OFFICERS’ REPORTS TO DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE – 5 APRIL 2012 Each report for decision on this Agenda shows the Officer responsible, the recommendation of the Head of Planning and Building Control and in the case of private business the paragraph(s) of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 under which it is considered exempt. None of the reports have financial, legal or policy implications save where indicated. PUBLIC BUSINESS – ITEM FOR INFORMATION 1. THE TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING (TREE PRESERVATION) (ENGLAND) REGULATIONS 2012 To report the receipt of new Regulations regarding Tree Preservation Orders. Background The Tree Preservation Order (TPO) Regulations were last reviewed in 2008. Since this time the Government has been in consultation with interested parties to review the legislation in a bid to make them “more workable and less bureaucratic”. Landscape Officers within Conservation Design and Landscape section have been involved in this process and comments and ideas have been submitted via the national network of tree and landscape officers to Government Office. Government Office has taken note of the comments and have modified the regulations accordingly. The new Regulations were made on 28th February 2012, were laid before Parliament on 5th March 2012. They will come into force on 6th April 2012. Summary of changes to the Regulations. The current Regulations are robust in most areas so that Officers and professionals can work with them to deliver a fair service. However some parts relied on “good will” between the applicant and the Council and these areas led to abuse of the Regulations. Therefore the majority of the Regulations stay the same with only a few changes that reduce bureaucracy and eliminate the “grey” areas. Main Changes to Regulations The format for a TPO is being changed to be more “customer friendly”. The previous document included many pages of legislative text which was inappropriate for a person with limited legal knowledge. The proposed form includes the basic information needed, clearly detailing the tree(s) and property(ies) affected including position and species and a detailed map. The previous Regulations required that a copy of the TPO form be sent to the owner and all neighbouring properties. This was an onerous task that meant that Officers had to research ownership of many properties and in some cases send out large numbers of forms to people who were not affected by the TPO. The new Regulations require that the form be served on the persons interested in the land affected by the Order. Therefore Officers can now make a judgement as to whom the form should be sent. Development Committee 1 5 April 2012 The ambiguous Area Order is being removed from the Regulations and new Orders must include full details of trees included when making a Group or Individual Order. Woodland Orders remain the same. The exceptions for notifying the Local Planning Authority for work to protected trees are being changed to prevent any misunderstanding that might arise. - “Dying” trees are no longer exempt from notification. This has been changed to protect veteran trees which by their nature are dying but are very important for their amenity and biodiversity value. - Exempt work to “dangerous trees” under the new Regulations is only permitted in cases when such works are necessary to remove an immediate risk of serious harm. This removes the defence for contractors or property owners who take down trees instead of implementing appropriate management. - The previous Regulations did not state when and in what form notice was required regarding Statutory Undertakers works in relation to protected trees and general works to dangerous trees. Under the revised regulations Statutory Undertakers and those wishing to carry out works to dangerous trees must give 5 days notice in writing to the Local Planning Authority. In the case of trees that pose an immediate risk the Local Planning Authority must be notified as soon as practicable after the works become necessary. Under the previous Regulations there was no set time limit as to how long after a refusal to consent to tree works an owner of a property could bring a compensation claim. Owners of a property could claim compensation for damage to persons or property or loss of value of the land any time after a decision. It was left to a judge in a Court of Law to decide if the time between the claim and the refusal of works was reasonable. This part of the legislation put significant pressure on Officers making day to day decisions and resulted in large sums being claimed against Local Authorities. The revised Regulations place a 12 month time limit on any claim for compensation against the Local Authority regarding a decision to refuse tree works. This will assist Officers in considering applications for works to trees and will be in line with good arboricultural practice. The new Regulations put a minimum limit of £500 for any claim to prevent small claims being made. The Conservation Design and Landscape Team has amended its documentation and systems to be ready for the date when the Regulations come into force on 6 April 2012. No alterations are proposed concerning arrangements for the confirmation of Orders or the circumstances which require referral to Committee. RECOMMENDATION The Committee is asked to note the contents of this report. Source: (Simon Case, Landscape Officer. Extn 6142) Development Committee 2 5 April 2012 PUBLIC BUSINESS – ITEMS FOR DECISION PLANNING APPLICATIONS Note :- Recommendations for approval include a standard time limit condition as Condition No.1, unless otherwise stated. 2. MUNDESLEY - PF/12/0115 - Erection of replacement barn and stables; 35 Trunch Road for Mr Bonham Minor Development - Target Date: 27 March 2012 Case Officer: Miss C Ketteringham Full Planning Permission CONSTRAINTS Rural Residential Conversion Area (HO9) Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Countryside Undeveloped Coast RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY PLA/20080878 PF - Conversion and extension of nissen hut to provide studio and workshop and conversion of stable to garden room Withdrawn 05/09/2008 PLA/20070626 PF - Erection of dwelling Refused 05/06/2007 Appeal dismissed 10/04/2008 THE APPLICATION The application is for a single building to replace three existing stables and an old fibre sheet arc building. The proposed building is has an L shaped layout comprising a barn and three stables, which in footprint is broadly the same as the existing buildings it is intended to replace. The barn is at 6.5m to the ridge, (taller than the buildings it replaces), similarly the stables at 5m are approximately a metre taller than the existing stables. The building will have a brick plinth, timber ship lap clad walls and a pantile roof. Amended plans received removing the gablets from the barn roof. REASONS FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE At the request of Councillor B Smith having regard to the following planning issue: Design/scale of the development proposed. PARISH COUNCILS Mundesley Parish Council - no objection Knapton Parish Council - awaiting comments REPRESENTATIONS Letters have been received from three local residents objecting on the following grounds (summarised): 1. Questions whether a contaminated land survey, ecological or tree survey should have been submitted with the application. 2. The proposed development is contrary to the Council's Core Strategy. Development Committee 3 5 April 2012 3. Questions whether equine grazing or vegetable growing can justify the scale of the building. 4. Insufficient grazing. 5. Volume of building is greater than that it replaces. 6. Scale and massing of the building proposed is excessive and seriously visually intrusive. 7. The access is dangerous and its use by larger vehicles such as horseboxes is likely to harm highway safety. CONSULTATIONS County Highways - Due to the access position being close to a bend resulting in reduced visibility the Highway Authority would have reservations about any proposal significantly increasing the vehicular use of this site. However, strictly subject to the proposed barn and stables being for the applicants personal use with no commercial uses whatsoever allowed there would be no objection to the granting of permission. Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (Landscape) - In view of the agricultural/stable appearance of the building and the agricultural use of the land, there are limited reasons to object to the application. The proposed stable and barn is a tall building at around 6.5m in height, which is not insignificant in the landscape. The building is not positioned well within the plot as it does not relate to any boundary particularly well, although the barn section of the building is on the same footprint as the existing Nissen hut. The proposed development presents the opportunity to remove a series of redundant and derelict buildings and improve the general appearance of the land, which is to be welcomed. The site itself is not overly visible to the general public therefore there is a limited overall visual impact. Conditions are requested to safeguard the future retention of the prominent hedgerow that runs between the two parcels of land in the ownership of the applicant. Environmental Health - no objection subjection to condition E28 relating to waste disposal. HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to Article 8: The Right to respect for private and family life. Article 1 of the First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions. Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law. CRIME AND DISORDER ACT 1998 - SECTION 17 The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues. POLICIES Policy SS2: Development in the Countryside (prevents general development in the countryside with specific exceptions). Policy EN 1: Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and The Broads (prevents developments which would be significantly detrimental to the areas and their setting). Policy EN 2: Protection and enhancement of landscape and settlement character (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including the Landscape Character Assessment). Development Committee 4 5 April 2012 Policy EN 4: Design (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including the North Norfolk Design Guide and sustainable construction). Policy CT 5: The transport impact on new development (specifies criteria to ensure reduction of need to travel and promotion of sustainable forms of transport). MAIN ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Principle of development in this location. 2. Design/scale. 3. Visual impact. 