Each report for decision on this Agenda shows the Chief Officer responsible, the
recommendation of the Head of Planning and in the case of private business the
paragraph(s) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 under which it is
considered exempt. None of the reports have financial, legal or policy implications save
where indicated.
Note :- Recommendations for approval include a standard time limit condition as Condition
No.1, unless otherwise stated.
AYLMERTON - 20071981 - Retention of window in north-west elevation; Durian
House Beechwood Avenue for Mr J Pitcher
Target Date :13 Feb 2008
Case Officer :Miss T Lincoln
(Full Planning Permission)
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
20040856 - (Outline Planning Permission) - Erection of detached dwelling and
Approved, 02 Jul 2004
20050795 - (Planning Permission; Reserved Matters) - Erection of detached twostorey dwelling and garage
Refused, 01 Aug 2005
20051896 - (Planning Permission; Reserved Matters) - Erection of detached twostorey dwelling
Approved, 21 Mar 2006
20071547 - (Full Planning Permission) - Retention of window in north-west elevation
Refused, 17 Dec 2007
The erection of this two-storey detached house was approved by means of a
reserved matters application in 2005 (20051896). Condition 2 of the permission
withdrew permitted development rights for the extension or alteration of the property
(including the insertion of any new windows). This application seeks to retain a
window on the north-west elevation which serves a landing/stairway.
Re-submission of application refused at the Committee meeting on 13 December
Object to the application on the following grounds:1. Previous refusal on the grounds of unacceptable loss of privacy to the
neighbouring property should be upheld.
2. The window was installed contrary to the approved plans for the property and
where permitted development rights were withdrawn.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Nine letters of objection on the following grounds:1. The application is the same as that which was refused in December 2007. The
refusal of the previous application should be upheld.
2. Approving the window would set a precedent for unauthorised work.
3. The window overlooks the neighbouring dwelling to the north-west.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Impact on adjoining property.
The application site relates to a newly constructed dwelling on an infill plot within the
settlement boundary.
This application is a resubmission of application 20071547 which was refused by the
Development Control Committee on 13 December 2007.
The application seeks to retain a window on the north-west side elevation of the
property. Permission is required in this case because permitted development rights
were removed as part of the original approval for the dwelling. The removal of
permitted development rights on a development ensures alterations come within the
control of the Planning Authority, but it does not mean that any subsequent
application cannot be looked upon favourably. As with any planning application the
proposal must be considered on its individual merits.
Details in this re-submitted application now confirm that the window is to be
permanently fixed shut. In addition the applicant has provided photographs from
inside the property of the window which illustrate the effect of the obscured glazing.
The window in question serves a landing/staircase and is set 1.64m above the
external ground level. It is 0.64m wide by 1.35m high (including outer frame and sill).
The window is positioned 2.4m back from the front wall of the property and is
approximately 2m from the side boundary. The window faces towards the front
driveway of the neighbouring dwelling. The potential for overlooking is minimal by
virtue of the obscure glazing, fixed status of the light and a fence which divides the
property with the neighbour. As such the impact on the amenity of the neighbour in
regard to overlooking is not considered to be significant.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
It is therefore considered that the proposal accords with the relevant policies of the
Development Plan.
1) From the date of this permission the window subject to this permission shall
be permanently fixed shut and obscure glazed, and shall be retained as such
REASONS:1) To prevent undue loss of privacy to the neighbouring property, in
accordance with Policy 13, criterion (a) (x) of the adopted North Norfolk Local
Plan as amplified by paragraphs 3.31-3.36 of the North Norfolk Design Guide.
BACTON - 20071523 - Formation of overflow car park with earth bund screen;
Shell (UK) Ltd Paston Road for Shell UK (Bacton)
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :27 Nov 2007
Case Officer :Mrs T Armitage
(Full Planning Permission)
Undeveloped Coast
Coast: Erosion Risk
Major Hazard Zone
19990444 - (Full Planning Permission) - Refurbishment of cliff face and alteration of
field access
Approved, 04 Aug 1999
20040911 - (Full Planning Permission) - Engineering works to facilitate construction
of landfall section of Balgzand to Bacton gas pipeline
Approved, 30 Sep 2004
Formation of overflow car park and retention of earth bund on land immediately due
east of the Bacton Gas terminal complex. The earth bund is already in place.
Amended plan received realigning proposed hedge/fence closer to the bend has
been received.
Deferred at a previous meeting of the Committee.
Objects. The site lies outside Bacton Gas Terminal Area; works have been
constructed and used only with the benefit of temporary permission, land should be
restored back to an agricultural field; unconvinced that there is no adequate
alternative car parking available; proposal will cause considerable amenity and
environmental damage; permanent car park would have a detrimental effect on
business, tourism, residential amenities and visual appearance of the area; lighting;
loss of agricultural land; encroachment into the village onto land which acts as
undeveloped rural 'buffer'.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Nineteen letters of objection received on the following grounds:1. Disturbance/noise associated with vehicle movements and car alarms.
2. Increase in traffic.
3. Encroachment of the site into the village.
4. Loss of visual amenity.
5. Light and noise associated with 24 hour use of the site.
6. Loss of wildlife habitat.
7. No need for extra parking.
8. Other land could be decommissioned and used for parking.
9. Security risk.
10. Unjustified intrusion into open countryside.
11. Premature in terms of emerging Core Strategy.
12. Future development on the site, possible permitted development rights.
13. Non-compliance with previous planning conditions.
Petition received with 255 signatures objecting on the following grounds:1. Encroachment further towards village.
2. Loss of agricultural land.
3. Size and pollution.
The agents acting on behalf of the applicant have submitted a statement in support of
the proposal; this is appended to the report (Appendix 1). The statement clarifies
that the car park would be used by personnel involved with ongoing construction
projects (rather than for day-to-day terminal traffic) and would only be used at times
when parking space was unavailable within the main terminal site. Given that the site
has already been used as a temporary car park they confirm there would be no need
to alter or improve the surface of the road or parking area. They confirm that the car
park would only be used between 0730 and 1700 hours and that when necessary
would be lit with directional lighting mounted no higher than the height of the earth
bund (2.5m). The informal pathway to the cliff top path would be maintained and a
new native hedgerow and fence is proposed to separate the path way from Seagulls
Field which is to be returned to arable use.
Further letter from agents in response to Committee's comments attached as
Appendix 1.
Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (Landscape) - Raises no objection to
the proposal; detailed comments attached at Appendix 1.
County Council (Highways) - No highway objection subject to a condition requiring
trimming of the lower canopy of the adjacent trees to improve visibility to the west.
Environmental Health - No objection subject to an hours condition (0.730 - 18.00)
and lighting as per submission document. Also would prefer bund to be complete
along the entire length.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 5: The Countryside (prevents general development in the countryside with
specific exceptions).
Policy 18: Light Pollution (aims to prevent insensitive lighting schemes to protect
residents, traffic safety and environment).
Policy 26: Undeveloped Coast (prevents unnecessary developments or those which
would be significantly detrimental to appearance or character).
Policy 48: Coastal Erosion Risk Areas (development which would increase risk to life
or significantly increase risk to property, not permitted).
Policy 50: Bacton Gas Terminal (prevents developments which would increase
population within major hazard zone).
Policy 74: Non-Conforming Uses (specifies criteria for employment uses outside of
designated employment areas in terms of residential amenities, highway and
environmental impacts).
North Norfolk Core Strategy (Submission Document):
Policy EN 3: Undeveloped Coast (prevents unnecessary development and specifies
circumstances where development replacing that threatened by coastal erosion can
be permitted).
1. Principle of development.
2. Landscape impact.
3. Impact on amenities of residents living close to the site.
This application was reported to the meeting on 13 December 2007 and deferred for
Officers to seek the comments of the applicant on three issues:1. Future management of Seagulls Field as a wildflower meadow.
2. Bund being heightened and made continuous.
3. Footpath to the cliff path being a statutory rather than informal footpath.
These comments are included in Appendix 1.
The application relates to land adjacent to the eastern boundary of the Bacton Gas
Terminal site. The application site includes Seagulls Road and an area of Seagulls
Field. The site is designated as Countryside and Undeveloped Coast in the North
Norfolk Local Plan as well as being within the Gas Terminal Major Hazard Zone.
In 2004 planning permission was granted for engineering works to facilitate the
construction of a new pipeline to deliver natural gas from the Netherlands to the
United Kingdom. The Interconnector pipeline also runs through the application site.
The site was used as a temporary compound/car park in association with the
construction works of these projects, which resulted in the excavation of large
amounts of surplus spoil. A condition of planning permission reference 20040911 is
that the reinstatement works to the land "shall not include provision or creation of any
bund on the site". This application seeks permission for a permanent car park on the
site and the retention of the existing earth bund to act as a visual screen.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Policy 50 of the Local Plan relates to development within the Bacton Gas Terminal
Major Hazard Zone and is not permissive of proposals that would increase the
population present in the zone at any time of the day. Exceptions to this policy are
where proposals are directly associated with the operations of the terminal itself. This
proposal has been justified by the applicant on the basis of ongoing construction and
maintenance projects at the site which at time result in a level of parking which
cannot always be accommodated within the main terminal boundaries. As such it is
considered that the proposal complies with Policy 50.
The site lies within an area designated as Countryside where Policy 5 of the Local
Plan applies. In the countryside Policy 5 requires high priority be given to the
protection and enhancement of the appearance and character of the area and as
such development proposals will not be permitted unless they are for the purposes
set out in the policy. Policy 5 is permissive of development by statutory undertakers
or public utility providers, although the operations at Bacton Gas Terminal are
arguably at a scale outside this category. Policy 74 of the Local Plan relates to nonconforming uses. This policy allows for minor extensions to non-conforming uses in
the countryside provided that this would be accompanied by significant improvement
to the appearance of the site as a whole. Landscape enhancements are proposed in
association with the proposed car park.
In term of landscape impact, the comments of the Council's Conservation, Design
and Landscape Manager (Landscape) are appended to the report. The application
includes landscape mitigation measures including the seeding of the bund with
grasses and wildflowers and the planting of a native hedge along the alignment of the
informal footpath. Based on these submitted details the Conservation, Design and
Landscape Manager has raised no objection to the proposal but has made a number
of observations and recommendations primarily in relation to lighting, maintenance of
the wildflower grassland and the treatment of the north western corner of the site
which have now been addressed by the applicant. It is considered that the proposed
development would not have an adverse impact on the countryside setting and the
suggested landscaping scheme would increase the biodiversity of the site.
