Table 1: Mundesley Conservation Area: Character Appraisal and Management Plan: Public Consultation Summary 1 Summary of analysis and main changes to the draft document following public consultation The majority of responses and comments received at both the public meeting and via written responses were in favour of the main management proposals: • • • • • Need to adopt a list of buildings of local interest. Introduction of Article 4(2) directions at Russell Terrace. Review and extend the Conservation Area as proposed. NNDC to support public realm enhancement schemes. Need to regard ‘local distinctiveness’ and ‘prevailing character’ when considering new development. Main amendments to document: • • 2 Several boundary changes have been implemented as a result of public consultation including: o An extension along Cromer Road to include Trafalgar Court. o Nos. 80-88 High Street were proposed for removal but will now be retained within the Conservation Area. o The railway housing on Church Lane and Manor Road will now be included within the Conservation Area o Beckmeadow Way was proposed for inclusion but will no longer be retained within the Conservation Area. The issue/threat of coastal erosion has now been mentioned within the document. Consultation responses (42) and public meeting (attended by 25 members of the public): Consultee Comments Coastal Strategy (Senior Planner) Erosion of the village not mentioned. He felt this was a relevant point which should be picked up as a ‘threat’. Response/Recommendation This has now been addressed within the document. See part 1, sections 3.1 and 8.2 Resident Very much supporting the introduction of Article 4 Directions but only if they were not applied retrospectively. The introduction of Article 4 Directions would not give rise to the reversal of alterations only future works to property’s covered by an order. See part 2, section 2.2 District Local Member Car parking provision is adequate within the village but prices are to high driving people out of town. ‘Local Listing’ might deter buyers. Local Listing would not provide any additional powers or control to the Council and is merely another method of identifying buildings/structures which are of significance and contribute to the character of the area. The purpose of identification of said buildings will provide more information for the Council when considering applications. It is felt that this proposal will not deter potential buyers infact might encourage investment. See part 2, section 2.3 Resident Resident Resident Resident Article 4 Direction at Russell Terrace, how will the Council stop new satellite dishes going up when someone already has one. Can’t the Council use ‘grant aid’ in order to encourage property owners to reverse unsympathetic alterations. The Council has in the past allowed new development which is entirely inappropriate, why were these development s permitted. The Article 4 Direction should cover the rear of Russell Terrace only the front elevation and roof. See part 2, section 2.2 The Council does not have the funds available to implement a coherent, comprehensive or consistent grant aid scheme…unfortunately. See part 2, section 2.4 It is proposed that the direction will not cover the rear of the terrace. The rear elevation is not visible from the public domain and has already been substantially altered. The real architectural interest lies in the unity and coherence of the main elevation of the terrace which the direction will protect. Resident The residents of Russell Terrace should be consulted. See part 2, section 2.2 The residents of Russell Terrace will be notified prior to implementation of the direction. New development has been poor. See part 2, section 2.1, 2.2 Proposed exclusion of Nos 80-88 High Street should be left within the CA. Resident The car park on Station Road should be included within CA. Street surfaces within the Conservation Area should be improved. The Highway environment is of particular importance and the Council will continue to liaise with the Highways Authority to enhance the streetscene. See part 2, section 2.7 Resident The Mundesley Road/Cromer Road area is an eyesore which should be improved. Enhancement of the public realm is an important issue which the Council has addressed within the document. See part 2, section 2.7 Resident Resident Resident There should be an extension of the boundary to include Trafalgar Court an important building in its heyday. Could it not be converted to a museum? The boundary has been amended to include Trafalgar Court. Some of the proposals and descriptions might not be relevant in future years. There should be an extension of the boundary to include Trafalgar Court it’s an Document is proposed to be reviewed every five years. See part 2, section 2.1 and Appendix 1 The boundary has been amended to important entranceway. include Trafalgar Court. See part 2, section 2.1 and Appendix 1 Resident Resident Would the LDF site proposals be affected by extending the CA to include the Water Lane/Mundesley Beck site? The new buildings on the High Street are not appropriate, infill development should be improved. Keep 80-88 High Street within CA Resident When allocating the land the effect on the CA, views etc was considered carefully consequently CA designation would not affect site allocation. Any future development on the site would have to respect the CA and prevailing character of Mundesley. See part 2, section 2.4 The document has now been amended to retain 80-88 High Street within the CA boundary. See part 2, section 2.1 and Appendix 1 Resident Resident Resident The Conservation Area Appraisal is an excellent document which will help retain special qualities on Mundesley. There should be more Locally Listed Buildings within and outside of CA. It is feared that the disjointed current appearance of Mundesley might become pastiche. Anyone can put forward buildings for Local Listing inside or outside the CA. The Council will consider any proposal and judge it on its merits against the listing criteria. The siting, scale and massing of new development should be considered carefully. See part 2, section 2.4 Resident Railway houses should be considered for local listing or CA extension The boundary has now been altered to include the railway buildings on Church Lane and Manor Road for their historic value. See part 2, section 2.1 and Appendix 1 Resident Can we have two separate CA’s not linked rather than one big one? It is felt that the single CA gives greater strength and more emphasis in cohesion and unity. Having separate parts de values its significance in character and sense of place as a whole. Resident A review of the western side boundary is required many nice property’s over looked. The boundary does now include the railway housing