19th November 2015 Cabinet Monday 30th November 2015 at 10.00am

Please Contact: Emma Denny
Please email: emma.denny@north-norfolk.gov.uk
Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516010
19th November 2015
A meeting of the Cabinet of North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at
the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Monday 30th November 2015 at 10.00am
Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to
arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to
accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to
rearrange the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public.
Further information on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic
Services, Tel: 01263 516010, Email: democraticservices@north-norfolk.gov.uk
Anyone attending this meeting may take photographs, film or audio-record the proceedings and
report on the meeting. Anyone wishing to do so should inform the Chairman. If you are a
member of the public and you wish to speak on an item on the agenda, please be aware that
you may be filmed or photographed.
Sheila Oxtoby
Chief Executive
To: Mrs S Arnold, Mr N Dixon, Mr T FitzPatrick, Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, Mr W Northam, Mrs J Oliver,
Miss B Palmer, Mr J Rest,
All other Members of the Council for information.
Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public.
If you have any special requirements in order
to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance
If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format
or in a different language please contact us
Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby
Corporate Directors: Nick Baker & Steve Blatch
Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005
Email districtcouncil@north-norfolk.gov.uk Web site northnorfolk.org
(page 8)
To approve, as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 2nd
November 2015.
To receive questions from the public, if any.
To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be
considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local
Government Act 1972.
Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of
the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that
declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary
To receive oral questions from Members, if any.
To consider matters referred to the Cabinet (whether by the Overview and Scrutiny
Committee or by the Council) for reconsideration by the Cabinet in accordance with the
provisions within the Overview and Scrutiny Procedure Rules or the Budget and Policy
Framework Procedure Rules.
To consider any reports from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, which may be
presented by the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and determination
of any appropriate course of action on the issues so raised for report back to that
(page 13)
To receive the minutes of the Big Society Fund Grants Panel held on 29th June 2015
(page 17)
To receive the minutes of the Member Development Group meeting held on 8th July
(page 25)
To receive the minutes of the Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party meeting
held on 17 August 2015
(page 27)
This report details concerns raised about the public use of sky
lanterns (also called Chinese flying lanterns) and the mass
release of balloons, and recommends a ban on their release
from Council owned and controlled property and land, and at
events organised and run by the Council.
Options considered:
Consideration was given to not imposing any restrictions on the
release of sky lanterns or mass balloon release but in light of the
evidence relating the danger and harm they present was not
considered appropriate. This was also out of step with the
approach taken by other Norfolk Councils.
The release of sky lanterns or mass release of balloons results
in uncontrolled deposit of waste which can be dangerous and is
considered litter. Enforcement is unlikely to be an effective
deterrent and preventing release is considered the most
effective method of control.
1. The Authority as from the date of this resolution
(therefore with immediate effect) bans the release of
sky lanterns and the mass release of balloons on
Council owned or controlled land or at events
organised and run by the Council
2. The Authority supports the call by The Marine
Conservation Society and National Farmers Union
for a nationwide ban on the release of sky lanterns
or mass release of balloons.
Reasons for
To reduce the impact from the release of sky lanterns and mass
release of balloons on the environment and dangers associated
with the resultant deposit of debris.
(Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published
Sky Lanterns and Helium balloons: an assessment of Impacts on Livestock and the
May 2013 ADAS on behalf of Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the
Welsh Government.
The Intentional Outdoor Release of Balloons and Chinese/Sky Lanterns
Pollution Policy and Position Statement (Version 3) October 2014 Marine Conservation Society
Cabinet member(s):
Ward member(s)
Contact Officer
Councillor A Fitch-Tillett
Steve Hems
01263 516182
(page 31)
(Appendix A – p.41)
This report is brought to provide the fourth, six monthly update on
progress within the Digital Transformation Programme (DTP), in
accordance with the original Cabinet Resolution for the
Overall, the technology infrastructure improvement work required
in the Programme continues to progress well and we are starting
to see some benefits arising.
The Programme is now moving to the service and process reviews
that will identify the best ways of utilising the technology to drive
the improvements and efficiencies we require.
The first such review, in Planning, continues to progress well. The
Implementation Plan for revised ways of working has been
approved with a target for completion of Spring 2016. Staff
consultation is underway and the IT changes to support the new
operating model are being implemented.
The next areas for review are being considered to identify the area
which will deliver the most significant improvements in customer
service and efficiency.
Other projects and workstreams are progressing well and are
broadly on target.
The report identifies a requirement for short term specialist
resource to assist in the commissioning and configuration of the
infrastructure necessary to support Agile Working, Electronic
Document Management and the website upgrade. In addition,
temporary staff resources are identified to support Planning BPR
Implementation. These will require funding to be released from the
previously identified Digital Transformation budget and this is the
subject of a recommendation.
The timelines, expected outcomes and anticipated costs for the
various workstreams are identified within the report and the
Appendix which is attached.
The Digital Transformation Programme business model remains
viable and is on track to deliver as planned.
1. That Cabinet notes the progress made on the Digital
Transformation Programme.
2. That Cabinet approve the release of £35,000 from the
Invest to Save budget to allow for the contracting of
technical specialist resource to facilitate upgrades and
enhancements to the IT infrastructure.
3. That Cabinet approves the release of £93,000 from the
Invest to Save budget for the provision of temporary
staffing to map key processes and produced scripts, for
the Planning BPR project.
4. That Cabinet approve a capital budget of £52,000 in the
current year to be funded from the Invest to Save capital
budget to fund additional back up storage capacity for the
Council’s IT system and delegates authority to the
Corporate Director to complete the necessary
procurement process.
Reasons for
1. To provide appropriate governance and oversight of the Digital
Transformation Programme.
2. To provide funding to allow the provision of specialist technical
resources to support the roll-out of the infrastructure to support the
Digital Transformation Programme.
3. To provide funding to allow the provision of staff to support
Implementation of the Planning service BPR.
4. To ensure capacity for daily back up of data contained on the
Council’s IT systems, thus reducing the risk of data inaccessibility.
Cabinet member(s):
Ward member(s)
Contact Officer
Councillor T FitzPatrick
Sean Kelly, Nick Baker
01263 516276, 01263 516221
sean.kelly@north-norfolk.gov.uk; nick.baler@north-norfolk.gov.uk
(page 47)
(Appendix B – p.50)
The purpose of this report is to give a second quarter progress
report of the performance of the Council. More specifically it
reports delivery of the Annual Action Plan 2015/16 and achieving
targets. It gives an overview, identifies any issues that may affect
delivery of the plan, the action being taken to address these
issues and proposes any further action needed that requires
Cabinet approval.
Options considering action regarding performance are presented
separately, issue by issue, to the appropriate Council Committee.
1. The majority of the 55 activities in the Annual Action Plan
2015/16 are on track (46). Performance is being closely
monitored, particularly for the activities where issues or
problems have been identified (four). Some activities have
already been completed successfully (three), one is on
hold and one is not started.
2. Of the 18 performance indicators where a target has been
set 12 are on or above target, two close to target and four
below target. Where assessment against the same period
last year is possible (21 indicators), eight are improving,
seven are static and six are worsening.
3. The delivery of the Annual Action Plan is progressing
according to plan. However, there are a few performance
issues in achieving targets and improvement. The issues
involved, and action being taken in each case, are detailed
in the remainder of the document.
That Cabinet notes this report, welcomes the progress
being made and endorses the actions laid out in Appendix
B being taken by management where there are areas of
Reasons for
To ensure the objectives of the Council are achieved.
Cabinet member(s):
Ward member(s)
Contact Officer
Councillor T FitzPatrick
Helen Thomas
01263 516214
(page 93)
(Appendix 1 – p.97) (Appendix 2 – p.151)
This report updates Cabinet following the publication with a
previous report of an incorrect version of the North Norfolk
Indoor Leisure Facility Strategy. Cabinet is requested to
recommend adoption of the Strategy which is appended in its
correct version.
The paper updates the previous report and provides further
detail and clarity regarding the future provision of indoor leisure
facilities across the district. The Strategy provides a clear
action plan for which a partnership approach is required in
order to ensure successful implementation. The report
highlights the priority for each project, so the Council and other
stakeholders can move forward with the work contained in
those projects accordingly.
To clarify, whilst this would remain a Council owned document,
it represents the need for provision across the district and not
the needs for the Council per se.
1.That Cabinet adopts the North Norfolk Indoor Leisure
Facilities Strategy to provide an evidence base which
the Council and other leisure facility providers can utilise
to access external funding
2.That Cabinet tasks the Corporate Director (SB), working
under direction from the Portfolio Holder, to identify and
agree the relevant project work streams required to take
forward the recommendations contained in the Strategy
Reasons for
1. To provide the Council with a high level guide to the future
options for Indoor Leisure Facilities provision across the district
and to assist in accessing funding for such facilities.
2.To ensure sound management of the Council’s Sports and
Leisure assets; co-ordination and promotion of existing indoor
sports facilities to ensure value for money provision and good
levels of participation in sport and leisure given the
demographic profile of the district, in support of the Council’s
Corporate Objective in promoting health and wellbeing; inform
future investment decisions regarding provision and operation
of new indoor sports facilities in the district over the next 20
Cabinet member(s):
Ward member(s)
Contact Officer
Councillor B Palmer
Karl Read
01263 516002
To pass the following resolution:
“That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be
excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they
involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs _ of Part I of
Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”
Agenda Item 2__
Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on Monday 02 November 2015 at the
Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00am.
