Each report for decision on this Agenda shows the Chief Officer responsible, the
recommendation of the Head of Planning and in the case of private business the
paragraph(s) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 under which it is
considered exempt. None of the reports have financial, legal or policy implications save
where indicated.
Agreement is sought for the draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal and
Management Proposals for Worstead to be approved for public consultation
1.0 Background
1.1 Conservation Area Character Appraisals and Management Plans
Conservation Areas are designated under the provision of Section 69 of the Planning
(Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. A Conservation Area is defined
as ‘an area of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of
which it is desirable to preserve or enhance’. Section 71 of the same Act requires
Local Planning Authorities to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation
and enhancement of these conservation areas.
The Council’s Corporate Plan ‘Changing Gear: The Road to Success 2008-11’
identifies the preparation of Conservation Area Character Appraisals and
Management Plans as a key target.
In response to the above requirements, this appraisal document defines and records
the special architectural and historic interest of the Conservation Area and identifies
opportunities for enhancement.
English Heritage, the Government’s agency for the historic environment, has
published guidance for the preparation of Conservation Area Appraisals and
Management Plans and this advice has been adhered to by the Council’s consultant
and its officers in the preparation of this document.
1.2 Purpose
This document therefore seeks to:
Define the special interest of the conservation area and identify the issues which
threaten the special qualities of the conservation area (Part 1: Character
Provide guidelines to prevent erosion of character and achieve enhancement
(Part 2: Management Proposals).
Note: A copy of the draft Worstead Conservation Area Character Appraisal and
Management Plan is available for inspection in the Members’ Room.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
2.0 Assessment of the Worstead Conservation Area
The format of the appraisal includes the planning policy context, a summary and
assessment of the area’s special interest, including location and setting, historic
development and archaeology, layout and plan form, architectural and townscape
character, spatial analysis and key views, character analysis, including the qualities
of buildings, prevailing uses and the contribution of green spaces, and suggested
boundary changes. However, it must be noted that no character appraisal can ever
be completely comprehensive and omission of any particular building, feature or
space should not be taken to imply that it is of no interest.
The Worstead Conservation Area was originally designated on 1 June 1973. The
Conservation Area is centred on the large medieval parish Church of St Mary, the
churchyard and the village square, which is surrounded by listed buildings and
historic buildings of local interest. Streets radiating out from the square have a
different character, with smaller buildings, in a denser form of development. In the
latter part of the twentieth century the expansion of the village was largely confined to
the fringes of the historic core, although in more recent years development has taken
place on infill sites within the village envelope. The boundary of the village is clearly
defined, with open countryside beyond. The setting of the village is defined by walls,
hedges and groups of trees in the surrounding landscape. Worstead is a rural
parish, with mainly residential properties.
Worstead is a famous settlement, renowned for its links with the medieval woollen
trade and industry in Norfolk.
Key characteristics
The form of the settlement reflects the history of the village.
An almost ‘urban’ form of development with a defined boundary stands in contrast
to the surrounding open countryside.
The large Market Place is the central feature of the village in terms of both form
and function.
The core of the village retains its historic character, with modern development
largely confined to the fringes of the village.
A diversity of building styles.
Unusually large buildings around the village square, smaller dwellings in
enclosed streets radiating out from the square.
A cluster of listed buildings around the square.
Buildings around the square form an almost continuous frontage.
A large church is a prominent feature in the village and reflects the historic
importance and wealth of the village.
Quiet, peaceful ambiance for the majority of the year, although busy vibrant
activity during the annual Worstead Festival.
Key issues
‘Permitted development’ resulting in a loss of architectural details, boundary
treatments and visually intrusive alterations and extensions and there is a need to
protect the identified area through Article 4(2) Directions.
Need to adopt a list of buildings of local interest.
Need for siting and design of new developments to relate to historic context and
prevailing character.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
Visually intrusive modern development on some infill sites;
Improvements could be made to boundary and surface treatments in the Public
Need to review the Conservation Area boundary.
Intrusive overhead cables.
On-street parking.
Management Proposals
The key management proposals relate to:
A review of the Conservation Area boundary.
The adoption of a List of Buildings of Local Architectural or Historic Interest.
The provision of additional protection for some areas of the Worstead
Conservation Area through the introduction of an Article 4(2) direction.
A programme of enhancement schemes in the village to be undertaken in
partnership with the local communities and other bodies such as the County
3.0 Conclusion
Worstead has historically been a very important settlement in North Norfolk. The
historic importance of Worstead as a centre for the Norfolk woollen trade and its
name itself is synonymous with the village and its social as well as architectural
The Worstead Conservation Area includes the historic core of the village which is
densely built up, giving the settlement a distinctive, almost urban character, enclosed
and distinct from the surrounding countryside. The sense of enclosure and arrival is
enhanced by the rising ground on which the village is built. The impressive range of
unusually large buildings around Church Plain form almost continuous frontages
around Church Plain, with smaller scale dwellings lining the streets leading away
from the square. All the above aspects contribute to the strong and cohesive
character of Worstead. To preserve and enhance this special character is the main
aim of the character appraisal and the associated management proposals.