In relation to the impact of the proposal on local residents, the car park would be
approximately 100m from the closest residential properties on the southern side of
the Coast Road and approximately 120m from the Castaways Holiday Park. Given
the nature of the proposal the main potential impact is likely to be noise associated
with vehicle movements. The supporting statement accompanying the application
refers to the measures proposed to reduce disturbance, i.e. that the car park would
only be used at times of overflow, hours restrictions on use and the attenuation
benefits of the bund. Environmental Health have confirmed conditions relating to
hours of use and lighting.
The proposed car park is estimated to have a maximum capacity of 130 spaces. It is
proposed to retain the existing access from the Coast Road and on-site parking
arrangement. County Council (Highways) have raised no objection to the access
arrangements subject to a condition to secure improved visibility to the west.
In conclusion, the proposal is considered to comply with Development Plan policy
and is therefore recommended for approval.
2) This permission is granted in accordance with the amended plans (drawing
number 01 Rev B) received by the Local Planning Authority on 19 November 2007,
unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
3) The car park subject to this permission shall not be used except between the
hours of 07.30 and 17.00 hours on any day.
4) Prior to the installation of any external lighting, details shall be submitted to and
approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The lighting shall thereafter be
installed in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing
by the Local Planning Authority.
5) Within three months of the date of this permission, visibility to the west from the
site access shall be improved by the trimming of the lower canopy of the adjacent
trees. The extent of trimming shall be agreed on site with Norfolk County Council
(Planning and Transportation) and the improved visibility envelope shall be so
maintained thereafter.
6) Within three months of the date of this permission, the landscaping scheme as
indicated on the approved plan (drawing number 01 Rev B) received by the Local
Planning Authority on 29 November 2007 shall be carried out unless a further period
is agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
7) Within three months of the date of this permission, a landscaping scheme relating
to Seagulls Field shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning
The scheme shall indicate the species, number and size of new trees and shrubs at
the time of their planting.
The scheme shall also include indications of all existing trees and hedgerows on the
land, with details of any to be retained (which shall include details of species and
canopy spread), together with measures for their protection during the course of
The scheme as approved shall be carried out not later than the next available
planting season following the commencement of development or such further period
as the Local Planning Authority may allow in writing.
8) Any new tree or shrub which within a period of five years from the date of planting
dies, is removed or become seriously damaged or diseased, shall be replaced during
the next planting season with another of a similar size and species to the Local
Planning Authority's satisfaction, unless prior written agreement is given to any
9) The site shall be used as an ancillary car park in connection with the adjacent Gas
Terminal and for no other purpose.
REASONS:2) To ensure the satisfactory layout and appearance of the development in
accordance with Policy 13 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
3) To control the noise emitted from the site in the interests of residential amenity, in
accordance with Policy 17 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan as amplified by
paragraphs 5.27-5.33 of the explanatory text.
4) In the interests of the visual amenities/residential amenities of the area and in the
interests of highway safety and convenience, and in accordance with Policy 18 of the
adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
5) In the interest of highway safety.
6) To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Policy
13 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
7) To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Policy
13 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
8) To protect and enhance the visual amenities of the area, in accordance with Policy
13 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
9) For the avoidance of doubt and because the site is located in an area designated
as Countryside in the North Norfolk Local Plan where the Local Planning Authority
would not normally permit permanent residential accommodation, in accordance with
Policy 5 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
BACTON - 20071672 - Erection of first floor extension to provide two flats;
Pruners Hairsalon and Village Newsagents Walcott Road for Mr Nursey and Ms
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :20 Dec 2007
Case Officer :Mrs T Armitage
(Full Planning Permission)
Conservation Area
Erection of first floor extension to provide two self contained flats. Plans as originally
submitted proposed an open external staircase to the rear.
Amended plans submitted enclosing the staircase and making other alterations to the
fenestration on the rear elevation.
At the request of Councillor Smith having regard to the following planning issues:
Impact on neighbour, design and parking.
Objects to the application:1. Parking in lay-by congested.
2. Parking already occurs on double yellow lines.
3. Parking at Abbey Street not used.
4. Design and scale out of keeping.
Five letters of objection:1. Poor design.
2. Loss of privacy.
3. Loss of light.
4. Unlikely property strong enough to take the extension.
5. No parking being provided.
6. Impact on Conservation Area.
7. Drainage.
County Council (Highways) - Aware that there are existing car parking facilities in the
immediate vicinity of this site. Given the requirements of PPS3 and PPG13 is unable
to offer an objection to this proposal from a highways aspect.
Environmental Health - Recommend condition re refuse storage areas.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 4: Selected Small Villages (small-scale residential development should
enhance character) (development should be compatible with character).
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Policy 42: Development in Conservation Areas (developments should preserve or
enhance character).
Policy 61: Conversion into Flats (specifies criteria in terms of location, size,
amenities, highway safety).
Policy 153: Car Parking Standards (specifies parking requirements for different use
classes within different Local Plan policy areas).
1. Principle of residential development.
2. Design and form.
3. Impact on neighbours.
4. Highways.
The application relates to a pair of existing single-storey retail shops in a small
shopping parade on Walcott Road. The parade fronts on to a small lay-by which
provides a limited amount of off-street parking. The site is located in an area
designated residential in the North Norfolk Local Plan and is within the Bacton
Conservation Area.
Bacton is identified as a Selected Small Village in the Development Plan where the
principle of new residential development is acceptable subject to individual schemes
enhancing the character of the village and meeting other more detailed policy
requirements. The principle of two residential flats in this location is therefore
acceptable in principle.
The application proposes two small studio flats to be constructed above the shops
accessed via a shared staircase to the rear. The accommodation exceeds the
minimum floor area set out in Policy 61 but does not provide for external amenity
space or on site parking. However, such a situation is typical of flats above shops
and parking is available both on the lay-by and to the south-east of the site on Abbey
The existing retail shops are functional 1960's units which largely have a negative
impact on the character of this part of the village Conservation Area. The proposal
would replace the flat roof above the shops with a first floor extension of a light
weight construction incorporating a rendered finish and slate type roof material. The
dormer style fenestration on the front (south elevation) would allow for the
eaves/ridge height to be kept to a minimum (4.2m and 7.2m, respectively). Subject to
the external materials of the extension being carefully controlled it is considered that
the scheme offers the opportunity for the character and appearance of the site to be
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
The application has been subject to negotiation and amended plans have now been
submitted to address initial concerns regarding overlooking of the neighbours to the
rear. The amended plans show the access staircase to the flats enclosed and
substitute obscure glazed roof lights for the originally proposed conventional
windows. These amendments are considered to mitigate any adverse overlooking of
the neighbouring property at the rear.
The scheme does not provide for on site-parking to serve the proposed flats and
objections received draw attention to the existing congestion/on-street parking
already experienced in the vicinity of the site. However the Highway Authority has
raised no objection to the scheme of the basis of the likely one person occupancy of
the flats and the availability of parking in close proximity to the site on Abbey Street.
On the basis of the above it is considered that the proposal complies sufficiently with
the relevant policies of the Development Plan to merit approval.
2) This permission is granted in accordance with the amended plans (drawing
number 3962B/1) received by the Local Planning Authority on 5 December 2007,
unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
3) Before the development is started samples of the facing materials to be used for
the external walls and roof shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning
Authority in writing. The development shall then be constructed in full accordance
with the approved details.
4) The roof light on the south elevation of the extension hereby permitted shall be
installed with obscured glazing with a degree of obscurity equivalent to Pilkington
level 5. The glazing shall thereafter be retained in accordance with this detail.
5) Prior to the first use of the flats hereby permitted details of the proposed means of
waste disposal shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning
Authority. Waste disposal shall thereafter be undertaken in accordance with the
approved details unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
REASONS:2) To ensure the satisfactory layout and appearance of the development in
accordance with Policy 13 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
3) In order for the Local Planning Authority to be satisfied that the materials to be
used will be visually appropriate for the approved development and its surroundings,
in accordance with Policy 13 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
4) To prevent undue loss of privacy to the neighbouring property, in accordance with
Policy 13, criterion (a) (x) of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan as amplified by
paragraphs 3.31-3.36 of the North Norfolk Design Guide.
5) To protect nearby residents from smell and airborne pollution in accordance with
Policy 16 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan as amplified by paragraphs 5.215.26 of the explanatory text.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
COLBY - 20071583 - Conversion of barn to one unit of holiday accommodation;
Barn rear of Poplar Farm North Walsham Road Banningham for Colin Read
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :07 Dec 2007
Case Officer :Mrs R Partridge
(Full Planning Permission)
Archaeological Site
To convert a barn into one unit of holiday accommodation.
Amended plans have been received which reduce the number of new window
The application was deferred at a previous meeting for a site visit.
Objects on highway safety grounds. Considers that the vehicle information supplied
is both incorrect and out of date, since the site has not been operational for three
plus years. Access/egress would be to and from a difficult and busy road with little
County Council (Highways) - Comment that having regard to the previous use and
the fact the proposal relates to a relatively low traffic generating re-use of an existing
agricultural building any highway objection would be difficult to sustain. Recommends
a parking and turning condition to be imposed.
Environmental Health - Have concerns regarding proximity of the adjacent poultry
farm and the potential adverse odour effects, if it were to become operational again.
No objection (subject to conditions) on basis that there will be no future livestock use
of the adjoining buildings.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 5: The Countryside (prevents general development in the countryside with
specific exceptions).
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Policy 29: The Reuse and Adaptation of Buildings in the Countryside (specifies
criteria for converting buildings. Prevents residential conversion unless adjacent to a
settlement boundary).
Policy 147: New Accesses (developments which would endanger highway safety not
North Norfolk Core Strategy (Submission Document):
Policy EC 2: The re-use of buildings in the Countryside (specifies criteria for
converting buildings for non-residential purposes).
1. Highway safety.
2. Residential amenity.
The proposal was deferred at the meeting on 10 January 2008 for a site visit.
The site lies within the Countryside policy area, as designated in the Local Plan. The
building, which appears to be soundly built with no visible structural defects, forms
part of a small group of former farm buildings. The building is of a traditional brick
and pantile construction. To the rear of the building (and within the same ownership)
are four vacant poultry sheds. Judging from their appearance they have been
disused for some time.
Access to the site (including the poultry buildings) is via a track with an entrance
directly onto the B1145.
Local Plan Policy 29 allows for the change of use of buildings in the countryside
providing they are soundly built and suitable for conversion without complete or
substantial rebuild or extension. It is considered that with the amended plans now
received the proposal would comply with this requirement.