Members Present:
Also attending:
Officers in
Mrs S Arnold
Miss B Palmer
Mr N Dixon
Mrs A Fitch-Tillett
Mr T FitzPatrick (Chairman)
Mrs J Oliver
Mr J Rest
Mr W Northam
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds
Mr P W High
Mr N Pearce
Mrs M Prior
Mr R Reynolds
Mr B Smith
The Chief Executive, the Head of Finance, the Head of Economic
Community Development, the Public Protection Manager,
Technical Accountant, the Health and Communities Officer,
Communications Editor, the Democratic Services Team Leader
the Democratic Services Officer.
The minutes of the meeting held on 5th October 2015 were approved as a correct
record and signed by the Chairman.
02 November 2015
The Leader confirmed that Members could ask questions as each item arose.
The Leader informed Members that the Challenge and Debate on Devolution was on
Wednesday 4th November with Lord Heseltine and possibly the Secretary of State for
Communities and Local Government.
The Leader congratulated Cabinet Member Miss B Palmer for her acceptance onto
the LGA Next Generation Programme which was extremely competitive with limited
numbers every year.
The Portfolio Holder for Finance, Mr W Northam introduced the report. He informed
Members that there was once again a budget underspend and that car parking
income was up on the profiled budget, although that figure was due to reduce. Mr
Northam said that the costs included the May elections for which a reimbursement
claim would be made. He added that there was a £200,000 reduction in the budget
for the Cromer pier and West Prom refurbishment to reflect the fact that the FLAG
funding was no longer available to finance the scheme. Mr Northam concluded by
thanking the Head of Finance for her continued support.
Mr N Dixon said that the levels of underspend were commendable in challenging
financial circumstances.
It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr N Dixon and
To note the contents of the report and the current budget monitoring position.
Reasons for the decision:
To update Members on the current budget monitoring position for the Council.
Mr W Northam, Portfolio Holder for Finance said that the report provided information
on the Treasury Management activities undertaken in the first six months of 2015/16.
He said that the 6% return on the LAMIT Pooled Property Fund in the period showed
a good investment but that the money offered as a loan to Broadland Housing
Association had not yet been advanced as they were awaiting planning permission
and the Council was losing out on the higher interest on the loan. He added that the
Council remained debt free.
Mr N Dixon said that a 6% income return at a time of growth was an exceptional
feature in the value of the fund.
02 November 2015
It was proposed by Mr W Northam, seconded by Mr J Rest and
To recommend to Council that the Council be asked to RESOLVE that the Half
Yearly Treasury Management Report for 2015/16 is approved.
Reasons for the decision:
The recommendation was made in compliance with the CIPFA Code.
Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, Miss B Palmer, said that the report showed
that after an open commissioning process a proposal had been received to provide a
quality assured and generic information and advice service with improved
stakeholder engagement, coordination and accountability from mid Norfolk citizens
Miss B Palmer informed Members that for the first time there would be the
opportunity for residents to access citizens advice in each of the seven market towns
in the district.
Mrs S Arnold added that the contract would be thoroughly scrutinized and monitored
on a regular basis.
Mr R Reynolds commented that the service had previously been the subject of a
report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee .He sought clarification on the future
position of the Fakenham branch for the information and advice service or whether it
was up and running with a fully trained team.
Miss Palmer said that the current building that the Fakenham team was based in was
closing and that once accommodation was found it was likely to be a smaller size and
it was therefore possible that there would be reduced availability in the town.
Ms M Prior asked about the position in Holt.
Miss Palmer said that the services in Holt would remain the same.
It was proposed by Miss B Palmer, seconded by Mrs S Arnold and
1. Agree that North Norfolk District Council enters into a three year partnership
agreement with Norfolk County Council to enable the pooling of North Norfolk
District Council and Norfolk County Council budgets for information and advice
services for the three year period starting January 2016. The pooled fund to be
used to fund the provision of a new three year Information and Advice Service for
North Norfolk at a combined annual cost of £109,000 (NNDC £66,323 NCC
£42,677) in accordance with recommendations 2 and 3.
2. Agree that subject to the agreement of a satisfactory contract terms incorporating
quality and service monitoring arrangements and the inclusion of break clauses and
an appropriate partnership agreement between Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice and
Norfolk Citizens Advice that North Norfolk District Council and Mid Norfolk Citizens
Advice enter into a three year contract for Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice to provide a
02 November 2015
generalist Information and Advice Service for the North Norfolk District Council area
at an annual cost not exceeding £109,000
3. Delegate authority to the Head of Economic and Community Development in
consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing to negotiate and
settle with Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice satisfactory contract terms
4. Agree that North Norfolk District Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee will
receive a report every six months on the outcome of the contract monitoring and
performance review meetings.
The Portfolio Holder for Coastal, Mrs A Fitch-Tillett introduced the report by saying
that in Spring 2015 the decision was made in principal that the maritime authorities
should pool together their resources and work as one. Mrs Fitch-Tillett added that the
sea paid no attention to administrative boundaries. She said that there were five
recommendations and that she wanted to clarify the first two.
Mrs Fitch-Tillett said that the first recommendation was the actual principal that North
Norfolk, Great Yarmouth, Suffolk Coastal and Waveney form a partnership to pool
resources to continue to manage the coast effectively.
Mrs Fitch-Tillett then said that the second recommendation was how the partnership
would be set up (to be in place for April 2016) and added that the portfolio holders
from the authorities would be forming the partnership Board.
Mr W Northam said that it was the right move at the right time and said that the
Council couldn’t continue alone.
It was proposed by Mrs A Fitch-Tillett, seconded by Mr W Northam and
1. That a Norfolk & Suffolk Coastal Management Team be established in
partnership between North Norfolk District Council, Great Yarmouth Borough
Council, Suffolk Coastal District Council and Waveney District Council.
2. That a Councillor Partnership Board and Operational Officer Group be created
respectively to oversee and manage the work of the Norfolk & Suffolk Coastal
Management Team.
3. That should secondment of staff be required that is arranged under Section 113
of the Local Government Act 1972.
4. That the initial decision on the delivery of support services for the partnership be
delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet
5. That the detailed terms of the relevant Agreement and protocols, including the
secondment of staff under Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972 be
delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet
Reasons for the decision:
To plan for an effective and sustainable way of continuing to deliver a robust coastal
management service for North Norfolk and the other partner authorities.
02 November 2015
The Portfolio Holder for Licensing, Mrs J Oliver, introduced this item. She said that it
was a statutory requirement every three years to review and publish a revised policy
and that all of the amendments were shown in the tracked changes in the document.
She added that it had gone to consultation and that there had been no comments so
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, referring to the table of delegation at the back of the
report, said that the Licensing and Appeals Committee had always set and agreed
licensing fees and charges. She said that the Licensing Committee should be
involved in fee setting and asked why Cabinet was listed as approving the setting of
Mrs Oliver said that all amendments were in the tracked changes and that her
understanding was that the responsibility for the setting of fees was reserved for
Cabinet. The Leader agreed.
It was proposed by Mrs J Oliver, seconded by Miss B Palmer and
To recommend to Council that the draft policy is adopted by Full Council.
Reasons for the decision:
In accordance with the requirements of the Gambling Act 2005 the Licensing
Authority is required to publish a statement of policy every successive three year
period from the first appointed day, namely 31 January 2007. The Policy is now due
to be revised to cover the next successive 3-year period from 31 January 2013 to 31
January 2016.
The Meeting closed at 10.31 am
02 November 2015
Agenda Item 2__
Minutes of the meeting of the Big Society Fund Grants Panel held on Monday 29th
June 2015 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 13.00pm.
Members Present:
Officers in
Mr T FitzPatrick (Chairman) Mr R Reynolds
Mrs P Grove-Jones
Mrs H Cox (Sub)
Mr J Lee
Mrs V Uprichard (Sub)
Mr B Jarvis
The Health and Communities Officer, the Housing Team Leader –
Strategy and the Democratic Services Officer
Mr P High and Mrs J English
The minutes of the meeting of the Big Society Fund Grants Panel held on 09 March
2015 were approved as a correct record
Minute No & Heading
Nature of Interest
Mr T FitzPatrick
Cromer Tennis & Squash
Non-pecuniary interest - reserve
on the club’s committee.
Applications ineligible for application
The Health and Communities Officer explained that that there were two applications
that were not eligible for consideration by the Panel. She outlined the reasons for
their ineligibility.
New applications for decision
Walcott Parish Council
Big Society Fund Grants Panel
29 June 2015
The Health and Communities Officer introduced the application. She said that the
generator they wanted to purchase was for use for civil emergencies. She said that
they had originally made the application in February but that they could not progress
it. Part of the grant was for flood alleviation projects which had not been specified.
The application was for £18,420.10.
AGREED to recommend
To DEFER the application.
Aldborough Community Centre
The Health and Communities Officer said that the application was for a new oil
container and that the existing one contravened rules around it and that it needed to
be replaced. She said that the current container was small and so the applicants
could not take advantage of the cost effectiveness of bulk buying. She said that the
applicants feared they would have to limit the use of the hall in the winter because of
the oil supply. Members agreed that the community centre was well used. The
applicants sought £4,000-£4,512.
AGREED to recommend
To award funding of £4,000.