4.0 Timetable for public consultation and formal adoption
The six weeks public consultation period is proposed to be carried out during Spring
2009. This will include a public exhibition, meeting and distribution of leaflets to all
addresses in the Worstead Conservation Area. It is anticipated that an amended
document will be brought to Committee for final adoption in Summer 2009.
5.0 Budgetary implications
There are no specific budgetary implications at this stage. Adoption of some of the
Management Proposals may have financial implications and these will be assessed
as part of the adoption report to be prepared for the Committee following the public
consultation period. A bid for extra resources to undertake Conservation Area
Management Schemes and Enhancement has been submitted as part of the District
Council’s Budgetary Process for 2009-10.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
6.0 Recommendations
That the Draft Worstead Character Appraisal and Management Proposals
incorporating proposed boundary changes and Article 4(2) directions outlined in
the body of this report be approved for public consultation purposes.
That following consultation, the amended Worstead Conservation Area Character
Appraisal and Management Proposals be brought back before Committee for
final adoption.
Source: (F Callaghan, Extn 6367 and P Godwin, Ext 6131 – File Reference: Worstead
Note :- Recommendations for approval include a standard time limit condition as Condition
No.1, unless otherwise stated.
CROMER - 20081244 - Formation of car parking area; SS Peter and Paul Church
Church Street for Cromer Parochial Church Council
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :17 Oct 2008
Case Officer :Mrs T Armitage
(Full Planning Permission)
Archaeological Site
Listed Building Grade I
Town Centre
Open Land Area
Conservation Area
20030655 - (Full Planning Permission) - Repositioning of gate pier to provide
widened access
Approved, 28 May 2003
20041055 - (Full Planning Permission) - Reinstatement of railings on boundary wall
Refused, 30 Jul 2004
20042054 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of extension to provide new
entrance facilities
Approved, 04 Feb 2005
20061217 - (Full Planning Permission) - Installation of floodlighting
Approved, 08 Sep 2006
Formation of car parking area: Shingle surface with concrete edging, asphalt
extended to provide access. Design and Access Statement attached as Appendix 1.
At the request of Councillor Cabbell Manners having regard to the following planning
Enhancement of listed building.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
Three letters of objection received:
1. Loss of open green space.
2. Would encourage more parking.
3. Out of character with historic landscape.
Cromer Preservation Society - Object, inappropriate use of church yard, not suitable
surround for Grade I Listed Building, part of green space in the town centre.
Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (Conservation and Design) - Objects
to the proposal given adverse impact on the Grade I Listed Church and Conservation
Area. Full comments attached as Appendix 1.
English Heritage - The churchyard is an important green open space in the centre of
the town as well as the immediate setting of the Grade I Listed Church. The loss of
part of this green space to an asphalt-surfaced car park would be detrimental to this
setting and as a vehicular access to the main entrance to the church has already
been provided, there does not seem to be a compelling justification for it. Does not
therefore support the granting of permission.
Environmental Health - Recommend informative re contaminated land.
Norfolk Landscape Archaeology - Recommend condition requiring archaeological
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
It is considered that refusal of this application as recommended may have an impact
on the individual Human Rights of the applicant. However, having considered the
likely impact and the general interest of the public, refusal of the application is
considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Core Strategy (Submission Document):
Policy EN 5: Public realm (proposals should enhance the appearance and usability of
these areas).
Policy EN 8: Protecting and enhancing the historic environment (prevents insensitive
development and specifies requirements relating to designated assets and other
valuable buildings).
Policy CT 1: Open space designations (prevents inappropriate development and loss
of open space).
1. Impact on setting of listed building.
2. Impact on Conservation Area/Public Realm.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
The application site comprises part of the churchyard of the St Peter and St Paul
Church, a Grade 1 Listed Building. The Church is located in the town centre of
Cromer, with road frontages on to Church Street, High Street and Tucker Street. The
site is subject to a number of designations including Conservation Area, Open Land
Area and area of Public Realm.
The area subject to the application lies directly to the north of the West Entrance to
the church and is currently used informally for the parking of cars. As a result the
grass surface of the church yard is in part worn and at times muddy due to poor
drainage. The application seeks to form a shingle area (7.0m x 14.5m) for parking,
enclosed by a concrete kerb and accessed from the existing roadway which runs
through the curtilage of the church. The submitted plan indicates five parking spaces.
The intention is for the car park to be used by ministers and church volunteers.
The church dates back to the 15th century. Policy EN8 of the Core Strategy requires
development proposals to preserve or enhance the character of Listed Buildings and
Conservation Areas through high quality, sensitive design. Similarly Policy EN5
states that proposals will be expected to enhance the overall appearance and
usability of the Public Realm area, and Policy CT1 requires proposals to enhance
Open Land Areas.
The church setting is predominantly characterised by mown grass with grave stones
and formal bedding displays. The site, although in part eroded, does not at present
have the appearance of a car park and the lack of surfacing to some extent
discourages active use. The formation of a delineated shingle surface would
formalise parking in this location and reduce the extent of soft landscaped area.