A submitted wildlife report suggests a transitory bat presence in the building which is
mainly used for feeding rather than roosting, although at the time of survey one
brown long-eared bat and one common pipistrelle bat had hibernated in the timber
lintel support for the wall. The report proposes a scheme to mitigate the loss of this
hibernation site by providing a suitable bat box on the northern side of the building
along with standard boxes on nearby ash trees. There is no evidence of owl activity.
The main issues regarding the proposal relate to the potential future use of the land
and buildings to the rear of the application site, firstly in terms of highway safety and
secondly in terms of residential amenity.
Visibility from the access onto the B1145 in very restricted. The comments from the
Highway Authority raising no objection to the proposal are based on the fact that the
former poultry business which used the access would have generated equal or more
traffic than a holiday unit. However, in order to ensure that traffic could not increase
in the future by the re-use of these buildings it is recommended that if the application
is to be approved a condition is imposed restricting the use of the access to serve the
holiday unit only and an existing house currently served off it.
The potential future use of the buildings to the rear for livestock purposes is also a
concern of the Environmental Health Officer, in that this could be a cause of odour
nuisance to future occupiers of the holiday unit. The prevention of future livestock
use could only be secured by completion of a Section 106 Agreement.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Subject to the above requirements it is considered that approval of the application
would comply with Development Plan policy.
Delegated authority to approve, subject to completion of a Section 106
Agreement to prevent future use of the land and buildings to the rear of the site
for the accommodation of farm livestock, and the imposition of conditions,
including holiday occupancy only, materials, removal of permitted
development rights, landscaping and restricting the use of the access so that it
will no longer serve land to the rear of the application site.
COLBY - 20071766 - Erection of agricultural storage building; Colby Hall
Church Road for Stratton Streles Estates
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :07 Jan 2008
Case Officer :Mr Thompson/Mr Took
(Full Planning Permission)
Archaeological Site
19901623 - (Full Planning Permission) - Potato box store
Approved, 05 Nov 1990
To construct a 670sq.m potato store within the farm complex of Colby Hall farm. The
proposed development consists of two separate buildings integrated under one roof.
The combined building would be capable of storing 1,350 tons. Access would be via
the existing access off Church Road.
At the request of Councillor Willcox having regard to the following planning issue:
The need to control HGV movements through the village centre.
Objects, as follows:Considered this application in conjunction with comments from residents related to
traffic flows through the village.
The size and volume of vehicles using both Long Lane and Colby Road through
Banningham village is one of the most contentious issues at the moment, which the
Council is trying to address in conjunction with signage, as issues arising from our
recently published Parish Plan.
The applicant states that there will be no increase in vehicle movements, but this
does not reconcile with the planned increase in tonnage.
There is an agreement in place that vehicles accessing Colby Hall will come through
Banningham, and those exiting will turn right from Colby Hall, along Long Lane and
to the A140 via High Noon to join the route hierarchy system. Information would
suggest that this is not happening at present, consequently we have two-way heavy
traffic through Banningham village, and along the length of Long Lane.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Objects to the application unless reassurance is given that vehicles will conform to
the route hierarchy system and avoid exit through Banningham village and Long
A letter of objection expresses concern at the potential of increased noise from the
ventilation fans, particularly at night; also the impact on the local highway network.
County Council (Highways) - I have now seen a copy of the submitted Design and
Access Statement and the subsequent clarification of the intended use of the
additional agricultural storage building.
I have visited the site and it is clear that highway signage exists to guide HGVs to
and from the site without the need to travel through Banningham village.
With consideration of this, the existing use of the site and the submitted information
that the building would not increase the vehicular use of the site above that
engendered already it is difficult to have any objection to the proposal.
It would be prudent, if possible, to condition that access to the site be HGVs is by the
signed route to, and from, the A140 via High Noon Road.
Environmental Health - No objection subject to a condition requiring a scheme
controlling the emission of noise from any ventilation system that will be installed.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 5: The Countryside (prevents general development in the countryside with
specific exceptions).
1. Impact within the landscape.
2. Effect upon the local highway network.
3. Impact on the amenities of nearby dwellings.
The site forms part of Colby Farm where a number and variety of farm buildings
exist. The site of the proposed buildings is adjacent to a group of four steel-clad
storage buildings of a similar nature. The site is within the countryside where Policy 5
of the Local Plan allows agricultural proposals to be permitted provided the
appearance and character of the area are not harmed.
The proposed building comprises of a gross floor area of approximately 670sq.m,
with a ridge height of 10.2m and eaves height of 8.2m clad with steel box profile
sheeting. The size and nature of the building is similar to the existing.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
The applicant has provided details of the holding to explain the need for an additional
building. The farm business grows approximately 160ha of high grade potatoes for
the pre-pack and processing markets. Currently, approximately 60ha of potatoes are
harvested and transported to off-site storage facilities involving expensive and
inefficient haulage and hire costs. The remaining 100ha of potatoes when harvested
are stored in partly substandard facilities on the Colby Farm. It is intended that the
proposed building would improve on-site facilities and management of the farm
storage and reduce unnecessary haulage and lorry movements.
The Parish Council however are concerned that the proposal could exacerbate the
existing situation where vehicles from the farm are accessing and exiting the site
through Banningham village. In response to this agent has stated that the building
would not increase the tonnage held at the site and that the company instruct their
HGV drivers to use the existing signed routes to the A140. On examination there is
clear signage from the site directing HGVs towards the A140 via High Noon Road
away from the village. Similar signage exists on the A140 directing HGVs along High
Noon Road although there appear to be no signs further south on the A140 advising
HGV drivers not to drive through Banningham village.
Local concerns have also been expressed regarding potential noise from ventilation
fans that would be installed within the proposed building. It is maintained that the
system in the existing buildings creates a noise nuisance and assurances are sought
that the proposed building would not exacerbate this situation. Although some
assurances have been received insufficient detail has been provided for
Environmental Health (EH) to be fully satisfied and therefore EH have requested a
condition to be imposed requiring full details of any ventilation system to be provided
prior to the use of the building.
The proposed building is considered likely to have no greater impact within the
landscape than the existing building and therefore subject to conditions required by
the Highway Authority and EH and the submission of a suitable landscape scheme
the granting of planning permission would accord with the policies of the adopted
Local Plan.
RECOMMENDATION:Approve subject to appropriate conditions.
CROMER - 20071737 - Display of illuminated advertisements; Homebase Holt
Road for Homebase Limited
Target Date :02 Jan 2008
Case Officer :Mr J Williams
(Illuminated Advertisement)
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
General Employment Area
20061150 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of diy store and garden centre with
access, car parking and landscaping
Approved, 16 Oct 2006
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
As amended proposes the following signage to the now nearly completed Homebase
store:1. 'Homebase' sign over central store entrance facing car park. The lettering only
would be internally illuminated.
2. Non-illuminated 'Homebase' sign centrally located on roadside elevation wall.
3. Non-illuminated 'garden centre' sign on left hand side of the elevation facing the
car park.
4. Four poster frame sings on brick plinth wall either side of store entrance.
5. Banner sign on brick plinth wall on left hand side of store entrance.
6. 'Homebase' totem sign on southern side of site entrance 4m high x 2m wide. Only
the 'Homebase' lettering to be illuminated at top of sign. Colours to be green and
white with central 'product information'.
Required by the Head of Planning and Building Control in view of objections received
and prominent position of site.
Objected to originally submitted plans. Reference made to CPRE guidance on
minimising light pollution.
Comments on amended plans awaited.
Letter received from Cromer Preservation Society objecting to illuminated signs on
visual amenity grounds and possible distraction to drivers. To allow the application
would create an unfortunate precedent for further illuminated signage on Holt Road
into Cromer.
County Council (Highways) - No objection subject to a condition controlling the level
of illumination from the signs.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
Visual amenities on main approach road into Cromer.
The new Homebase store which is nearing completion occupies a very prominent
position on the main approach road into the town. Hence it is important to control
signage at the site in the interests of the visual amenities of the area.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Plans first submitted with the application included a 6m high totem sign together with
large illuminated signage on the roadside elevation. The amended plans now
submitted reduce significantly the size and illumination of signs on the roadside
elevation. The only illuminated sign on the building would be the lettering of
'Homebase' over the store entrance. The roadside 'totem' sign has now been
reduced in height by 2m and width by 0.5m. Given that a similar sign exists on the
adjacent petrol filling station it is considered acceptable. The sign will assist in
identifying the site entrance.
RECOMMENDATION:Approve, subject to conditions clearly specifying the illumination details.
HORNING - 20071734 - Erection of fifteen two-storey houses/flats and two
bungalows; Petersfield House Hotel 101 Lower Street for Cripps Development
MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :05 Feb 2008
Case Officer :Mr Thompson/Mr Took
(Full Planning Permission)
Selected Small Village
Tree Preservation Order
20051116 - (Outline Planning Permission) - Demolition of hotel and re-development
for housing
Approved, 17 Feb 2006
20060715 - (Full Planning Permission) - Removal of condition 10 of planning
permission reference 20051116 (off-site footpath)
Approved, 03 Jul 2006
The redevelopment of the site previously occupied by the Petersfield Hotel with the
construction of seventeen dwelling units including four affordable flats. All dwellings
would have their own private gardens, except for the flats which would have shared
amenity space and parking.
An accompanying Arboricultural Report addresses issues with regard to the impact of
the development on the trees that are within the site and which are subject to a
Preservation Order. A Design and Access Statement details the design concept and
the considerations that have been given to the appearance and layout of the scheme.
At the request of Councillor McGoun having regard to the following planning issues:
Scale and nature of development.
Raises concerns in respect of drainage, vehicular parking, access and apparent lack
of sustainable homes.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Two letters received raising the following issues:1. The design of the block of flats.
2. Impact on the existing trees.
3. Parking provision.
4. Affordable housing provision.
Broads Authority - No objections.
Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (Landscape) - Requires amendments
to safeguard trees and provide adequate distance between trees and the proposed
County Council (Highways) - Requests amended plans to indicate visibility splay, a
footpath, revision to the access and provision of an adoptable road. Also appropriate
designed turning heads need to be shown together with two parking spaces for each
of the eight flats.
Environmental Health - Recommends a condition requiring details of refuse storage
Planning Obligations Co-ordinator - Awaiting comments.
