21 July 2010
2pm Electoral Services Meeting Area, NNDC Offices
Reference Group Members
Malcolm Kerby
Dan Corbett
Tony Nash
Rob Wise
Rob Goodliffe
Peter Battrick
Marti Tipper
NNDC Officers
Peter Frew
Apologies were received from Sue Willis and Janice Howell
Agree minutes of the last meeting and matters arising
Progress of the action points from the last meeting was discussed.
Action Point 1
PF and Norman Lamb have written to the new Government ministers. They
have replied to confirm that they would like to visit; however these visits
have been delayed whilst the new Government ‘beds in’. NNDC have seen
confirmation from Richard Benyon the Minister for the Natural Environment
and Fisheries stating he wished to visit.
MK recently met Caroline Spellman and was encouraged by Defra’s
interest. They have a lot to work through but are interested in how
consultation works and are considering placing it at the front of their new
Government are aware of the enormous problems involved with coastal
erosion and will need help of Coastal Action and others. MK has written to
Richard Benyon and is awaiting a reply.
Action Point 2
NNDC’s communications department is trying to solve software issues to
record amount of Pathfinder website hits. There has been lots of positive
feedback regarding the website from around the country. Feedback has
stated that it is informative and easy to use. Other Pathfinder Programmes
around the country are looking at NNDC’s lead.
Pathfinder Reference Group
21 July 2010
NNDC’s communications department are entering the Pathfinder
Programme website for consideration of a community partnership award.
Action Point 3
Marti has been pursuing further parish deliveries of the ongoing monthly
newsletters. She has pursued the possibility of Bacton, Witton, Ridlington
and Edingthorpe Village News distributing newsletters along with their
publication; however this has proved unsuccessful due to the distributors
begin elderly volunteers who would find it difficult to handle the extra
weight. The ‘Village News’ editor Janie Shepherd is happy to continue to
include items of relevance from the Pathfinder newsletters within their
pages though.
Marti has spoken to Poppyland Partnership at Cromer who are happy to
email the Pathfinder Newsletters amongst their database of interested
parties. Marti to check for further hard copy distribution options via the
regular monthly distributions to the parish councils.
The Group felt that the Heritage Project was being seen by the public as the
only tangible project occurring in Happisburgh, as there has been lots of
publicity and public interaction of the Heritage projects. It was explained
that this project was being managed by a Project Manager solely in place
for its duration. It was agreed that a high proportion of ‘not seen’
background work was being worked through on the other Happisburgh
projects and that this should maybe be explained more widely to the public.
There is concern that there may be a misunderstanding that Pathfinder
funding is ebbing away on heritage topics. It was agreed that NNDC need
to emphasise that the projects are separate and that funding has been
agreed for each project from the start. The speed of final delivery of each
project will depend on the complexities associated with the background
work initially.
The monthly newsletter could be used to highlight these specifics, as well
as the due Outlook article.
Marti is to circulate a NNDC boundary map to Rob Wise and he is happy to
circulate future newsletters and the NLA heritage newsletters to relevant
parties in the coastal parishes.
Acton Point 4
Rob G circulated a proposed ‘strap line’ for comment and amendment from
the Board. The Board discussed this and were happy with it.
The next ‘Outlook’ publication will have an article to emphasis the work
done at Beeston Regis and with the Business Support Project.
Action Point 5
Exhibition materials are soon to be completed for the displays at Merchants’
Place and Green Build. They will be circulated this week for comment.
Action Point 6
The next report is due to Defra and will be started this week. A draft will be
Pathfinder Reference Group
21 July 2010
circulated to the Board shortly.
Action Point 7
Trimingham will be discussed further in this meeting.
Action Point 8
The £6,000 (per house) for demolition and legal and removal costs from
Defra (via the Environment Agency) will not require completion of
application forms. Defra will just ask how many houses we have
demolished over a 12 month period from April last year. This money is
additional to any other monies we receive and is to be used as appropriate.
