Each report for decision on this Agenda shows the Chief Officer responsible, the
recommendation of the Head of Planning and in the case of private business the
paragraph(s) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 under which it is
considered exempt. None of the reports have financial, legal or policy implications save
where indicated.
Approval is sought for the adoption of North Walsham Conservation Area Character
Appraisal and Management Proposals (December 2009) for statutory planning
purposes and as a material consideration in the planning process.
The Council’s Corporate Plan Changing Gear 2008-11 identifies the preparation of
character appraisals as a key target with the aim now of completing 30% coverage of
the District’s 81 Conservation Areas by March 2011. This work is seen as central to
the Council’s corporate aim of protecting and enhancing the natural and built
environment of North Norfolk.
An up to date Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan provides the
backcloth, together with the planning policies contained in the North Norfolk Local
Development Framework, to good decision-making, particularly in respect of
applications for development. All good Local Planning Authorities should also ensure
that not only is the character and setting of Conservation Areas maintained but that
they are also enhanced.
At the meeting of this Committee on 28th August 2008, Members gave approval for
the Draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Proposals for
North Walsham to be taken forward for public consultation. Subsequently a period of
consultation was undertaken with a public meeting to discuss the Appraisal
document on 9th September 2009. The Draft Appraisal document has now been
amended to accommodate changes put forward during the consultation period.
The six week consultation period was undertaken from August 10th – 14th September
2009. This included:
A public exhibition on display in the North Walsham Library.
An open meeting held at the Community Centre.
Leaflets delivered to every property within the town via the ‘North Walsham
The appraisal document made available to the public on the Council website.
Press release.
Posters displayed throughout the Town.
40 written responses were received.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
A public meeting was held to discuss the draft Appraisal which 23 members of the
public attended.
The attached (Appendix 1) summarises comments received through the consultation
process from both members of the public and Council Officers and shows how they
have been incorporated into the revised document.
The latter is now brought to the Committee for final adoption and incorporation into
the planning process.
Note: A copy of the latest version ‘North Walsham Conservation Area: Character
Appraisal & Management Proposals’ (December 2009) is available for inspection in
the Member’s Room; copies can also be produced on request.
The North Walsham Conservation Area contains an impressive range of historic
buildings dating mainly from the late 18th – early 19th century; these give the town
centre a strong and cohesive character. The distinctive Georgian and Regency core
includes the Market Place, a well-defined urban space in the centre of the town. Not
only does it serve as the site for the weekly market, but it also has a large number of
businesses with quality historic shopfronts. This area lies at the historic heart of the
The existing Conservation Area boundary was drawn tightly around the historic town
centre and is roughly rectangular in shape. It covers the area from Vicarage Street
along the northern edge south to Grammar School Road, and from Yarmouth
westwards to Kings Arms Street with a south westerly arm along Aylsham Road. The
re-assessment of the boundary seeks to go further than just protecting the town
centre, to include the properties slightly more withdrawn from the tight knit historic
streets in town centre.
3.1 Key Characteristics
Growth has in the past been centred around the open spaces of Market Place
and Market Street
The Market Place exudes the best characteristics of the relationship between
space and built form with a good sense of enclosure.
The main roads radiate away from these open areas.
Majority of the housing in the centre is of a common scale and period, from the
late 18th to early 19th century. It fronts directly onto the street. These buildings
have a range of classically influenced facades. A high percentage of houses in
the market area have ground floor shops.
The church, lying to the north of the Market Place is a key ‘townscape feature’.
Paston School occupies a significant area to the south of Market Place.
Visually intrusive modern developments have intruded into the historic core:
a shopping arcade, St Nicholas Court, a car park on the south side and a large
retail outlet.
Housing outside the centre is less concentrated, with more trees lining the sides
of the roads.
Some poor townscape surrounds the conservation area to the north and east
There are no through roads within the conservation area, although the Market
Place is used as a short cut through the town (despite the introduction of a no
parking zone in 2000) consequently causing congestion at certain times.