Strategic Housing - Confirms that on basis of the viability of a scheme for 17
dwellings it can support on-site affordable housing provision comprising 3 two bed
flats for rent and 1 two bed flat for shared ownership. These properties can be
provided by a Registered Social Landlord without the need for any public subsidy.
Advises that a draft Section 106 Agreement has been received regarding the
affordable housing provision.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 4: Selected Small Villages (small-scale residential development should
enhance character) (development should be compatible with character).
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Policy 58: Affordable Housing in Selected Small Villages (developments of over four
dwellings should be made up of affordable housing provision, subject to genuine
local needs).
Policy 147: New Accesses (developments which would endanger highway safety not
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
1. Design and layout of the proposed dwellings.
2. Relationship with existing development.
3. Impact on existing trees.
4. Access and highway requirements.
5. Amount of affordable housing.
Although the proposal has been submitted as a full application the principle of
residential on the site has been accepted by the granting of outline permission for
residential development in 2006.
The site comprises the grounds of the former Petersfield Hotel that has now been
demolished and cleared from the site. The site has an area of 0.82ha and is situated
on the northern side of Lower Street. It lies within the settlement boundary of the
village and forms part of an established residential area. The character of the
immediate area is one of detached dwellings in relatively large plots, although to the
north of the site more recent estate-style dwellings exist. To the south, on the
opposite side of Lower Street, other dwellings and boat moorings with access to the
river and the Broads exist. The area is thus varied in character.
In terms of Local Plan policy the site lies within the defined settlement boundary of
Horning where Policy 4 allows for small groups of dwellings which would enhance the
character of the village. A small group is defined as being up to four dwellings. Policy
58 requires that residential development for more than four dwellings may be
permitted provided the excess dwellings are for affordable housing. Current
Government guidance contained within PPS3 requires Local Authorities to ensure
that best use is made of development land, but any scheme is nevertheless required
to respect the form and character of the area as well as provide an agreed level of
affordable housing.
Although the density (22 dwellings per hectare) of the proposed scheme is lower than
the PPS3 requirement of 30 dwellings per hectare the character of the locality and
the landscaped setting of the site is more appropriate to the proposed lower density
form of development. This character assessment approach is supported by the latest
Government guidance.
The outline permission was conditioned on the need for a scheme for affordable
housing to be submitted and agreed. It is acknowledged that a level of affordable
housing needs to be provided but also that the development also needs to be viable.
The applicant, on request, has provided a detailed viability assessment in
accordance with an open accounting approach that is required in situations such as
this, and the Council's Housing Enabling Officer is satisfied that the financial details
provided justifies the provision of four affordable units as proposed and is appropriate
in the circumstances of this development. This assessment has taken into account
financial factors including providing appropriate profit margins and the viability of the
The application site is on elevated land, sloping up from Lower Street and is bounded
by many mature trees which are subject to a Tree Preservation Order. The Design
Statement explains that the design concept is to maintain a landscaped setting for
the development and therefore the majority of these trees are being retained to
maintain the character of the area and for the benefit of the development itself. The
Arboricultural Report has been assessed by the Countryside Officer and has required
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
the layout to be revised to safeguard some of the trees and create appropriate
distances between the trees and dwellings to provide suitable amenities that will
accrue to the residents. Amended plans are currently awaited. It is understood that
these amendments would result in the reduction of units to 17.
The applicant's agent has sought to address the requirements of the Highway
Authority and has provided written confirmation to this effect, however a revised
layout plan is awaited together with the further comments from the Highway
In conclusion, the proposed scheme creates a form of development that is in keeping
with the form and character of the area and that provides an acceptable amount of
affordable housing.
Subject to the receipt of suitably amended plan it is considered that the proposal
accords with Development Plan policy.
RECOMMENDATION:Delegated approval, subject to the receipt of suitably amended plans, the
applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement to ensure the provision of
affordable housing and the imposition of conditions to include those required
by the Highway Authority, material details, tree protection and refuse storage.
NEATISHEAD - 20071814 - Erection of village hall; land at The Street for
Neatishead Parish Council
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :15 Jan 2008
Case Officer :Mr Thompson/Mr Took
(Full Planning Permission)
Area of High Landscape Value
19980428 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of new village hall
Approved, 16 Jun 1998
20030920 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of village hall
Approved, 07 Jul 2003
To construct a new village hall, meeting room, changing and associated facilities on
land to the south west of the existing Victory Hall. The proposed building is designed
in a contemporary style with low mono-pitch and flat roofs and is designed to be
sustainable in its construction and operation, featuring rainwater recycling from the
main roof, green and grey roof technology on the lesser roofs and natural materials cedar boarding and lime render - to the walls.
Required by the Head of Planning and Building Control having regard to design
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Design and access statement from architect attached as Appendix 2.
Letters from six local residents supporting the design and the eco-friendly features
that it incorporates.
Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (Conservation and Design) Concerned that the proposal is insensitive to the setting and character of the village,
and would not preserve or enhance the setting of the Conservation Area. Full
comments attached as Appendix 2.
County Council (Highways) - No objection subject to creation of visibility splays,
levelling of access and provision of car parking.
Environmental Health - Recommends condition requiring details of extraction
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Further consideration of this issue will be given at the meeting.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 5: The Countryside (prevents general development in the countryside with
specific exceptions).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Policy 21: Area of High Landscape Value (promotes conservation and enhancement,
prevents developments which would be significantly detrimental to appearance and
Policy 42: Development in Conservation Areas (developments should preserve or
enhance character).
Policy 93: New Community Facilities (permissive toward new facilities in defined
settlements, subject to amenity/character, access and parking considerations.
Specifies criteria for new facilities in the Countryside).
Policy 147: New Accesses (developments which would endanger highway safety not
1. Provision of community facilities.
2. Design.
3. Impact in landscape/setting of Conservation Area.
Policy 93 of the North Norfolk Local Plan supports the provision of new community
facilities in the countryside provided that there is no suitable site within the
settlement, and subject to a number of other criteria. In this case the settlement
boundary is drawn tightly around the existing village which is densely built up with no
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
opportunities for the creation of a new hall and car park within the settlement
boundary. The proposed new hall is on a site immediately adjoining the settlement
boundary and permission was granted in 2003 for a new village hall at the same
location. This development was implemented by the construction of the access and
car park.
The current proposal would move the siting of the building to the south-west rather
than north-west corner of the site. In other respects the proposal would meet the
relevant policy criteria of being within reasonable walking distance of the village,
including suitable access and parking facilities, would not detract significantly from
the amenity and character of the surrounding area, and is well related to existing
groups of buildings.
The design, although unconventional, is intended to provide a flexible and adaptable
building which can be constructed in a phased manner as resources and need
dictate. As the Committee will note (Appendix 2) the Conservation and Design
Manager has raised a number of objections to the design approach. The applicants
have responded to these concerns (Appendix 2).
Many features of the proposed design are explained by the Design and Access
Statement. Although the proposed building is close to the traditional buildings in the
centre of Neatishead, the slight separation from them would permit an honest
contemporary design solution.
The proposed building would be visible in the landscape on the approach to
Neatishead from the Horning road to the south west, from where it will be seen
against a background of trees and the roofs of the buildings in the village centre.
Although the form of the buildings is angular, the colours of the proposed materials
would help the complex to assimilate into the landscape. The land to the north and
on the opposite side of The Street is in the Conservation Area, and the proposal
would be visible through the gateway and across the existing car park from the
Conservation Area. However the permitted village hall would in any case blur the
present clear distinction between built up village centre and surrounding countryside
and it is not considered that the proposed alternative design would have any more
harmful an impact on the views from or setting of the Conservation Area than the
permitted scheme.
Discussions were due to take place with the architect prior to the Committee meeting
concerning design issues; the Committee will be updated as to the outcome.
The Committee will be updated at the meeting following the outcome of
discussions concerning design matters.
NORTHREPPS - 20071711 - Demolition of single-storey dwelling and erection
of five dwellings; Sunnyside Norwich Road Cromer for Glaramara Estates
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :27 Dec 2007
Case Officer :Mr Thompson/Mr Took
(Full Planning Permission)
Road Class 'A' within 60m
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
20061850 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of two single-storey detached
Approved, 25 Jan 2007
20071094 - (Full Planning Permission) - Demolition of dwelling and erection of six
courtyard dwellings
Withdrawn, 31 Oct 2007
To demolish a bungalow and construct five dwellings in the form of a courtyard with a
new access at the southern end of the road frontage.
Amended plans submitted defining individual garden areas.
The application was deferred at a previous meeting for a site visit.
Object - parking provision inadequate; number of dwellings too high for the size of
the site; concerned over the proposed access to the A149 at this difficult junction;
level of proposed dwellings would give rise to unacceptable overlooking of adjoining
One letter of objection on grounds of access and overdevelopment.
Cromer Town Council - (On amended plan) - No objections subject to highways.
Building Control Manager - Comment on need for escape windows from inner rooms,
and on apparent lack of headroom over stairs.
County Council (Highways) - Recommend refusal of the application for the following
reasons:1. Inadequate visibility splays are provided at the junction of the access with the busy
Norwich Road (A149) (Principal Route), the proposed development would also lead
to significant right hand turning movements across the opposing stream of a busy
section of highway. If permitted, the proposed development would interfere with the
free and safe flow of traffic on this road and cause danger and inconvenience to
highway users. Contrary to North Norfolk Local Plan Policy 147.
2. The position of the proposed development does not adequately provide off-site
facilities for pedestrians and people with disabilities (those confined to a wheelchair
or others with mobility difficulties) to link with existing provision and local services.
Environmental Health - No objections.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
It is considered that refusal of this application as recommended may have an impact
on the individual Human Rights of the applicant. However, having considered the
likely impact and the general interest of the public, refusal of the application is
considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 2: Small Towns (potential for growth subject to compatibility with existing
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Policy 147: New Accesses (developments which would endanger highway safety not
1. Density of development.
2. Impact on character of the area.
3. Impact on nearby residents.
4. Highway safety.
This application was deferred at the last meeting for a site visit.
The site is within the residential area of the town identified in the Local Plan. The
principle of redevelopment of the site has been accepted under the terms of the
earlier permission for the replacement of the existing 1930's bungalow with a pair of
bungalows. The application seeks a modified form of development, in part to avoid
problems with a public sewer which crosses the site and which would make the
approved scheme impracticable. The submitted design and access statement
explains that the intention is to construct small houses (aimed at the entry level of the
housing market) in the form of a traditional farmyard group such as is found further
north on Norwich Road.