Action Point 9
The press release for Beeston Regis should have been received by the
There were no matters arising from the above.
Update on progress
Wolferton Creek
The Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk (BCKL&WN) has
advertised for expressions of interest for this project. They hope to appoint
someone soon and the work should start from October onwards and be
complete by Christmas 2010.
There is funding of £20,000 towards this project and the BCKL&WN is
putting in an additional £5,000. MK was concerned that this may be an
appendage to the Pathfinder bid. It was confirmed that BCKL&WN are
managing the project and NNDC will be invoiced. BCKL&WN have
tendered for a £25,000 contract. If the work were to go over budget then
they will have to pay any excess.
Beeston Regis
This project has been completed, under budget and the surplus money is in
a contingency fund. The debris material has been recycled. NNDC are
waiting for a notice board to be erected to explain that the Pathfinder project
is complete.
Marram’s path
There was a slight glitch regarding land ownership a couple of months ago,
as previously this was falsely registered by the council. The land ownership
is now back with the resident, and the original negotiations with the home
owner are ongoing. NNDC are going ahead with the land transfers and the
County Council are dealing with the ‘right of way’ and planning permissions.
Trimingham – Pilgrims’ Shelter
There will be a meeting with the diocese later this month to discuss a way
forward. Bruton Knowles (BK) has been instructed to negotiate with the
owner of the new intended site. There is the potential to get a covenant
Pathfinder Reference Group
21 July 2010
through a landowner’s field via the caravan site, which could be an
alternative option if it resolves any ‘Highways’ issues and is cheaper. It
could be of benefit to the project and a better solution all around. If the land
opposite Woodland’s entrance (owned by Highways) was needed to widen
the road, clearly there is then the available space to do so.
The Parish Council are looking for differing options for the hall design
dependant on funding. Advice is being sought from the National Association
of Parish Councils (NAPC) regarding funding and new lottery schemes
becoming available in the autumn. There will be a meeting open to the
public on Saturday 24 July from 10am at the Pilgrim Shelter. Views from
the villages will be gathered regarding design and volunteering possibilities.
NAPC will be attending for advice and to see if money can be used to draw
down European funding.
It was made clear that Defra were entirely happy with the money being in
NNDC’s bank until it is placed in a new Trust Fund for the Village Hall.
Defra has made it clear that they will not be asking for the money back. We
are having a lot of freedom in how the money is spent but this also causes
its own problems and issues. We are looking into whether it would be the
Parish Council, District Council or the County Council who would have to
look into VAT issues. A Charitable trust may be more advantages. NNDC’s
finance department is considering the options as it would not wish to be
billed for VAT in the future.
Marketing Project
Blue Sail has been appointed to work on this project. They are conducting
an audit of tourism between Horsey and Overstrand including land behind
the coastal frontage but whose businesses may be tourism influenced .
Blue Sail hope to run a workshop in September with the National Trust and
other businesses and organisations. The Broads Authority and Internal
Drainage Boards will be informed also. Blue Sail will report back to us and
then develop an action plan that we can be implemented from November
1450 arrival of Peter Battrick
Business Advice Project
28 businesses are presently involved. We have broadened the
geographical range to hopefully increase numbers to 80. The reasons why
businesses don’t wish to take part are also helpful for us to learn and report
back to Defra. Currently some businesses don’t recognise coastal erosion
as an issue to their business, some business are lease-hold properties and
some people aim to cease trading in retirement. More publicity is due out to
parish councils in target villages to highlight the project. Workshops in
villages to explain to the businesses are also a possibility.
The ‘holiday accommodation’ category refers to cottage lettings rather than
B&Bs. These have been separated out as we need to identify who owns
the property via NNDC’s Business Rates department. NNDC has supplied
350 businesses to the Business Forum and they have contacted them
There are a few issues regarding Business Link’s diagnostic exercise.
