International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 2 – Aug 2014 Wireless Transmission of Electricity Yugant A.Parate1, Pranav D.Chauhan2 1 2 Department of ElectricalEngineering, Sardar Patel College of Engineering , India Department of Electrical Engineering,Sardar Patel College of Engineering , India ABSTRACT— this and keeping the power system synchronous Power Crisis is one of the biggest problems of 21st with the modern technologies, we have to replace century. We can’t even survive without electricity. the current distribution system with the efficient Due to this we have to think about renewable source of energy. Renewable energy sources such as solar,wind,hydro etc are available abundant in nature one. So transmission of power without wires may be one noble alternative for electricity transmission. but their initial cost is high. Also transmission of electricity over long distances causes large transmission losses; the current transmission system is 70-74% efficient i.e.30-26% of electricity is wasted for transmission of electricity. And also it is very costly. So to overcome such problems one can think for Wireless Transmission of electricity. This paper studies the possibility and development of wireless transmission by discussing mainly three technologies as:1) Tesla Theory 2) Microwave power transmission (MPT) called solar Figure.The 187-foot Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla Tower) power satellite 2. TESLA THEORY 3) Fiber Laser Technology In this remarkable discovery of the "True Wireless" Key Words: Microwave Power transmission (MPT), and the principles upon which transmission and Nikola Tesla, Tesla theory, Fiber laser technology . reception, even in the present day systems, based, are proposed by Dr. Nikola Tesla,shows us that he 1. INTRODUCTION is indeed the "Father of the Wireless." The most We see the world is going wireless day by day, well known and famous iphone PC Wardenclyffe Tower (Tesla Tower) was designed applications wireless and 4G,Wi-Max technologies and constructed mainly for wireless transmission of will make it even faster .In that manner electricity electrical power. Nikola Tesla began planning the distribution seems to be outdated with big wires .So Wardenclyffe Tower facility ca. 1898, and in 1901, there is a need of wireless transmission of construction began on the land near Long Island electricity. In our current distribution system there Sound. Architect Stanford White designed the are large losses and the low efficiency, we waste Wardenclyffe facility main building. This was the more than half of its resources. While distributing first step towards a practical wireless system. The power from power station generators to the wireless energy transmission effect involved the consumer, the resistance of the wire used in the creation of an electric field between two metal electrical grid distribution system causes a loss of plates, each being connected to one terminal of an 26-30% of the energy generated. So to overcome induction coil’s secondary winding. Once again, a and blackberry ISSN: 2231-5381 phones makes Page 92 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 2 – Aug 2014 light-producing device (in this case a gas discharge microwave source, a transmitting antenna, and a tube) was used as a means of detecting the presence receiving rectenna. of the transmitted energy. "The most striking result The microwave source consists of a mi %) and high obtained" involved the lighting of two partially power handling capability. A rectifying antenna evacuated tubes in an alternating electrostatic field called a rectenna receives the transmitted power while held in the hand of the experimenter. While and converts the microwave power to direct current working Sir Tesla went on to develop two theories (DC) power. This demonstration rectenna consists related to these observations, which are:- of 6 rows of dipoles antennas where 8 dipoles i)By using two type-one sources positioned at belong to each row. Each row is connected to a distant points on the Earth’s surface, it is possible rectifying circuit which consists of low pass filters to induce a flow of electrical current between them. and a rectifier. The rectifier is a Ga AsSchottky ii)By incorporating a portion of the Earth as part of barrier diode that is impedance matched to the a powerful type-two oscillator the disturbance can dipoles by a low pass filter. The 6 rectifying diodes be impressed upon the Earth and detected “at great are connected to light bulbs for indicating that the distance, or even all over the surface of the globe.” power is received. The light bulbs also dissipated Tesla also made the assumption that the Earth is a the received power. This rectenna has a 25% charged body floating in space. Tesla clearly collection and conversion efficiency, but retinas specified the Earth as being one of the conducting have been tested with greater than 90% efficiency media at 2.45 GHz. The transmission of power without involved in ground and air system technology. The other specified medium is the atmosphere above 5 miles (8.0 km) elevation. While not an ohmic conductor, in this region of the troposphere and upwards, the density or pressure is sufficiently reduced to so that, according to Tesla’s theory, the atmosphere’s insulating properties can be easily impaired, allowing an electric current to flow. His theory further states that the conducting region is developed through the process of atmospheric ionization, in which the effected Fig 1: The figure demonstrates the wireless power transfer portions thereof are changed to plasma. process through microwaves. wires is not a theory or a mere possibility, it is now 3. THE MICROWAVE POWER a reality. The electrical energy can