OFFICERS REPORTS TO JOINT MEETING OF DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (EAST & WEST) 3 AUGUST 2006 Each report for decision on this Agenda shows the Officer responsible, the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control and in the case of private business the paragraph(s) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 under which it is considered exempt. None of the reports have financial, legal or policy implications save where indicated. PUBLIC BUSINESS – ITEM FOR DECISION 1. APPRAISAL OF THE VILLAGE OF PLUMSTEAD FOR CONSIDERATION AS A CONSERVATION AREA Members deferred the above item at the 6 July meeting of the Joint Development Control Committee in order to undertake a Members’ site visit which is to be conducted in conjunction with the Cabinet on Wednesday 2 August. The Committee’s views on the matter are now sought prior to the Cabinet’s reconsideration of this item at its meeting on 11 September 2006. 1.0 1.1 INTRODUCTION Under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act, 1990: “Every Local Planning Authority a) shall from time to time determine which parts of their area are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance, and b) shall designate those areas as conservation areas”. To date there are 82 such areas within North Norfolk. 1.2 A conservation area is defined in Section 69 of the 1990 Town & Country Planning Act as ’an area of special architectural and historic interest the character of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’. 1.3 The assessment process involves evaluation against many criteria devised by English Heritage. These include general character and context, architectural quality and coherence, the prevailing materials, topographic framework, hierarchy and quality of space, landscape setting, historic development and archaeology. 1.4 It is the collective character of all of these elements that is important to consider when assessing whether a place merits Conservation Area status. 2.0 2.1 ASSESSMENT Plumstead is a small, attractive, elongated village with a disseminated settlement pattern lying between Little Barningham and Baconsthorpe on the road leading north to Holt. It is set in a gently undulating landscape surrounded by open farmland with long range uninterrupted views and pockets of woodland. It consists of a mixture of 19th Century brick and flint cottages, two listed farm houses, a listed late 16th Century detached house, a group of Council houses and more recent houses and bungalows. Set at the western end of Church Street, the Grade II* listed parish church of St Michael dominates the ancient core of the village. Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 1 3 August 2006 2.2 Views between buildings to the surrounding countryside are a key feature of the character of the village and link it strongly with its rural landscape setting. The long open stretches of farmland between the different elements of the settlement define the essentially loose relationship between the three distinct areas of the village. 2.3 The historic development of the village relates very much to its rural function. Early settlement was disparate and occurred along routes running through the village. The 1881 OS map shows a core settlement developing around the church consisting of buildings relating to Church Farm. A satellite settlement is evident around Plumstead Green, much as it is today and the former Cherry Tree public house stands isolated in the landscape apart from the village. Since this date settlement has continued along the south side of Church Street and more recently Council housing along Cherry Tree Road. 2.4 There are some elements of archaeological significance within the village, although none have statutory protection or importance. 2.5 The village is made up of three pockets of settlement stretching out from an indistinct junction of three roads which is set in open landscape: Church Street to the east, Cherry Tree Road to the north and Plumstead Green, lying to the west. 2.6 Church Street Church Street makes up the core of the settlement with a cluster of listed buildings around the church interspaced with characterful 19th Century cottages. This area of Plumstead affords the most interest in terms of settlement pattern, building form and architectural value. 2.7 Church Street is the oldest part of the village. The church of St Michael is a dominant and key feature of the street and the whole village. Indeed, set at the highest point in the village, it also forms a landmark within the landscape setting as viewed from outside the village. Upgraded to a Grade II* listing in 1989, it dates in part to the 12th Century and is of historical and archaeological significance. The chancel dates from about 1300 and the tower from the latter part of the 15th Century and there is some 15th Century stained glass in the E. window. 2.8 Immediately to the east of the church are two listed 17th Century brick cottages, formerly one house. 2.9 Grade II listed Walnut Farm house on the northern side of Church Street dates to the late 18th Century although it has since been much altered. It is a two storey dwelling faced in flint pebble with brick dressings and a black glazed pantile roof. 2.10 Further along Church Street is Church Farm House, again Grade II listed and dating to the late 17th/early 18th Century, though altered with a 19th Century addition. Materials are flint and brick mosaic with brick dressings under corrugated tiles. 2.11 A variety of properties line both sides of the street; small 18th Century cottages and a former Post Office. As with the rest of the built environment in Plumstead, the predominant material is brick and flint. Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 2 3 August 2006 2.12 A significant feature in Church Street is the telephone box situated close to the church, particularly when approached from the east. 2.13 Plumstead House at the southern end of Church Street on the Little Barningham Road dates back to the late 16th /early 17th Century and is Grade II listed. Set within a garden behind a brick and flint wall, it is constructed in brick under black glazed pantiles with later black framed leaded casement windows. 