Given the close proximity of the parking area to the Grade 1 listed building and the
adjacent grave stones/tombs a formal car park is considered an inappropriate secular
intrusion upon the setting of the church and to the detriment of the appearance of this
part of the Conservation Area. The Council's Conservation, Design and Landscape
Manager and English Heritage have both objected given the impact of the proposal
on the setting of the listed building and the appearance and character of the open
land surrounding the church.
At the time of writing this report an amended plan was awaited.
On the basis of the above the proposal is considered contrary to Policies EN5 and
EN8 of the adopted Core Strategy.
RECOMMENDATION:- REFUSE, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:The District Council adopted the North Norfolk Core Strategy on 24 September 2008
for all planning purposes. The following policy statements are considered relevant to
the proposed development:
Policy EN 5: Public realm
Policy EN 8: Protecting and enhancing the historic environment
Policy CT 1: Open space designations
The churchyard of SS Peter and Paul church is an important green space within an
area designated as 'Public Realm' and within the Cromer Conservation Area. In
addition the churchyard forms part of the immediate setting of the Grade 1 Listed
Church. The proposed car park represents an inappropriate secular intrusion into the
setting of the Grade 1 Listed Church, the design, form and formalised use of which
would have an adverse impact on the appearance and character of the church and
its setting within the Conservation Area.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
HOVETON - 20081230 - Erection of one-and-a-half-storey dwelling and garage;
Shorna Tunstead Road for Mrs B H Woodrow
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :14 Oct 2008
Case Officer :Miss C Ketteringham
(Full Planning Permission)
Erection of a one-and-a-half-storey dwelling with a single linked garage to the rear of
a bungalow. A new access to serve the new dwelling is proposed along the southern
side of the site. An existing access would continue to serve the bungalow.
At the request of Councillor Dixon having regard to the following planning issues:
Over-development of the plot, scale and mass of the building, impact on amenity of
'Shorna', loss of garden habitat.
No objection.
County Council (Highways) - No objection subject to conditions on the provision of
the new access.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Core Strategy (Submission Document):
Policy HO 7: Making the most efficient use of land (Housing density) (Proposals
should optimise housing density in a manner which protects or enhances the
character of the area).
Policy EN 4: Design (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including
the North Norfolk Design Guide and sustainable construction).
1. Design, scale and layout.
2. Relationship with neighbouring properties.
The application site is formed by the subdivision of the garden of the existing
bungalow, Shorna. Hoveton is designated in the Core Strategy as a Secondary
Settlement and the site lies within the defined residential area.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
The existing bungalow is one of a number of detached dwellings with spacious
gardens along the eastern side of Tunstead Road. The proposal represents a
backland form of development with the new subdivided plot taking up slightly more
than half of the existing site curtilage. The new dwelling is proposed to occupy the
southern side of the subdivided rear garden. Both the new dwelling and the existing
bungalow would have garden depths in excess of the minimum Design Guide
standards and consequently sufficient space would be retained between each
Whilst there is no existing precedent for backland developments of similar form along
this side of Tunstead Road the boundaries of the site are well established with trees
and hedgerows so the impact of the new dwelling on neighbouring properties and or
the character of Tunstead Road would be minimal. There is also sufficient width to
the existing plot to allow for the new access without causing detriment to the
amenities of adjoining properties.
The new dwelling is to be predominantly single-storey with a bedroom and bathroom
contained within the roofspace. The proposed design is slightly unconventional
incorporating three hipped roof elements linked by a flat area of sedum roofing. It
represents an interesting and attractive design in comparison with the existing
traditional style bungalow.
Since the only potential for overlooking would be from the rooflights in the southern
elevation, the amenities of the adjoining dwelling should not be compromised, the
rooflights being at an angle and at head height. Moreover, the neighbouring rear
garden has significant tree planting along its boundary protecting its privacy.
In conclusion it is considered that the proposal contributes towards optimising the
efficient use of land whilst protecting the character of the area and not causing
detriment to the amenities of neighbouring properties. Accordingly it is considered
that the proposal accords with Development Plan policy.
2) No development shall be commenced until precise details of the materials to be
used in the construction of the external walls and roof of the building have been
submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority in writing. The
development shall then be constructed in full accordance with the approved details.
3) Prior to the first occupation of the dwelling hereby permitted the vehicular access
shall be constructed in accordance with the Norfolk County Council residential
access construction specification for the first 5m into the site as measured back from
the near edge of the adjacent carriageway.
4) Prior to the first occupation of the dwelling hereby permitted the proposed private
drive, parking and turning area shall be laid out and levelled in accordance with the
approved plan. They shall be retained thereafter for those specific uses.
5) Any access gate shall be hung to open inwards and shall be set back a minimum
distance of 5m from the near edge of the adjoining highway carriageway. Any side
wall, fence or hedge adjacent to the access shall be splayed at an angle of 45
degrees from each of the (outside) gateposts to the front boundary of the site.
