OFFICERS REPORTS TO JOINT MEETING OF DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (EAST & WEST) 16 FEBRUARY 2006 Each report for decision on this Agenda shows the Officer responsible, the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control and in the case of private business the paragraph(s) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 under which it is considered exempt. None of the reports have financial, legal or policy implications save where indicated. PUBLIC BUSINESS - ITEM FOR DECISION 1. MUNDESLEY - 20051131 - Change of use from C1 (hotel) to C2 (residential care home) at Ingleside Hotel, Cromer Road for Dr T Tiburtius To consider whether to grant planning permission for the change of use of hotel premises to a residential care home for the accommodation of adolescents with learning difficulties. Background This application was considered by Development Control Committee (East) on 17 November 2005, when it was resolved to refuse permission on policy grounds relating to the loss of a hotel/public house (on grounds of Structure Plan Policy EC.10 and Local Plan Policy 87). The Committee queried whether all reasonable efforts had been made to sell or let the premises as a public house or hotel at a realistic price. It was agreed that the application should be referred to the Joint Committee for final determination and that in the interim an independent evaluation should be commissioned regarding the marketing of the building which has been undertaken. A Joint Development Control Committee site visit was held on 1 December 2005. A copy of the report to the Development Control Committee (East) held on 17 November 2005 report is attached as Appendix 1. Key Policy Issues 1. The loss of the public house and hotel facility. 2. Appropriateness of a residential care home in this location. Appraisal The site lies on the western extreme of the parish of Mundesley approximately 2 miles from the village centre in an area designated as Countryside where Polices 5, 29 and 87 of the North Norfolk Local Plan are relevant. The Ingleside Hotel is a small hotel with a public bar comprising of seven bedrooms for let. Legal advice is that its authorised use is a hybrid of public house and hotel. Local Plan Policy 87 resists development proposals for the change of use of country public houses unless it can be demonstrated that all reasonable efforts have been made to sell or let the property as a public house at a realistic price and that it is not economically viable. The Local Plan makes no reference to the loss of hotel accommodation within the District; however Norfolk Structure Plan Policy EC10 seeks to resist the loss of tourist accommodation that would result in the loss of a range of facilities or where the hotel provides a significant contribution to the local stock of holiday accommodation. Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 1 16 February 2006 An independent valuation and appraisal of the previous marketing has been received from a local surveyor. The report concludes (Appendix 1) that the marketing exercise has made all reasonable efforts to dispose of the property as a hotel/public house in accordance with the requirements of Policy 87 of the Local Plan. The proposal would therefore appear to satisfy all requirements of the adopted Local Plan. The proposed alternative use is considered acceptable, involving a residential care use in an existing building in the Countryside policy area, and in accordance with Development Plan Policy. RECOMMENDATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (EAST):Refusal on grounds that it is contrary to Structure Plan Policy EC.10 and Local Plan Policy 87. RECOMMENDATION OF HEAD OF PLANNING AND BUILDING CONTROL:Approve, subject to a condition restricting the use to a residential care home. Source: (Paul Took, Extn 6098 - File Reference: 20051131) PUBLIC BUSINESS - ITEM FOR DECISION 2. THORNAGE - 20051918 - Change of use of outbuildings to chiller, cutting and processing rooms in association with proposed butchery and variation of condition 3 of planning permission 20050471 to allow 20% of goods to be sourced from outside region at Breck Farm, Fakenham Road for Mr D Astley To consider an application for the change of use of outbuildings to chiller, cutting and processing rooms in association with proposed butchery and variation of condition 3 of planning permission 20050471 to allow 20% of goods to be sourced from outside region. Background The application was considered at the meeting of the Development Control Committee (West) on 2 February 2006, when it was resolved that the application be referred to the Joint Development Control Committee (East and West) for a decision. A copy of the report is appended to this agenda (Appendix 2). Key Policy Issues Whether the matters raised in support of the farm shop, which would have direct access to a Corridor of Movement and is contrary to Policy 146 (Corridor of Movement), outweigh a strong objection from the County Highway Authority regarding highway safety. Appraisal In May 2005 permission was granted for a farm shop in the northern end of the Grade II listed barn which restricted the range of goods to be sold to fruit, vegetables, meats and other farm related products which have been produced in East Anglia. The current application seeks the transfer of the farm shop from the northern to the southern end of the barn, the change of use of the outshuts to cutting room, chiller store and processing room in association with proposed butchery and the variation of condition 3 of planning permission 20050471 to allow 20% of goods to be sourced from outside the region. Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 2 16 February 2006 Whilst the use of these outshuts in association with the use of the barn as a farm shop is considered to be acceptable and to comply with Policy 29 (The Reuse and Adaptation of Buildings in the Countryside) and Policy 37 (Alterations and Extensions to Listed Buildings) of the Local Plan, the sale of farm-related produce which is not locally produced would be contrary to Policy 88 (Farm Shops). Given that the Local Planning Authority previously considered the use of the barn as a farm shop to be an appropriate from of farm diversification, which would not adversely affect the vitality of established outlets, and the fact that other similar establishments within the District have been allowed to sell an element of non-locally produced products, this element of the proposal is considered to be acceptable. However, whilst, as requested by Members, the applicant has undertaken works to improve the access, as with the previous application the Highway Authority is of the opinion that this proposal, if permitted, would be likely to introduce significant additional vehicular conflict on a busy and important section of the A148, which is subject to high vehicle speeds at a point where the carriageway alignment is substandard. The additional vehicular conflict would have the effect of interfering with and degenerating the principal function of the Corridor of Movement, which is to carry traffic freely and safely between centres of population, and the Highway Authority has again objected to the application. It is therefore considered that the proposal fails to comply with Policy 146 of the North Norfolk Local Plan. RECOMMENDATION OF THE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (WEST):That the application be approved on the grounds that the use is considered to be an appropriate form of farm diversification would reduce food miles and the improvements to the access satisfy the previous requirements of Development Control Committee (West). RECOMMENDATION OF THE HEAD OF PLANNING AND BUILDING CONTROL:That the application be refused on the grounds that the development would have an adverse impact on highway safety in relation to the Corridor of Movement and would be contrary to Development Plan Policy 146. Source: (Gary Linder, Extn 6152 - File Reference: 20051918) PUBLIC BUSINESS – ITEM FOR DECISION 3. Enforcement Workload and Statistics – Quarterly Report This report sets out for the Committee’s consideration details of the workload and performance of the Enforcement Service for the quarter ending 31 December 2006. At the meeting of the Joint Committee on 24 November 2005 a report concerning statistics relating to the workload and performance of the Enforcement Service was considered. The statistics have been updated for the latest quarter and are set out in Tables 1-4 of Appendix 3. Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 3 16 February 2006 Table 1 shows the number of complaints received, resolved and on hand during the quarter and includes those cases which were unresolved for more than three months, as were included in the Schedules to the most recent meetings of the Area Development Control Committees. The number of cases received was slightly exceeded by those resolved. Table 2 includes cases which have been considered by Committee and provides a statistical summary of those cases which were included in the regular Schedules of outstanding cases as reported to the individual Committees. Table 3 concerns condition monitoring. Members will note the historically very high figures brought forward as a result of the original decision to monitor planning conditions on a comprehensive basis. Policy for a number of years now has been for the Committee and Officers to monitor conditions on a selective basis and since this time the number of conditions requiring monitoring has declined for the majority of quarters. Additional resources, deployed in connection with the implementation of the High Hedges Legislation, have been used to provide a member of staff to work on condition monitoring on a temporary basis. This resulted in a clear-up of over 260 cases during the quarter. Table 4 sets out performance in relation to the service standards attached to the Council’s planning enforcement policy. The principal purpose of these statistics is to ensure that those making complaints are kept properly informed as to the progress made in dealing with outstanding cases. RECOMMENDATION:The Committee is asked to note the contents of the Tables and to indicate whether it considers that the figures raise any issues which should be the subject of further consideration. (Source: Steve Oxenham, Extn: 6135 - File Reference: Enf Workload Dec 2005) Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 4 16 February 2006