There are some good examples of terraced housing of the 19th century.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
3.2 Key Issues
The need to re-consider pedestrianisation of the Market Place.
Large retail developments encroaching into the historic core and detracting from
its character.
Incongruous modern shopfronts, signage, and colouring of facades.
Permitted development resulting in loss of architectural details and boundary
treatments, detrimental alterations & extensions: need to protect identified areas
through Article 4(2) directions.
Need for design of new housing to relate to the historic context and prevailing
local character.
Need to ensure consistent quality of street furniture and road surfaces and its
Condition and maintenance of public spaces.
Need to review the conservation area boundary.
4.1 Boundary review
It is proposed that five extensions are made to the existing Conservation Area
South end of Aylsham Road, to include three good inter-war vernacular revival
houses, No.16, The Willows and Nos. 19-23 Calthorpe Cottages. These are
unusual and well crafted inter-war houses, and form part of a good entrance to
the town.
The south-west corner of Grammar School Road, linking with the A149. This
provides a pleasant and green entranceway to the town. Includes three
attractive buildings with some original garden design.
The inclusion of late Victorian and Edwardian Villas on the west side of
Yarmouth Road, together with the Memorial Park. The Villas provide a positive
entranceway to the town and trees make a positive contribution to the character
of the area.
Inclusion of two listed buildings on New Road, the (depot and No 9).
The remainder of the Paston College Lawns site for its historic value and
contribution to the setting of the town centre.
4.2 Alterations to unlisted buildings and Article 4(2) Directions
Recent years have witnessed the serious erosion of architectural character through
incremental change. Throughout the Conservation Area there has been a significant
loss of original architectural detailing such as timber sash windows, doors and
general coherence, in terms of front enclosures on private dwellings being lost owing
to permitted development rights being exercised.
It is proposed that Article 4(2) Directions be applied to the following residential streets
in the Conservation Area:
Aylsham Road, west side: nos 2-12.
Aylsham Road, east side: nos 1-13, also part of Paston School at north end.
Aylsham Road, southern end, east & west sides: The Willows, nos 18, 19-23 &
The Willows (at present outside the conservation area).
Grammar School Road: all buildings on east and west sides.
Grammar School Road, Paston School: all extensions/buildings on north and
south sides of Grade II listed Nelson building.
Kings Arms St, west side: nos 12-42 inclusive.
Kings Arms St, eastside: no 11.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
Yarmouth Rd, west side: nos 6, 8 (adjoining listed building at no 2).
Yarmouth Rd, west side: no 2.
Yarmouth Rd, west side: nos 14-The Grange (at present outside the
Conservation Area).
4.3 Protection of buildings of local architectural and historical interest
North Walsham contains a good number of historic buildings that are unlisted, but
which make a positive contribution to the character of the Conservation Area. This is
either due to their age, materials, relation to surrounding historic buildings,
architectural detailing, ‘townscape’ value or to a combination of these factors. PPG15
(paragraph 6.16) makes provision for local authorities to draw up lists of locally
important buildings which make a valuable contribution to the local scene or local
history, but which do not merit national listing. These will be given additional
protection; however they will not enjoy the full protection of statutory listing.
The following buildings are proposed to be included on the local list:
Aylsham Rd, two properties (north east end, part of Paston College)
17 Aylsham Rd
18 Aylsham Rd
19/21/23 Aylsham Rd
Black Swan Yard
16A Church St
Cromer Rd, Congregational Church
17/19 Grammar School Rd
Grammar School Rd, Tudor House
4 Grammar School Rd
Grammar School Rd, Methodist Church
8 King's Arms St
8a King's Arms St
10 King's Arms St
11 King’s Arms St
12 King's Arms St
5 Market Place
5a Market Place
12 Market Place, Barclays Bank
20 Market St
Mitre Tavern Yard
Mitre Tavern Yard
Mitre Tavern Yard
2 Norwich Rd
6/8 Yarmouth Rd
14/16 Yarmouth Rd
18 Yarmouth Rd
22/24 Yarmouth Rd
28/28a Yarmouth Rd
30/30a Yarmouth Rd
Old Court House, 34 Yarmouth Rd
The Grange, 48 Yarmouth Rd
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
4.4 New Development
Some developments in the Conservation Area are now considered to be out of
character with the area due to their inappropriate design, siting, scale, or materials.