6) Prior to the commencement of any development on the site details of the
landscaping and surface treatment of the driveway shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
7) Any new tree or shrub which within a period of five years from the date of planting
dies, is removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced during
the next planting season with another of a similar size and species to the Local
Planning Authority's satisfaction, unless prior written agreement is given to any
8) None of the existing trees or hedgerows, which are indicated in the approved
scheme to be retained, shall be lopped, topped, uprooted, felled or in any other way
destroyed, within ten years of the date of this permission, without prior consent of the
Local Planning Authority in writing.
REASONS:2) In order for the Local Planning Authority to be satisfied that the materials to be
used will be visually appropriate for the approved development and its surroundings,
in accordance with Policy EN 4 of the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy and
Chapter 10 of the North Norfolk Design Guide.
3) To ensure satisfactory access into the site, in accordance with Policy CT 5 of the
adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy.
4) To ensure the permanent availability of the parking and manoeuvring area, in the
interests of highway safety, and in accordance with Policy CT 6 of the adopted North
Norfolk Core Strategy.
5) To ensure safe access to the site in accordance with Policy CT 5 of the adopted
North Norfolk Core Strategy.
6) To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Policy
EN 4 of the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy.
7) To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Policy
EN 4 of the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy.
8) To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Policy
EN 4 of the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy.
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081129 - County Council reference: SP/C/1/2007/1011
conversion of former waste water treatment plant to liquid waste transfer
station; Sewage Works Marshgate for HFS Liquid Waste
Norfolk County Council is the determining authority in relation to this application. In
the event of the County Council determining the application before 23 October
2008 this item will be withdrawn from the agenda.
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :21 Aug 2008
Case Officer :Mrs T Armitage
(County General Regs - Reg.4 (1992))
19751251 - (Full Planning Permission) - Boiler and compressor house with
associated sludge digestion tanks and gas holder
Approved, 11 Nov 1975
19781218 - (Full Planning Permission) - Extensions
Approved, 30 Aug 1978
19820685 - (Full Planning Permission) - Prefabricated building to be used as
messroom/changing room
Approved, 11 Jun 1982
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
19821509 - (Full Planning Permission) - Proposed erection of brick and tile
messroom/changing room/ office/toilets
Approved, 12 Nov 1982
20061772 - (Full Planning Permission) - Highway improvement works, including
widening of access
Approved, 16 Jan 2007
Has been submitted to Norfolk County Council as a 'County Matter' as it relates to
the treatment of waste material. The application includes a number of elements:
1. Change of use of the site for the storage and splitting of non-hazardous liquid
2. Installation of four steel storage tanks for the storage of non-hazardous liquids and
3. Construction of weighbridge.
4. Erection of metal clad storage and treatment building - 18m x 9m height to eaves
5. Siting of metal storage container - 5.9m x 2.4m height 2.4m.
6. 1.0m increase in height of existing concrete structure and erection of covering roof.
7. Retention of two storey portacabin office.
8. Retention of toilet facilities.
9. Hardstanding and surfacing for car and lorry park.
This application was deferred at a previous Committee meeting.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
Norfolk Waste Local Plan (December 2000)
North Norfolk Core Strategy (Submission Document):
Policy SS2: Development in the Countryside (prevents general development in the
countryside with specific exceptions).
Policy EC 3: Extensions to existing businesses in the Countryside (prevents
extensions of inappropriate scale and that would be detrimental to the character of
the area).
Policy CT 5: The transport impact of new development (specifies criteria to ensure
reduction of need to travel and promotion of sustainable forms of transport).
1. Impact on highway safety and residents' amenities from traffic movements.
2. Landscape issues.
This application was deferred at the previous meeting to await the response of
County Highways. No formal response had been received at the time of preparing
this report.
This application falls within the responsibility of the County Council to determine
against policies in the Norfolk Waste Local Plan. The District Council is a consultee.
It is understood that until 2005 the application site was operated by Anglian Water in
association with the sewage treatment works on the northern side of Marshgate. The
site has a vehicular access from Marshgate which is a single track unclassified road.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
The site is separated from neighbouring agricultural land by mature trees and
hedging. The site is approximately 300m east of North Walsham's development
boundary, within an area of Countryside as designated in the Core Strategy.
Policy EC3 of the Core Strategy allows for the extension of existing businesses in the
Countryside where the proposal is of a scale appropriate to the existing development
and would not have a detrimental effect on the character of the area.
When operated by Anglian Water the site was used for the treatment of sewage
sludge which arrived at the site via a piped system from the site to the north and
directly from transport vehicles. On site, the sewage was then subject to treatment
which involved digestion, settlement in lagoons, cooling and de-watering. The treated
sewage was then removed from the site via vehicles either for further processing or
for agricultural use.
The applicant is currently operating from offices at the site. An Operator's Licence for
6 vehicles has been granted and these are stored and operated from the site. The
vehicles are used to collect and transport a variety of liquid wastes including flood
water, agricultural waste, run off from car parks, etc, to licensed waste disposal sites.