West Runton Bowls Club
The Health and Communities Officer said that the application was for a new fence to
prevent animals from digging the green and as a security measure. She said that the
Bowls Club was well used and that there was a social element. She said that the
Club had replaced some fencing and that the grant would improve a community
facility. The application was for £1,600-£1,722 and Members commented that this
was a good price for the fence.
AGREED to recommend
To award funding of £1,500.
Briston Community Hub
The Health and Communities Officer introduced the application and explained that
the Council had provided the funding to run the hubs by putting the activities in place
ready for the community to take over. She said that Briston had run well attended
pilots for archery and yoga and that they were looking to establish themselves. The
Health and Communities Officer said that the participation fees would cover the cost
of the instructor and hall hire an that the grant was to purchase equipment. She
clarified that they were still supported by the council until they were self-sustainable
and that it was the type of project the fund had been set up to help. The applicants
wanted to extend the target audience of over 50s to people of all ages in the
community and were asking for £3,750.
AGREED to recommend
To award funding of £3,000 with the condition that the equipment was held in secure
Big Society Fund Grants Panel
29 June 2015
Melton Constable
The Health and Communities Officer introduced the report to the panel. She said that
they had previously received funds in December 2012 for outside gym equipment
and that this application was for play equipment and a table tennis table. She said
that there were outstanding applications to other trusts. The Health and Communities
Officer said that there were more children in the areas but that the existing play
equipment was used less due to its condition. She said that they had carried out a
consultation and that new equipment would have a wider benefit for the whole
community and not just the children. The application was for £15,000.
AGREED to recommend
To award funding of £5,000.
Cromer Tennis and Squash Club
Mr T FitzPatrick declared an interest as he was reserve on the committee and said
that he would not take part in the discussions.
The Health and Communities Officer introduced the application and explained that
the application was to replace a tin building with asbestos with a wooden building
which would accommodate table tennis but be multi-functional. She explained that
they were eligible to apply even though they received an annual grant which was
gradually decreasing as they became self-sustaining. She added that the building
would be available for community use and that they had received letters of support
from the school. The applicants said that they could make a contribution to the cost,
but this had not been specified as an amount. The application was for £8,000£10,000.
AGREED to recommend
To award funding of £8,000 with the condition that they publicise that it was for
community use and to increase public use.
The Panel noted the monitoring report which provided an update on the projects that
had been awarded Big Society Fund grants previously.
The Panel noted the update.
The Health and Communities Officer said that they should make more effort to
promote the fund and go out to parishes who haven’t applied and see how they could
be helped and encourage applications.
The Chairman said that Members should encourage people in their wards to apply.
Big Society Fund Grants Panel
29 June 2015
The Meeting closed at 13.56pm.
Big Society Fund Grants Panel
29 June 2015
Agenda Item 2__
Notes of a meeting held on Tuesday 08 July 2015 at 11.00am in Room 5, Council
Offices, Holt Road, Cromer.
Members Present:
Officers in
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds
Mr P High
Mrs B McGoun
Miss B Palmer (Chair)
Mr N Pearce (Vice-Chair)
Mrs G Perry-Warnes
The Head of Organisational Development, the Democratic Services
Team Leader and the Democratic Services Officer
The group appointed Cllr. Nigel Pearce as Vice-Chair of the Member Development
PROPOSED by Cllr. B Palmer and SECONDED by Cllr. B McGoun
The notes from the last meeting on 03 March 2015 were approved as a correct record of
the meeting and signed by the Chairman.
The Democratic Services Team Leader informed Members that not all of the invoices for
the induction had been received. She said that the total spent was approximately
£9,109.00 with a remaining budget of £18,500.00 which had been rolled over from
previous years to provide a healthy amount.
The Chairman asked what the cost of the Pinewoods event ‘A Taste of North Norfolk’
had been in comparison to the training costs.
Member Development Group
08 July 2015
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the venue costs, including drinks, was
£600.00 and the cost of the food from local producers was around £330.00. She added
that Mr Galton Blakiston, who spoke at the event, had waivered his fee. The rest of the
amount spent was on the training courses.
Mr N Pearce said that as a new Member, he thought that what he had attended was
presented excellently and that courses were easy to understand with a good mix of
slides and practical demonstrations. He added that the evening event was excellent. He
commented that the costs involved were very reasonable.
Mrs G Perry-Warnes said that she had only been able to attend two of the courses due
to other outstanding commitments and that she had been very happy with the courses
which were the lowest costs. She asked why the Jarrolds training was so much more.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that they had received good feedback
following the Jarrolds training but that it had not been well attended which meant that the
cost per delegate had increased. She said that some Members had asked about whether
the courses would be run again and asked Members whether this was something to
The Democratic Services officer said that the Jarrolds training was run in Norwich and
that the cost per delegate there was £235.00 for the day and that they had negotiated
four half day courses for up to twelve delegates per course which was a good deal.
The Democratic Services Team Leader asked whether it was a question of timing as the
feedback had been good and that officers had attended to fill additional places. She said
that training had been run internally where possible.
Mrs Perry-Warnes said that one way to increase attendance would be to spread the
training out during the induction.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that previously all of the training available
had taken place in the first two weeks and that it had been spread out over six weeks to
enable more Members to attend and not to be so overwhelmed, but that they would take
this under consideration for the next induction.
Mr P High said that they should consider running more internal training. He said that he
had attended the training in May as he was away in June, but that he had been
impressed with the way the Democratic Services team had worked. He wanted to know
what officers had thought of the training.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the team were pleased with the
programme but that one of the things she would change would be the first session which
was a bit heavy. She said that they changed the format for the following day and that it
was more relaxed. She commented that Members had mixed and that it had worked well.
Mr Pearce asked whether officers thought that there had been more Member interaction
than in previous years.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that there had and that officers had been
able to get to know the new Members more quickly than in previous years.
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds said that the training had been discussed four years ago to
ensure it was more in-depth in 2015. She said that there wasn’t half the courses in 2011.
Member Development Group
08 July 2015
Mr High agreed and said that there had been nothing in 2007. He said that the training
had begun in 2011 and that they had run good sessions that were shorter but had
worked well. He thanked Democratic Services for their work.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that she was keen to keep the momentum
of training and development and asked Members if there was anything that they wanted
a repeat session on.
Mr Pearce suggested looking at the sessions that were less well attended and, keeping
within budget, arranging refresher sessions within a particular time frame.
The Democratic Services Team Leader agreed and said that the budget had been rolled
over and that £7,500.00 was added annually and that a cushion had been built to ensure
that a robust programme could be provided. She said that development had been
allowed to drift in the past.
Mr High said that new Members would learn a lot by just attending the meetings and
seeing how they are run and what they achieve. He said that this was worthwhile doing.
The Democratic Services officer said that the feedback forms from each of the sessions
had been collated and included in the agenda along with a breakdown of costs of both
external and internal courses and the cost per attending delegate. She said that the
feedback had been very positive and that it was unfortunate that not more people had
attended. The costs were very reasonable and it would and have been even more cost
effective if more people had signed up to the training.
The Democratic Services Team Leader informed Members that the second session on
speed reading, timetabled in for the evening, had been cancelled as only one person
had signed up to the session, but that the other session for the course, and the sessions
held separately for staff, had proven popular. She asked Members whether they wanted
to schedule a future session once Members had settled in and seen the amount of
reading involved.
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds said that they should set a minimum number of delegates to
ensure that any sessions would be well attended and worthwhile. She suggested that
the same was considered for the bus tour so that they could gauge interest.
The Democratic Services Team Leader suggested that they look at a cost per delegate
for the training such as £50.00 per head.
Mr N Pearce said that it was dependent on the course and commented that overall, the
cost per delegate in the courses held was very cost effective.
The Democratic Services Team Leader agreed and said that the most expensive
training per delegate was the licensing course provided in house, but that this was with
a barrister and that external quotes had been in the region of £3,000.
Mrs B McGoun said that she had attended the public speaking training run by
Toastmasters International and that this training had been free.
The Chairman commented that all of the training courses she had attended encouraged
participation and that this made them more interesting and worthwhile.
Member Development Group
08 July 2015
Mrs McGoun said that the training had enabled Members to get to know one another
and that the training was very different to ten years ago.
The Chairman agreed and said that she liked that the Democratic Services Team
Leader and Democratic Services officer had also attended the training with Members.
The Democratic Services Team Leader explained to Members that a Treasury
Management session was planned to cover Council investments but that in the past it
had not been well attended. She said that it was a good session but that it looked
unappealing on paper and suggested that it was run in advance of a meeting as if it was
a stand alone course it would probably be poorly attended again.
Mr P High suggested running the session before an Audit Committee meeting.
The Chairman agreed and said that a morning session would be preferable with the
provision of lunch.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the media training provided by the
Communications Editor had been successful and that further, more practical sessions
with a journalist had been requested. She said that these would include a mock
interview and that the newly appointed Communications and PR Manager had a contact
who ran such sessions.
Mr High said that they had received training like this in the past and that it had been
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that she would organise this.
Mrs G Perry-Warnes asked if anyone had given press interviews before and Mr N
Pearce said that he had but not as a Councillor.
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds said that she had received a call from the Daily Mail asking
for comments.
Mr High said that when they wanted a comment regarding the local village Members
could comment and that it was worthwhile to run a training session.
The Democratic Services Team Leader asked Members about the possibility of elearning following a link e-mailed in advance of the meeting regarding workbooks on
different Member related issues. (Workbooks were provided on paper at the meeting for
Members to view).