2.14 In design terms, the buildings along Church Street demonstrate the highest architectural quality and are the most coherent in terms of group value and impact. Building materials are consistent and help to knit together the built form along the street from the church. 2.15 2.16 Cherry Tree Road Cherry Tree Road extends north from the village crossroads which are surrounded by fields. Cherry Tree House, possibly 17th Century and formerly the Cherry Tree public house (now unfortunately rendered and unsympathetically altered), marks the edge of the settlement 500m to the north. Set 1 km out of the village is Hall Farm which has a listed thatched barn. To the south of Cherry Tree House can be found more recent ‘Council houses’, built on the former village bowling green. The variable architectural quality and lack of any strong historic or architectural link is apparent. Plumstead Green Plumstead Green lies 500m to the west of Church Street at the confluence of 2 roads. It is a small ‘stand alone’ hamlet and consists of a cluster of attractive brick and flint cottages around a small green, a pond, a farm and scattered detached cottages. Separated from the rest of the village by open fields, it does not seem to have a strong historical connection to Church Street. 3.0 3.1 CONCLUSION Plumstead is an attractive old rural settlement set in a picturesque landscape. In planning policy terms, Plumstead currently lies within an Area of High Landscape Value. Local Plan Policy 21 states ‘the appearance and character of Areas of High Landscape Value will be conserved and enhanced. Development proposals that would be significantly detrimental to its appearance or character will not be permitted’. 3.2 The village and surrounding area is also located in an area designated as ‘Countryside’ (Local Plan Policy No. 5). In such areas high priority is given to the protection and enhancement of the appearance and character of the area and development proposals are strictly limited. As such only very limited nonresidential ‘infill’ development could be contemplated. 3.3 Key historic buildings within the village are protected through Listed Building legislation. In addition, any proposals affecting standing remains or underground archaeology are protected by existing policies. 3.4 In assessing settlement pattern and the interrelationship of the built form with the spaces between there appears to be no overall coherence. Furthermore, the field systems and irregular pattern of development in the village do not suggest a character in landscape and heritage terms that is pronounced. Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 3 3 August 2006 3.5 The English Heritage set of criteria for the assessment of Conservation Areas is now far more rigorous than in the 1970’s when many of North Norfolk’s 82 Conservation Areas were designated. There are now also requirements for the strategic long term management of Conservation Areas which has resource implications. 3.6 This assessment has been undertaken within the context of the current guidance from English Heritage (February 2006). Their advice is as follows: “the decision to designate a conservation area is comparable to a major land use policy decision. It is therefore vital that only areas which are demonstrably of special architectural or historic interest in the local and regional context should be designated, because of the responsibilities and obligations which designation conveys”. These additional duties fall both on local residents (in terms of the extra planning controls) and on the Local Planning Authority (in terms of the extra management responsibilities). Therefore, in any decision to designate Members must consider the associated practical and resource implications as well as the merits of the area under consideration. 3.7 To summarise, Plumstead is an attractive village with some notable buildings. Whilst the connection and linkage in heritage and character terms between buildings are strong in places such as Church Street, they are less so in Plumstead Green and Cherry Tree Road and for that matter between these different settlements that make up Plumstead. The only part of Plumstead of any real significance in conservation and historical terms is Church Street. However, here the key buildings and their setting are already protected through individual listing and other policies in the Local Plan. 3.8 Looking at each area of the village, the inconsistency in the quality of the buildings and the weak relationship between them suggests that in heritage and conservation terms there is insufficient justification to designate Plumstead as a Conservation Area. Furthermore, current planning policies and those being developed through the Local Development Framework process are sufficient to protect the character of Plumstead and its landscape setting. RECOMMENDATION:That the village of Plumstead is not designated as a Conservation Area and that the Cabinet be informed of the Joint Development Control Committee’s views accordingly. Source: (Cathy Batchelar, Conservation & Design Officer, Extn 6155 - File Reference: Plumstead CA) Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 4 3 August 2006 PUBLIC BUSINESS – ITEM FOR DECISION 2. Changes to Outline Planning Application Rules and Design and Access Statements This report provides further details on important changes to the development control system coming into force on 10 August 2006. Members may recall that at the meeting on 6 June 2006 the Joint Committee noted the receipt of a report concerning changes to secondary planning legislation and in particular the coming into force of the requirement for Design and Access Statements for planning applications received with effect from 10 August 2006. Shortly after the meeting details were received of DCLG Circular 01/2006 which sets out detailed advice also covering significant procedural changes for outline planning applications and setting out requirements to be included in Design and Access Statements. A second publication, Design and Access Statements – How to Write, Read and Use Them has been published by the Commission for Architecture in the Built Environment (CABE), the Government’s advisor on