4. Relationship with neighbouring development. APPRAISAL The application site extends to approximately 0.125 ha and is in association with two areas of land extending to approximately 0.5 ha which have been used for many years as a smallholding. The western portion of the land is within the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty where the existing stables are located. The eastern portion of the land is outside the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and a tall hedge divides the two land parcels. There is an existing vehicular access to the land between two adjacent properties known as Freshwind and Heather Cove. The application site is an area of land behind the applicant's dwelling which lies outside the development boundary for Mundesley within an area designated in the Core Strategy as Countryside. Within the Countryside policy area buildings for ancillary residential, recreation and agriculture in conjunction with the use of the land may in principle may be acceptable as set out in Policy SS2. In the design and access statement submitted with the application the applicant has stated that the buildings will be used essentially for the same purposes as the existing buildings are or were previously used. The larger barn element will be used for to store personal vehicles, machinery for land husbandry, storage of produce with hay and straw stored within the roof space and the stables to house ponies. Thus the use of the buildings would comply with Policy SS 2. In support of the design the applicant submits that the raised eaves height, and ultimately the overall height, is required to allow room for a motor caravan which is taller than the average vehicle and the height and degree of roof pitch are to a certain extent constrained by the type of prefabricated timber building proposed. In terms of the siting, the building would be located on the same footprint as the existing arc building on land directly behind the applicant's dwelling. While the building would be taller than the existing structure, the external appearance would be obviously much improved and the design is considered suitably rural in appearance as to be assimilated within the existing landscape on the edge of Mundesley where it is screened from view by the roadside development and topography of the landscape. Although the building would be visible from existing dwellings and more distant higher land to the north, from most other directions views of the building would be limited. Indeed there is benefit in moving the stables to land outside the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. Objections have been raised to the scale of the proposed building. The proposed building would be 70 m from the closest dwelling and it is considered sufficiently distant from any of the adjoining properties so as not to harm their residential amenities through loss of light, overshadowing or overbearing impact. Development Committee 5 5 April 2012 As the existing land and buildings can be or currently used for the purposes the applicant intends for the use of the new building, it is considered the proposed development is unlikely to significantly intensify the use of the existing vehicle access. However, it would be prudent to impose a condition that the new buildings should only be used for purposes ancillary to the use of the land, as suggested by the Highway Authority, which is raising no objections on that basis. On balance, the proposed building would replace in footprint only that of the existing structures. It would be appropriately agricultural in form, layout, appearance and the materials proposed to be acceptable in its design for this type of development. The relationship with neighbouring development is also considered to be acceptable. Consequently, the proposal is considered to comply with the policies of the Development Plan and approval is recommended. RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to appropriate conditions including that the development should only be used for private purposes ancillary to the use of the land, demolition of the existing stables concurrently with the first use of the approved stables, those required by the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager and materials. 3. SALTHOUSE - PF/12/0098 - Erection of side extension; Havelock Barn, 4 Manor Farm Barns, Cross Street for D & M Hickling Properties - Target Date: 27 March 2012 Case Officer: Miss T Lincoln Householder application CONSTRAINTS Conservation Area Archaeological Site Countryside Undeveloped Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY PLA/20080598 PF - Change of use of barns to four residential dwellings Approved 28/10/2008 PF/09/1264 PF - Conversion of barn to dwelling Approved 16/02/2010 PF/10/0554 PF - Conversion of barn to dwelling Approved 22/06/2010 PF/10/0555 PF - Conversion of barn to dwelling Approved 24/06/2010 PF/10/0661 PF - Variation of condition 2 of 08/0598 to permit retention of singlestorey extension and increased size of east gable Approved 29/07/2010 PF/10/1197 HOU - Erection of single-storey outbuilding Approved 06/12/2010 THE APPLICATION Is for the erection of a single storey side extension to no. 4 Manor Farm Barns which is part of a recently converted barn complex of residential dwellings. Development Committee 6 5 April 2012 The extension would be 4.7m long with a gable width of 4.6m to match that of the existing building. It would be sited on the northern end of the building and would be constructed of reclaimed flint and brick under a reclaimed Norfolk pantile roof, with timber doors to match that of the existing building. REASONS FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE At the request of Councillor Young having regard to the following planning issue: In view of the amount of extensions already approved on the site and overdevelopment. PARISH COUNCIL Object as this will be an extension of the footprint of the original barn and this appears to be development by stealth outside the village planning envelope. CONSULTATIONS Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager - The proposed extension should not harm the appearance and character of this part of Salthouse's Conservation Area and there is therefore no objection. Environmental Health - No objection HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to Article 8: The Right to respect for private and family life. Article 1 of the First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions. Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law. CRIME AND DISORDER ACT 1998 - SECTION 17 The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues. POLICIES North Norfolk Core Strategy (Adopted September 2008): Policy SS2: Development in the Countryside (prevents general development in the countryside with specific exceptions). Policy EN 1: Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and The Broads (prevents developments which would be significantly detrimental to the areas and their setting). Policy EN 4: Design (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including the North Norfolk Design Guide and sustainable construction). Policy EN 8: Protecting and enhancing the historic environment (prevents insensitive development and specifies requirements relating to designated assets and other valuable buildings). Policy HO 8: House extensions and replacement dwellings in the Countryside (specifies the limits for increases in size and impact on surrounding countryside). MAIN ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Principle of the development 2. Scale of the extension and impact on the host building 3. Impact on the Conservation Area 4. Impact on neighbouring amenity Development Committee 7 5 April 2012 APPRAISAL Permission was granted for conversion of the group of barns to four residential dwellings in 2008 and subsequent revised schemes in 2010. Whilst the acceptability of the original conversion of the building to residential was judged against whether the conversion could be undertaken without substantial alteration or extension, the principle of subsequent extensions to existing residential buildings is acceptable subject to an appropriate scale and design in relation to the form, character and appearance of the original agricultural building. In particular Policy HO8 requires that any extension would not result in a disproportionately large increase in the height or scale of the original dwelling or materially increase the impact of the dwelling on the appearance of the surrounding countryside In this particular case, whilst there have been a number of small extensions and outbuildings to the original scheme and complex overall, the only additional new build for unit 4 is that of an outbuilding which was granted permission in 2010 (10/1197). The main form of barn 4 has not been previously extended. This application seeks to add an extension to the rear of the building to create an additional room for the dwelling and is not considered to be disproportionate in terms of scale in either its footprint or height to the original dwelling. Furthermore as it would be tucked away on the rear of the building and would be well screened by surrounding boundary walls, it would not be visible from public vantage and would not materially increase the impact of the building on the wider countryside. In addition, and importantly, the original simple linear form of the rural building would not be adversely affected as it would only be extended in length by 4.7m with matching materials and its overall linear form would therefore be retained. As such on balance, it is not considered that, in terms of scale and design, the proposed extension would result in any adverse impact on the character or appearance of the this former agricultural building and would not materially increase its impact on the wider countryside. In respect of impact on the Conservation Area, the proposed extension would complement the rest of the group being in keeping both in terms of its form and materials used in its construction. This coupled with its position to the rear of the building would ensure that the proposal would result in no adverse impact on the character or appearance of the Conservation Area. In terms of the relationship with neighbouring properties, the site is well screened to boundaries with a combination of brick and flint walls and fencing and the extension itself would be of a limited height and scale. As such it is not considered that the proposed extension would result in any significantly adverse impact on the amenities of those adjacent dwellings in terms of overlooking or loss of light. It is therefore considered that the scheme as proposed is acceptable and would accord with Development Plan policies. RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to the imposition of conditions including the use of matching materials. Development Committee 8 5 April 2012 4. SHERINGHAM - PF/12/0079 - Erection of one and a half storey dwelling; Land adjacent 21 Abbey Road for Mr J Perry -Warnes Minor Development - Target Date: 15 March 2012 Case Officer: Miss T Lincoln Full Planning Permission CONSTRAINTS Development within 60m of Class A road Residential Area THE APPLICATION Seeks to erect a three-bed detached one and a half storey dwelling with rooms in the roof on land which currently forms part of the garden to No.21 Abbey Road. The dwelling would have a footprint of approximately 78sq.m and would include an attached garage. The dwelling would have a height to eaves of 4.1m and a height to ridge of 7.8m. Access to the site would be gained from a new access on to Abbey Road, which is an unmade private road to the west of Holway Road. The new dwelling would have a maximum garden depth of approximately 10m and a width of approximately 16m. REASONS FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE Deferred at a previous meeting of the Committee. TOWN COUNCIL No objection REPRESENTATIONS A letter of objection has been received from the owner of a property to the rear and also one from her solicitor which considers that the development would result in a