The proposal is for five dwellings on an area of 0.12ha at a gross density of 42
dwellings per hectare. Such a density would comply with the range referred to in
PPS3 and is considered appropriate in this area where other nearby development
has been permitted at similar or greater densities.
Amended plans have been submitted showing the allocation of garden areas for
each unit. Although the gardens are irregular in shape, most are in excess of 10m in
width (each unit would have at least 56sq.m of garden area). The density and layout
of the units is generally considered to be acceptable.
On this western side of the A149 the nearby dwellings are predominantly singlestorey, although there are two-storey houses on the eastern side of the road. The
proposed development reflects this with the proposed dwellings being mainly singlestorey. Some of the buildings have a slightly higher eaves level with accommodation
in the roof space. Although at odds with the pattern of nearby detached 1930s
bungalows to the south, the proposal reflects a farmyard form of development
characteristic of the wider rural area. Although the design and layout is different from
the immediate surroundings, the proposal is not considered to have an adverse
impact on the character of the area.
The proposal would have no significant impact on any nearby residents as there are
no proposed windows facing the adjoining bungalow to the south. The land to the
north of the site is former railway cutting and on the west side the site is 20m from
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
the rear of the bungalows on Nightingale Close and Ridgeway, with an intervening
area of garden which is heavily planted with trees and shrubs. The proposal would
therefore comply with the window to window distances recommended in the Design
The existing bungalow on the site has an access at the northern end of the site
frontage. The proposal would achieve the closure of this access and the opening of a
new access at the southern end of the frontage, as far as possible from the bridge
and the junction with Station Road.
The Highway Authority has re-considered the submitted plans specifically in respect
of visibility splay provision and has concluded that given the status of Norwich Road
(A149), a designated Principal Route and the level and speed of traffic at this
location, the necessary visibility splays of 90m x 2.4m x 90m are an essential
requirement. The achievable splay to the north is only 2.4m x 70m. Moreover, the
indicated splay to the north intersects the parapet of the railway bridge which is
outside the applicant's control and therefore exacerbates concerns regarding
restricted visibility.
In addition to the concerns regarding lack of visibility, concerns have now also been
raised by the Highway Authority to the scale of the development and the associated
number of vehicle movements generated, which would represent an unacceptable
level of interference with the free flow of traffic on the busy Norwich Road.
Furthermore the lack of a footway would be likely to lead to conditions both
detrimental to highway safety and the proposal does not include measures to
safeguard or promote pedestrian use.
Accordingly the proposal is contrary to the objectives of the above Development Plan
policy and for the reasons given by the Highway Authority the application is
recommended for refusal.
RECOMMENDATION:- REFUSE, FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS:1) Inadequate visibility splays are provided at the junction of the access with
the busy Norwich Road (A149) (Principal Route); the proposed development
would also lead to significant right hand turning movements across the
opposing stream of a busy section of highway. If permitted, the proposed
development would interfere with the free and safe flow of traffic on this road
and cause danger and inconvenience to highway users.
Furthermore, the position of the proposed development does not provide
adequate provide off-site facilities for pedestrians and people with disabilities
(those confined to a wheelchair or others with mobility difficulties) to link with
existing provision and local services.
NORTH WALSHAM - 20071764 - Erection of seventeen flats and one singlestorey dwelling; 48-50 Bacton Road for P and N Developments Limited
MAJOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :11 Feb 2008
Case Officer :Mrs T Armitage
(Full Planning Permission)
Archaeological Site
Contaminated Land
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
20060870 - (Full Planning Permission) - Demolition of two dwellings and outbuildings
and erection of one single-storey dwelling and twelve flats
Approved, 31 Jul 2006
The erection of seventeen flats (originally submitted for eighteen) in two detached
blocks and a single-storey dwelling to the rear.
The two blocks predominantly provide accommodation on three floors, with the top
floor being incorporated into the roof space (eaves height approximately 7m, ridge
height approximately 9.25m). A contemporary design approach is proposed, external
materials including timber boarding, exposed steelwork and rendered panels.
A new vehicular access is proposed, centrally located on the Bacton Road frontage.
At the request of Councillor Seward having regard to the following planning issues:
Number of proposed flats and highway issues.
Object to the application; consider the 2006 approval to be preferable.
Four letters of objection:1. Inadequate size of living accommodation.
2. Design and materials out of keeping with area.
3. Lack of parking.
4. Highway safety.
5. Increase in traffic.
6. Overdevelopment.
Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (Landscape) – Elements of the new
build are within the root protection zone of existing mature trees on the adjacent
cemetery site. As submitted an Arboricultural Assessment would be required
addressing this proximity. In addition the proposed proximity raises issues of
‘liveability’ and light levels to proposed living rooms.
County Council (Highways) - No objection in principle, subject to plan accurately
indicating access and visibility splay.
Environmental Health - A satisfactory contamination report already submitted in
relation to this site. No further comments.
Norfolk Landscape Archaeology - Recommend the imposition of a condition
regarding the need for archaeological assessment of the site.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 1: Growth Towns (main towns for growth in district).
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Policy 147: New Accesses (developments which would endanger highway safety not
1. Design and form of development.
2. Impact on amenities.
3. Impact on trees.
4. Access and parking.
The site is situated on the eastern side of Bacton Road, adjacent to North Walsham
cemetery. It is currently occupied by two residential properties and a number of
related outbuildings. To the south of the site is a detached residential dwelling,
"Ashmane", and to the east it backs on to allotment land. The site is located just
outside the town centre within a designated residential area.
The site has permission for redevelopment for a scheme comprising twelve flats and
a single bungalow (20060870). When this application was assessed there was a
highway objection to a vehicular access being created to serve more than the
existing two dwellings, in view of the difficulty in achieving visibility standards which
were at the time required. Given the proximity of the site to the town centre, the
nature of the accommodation being proposed and advice in PPS3 and PPS13, the
Highway Authority had no objection to the bulk of the development not having any
on-site parking provision. A private drive access, running adjacent to the southern
boundary of the site, was agreed solely in association with the approved bungalow.
Since this planning decision, national guidance on visibility requirements in towns
has been relaxed under "Manual for Streets 2007". The current application therefore
seeks a revised form of development with access being provided as well as on-site
parking facilities. A contemporary approach is proposed indicating the
accommodation within two blocks. The two blocks are primarily three-storey in scale
with the top floor of accommodation being within the roof space (ridge height 9.3m).
A mixture of materials is proposed including timber boarding, exposed steel and
rendered panels. The proposed roof structure would comprise a profiled raised seam
aluminium system. The building form aims to minimise eaves height and respect the
general scale of development along this section of Bacton Road. Existing
development along Bacton Road has no distinctive character although in general
building materials are traditional incorporating brick and tile. Although the proposed
development does not conform to this style, it is considered that the building form
and scale would relate to development in the vicinity and that the materials and
method of construction would have positive benefits in terms of sustainability.
The southern block is proposed approximately 4m off the boundary with the adjacent
property Ashmane. The side elevation of this property would be north-facing and
would have a small number of ancillary windows. The proposed layout of the flats
would as submitted indicate primary windows orientated towards this property, which
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
although not resulting in significant overlooking would not provide a satisfactory
outlook from the proposed accommodation. There is scope to reorganise the internal
layout of these flats and this is being discussed with the architects and amended
plans are awaited. The rear element of this southern block is a storey lower (eaves
height approximately 4.3m, ridge 6.3m) than the road frontage element in order to
reduce the dominance of the development when viewed from the adjacent dwelling.
The northern block would be located 2.5m away from the cemetery boundary. There
are a number of mature trees within the cemetery in the vicinity of this boundary. The
submitted plans do not accurately indicate the extent of the canopy spread of these
trees and further clarification has been sought. The agents have confirmed that in
their opinion the building could be sited without harming the trees and but that some
maintenance of these would probably be necessary in consultation with the Town
Council. However, the Council’s Landscape Officer has raised concerns over the
proximity of the development to the trees particularly in the absence of an
Arboricultural Assessment addressing the issue.
The single bungalow to the rear would be sited in the same position as approved
previously 20060870 and would have a satisfactory relationship with the adjacent
Parking is indicated in accordance with Council policy at one space for each of the
units plus an additional visitor space. The density of development equates to 110/ha,
well above the minimum set out on PPS3. This high figure reflects the three-storey
form of development and space would be available on site for parking, a small drying
area, bin storage and cycle parking.
County Highways have confirmed that they have no objection in principle to the
development but have requested amended plans indicating the extremities of the
visibility splay and further clarification on vehicle speeds.
Subject to resolution of outstanding issues, the scheme is considered to comply with
Development Plan policy.
RECOMMENDATION:Delegated authority to approve subject to receipt of satisfactory amended
plans addressing issues relating to amenity, trees and highways.
NORTH WALSHAM - 20071817 - Erection of six two-storey terraced dwellings;
site at Avenue Road for Stapletons (Tyre Services) Limited
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :17 Jan 2008
Case Officer :Mr Thompson/Mr Took
(Full Planning Permission)
See also 20071818 below.
20071150 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of six terraced houses
Refused, 13 Sep 2007
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
To construct a terrace of six two-storey houses on land that was formerly the
overspill car park for an adjacent tyre fitting depot. The proposed houses would be
constructed with brick gable ends and projecting gables on the front, with a coloured
render finish on the rear and parts of the front elevation. The roof is proposed to be
clay pantiles. The proposal involves the realignment of Avenue Road and its junction
with Norwich Road, and its reconstruction to adoptable standard from Norwich Road
to the site access, with a turning head.
At the request of Councillor Gay having regard to the following planning issues:
Highway safety and visual impact of this development on this approach to the town
Objects over concerns about over-development of the site as a whole and highways
matters relating to the number of vehicles likely to exit the site at a very busy junction
of Norwich Road.
Letter from adjacent business concerned about need to retain access to rear service
road, about surface water drainage problems in the area and about need to restrict
access to the rear of the site.
Letters received from two nearby residents concerned about the proposals to
reconstruct the road, the future maintenance of the road, and the relationship
between the proposed houses and the adjacent bungalow.
County Council (Highways) - Recognises the possible advantages of gathering the
various accesses to Norwich Road to a single point, but requires further details of
works to existing carriageway and footway, and provision of more on-site parking.
Environmental Health - Recommends advisory note re contamination.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 1: Growth Towns (main towns for growth in district).
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Policy 147: New Accesses (developments which would endanger highway safety not
Policy 153: Car Parking Standards (specifies parking requirements for different use
classes within different Local Plan policy areas).