Confirmation has been sought from the County Council as to the status of this current
The application seeks to use the site for the waste transfer of non-hazardous liquid
waste. This use entails the storage and bulking up of the liquid waste on the site prior
to off-site disposal. The use does not involve any treatment other than the removal of
water and the waste would arrive at the site via the 6 vehicles covered by the
operator's licence. Existing buildings and storage tanks previously used by Anglian
Water would be re-used and in addition some additional structures are proposed.
Marshgate is a narrow single track road, with limited passing and restricted visibility
with adjoining roads. County Highways have been consulted in relation to the
proposal. It is understood that the existing amount and weight of traffic using
Marshgate gives rise both to highway concerns and to problems for local residents
and this has been substantiated by the letters of representation submitted in
response to this application. Information has been submitted by the applicant to
demonstrate that the traffic associated with the proposed operation of the site would
be no greater than historic levels. The Highway Authority is considering this
evidence. In light of the constraints of the local highway network it is likely that even a
small increase in traffic would give rise to additional highway safety concerns. It is
considered that the issue of traffic generation is crucial to this application and that
any proposal which is shown to increase the scale of operations on the site and
related vehicular activity, above historic levels, should be resisted.
Notwithstanding the above, in terms of landscape impact the site is generally well
screened by the mature hedging and trees on the perimeter. In relation to the
proposed new building the greatest visual impact would be from the south which has
a relatively flat terrain. The existing trees on the western perimeter of the site are of
sufficient height to screen the proposed tanks from the west, but the hedging to the
southern perimeter would not be adequate to screen the tanks or the proposed
roofed concrete structure. The Council's Conservation, Design and Landscape
Manager therefore suggests additional planting of native trees along this boundary.
An Arboricultural Report submitted with the application sets out protection and
construction methods to safeguard the trees. The Council's Conservation, Design
and Landscape Manager is satisfied that, subject to works being implemented in
accordance with these recommendations, there would be no adverse impact on the
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
existing trees. Given the distance of the development from the properties to the south
and with the benefit of additional landscaping it is considered that the visual impact of
the proposal would not be significantly detrimental and as such the Conservation,
Design and Landscape Manager has not raised an objection.
In relation to the impact of the proposed development on nearby residents' amenities
Environmental Health have reviewed the submitted information in relation to noise,
odour and lighting and have responded directly to the County Council. Environmental
Health have raised no objection to the application but have recommended the
imposition of planning conditions restricting hours of use (07:30 and 17:00 Monday to
Saturdays and 07:30 to 12:00 Saturdays and no working on Sundays or Bank
Holidays), the monitoring and control of odours and the prior agreement of external
In conclusion the main concern to this proposal relates to traffic movements. Other
issues could, it would appear, be satisfactorily addressed by planning conditions.
RECOMMENDATION:That the County Council be advised that the District Council:
1. has severe reservations over any increase in traffic associated with the operation
of the site which is considered to have a detrimental impact on highway safety and
the amenities of local residents, contrary to Policy EC 3 of the Core Strategy; and
2. recommends that in the event of the County being minded to approve the
application, the inclusion of planning conditions in relation to - landscaping (in
particular the southern boundary); tree protection; works to be implemented in
accordance with Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan;
restricted hours of operation; odour controls; and external lighting.
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081170 - Formation of new access (exit only) and
alterations to car parking layout; Sainsburys Bacton Road for Sainsbury's
Supermarkets Limited
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :02 Oct 2008
Case Officer :Mrs T Armitage
(Full Planning Permission)
Town Centre
Contaminated Land
20020654 - (Full Planning Permission) - Demolition of petrol filling station, garage
buildings and 19/21 Bacton Road and erections of extensions to supermarket,
improvements to servicing arrangements, new vehicular and pedestrian accesses,
new car park and petrol filling station
Approved, 30 Apr 2003
20030834 - (Full Planning Permission) - Extension to and revised layout of car park
Approved, 14 Jul 2003
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
Formation of additional egress from Sainsbury's car park onto Mundesley Road. To
facilitate the new access the existing car park layout would be revised to provide a
total of 274 spaces (increase of 7).
A Transport Statement has been submitted as part of the application.
At the request of Councillor Seward having regard to the following planning issue:
Highways, in relation to increase in traffic on Mundesley Road and its impact.
Awaiting comments.
Seventeen letters of objection received on the following grounds:
1. Increase in traffic.
2. Increase in traffic noise.
3. Highway safety.
4. Pedestrian safety, currently no pedestrian crossing along Mundesley Road.
5. Mundesley Road already accommodates local traffic, articulated delivery lorries
serving Sainsbury's plus HGV's avoiding low bridges.
6. Traffic will use Lyngate Estate as a shortcut.
7. Increase problems of flooding of properties on Northfield Road.
In addition 58 copies of a standard letter inviting local residents to sign, address and
send to the Council if they wish to oppose the proposal on traffic grounds have been
received. The addresses are from residents living on Mundesley Road and roads that
lead to it.
Two letters of support:
1. Existing junction dangerous for pedestrian and vehicles users.
2. Consider Bacton Road access should be entry only and pedestrian crossings
should be provided.
County Council (Highways) - No sustainable highway reasons for objection to the
proposal, subject to conditions to include provision of adequate surface water
drainage. Full comments attached Appendix 2.