loss of light to her bungalow and that it is an overdevelopment of the site. She suggests that Members visit the site. The letter from the solicitor also suggests that there is a covenant on the land which prevents the erection of an additional dwelling. Further letter from the neighbour indicating that the applicant was considering reducing the height of the building and lowering the ground level. Agrees this but still objects on overdevelopment. CONSULTATIONS Sustainability Co-Ordinator - No objection subject to a condition requiring compliance with code Level 3 of the Code for Sustainable Homes. County Highway Authority - No objection subject to a condition requiring the proposed on-site garaging and car parking area to be laid out prior to first occupation of the dwelling. HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to Article 8: The Right to respect for private and family life. Article 1 of the First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions. Development Committee 9 5 April 2012 Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law. CRIME AND DISORDER ACT 1998 - SECTION 17 The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues. POLICIES North Norfolk Core Strategy (Adopted September 2008): Policy SS 3: Housing (strategic approach to housing issues). Policy HO 7: Making the most efficient use of land (Housing density) (Proposals should optimise housing density in a manner which protects or enhances the character of the area). Policy EN 4: Design (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including the North Norfolk Design Guide and sustainable construction). Policy EN 6: Sustainable construction and energy efficiency (specifies sustainability and energy efficiency requirements for new developments). Policy CT 5: The transport impact on new development (specifies criteria to ensure reduction of need to travel and promotion of sustainable forms of transport). Policy CT 6: Parking provision (requires compliance with the Council's car parking standards other than in exceptional circumstances). MAIN ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Principle of the development 2. Impact on amenity 3. Design and impact on the form and character of the area 4. Access and parking APPRAISAL This application was deferred at the last meeting for a Committee site visit. The site is located within the residential area of Sheringham within which the principle of erecting a dwelling is considered to be acceptable. In respect of design, Policy EN4 requires all development to be designed to a high quality, reinforcing local distinctiveness. Innovative and energy efficient design will be particularly encouraged. In addition proposals should have regard for the North Norfolk Design Guide and should not have a significantly detrimental effect on the residential amenity of nearby occupiers and new dwellings should provide acceptable residential amenity. With regard to the amenity space requirements of the plot, whilst the dwelling would be fairly tight on the plot, sufficient private garden areas of adequate size and shape to serve their intended purpose would be achieved on the proposed plot and, in line with North Norfolk Design Guide recommendations, the area of the plot given to private amenity space would be no less than the footprint of the dwelling. However, by developing this garden plot, the existing dwelling, No.21 Abbey Road, would be left with a limited garden area where the majority of the remaining outside space for the dwelling is taken up with the existing garage and driveway. As such the existing dwelling would have little useable outside amenity space other than the gravelled driveway and parking areas. However, this outside space to be retained for the existing dwelling would comply with the Design Guide in so far as the area of the plot given to private amenity space would be no less than the footprint of the dwelling. Development Committee 10 5 April 2012 In respect of the residential amenity of adjacent dwellings, ground floor and first floor windows are proposed on the west elevation facing the bungalow (no.19) to the east and this would permit some overlooking of the adjacent dwelling. However, the 1.8m boundary fence would screen the ground floor window from the neighbouring property. In respect of the first floor window, this would permit overlooking of the side of the dwelling. However as the proposed window would be in close proximity to the adjacent dwelling, only views at an oblique angle into the ground floor windows would be possible and as such it is not considered that this would result in a significant loss of privacy. Furthermore overlooking of the outside amenity space of that dwelling would be largely limited to the driveway which is already open to public view. It is not therefore considered that the proposal would result in any significant harm to the amenities of the occupiers of the dwelling to the west. In respect of the amenities of the dwelling to the rear (north) of the site, a first floor rear bedroom window is proposed, although as this would be set back by approximately 10m to the rear boundary, it is considered that this would not result in any significantly adverse overlooking of the windows or private garden area of that dwelling. With regard to the relationship with the existing dwelling on the site, No.21, the proposed dwelling would have a single storey garage on this side and would be set further back into the site. As such the proposed dwelling would not be significantly overbearing nor would it result in any adverse loss of light to the existing dwelling. Furthermore, windows on the east elevation facing the existing dwelling would be limited to a first floor bathroom window and a secondary dining room window at ground floor and this would ensure that no adverse overlooking of No.21 would result. There are two large windows at ground floor and first floor in the western elevation of No.21. However, the proposed dwelling would be screened from overlooking at the ground floor by a proposed 1.8m boundary fence. The first floor window would permit overlooking of the side of the house and front garden area of the proposed dwelling, but the limited windows proposed on this side and the fact that the front garden would already be open to public view would ensure that this would not result in significant harm to the privacy of the of future occupiers of the proposed dwelling. Withdrawing permitted development rights for further windows and extensions would ensure that no uncontrolled alterations in the future would have an adverse impact on the amenities of the neighbours. Therefore subject to this condition and with consideration of the above, whilst the site is rather tight, it is considered that the proposed dwelling would have no adverse impact on neighbouring amenity. The height and scale of the dwelling would not be out of character with the surrounding area and would provide a transition between the single storey bungalow to the east and the thatched two storey cottage to the west. Subject to appropriate external materials, it is considered that the proposal would preserve the character and appearance of the area, in compliance with Policy EN4. Notwithstanding the above, the applicant has indicated that he is considering ways of reducing the impact/scale of the building; however, at the time of writing this report no amended plans had been received. With respect to sustainable construction and energy efficiency, conditions are recommended in order to ensure that the Code for Sustainable Homes requirements are met, in accordance with Policy EN6. Development Committee 11 5 April 2012 Policy CT6 requires two parking spaces for a 3 bed property; these would be provided in addition to an attached garage, thus complying with the Council's parking standards. In respect of the impact of the development on the highway, the Highway Authority has advised that, given the appropriate level of visibility from the private road on to Holway Road and with consideration of the existing number of dwellings currently served from the site, there would be no objection. The proposal is therefore considered to raise no highway safety issues and as such complies with Policy CT5. The issue of a possible covenant on the land restricting any further dwellings is a civil and not a planning matter. In summary, whilst the proposal would result in a tight-knit form of development and a reduced useable outside amenity space for the existing dwelling, on balance it is considered that the proposal is acceptable and in accordance with Development Plan policies. RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to the imposition of conditions including submission of materials, compliance with the Code for Sustainable Homes, those required by the Highway Authority, and removal of permitted development rights for further windows and extensions. 5. SHERINGHAM - PF/12/0160 - Retention of balcony and installation of screening; 31 Beeston Road for Mr H Ahrens - Target Date: 03 April 2012 Case Officer: Mrs M Moore Householder application CONSTRAINTS Residential Area Conservation Area RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY PF/11/0515 HOU - Retention of balcony Refused 09/06/2011 Appeal dismissed 26/09/2011 PF/12/0009 HOU - Retention of balcony and erection of screening Withdrawn 07/02/2012 THE APPLICATION The application is for the retention of a balcony and the erection of screening. REASONS FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE At the request of Councillors Smith and Hannah having regard to the following planning issues: Impact on neighbouring property and protecting and enhancing the historic environment. TOWN COUNCIL No objection Development Committee 12 5 April 2012 REPRESENTATIONS Two letters of objection received from the neighbour at number 1 The Avenue, also asking the Council to consider that their objections submitted on the previous applications for 31 Beeston Road remain. Object on the following grounds: 1. Visual impact; ugly and dominating and is/would be a blight upon the neighbour's outlook and quality and enjoyment of life; 2. Loss of privacy and light 3. Overshadowing and overbearing impact; 4. Noise impact; 5. Applicant visits the property infrequently for a few weeks at a time a few times a year where as the objectors are there for 52 weeks a year; 6. There are other ways the applicant could enjoy daylight and fresh air; 7. Safety concerns regarding poor construction of the balcony; 8. Impact on surrounding area within Conservation Area; 9. Sets a precedent by showing that planning laws can be flouted through retrospective applications. CONSULTATIONS Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (C&D) - Having explored numerous options and design approaches, it is now considered that the submitted scheme offers a reasonable compromise between protecting the amenities of the neighbours and the character and appearance of the conservation area. In some ways it is an impossible design ask to secure a visually successful screen at first floor level. However, the latest plan at least now puts forward a visually lightweight pergola which is a form of development sometimes seen oversailing roof terraces. In its ‘raw’, uncoloured state, the structure should not unduly harm the significance of the wider heritage asset. In the event of an approval being issued, please condition that the existing balustrade is either; a) removed and replaced with one with a natural finish, or b) stripped back to bare wood before a clear finish is applied, within 28 days of the date of the decision notice. Propose that the enclosing screen is erected quickly in the interests of privacy. HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to Article 8: The Right to respect for private and family life. Article 1 of the First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions. Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law. CRIME AND DISORDER ACT 1998 - SECTION 17 The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues. POLICIES North Norfolk Core Strategy (Adopted September 2008): Policy SS 1: Spatial Strategy for North Norfolk (specifies the settlement hierarchy and distribution of development in the District). Policy EN 4: Design (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including the North Norfolk Design Guide and sustainable construction). Development Committee 13 5 April 2012 Policy EN 8: Protecting and enhancing the historic environment (prevents insensitive development and specifies requirements relating to designated assets and other valuable buildings). MAIN ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Design 2. Impact on Conservation Area 3. Impact on neighbour amenities APPRAISAL The site is located within a residential area, where such a form of development could be acceptable subject to compliance with other relevant Development Plan policies. The site also lies within the Sheringham Conservation Area, where proposals should preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The property is a semi-detached property facing onto Beeston Road. Permission was refused and an appeal dismissed in 2011 for the retention of the existing balcony on the grounds that the proposed development would have a significantly detrimental impact on the residential amenities of the occupiers of the neighbouring properties to the north-east and north-west. Earlier this year, a further application was submitted which proposed the retention of the balcony and the erection of Norfolk Reed panel fence screening. This application was withdrawn at Officer suggestion following concerns that the design would not preserve or enhance the character of the Conservation Area. The existing balcony occupies the space between the rear wall of 31 Beeston Road and the boundaries of neighbouring 1 The Avenue and 29 Beeston Road to the north-east and north-west. The latest scheme comprises retaining the existing firstfloor balcony measuring approximately 3.15m wide by 2.6m deep by 2.35m high, with timber balustrades surrounding the balcony measuring approximately 1m in height. However, to try and offer a compromise between protecting the amenities of the neighbours and protecting the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, the applicant is proposing to incorporate a light-weight timber framed pergola with vertical timber boarding set behind the balustrades and opaque glazing up to a height of 1.7m above the balcony to the north-east and north-west sides. Views from the balcony would be restricted as a result to the south-east over the garden of 31 Beeston Road, and where the nearest neighbouring garden would be approximately 15m away across The Avenue. Subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions relating to the finish of the structure, it is considered that the design as proposed would now be sufficiently lightweight and compatible with the host dwelling to preserve the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. The Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager is raising no objections. The obscure glass screening would extend to a height of approximately 1.7m above the level of the platform to reduce the potential for overlooking. Arguably, the erection of the screening would also reduce the level of overlooking occurring from an existing north-east facing first floor window and door at 31 Beeston Road. Whilst the lower part of that window is currently obscurely glazed, under the General Permitted Development Order the applicant could install clear glazing without requiring planning permission. Development Committee 14 5 April 2012 In terms of overbearing impact and loss of light to the neighbouring properties, it is recognised that the properties in their nature already share a close relationship. Number 1 The Avenue has a courtyard garden surrounded by close-board fencing approximately 1.8m in height already overshadowed by the house itself and is, to some degree, overshadowed by 31 Beeston Road. Whilst it is recognised that approval of this application would allow a solid timber structure to be built approximately 1.5m above the height of the existing boundary fence, given the existing situation this is considered on balance to be acceptable. The obscure glass screen proposed above the vertical boarding would still allow light to penetrate through whilst providing privacy. Furthermore, it has been taken into account that under Class A of the General Permitted Development Order, the applicant could erect a rear extension up to a maximum height of 4m and maximum eaves height of 3m without permission. In respect of concerns over noise, it is recognised that the properties already share a close relationship with garden areas backing onto each other. It is recognised that the development would impact to some degree upon the closest neighbours, however, it is not considered that the impact would be sufficient to warrant a refusal on the grounds of loss of light, privacy or overbearing impact or noise impact. In summary, on balance the development is considered to comply with adopted Development Plan policies. RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions, including the requirement for the existing balustrade to either be removed and replaced with one with a natural finish or stripped back to bare wood before a natural finish is applied and for the pergola structure, vertical timber boarding and obscure glazing (to Pilkington Level 5) to be erected within 28 days of the date of the decision notice and thereafter permanently retained. 6. STIFFKEY - PF/11/1257 - Erection of ancillary holiday accommodation; Red Lion, 44 Wells Road for Stiffkey Red Lion Ltd Minor Development - Target Date: 14 December 2011 Case Officer: Miss J Medler Full Planning Permission CONSTRAINTS Countryside Archaeological Site Conservation Area Undeveloped Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty RELEVANT PLANNING HISTORY PLA/20060835 PF - Erection of detached two-storey bedroom accommodation Approved 15/09/2006 Development Committee 15 5 April 2012 THE APPLICATION Is for the erection of a block of ancillary serviced holiday accommodation. The original plans showed six units, but following the receipt of amended plans four units are now shown, each with a bedroom, bathroom and living area. The accommodation would be located to the rear of the car park, on a triangular piece of land, where the ground level is approximately 4.5m higher than the ground level of the car park. Amended plans have been received showing a revised design. The proposed building would measure approximately 6.5m at its highest point. The front face of the building would measure approximately 5.5m in height and 5.2m on the rear elevation. The entire length of the building, including the overhang of the roofs and balconies, would be approximately 17m. The width of the front of the building would be approximately 9m, and to the rear 7m. A section through part of the site has been submitted as well as a parking layout plan. The building would be constructed using timber cladding and painted render, with powder coated aluminium joinery, and a flexible 'faux lead' fibreglass roofing system. REASONS FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE Deferred at a previous meeting of the Committee. PARISH COUNCIL Original comments - Support Comments on amended plans awaited. REPRESENTATIONS One letter of objection has been received on the grounds of overdevelopment of the site, lack of car parking, driveway to car park too narrow, noise and general disturbance. The agent has confirmed that the proposed building would be wholly ancillary to the Red Lion public house, and will provide additional rooms in association with the public house. The aim is to provide bed and breakfast and restaurant facilities for tourists visiting the area. The agent has also stated that the car park has 40 spaces, however his subsequent submitted plan only shows 31. CONSULTATIONS County Council (Highway Authority) - Original comments - Object. A detailed response has been provided and is contained in Appendix 1. It has concerns over the severely restricted visibility at the access in both directions which is considered unsuitable to cater for the scale of intensification of vehicular use proposed, which is likely to cause danger and inconvenience to users of the adjoining public highway. Furthermore, the proposal does not incorporate adequate on site vehicular parking and manoeuvring facilities to the standard required. If permitted it would be likely to lead to an undesirable increase in on street parking to the detriment to highway safety. Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (C&D) - Original comments - As with the previously approved accommodation block nearer the main pub building, Conservation & Design have no objection to the principle of this second ancillary block at the back of the car park. In theory, it provides another means of sustaining this rural business for the benefit of locals and visitors alike. Development Committee 16 5 April 2012 In terms of design, however, there is less reason to be enthusiastic about what has been submitted. Whether it be the imposing retaining wall and external stair which would greet you, or the boxy building behind, there is unfortunately nothing to suggest that the proposals would be anything other than unattractive. The former structure at nearly 5.5 metres high has a rather brutalist appearance which would surely produce a rather unwelcoming entrance. It would also provide a stopped end to the car park which would belie the site’s rural location. As for the building itself, this would be perched up well above the level of the car park on an earth embankment. By virtue of its rather ‘mean’ flat roof form, and its arrangement of openings, it looks not dissimilar to some of the inland control towers. Whilst taking on board the agent’s comments about designing a contemporary structure and incorporating green technologies, these ingredients do not appear to have a produced a qualitative end result in this case. On the contrary, with the building poking its head up above the slope of the valley side, this is a development which could potentially be harmful to the countryside and to the setting of the adjacent Conservation Area. Therefore, in summary, whilst the scheme potentially offers a means of tidying up the site and providing an innovative new building at end of the car park, the proposal as submitted is not one Conservation & Design feel able to support. Comments on amended plans awaited. Environmental Health - Clarification sought on whether an air source heat pump is to be installed as referred to in Design and Access statement, but no other details provided. Sustainability Co-ordinator - Complies with Policy EN6 subject to imposing condition on any approval that the measures identified