The inherent building styles and types characteristic of North Walsham are a strength
and should be reflected in new development. The scale and siting of new
development should be considered with particular care. It is recommended that all
new development conforms to the advice in this Appraisal, as well as to the North
Norfolk Design Guide.
4.5 Public Realm Issues
The Council will work with other agencies, residents and land owners to ensure the
public open spaces continue to be maintained and enhanced.
It is proposed that a maintenance regime be established in conjunction with Norfolk
County Council Highways, other statutory undertakers and the Council’s own
Property Services team; to make sure that street surfaces are properly repaired and
cleaned, and street furniture is kept in good order.
There is scope to improve the surfaces of a number of small courtyards within the
centre, e.g. Black Swan Court, Bank Loke etc. Courtyards with poor surfaces are
marked on the accompanying maps. The appearance of the town centre would be
further improved if the high quality paving used in Market Place were also used in the
surrounding streets. As a main shopping street and high profile area within the town,
Market Street should be made a priority.
The next stage in this process is to produce a programme for delivery of the agreed
Management Proposals and the related enhancement schemes. At this point specific
budgetary implications will need to be assessed and agreed. The implementation of
any enhancement scheme will of course be subject to the availability of resources.
However much can be achieved through more effective and integrated use of current
budgets at all levels of government.
North Walsham has retained its special character and its built heritage provides the
basis for a renewed pride. It is important that the District Council as Local Planning
Authority uses its powers to protect its heritage as well as supporting new
development which lead to prosperity without impairing the unique character of the
That the Final Draft of the North Walsham Conservation Area. Character
Appraisal and Management Plan (December 2009) be formally adopted by the
Council for statutory planning purposes and as such be a ‘material consideration’ in
the planning process.
That the proposed boundary changes as recommended in the draft Appraisal
document be adopted and publicised in accordance with the Planning (Listed
Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990.
That a programme of enhancement and improvement schemes is prepared for
the Conservation Area and that appropriate budgetary provision is sought.
(Source: Paul Rhymes, Conservation & Design Officer, Ext 6367)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
Proposed direction under Article 4(1) and 4(2) of The Town and Country Planning
Act General Permitted Development Order 1995 for Russell Terrace numbers 1-23.
1.0 Summary
The purpose of this report is to seek approval for the making of a Direction under
Articles 4(1) and 4(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act (General Permitted
Development) Order 1995 for Nos. 1-23 Russell Terrace, Mundesley. This report
follows the adoption of the Character Appraisal and Management Proposals for the
Mundesley Conservation Area, agreed at the last meeting of this Committee.
2.0 Background
Certain alterations can be made to the outside of dwellings without the need to
submit an application for planning permission. These alterations are known as
‘permitted development’ and include proposals such as changing windows and doors
and removing chimneys. Over time these changes can seriously erode the special
character of the Conservation Area.
Where considered appropriate permitted development rights can be withheld under
Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order
1995. The removal of permitted development rights using an Article 4 Direction
means that planning permission must be obtained before alterations can be made or
works carried out. [There is no fee for planning applications for alterations which
would have been permitted development if the Article 4 Direction had not been
3.0 The Issues
Russell Terrace is located in the centre of the Mundesley, just off the High Street. It
comprises 23 properties. The building is a rare example of an Arts and Crafts terrace
dating back to 1904; the terrace is rather hidden away to the rear of Russell Cottage
along one side of an unmade road. The setting benefits from mature boundary
vegetation visible from the surrounding land. As outlined in the Conservation Area
Appraisal, the purpose of serving an Article 4 Direction would be to preserve the
uniform Edwardian façade of the terrace. The character of the terrace is defined by
symmetry and identical frontage feature such as bays and windows. Incremental
change by individual properly owners could have a seriously detrimental affect.