21 July 2010
Pathfinder Reference Group
They didn’t initially collect the relevant information we wanted and needed
to be passed to the Business Forum to implement. This isn’t causing a
delay though. Norfolk Waveney Enterprise Services have been helping
businesses to develop business plans.
It was asked if Castaways at Bacton would be able to receive protection
assistance regarding cliff erosion through Pathfinder. It was clarified that
that NNDC’s Pathfinder money cannot be used for protection works.
However Castaways are considering submitting a planning application and
this will be looked at. It was reiterated that Castaways are being treated as
equally as all other businesses. They attended the Business Project
Launch and are taking part in the business advice project. They are entitled
to the same as any other business however coastal defence work is a
separate issue.
Merger of Business Projects
Business relocation and Business investment projects have been merged
into a business support project.
We are looking to provide further support following advice and we are
looking at grants, loans and training schemes. These are being developed
at the moment and Jose is researching this. He will be feeding this back to
the Board. A scoping report to the board recommended not purchasing
businesses; this wasn’t agreed by the Board however.
Manor Caravan Site
Manor Caravan Site is taking part in the Business Advice Project and has
an agent to assist. NNDC are looking to support this with the possibility of
providing a grant, or being invoiced for the work. Work is progressing. We
are considering how procurement can be provided to them by NNDC. Mr
Lomax will need planning advice regarding which sites may be available to
him and he is happy and willing to work with everybody. He is very forward
looking and has a constructive approach.
Heritage Project
The Heritage Project had an open day last Saturday which concentrated on
recording the heritage at Happisburgh. Norfolk Landscape Archaeology is
hoping to arrange more activities for the public to participate in. They are
also researching the possibility of providing a lap-top computer loan to the
Happisburgh project. Wider afield they are also starting on the Weybourne
cliff monitoring project with the help of the Norfolk Coast Partnership.
Beach Debris Removal
Plans will be submitted in September to the Board, and explained to the
parish. The work cannot take place though until after the demolition of
houses is complete. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and
Natural England (NE) are both happy for NNDC to just proceed when it
needs to.
Cliff-top Enhancement and Future Appeal
Location, toilets and management
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21 July 2010
Preferred sites are being highlighted and a dialogue with owners has
begun. A discussion on maintenance of any future facilities has also
taken place. The relocation of the car park and the provision of toilets
are being priced as well as providing open space and links to footpaths
and the new slip way. The preferred site for this has been decided on
and distributed to the Parish Council and the Board. NNDC are looking
into land ownership issues at present. Any new car park cannot be of
greater size to the present one due to ‘Highways’ advice; although
Permitted Development rights to run temporary car parks on agricultural
land could also be applied for. Feedback from the Happisburgh Open
Day clarified that the community wished for the car park and toilets to
be near to the beach. Re-locatable toilets and a shingle or grass create
car park rather than more permanent options have been deemed
forward looking for future roll-back. Future management of the
facilities is being investigated.
New Ramp
It was confirmed the new ramp should be for pedestrian use only,
however it would need to be 31/2 metres wide to allow plant to make
use of it to maintain the defence works periodically. In order not to
create problems in the future regarding maintenance, the structure will
need to be flexible so that it can adapt with future movement of the
coast. The intention will be to roll-back as and when required. A
discussion is needed with the Happisburgh community to determine
whether they wish for vehicular access as apposed to pedestrian
access only. A vehicle access could appeal to visitors to the village and
provide economy to the village; however the issues of vehicles on
beaches and jet-skiers would need to be highlighted in any discussion.
Lifeguard Cover
A discussion of the beach’s future use due to improvements was
explored. It may well become even more popular as a bathing beach
and may then require lifeguard coverage. This could possibly be an
extension of the current RNLI lifeguard contract. East Runton has just
been added to the contract this year for example. Removal and/or
signage of submerged obstacles would need to be considered.