1. Visual impact in street scene.
2. Highway safety.
The site is within a residential area defined in the Local Plan where redevelopment
for residential purposes would be acceptable in principle. The site is on the opposite
side of Avenue Road to an existing terrace of red brick and tile houses, and on the
east side is adjoined by a detached bungalow set in large plot, with a substantial
evergreen hedge approximately 2m high on the joint boundary.
The proposed new building would reflect the general proportions of the terrace on the
opposite side of the road, but with modern detailing. The application incorporates
parking spaces in front of the dwellings, accessed off the improved section of Avenue
Road and private gardens 7m deep at the rear. This shortfall on the recommended
minimum garden sizes is considered to be acceptable in this location close to the
town centre. In other respects the proposal would meet the requirements of the basic
amenity criteria in the Design Guide and it is considered that the design of the
proposed houses is generally acceptable.
The Highway Authority accepts that there are potential benefits in highway safety
terms in constructing a properly designed access road and junction (including a
formal turning area within Avenue Road) and in serving the proposed new dwellings
and the existing houses on Avenue Road off the new access. However it has raised
concerns about the detailed design of the junction and the level of car parking
provision. The site lies just beyond the defined town centre and in a location where
the District Council parking standards contained in the Local Plan would require only
one parking space per dwelling. The submitted application proposes nine spaces for
the six houses proposed, and as the site is close to the town centre, bus stops and
the railway station and therefore has a high level of accessibility it is not considered
that any additional parking is required. Amended plans dealing with the junction
improvements are awaited.
Subject to receiving acceptable amended highway details it is considered that
granting planning permission would comply with the relevant saved policies of the
Development Plan.
RECOMMENDATION:Delegated authority to approve, subject to submission of amended highway
details, the further comments of the Highway Authority and the imposition of
appropriate conditions.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
NORTH WALSHAM - 20071818 - Erection of replacement B2 tyre and mot
centre; 7 Norwich Road for Stapletons (Tyre Services) Limited
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :17 Jan 2008
Case Officer :Mr Thompson/Mr Took
(Full Planning Permission)
See also 20071817 above.
20071202 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of replacement B2, tyre and MOT
centre and four flats
Refused, 27 Sep 2007
To construct a new tyre fitting and MoT centre to replace the former building on the
site. The proposed building would be smaller than the previous building covering a
ground area of approximately 240sq.m and including an upper floor over the roadside
part of the building. The building is designed to be constructed of brick plinth and
corners with profiled steel cladding on the walls. The corner of the building would be
formed as a circular tower 7.5m high. The application incorporates the realignment of
Avenue Road and its junction with Norwich Road, and the reconstruction of the road
to adoptable standard with a turning head at the point where the rear access to the
adjacent business premises emerges.
At the request of Councillor Gay having regard to the following planning issues:
Highway safety and the visual impact of this development on this approach to the
town centre.
Letter from adjacent business premises concerned about disturbance during work on
party wall, and about future access for maintenance. Letter received from nearby
resident querying whether the road will be adopted.
County Council (Highways) - recognises the possible advantages of gathering the
various accesses to Norwich Road to a single point, but requires further details of
works to existing carriageway and footway, and provision of more on-site parking.
Environmental Health - Recommends conditions relating to contaminated land,
external lighting and hours of use.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 1: Growth Towns (main towns for growth in district).
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Policy 147: New Accesses (developments which would endanger highway safety not
1. Visual impact in street scene.
2. Highway safety.
Although within a residential area defined in the Local Plan, the site has been in
commercial use as a tyre fitting depot until recently and is part of a small group of
commercial uses on this side of the road, including a computer shop, bathroom
centre and restaurant. There is therefore no objection in principle to the proposed
The proposed building is smaller in scale than the building which formerly occupied
the site, having a frontage of 13m to the road whereas the former building occupied
18m of site frontage. The design of the proposed building is utilitarian, reflecting the
nature of the proposed use, but with a tower feature on the corner to mark the
entrance both to the site and the town centre. Colours of the cladding materials are
not specified at this stage, but could be controlled by condition on any permission.
Subject to suitable colours it is considered that the design of the proposed building is
generally acceptable.
The Highway Authority accepts that there are potential benefits in highway safety
terms in constructing a properly designed access road and junction (including a
formal turning area within Avenue Road) and in serving the tyre depot off the new
access road rather than direct from Norwich Road, but has raised concerns about the
detailed design of the junction and the level of car parking provision. Amended plans
dealing with these points are awaited.
Subject to receiving acceptable amended highway details it is considered that
granting planning permission would comply with the relevant saved policies of the
Development Plan.
Delegated authority to approve, subject to submission of amended highway
details, to the further comments of the Highway Authority and to the imposition
of appropriate conditions (to include those suggested by the Environmental
Health Officer).
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
SOUTHREPPS - 20071894 - Erection of two-storey detached dwelling; adjacent
The Rodings Sandy Lane for Mrs P L Green and Mrs A J Nq
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :30 Jan 2008
Case Officer :Mr Thompson/Mr Took
(Full Planning Permission)
Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
The erection of a three bedroom cottage style dwelling within the garden of an
existing property which involves the demolition of an existing precast concrete flat
roof double garage.
At the request of Councillor Arnold having regard to the following planning issues:
1. Scale and nature of development.
2. Highway safety.
3. Impact on properties in the area.
Strongly objects on the grounds of highways, overdevelopment of village, out of
character with the existing bungalows and would tower above them, and
overdevelopment of plot.
Letter signed by twenty households objecting on grounds of:
1. Highway safety.
2. Two-storey dwelling being out of character with nearby bungalows.
3. Damaging impact on character of the village.
County Council (Highways) - No objections subject to conditions.
Environmental Health - No comment.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 4: Selected Small Villages (small-scale residential development should
enhance character)
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
1. Impact on character of area.
2. Design.
3. Scale and nature of development.
4. Highway safety.
The application site lies within the development boundary for Southrepps where the
principle of new residential development is acceptable provided that it is suitable in
terms of design, scale, relationship with neighbouring properties and highway safety.
New residential development is also expected to enhance the character of the
The Rodings comprises a detached, 1960's style bungalow with a large flat roofed
double garage. The plot is roughly triangular in shape, formed by the junction with
Sandy Lane and Thorpe Market Road and is screened from the highway boundaries
by leylandii trees and hedging. The access to the site is gained from Sandy Lane to
the north of the plot and away from the existing junction. The site is outside but close
to the Southrepps Conservation Area.
The proposal is to subdivide the plot and construct a two-storey, cottage-style
dwelling. A precast concrete double garage is to be removed and a new single
garage would be linked to the main dwelling by a single-storey kitchen extension.
Both the existing and new dwelling would be served from the existing access.
In terms of appearance, the proposal is of cottage-style, utilising the roof space by
the inclusion of dormer windows and constructed of brick, flint and clay pantiles
together with white finish joinery. The dwelling would be orientated to avoid potential
for overlooking, with the only first floor windows facing the existing bungalows
relating to a bathroom, en-suite bathroom and a landing.
The proposed subdivision would maintain of plot sizes for the existing and proposed
dwellings comparable to other plots in the area and would provide adequate amenity
space and vehicle provision.
In conclusion, it is considered that the proposed dwelling would enhance the form
and character of the village and there are no highway safety reasons to object to the
development, which would comply with the requirements of the policies of the
Development Plan.
2) Notwithstanding the provision of Class A of Schedule 2, Part 2 of the Town and
Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995, (or any Order
revoking, amending or re-enacting that Order) no gates shall be erected across the
approved access unless details have first been submitted to and approved in writing
by the Local Planning Authority.
3) Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted a visibility splay
measuring 43m x 4.2m shall be provided to the south-eastern side of the access
where it meets the highway. The splay shall thereafter be maintained free from any
obstruction exceeding 0.6m above the level of the adjacent highway carriageway.
4) Prior to the first occupation of the development hereby permitted the proposed
access and on-site parking and turning areas shall be laid out, demarcated, levelled
and surfaced in accordance with the approved plan. They shall be retained thereafter
for those specific uses.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
5) The development to which this permission relates shall be undertaken in strict
accordance with the submitted and approved plans, drawings and specifications,
unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
REASONS:2) To ensure safe access to the site in accordance with Policy 147 of the adopted
North Norfolk Local Plan.
3) To ensure safe access to the site in accordance with Policy 147 of the adopted
North Norfolk Local Plan.
4) To ensure the permanent availability of the parking and manoeuvring area, in the
interests of highway safety, and in accordance with Policy 147 of the adopted North
Norfolk Local Plan.
5) To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the expressed
intentions of the applicant and to ensure the satisfactory development of the site, in
accordance with Policy 13 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
SUTTON - 20071982 - Erection of part two-storey, part first floor side extension;
Lindisfarne The Street for Mr and Mrs B Carne
Target Date :14 Feb 2008
Case Officer :Miss C Ketteringham
(Full Planning Permission)
Selected Small Village
20050553 - (Full Planning Permission) - Retention of attached garage and erection of
Approved, 17 May 2005
20051567 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of detached garage
Approved, 15 Nov 2005
20061372 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of conservatory
Approved, 02 Nov 2006
20070645 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of porch
Approved, 06 Jun 2007
20071274 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of part two-storey part first floor
side extension
Refused, 23 Oct 2007
The proposal is to extend the northern wing of a detached house by increasing the
width of the lounge by 1.6m and the addition of a first floor extension above. The
extension would provide two bedrooms and a bathroom on the first floor.
Amended plans replace a door in the front elevation with a window and include
additional first floor fenestration.
Referred by the Head of Planning and Building Control since the proposal is for an
amended scheme to one refused by the Committee in October 2007.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Objects - It is a gross over-development of the site and there is still concern that the
proposed development will end up being two dwellings, as the site has already had
five previous planning applications. Also the loss of permeable land in a flood plain.
Water Management Alliance - Awaiting comments.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 4: Selected Small Villages (small-scale residential development should
enhance character) (development should be compatible with character).
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Design and scale.
The property is located on a private drive behind dwellings fronting The Street. It is a
detached two-storey house set in a 0.22ha curtilage lying within the development
boundary of Sutton.
This proposal is to build a first floor extension above a single-storey wing, with a first
floor link to the main part of the house, although the additional accommodation would
also have its own internal staircase. The application is an amended scheme to one
refused last year on grounds of height, scale and lack of integration with the main
dwelling. This amended scheme has reduced the roof height by 0.5m and
incorporates the first floor link back to the main wing of the house. This represents a
better integrated extension than that previously refused. The original two-storey
house has undergone a variety of single extensions over the years, but this is not
reason in itself to refuse permission. The proposed extension is considered
acceptable in design terms and there would be no adverse impact upon neighbouring
The proposal is considered to comply with the policies of the Development Plan and
approval is recommended.