The terrace is remarkable in that, although side and rear windows have been altered
to most of the properties, the vast majority of the front elevations all retain their
original sash windows. However, because the properties are now ageing, most
original window frames are showing signs of decay and will need repair or
replacement within the near future. It is important that this situation is addressed
before irreversible alterations which would have a detrimental impact upon the
character of the terrace are carried out.
4.0 Proposed Action & Content of the Order
It is proposed to remove certain permitted development rights from Nos. 1-23
inclusive, Russell Terrace, Mundesley.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
As outlined above the terrace’s character is determined from its well proportioned
and consistent front and end elevations. Consequently it is recommended that the
direction relates only to these three principal elevations.
In particular it is proposed that the Direction will be limited to the following aspects:Alterations to Elevations, Porches and other Architectural Detailing
Material alterations to the front and end elevations will now require planning
permission. Applications for porches, removal of architectural details, extensions and
other works which materially affect the appearance of the terrace will require
Satellite Dishes
The installation of numerous satellite dishes has particularly blighted the front
elevations of the terrace. It is proposed that control will be exercised over satellite
dishes and that normally they should not be situated on the front or side elevations.
Roof & Chimneys
Any change of roof material or re-roofing will now require planning permission, as will
any proposal to remove or alter chimney stacks.
Roof Windows
Currently there are no roof lights on the main south elevation of the terrace. The
introduction of roof lights/openings to the principal terrace frontage would require
planning permission.
Doors & Windows
One of the major threats contributing to loss of character is the incremental
replacement of windows and doors in uPVC or other unsympathetic materials. It is
fortunate that at present a large percentage of the original windows remain; it is
important that the direction covers these architectural features in order to mitigate
this pressing short and long term threat. The installation of replacement doors and
windows on the south elevation will now require permission. Replacement in
aluminium, plastic, or in designs other than that of the original specifications, will not
normally receive permission.
Painting Facades
Permission will be required for exterior painting of the south (front elevation).
Hardstandings & Curtilage Walls
Some control is necessary to prevent cars from dominating the street scene and the
setting of the terrace. Permission for vehicle hard standings will be required and
normally refused unless they can be located or screened to minimise the impact on
the building and locality. Careful attention to paving and landscaping will be required.
Permission to erect a fence, wall or railing on the front curtilage boundary, will only
be approved if it is a type which prevails in the area. [This is a Direction under Article
4(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act General Permitted Development Order
5.0 Procedure
If the direction is agreed by Committee, all owners and occupiers affected will be
notified in writing and the Direction will be published in the Eastern Daily Press. A
minimum of 21 days will be given in which representations may be made to the
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
Council in relation to the Direction. The Direction will come into force as soon as it is
served but the Council must consider any representations received. It may then
confirm the Direction not less than 28 days after the last notice is published and not
more than six months after it was made.
It is anticipated that any additional workload generated will be minimal and can be
met from existing resources.
It is possible that the serving of an Article 4 Direction can give rise to compensation
for the owners of the properties concerned. However such cases are extremely rare.
In this particular instance it is very unlikely that a claim for compensation could be
sustained. The contents of the Article 4 Direction are so minor that a claim to retrieve
the costs would not be worthwhile. Essentially not withstanding any undue market
circumstances it is foreseen that individual owners would not be entitled to
compensation since the retention or maintenance of the aspects covered by the
direction are most likely to enhance the value of their properties rather than lead to a
loss of value.
6.0 Budgetary Implications
There are no foreseeable budgetary implications.