The Head of Organisational Development said that the Human Resources team were
collating the appraisals for staff and looking at development needs and that a lot of the
things required could be covered through e-learning. She said that they were generic
courses on things like time management, data protection, freedom of information and
equality and diversity.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that it had been suggested that the group
have a demonstration and asked whether Members would want this. She said that it
was similar to the LGA link she had sent with the workbooks for Councillors but that this
was a separate type of e-learning.
Member Development Group
08 July 2015
The Head of Organisational Development said that there were many benefits to elearning and that the courses were developed nationally and that they were a good
resource covering generic skills that checked understanding that learners could dip in
and out of. There was a cost, but it was being opened up to staff as well and that
Members would also have access to the LGA e-learning which was free.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that she would resend the link for the LGA
e-learning website.
The Head of Organisational Development reiterated that the LGA e-learning was
specifically for Councillors and that the other type of e-learning was for more generic
skill sets.
The Chairman asked how the training would be logged and whether the training
Members had recently attended had been logged anywhere.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the training from the Induction
Programme had been logged as they did received FOI requests for such information.
She asked whether Members wanted a training summary on their profile on the website.
She commented that she had requested the Norfolk County Council training log in the
past and that as a regular FOI it would be useful to have this information available
The Head of Organisational Development agreed and said that this would also provide a
record for the Member to reference back to. She added that most e-learning packages
would inform them when training had been completed.
Mrs B McGoun said that they were public servants and that this information should be
freely available.
It was agreed that an e-learning demonstration would be included in the next meeting of
the Member Development Group.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that an LGA officer had attended a meeting
she had been at the previous week and had talked about a networked Councillor
programme that they had a run a pilot for with a few Members. She said that it was
regarding social media and that she would circulate the information but that there were
two programmes;
1) Six month intense course, which had not received much up-take and that it
was a wider organisational change programme, and
2) Modular programme with half day to full day sessions that were more
networking and about contacting local communities through social media .
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the LGA was a not-for-profit
organisation but that there was a cost involved to cover their costs. She said it was
specifically aimed at Members and run by Public-i.
Mrs Claussen-Reynolds said that this was covered by the media training.
The Democratic Services Team Leader explained that the training was in two strands;
for those with no experience and for those who were good with social media to learn
how to build on this. She said that it was good as it got Members to think about their
digital footprints and that she would want the Communications team involved so that
they could offer practical support.
Member Development Group
08 July 2015
Mrs McGoun said that Breckland had their own training arm.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that their Member Development officer was
a trainer and had been recruited on that basis.
The Democratic Services officer said that the NNDC training programme was as good
as the Breckland one.
Mrs McGoun said that it was important to engage with young people and that social
media was how they communicated.
The Head of Organisational Development suggested canvassing Members for their
thoughts on what they think they would want us to cover and to open up any spare
places on courses for staff.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that they would look at repeat sessions and
ask Members their thoughts and would offer certain courses again depending on the
numbers interested.
The Chairman suggested annual refreshers for some topics.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that last time, a tour of the district was done
in a day and that it provided a practical overview of the district. She said that the 2011
tour had not been so well attended which was why the 2015 one had been delayed so
that it wasn't part of the initial induction training programme. The Democratic Services
Team Leader asked Members for their ideas and whether the tour was useful, whether a
theme was appropriate and when it should take place with the suggestion being late
Mr P High said that the Graham Allen Awards were in August so they should avoid
clashing with this event.
The Democratic Services Team Leader suggested economic growth as a theme for the
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds said that the tour was very useful and that they needed to
determine numbers and that a theme was a nice idea.
Mr High commented that they had a very diverse district with Bacton Gas to North
Walsham's atrium to the Pier at Cromer and through to Sheringham.
The Democratic Services Team Leader suggested including Big Society Projects that
have received funding.
Mr High agreed and suggested including buildings involved with the Graham Allen
Awards and other significant development projects.
Mrs Claussen-Reynolds said that all of the towns should be included.
The Chairman agreed and said that this should include important smaller areas that
were significant.
Member Development Group
08 July 2015
The Head of Organisational Development said that they could consider using the
themes of the Corporate Plan relating it to the district.
Mrs Claussen-Reynolds said that jobs, tourism and areas of outstanding natural beauty
were also important.
Mr N Pearce said that economic growth was important as the geographics were always
changing especially with events like the surge and they was an influx of people moving
here. He said that a tour of the area would be pertinent.
The Democratic Services Team Leader suggested a tour of one side of the district,
followed by lunch and then a tour of the other side of the district.
Mrs G Perry-Warnes suggested filming the tour so that Members unable to attend would
still benefit from the information.
The Democratic Services Team Leader informed Members that the Corporate Director
(SB) was keen to be involved.
Mr High suggested getting the local Members of the areas visited involved.
Mr Pearce commented that the tour was not essential but very worthwhile.
Mr High said that they should encourage all new Members to attend.
The Democratic Services Team Leader suggested late September for the tour.
The Head of Organisational Development suggested that the tour could look backward
and forward/backward at projects that had been down and forward into future plans - the
challenges faced and challenges yet to be tackled.
The Democratic Services Team Leader asked Members whether there was any benefit
to offer a 'buddying' system if Members requested it on an informal basis.
Mr P High said that it had been tried before and that it had been unsuccessful but that it
had been on a formal basis.
The Democratic Services said that it would be if a new Member asked for support
perhaps around a meeting, and that they would find someone to assist.
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds said that they did that anyway.
Mr High said that 'mentoring' was a strong word and agreed that it happened naturally.
The Democratic Services Team Leader said that following the last election there were
some Independent Members and that this time it was different as all Members were with
one of the two parties.
Mrs G Perry-Warnes suggested that this was offered just on the first day.
Mr High agreed and said it should be an informal arrangement.
Member Development Group
08 July 2015
The next meeting of the Member Development Group was confirmed 06 October 2015.
Mr P High said that an additional meeting should be arranged for Members to meet
before the Bus Tour so that final preparations could be discussed. The Democratic
Services Team Leader said that she would arrange a meeting for early September and
advise Members when a date was confirmed.
The meeting concluded at 12.23pm
Member Development Group
08 July 2015
17 AUGUST 2015
held in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am when there
were present:
Mrs A Arnold (Chairman)
R Reynolds (Vice-Chairman)
Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds
Mrs A Green
Mrs P Grove-Jones
P High
S Shaw
Mrs V Uprichard
Ms M Prior – observing
R Shepherd - observing
Mr M Ashwell – Planning Policy Manager
An apology for absence was received from Councillor J Punchard.
The Minutes of the meeting held on 27 July 2015 were approved as a correct record
and signed by the Chairman, subject to the addition of “in the west of the District” at
the end of the fourth bullet point under minute 14.
The Chairman stated that there were no items of urgent business which she wished
to bring before the Working Party.
No interests were declared.
The Planning Policy Manager reported that, with Councillor Dixon’s agreement, the
open spaces workstream would come before the Working Party later in the year.
Councillor P W High understood that the Countryside and Parks Manager had
prepared a report for Cabinet.
The Planning Policy Manager gave an overview of the Annual Monitoring Report
(AMR) for the period 2013 – 2015, which measured performance against adopted
Core Strategy policy and corporate objectives. He stated that there Working Party
could agree to publish the AMR without a recommendation to Cabinet as there were
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party
17 August 2015
no policy implications.
He outlined the headline results. Delivery on a number of key indicators was below
target but this was mainly due to factors beyond the Authority’s control, such as
changes in legislation and the economic climate.
The Working Party discussed the issues arising from the AMR and the Planning
Policy Manager answered Members’ questions.
The Chairman suggested that it would be useful to visit Avocet View in Blakeney
(allocated site BLA03), where 50% affordable housing had been delivered within a
development of high value market housing. The Planning Policy Manager suggested
that a tour of allocated sites would enable Members to assess whether any lessons
could be learned. This was agreed.
That the Working Party agrees to publish the Annual Monitoring Report as a
record of development trends for the period 2013-2015
The meeting closed at 11.45 am.
14 September 2015
Planning Policy & Built Heritage Working Party
17 August 2015
Agenda Item No_____12_______
This report details concerns raised about the public use
of sky lanterns (also called Chinese flying lanterns) and
the mass release of balloons, and recommends a ban
on their release from Council owned and controlled
property and land, and at events organised and run by
the Council.
Options considered:
Consideration was given to not imposing any restrictions
on the release of sky lanterns or mass balloon release
but in light of the evidence relating the danger and harm
they present was not considered appropriate. This was
also out of step with the approach taken by other
Norfolk Councils.
The release of sky lanterns or mass release of balloons
results in uncontrolled deposit of waste which can be
dangerous and is considered litter. Enforcement is
unlikely to be an effective deterrent and preventing
release is considered the most effective method of
1. The Authority as from the date of this
resolution (therefore with immediate effect)
bans the release of sky lanterns and the
mass release of balloons on Council owned
or controlled land or at events organised and
run by the Council
2. The Authority supports the call by The
Marine Conservation Society and National
Farmers Union for a nationwide ban on the
release of sky lanterns or mass release of
Reasons for
To reduce the impact from the release of sky lanterns
and mass release of balloons on the environment and
dangers associated with the resultant deposit of debris.
(Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not
published elsewhere)
Sky Lanterns and Helium balloons: an assessment of Impacts on Livestock and the Environment
May 2013 ADAS on behalf of Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and the Welsh
The Intentional Outdoor Release of Balloons and Chinese/Sky Lanterns
Pollution Policy and Position Statement (Version 3) October 2014 Marine Conservation Society
Cabinet Member(s)
Ward(s) affected
Cllr A Fitch-Tillett
Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Steve Hems, 01263 516182, steve.hems@north-norfolk.gov.uk
Sky lanterns (also known as Chinese flying lanterns) consist of a paper
covered wire or bamboo frame and an open flame heat source to provide lift
to the lantern into the air where it can float for many miles and climb up to
1,000ft from the point of release. There is no control once released, being at
the mercy of the wind. The lantern floats back down to earth once the heat
source reduces to a point that lift is not sustained. Although the distance of
travel is dependent on the atmospheric conditions sky lanterns have been
tracked travelling over thirteen miles from their point of release.
Helium filled latex and foil coated balloons are the cause of environmental
concerns due their mass littering and the potential risk to wildlife and livestock
in a similar way to sky lanterns but without the fire risk. Whilst some of these
balloons are promoted as biodegradable, they can remain in the environment
for a number of years. They float until pressure causes the rubber or foil to fail
or perish and then fall back to the ground. This can be a considerable
distance from their release point. The mass release of balloons has often
been used as a fundraising method with the balloon found to have travelled
furthest winning a prize for the purchaser and finder. A marked balloon was
found over 1000 miles from the point it was set off from.
Dangers of Use
Sky lanterns have been known to continue to burn and have been implicated
across the UK as the cause of a number of fires. Nationally, the Chief Fire
Officers Association has issued a position statement encouraging local
authorities to impose restrictions on the release of sky lanterns. Research by
ADAS (Sky Lanterns and Helium balloons: an assessment of Impacts on
Livestock and the Environment May 2013) on behalf of DEFRA details an
increase in call outs for Fire and Rescue Services due to sky lanterns from 17
in 2009 to 82 in 2011.
Most notably in 2013, a blaze at a plastic recycling factory at Smethwick, on
the outskirts of Birmingham, in which an estimated 10,000 tonnes of recycling
material and a factory unit were set alight, was proved to have been started
by a single Chinese lantern.
Coastal authorities have also reported that sky lanterns have been mistaken
for distress flares and the RNLI have seen a significant increase in call outs
due to false alarms caused by sky lanterns (ADAS 2013)
The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has concerns around the hazards of sky
lanterns caused by the unpredictability of flight, being sucked into aircraft
engines, littering around aerodromes and the need for pilots to manoeuvre in
flight to avoid hazards.
The lanterns are also known to pose a potential threat to wildlife and farm
livestock through ingestion, entanglement or entrapment. The National
Farmers Union called for a national ban after the Farmers Guardian (2011)
published an article detailing livestock deaths from ingestion of balloon
material. Later the ADAS (2013) report detailed 16 cases of death or injury to
livestock from sky lantern debris between 2010 and 2013 although it was
recognised this is probably an underestimate.
The Marine Conservation Society in its Pollution Policy and Position
Statement (October 2014) identifies from its annual surveys of beach litter
that balloon related debris has increased from an average density of 3.4 items
per kilometre in 1996 to 12.2 items per kilometre in 2013. The report also
cites a number of species of dead marine animals found with balloon debris
affecting their digestive system and seabirds killed by entanglement in
ribbons, cords and framework.
The debris caused by sky lanterns and balloons would be considered litter
under legislation once it has returned to earth. It would be almost impossible
to prove, to a sufficient standard to take legal action, the release of the sky
lantern or balloon by an individual caused a specific piece of littering due to
the distances travelled and the crossing of administrative boundaries. Both
the release of sky lanterns and helium balloons are in effect uncontrollable
The Position Elsewhere
The RSPCA, RSPB, National Farmers Union and the Marine Conservation
Society have all given their support for Councils to ban on the use of sky
lanterns and the release of helium balloons.
Entire countries have banned the use of sky lanterns, including Austria,
Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Spain, Germany,
Vietnam and parts of Canada. In the USA a number of states have introduced
Nationally a number of local authorities have already initiated bans and within
Norfolk the County Council, Broadland District Council, Great Yarmouth
Borough Council have all prohibited the release from their land and events.
Local Position
The scale of lantern or mass balloon release from North Norfolk District
Council owned land is not accurately known, as permission is not generally
sought. Anecdotally there have been a number of occasions where groups
have launched sky lanterns as part of memorial activities, parties or seasonal
holiday celebrations.
Relevant Officers from the Council’s Safety Advisory Group, which considers
safety aspects of organised events, have been consulted and in principle
would support a ban on their release from Council owned land and at Council
run events.
The release of sky lanterns or mass release of balloons results in
uncontrolled deposit of waste which can be dangerous and is considered
litter. Enforcement is unlikely to be an effective deterrent and preventing
release is considered the most effective method of control.
Implications and Risks
There is a small risk of legal challenge from those wanting to release balloons
or sky lanterns. This is considered small as the proposed ban only relates to
council owned or controlled land and events organized and run by the
Financial Implications and Risk
This report does not raise any issues relating to Financial Implications and
This report does not raise any issues relating to Sustainability
Equality and Diversity
This report does not raise any issues relating to Equality and Diversity
Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations
This report does not raise any consideration in relation to Crime and Disorder
or Section 17 responsibilities.
Agenda Item No 13
Digital Transformation Programme (DTP) Update
This report is brought to provide the fourth, six
monthly update on progress within the Digital
Transformation Programme (DTP), in accordance
with the original Cabinet Resolution for the
Overall, the technology infrastructure improvement
work required in the Programme continues to
progress well and we are starting to see some
benefits arising.
The Programme is now moving to the service and
process reviews that will identify the best ways of
utilising the technology to drive the improvements
and efficiencies we require.
The first such review, in Planning, continues to
progress well. The Implementation Plan for revised
ways of working has been approved with a target
for completion of Spring 2016. Staff consultation is
underway and the IT changes to support the new
operating model are being implemented.
The next areas for review are being considered to
identify the area which will deliver the most
significant improvements in customer service and
Other projects and workstreams are progressing
well and are broadly on target.
The report identifies a requirement for short term
specialist resource to assist in the commissioning
and configuration of the infrastructure necessary to
support Agile Working, Electronic Document
Management and the website upgrade. In addition,
temporary staff resources are identified to support
Planning BPR Implementation. These will require
funding to be released from the previously identified
Digital Transformation budget and this is the
subject of a recommendation.
The timelines, expected outcomes and anticipated
costs for the various workstreams are identified
within the report and the Appendix which is
The Digital Transformation Programme business
model remains viable and is on track to deliver as
1. That Cabinet notes the progress made on
the Digital Transformation Programme.
2. That Cabinet approve the release of £35,000
from the Invest to Save budget to allow for
the contracting of technical specialist
resource to facilitate upgrades and
enhancements to the IT infrastructure.
3. That Cabinet approves the release of £93,000
from the Invest to Save budget for the
provision of temporary staffing to map key
processes and produced scripts, for the
Planning BPR project.
4. That Cabinet approve a capital budget of
£52,000 in the current year to be funded from
the Invest to Save capital budget to fund
additional back up storage capacity for the
Council’s IT system and delegates authority
to the Corporate Director to complete the
necessary procurement process.
Reasons for
To provide appropriate governance and
oversight of the Digital Transformation
To provide funding to allow the provision
of specialist technical resources to
support the roll-out of the infrastructure
to support the Digital Transformation
To provide funding to allow the provision
of staff to support Implementation of the
Planning service BPR.
To ensure capacity for daily back up of
data contained on the Council’s IT
systems, thus reducing the risk of data
(Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not
published elsewhere)
Cabinet Member(s)
Cllr T Fitzpatrick
Ward(s) affected
Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Sean Kelly, 01263 516276, sean.kelly@north-norfolk.gov.uk
Nick Baker, 01263 516221, nick.baker@north-norfolk.gov.uk
Members will recall that the Digital Transformation Programme (DTP)
was approved by Cabinet in October 2013. Fundamentally, the
programme sought to achieve two key objectives. Firstly, improving
overall customer service, for both internal and external customers; and
secondly, being more efficient in the way we work.
It was agreed that six monthly progress reports would be submitted,
along with updates on the workstreams within the programme as these
were developed. This is the fourth of those updates.
In general terms, the Programme set out to deliver a range of IT
foundation projects, on which later transformational changes to the
Council’s business could be built. These changes would be identified
through a series of service level reviews across the Council and then
implemented to take advantage of the IT improvements already made.
The guiding principles of the Programme were as follows:
 Making our processes digital by default, but with alternative
access channels where appropriate
Building in automated features wherever possible, to enable
customers to self-serve as far as possible
Developing an integrated IT platform, thus enabling better
sharing of information and data across the Council, and ensuring
that our digitised systems are seamless to the user
An assumption, that the “front office”, or customer services,
function will become wider, thus ensuring that as many contacts
are dealt with as efficiently as possible, at the first point of
Whilst the original resolution committed a Programme budget of £1.4m
over five years, this was conditional upon individual projects
subsequently being brought forward to Cabinet with a business case
for the release of the required budget. The Programme will greatly
improve customer service and is expected to deliver direct savings in
the region of £375k a year, this being phased in from year 2 of the
Programme, as well as a number of other benefits arising from better
use of customer and management information.