2) The development to which this permission relates shall be undertaken in strict
accordance with the submitted and approved plans, drawings and specifications,
unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
3) The extension hereby permitted shall not be occupied at any time other than for
purposes incidental to the residential use of the dwelling known as Lindisfarne.
REASONS:2) To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the expressed
intentions of the applicant and to ensure the satisfactory development of the site, in
accordance with Policy 13 of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
3) The close relationship of the proposed accommodation and the existing dwelling is
such that two separate dwelling units would not be appropriate in terms of Policy 13
(a)(x) of the adopted North Norfolk Local Plan.
WORSTEAD - 20071967 - Erection of dwelling; land adjacent to Ivy Cottage
Honing Row for Mr and Mrs R Bates
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :12 Feb 2008
Case Officer :Miss C Ketteringham
(Outline Planning Permission)
Selected Small Village
Conservation Area
The erection of a single dwelling, with only means of access included for
At the request of Councillor Wilkins having regard to the following planning issues:
Highway safety and overdevelopment.
Objects on grounds of:1. Another case of infill.
2. Increased vehicular movement on a narrow and dangerous part of Honing Row.
3. Reference to brownfield not substantiated because there were properties on the
4. Proposed dwelling too large for the area and too high for that area Worstead.
Three letters of objection have been received on the following grounds:1. Infill developments spoil the character of the village.
2. Highway safety with the poor visibility of the access onto a hazardous road.
3. Overdevelopment.
4. Proposed house too large for the plot.
County Council (Highways) - No objection subject to the roadside hedge being
removed in its entirety and proposed access being repositioned adjacent to the northwest corner of the Ivy Cottage and the imposition of appropriate conditions relating to
access, visibility and parking requirements.
Worstead Amenity Society - Believe that it is an inappropriate development of a
cottage garden, and the dwelling proposed is too large for the plot and too high for
that area of Worstead. The priority should be for one or two bedroom houses not the
three or four bedroom recently approved.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 4: Selected Small Villages (small-scale residential development should
enhance character) (development should be compatible with character).
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Policy 42: Development in Conservation Areas (developments should preserve or
enhance character).
1. Principle of development of this plot.
2. Impact on the Conservation Area.
3. Highway safety.
The application site is formed from the subdivision of the garden of Ivy Cottage, a
two-storey detached dwelling which is positioned at right angles to Honing Row. It
lies within the development boundary for Worstead where in principle new residential
development may be considered acceptable providing it would enhance the
character of the village and subject to neighbouring amenity and highway safety
The submitted plan indicates the possible positioning of a dwelling on the site, but
this is indicative only. The site measures 14m wide with an average depth of 25m
and a plot of these dimensions could in principle easily accommodate an average
size dwelling. However, the constraints of this site together with the minimum
requirements of garden depth and provision of on-site parking and turning would
significantly limit the size of acceptable dwelling. Nevertheless, it is considered that it
would accommodate a modest sized dwelling on the site.
The proposal is comparable in terms of plot size with other development in the
immediate vicinity which comprises a mixture of medium density modern buildings
and high density traditional cottages following a pattern of development along Honing
Row. It is considered that it would be possible to design a dwelling for this site that
would enhance the form and character of this part of the village.
The application site is located on a bend where Honing Row narrows and visibility is
poor. The Highway Authority has indicated that it would not object to the proposal
provided that the access is repositioned to the north-west corner and the front
boundary hedge the entire length of Ivy Cottage and the site is removed. Besides
providing visibility for the new access it is considered that the removal of the hedge
would result in improved visibility for other highway users. This matter has been
raised with the applicant and the Committee will be updated on any response at the
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Subject to the revisions required by the Highways Authority the proposed
development is considered to comply with Development policy.
RECOMMENDATION:Delegated approval, subject to the receipt of a plan amending the site access
and subject to the imposition of conditions on the provision of the access and
on-site parking and turning areas and the removal of the front boundary hedge
the entire length of the site and Ivy Cottage.
WORSTEAD - 20080029 - Erection of two-storey dwelling; land rear of 30 and
32 Honing Row for Worstead Farms Limited
MINOR DEVELOPMENT - Target Date :03 Mar 2008
Case Officer :Miss C Ketteringham
(Full Planning Permission)
Selected Small Village
Conservation Area
20071755 - (Full Planning Permission) - Erection of two-storey dwelling
Withdrawn, 13 Dec 2007
The erection of a detached two bedroom dwelling, including a single-storey element,
on land to the rear of two dwellings which front Honing Row.
At the request of Councillor Wilkins having regard to the following planning issues:
Overdevelopment, highway safety and residential amenity.
Object on the following grounds:1. Not sympathetic to the area and fails to enhance.
2. Inappropriate design, mass of development and height.
3. Infill, loss of open spaces.
4. Problems with access in a narrow lane.
One letter received from a local resident objecting on grounds of:1. Loss of light.
2. Overlooking.
3. Out of keeping with the village and Conservation Area.
4. Restricts access to other properties.
5. Too much infill in Worstead.
6. Inadequate turning space for vehicles.
7. West boundary treatment needs clarification.
County Council (Highways) - Awaiting comments.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
Worstead Amenity Society - Acknowledges that small dwellings of this type are
needed in Worstead and across North Norfolk and that this application is better than
the previous one. Although it still represents the infilling of yet another cottage
garden. The position of the house on the site makes better use of the plot and
interferes less with its neighbours. The design is an improvement.
Set against these improvements the footprint is larger and the ridge height is too high
for its neighbours.
It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to
Article 8 : The right to respect for private and family life, and
Article 1 of The First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions.
Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general
interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to
be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law.
The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues.
North Norfolk Local Plan - (Adopted 2 April 1998 - saved policies):
Policy 4: Selected Small Villages (small-scale residential development should
enhance character) (development should be compatible with character).
Policy 6: Residential Areas (areas primarily for residential purposes).
Policy 13: Design and Setting of Development (specifies design principles required
for new development).
Policy 42: Development in Conservation Areas (developments should preserve or
enhance character).
Policy 147: New Accesses (developments which would endanger highway safety not
1. Principle of development of this plot.
2. Highway safety.
3. Residential amenity.
The application site is formed from the subdivision of garden land belonging to
dwellings on Honing Row. It lies within the development boundary for Worstead and
also Worstead Conservation Area where in principle a new dwelling may be
acceptable provided that it preserves or enhances the Conservation Area and has no
adverse impact on residential amenity or highway safety.
It is proposed to use an existing private drive between 30 and 32 Honing Row for
access to the site. Both of these properties are within the same ownership and the
proposal includes the partial demolition of an outbuilding on 32 Honing Row to
reorganise the parking arrangements for the existing dwellings. Parking for the
existing cottages is currently accessed from the back lane which has substandard
visibility at its junction with Honing Row.
The siting of the new dwelling would follow the local pattern of development and
would help to enhance the form and character of this part of the Conservation Area.
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
In terms of design, with a ridge height of 7m and a gable width less than 6m wide,
this would be a traditionally proportioned, modest cottage which would complement
the historic development on Honing Row. This proposal would bridge the gap
between the traditional village dwellings on Honing Row with the newer dwellings on
St Andrews Close, adding cohesion to the form and character of the village. The
windows would be positioned to avoid overlooking those properties which are closest
to the new dwelling. The proposal would also fulfil the criteria for minimum garden
depth as required by the basic residential amenity criteria.
Subject to the comments of the Highway Authority the proposal is considered to
comply with the policies of the Development Plan.
RECOMMENDATION:Delegated authority to approve subject to no objections being received from
the Highway Authority and subject to the imposition of conditions to include
materials, boundary treatments and the provision of the parking provision.