7.0 Recommendations
7.1 The Committee is recommended to agree to the making of a Direction under
Articles 4(1) & 4(2) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted
Development) Order 1995 and covering the following matters:•
Alterations to elevations
Satellite dishes
Roof and chimneys
Roof Windows
Doors and windows
Painting facades
Hardstandings and curtilage walls
and that formal notification of affected households be carried out.
7.2 That the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government be informed
of the Council’s intention to serve an Article 4(1) Direction covering hardstandings
and curtilage walls.
Background Papers
Adopted Mundesley Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (November
File ref:- AME4/PR/09/71
North Norfolk District Council Article 4 Directions Practice Note (Guidance on the use
and implementation of Article 4 Directions 2009)
(Source: Paul Rhymes, Conservation and Design Officer, ext. 6367)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/09/1036 - Erection of Sixteen Dwellings; Land adjacent
1 Ketts Road North Walsham for Orbit Housing Group
Major Development - Target Date: 02 February 2010
Case Officer: Mr I Thompson\Mr P Took
Full Planning Permission
Residential Area
20041493 - (Outline Planning Permission) - Residential Development
Withdrawn 13 October 2004
20050656 - (Outline Planning Permission) - Residential Development
Withdrawn 28 June 2005
The proposal is for 16 dwellings comprising three 2-bedroom bungalows, one 3bedroom bungalow, five 2-bedroom houses and seven 3-bedroom houses on an
area of vacant land (0.58ha) surrounded by existing housing development. Access
to be via an extension of an existing cul-de-sac (Ketts Road).
All the proposed dwellings would be 'affordable' for rent.
An area of public open space is to be included within the development.
At the request of Councillor Gay because the site was formerly a designated green
space and therefore deserves particular attention, and the design and landscaping
standards required.
Supports, subject to meeting any highway needs.
Letter from agents disputing the requirement for a financial contribution towards
allotment provision (full letter at Appendix 1).
One letter from nearby resident concerned about additional traffic, noise and impact
on wildlife and lack of play space.
Strategic Housing - Strongly supports the application to develop 16 much needed
affordable homes in North Walsham.
Environmental Health - Recommends standard contamination condition.
Norfolk County Council (Highways) - No objections subject to standard conditions in
relation to drainage and road construction details, to minor changes to footway and
soakaway details, and to a contribution towards measures identified in the North
Walsham walking and cycling strategy.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
Environment Agency - No objection subject to conditions requiring a scheme for
water efficiency measures to be submitted and for surface water from hardstanding
areas to discharge via trapped gullies.
Anglian Water - No objections, but recommends the introduction of water efficiency
Sustainability Co-ordinator - Comments awaited.
Planning Policy Manager - recommends seeking contributions towards allotment
provision as although the development includes one type of open space, and there is
adequate provision for children's play in this part of the town, there is a shortage of
allotment provision in North Walsham (full comments at Appendix 2).
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8: The Right to respect for private and family life.
Article 1 of the First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Core Strategy (Adopted September 2008):
Policy SS 3: Housing (strategic approach to housing issues).
Policy SS 6: Access and Infrastructure (strategic approach to access and
infrastructure issues).
Policy SS 10: North Walsham (identifies strategic development requirements).
Policy HO 1: Dwelling mix and type (specifies type and mix of dwellings for new
housing developments).
Policy HO 2: Provision of affordable housing (specifies the requirements for provision
of affordable housing and/or contributions towards provision).
Policy HO 7: Making the most efficient use of land (Housing density) (Proposals
should optimise housing density in a manner which protects or enhances the
character of the area).
Policy EN 4: Design (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including
the North Norfolk Design Guide and sustainable construction).
Policy EN 6: Sustainable construction and energy efficiency (specifies sustainability
and energy efficiency requirements for new developments).