During the period covered by this report, two further such reports have
been brought forward and Cabinet approved the release of £60,000 to
support the procurement and delivery of Document Management
Software and £44,000 to implement a new website management
system both of these form critical technology elements of the Digital
Transformation programme.
Risks associated with the delays in recruitment of specialist technical
posts remain. The recruitment of a replacement Applications Manager
has, so far been unsuccessful despite extensive recruitment activities.
To address the risks of being unable to recruit technical staff, the
Council is re-examining a number of recruitment and retention options.
In line with the original plan, now that the technology and infrastructure
improvements have been initiated, and are progressing well, the
programme is moving onto implementing the improvements to service
business processes, which will deliver the efficiency and service level
improvements it has been designed to deliver.
Current Position
Since the last update, officers have been primarily focused on:
Completing the commissioning of the Unified Communications
infrastructure and delivering the user training to support its
successful implementation.
Developing and deploying the pilot website transactional service
and its integration with the Environmental Health service software.
Extending this pilot to deliver additional on-line services.
Undertaking the review of the Planning Service with external
consultancy support and high levels of staff engagement.
Preparing the IT infrastructure to support the outcomes of the
Business Review within Planning.
Preparing a specification for the procurement of printing services to
replace the existing reprographics facilities which are at contract
end. The specification includes printing equipment, access to cloud
based bulk print and “print and post” services.
Significant works in support of the sharing of Council offices at
Fakenham and Cromer with the DWP.
In terms of IT systems change, this work has included:
o a system upgrade to the service specific software
o provision of a public facing mapping system
o preparation for the implementation of a digital mailroom facility,
initially for planning
o trials of mobile computing hardware to support field workers
The Geographical Information Systems (GIS) project is progressing
well. The software has been deployed and officers are undertaking
training to allow it to be configured to display planning application
information. Further data will then be added to allow customers to
access information at any time.
The Back Scanning project is also progressing and temporary resource
has been recruited to deliver a digital archive. The paper archive of files
in Environmental Health has been scanned and stored digitally, thus
enabling additional office space to be let out at a commercial rent. The
focus of this work will now shift to the large paper archive in the
Planning service. Having a digital document archive will facilitate the
new business processes being designed, as a part of the Planning
service BPR.
The Mobility project is now identifying suitable mobile computing
equipment to support Agile working within the Council. Two different
potential solutions are being piloted as part of the Planning BPR, to
identify which will best support the new ways of working.
A draft Agile Working Policy has been produced, which is now being
refined. This will provide a framework to manage all of the HR policy
issues arising from reconfiguring the workforce to carry out an
increasing proportion of their duties away from the Council Offices.
In order to provide the capacity and specialist skills to deploy and
enhance the Council’s IT infrastructure, in support of a number of the
transformation projects, it will be necessary to augment the Council’s
existing staff with short term contractors who can provide capacity and
specialist technical capabilities. This covered in section 5 below.
In terms of Website Improvement, the Fly Tipping reporting web form,
which was our pilot project, is now live. This allows customers to report
Fly Tipping on-line and the information is then automatically entered
into the service system to arrange action without any need for data to
be re-entered.
Other similar forms have also been developed and deployed to cover a
range of environmental health complaint types and, currently in
development, are forms to allow on-line requests for service. Again,
this piloting approach ensures that new developments are tested
before being rolled out wider across the Council and this will be
important when delivering a more transactional website.
Building upon the technology changes already delivered, and still to be
deployed, the Planning Service Review is progressing well. Subject to
consideration of issues arising from consultation, it is planned to realise
savings of £92,548 per annum from spring 2016.
2.6.1 With the assistance of external facilitators, the review of key processes
in Planning is virtually complete and now approaching the
implementation stage. Following on from workshops with Planning and
associated staff, new ways of working have been identified within the
Planning processes.
2.6.2 These ways of working will be built on, and supported by, the
technology improvements being implemented as part of the Digital
Transformation Programme. The business case for the changes has
been developed and signed off by CLT, and staff are now being
consulted, before finalising the detailed Implementation Plan.
2.6.3. The changes will be brought in across the next six months or so and as
part of that, there will be significant stakeholder engagement. This will
be essential, to ensure that we get as many customers as possible
using the new systems as soon as they are in place. In turn, this will
deliver the efficiencies and service improvements for the public
which we need to deliver.
2.6.4. Essentially, the key features of the Planning Service Implementation
Plan are as follows:
Provision of a Digital mailroom, so that all documents going into,
and as many as possible going out of Planning, are in digital, not
paper format, giving reduced paper costs and faster processing
Automated workflow, so that many of the actions which currently
require manual action are designed out, giving significant
efficiencies, better service and improved customer information, for
example on the progress of their Planning Application
Mobile working, allowing officers to work better on site and to get
information back into the service systems more quickly
Freeing up of professional and technical staff capacity to deal with
higher level issues
2.6.5. Transitional resources to support the delivery of the new way of
working have been agreed, in order to allow business as usual in the
Service. This is especially important given the need to respond to the
current level of additional demand being experienced for Planning
The requirement for transitional staff resources falls across our
services, including IT, Communications, Customer Services and HR
and are being augmented by temporary posts and external consultancy
2.6.6 Part of the implementation will require specific staff to undertake the
very significant task of process mapping and analysis for all work
processes in Planning, and subsequent scripting. Together, these will
allow the technical Planning processes to be configured into the IT
systems, and for the correct interactive information to then be provided
on the website. In turn, this will ensure that as many matters as
possible can be accessed and dealt with through the most efficient
channels. The financial requirements associated with these posts are
shown at section 5 below.
2.6.7 Importantly, by reviewing Planning first, we will maximise the gains for
the rest of the Council as well as the actual service improvements in
planning. All of the main technology and work change investments
(enhanced website, digital mailroom, agile working, etc.) needed for
Planning will be required elsewhere, so this Service Review will provide
clear benefits for the future reviews to be carried out in other areas.
2.6.8. The projects are detailed further at Appendix A and reflect the current
and future projects and workstreams for the Programme as they are
known at the present time. They will evolve over time as business
requirements change, projects are completed and new requirements
are identified.
Procurement activities will be controlled and co-ordinated to ensure
value for money on all expenditure across the Programme. Goods and
services will be procured in accordance with the existing NNDC
Procurement protocols.
Procurement will be executed using existing approved framework
contracts wherever these provide the best value. Small to Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) will be encouraged to bid submit bids for contracts.
The contract for Print Services for the Council is being prepared for
procurement. External procurement expertise has been engaged to
advise on how best to take this procurement forward.
This will lead to significant changes in service delivery methods for
printing services, and is expected to deliver annual revenue savings of
at least £50,000, although this cannot be detailed until the tenders
have been analysed. Whilst this project has been added to the
Programme, in financial terms, it directly affects only the Printing and
Posting budget areas, but will have been enabled by the Digital
Transformation investment
Financial Implications and Risks
All major expenditure within the Digital Transformation Programme will
continue to be submitted for approval by Cabinet and, to date, six such
approvals have been received:
September 2015: Implementation of website software - £44,000
capital funding for goods and services associated with the
implementation of new website Content Management Software
September 2015: Implementation of Council Electronic Documents
Management System - £60,000
April 2015: Integration Software - £82,000 capital funding for the
procurement Integration Software to link the website to Service
back-office systems
September 2014: Standardised Printing - £60,000 capital funding
for the procurement of Multi-Functional Devices.
June 2014: Website Infrastructure Refresh - £37,000 revenue
funding for the establishment of a new, permanent Web Developer
post within the Applications Development Team and £37,500 capital
funding for Web Infrastructure.
April 2014: Telephony – £90,000 capital funding for the
Together, these investments total £410,500.
As a result of improvements funded by these investments, across a
range of services, savings have been identified totalling in the region of
£220,000 per annum, as follows:
Planning Review
Housing Administration
Provision of multi-functional print devices
Print Procurement and other savings
Reduced telephony costs
Some of the savings detailed above have started to be achieved in the
current year, but most will start to be delivered from 2016/17 onwards.
As described above, additional temporary staffing is required to
undertake process mapping and analysis, and scripting, which together
will allow, respectively, the technical Planning processes to be
configured in the Council’s IT systems and for the correct interactive
information to be provided on the website.
This will initially be a resource dedicated to the Planning Service
implementation and once this is completed, will be utilised for the
service and process reviews which follow
The requirement is for three, one year temporary posts at a total (salary
plus on costs) cost of £93,512 and a recommendation is contained
within this report for the release of these funds from the Invest to Save
In addition, and again as described earlier, there is a need to provide
the additional capacity, across a range of specialist skills, to deploy and
enhance the Council’s IT infrastructure in support of a number of the
projects. It will therefore be necessary to augment the Council’s
existing staff with a number of short term external providers, who can
provide the required capacity and specialist technical capabilities.
Estimated costs for these services for the period required is £35,000
and a recommendation is contained in the report for this to be funded
from the Reserve.
As a result of the increased deployment and use of IT systems, the
capacity for the daily backing up of data has become reduced far
sooner than anticipated, resulting in a need to increase the storage
capacity and speed for the backup function. Whilst there is no
likelihood of a system failure as a result, there is an increase of not
being able to retrieve data if required.