be economically TRANSMISSION (MPT) transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance, It is also called as Solar power satelliteWilliam C. many researchers have established in numerous Brown, the leading authority on wireless power observations, transmission this qualitative and quantitative [5-9]. These have demonstration unit to the Texas Space Grant demonstrated that it is practicable to distribute Consortium to show how power can be transferred power from a central plant in unlimited amounts, through free space by microwaves. A block with a loss not exceeding a small fraction of one diagram of the demonstration components is shown per cent, in the transmission, even to the greatest below. distance, twelve thousand miles - to the opposite The technology, has loaned primary components ISSN: 2231-5381 include a experiments and measurements, Page 93 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 2 – Aug 2014 end of the globe. This seemingly impossible feat spaced individual placed in the X-Y plane disposed can now be readily performed by electrical to generate an ultrasound beam in the Z direction researchers and .Another possibility is to use highly efficient fiber construction of my "high-potential magnifying lasers for wireless power transmission where the transmitter," There were three popular theories possibilities are similar to microwaves concept but present in the literature of the late 1800's and early lasers emit energy at frequencies much higher that 1900's. They were: microwaves. For several years NASA, ENTECH, 1. Transmission through or along the Earth, and UAH have been working on various aspects of 2. Propagation as a result of terrestrial resonances collection of the laser radiation 3. Coupling to the ionosphere using propagation And conversion to electrical power for laser Diagram showing the transmitting & receiving wireless power transmission. familiar with the design circuit For the transmission & reception of electric power by wireless Fig. Two optical forms of wireless antennae formed of search light beamionized atmospheric streams. It has been proven that electrical energy can be propagated around the world between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere at extreme low frequencies in what is known as the Schumann Cavity. Knowing that a resonant cavity can be excited and that power can be delivered to that cavity similar to the methods used in microwave Fig.: Laser energy used to power a model airplane with solar cells. Source ovens for home use, it should be possible to 4. LASER resonate and deliver power via the Schumann Cavity to any point on Earth.. The intent of the With a laser beam centered on its panel of experiments had photovoltaic cells, a lightweight model plane makes constructed was to prove that wireless transmission the first flight of an aircraft powered by a laser of Electrical power was possible. Although Tesla beam inside a building at NASA Marshall Space was not able to commercially market a system to Flight Center. transmit power around the globe, modern scientific In the case of electromagnetic radiation closer to theory and mathematical calculations support his visible region of spectrum (10s of microns (um) to contention that of 10s of nm), power can be transmitted by converting electrical power is possible and a feasible electricity into a laser beam that is then pointed at a alternative to the extensive and costly grid of solar cell receiver. This mechanism is generally electrical lines used today for known as "Power Beaming" because the Power is electrical power distribution. Power transmission Beamed at a receiver that can convert it to usable system using directional ultrasound for power electrical energy. transmission includes a transmitting device and There are quite a few unique advantages of Laser areceiving device. The transmitting device has a set based and the laboratory the wireless transmission Tesla propagation of ultrasound transducers forming an ultrasound energy transfer that outweigh the ] disadvantages . transducer array, wherein the array is a set of ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 94 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 2 – Aug 2014 1.Collimated monochromatic wave front 3.Airy disk (on how most fundamentally propagation allows narrow beam cross-section area wavelength dictates the size of a disk with distance) for energy confinement over large ranges. 4.Applications of laser diodes (on how the laser 2.Compact size of solid state lasers photovoltaic’s sources are utilized in various industries and their semiconductor diodes allows ease of integration sizes are reducing for better integration) into products with small form factors. transfer of energy especially for Space and Lunar 3.Ability to operate with zero radio-frequency missions. interference to existing communication devices i.e. NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center has wi-fi and cell phones. demonstrated flight of a lightweight unmanned 4.Control of Wireless Energy Access, instead of model plane powered by a laser beam. Thisproof- unidirectional transfer where there can be no of-concept demonstratethe feasibility of periodic authentication before transferring energy. recharging using the Laser beam system and the .Its drawbacks are: lack of need to return to ground. 1.Conversion to light, such as with a laser, is 5. ECONOMIC IMPACT moderately inefficient (although quantum cascade The concept looks to be costly initially. The lasers improve this) investment cost of Tesla Tower was $150,000 2.Conversion back into electricity is moderately (1905). In terms of economic theory, many inefficient, with photovoltaic cells achieving 40%- countries will benefit from this service. Only 50% efficiency.