in the Sustainable Construction Checklist submitted with the application have been implemented. Historic Environment Service - Following a site meeting with the applicant it has been established that the area of the proposed development has previously been quarried and consequently has a low potential to contain any heritage assets with archaeological interest. The applicant does not need to submit the results of an archaeological evaluation and no other archaeological work will be required. HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to Article 8: The Right to respect for private and family life. Article 1 of the First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions. It is considered that refusal of this application as recommended may have an impact on the individual Human Rights of the applicant. However, having considered the likely impact and the general interest of the public, refusal of the application is considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law. CRIME AND DISORDER ACT 1998 - SECTION 17 The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues. Development Committee 17 5 April 2012 POLICIES North Norfolk Core Strategy (Adopted September 2008): Policy SS2: Development in the Countryside (prevents general development in the countryside with specific exceptions). Policy SS 5: Economy (strategic approach to economic issues). Policy EN 1: Norfolk Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and The Broads (prevents developments which would be significantly detrimental to the areas and their setting). Policy EN 4: Design (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including the North Norfolk Design Guide and sustainable construction). Policy EN 6: Sustainable construction and energy efficiency (specifies sustainability and energy efficiency requirements for new developments). Policy EN 13: Pollution and hazard prevention and minimisation (minimises pollution and provides guidance on contaminated land and Major Hazard Zones). Policy EC 3: Extensions to existing businesses in the Countryside (prevents extensions of inappropriate scale and that would be detrimental to the character of the area). Policy EC 7: The location of new tourism development (provides a sequential approach for new tourist accommodation and attractions). Policy CT 5: The transport impact on new development (specifies criteria to ensure reduction of need to travel and promotion of sustainable forms of transport). Policy CT 6: Parking provision (requires compliance with the Council's car parking standards other than in exceptional circumstances). MAIN ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Principle of development. 2. Design 3. Impact on the appearance and character of the Conservation Area and setting of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty 4. Impact on the rural economy. 5. Impact on neighbouring dwellings 6. Highway safety/car parking. APPRAISAL The site is located within the Countryside policy area where proposals that support the rural economy including extensions to existing businesses may be permitted. This is subject to such developments being of a scale appropriate to the existing development and where they would not have a detrimental effect on the character of the area, and accord with other relevant policies in the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy. Whilst there is a general presumption against new unserviced holiday accommodation within the Countryside policy area, this proposal is to provide serviced holiday accommodation within the curtilage of and in connection with the existing public house. There is already a block of 10 existing en-suite rooms that were approved under application reference 06/0835 on the site. This proposal is an extension of that part of the business. The agent has confirmed that the proposed building would be wholly ancillary to the Red Lion public house, and would provide additional rooms in association with the public house. The aim is to provide bed and breakfast and restaurant facilities for tourists visiting the area. Given this relationship it is considered that the proposal would be acceptable as an ancillary use to the public house and therefore acceptable in principle in this location. The proposal would provide an additional four units of ancillary holiday accommodation, bringing the total number of rooms available to fourteen. Development Committee 18 5 April 2012 However, the site is located on a particularly elevated position on the north eastern end of the site, to the rear of the car park. The ground level of the site, as shown on the amended plans, is approximately 4.5m higher than the ground level of the car park. The existing holiday accommodation is located to the south western end of the car park and given the difference in ground levels, the ground level of the proposed holiday accommodation, due to its elevated position, would be approximately in line with the ridge of the existing accommodation. The proposed accommodation would provide views above the roof of the existing accommodation to the south west. Whilst Officers originally had concerns regarding the design, discussions have taken place with agent and the plans have been amended. Whilst the comments of the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager are awaited on the amended plans it is considered that the design follows the line of discussions that took place. Subject to no objections from the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager on this matter it is considered that the proposal would be acceptable in terms of its design. However, a section through the site has been requested from the applicant, given the significant differences in ground levels and close proximity to a neighbouring dwelling directly to the south of the site. This is required in order to establish if the relationship of the proposed building is acceptable not only to its immediate surroundings but also its wider surroundings as it is considered it would be visible in the wider landscape, but to what extent has not yet been established. At the time of writing this report a section had been received, but it does not provide the information being sought and a further section has been requested. This information is still awaited. Subject to the receipt of a section showing an acceptable relationship and visual impact, and no objections being received from the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager it is considered that the proposal would not have a significant detrimental impact upon the character and appearance of the Conservation Area, and the quality of the setting of the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, and neighbouring properties. There are a further three existing cottages located to the west of the proposed building. However, they are at a significantly lower ground level than the site, and front the road. Given the distance between them and the proposed building, and their position it is not considered that the proposal would have a significant detrimental impact upon the privacy and amenities of the occupiers. In the submitted Design and Access Statement the agent has confirmed that the Red Lion currently employs 19 people, which increases to 26 in the summer months. Out of the 19 people employed, 10 live locally or close by, and 6 different trades people are employed on a regular basis who live in the village. The agent also confirms that if the accommodation were to be approved an additional four new jobs would be created. The existing business is clearly well established and a local employer supporting the local economy in accordance with Policy SS5. A response is also awaited from the agent regarding the Environmental Health comments in relation as to whether air source heat pumps are to be installed. No objections have been received from the Sustainability Co-Ordinator or the Historic Environment Service following the receipt of additional information. The Committee will note the objection received from the County Council Highway Authority regarding the severely restricted visibility at the access in both directions which is considered unsuitable to cater for the scale of intensification of vehicular use proposed, which is likely to cause danger and inconvenience to users of the adjoining Development Committee 19 5 April 2012 public highway. Furthermore, the proposal does not incorporate adequate on site vehicular parking and manoeuvring facilities to the standard required. If permitted it would be likely to lead to an undesirable increase in on street parking to the detriment to highway safety. The agent has confirmed that the access would remain unchanged and that the existing car park has the provision to allow for extra vehicles that may be need for the new development. The agent has previously advised that there are 40 car parking spaces on the site, but a plan showing the layout of the car parking spaces only shows 31. This is a shortfall of 7 spaces based on the existing use and the proposed development. Whilst the design of the proposed accommodation is considered to be acceptable, a section through the site along with clarification regarding the use of air source heat pumps and car parking layout are still awaited. Notwithstanding this in view of the strong objection from the Highway Authority on highway safety grounds the development as it stands is not considered to be acceptable. The proposed development is therefore contrary to Development Plan policy. RECOMMENDATION: Refuse, on the following grounds and any other grounds of objection following receipt of the section through the site and clarification on the use of air source heat pumps: The District Council adopted the North Norfolk Core Strategy on 24 September 2008, and subsequently adopted Policy HO9 on 23 February 2011, for all planning purposes. The following policy statements are considered relevant to the proposed development: Policy CT 5: The transport impact on new development (specifies criteria to ensure reduction of need to travel and promotion of sustainable forms of transport). The access which will serve this proposal has severely restricted visibility in both directions onto the busy A149 Wells Road and is therefore considered unsuitable for the scale of intensification of vehicular use proposed. The proposal is therefore likely to cause danger and inconvenience to users of the adjoining public highway. Furthermore, the proposal does not incorporate adequate on-site vehicular parking and manoeuvring facilities to the standard required by the Local Planning Authority. The proposal, if permitted, would therefore be likely to lead to an undesirable increase in on street parking to the detriment of highway safety. The proposal is therefore contrary to the above Development Plan policy. Development Committee 20 5 April 2012 7. STODY - PF/11/1442 - Erection of two-storey/single-storey rear extensions and first floor side extension; Sunnyside Cottage, The Green, Hunworth for Mr Tollett - Target Date: 23 January 2012 Case Officer: Miss T Lincoln Householder application CONSTRAINTS Countryside Conservation Area EA Flood Zone 2 THE APPLICATION Is for the erection of a two storey and single storey rear extension and a first floor side extension. The two storey rear extension would have a height to ridge of approximately 6.3m and 4.4m to the eaves, matching that of the existing dwelling, with a gabled roof with the ridge running south-east to north-west parallel to the main dwelling. The gable would have a width of 4m and would be linked to the main house by a two storey pitched extension projecting 1.3m from the rear wall of the dwelling. The overall projection of the two storey element from the rear wall of the original dwelling would therefore be approximately 5.3m. The existing single storey mono-pitch outbuilding at the rear of the site would be demolished and rebuilt and this would link in to the proposed extensions. This would have a mono-pitch roof to a height of 3.6m and would run alongside the north-west boundary. In addition the existing two storey flat roof section on the north-west side of the dwelling would have a pitched roof added. The proposed extensions would be constructed of clay pantiles and red brick to match that of the existing dwelling. REASONS FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE Deferred at a previous meeting of the Committee. PARISH COUNCIL Original comments: There is no resolution as to whether they object, no comment or support, but offer the following comments as a result of a site meeting: 1. The application will improve the aspect of the front of the property facing The Green 2. It was hard to assess the scale of the extension from the plans, it does seem a large project. 