An option for cloud based back up has been considered but at this
stage is far more expensive than extending our back up capacity from
our existing provider. As such, there is a requirement for a further
capital investment of £52,000 and a further recommendation is
contained elsewhere in this report for this to be funded from the Invest
to Save reserve. Because this is an extension to our existing system
there is only one provider, and a procurement exemption will need to
be completed before perchase.
The funding estimates were calculated some time ago against the likely
business requirements and estimated technology costs. Current
indications are that the full range of deliverables can be achieved within
the current funding limits.
However, should business requirements alter significantly as a result of
external legislative or other influences, there is a risk to programme
timescales and or costs. This will be managed by change control
processes which will assess the impact on the project of all such
external influences. Any such changes which significantly affect the
programme will be referred to Cabinet.
Although with the recent appointments to the web related vacancies the
risk has reduced, our ability to recruit specialist technical staff, in both
IT and Planning, in a timely manner remains a cause for concern.
Recruitment to approved permanent and temporary posts for some
technical staff may take an extended time with associated implications
for planned project timescales and the business benefits which they are
planned to deliver.
This will be mitigated by adopting a flexible approach to securing
appropriately skilled resources from a variety of internal and third party
sources. A variety of approaches to secure the necessary skills and
expertise will be explored, including the following options:
buying in consultancy services, wherever possible including
a requirement for training and or skills sharing
developing internal talent (with appropriate backfilling)
utilising the potential expertise from local higher education
establishments through, for example, graduate development
The Digital Transformation programme is a complex wide ranging
project based upon a rapidly evolving technology landscape.
Consequently, there is a risk that the programme fails to deliver the
planned outcomes. In order to mitigate this risk, the programme and
the projects within it will be managed using standard governance and
programme management tools and techniques. This will include the
tracking of the potential benefits and indeed, risks, through the life of
each project, right through to delivery.
There is also a risk that stakeholders will be resistant to change, thus
reducing the potential benefits of the programme. However, on the
basis of more and more business being done via digital means, this risk
is believed to be a relatively low.
However, this risk will be mitigated by a programme of communication,
training and development for staff and members, in order to maximise
uptake and use of the new methods of working. For customers, this will
be more through communicating and ensuring that the new channels
are easy to use, thus giving customers a better service.
Equality and Diversity
Requirements will be included in all specifications for systems to
ensure as far as possible they can be used by customers and staff with
disabilities or those without the ability or connectivity to access services
via a digital route.
In addition, it is accepted that some customers may not wish to use
some of the services, which may become automated as part of the
Business Transformation Programme. The Council will continue to
provide mediated services where this is required by customers.
Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations
There are no section 17 implications arising from the report.
The Digital Transformation Programme business models remains
viable and is on track to deliver as planned.
Appendix A
Digital Transformation Programme
Programme Update June 2015
Key Dates
Will deliver a Councilwide, fully integrated
solution allowing Officers
and Members to
communicate effectively
and efficiently using:
 Telephony
 Video Conferencing
 Instant Messaging
 Document Sharing
Lync UC now delivered to all
staff. 2 Video Conferencing
Systems in place. Advanced
configuration including mobile
facilities will now be added.
We will deliver a central
repository and
management system for
all electronic records.
This will also include
implementation of
document workflow to
manage the creation,
approval, distribution
and access to, all
documents used by the
Soft Market research and
development completed.
Technical evaluation
installation complete.
Cabinet report requesting
funding for Council wide
roll-out submitted and
approved. Procurement of pilot
now in progress which will be
followed by full deployment.
Jan 2015
Cabinet Expenditure
To Date
Mar 2015
Sep 2015
Dec 2015
May 2016
Rollout (Ongoing from):
Aug 2016
Appendix A
Digital Transformation Programme
Programme Update June 2015
Document and
Key Dates
We will migrate, as far
as practicable, all paper
based activities to digital
for optimum efficiency
and customer service.
Transition will be
prioritised to deliver
maximum benefits.
The Planning BPR business
case approved.
Implementation plan now
being developed for delivery in
spring 2016.
Planning BPR
Completed by
Spring 2016.
Key Planning processes
implementation plan
agreed and rolled out.
Examination of other services
and process to identify the
next area for improvement is
now underway.
Other services and
corporate processes
reviewed similarly.
Other process
and Services
ongoing from
Jan 2016.
Cabinet Expenditure
To Date
£ 144,500
Appendix A
Digital Transformation Programme
Programme Update June 2015
Agile Working
Key Dates
We will integrate all
mobile devices into the
systems and
infrastructure used
within the rest of the
council including:
Access to the Intranet,
Document Management
System, Unified
Communications and to
back office systems for
field workers.
Members and CLT tablets able
to remotely access files, email
and intranet.
Dec 2014
Draft Agile Working Policy
produced and in consultation.
User Access:
May 2015
Mobile computing hardware
for field workers in trial in
Field Worker
(Ongoing from)
Jan. 2016.
We will improve the
ability to work from
home and other
locations where
We will commission
software and systems
which provide
personalised, up to date
management and
performance information
as a business
“dashboard” which is
configured to the
requirements of the
user’s role.
Requirement for short term
contract resource to assist
with infrastructure deployment
and configuration included in
Cabinet Update.
Soft Market testing of potential
solutions and high level
requirements gathering in
Cabinet report Feb 2016
Procurement March 2016
Agile working
Policy live Jan
Apr 2016
Full rollout Sep
Cabinet Expenditure
To Date
Alex Higgs
Appendix A
Digital Transformation Programme
Programme Update June 2015
Key Dates
We will re-engineer the
existing Website and
Intranet to a single
technology, enabling
efficient development
and deployment of
modern transactional
services. This will
support both the internal
processes of the Council
and the interactions with
service users. The
facilities will act as a
portal for a single route
into the services and
facilities delivered by the
A number of transactions
deployed to existing website
which are fully integrated with
back office systems. Other
forms and processes rolling
out on an ongoing basis
Cabinet report for new Content
Management Software
submitted and approved.
Port of existing
intranet to new
Jan 2016
Integration of
Social Media:
Jan 2016
CMS Procurement in
Rollout of
(ongoing from)
Aug 2015
Payments and Bookings
engine installed and
commissioning in progress.
Citizen User
Mar 2016
Website on new
E-mail & Messaging
“Webforms” to replace
existing paper forms.
Social Media Integration.
Intranet re-launch.
“My NNDC” User
registration and
Cabinet Expenditure
To Date
Appendix A
Digital Transformation Programme
Programme Update June 2015
We will migrate user
contact information and
systems to a single,
efficient facility. This will
provide a single view of
all contacts and activities
for users of NNDC
services and
Following completion of UC
project focus now on
implementing Customer
Contact and information
management solution.
Contact Centre system
deployed (initial
functionality pilot only)
Development of Customer
Accounts system commenced.
Following a number of initial
demonstrations, the top level
requirements have been
Key Dates
Mar 2016
Website and
Social Media
May 2016
Back Office
from) Nov
Website Integrated with
Contact Centre
Social Media Integration
Back Office Systems
Activity Integration
Cabinet Expenditure
To Date
Appendix A
Digital Transformation Programme
Programme Update June 2015
System (GIS)
Key Dates
We will deliver an easy
to use, Council-wide
Information System for
use by members of the
public, Council
employees and partners.
The GIS coordinator post
recruitment complete ( Laura
system Nov
Software procured and
Public Site Jan
Development and
commissioning in progress.
Additional data
deployed on
an ongoing
We will digitise existing
paper based information
in a standard manner
across the Council.
Back Scanning commenced.
Temporary staff recruited .
Additional storage and
scanning infrastructure in
EH Back scanning completed.
Planning service scanning
now in progress.
Initiate Project
Jun 2015
Cabinet Expenditure
To Date
Not included in
£20,000 now
the BTP as
Service to a
Sep 2015
Back Scanning
Oct 2015
Cabinet 30 November 2015
Overview and Scrutiny 9 December 2015
Agenda Item No_____14_______
The purpose of this report is to give a second quarter
progress report of the performance of the Council. More
specifically it reports delivery of the Annual Action Plan
2015/16 and achieving targets. It gives an overview,
identifies any issues that may affect delivery of the plan,
the action being taken to address these issues and
proposes any further action needed that requires
Cabinet approval.
Options considered:
Options considering action regarding performance are
presented separately, issue by issue, to the appropriate
Council Committee.
1. The majority of the 55 activities in the Annual
Action Plan 2015/16 are on track (46).
Performance is being closely monitored,
particularly for the activities where issues or
problems have been identified (four). Some
activities have already been completed
successfully (three), one is on hold and one is
not started.
2. Of the 18 performance indicators where a target
has been set 12 are on or above target, two
close to target and four below target. Where
assessment against the same period last year is
possible (21 indicators), eight are improving,
seven are static and six are worsening.
3. The delivery of the Annual Action Plan is
progressing according to plan. However, there
are a few performance issues in achieving
targets and improvement. The issues involved,
and action being taken in each case, are
detailed in the remainder of the document.
That Cabinet notes this report, welcomes the
progress being made and endorses the actions laid
out in Appendix B being taken by management
where there are areas of concern.
Reasons for
To ensure the objectives of the Council are achieved.
Cabinet Member(s)
Ward(s) affected
Tom FitzPatrick
Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Helen Thomas, 01263 516214, Helen.thomas@north-norfolk.gov.uk
Cabinet 30 November 2015
Overview and Scrutiny 9 December 2015
The purpose of the ‘Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015/16’ report is to
identify good practice and disseminate it, highlight any performance issues to
help the Council identify areas for discussion and take action to secure
improvement in the future where it is needed.