Environmental Health - Awaiting comments.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
North Norfolk Core Strategy (Submission Document):
Policy CT 5: The transport impact of new development (specifies criteria to ensure
reduction of need to travel and promotion of sustainable forms of transport).
1. Highway/pedestrian safety.
2. Residential amenity.
The Sainsbury's supermarket is located within the designated town centre of North
Walsham. The supermarket is currently served by two points of access. Primary
access is via a priority junction on to Bacton Road; this access serves the customer
car park, associated petrol filling station and an adjoining car sales business. A
second access on to Mundesley Road provides access to the delivery/service yard.
This application seeks to address problems associated with the Bacton Road access
which during busy periods results in vehicles queuing back from the existing point of
exit. The proposal provides for an additional point of exit from the car park, providing
customers with a choice of leaving the site via Bacton Road or Mundesley Road. The
Transport Statement submitted with the application includes an analysis of the
customer catchment area served by the supermarket. The analysis indicates that
around 33 per cent of customer traffic would be expected to exit via Mundesley
Road. The applicant considers that this would act to ease congestion at the Bacton
Road junction reducing queuing times.
The western boundary of the supermarket site fronts Mundesley Road. The
additional exit is proposed at the southern end of this frontage adjacent to a
commercial garage site. There are no residential properties directly opposite the
proposed junction, although Mundesley Road is primarily residential, particularly
when heading north away from the town centre.
The Highway Authority has raised no objection to the proposal (Appendix 2). In
assessing the current proposal it has been mindful of the historical use of the
premises (when a smaller supermarket occupied part of the existing site) which had
its sole egress onto Mundesley Road. In addition the Highway Authority has referred
to the good accident record along Mundesley Road and does not consider the
provision of traffic calming features, linked to this proposal, to be justified. Mindful of
recent flooding problems in this part of the town, the Highway Authority has
suggested a condition requiring a scheme for surface water disposal.
With regard to residential amenity the proposal would result in an increase in
vehicular activity and associated traffic noise along Mundesley Road. Traffic turning
left out of the proposed access towards the town centre would have a minimal impact
on residential properties given the mix of development at the southern end of
Mundesley Road. Traffic turning right out of the proposed access would pass
residential properties. However, the proposal would not result in an increase in traffic
associated with the supermarket, but would alter the distribution of the traffic as it
leaves the site. Any such increase in vehicular activity along Mundesley Road would
be compensated by a reduction in traffic flows/activity along Bacton Road, a road
also primarily residential in character.
On the basis of the above the proposal is considered acceptable and in accordance
with the Development Plan.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
2) No works shall commence on the site unit a detailed scheme for the construction
of the new access incorporating measures for the disposal of surface water from the
access and the car park, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local
Planning Authority in consultation with the Highway Authority.
3) Prior to the new access being brought into use the works subject to condition
number 2 and the visibility splays indicated on drawing ACPA24/9 Rev C, shall be
completed to the written satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority in consultation
with the Highway Authority.
4) Prior to the first use of the access hereby permitted the land enclosed within the
visibility splays detailed on drawing ACPA24/9 Rev C shall be reduced to a height not
exceeding 0.6m above the level of the adjacent carriageway. It shall be maintained
as such thereafter.
5) The revised car parking layout indicated on drawing ACPA24/9 Rev C shall be laid
out and demarcated prior to the new egress being brought into use.
6) The access hereby permitted shall only be used as an exit from the car park.
7) Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, a landscaping
scheme shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning
The scheme shall indicate the species, number and size of new trees and shrubs at
the time of their planting.
The scheme shall also include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the
land, with details of any to be retained (which shall include details of species and
canopy spread), together with measures for their protection during the course of
The scheme as approved shall be carried out not later than the next available
planting season following the commencement of development or such further period
as the Local Planning Authority may allow in writing.
8) Any new tree or shrub which within a period of five years from the date of planting
dies, is removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced during
the next planting season with another of a similar size and species to the Local
Planning Authority's satisfaction, unless prior written agreement is given to any
REASONS:2) To ensure that the works are designed to an appropriate standard in the interests
of highway safety, in accordance with Policy CT 5 of the adopted North Norfolk Core
3) In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with Policy CT5 of the adopted
North Norfolk Core Strategy.
4) In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with Policy CT5 of the adopted
North Norfolk Core Strategy.
5) In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with Policy CT5 of the adopted
North Norfolk Core Strategy.
6) In the interests of highway safety, in accordance with Policy CT5 of the adopted
North Norfolk Core Strategy.
7) To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Policy
EN 4 of the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy.
8) To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Policy
EN 4 of the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
The following planning application is recommended by officers for a site inspection by
the Committee prior to the consideration of a full report at the next meeting.
As this application will not be debated at this meeting it is not appropriate to invite
public speaking at this stage. Members of the public will have an opportunity to
make their representations at the next meeting of the Committee when the
application is discussed.
Please note that additional site inspections may be recommended by the officers at
the meeting or agreed during consideration of report items on this agenda.