3. There will be impact on the light to neighbouring houses (some felt this was reasonable, others didn't). 4. The renovations when finished will be more attractive to look at than the present rear aspect. 5. There is likely to be a lot of disruption if the works were to go ahead, the applicant has assured us any damage to the Village Green will be repaired. Further comments: Now confirmed that the Parish Council object. Development Committee 21 5 April 2012 REPRESENTATIONS Three letters of objection received on the following grounds: 1. The extension, some of which is virtually on the boundary, will block light and sunshine from a significant part of both the garden and area surrounding Bishops Cottage (to the west) 2. Overdevelopment CONSULTATIONS Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (Conservation & Design) - Whilst the proposal involves a considerable amount of new build, the existing building has already been extensively altered with less than sympathetic flat roof extensions. As a result the new extensions would improve the appearance of the dwelling from public vantage and because the main volume of the extension would be to the rear it is considered on balance that the proposal would enhance the character and appearance of the host property and thus that of the Conservation area. Therefore no objection raised. HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to Article 8: The Right to respect for private and family life. Article 1 of the First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions. Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law. CRIME AND DISORDER ACT 1998 - SECTION 17 The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues. POLICIES North Norfolk Core Strategy (Adopted September 2008): Policy SS2: Development in the Countryside (prevents general development in the countryside with specific exceptions). Policy HO 8: House extensions and replacement dwellings in the Countryside (specifies the limits for increases in size and impact on surrounding countryside). Policy EN 2: Protection and enhancement of landscape and settlement character (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including the Landscape Character Assessment). Policy EN 4: Design (specifies criteria that proposals should have regard to, including the North Norfolk Design Guide and sustainable construction). Policy EN 8: Protecting and enhancing the historic environment (prevents insensitive development and specifies requirements relating to designated assets and other valuable buildings). Policy EN 10: Flood risk (prevents inappropriate development in flood risk areas). MAIN ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Principle of the development 2. Scale 3. Impact on neighbouring amenity 4. Impact on the Conservation Area 5. Flood risk. APPRAISAL This application was deferred at the last meeting for a Committee site visit. Development Committee 22 5 April 2012 The site is located within the Countryside policy area as defined by the adopted Core Strategy where policies SS2 and HO8 are particularly relevant. Policy SS2 is permissive of extensions to existing dwellings subject to compliance with Policy HO8 which seeks to ensure extensions to dwellings in the countryside are not disproportionate in height or scale to the host dwelling and that they would not materially increase the impact of the dwelling on the surrounding countryside. Policies EN2 and EN4 are also relevant. In respect of scale, the proposal involves a number of extensions and alterations to the property. The dwelling has previously been subject to a two storey flat roof side and rear extension and these appear to be post 1940's. As such they cannot be considered as original for the purposes of calculating the increase in scale to the property. Therefore on this basis the proposed extensions in addition to those previous extensions result in an overall increase in the footprint of the property of around 300%. However, the flat roof extensions are clearly well established on the property and the increase now proposed is an additional 70% compared to the existing dwelling and would be located to the rear of the dwelling. As such whilst the amount of extension is quite considerable, because the main volume of build would be at the rear of the site where views would be restricted, and the main public views would be improved by the addition of a pitched roof above the existing flat roof extension, it is not considered that the proposed increase in scale would materially increase the impact of the dwelling on the surrounding countryside. As such on balance the proposed increase in scale in this instance is considered to be acceptable under policy HO8. In respect of neighbouring amenity, the proposed two-storey extension would have windows on the two side elevations facing the neighbouring properties which would be limited to high level windows at ground floor level and a hall and ensuite window at first floor level. As such it is not considered that the proposal would result in any significantly detrimental loss of privacy to the occupiers of the adjacent dwellings. Whilst the proposed two storey extension would project some 5.3m from the rear wall of the dwelling and would run along the north-western boundary, the distance between this and the adjacent dwelling is sufficient to ensure that the extension would not be significantly overbearing on that property. Furthermore, whilst the extension would result in some loss of early morning sunlight to that dwelling to the north-west, the orientation of the dwellings and position of windows on the rear elevation of Bishop's Cottage, should ensure that for the rest of the day there would be no impact on the sunlight entering that neighbouring property or its garden. It is not therefore considered that the proposal would result in any significantly adverse loss of light to the adjacent dwelling. In terms of the impact of the proposed extension on the Conservation Area, whilst the proposal would involve a considerable amount of new build, it is noted that the existing building has already been extensively altered with some less than sympathetic flat roof extensions. As a result, the new additions would help to tie the various disparate elements together, particularly when viewed across The Green, whence the public face of the building would be considerably improved with the introduction of the in-line tiled roof over the existing side extension. For this reason, and because the main volume of build would be at the rear of the site where views would be restricted, the Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager confirms that subject to a condition the additions should enhance the appearance and character of the host property and thus that of the wider Conservation Area, in compliance with policies EN4 and EN8. Development Committee 23 5 April 2012 In respect of flood risk, the rear garden lies within the EA Flood Zone 3 with a 1:200 probability of sea flooding and 1:100 probability of river flooding. Only the corner of the existing outbuilding (to be re-built and incorporated as an extension to the dwelling) would be within the flood zone. It is not therefore considered that the proposal would result in any increased risk to life or property. In view of the scale of the proposal this is considered to be a marginal case but in view of its limited impact in the landscape, on balance it is considered to comply with Development Plan policies. RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to the imposition of conditions including those requiring matching materials and removing permitted development rights for further windows on the side elevations to prevent overlooking. 8. THURSFORD - LA/12/0126 - Internal alterations to first floor to provide en-suite bathrooms; Old Coach House, Fakenham Road for Mrs A Green - Target Date: 11 April 2012 Case Officer: Mr G Linder Listed Building Alterations CONSTRAINTS Countryside Listed Building Grade II THE APPLICATION Involves the subdivision of the existing first floor bathroom into two through the insertion of a partition wall together with the introduction of new door openings to bedrooms one and two in order to provide each room with separate en-suites. In addition it is proposed to create a new door opening in the wall of bedroom three in order to access the existing shower room with a view to providing this room with an en-suite. REASONS FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE The applicant is a Member of the Council PARISH COUNCIL No objection CONSULTATIONS Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager (Conservation and Design) - No objection. HUMAN RIGHTS IMPLICATIONS It is considered that the proposed development may raise issues relevant to Article 8: The Right to respect for private and family life. Article 1 of the First Protocol: The right to peaceful enjoyment of possessions. Having considered the likely impact on an individual's Human Rights, and the general interest of the public, approval of this application as recommended is considered to be justified, proportionate and in accordance with planning law. Development Committee 24 5 April 2012 CRIME AND DISORDER ACT 1998 - SECTION 17 The application raises no significant crime and disorder issues. POLICIES North Norfolk Core Strategy (Adopted September 2008): Policy EN 8: Protecting and enhancing the historic environment (prevents insensitive development and specifies requirements relating to designated assets and other valuable buildings). MAIN ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION 1. Impact on the plan form of the listed building. 