St Mary’s
There has been a change of ownership of St Mary’s and the owners
seem very positive. They are keen to integrate with the local
community and NNDC, and have some money available to work on
projects together. The Heritage Project wish to hold an event in the
house grounds at some point. St Mary’s have also been in
conversation with Chris Lomax from Manor Caravan Park about
possible options for the future.
Beach Road Properties
Procedure Progress
NNDC has met with all the owners/residents of the 12 properties in
Beach Road. Bruton Knowles (BK) has also contacted everyone and
visited all properties bar one. They have formed their initial views and
written to NNDC with their first thoughts on how the work can progress.
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21 July 2010
This is not likely to be straight forward unfortunately. One issue from
our legal team is that we don’t have a Housing Assistance Policy and
this would need to be in place if we wish to purchase or assist property
owners. Otherwise this could open the council up to vulnerability in
other areas. The Project Board is clear in understanding this. We are
now looking at how to value each individual property that is property
related and not personally related, and based around a formula that is
clear, transparent and fair. Each property has two values:
what it is worth on the market today, as seen.
What it is worth based on today’s value plus the new land
NNDC will receive a schedule regarding prices for each of the
properties from BK shortly. NNDC will look at whether this looks fair and
honour owners’ right to decline to sale and move. There maybe the
possibility of a registered social landlord taking on board the issues and
working with us. NNDC will be talking to housing associations about
possibilities and available sites to move to.
Reporting back to Defra
It was agreed that the feedback from us to Defra needs to highlight that
a change in Government thinking is needed, when a solution doesn’t
work for residents. Sometimes we are unable to action solutions due
the way Local Authorities are set up. MK highlighted that NNDC are
leading on this area, and that the real problem is due to the
Government’s policy change. Maybe the £6,000 demolition costs
should only be available for properties in areas of policy change, not
nationally where the policy has not been altered. If residents choose
not to take up the financial offer and move NNDC will report back to
Defra what needs to be in place for future schemes to work and be
A discussion took place about how to progress. The possibility of
underwriting properties was discussed and that this would require openended funding over say 20 years. There is some evidence to suggest
that there is only a small reduction in value in the properties being
considered for lease-back. It is predicted that any eventual loss of
value to these properties will occur sharply once the cliff erodes to their
boundaries, rather than their values tailing off gently during this
Other Pathfinders
Lease back is an option also being looked at by Scarborough LA, who
are also struggling with it. East Riding are looking at a Housing
Assistance Policy, and relocation of caravan plots but we are the only
LA attempting to tackled helping people where properties are falling into
the sea. People all over the country looking at NNDC for answers to
this problem. PF explained that NNDC is trying to come up with a
formula that can be taken and applied elsewhere in the future. A
formula similar to Shoreline Management Plans (SMP) that can be
duplicated nationally where needed could be a way forward.
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21 July 2010
Bruton Knowles
BK is working towards a mid August deadline for the September cabinet
meeting for the Beach Road houses in the 20 year zone. NNDC will be
having a meeting on 4th August with Beach Road residents to reassure
them of progress so far. The media has portrayed the Pathfinder
Programme as a success and solution to everything. At the residents’
meeting we need to clearly emphasize that Pathfinder is a short-term
project to highlight issues to Government; a one-off short-term project
to try and find solutions for the future.
PB agreed to draft an A5 sized article to go out to every parish in the county
regarding the Pathfinder Programme every month.
RW asked if a procedure had been developed for a contingency fund for
support of the projects after the pathfinder project. PF explained that the
Project Board are aware of the possibilities and they have deferred a
decision on this at present. They will consider this further in Oct/Nov.
Any Other Business
Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting was discussed. It was agreed that Rob G
would send out a time availability graph to all members and inform them of
the next meeting’s time/date once all had returned their availability. This
would probably be after the Project Board meeting and Cabinet, so
probably early September.
Pathfinder Reference Group
21 July 2010