Policy CT 2: Development contributions (specifies criteria for requiring developer
1. Principle of residential use.
2. Design and layout of development.
3. Contribution to open space/allotment provision.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
The site lies within the development boundary for North Walsham and is surrounded
by existing housing. It forms part of a designated residential area in the adopted
Core Strategy (this is a change from the allocation of the site in the former Local Plan
as a 'proposed playing space'). As a result of the current designation there is no
objection in principle to residential development as proposed.
It is proposed for the entire development to comprise affordable housing. The
proposal therefore complies with Policy HO 2 of the Core Strategy, whilst the mix of
house sizes and the lifetime homes provision complies with Policy HO 1.
The density of development is approximately 28 dwellings per hectare, which
although below the target figure of 40 per hectare in the Core Strategy is considered
to be acceptable in this location because of the need to retain some open space on
site and to reflect the character and density of the surrounding area. The proposal is
not therefore considered to conflict in any material way with Policy HO 7.
In design terms the proposal is considered to be acceptable. The two-storey houses
would be of conventional design and construction (brick and pantile with timber
windows) with porches and chimneys adding visual interest. The bungalows would
be of similar style and construction but without the chimneys. All of the dwellings
would have garden areas which meet the minimum sizes recommended in the
Design Guide and the layout is such that there should not be any direct window to
window overlooking of existing properties surrounding the site. The road, parking
areas and pathways would be constructed in block paving.
The proposal is accompanied by a detailed arboricultural report identifying the trees
and hedges to be retained on the boundaries of the site and the measures necessary
to ensure their protection from damage. Within the site a central hedgerow and three
hawthorn trees would be removed to accommodate the development. The proposed
layout includes a small central green overlooked by ten of the proposed dwellings, as
well as a small open space area in the south west corner of the site. The proposal is
considered to meet the criteria in the design policy of the Core Strategy. The houses
are intended to be constructed to meet Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes
and to provide for on site generation using solar thermal panels to meet 10% of
predicted energy needs. The proposal therefore complies with Policy EN 6 of the
Core Strategy.
For housing developments in excess of 10 dwellings Policy CT 2 requires that where
there is not sufficient capacity in open space, improvements necessary to make the
development acceptable should be secured through conditions or obligations. Whilst
this part of the town has adequate play space provision there is a shortage of
allotments (one of the categories of open space specified in the core strategy
Appendix A "Open Space Standards"). Consequently the Planning Policy Manager,
in consultation with the Parks Manager, is of the opinion that a contribution towards
allotment provision will be required in this case.
Granting planning permission in this case would comply with the relevant policies of
the adopted development plan.
Delegated approval, subject to appropriate conditions and subject to the prior
completion of a Section 106 obligation in respect of contributions to walking
and cycling and to allotment provision.
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
AYLMERTON - PF/09/0979 - Conversion and Extension of Barn to Ancillary
Residential Accommodation; Park Wall Farm, Park Road, Aylmerton for Mr
and Mrs Colman
(Full Planning Permission)
AYLMERTON - LA/09/0980 - Conversion and Extension of Barn to Facilitate
