Location reference: Winterton-on-Sea (South of Beach Road) to Scratby Policy Unit reference:


Location reference:

Policy Unit reference:

Winterton-on-Sea (South of Beach Road) to Scratby




This area is of international significance for its dune habitats, which require a sediment supply to fronting beaches and fore dune-beach interactions to be able to function. The long-term policy options for the shoreline frontages to the north will enable this requirement to be met, but this will need to be complimented by not constructing defences along this frontage, which would be detrimental to both habitats and natural defence provided by the beach-dune system. The long-term Plan is therefore to allow a naturally –functioning coast to develop through allowing the beach and backshore to evolve with minimal intervention. There is, however, some uncertainty on the long-term evolution of the coast due to the unpredictable nature of the nesses, therefore there may need to be some soft management of the retreat in response to natural changes, for example improved dune access management to limit damage resulting from human activities. The village of Winterton is not expected to be at risk as a consequence of this Plan, although seafront amenities and properties in Newport and Scratby would become vulnerable.

Policies to implement Plan:

From present day:

Not intervening at all could lead to a loss of residential properties at Scratby, where the policy was previously to hold the line. Therefore if it is physically possible, and funding is available, the line will continue to be held at Scratby in the short term to allow for social mitigation measures to be implemented. There will also be some localised dune management measures put in place as the dunes provide a natural defence, albeit subject to occasional breaching. The overall policy will therefore be managed realignment.

Measures will need to be identified and implemented to help minimise the impact of this policy option on the lives of individuals and communities from the short term through to the long term. If holding the line at Scratby is not physically or financially viable then minor works (for example local placement of areas of rock, beach replenishment etc) may be undertaken here and at other selected areas, to slow the rate of coastal erosion, but not with a view to protecting the coast into the medium or long term. As and when a suitable package of social, economic and planning measures is identified, maintenance and minor repair of defences will cease, and the coastline will be allowed to continue its natural regression.

Nature conservation requirements would be fulfilled by this policy option.

Medium-term: No change from the above policy option of managed realignment, but only to allow minimal intervention, and the removal of defence ruins. This may result in loss of seafront assets in Newport and Scratby.

The above provides the local details in respect of the SMP-wide Plan; therefore the above must be read in the context of the wider-scale issues and policy implications, as presented in the preceding sections and Appendices to this Plan document.

Long-term: No change from the above policy option of managed realignment, but only to allow minimal intervention. Beaches and dunes are likely to move landward, which may result in loss of seafront assets in Newport and Scratby. However, it might be expected that these features would be sustained as a result of adopting the long-term policy options for frontages further north within the SMP shoreline.

The above provides the local details in respect of the SMP-wide Plan; therefore the above must be read in the context of the wider-scale issues and policy implications, as presented in the preceding sections and Appendices to this Plan document.

The above provides the local details in respect of the SMP-wide Plan; therefore the above must be read in the context of the wider-scale issues and policy implications, as presented in the preceding sections and Appendices to this Plan document.

The above provides the local details in respect of the SMP-wide Plan; therefore the above must be read in the context of the wider-scale issues and policy implications, as presented in the preceding sections and Appendices to this Plan document.

Location reference:

Policy Unit reference:



By 2025

By 2055

By 2105

Winterton-on-Sea (South of Beach Road) to Scratby


Property & Land Use


Nature Conservation Landscape

Loss of up to less than 5 seafront properties and associated infrastructure.

Cumulative loss of up to circa 55 seafront properties in Newport and Scratby also loss of holiday developments and associated infrastructure.

Loss of link roads.

Cumulative loss of between circa

55 and 150 seafront properties in

Newport and Scratby also loss of holiday developments and associated infrastructure.

Loss of link roads.

Erosion and possible loss of

Hemsby Marrams, but management proposed.

Naturally-functioning coast promoted.

Erosion and possible loss of

Hemsby Marrams, but management proposed.

Naturally-functioning coast promoted.

Erosion and possible loss of

Hemsby Marrams, but management proposed.

Naturally-functioning coast promoted.

No landscape objectives identified.

No landscape objectives identified.

No landscape objectives identified.

Historic Environment Amenity & Recreational


No heritage objectives identified. Beach present and access routes possible.

Low risk of loss of tourist facilities.

No heritage objectives identified. Beach present and access routes possible.

Loss of tourist and local facilities along seafront.

No heritage objectives identified. Beach present and access routes possible.

Loss of tourist and local facilities along seafront.