2. Impact on the historic fabric of the building. APPRAISAL The site is located in the Countryside Policy Area as defined by the adopted North Norfolk Core Strategy, where Core Strategy Policy EN8 is applicable. This requires that development proposals, including alterations and extensions, should preserve or enhance the character and appearance of designated assets, in this case the Grade II listed building through high quality, sensitive design. Development that would have an adverse impact on their special historic or architectural interest will not be permitted. As far as the impact on the plan form of the building is concerned this appears to have been significantly altered, most notably as a result of its conversion in the early 1970s. As such the alterations would not significantly affect the layout of the building. Whilst in respect of the impact on the buildings historic fabric again due to the level of previous intervention there are no particular conservation issues and the works would not affect the significance of the listed building, a view confirmed by the Council’s Conservation, Design and Landscape Manager. It is therefore considered that the proposals would accord with Development Plan policy. RECOMMENDATION: Approve. 9. APPLICATIONS RECOMMENDED FOR A SITE INSPECTION The following planning applications are recommended by officers for a site inspection by the Committee prior to the consideration of a full report at a future meeting. As the applications will not be debated at this meeting it is not appropriate to invite public speaking at this stage. Members of the public will have an opportunity to make representations at the meeting of the Committee when the applications are discussed. Please note that additional site inspections may be recommended by Officers at the meeting or agreed during consideration of report items on this agenda. Development Committee 25 5 April 2012 LANGHAM - PF/12/0181 & LA/12/0182 - Conversion and extension of barns to provide hotel with swimming pool, restaurant and bar facilities, conversion of barn to four residential dwellings and erection of five holiday dwellings; land at Glass Barn, North Street for Avada Ltd REASON FOR REFERRAL TO COMMITTEE Referred by the Head of Planning and Building Control in view of the previous planning history of the site. RECOMMENDATION:The Committee is recommended to undertake the above site visit. 10. APPLICATIONS APPROVED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS ALBY WITH THWAITE - PF/12/0137 - Erection of rear conservatory; Lamp Cottage, Thwaite Common, Erpingham for Mr R Grimble (Householder application) AYLMERTON - PF/11/1510 - Installation of overhead light; St John the Baptist Church, Church Road for Mrs M Mitchell (Full Planning Permission) BACTON - NMA1/11/1017 - Non-material amendment request for installation of lighting and CCTV and electric gate, formation of parking spaces, and increase in size of storage cabin; National Grid, Paston Road for National Grid Plant Protection (Non-Material Amendment Request) BARSHAM - PF/12/0116 - Conversion of outbuildings to habitable accommodation; The Old Buck, Fakenham Road, Houghton St. Giles for Mr & Mrs Hutchings (Householder application) BEESTON REGIS - PF/11/1555 - Conversion of garages/workshop to one unit of holiday accommodation and erection of shed; Abbey Farmhouse, Cromer Road for Mr & Mrs Pegg (Full Planning Permission) BEESTON REGIS - LA/11/1556 - Alterations to garages/workshop to provide one unit of holiday accommodation, internal alterations to Priory Cottage and Granary Cottage and external alterations to Priory, Granary and Abbey Cottages; Abbey Farmhouse, Cromer Road for Mr & Mrs Pegg (Listed Building Alterations) BEESTON REGIS - NMA1/09/0848 - Non material amendment request for provision of covered walkway; The Two Pines, Sheringwood for Mr Perry (Non-Material Amendment Request-Household) BLAKENEY - PF/11/1553 - Construction of three dormer windows to facilitate conversion of loft space to habitable accommodation; Reef House, Back Lane for Mr & Mrs A Birkbeck (Householder application) Development Committee 26 5 April 2012 BRISTON - NMA1/11/0126 - Non-material amendment request for retention of garage for use as workshop/store, formation of additional parking space and use of access onto Stone Road solely for new dwelling; Line Side, Macks Loke for Mr G Babbage (Non-Material Amendment Request) CATFIELD - PF/11/1353 - Change of use from D2 (Leisure) to B2 (vehicle repairs/MOT bay) and part raising of roof height; Unit 1, Tradebase, The Street for Managed Property Supply Ltd (Full Planning Permission) CATFIELD - PF/12/0104 - Erection of part single-storey/part two-storey rear extension; Two Cottages, The Street for Mr Burt (Householder application) CLEY NEXT THE SEA - PF/11/1551 - Erection of single-storey and first floor extensions and rendering of northern elevation; Thurn Cottage, The Fairstead for Mr C Smith (Householder application) CLEY NEXT THE SEA - NMA3/11/0223 - Non-material amendment request for repositioned rooflight, installation of two rooflights and revised bi-fold door; The Quay House, 1 Beau Rivage for Mr A Livsey (Non-Material Amendment Request-Household) COLBY - PF/12/0092 - Erection of two-storey front extension; Buck Brigg Farm, Buck Brigg, Hanworth for Mrs H Everett (Householder application) CROMER - PO/11/1400 - Erection of detached single-storey dwelling and garage; The Hawthorns, 14 Park Road for Mr & Mrs K Holman-Howes (Outline Planning Permission) CROMER - PF/11/1534 - Installation of replacement ATM surround; Barclays Bank Plc, Tucker Street for Barclays Bank Plc (Full Planning Permission) CROMER - LA/11/1536 - Installation of advertisements, security light, CCTV camera, air conditioning condenser unit and frosted vinyl and privacy manifestation to windows; Barclays Bank Plc, Tucker Street for Barclays Bank Plc (Listed Building Alterations) CROMER - PF/11/1554 - Erection of three-bay cartshed with ancillary accommodation; 113 Compit Hills for Mr & Mrs D Dewbery (Householder application) CROMER - PF/11/1557 - Erection of single-storey dwelling; Land rear of 43-45 Norwich Road for Mr D Garwood (Full Planning Permission) CROMER - LA/12/0049 - Installation of UVPC replacement windows and two replacement doors; 9 Chapel Street for Mr R Mills (Listed Building Alterations) Development Committee 27 5 April 2012 CROMER - PF/12/0097 - Change of use of ground floor and basement from A1 (retail) to a mixed use of A3 (restaurant) and A5 (hot food take-away); Theos Gallery, 36 Garden Street for Dr M Guppy (Full Planning Permission) CROMER - PF/12/0135 - Erection of detached guest bedroom accommodation; The Grove Guest House, 95 Overstrand Road for The Grove Cromer LLP (Full Planning Permission) DUNTON - PF/10/1247 - Conversion of barns to 4 units of holiday accommodation and associated facilities; Southmills Farm, Shereford Road, Shereford for Mr & Mrs R Porter (Full Planning Permission) EAST RUSTON - PF/11/1095 - Erection of first floor extension; Simms Cottage, Back Lane for Ms J Leslie (Householder application) EAST RUSTON - PF/11/1313 - Erection of wind turbine with a hub height of 24.6m and overall blade height of 34.2m; Gothic Cottage, Mill Road for Mr Allen (Full Planning Permission) EAST RUSTON - PF/12/0027 - Erection of ground mounted photovoltaic solar panels; Holmes Cottage, The Holmes for Ms D Hood-Halstead (Full Planning Permission) EDGEFIELD - PF/12/0015 - Conversion of tithe barn and adjacent agricultural building to residential dwelling and erection of link extension; Barn At, The Old Rectory, Rectory Road for Mr & Mrs S Perkins (Full Planning Permission) EDGEFIELD - LA/12/0016 - Alterations to barns to facilitate conversion to residential dwelling; Barn At, The Old Rectory, Rectory Road for Mr & Mrs S Perkins (Listed Building Alterations) EDGEFIELD - PF/12/0066 - Retention of solar panels; The Old Stables, Ramsgate Street for Mr T Davy (Householder application) EDGEFIELD - PF/12/0169 - Installation of dormer windows and first floor windows; The Mount, Hunworth Road for Mr & Mrs Bannerman (Householder application) FAKENHAM - PF/11/1513 - Erection of rear/side two-storey, single-storey rear extensions and detached workshop; 17 Greenway Close for Mr J Bunkle (Householder application) FAKENHAM - PF/12/0002 - Erection of single-storey side extension; 73 Norwich Road for Mr Allen (Householder application) Development Committee 28 5 April 2012 FAKENHAM - PF/12/0067 - Variation of Condition 2 of permission reference: 06/0738 to permit revised design of dwelling (including increase in ridge height); Land at 16 Queens Road for Mr W J Rockett (Full Planning Permission) FAKENHAM - PF/12/0084 - Change of use of upper floors from C3 (residential) to ancillary A3 use; 2 Market Place for Mr D Langchild (Full Planning Permission) FAKENHAM - PF/12/0164 - Retention of garden store; 163 Holt Road for Mr Kendle (Householder application) FIELD DALLING - PF/12/0105 - Conversion of barns for purposes which are ancillary to residential use; Priory House, 54 Langham Road for Mr & Mrs N C Deterding (Full Planning Permission) FIELD DALLING - LA/12/0106 - Alterations to barns to facilitate conversion to residential use; Priory House, 54 Langham Road for Mr & Mrs N C Deterding (Listed Building Alterations) FULMODESTON - LA/12/0004 - Erection of rear sunroom and dormer window and installation of replacement windows; 21 Croxton Road, Croxton for Mrs A Wess (Listed Building Alterations) FULMODESTON - PF/12/0147 - Conversion and extension to existing outbuilding to provide annexe; Paddocks House, Little Barney Lane, Barney for Mr & Mrs Brodie (Householder application) GUNTHORPE - PF/11/1562 - Erection of 15m wind turbine; Hall Farm, Field Dalling Road, Bale for Mr H Carter (Full Planning Permission) HOLT - PF/11/1511 - Installation of replacement ATM surround; 16 High Street for Barclays Bank Plc (Full Planning Permission) HOLT - PF/11/1543 - Change of use from residential to A2 (financial and professional services) at 3 Cross Street and Continued use of 1 Cross Street as A2 use; 1 & 3 Cross Street for Norfolk Country Cottages (Full Planning Permission) HOLT - LA/11/1544 - Internal alterations to facilitate conversion to offices; 1 & 3 Cross Street for Norfolk Country Cottages (Listed Building Alterations) KETTLESTONE - LA/12/0101 - Alterations to barns to facilitate conversion to four dwellings; Manor Farm, The Street for Mr B William (Listed Building Alterations) KETTLESTONE - LA/12/0124 - Alterations to former barn to facilitate conversion to dwelling; The Old Barn Farmhouse, 45 The Street for Mr & Mrs Hollier (Listed Building Alterations) Development Committee 29 5 April 2012 KETTLESTONE - NMA1/10/1073 - Non-material amendment request for alterations to elevations; The Old Barn Farmhouse, 45 The Street for Mr & Mrs Hollier (Non-Material Amendment Request) KNAPTON - PF/12/0107 - Erection of two-storey side extension, replacement single-storey extension and detached garage and retention of vehicular access; High House, Mundesley Road for Mr Cushing (Householder application) LESSINGHAM - PF/12/0096 - Erection of summerhouse; Paddock Cottage, Moat Farm Barns, East Ruston Road for Ms M Sorrell (Householder application) MORSTON - PF/12/0020 - Erection of replacement bridges; Morston Marshes for The National Trust (Full Planning Permission) MORSTON - PF/12/0068 - Erection of replacement single-storey side extension; 41 The Street for Mr & Mrs Goff (Householder application) MUNDESLEY - PF/12/0060 - Erection of detached garage; 11 Marina Road for Mr P Francis (Householder application) NEATISHEAD - NMA1/05/0875 - Non-material amendment request for change of dormer window to rooflight and revised door and window arrangements; Barns & Outbuildings, Neatishead Hall, Common Road for Mr L Baugh (Non-Material Amendment Request) NORTH WALSHAM - PO/11/1538 - Erection of single-storey dwelling; Land adjacent 13 Skeyton Road for Mr & Mrs R Clarke (Outline