(Note that conversion efficiency is private, dispersed receiving stations will be needed. rather higher with monochromatic light than with Just like television and radio, a single resonant insulation of solar panels). energy receiver is required, which may eventually 3.Atmospheric absorption causes losses. As with be built into appliances, so no power cord will be microwave beaming, this method requires a direct necessary! Monthly electric utility bills from old- line of sight with the target. fashioned, fossil-fuelled, loss prone electrified The Laser "Power Beaming" technology has been wire-grid delivery services will be optional, much mostly explored in military weaponsand aerospace like “cable TV” of today. In the 21st century, applications and is now being developed for “Direct TV” is the rage, which is an exact parallel commercial and consumer electronics Low-Power of Tesla’s “Direct Electricity.” applications. Wireless energy transfer system using 6. RECENT EXPERIMENTS laser for consumer space has to satisfy Laser safety 1) Intel Company makes an experiment and proved requirements standardized under IEC 60825. that wireless transmission it is possible. To develop an understanding of the trade-offs of 2)The Laser ("a special type of light wave"-based system) September 27, 2007 BUDDING SCIENTISTS 1.Propagation of a laser beam (on how Laser beam Electricity in no more a miracle thanks to the propagation is much less affected by diffraction efforts of scientists like Nikola Tesla, Thomas Alva limits) Edison, Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Morse. In 2.Coherence and the range limitation problem (on simple worlds, electricity is defined as the flow of how spatial and spectral coherence characteristics electrical power or charge through a wire. Omar of Ahmed Khan and Daniel Fu, 12th standard students Lasers allows better capabilities ) ISSN: 2231-5381 distance-to-power Indian Express, Bangalore, Thursday, from Bishop Cotton Boys' School have generated a Page 95 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 14 Number 2 – Aug 2014 wireless electric circuit which conducts electricity qualitative and quantitative. Dr.N.Tesla is the without wires. pioneer of this invention. Wireless transmission of The endeavor began in April 2006 which is inspired electricity have tremendous merits like high by the works of Nikola Tesla whose experiments transmission integrity and Low Loss (90 – 97% failed due to lack of funds. Say the young talents, efficient) and can be transmitted to anywhere in the "Though many experiments have globe and eliminate the need for an inefficient, costly, and capital intensive grid of cables, towers, and substations. The system would reduce the cost of electrical energy used by the consumer and get rid of the landscape of wires, cables, and transmission towers. It has negligible demerits like reactive power which was found insignificant and biologically compatible. It has a tremendous economic impact to human society. Many countries will benefit from this service. Monthly electric FIG.Intel Wireless Power Transmission been carried our regarding electricity, there has been a dearth of a full-fledged project. The recent experiment by MIT, where they used a non- utility bills from old-fashioned, fossil-fuelled, loss prone electrified wire-grid delivery services will be optional, much like “cable TV” of today. 8. REFERENCES radiating magnetic field was also very expensive and non compatible”. On the contrary, Omar and [1] Nikola Tesla, “The Transmission of Electrical Energy without Wires as a Means for Furthering Peace,” Electrical Daniel's Wireless Circuit is purely based on World andEngineer. Jan. 7, p. 21, 1905. principles [2] Nikola Tesla, My Inventions, Ben Johnston, Ed., Austin, of Electromagnetic Resonance, Electromagnetic Induction and Turns Ratio. The wireless electric circuit consists of Iron bars with HartBrothers, p. 91,1982. [3] Thomas F. Valone, “Tesla’s Wireless Energy... For the 21stCentury!!! One Step beyond Direct TV!!!”Extra Copper Turnings........"The concept can be used to OrdinarTechnology, 1, no. 4, Oct / Nov / Dec2003. lighten the weight of a Formula 1 car and reduce [4] James O. McSpadden, “Wireless Power Transmission expenditure on lightening of an aircraft using no Demonstration”, Texas A&M University, June, 1997. wires. This project they say is dedicated to Dr. Raja [5] Thomas W. Benson,“Wireless transmission of power now possible”, News Letter, pp1118 9, March, 1920 Ramona, alumni of Bishop Cotton School. “He is a [6]Science reporter magazine great visionary figure. 3)A test of a wireless [7] Wikipedia the free encyclopedia. broadcast of solar power has been carried out which [8] Brown., W. C. (September 1984). "The History of was able to transmit energy RF energy over a PowerTransmission by Radio Waves". Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on (Volume: 32, Issue: 9 On distance of up to 148 kilometers (about 90 miles) - page(s): 1230- 1242 + ISSN: 0018-9480). almost 100-times further than a major 1970s power transmission performed by NASA in the Mojave [9] HISTORY OF WIRELESS Tapan K. Sarkar Robert J.Mailloux Arthur A. Oliner Magdalena Salazar-Palma Dipak L. Desert in California. Sengupta. 7. CONCLUSION The electrical energy [10] can be economically transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance. Many researchers have established in numerous observations, experiments ISSN: 2231-5381 and measurements, ]POINT-TO-POINT TRANSPORTATION IN WIRELESS REUNION POWER ISLAND 48th International Astronautical Congress, Turin, Italy, 6-10 October 1997 - IAF-97-R.4.08 J. D. Lan Sun Luk, A. Celeste, P. Romanacce, L. Chane Kuang Sang, J. C. Gatina - University of La Réunion - Faculty of Science and Technology. Page 96