architecture, urban design and public space. Copies of this document will be made available for Joint Committee Members’ use. As far as the revised arrangements for outline applications are concerned, officers have prepared amendments to planning application forms and notes for applicants and Appendix 1 includes the key changes to definitions and requirements. It is intended that further clarification and discussion of these matters will take place at the meeting. In respect of Design and Access Statements a draft Planning Advice Note has been prepared, a copy of which is attached as Appendix 2. This Note is “work in progress” and is the subject of internal consultation. It aims to explain as simply as possible the essential requirements of what is potentially a far reaching change to the legislation. It is intended to send this Note to planning agents, to provide publicity on the Council’s web site and to send it to Town and Parish Councils in an attempt to publicise theses changes. Again, further discussion can take place at the meeting. It is anticipated that these changes will have significant implications for applicants, for officers, and, in due course, for Members in dealing with proposals which include this additional information. RECOMMENDATION:The Committee is asked to note the contents of this report and to prepare itself for the changes which are due to come into force on 10 August 2006. (Source: Steve Oxenham, Extn: 6135 - File Reference: DC System changes) Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 5 3 August 2006 PUBLIC BUSINESS – ITEM FOR DECISION 3. Development Control Performance This report sets out Development Control performance figures for the quarter ending 30 June 2006 and comments on matters relating to the Planning Delivery Grant. At the meeting on 8 June 2006 the Committee received the previous quarterly report and confirmed its continuing support for efforts to maintain high levels for performance. Table 1 (Appendix 3) indicates that during the most recent quarter 425 decisions were made, an increase of some 5% on the previous quarter. Delegated decisions exceeded 85% and approvals increased to almost 92%, the highest figure in the past year. Table 2 (Appendix 4) sets out cumulative performance figures for the year ending 30 June 2006 and compares these with previous years and the nine months from October 2004 to June 2005, the latter period forming the basis for comparison in terms of the awarding of the development control element of Planning Delivery Grant which is to be paid in 2006/07. The most recent quarter shows that almost 89% of major applications were determined within the statutory period, together with over 78% of minor decisions and 91% of other decisions. In all cases the Council’s targets for performance were exceeded. Cumulatively these figures meant that performance improved over the past year by over 12% for major decisions and by between 3% and 4% for minor and other decisions. This should help to ensure a good Planning Delivery Grant award for 2007/08 in respect of the development control element. The Government’s decision as to the future of PDG is still awaited. In the light of the Council’s aspirations to achieve top quartile performance for this aspect of the planning service new targets have been set for major and other decisions for 2006/07 at 72% and 89% respectively. The target for minor decisions remains at 72% but it is hoped that this can be increased for subsequent years on the basis of future efficiency gains. Table 3 (Appendix 5) sets out the Council’s performance on planning appeals (excluding enforcement appeals) and indicates that during the most recent quarter 2 out of 11 appeals were allowed, representing 18.1% of the total. Again a new target has been set for performance, at 20%, and it is pleasing to note that during the most recent quarter this target has been slightly exceeded. In terms of staffing, a change in working hours has meant that Paul Took and Ian Thompson now share a Senior Planning Officer post in the East Team; this has enabled two trainee Planning Assistants to be recruited, Tracy Lincoln in the East Area Team and Jane Hunting in the West Area Team. RECOMMENDATION:That the Committee notes the latest quarterly performance figures and continues to support efforts to maintain high levels of performance. (Source: Steve Oxenham, Extn: 6135 - File Reference: DC Performance-13) Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 6 3 August 2006 PUBLIC BUSINESS – ITEM FOR INFORMATION 4. NORTH NORFOLK CORE STRATEGY AND SITE SPECIFIC PROPOSALS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENTS (DPDs): PREFERRED OPTIONS REPORTS This item will provide another opportunity for Members to receive information on the final drafts of the Preferred Options reports for both the Core Strategy and Site Specific Proposals DPDs and the new Local Development Framework (LDF)system in general. Introduction Members will recall a presentation made by officers of the Planning Policy Section at the last meeting of the Joint Development Control Committees (6 July) concerning the Council’s Local Development Framework (LDF). The event was arranged with a view to providing brief summaries of the process governing the current preparation of the Core Strategy and Site Specific Proposals DPDs and the principal contents of the Preferred Options reports relating to these documents. (These reports have now been approved by Cabinet for the purpose of statutory public participation in the autumn of this year and, at the time of writing this Committee report, are awaiting consideration by Full Council.) Owing to the level of interest expressed by the Members in these subjects at the last meeting of the Joint Development Control Committees, there was insufficient time to consider the specific contents of the two reports. Accordingly, the purpose of this item is to provide another opportunity to consider preferred approaches, firstly, to the Council’s formulation of new strategic and development control policies, and, secondly, to the allocation of sites for specific types of development. (Source: Gary Alexander; Ext. 6133) Joint Development Control Committees (East & West) 7 3 August 2006