [6] Shauerman, Ainur K. Shauerman, Alexander A.,” Spectralbased algorithms of direction-of-arrival estimation for adaptive digital antenna arrays”, 9th international conference and seminar on Micro/Nanotechnologies and Electron Devices (EDM) 2010, pp 251-255,Sept. 2010. θ ESPRIT (deg) 9.43 24.53 19.56 78.23 Table 1 illustrates that the percentage error in DOA detection using ESPRIT algorithm decreases as angular separation between arriving signals increases. V. CONCLUSION This paper presents the results of direction of arrival estimation using ESPRIT & MUSIC. These two methods have greater resolution and accuracy and hence these are investigated much in detail. The simulation results of both MUSIC and ESPRIT show that their performance improves with more elements in the array, with large snapshots of signals and greater angular separation between the signals. But ESPIRIT algorithm has low error percentage error and less computation a complexity compare to MUSIC algorithm ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 248