but the other properties in this immediate area are not deemed of great enough importance to include within boundary. Resident Kerb stones, chicane traffic calming not necessary should not have allowed. The Highway environment is of particular importance and the Council will continue to liaise with the Highways Authority to enhance the streetscene. See part 2, section 2.7 Resident Resident Resident Highway interventions causing more accidents not less. The County Council thinks there’s a problem with parking but there’s not, can we explain to them there’s no need for more parking before it’s to late. Lots of overhead cables detract from the CA Enhancement of the public realm is an important issue which the Council has addressed within the document. See part 2, section 2.7 Resident Resident Too many people parking on the side of Station road. Areas like around the Spar shop are deprived and need tidying up/rectifying. Enhancement of the public realm is an important issue which the Council has addressed within the document. See part 2, section 2.7 Resident Resident Resident Its worrying that Local Listing might be forced upon owners. I overwhelmingly support the CA Appraisal and all its proposals. Note from the map provided in the report that some cottages at the southern end of the High St are to be excluded from the conservation area but cannot find any comment as to why this is proposed. The cottages are in keeping with the area and are an asset which should be retained. On page 9 Figure 7 a view across fields to the Mill will be lost if building of 40 homes is allowed as proposed. Whilst I accept that building owners have a responsibility to keep their properties in good order and in keeping with the area, the planning authority must also play its part in not allowing unsympathetic properties to be built. I cite as an example 47 High St where bungalows were built some years ago which could be on an estate anywhere in the UK and have no The document has now been amended to retain 80-88 High Street within the CA boundary. See part 2, section 2.1 and Appendix 1 relevance to Mundesley at all. Resident Resident The appraisal mentions that Beckmeadow way will be an 'appropriate surface' does this mean that the surface will be maintained by the council & can anything be done to stop the Royal hotel parking their large, smelly bins on the road - there is plenty of space at the front of the hotel where they could be stored off road - if they were stored in the front of the hotel it would stop large dustbin lorries holding up traffic flow in Beckmeadow Way It is important that the overall character of the village is conserved and I was pleased to note that the key views an vistas in the consultation document are considered to be important to the village. I agree that the view from the lower High Street across the Beck Valley to Stow Mill is key and important to the character to the village. The picture of this view in the consultation document is a poor one and most people who stop and look across actually cross the road and walk down to the edge of the field. The Beck which runs across the field and through the village is also worth conserving ,so I would like to propose that the whole field be included in the conservation area with the boundary being the water lane road. This would conserve the Beck and the character of its surroundings and indeed the key view. Most of this area is in a flood plane the top boarder of which (which is currently agricultural and a proposed dwelling site MUN06) I understand has been adjusted to show that the flood line has actually reduced. Is this correct? On a map used by the Local development Framework Working Party in the minutes of a meeting on 20/04/2009 in Mundesley ( available on line) the flood line is at the boundary of this proposed area for development. I am sure that a year ago this flood line was higher and that this area was deemed unsuitable for development . Could you please clarify that this flood level has been changed and if so why has it been lowered when global forecasts are that water levels will indeed rise in the next 20-50 years. I hope that you would agree with my request as I consider that the whole view is worth preserving and that by protecting this whole area within the conservation generations of the people of Mundesley and also returning visitors will be able to enjoy this area of the village and not have to lament on its demise. Resident I refer to section 6.9 and the need for more parking areas within Mundesley and more careful alteration/unsympathetic uses of buildings. If indeed council feels that Mundesley needs more parking why has council allowed a mobile fish stall to park permanently on the beach road car park. This mobile semi static stall is open one day a week (Sunday) but parks on the pay and display car park all week long taking up much needed parking space. It is also strange that council planners in their wisdom allowed a new build opposite the Jonet cafe of a block of flats with not one piece of flint in the build and also plain grey roofing tiles totally out of keeping with the area. How can this be justified as the flats are within yards of an 18th century flint wall that runs down beach road to paston road. The only break in the wall is for the ship public house again with its beautiful old flint work. How could this new build ever have been agreed? These situations are in direct conflict with the conservation appraisal. Resident/Visitor Document is ok, but Mundesley almost needs a by-pass, centre has to much congestion. Don’t put up any more metal work trees, gardens suit the character of Mundesley more. Village centre was not enhanced by large pavements and loss of road island at Post Office Junction. Resident Resident CA should be as large as possible and footpaths and bridlepaths well marked more field walks needed. Open spaces very important; don’t block view of Stow Mill with 40 houses. The important views/vistas identified on the map should be protected. The Mundesley Beck field should not be built on. The boundary should run along the water line to protect the Village from saturation building. Why is Trafalgar Court left out Resident Adding new properties to Beckmeadow Way will not get sold leading to ghost town affect. More footpath facilities needed Resident Resident Resident Extend boundary to Mundesley Beck water line. Trafalgar Court is an eyesore and in need of attention. Whole of Beackmeadow Way should be included within the Conservation Area. Including Beach Road 1960s shops is ludicrous Improve management of footpaths and public realm Enhancement of the public realm is an important issue which the Council has addressed within the document. See part 2, section 2.7 Resident An excellent read fully support the proposals.