Ancillary Residential Accommodation; Park Wall Farm, Park Road, Aylmerton
for Mr and Mrs Colman
(Listed Building Alterations)
AYLMERTON - PM/09/0991 - Erection of Four Dwellings; Land Adjacent
Dunevegan, The Street, Aylmerton for Mr R G Medler
(Reserved Matters)
AYLMERTON - PF/09/0993 - Erection of Two-Storey Side Extension; The Eight
Acres, Holt Road, Aylmerton for Mr and Mrs Youngman
(Householder application)
CATFIELD - NP/09/1130 - Prior Notification of Intention to Erect Agricultural
Storage Building; Walton Hall Farm Gipsies Lane Ludham for Hellesdon
(Prior Notification (Agricultural))
COLBY - PF/09/0143 - Conversion of Redundant Barn to One Unit of Holiday
Accommodation; Holly Farm, Ingworth Road, Banningham for Mr Green
(Full Planning Permission)
COLBY - PF/09/1005 - Erection of First Floor Rear Extension and Raising
Height of Chimney; Old Mill Farm, Mill Road, Banningham for Mr A Clements
(Householder application)
CROMER - PF/09/0655 - Conversion of Community Hall to Two Flats; 14,
Church Street, Cromer for Catalyst Commercials Limited
(Full Planning Permission)
CROMER - PF/09/0967 - Re-Location of Radio Aerial from Gable to Chimney
and Retention of Seven Metre Mast/Aerial; 88 Central Road Cromer for Ward
(Householder application)
CROMER - LA/09/0981 - Internal Alterations to Provide Shower Room; 5, High
Street, Cromer for Ms Chapman
(Listed Building Alterations)
CROMER - PF/09/1011 - Erection of Single-Storey and Two-Storey Rear
Extensions; 31, Alfred Road, Cromer for Mr Cornell
(Householder application)
CROMER - PF/09/1048 - Erection of Replacement Rear Conservatory; 12,
Westcliff Avenue, Cromer for Mr R W Stibbons
(Householder application)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
EAST RUSTON - PF/09/0940 - Conversion of Agricultural Buildings to Five
Units of Holiday Accommodation, Including New Access and 15m High Wind
Turbine; The Hall, Stalham Road, East Ruston for Mr R Hannant
(Full Planning Permission)
EAST RUSTON - PF/09/0963 - Erection of Single-Storey Rear Extension;
Oaklands, Walcott Green, Walcott for Mr Roscoe
(Householder application)
ERPINGHAM - PF/09/1014 - Erection of Conservatory; New Road Corner, The
Street, Erpingham for Mr Middleton
(Householder application)
HICKLING - PF/09/0950 - Change of Use from Residential to Residential/
Childminding Facility; Wakeby, The Green, Hickling for Ms L Lawson
(Full Planning Permission)
HORNING - PF/09/1050 - Erection of Single-Storey Side Extension and
Construction of Bay Window; The Laurels 1, Letheringtons Lane, Horning for
Mr Corden
(Householder application)
MUNDESLEY - PF/09/0961 - Erection of Rear Extension; 3, Goodwin Road,
Mundesley for Mrs Fredericks
(Householder application)
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/09/0949 - Erection of Single-Storey Side/Rear
Extension and Detached Garage; 24, Kimberley Road, North Walsham for Mr
(Householder application)
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/09/0992 - Erection of Attached Garage; 64, Brick Kiln
Road, North Walsham for Ms Lambert
(Householder application)
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/09/1004 - Erection of Rear Conservatory; 25, Harbord
Close, North Walsham for Mr and Mrs Jenkins
(Householder application)
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/09/1006 - Erection of Single-Storey Extension; 16,
Bacton Road, North Walsham for Mr D Audley
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/09/1018 - Erection of Agricultural Storage Building;
Land adjacent to Railway Line, Bradfield Road, North Walsham for Mr B
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/09/1033 - Erection of Shelter/Storage Shed; North
Walsham Rifle Club, Happisburgh Road, North Walsham for North Walsham
Rifle and Pistol Club
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
NORTH WALSHAM - PF/09/1038 - Erection of Single-Storey Rear Extension;
22, Royston Green, North Walsham for Mr Cutting
(Householder application)
