SUPPLEMENTARY REPORT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTROL COMMITTEE (WEST) – 4 DECEMBER 2008 Each report for decision on this Agenda shows the Officer responsible, the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control and in the case of private business the paragraph(s) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 under which it is considered exempt. None of the reports have financial, legal or policy implications save where indicated. PUBLIC BUSINESS – ITEM FOR DECISION 1. LANGHAM – 20060770 - Conversion and extension of buildings to provide hotel and village shop and erection of twenty-three holiday cottages; Former Glass Factory North Street for Avada Country Homes The Committee is asked to give further consideration to this application in the light of changes to Development Plan Policy following adoption of the North Norfolk Core Strategy on 24 September 2008, which occurred prior to receiving the further advice from the Council’s appointed consultants. Background At the meeting of Development Control Committee (West) on 27 March 2008 it was resolved that the Head of Planning and Building Control be authorised to approve the application for conversion and extension of buildings to provide a 30-bed hotel and village shop and erection of twenty-three holiday cottages at the Former Glass Factory, North Street, Langham. This delegated approval was subject to:• • • further satisfactory clarification from Strutt and Parker regarding the points raised in David Forsdick’s further Advice of 17 March 2008 in consultation with the Council’s Counsel’s advice; subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement to include tying together the freehold of the cottages with the hotel, a phasing agreement, agreement on the number of letting days, and to include highway improvements to include vehicle activated signs, a 20 mph speed limit along North Street and; the imposition of appropriate conditions to include protected species mitigation measures, all windows facing Langham Hall to be obscure-glazed and fixed, a requirement to undertake an archaeological survey and the removal of permitted development rights. Copies of the Committee Report, Appendices and Minutes of 27 March 2008 are attached at Appendix 1 along with copies of the Committee Report and minutes of the meeting of 16 August 2007. Strutt & Parker, who were instructed by the Council to assess the enabling development argument put forward by the applicant, have been asked by the Council to re-consider their appraisal in light of the comments that had been submitted by an objector’s solicitors and their Counsel’s advice pursuant to the resolution of 27 March 2008. A copy of Strutt & Parker’s latest report has now been received, dated 18 November 2008, which is attached at Appendix 2. Development Control Committee (West) 1 4 December 2008 Strutt & Parker conclude at paragraph 3.1 that:“Having reviewed the decision we are satisfied that our original conclusion that the holiday cottages are required so as to facilitate this development was the correct one. We should point out that since November 2006 the economy and hotel market have deteriorated significantly; particularly so in recent weeks due to the global banking crisis and poor immediate economic outlook. We believe that if we were carrying out the same exercise today the scheme would be financially non-viable. We are of the opinion that when stability returns to both the banking sector and the economy our original conclusion will still apply: that the holiday cottages are required so as to facilitate the development.” In respect of the proposed planning conditions and S106 Agreement, detailed in the earlier resolution by Committee, both of these have been drafted by officers in consultation with the applicant and are awaiting any final decision to approve. Following the Committee resolution of 27 March 2008, the Council has sought advice from Counsel to establish whether the delegated decision to approve should be exercised by Head of Planning and Building Control. In response, Counsel has referred to a case (R(on the application of Erine Kides) v. South Cambridgeshire District Council, 2002) in which paragraph 126 states: “In practical terms, therefore, where since the passing of the resolution some new factor has arisen of which the delegated officer is aware, and which might rationally be regarded as a “material consideration” for the purposes of section 70(2), it must be a counsel of prudence for the delegated officer to err on the side of caution and refer the application back to the authority for specific reconsideration in the light of that new factor. In such circumstances the delegated officer can only safely proceed to issue the decision notice if he is satisfied (a) that the authority is aware of the new factor, (b) that it has considered it with the application in mind, and (c) that on a reconsideration the authority would reach (not might reach) the same decision”. Counsel refers to this case because a change in Development Plan Policy has occurred since the delegated authority was granted. The new policies, now in force following adoption of the North Norfolk Core Strategy on 24 September have superseded the policies of the former saved North Norfolk Local Plan for development plan purposes, against which the application had previously been assessed. In making its decision, the Committee needs to consider whether the policies contained within the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy now outweigh the considerations at the time of the last resolution to grant planning permission made on 27 March 2008. The most significant change in planning policy affecting the application site is the loss of Langham village development boundary and the de-designation of the village employment area. As such, under new Core Strategy Policy, the site is located within the Countryside Policy Area (SS2). It is not considered that there are material changes in policy that would significantly affect consideration of matters relating to highway safety (CT5, CT6), impact on the Area or Outstanding Natural Beauty (EN1) or the impact on the Conservation Area and listed buildings (EN8). However, Policies EN4 and EN6 would have required the applicant to consider sustainable construction and energy efficiency in the design of the development. Nonetheless the applicant had previously proposed a number of energy efficiency measures as part of the application which officers consider have gone some way to meeting the new requirements relating to Policy EN6. Development Control Committee (West) 2 4 December 2008 Whilst the twenty-three new build holiday cottages would still be considered contrary to adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy, as was the case when determining the application previously, It is considered that the enabling development argument put forward to justify the development to ensure, in part, the preservation of the listed buildings and the viability of the scheme still remains the overriding consideration in this instance. Notwithstanding the change in policy it is still considered that the benefits of the scheme outweigh the policy objections to the proposed development on a former village employment site subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions and the finalisation of the Section 106 Agreement. In balancing the new material considerations that have arisen, it is considered that Committee should also take into account: 1. The report commissioned by the Council in respect of the “enabling development” argument put forward by the applicant to justify the provision of twenty-three holiday cottages; 2. The resolution made by Development Control Committee (West) on 27 March 2008 to delegate approval to the Head of Planning and Building Control and at which it was considered that the benefits of the scheme outweighed the policy objections to the proposed development on a former village employment site subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions and the imposition of a Section 106 Agreement. 3. The resolution made by the Combined Development Control Committee on 10 April 2008 regarding the determination of planning applications “on-hand” upon recent of the final binding report in respect of the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy; and 4. Article 6 of schedule 1 of the Human Rights Act 1998 (the right to a fair civil determination) Committee must also take into account the fact that the delays in determining the application since 27 March 2008 have been through no fault or delay on the part of the applicant. Summary The proposal has been considered against Development Plan policies (i.e. Planning Policy Guidance Note (PPG) 13, PPG 15, PPG 16, Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 9, PPS 23, Saved North Norfolk Local Plan Policies 4, 10, 13, 17, 18, 36, 37, 39, 42, 126, 127, 153 and Local Development Framework Core Strategy Policies SS1, SS2, SS4, SS5, SS6, Saved North Norfolk Local Plan Policy 29, EN1, EN2, EN4, EN6, EN8, EN9, EN13, EC2, EC5, EC7, EC9, CT2, CT5, CT6). Whilst the policies contained within the LDF Core Strategy are material considerations, the application was submitted before receipt of the Inspector’s binding report and discussions with the applicant were well advanced to the extent that a resolution to approve had been made by the determining authority with only matters of clarity and detail outstanding at the time of the Committee resolution of 27 March 2008. Whilst the policies against which the proposal had been assessed have been superseded, the applicant is entitled, in accordance with Article 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998, to expect their application to be determined fairly. As such, even in light of the identified material consideration (adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy), approval of the application, subject to the imposition of conditions and finalisation of the Section 106 Agreement, is considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law. Development Control Committee (West) 3 4 December 2008 RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to the finalisation of the Section 106 agreement and subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions. Source: (Geoff Lyon, Extn 6226 – File Reference 20060770) Development Control Committee (West) 4 4 December 2008