ALDBOROUGH - 20071777 - Erection of single-storey rear extension; Meadow
View The Green for Mr and Mrs R Hayton
(Full Planning Permission)
AYLMERTON - 20071813 - Construction of two rear dormer windows; Apple Pie
Cottage 47/48 The Street for Mr and Mrs T Williams
(Full Planning Permission)
AYLMERTON - 20071821 - Installation of automated teller machine; Roman
Camp Service Station Holt Road for Bank Machine Limited
(Full Planning Permission)
AYLMERTON - 20071822 - Display of illuminated advertisement; Roman Camp
Service Station Holt Road for Bank Machine Limited
(Illuminated Advertisement)
AYLMERTON - 20071840 - Erection of field shelter; Allotments The Street for
Miss J Kendall
(Full Planning Permission)
BACTON - 20071751 - Conversion of barn to one unit of holiday
accommodation; Heath Farm The Green Barchams Lane Edingthorpe for Mr
and Mrs Sidebotham
(Full Planning Permission)
BACTON - 20071962 - Demolition of dwelling and erection of two dwellings; Hill
Top Mill Lane for East Anglian Property Limited
(Outline Planning Permission)
COLBY - 20071841 - Erection of single-storey front and rear extensions and
first floor extension; Teal Thatch Long Lane for Mr and Mrs Earl
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
CROMER - 20071808 - Continued standing of storage containers for Cromer
carnival equipment; Cromer Town Football Club Mill Road for Cromer
Voluntary Entertainments Organisation Ltd
(Full Planning Permission)
CROMER - 20071930 - Erection of single-storey dwelling; rear of 1 The Warren
for Mr and Mrs Royall
(Full Planning Permission)
CROMER - 20071401 - Conversion, alterations and extension of upper floor to
provide seven flats and installation of replacement shop fronts; Balcony House
1 Mount Street for Mr C Salt
(Full Planning Permission)
CROMER - 20071798 - Erection of single-storey rear extension; 83 Clifton Park
for Mr L Boyd
(Full Planning Permission)
CROMER - 20071852 - Change of use from residential to bed and breakfast
accommodation; 13 Alfred Road for Mr J Milne
(Full Planning Permission)
CROMER - 20071913 - Erection of two-storey front and rear extensions and
single-storey side extension; 2 Newhaven Close for Mr and Mrs S Heels
(Full Planning Permission)
DILHAM - 20071774 - Continued use of garage as annexe/holiday
accommodation; Nightingale Cottage Chapel Road for Mr and Mrs C Love
(Full Planning Permission)
EAST RUSTON - 20071017 - Conversion of barn to one unit of holiday
accommodation; Church Farm Barn Church Farm Road for Mr and Mrs
(Full Planning Permission)
HAPPISBURGH - 20071826 - Conversion of barn to tearoom and construction
of footpath link to beach car park; Barn adjacent to Cart Gap Road for Mr M
(Full Planning Permission)
HAPPISBURGH - 20071881 - Erection of three-bay cart shed/stable; Glenhern
Short Lane for Mr and Mrs Horsnell
(Full Planning Permission)
HAPPISBURGH - 20071938 - Retention of garage (revised design); 9 Doggetts
Lane for Mr J Opie
(Full Planning Permission)
HICKLING - 20071861 - Erection of two-storey extension and detached garage;
Waterside Lodge Hill Common for Professor A L Kinmonth
(Full Planning Permission)
HORNING - 20071705 - Erection of replacement detached two-storey dwelling
and garage; Kingston Cottage 125a Lower Street for Mr K Monk
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
HORNING - 20071797 - Erection of detached garage; Oakdale Mill Loke for Mr G
F Buckland
(Full Planning Permission)
KNAPTON - 20071929 - Erection of first floor rear extension and balcony;
Ashwood House Paston Road for Mr and Mrs Ogden
(Full Planning Permission)
LUDHAM - 20071848 - Retention of garden room; Seven Oaks Horse Fen Road
for Mr and Mrs D Elliott
(Full Planning Permission)
MUNDESLEY - 20071863 - Erection of front extensions, rear conservatory and
detached garage; 34 Trunch Road for Mr and Mrs A Colk
(Full Planning Permission)
MUNDESLEY - 20071877 - Demolition of garden wall; The Ship Inn 21 Beach
Road for Admiral Taverns
(Demolition in a Conservation Area)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20071760 - Erection of part two-storey rear extension; 22
Long Barrow Drive for Mr and Mrs Botting
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20071856 - Change of use from C2 (residential care home)
to residential dwelling; 28 Happisburgh Road for Suffolk Housing Society
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20071768 - Erection of two-storey rear extension; 35
Norwich Road for Ms N Sadler
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTHREPPS - 20071763 - Erection of garage; Church Grange Church Street
for Mr and Mrs Crabtree
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTHREPPS - 20071868 - Erection of rear conservatory and installation of
dormer windows and two rooflights; Garden Cottage Church Street for Dr and
Mrs J Gaston
(Full Planning Permission)
OVERSTRAND - 20071802 - Erection of single-storey dwelling and garage; plot
3 land adjacent 50 Bracken Avenue for Mr T Jewell and Mr N Porter
(Full Planning Permission)
OVERSTRAND - 20071807 - Erection of one and a half storey dwelling and
garage; plot2 land adjacent 50 Bracken Avenue for Mt T Jewell and Mr N Porter
(Full Planning Permission)
OVERSTRAND - 20071838 - Conversion of building to holiday accommodation;
Ivy Farm Holiday Park High Street for W R Reynolds and Sons
(Full Planning Permission)
PASTON - 20071936 - Erection of two-storey side extension; 5 Chapel Road for
Mr and Mrs D Pedersen
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
POTTER HEIGHAM - 20071812 - Erection of attached garage; Dove Barn Dove
House Lane for Mr W Bensley
(Full Planning Permission)
ROUGHTON - 20071600 - Alterations to barns to facilitate conversion to holiday
accommodation; Barn 1 Back Lane Grove Farm for Mr C Bedford
(Alteration to Listed Building)
RUNTON - 20071790 - Extension and refurbishment of club building; Seacroft
Camping Park Cromer Road East Runton for The Caravan Club
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON - 20071893 - Extension and refurbishment of toilet block; Wood Hill
Caravan Park Cromer Road East Runton for Timewell Properties Limited
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON - 20071810 - Erection of replacement single-storey extension;
Widgeons Home Close West Runton for Mr and Mrs Phillips
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON - 20071833 - Erection of two-storey front extension; Robin Hill
Shawcross Road West Runton for Mr and Mrs Daplyn
(Full Planning Permission)
RUNTON - 20071867 - Conversion of ground floor restaurant to two flats and
erection of three single-storey dwellings with accommodation in roofspace;
land off Roseberry Road and at Station Road West Runton for Knowles and
Wright Limited
(Outline Planning Permission)
SCOTTOW - 20071908 - Formation of footpaths and parking bays; site at
Barton Road Raf Coltishall for Annington Homes Limited
(Full Planning Permission)
SLOLEY - 20071871 - Erection of replacement single-storey extension; Corner
Cottage Frankfort for Mr Rathbone
(Full Planning Permission)
SMALLBURGH - 20071759 - Erection of rear extension; The Old Stables Hall
Drive for Mr and Mrs M Bailey
(Alteration to Listed Building)
STALHAM - 20071794 - Erection of single-storey side and rear extensions;
White Gates Stalham Yarmouth Road The Green for Mr and Mrs T Newman
(Full Planning Permission)
STALHAM - 20071875 - Erection of rear conservatories; Farthings Lower
Staithe Road for Mr and Mrs J Flack
(Full Planning Permission)
STALHAM - 20071890 - Erection of front extension; Units 1-2 St. Mary’s Works
Bank Street for D L H Autocentre
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
STALHAM - 20071905 - Erection of replacement side porch; 103 Millside for Mr
L Bell
(Full Planning Permission)
SUTTON - 20071844 - Erection of entrance gates; Bush House Church Road for
Mr P Nicholls
(Full Planning Permission)
SWAFIELD - 20071795 - Raising height of boundary wall from 1 metre to 2
metres; Pink Cottage The Street for Ms T Dobson
(Full Planning Permission)
SWANTON ABBOTT - 20071761 - Erection of dwelling; Sheridan House Cross
Road for Mr and Mrs King
(Outline Planning Permission)
SWANTON ABBOTT - 20071874 - Erection of single-storey side extension and
replacement garage; Rose Cottage The Street for Mr J Beale
(Full Planning Permission)
THORPE MARKET - 20071855 - Erection of conservatory; Westgate Sandpit
Lane for Mr Gibbs
(Full Planning Permission)
THORPE MARKET - 20071872 - Erection of extension to dormer window; Italska
Cromer Road for Mrs M Hunter
(Full Planning Permission)
THORPE MARKET - 20071955 - Erection of single-storey front and rear
extensions; Jireh Sandpit Lane for Mr and Mrs P Lomas
(Full Planning Permission)
TRUNCH - 20071786 - Erection of rear porch and building to house swimming
pool equipment and changing area; Ivy Farmhouse Mundesley Road for Mr and
Mrs Binny
(Full Planning Permission)
TRUNCH - 20071787 - Erection of rear porch and removal of internal wall; Ivy
Farmhouse Mundesley Road for Mr and Mrs Binny
(Alteration to Listed Building)
WORSTEAD - 20071902 - Erection of attached car port; South Cottage Station
Road Briggate for Mr and Mrs McCarthy
(Full Planning Permission)
CATFIELD - 20071842 - Erection of four dwellings and garages; Stone Cottage
New Road for T C and C A Properties
(Full Planning Permission)
CROMER - 20071745 - Conversion and extension of garage to provide annexe;
62 Connaught Road for Mr S Kerr
(Full Planning Permission)
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
CROMER - 20071757 - Conversion of six flats to ten flats; 43 Church Street for
Mr J Barron
(Full Planning Permission)
HICKLING - 20071830 - Conversion of agricultural buildings to seven units of
holiday accommodation; Mill House Heath Road for Mrs Hancock and Mr
(Full Planning Permission)
NEATISHEAD - 20071706 - Erection of office/toilet extensions and additional
industrial unit; Factory Units School Road for Anglian Developments Limited
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20071806 - Erection of attached two-storey dwelling; 1
Woodbine Close for Miss J Dyble
(Full Planning Permission)
NORTH WALSHAM - 20071828 - Demolition of dwelling and erection of four
dwellings; 35 Kimberley Road for Mr and Mrs Humpherey
(Outline Planning Permission)
OVERSTRAND - 20071879 - Erection of single-storey dwelling; land at 3 Cromer
Road for Mr and Mr P Eden
(Full Planning Permission)
SIDESTRAND - 20071849 - Installation of replacement window; Bridge Barn
Bizewell Farm Main Road for Mr D Northcutt
(Full Planning Permission)
SIDESTRAND - 20071850 - Installation of replacement window; Bridge Barn
Bizewell Farm Main Road for Mr D Northcutt
(Alteration to Listed Building)
SLOLEY - 20071809 - Erection of single-storey dwelling to provide gypsy family
accommodation; The Drove Low Street for Mr J Leveridge
(Full Planning Permission)
STALHAM - 20071816 - Erection of two flats; adjacent to Ye Olde Clock Cafe
High Street for R P Shearwood Builders Limited
(Full Planning Permission)
TRIMINGHAM - 20071834 - Conversion of toilet block to staff living
accommodation; Woodlands Caravan Park Cromer Road for Woodland Leisure
Park (Trimingham)
(Full Planning Permission)
WITTON - 20071945 - Erection of single-storey extension (revised design);
Church Barn Happisburgh Road Ridlington for Mr A Perryman
(Full Planning Permission)
WITTON - 20071946 - Erection of single-storey extension; Church Barn
Happisburgh Road Ridlington for Mr A Perryman
(Alteration to Listed Building)
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008
HOVETON - 20071247 - Demolition of hotel and erection of twenty-four
apartments with car parking below; The Broads Hotel Station Road for Mr J R
No Items
CROMER (TOWN WARD) - 20071364 - Erection of eighteen two-bed flats; site at
Cambridge Street for Taylor Patterson Trustees Limited
ROUGHTON - 20071000 - Conversion of building to one unit of holiday
accommodation; site adjacent 1 Hillside for Mr M Wilson
SEA PALLING - 20030910 - Erection of single-storey dwelling and garage; land
adjacent to The Old Vicarage Church Road for Mr D Buckland
STALHAM - 20070336 - Erection of 4 dwellings; 142 High Street for Mr P Marko
CROMER (SUFFIELD PARK WARD) - 20070563 - Erection of one and a half
storey dwelling; 17 Cliff Avenue for Mr F Chesterfield
HICKLING - 01/045/DEV6/06/004 - Windows being changed possible internal
works and some alterations to exterior; Hickling Stores The Green for Lorraine
RUNTON (EAST WARD) - 20070979 - Installation of replacement shop front and
door; Sherbrook 17-19 High Street for Mr K Kelly
Development Control Committee (East)
7 February 2008