NORTHREPPS - PF/09/0989 - Erection of Conservatory; 18, Emerys Close,
Northrepps for Mr Bonnett
(Householder application)
NORTHREPPS - PF/09/1040 - Erection of Single-Storey Dwelling; Land Rear of
Former Garage, Norwich Road, Cromer for S J D Enterprises
(Full Planning Permission)
PASTON - PF/09/1001 - Construction of Pitched Roof and Chimney to
Outbuilding; Paston Old House, Mundesley Road, Paston for Wendy Fenwick
(Householder application)
PASTON - LA/09/1002 - Alterations to Outbuilding Including Construction of
Pitched Roof, Gable Ends and Chimney and Installation of Windows and
Door; Paston Old House, Mundesley Road, Paston for Wendy Fenwick
(Listed Building Alterations)
ROUGHTON - PF/09/1000 - Erection of Extension to Provide Single-Storey
Annexe with Accommodation in Roof Space; The Rise, Norwich Road,
Roughton for Mr and Mrs Faiers
(Householder application)
ROUGHTON - PF/09/1013 - Erection of Single-Storey Rear Extension and
Detached Double Garage; Roseacre, Thorpe Market Road, Roughton for Mr
and Mrs Chappell
(Householder application)
RUNTON (EAST WARD) - PF/09/0936 - Erection of Extension to Garage; Flint
Cottage, Balfour Road, West Runton for Mr Dolden
(Householder application)
RUNTON (EAST WARD) - PF/09/0984 - Erection of Two-Storey Front Extension
and Detached Cart Lodge; 4, Golf Close, West Runton for Mr I Hyde
(Householder application)
RUNTON (EAST WARD) - PF/09/0995 - Erection of Two-Storey Dwelling; Land
at and Adjacent to 7, Station Road, West Runton for Knowles and Wright
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON (EAST WARD) - PF/09/1023 - Erection of First Floor Side Extension;
37, Renwick Park East, West Runton for Mr and Mrs Bakewell
(Householder application)
STALHAM - PF/09/0975 - Variation of Planning Condition 4 to Planning Ref:
20090393 to Extend Workshop Operating Hours to Include Saturdays 09:00 to
17:00 and Sundays 09:00 to 12:00; Site adjacent to existing Workshops, Mill
Road, Stalham for Mr Simpson
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
SWAFIELD - PF/09/0986 - Erection of Two-Storey Side and Rear Extensions;
11, Trunch Road, Swafield for Mr M Starling
(Householder application)
SWAFIELD - PF/09/0987 - Erection of Two-Storey Side and Rear Extensions; 9,
Trunch Road, Swafield for Mr M Starling
(Householder application)
SWANTON ABBOTT - PF/09/0958 - Erection of Cartshed Garage/Store (Revised
Siting); Keepers Lodge Long Common Road Swanton Abbot for Mr J Read
(Householder application)
THORPE MARKET - PF/09/0998 - Removal of Condition 12 (Code 2
Compliance) of Planning Permission Reference 20090279 for Erection of TwoStorey Dwelling (Revised Design); Plot Adjacent Italska Cromer Road Thorpe
Market for Mr G Hunter
(Full Planning Permission)
TRIMINGHAM - PF/09/1024 - Change of Use of Land from Agriculture to
Garden and Formation to Vehicular Access; Sea House, Mundesley Road,
Trimingham for Mr P Carpmael
(Full Planning Permission)
TRUNCH - LA/09/1015 - Removal of Internal Cupboard and Installation of New
Internal Door.; Ivy House, Mundesley Road, Trunch for Mr Binny
(Listed Building Alterations)
WALCOTT - PF/09/0947 - Erection of Extension to Provide Boiler Room; The
Rookery, Rookery Farm Road, Walcott for Janith Homes Limited
(Full Planning Permission)
HOVETON - PF/09/0997 - Erection 1.5m Close Boarded Boundary Fence; 6,
Waveney Drive, Hoveton for Mr D Moodie
(Householder application)
STALHAM - PF/09/0969 - Change of Use from B1 (Office) to Residential
Dwelling; 44 , High Street, Stalham for Mr Wan
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009
CROMER - PF/06/1254 - Demolition of Buildings and Erection of Retail Unit
and Twelve Flats; Bus Station, Prince of Wales Road, Cromer for Ortona
INFORMAL HEARING 16 December 2009
WORSTEAD - PF/09/0748 - Conversion and Extension of Forge to Provide
Annexe and Erection of Single-Storey Rear Extension; Forge Cottage,
Westwick Road, Worstead for Mr Gilligan
Development Control Committee (East)
23 December 2009