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081351 - Erection of Sixth Form College; Playing Field,
Station Road for Paston College
An early site visit by the Committee is considered necessary by the Head of Planning
and Building Control in view of the policy and detailed planning issues involved.
The Committee is recommended to undertake a site visit in the above case.
ALBY - 20081188 - Erection of replacement single-storey front extension;
Beechwood Goose Lane for Mrs Parry
(Full Planning Permission)
ASHMANHAUGH - 20081127 - Retention of extended miniature railway and
pond; East View Farm Stone Lane for Mr J Pond
(Full Planning Permission)
AYLMERTON - 20081116 - Installation of two telecommunications dishes and
equipment cabin; West Runton Transmission Mast Sandy Lane for National
Grid Wireless
(Full Planning Permission)
BACTON - 20081161 - Erection of dwelling; Mera Ghar North Walsham Road for
Mr K D Kempster (Deceased)
(Outline Planning Permission)
BACTON - 20081173 - Continued display of two non-illuminated directional
signs; junction of Mill Lane and Coast Road for Tingdene Parks Limited
(Non-illuminated Advertisement)
BRUMSTEAD - 20081149 - Erection of general purpose agricultural building;
Brunstead Hall Stalham Road for C N Beck and Sons Limited
(Full Planning Permission)
CROMER - 20081121 - Erection of single-storey and first floor rear extensions;
10 Alfred Road for Mr C Maguire
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
CROMER - 20081194 - Installation of illuminated totem sign; Homebase Ltd
Holt Road for Homebase Limited
(Illuminated Advertisement)
CROMER - 20081207 - Installation of new shop front; 38 Church Street for Mr B
(Full Planning Permission)
EAST RUSTON - 20081103 - Erection of three-storey side extension, singlestorey rear extension and front porch; Bristows Farm Chequers Street for Mr C
(Full Planning Permission)
EAST RUSTON - 20081137 - Erection of timber building for use as cattery and
conversion of garage to ancillary facilities; Oak Cottage Oak Lane for Mrs G
(Full Planning Permission)
HAPPISBURGH - 20081162 - Erection of single-storey side extension, front
porch, conservatory, chimney and detached double garage and repositioning
of vehicular access; The Spinney Blacksmiths Lane for Mr C Charter
(Full Planning Permission)
HAPPISBURGH - 20081234 - Construction of replacement slipway and
widening of access track; Eccles Cart Gap Slipway Cart Gap Road for Royal
National Lifeboat Institution
(Full Planning Permission)
HOVETON - 20081175 - Conversion of part of garage to form granny annexe;
Longmynd Tunstead Road for Mr P Corefield
(Full Planning Permission)
INGHAM - 20081172 - Erection of two-storey front extension; The Orchard
Calthorpe Street for Mr J Croxson
(Full Planning Permission)
KNAPTON - 20081124 - Erection of single-storey rear extension and front
porch; 8 Knapton Green for Mr M Farrow
(Full Planning Permission)
LUDHAM - 20081125 - Erection of rear extension; 45 Willow Way for Mr M
(Full Planning Permission)
LUDHAM - 20081131 - Change of use of part ground floor from residential to A3
(bistro); Old Post Office Staithe Road for Mr K Holman-Howes
(Full Planning Permission)
LUDHAM - 20081185 - Erection of single-storey rear extension; 17 Broad
Reaches for Mr R Hole
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
NEATISHEAD - 20081160 - Erection of replacement conservatory; The
Homestead Common Road Neatishead Threehammer Common for Mr and Mrs
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081079 - Retention of garden shed; Lokeside House
Mundesley Road for Mr W Jones
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081139 - Installation of automated teller machine; Post
office New Road for Mr J Hick
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081182 - Erection of part two-storey, part first floor side
extension; 20 Foxglove Close for Mr and Mrs R Wilson
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081200 - Erection of five single-storey dwellings; land
rear of 46 and 48 Happisburgh Road for Mr and Mrs M Brighton and Mrs E King
(Outline Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081233 - Conversion of first and second floors to four
flats; 8 St Nicholas Court Vicarage Street for D and N Property Development
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081130 - Installation of 3.5m high security gates and
replacement fencing; British Pipeline Agency, Station Yard Norwich Road for
British Pipeline Agency Limited
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTHREPPS - 20081183 - Erection of extension with accommodation in roof
space; Peaceholme Norwich Road Cromer for Ms J Tebbutt and Mr P Cole
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTHREPPS - 20081210 - Erection of single-storey side extension; 19 Bulls
Row for Mr N Durrant
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTHREPPS - 20081224 - Erection of replacement storage building; Forest
Park Caravan site Northrepps Road for Mr S Gurney
(Full Planning Permission)
OVERSTRAND - 20081191 - Erection of single-storey dwelling; adjacent to 44
Cromer Road for Mr G Knights
(Full Planning Permission)