Planning Permission) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/11/1542 - Erection of single-storey side extension; 23 Burton Avenue for Mr M Grimmer (Householder application) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/12/0012 - Erection of two-storey side extension and single-storey rear extension; 111 Mundesley Road for Mr T Frosdick (Householder application) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/12/0046 - Erection of two-storey extension; 9-11 Park Lane for Paston Surgery (Full Planning Permission) NORTH WALSHAM - PF/12/0051 - Erection of 2.01m high retaining wall/railings; Western boundary, Mundesley Road car-park for North Norfolk District Council (Full Planning Permission) NORTHREPPS - PF/11/1545 - Continued use of land for car parking and access track and siting of portacabin as briefing/refreshment room and change of use of agricultural buildings to storage of aircraft; Land at Winspurs Farm for Mr C Gurney (Full Planning Permission) Development Committee 30 5 April 2012 NORTHREPPS - LA/11/1547 - Erection of front porch; Church Cottage, Church Street for Mr T Day (Listed Building Alterations) NORTHREPPS - PF/11/1563 - Erection of front conservatory; 20 Emerys Close for Mrs J Halls (Householder application) NORTHREPPS - PF/12/0149 - Installation of solar photovoltaic array; Land adjacent North Norfolk Business Centre, Crossdale Street for Mr Gurney (Full Planning Permission) PASTON - PF/12/0080 - Erection of side conservatory; 5 Mundesley Road for Miss M Beswick (Householder application) ROUGHTON - PF/12/0132 - Variation of condition 7 of planning permission reference: 99/0298 to permit permanent residential occupation; Barn 1, Primrose Farm Barns, Back Lane for Mr & Mrs D Hickling (Full Planning Permission) SALTHOUSE - NMA1/10/0091 - Non material request to revise door and window arrangements and install gate; Church Lane Cottage, Cross Street for Mr Bagley (Non-Material Amendment Request-Household) SALTHOUSE - PF/12/0062 - Installation of doors to garage and erection of garden shed; Haddon Barn, 2 Manor Farm Barns, Cross Street for Mr A Newton (Householder application) SALTHOUSE - PF/12/0078 - Conversion of outbuilding to habitable accommodation and erection of one and a half storey rear extension; The Seven Whistlers, Cross Street for Mr & Mrs Taylor (Householder application) SCOTTOW - PF/12/0070 - Change of use to B8 (furniture storage); Hangar 2, Former RAF Coltishall, Tunstead Road for Ministry of Justice (Full Planning Permission) SCULTHORPE - PF/11/1459 - Installation of flue; The Haybarn, Grove Farm, Creake Road for Mr A Turpin (Householder application) SCULTHORPE - LA/11/1460 - Installation of flue; The Haybarn, Grove Farm, Creake Road for Mr A Turpin (Listed Building Alterations) SCULTHORPE - PF/11/1546 - Conversion of former day nursery to residential dwelling; Far Barn, Grove Farm, Creake Road for Miss G Matthew (Full Planning Permission) SEA PALLING - PF/12/0120 - Erection of storage shed; Church Meeting Room, Church Road for Sea Palling Parochial Church Council (Full Planning Permission) Development Committee 31 5 April 2012 SHERINGHAM - PF/12/0006 - Construction of pitched roof to garage and erection of replacement rear extension; 12 Laburnum Grove for Mr K Simms (Householder application) SIDESTRAND - PF/12/0063 - Construction of first floor rear extension and three rear dormer windows; Ivy Cottages, 19 Main Road for Mr M Danson-Hatcher (Householder application) SIDESTRAND - LA/12/0064 - Construction of first floor rear extension, three rear dormer windows and single-storey rear extension; Ivy Cottages, 19 Main Road for Mr M Danson-Hatcher (Listed Building Alterations) SLOLEY - PF/11/0865 - Retention of air source heat pump; Weavers Cottage, Low Street for Mr & Mrs B Allen (Householder application) SOUTHREPPS - PF/12/0053 - Erection of double garage; Meadow View, Chapel Road for Mr J Barker (Householder application) STALHAM - PF/12/0054 - Erection of five two-storey dwellings and one, one and a half storey dwelling; Three Ties Barn, Brumstead Road for Mr G Smith (Full Planning Permission) STALHAM - PF/12/0075 - Siting of oil storage tank; Sunnydene, York Road for Mrs J Copping (Householder application) TRUNCH - PF/12/0017 - Erection of single-storey rear extension and construction of pitched roof to garage; 5 Wades Way for Mrs G Faulkner (Householder application) TRUNCH - PF/12/0087 - Erection of single-storey side extension; 36 Wades Way for Mr & Mrs Leeder (Householder application) TUNSTEAD - PF/07/0957 - Erection of Village Hall and relocation of changing rooms; Playing Field, Market Street for Tunstead Parish Council (Full Planning Permission) TUNSTEAD - PF/12/0055 - Variation of Condition 8 of planning permission reference: 06/1381 to permit permanent residential occupation; Laurel Farm Barns, Market Street for Mr Yonge (Full Planning Permission) WALSINGHAM - LA/11/1498 - Internal alterations to provide new doorways and block up existing doorway; Ebenezer Cottage, Scarborough Road for Mr P Parker (Listed Building Alterations) WALSINGHAM - PF/12/0058 - Rebuilding section of boundary wall; 6 Guild Street for Rev Colin Amos (Householder application) Development Committee 32 5 April 2012 WALSINGHAM - LA/12/0059 - Rebuilding section of boundary wall; 6 Guild Street for Rev Colin Amos (Listed Building Alterations) WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/11/1456 - Erection of storage building; Land at East Quay for Mr Smith (Full Planning Permission) WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/12/0005 - Continued use of land as temporary car park for 65 days per annum; The Recreation Ground, Beach Road for Wells Town Council (Full Planning Permission) WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/12/0037 - Installation of first floor side window and rooflight; Westward House, Mill Road for Mr R Hiskey (Householder application) WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - LA/12/0038 - Installation of windows (revised design); Westward House, Mill Road for Mr R Hiskey (Listed Building Alterations) WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/12/0174 - Alteration to roof of side extension; Mill House, Northfield Lane for Miss Downey (Householder application) WELLS-NEXT-THE-SEA - PF/12/0175 - Installation of replacement front dormer window and rear and side dormer windows (revised scheme); 4 Shrublands, Polka Road for Mr Wells (Householder application) WEST BECKHAM - PF/12/0145 - Erection of rear extension; Jalna, Church Road for Mr Wright (Householder application) WEYBOURNE - PF/12/0025 - Erection of orangery; Watermill House, Beach Lane for Mrs L Flux (Householder application) WEYBOURNE - PF/12/0100 - Raising height of gates and wall; Yew Tree Cottage, Station Road for Mr & Mrs J S Taylor (Householder application) WITTON - NMA1/11/0442 - Non-material amendment request for increase in width of extension, and alterations to windows and a door; Heath Cottage, Stonebridge Road for Mr & Mrs Gilman (Non-Material Amendment Request-Household) WORSTEAD - PF/11/1278 - Erection of single-storey extension to provide toilets and dining area and conversion of outbuilding to three units of holiday accommodation and micro brewery; The White Lady, Front Street for Mr D Gilligan (Full Planning Permission) WORSTEAD - LA/11/1279 - Alterations to facilitate erection of extension and conversion of outbuilding to three units of holiday accommodation and micro brewery; The White Lady, Front Street for Mr D Gilligan (Listed Building Alterations) Development Committee 33 5 April 2012 11. APPLICATIONS REFUSED UNDER DELEGATED POWERS BRISTON - PF/12/0099 - Erection of two 15m wind turbines; Highfield, Craymere Road for Mr Babbage (Full Planning Permission) CLEY NEXT THE SEA - PF/12/0018 - Erection of garage; The Quay House, 1 Beau Rivage for Mr A Livsey (Householder application) CORPUSTY AND SAXTHORPE - PF/12/0102 - Erection of three 15m wind turbines; The Pig Unit, Edgefield Street, Saxthorpe for Mr Lockhart (Full Planning Permission) FULMODESTON - PF/11/0064 - Erection of 15m wind generator; Land at Stibbard Road for Lord Hastings (Full Planning Permission) HOLKHAM - PF/12/0061 - Change of use from D1 (community hall) to A1 (retail); Reading Room, Park Road for Holkham Estate (Full Planning Permission) SCULTHORPE - PF/12/0047 - Installation of three 15m high wind turbines; Grange Farm, Lynn Road for Mr A Hornigold (Full Planning Permission) SUSTEAD - PF/11/0804 - Conversion of building to one unit of holiday accommodation; Manor House Farm, New Road, Bessingham for Mr I Clark (Full Planning Permission) SWAFIELD - PF/11/0523 - Erection of 2 no. 15m wind turbines; Bridge Farm, Pond Road, Bradfield for C B Arnold Ltd (Full Planning Permission) WITTON - LA/11/1304 - Installation of solar panels; The Old Rectory, Heath Road, Ridlington for Mr Black (Listed Building Alterations) WOOD NORTON - PF/11/1516 - Erection of 15m wind turbine; Windmill Farm, Holt Road for Mr Rivett (Full Planning Permission) WOOD NORTON - PF/12/0088 - Erection of three 15m wind turbines; No 2 Site, Foulsham Airfield, Foulsham for Mr Harold (Full Planning Permission) APPEALS SECTION 12. NEW APPEALS WITTON - PO/11/0863 - Erection of single-storey dwelling; Workshop at Ash Tree Farm, Well Street for Mrs C Leggett WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS Development Committee 34 5 April 2012 13. PUBLIC INQUIRIES AND INFORMAL HEARINGS – PROGRESS WEYBOURNE - PF/09/1270 - Installation of buried electrical cable system in connection with off-shore wind farm; Site at route between Weybourne Hope (TG104,436) and Little Dunham (TF868,118) for Dudgeon Offshore Wind Ltd PUBLIC INQUIRY SUSTEAD - ENF/11/0235 - Building of an unauthorised dwellinghouse; Manor House Farm, New Road, Bessingham INFORMAL HEARING 23 May 2012 14. WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS APPEALS - IN HAND BEESTON REGIS - PF/11/1070 - Erection of single-storey dwelling; Land adjacent 4 Meadow Cottage, Beeston Common for Mr Barnes BACTON – PF/11/1000 – Retention of extension to clubhouse and continued use of two additional holiday flats; Castaways Holiday Park, Paston Road for Mr R Hollis CROMER - PF/11/0613 - Erection of detached single-storey dwelling; Land rear of 10 Park Road for Mr T Merchant CROMER - PF/11/1099 - Erection of conservatory; Flat 1, Kingswear, 30 Cliff Avenue for Mrs Gibbons LANGHAM - PF/11/0890 - Erection of dwelling (amended design to include construction of dormer windows and installation of roof lights to facilitate conversion of roofspace to habitable accommodation, amendments to fenestration and deletion of parapets); Land adjacent Rowan Cottage, Hollow Lane for Isis Builders Ltd LITTLE SNORING - PO/11/0826 - Erection of 2 detached two-storey dwellings; Land at The Old Dairy, The Pastures for Mrs R Fittall SEA PALLING - BA/PF/11/0200 - Installation of a 11kw wind turbine on 18 metre galvanised tower; Fir Tree Farm, Coast Road, Waxham for ES Renewables Ltd STIFFKEY - PF/11/0947 - Erection of two-storey extension and alterations to existing single-storey wing; Warborough Place, Wells Road for Mr & Mrs Baker STIFFKEY - LA/11/0948 - Internal alterations, alterations to existing single-storey wing and erection of two-storey extension; Warborough Place, Wells Road for Mr & Mrs Baker 15. APPEAL DECISIONS ROUGHTON - PF/11/0986 - Erection of car port; The Poppies, Thorpe Market Road for Mr O Read APPEAL DECISION:- DISMISSED Development Committee 35 5 April 2012