ROUGHTON - 20081203 - Change of use to hand car wash and erection of
timber shelter; Groveland Fruit Farm Thorpe Market Road for Mr O Deakin
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON - 20081083 - Installation of window; Banville Barn Top Common East
Runton for Mr I Hines
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
RUNTON - 20081128 - Erection of single-storey extension to provide annexe;
Hillview Top Common East Runton for Mr T Morton
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON - 20081135 - Erection of detached garage; Woodwinds Davey Hill
Cromer for Mr S Ridgeway
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON - 20081089 - Erection of extension to two toilet blocks; The Caravan
Club Incleborough Fields Sandy Lane West Runton for The Caravan Club
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON - 20081117 - Erection of replacement single-storey side extension;
Timneys 126 Cromer Road West Runton for Mr P Rose
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON - 20081184 - Erection of two-storey extension; Monksmead Calves
Well Lane West Runton for Mr A Harris-Smith
(Full Planning Permission)
SEA PALLING - 20081189 - Conversion and extension of garage to provide
annexe; Danesfield Beach Road for Mr R Kennedy
(Full Planning Permission)
SOUTHREPPS - 20080930 - Erection of two two-storey dwellings; The Grange
High Street for Mcintyre Homes Limited
(Planning Permission; Reserved Matters)
SOUTHREPPS - 20081134 - Erection of single-storey side and rear extensions;
Fieldway 15 Sandy Lane for Mr and Mrs J Strudwick
(Full Planning Permission)
SOUTHREPPS - 20081158 - Erection of stable block; 12 Warren Road for Mrs P
(Full Planning Permission)
STALHAM - 20081138 - Display of illuminated advertisements; 68 High Street
for Alliance-Boots
(Illuminated Advertisement)
STALHAM - 20081164 - Change of use from place of worship to single- storey
residential dwelling and replacement rear extension; Gospel Hall St Johns
Road for Mr A Lawn
(Full Planning Permission)
STALHAM - 20081261 - Erection of building to house swimming pool; The
Coach House Yarmouth Road Stalham The Green for Mr C Costello
(Full Planning Permission)
SUFFIELD - 20081142 - Erection of first floor rear extension and replacement
single-storey side extension; Rose Cottage The Street for Mr and Mrs H Ohrvik
(Full Planning Permission)
SUFFIELD - 20081238 - Prior notification of intention to erect agricultural
building; Elm Farm Felmingham Road for D M H and H F Wright and Son
(Prior Notification)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
TRUNCH - 20081199 - Erection of two-storey side extension; Howards Close
Brewery Road for Mr Wright
(Full Planning Permission)
TRUNCH - 20081236 - Erection of 11.5m wind turbine; Warren Barn Brewery
Road for Mr P Birch
(Full Planning Permission)
TUNSTEAD - 20081100 - Erection of single-storey front extensions with glazed
link; Sycamore Cottage Anchor Street for Mr and Mrs Harvey
(Full Planning Permission)
TUNSTEAD - 20081204 - Erection of rear conservatory; 7 Fletcher Close for Mr
and Mrs Bloom
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081141 - Change of use of land from agricultural to
garden; adjacent Holly Farm Meeting Hill Road for Mr M Wilkins
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20081181 - Erection of three single-storey dwellings and
garages; 47 Yarmouth Road for Mr Yaxley
(Outline Planning Permission)
OVERSTRAND - 20081225 - Continued display of
advertisement; Seamarge 16 High Street for Mr Mackenzie
(Non-illuminated Advertisement)
No Items.
No Items.
CROMER - 20071320 - Removal of condition 2 of planning permission reference
20050527; Fletcher Hospital Roughton Road for Mr S A Sheikh
SITE VISIT :- 23 Sep 2008
MUNDESLEY - 20071338 - Demolition of single-storey dwelling and stables and
erection of eight two-storey dwellings; 17 Marina Road for Mrs P Smith
SITE VISIT :- 06 Oct 2008
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008
MUNDESLEY - 20071869 - Erection of two-storey dwelling and garage; 40
Cromer Road for Mr and Mrs F V Cousins
SITE VISIT :- 28 Oct 2008
RUNTON - 20071542 - Erection of rear dormer window; Inglewood Bungalow
High Street for Mr and Mrs R Brownsell
SITE VISIT :- 28 Oct 2008
SUFFIELD - 20071381 - Conversion of barns to six units of holiday
accommodation; Cooks Farm Rectory Road for D and M Hickling Properties
SITE VISIT :- 14 Oct 2008
SWANTON ABBOTT - 20080124 - Erection of single-storey dwelling; land at The
Conifers Cross Road for Mr R G J Wallace
SITE VISIT :- 14 Oct 2008
SWANTON ABBOTT - 20080447 - Erection of a pair of semi-detached twostorey dwellings; land adjacent The White Cottage Aylsham Road for Mr M
SITE VISIT :- 06 Oct 2008
WORSTEAD - 20080029 - Erection of two-storey dwelling; land rear of 30 and
32 Honing Row for Worstead Farms Limited
SITE VISIT :- 06 Oct 2008
CROMER - 20071939 - Erection of one and a half storey dwelling; 28 Hillside for
Mr J Carly
NORTH WALSHAM - 20071764 - Erection of seventeen flats and one singlestorey dwelling; 48-50 Bacton Road for P and N Developments Limited
Development Control Committee (East)
23 October 2008