It is a key part of the Council’s Performance Management Framework.
Content of the Report
The second quarter performance report shows progress against the
Corporate Plan 2012-2015 priorities together with any other relevant
performance achievements and issues.
Each priority has a strategic assessment of progress achieved during the
quarter in delivering the Annual Action Plan 2015/16 and achieving targets.
Performance information for each priority is broken into two sections: Strategic Overview including assessment of overall performance within each
priority, key achievements and issues
 Performance Indicators – progress reporting
In addition, detailed progress reports for each activity in the Annual Action
Plan 2015/16 are presented as Appendix 1.
The majority of the 55 activities in the Annual Action Plan 2015/16 are on
track (46). Performance is being closely monitored, particularly for the
activities where issues or problems have been identified (four). Some
activities have already been completed successfully (three), one is on hold
and one is not started.
Of the 18 performance indicators where a target has been set 12 are on or
above target, two close to target and four below target. Where assessment
against the same period last year is possible (21 indicators), eight are
improving, seven are static and six are worsening.
The delivery of the Annual Action Plan is progressing according to plan.
However, there are a few performance issues in achieving targets and
improvement. The issues involved, and action being taken in each case, are
detailed in the remainder of the document.
Implications and Risks
Prompt action to deal with any performance issues identified by this report will
reduce the risk to delivery of the Annual Action Plan and the achievement of
the priorities in the Corporate Plan 2012-15. The recommendations of this
report outline the action being taken to reduce or remove the risk of not
delivering the Corporate Plan.
Cabinet 30 November 2015
Overview and Scrutiny 9 December 2015
The Corporate Risk Register which includes the risk associated with nondelivery of the Corporate Plan is reviewed regularly by the Audit Committee
and the Performance and Risk Management Board.
Financial Implications and Risks
Prompt action to deal with any performance issues identified by this report will
reduce the financial risk to the Council.
There are no sustainability implications of this report.
Equality and Diversity
There are no equality and diversity implications of this report.
Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations
There are no Section 17 Crime and Disorder implications of this report.
Appendix B
Quarter 2 2015/16
Version 1.0
Any queries please contact Policy and Performance Management Officer, Helen Thomas
Tel. 01263 516214
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 1 of 43
Contents .................................................................................... 2
Introduction............................................................................... 3
Key............................................................................................. 3
Overview ................................................................................... 4
Jobs and the Local Economy .................................................. 5
Housing and Infrastructure ...................................................... 7
Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage ................................... 9
Localism .................................................................................. 16
Delivering the Vision .............................................................. 18
Appendix 1: Delivering the Annual Action Plan 2015/16 ..... 25
Jobs and the Local Economy ............................................................ 25
Housing and Infrastructure ................................................................ 30
Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage............................................... 33
Localism ............................................................................................ 38
Delivering the Vision .......................................................................... 40
Version Control....................................................................... 43
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 2 of 43
The quarterly performance report for Cabinet shows progress against the Corporate
Plan 2012-2015 Priorities, together with any other relevant performance achievements
and issues.
Each priority has a strategic assessment of progress achieved during the quarter in
delivering the Annual Action Plan 2015/16 and achieving targets.
Performance information for each priority is broken into two sections:
Summary, including assessment of overall performance within each priority
Performance Indicators – progress reporting
Progress in delivering each activity in the Annual Action Plan 2015/16 is reported in
Appendix 1.
The purpose of the report is to highlight any performance issues to help the Council
identify areas for discussion and take action to secure improvement in the future where
it is needed.
Signifies an action or target achieved that has an outcome that meets our
equalities objectives.
NA = Not
Target achieved or exceeded
Improving compared to the same period
last year
Close to target
Close to the same period last year’s
Significantly below target
Significantly worse compared to the same
period last year
Indicators can be labelled as not applicable as this is important information for the Council
where the influence and actions of the Council may make improvements but there is not
sufficient control over the outcome to set a target
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 3 of 43
1. The majority of the 55 activities in the Annual Action Plan 2015/16 are on track (46).
Performance is being closely monitored, particularly for the activities where issues or
problems have been identified (four). Some activities have already been completed
successfully (three), one is on hold and one is not started. See Chart 1 below.
2. Of the 18 performance indicators where a target has been set 12 are on or above target, two
close to target and four below target. Where assessment against the same period last year
is possible (21 indicators), eight are improving, seven are static and six are worsening.
3. The delivery of the Annual Action Plan is progressing according to plan. However, there are
a few performance issues in achieving targets and improvement. The issues involved, and
action being taken in each case, are detailed in the remainder of the document.
Completed Successfully
On Track
Some Problems
Not Started
On Hold
Chart 1 : Progress of the activities in the Annual Action Plan 2015/16
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 4 of 43
Jobs and the Local Economy
Strategic Overview
There has been a considerable amount of activity against this priority. All actions are on track
(18 of 18). Performance against all of the four performance indicators are on or above target.
Performance against all but one of the four performance indicators have improved since the
same period last year.
The Council has:
1. Delivered growth and development initiatives, as well as supported new
investment in the District
a. Our own small grants scheme and training support has continued to
invest in start-up businesses and small-scale enterprises and has
proved valuable to them
b. On a larger scale, valuable evidence has been gathered relating to
growth and investment opportunities with a study nearing completion,
which will specify the actions that the Council can take to unlock the
further potential.
2. Successfully delivered marketing and promotional campaigns resulting in a
bumper peak tourist season this year
3. Successfully applied for funding support for a Coastal Community Team in
support of the ‘Deep History Coast’ concept, which presents an exciting
branding opportunity for the future
Issues and challenges
1. Building an inward investment strategy from the results of the Business Growth
and Investment Opportunities Study presents a challenge; as does capitalising on
the Deep History Coast initiative to propagate a coherent and comprehensive
approach to further growth and investment in the area
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 5 of 43
Performance Indicators
Indicators and Measures
Number of businesses assisted to
retain jobs and/or increase
employment each year (monthly
cumulative) (J 004)
This activity has resulted from a combination of following-up
businesses identified in a skills survey and assistance to new
and fledgling businesses.
Number of member businesses of
the Destination Management
Organisation (DMO) for the North
Norfolk coast and countryside
(quarterly) (J 015)
250 by
The Destination Management organisation has maintained
effective networking meetings and this continues to be of
value to local tourism-related businesses. It has run
successful marketing campaigns and the newly recruited
brand manager has brought fresh ideas for the future. The
success of the activities and the organisation, is not
dependent upon the number of members, however, healthy
membership is critical to its financial position under the current
funding model.
Number of new business start-ups
supported by Enterprise North
Norfolk (quarterly cumulative) (ED
Take-up of training and support for business start-ups remains
steady and feedback suggests that the service remains valued
by those who have been engaged in it.
Number of people supported with
Information, Advice and Guidance
(IAG) (quarterly cumulative) (ED
Demand for the service continues. We have begun our digital
by default webinars as well as our face to face service.
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 6 of 43
Housing and Infrastructure
Strategic Overview
Six of the eight activities in the Annual Action Plan 2015/16 are on track, one is having some
problems and one has not started. Performance against both of the indicators where an
assessment against the same period last year is possible are worsening.
The Council has:
1. Launched the first consultation starting the process to produce a new Local
Plan 2016 - 2036
Issues and challenges
1. The Council plans to identify appropriate and perhaps novel ways of reducing the
number of long-term empty homes, the drivers for which are often beyond our local
authority control as despite concerted efforts to reduce the number of empty homes,
the net figure has remained at the 2013/14 level
2. Development of new homes, including affordable homes, has slowed during this
period; although this is expected to pick up following the implementation of recent
planning permissions.
The reason that planning schemes are not yet built out is very complex as there may
be many reasons why developers do not proceed with approved developments.
 Around 8% of all planning permissions granted never get built.
 At the point that planning permission is granted the developer may not own the
development site, may not have agreed development finance, may need to
address legal restrictions and will need other consents such as building
regulations approval, drainage consents and so on. They may also need to
reach agreement with an affordable housing provider to take the affordable
homes element of the scheme.
 Additionally, it is routinely the case that planning permissions will be subject to
conditions and or Section 106 Legal Agreements which require the approval of
further details prior to commencement of development. For larger scale
residential proposals these post decision processes can take months, or in
some cases years to complete.
 Market conditions are the main determining factor. Volume house builders will
monitor finished development values and sales rates on a continuous basis
and will adjust development rates accordingly as they do not wish to hold
unsold stock.
 There is no evidence of land banking in North Norfolk. Where sites have
secured full planning permissions development has commenced shortly
thereafter and the Housing Incentive Scheme, which includes one year
commencement and completion conditions, is designed to minimise delays
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 7 of 43
Performance Indicators
Indicators and
Number of long term
empty homes (6
months or more)
(monthly) (H 002)
Q2 15/16
Q2 15/16
Target 2015/16
(Low is good)
Investigations are routinely carried out to determine the reasons for homes
becoming empty and then action is taken to combat it.
Number of
affordable homes
built (monthly
cumulative) (H 007)
Carry out
trend analysis
Housing completions are expected to pick up following the implementation
of recent planning permissions. However, few affordable housing
completions recorded in this quarter.
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 8 of 43
Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage
Strategic Overview
Activities and outcomes are being delivered against this priority. Two of the eleven activities in
the Annual Action Plan 2105/16 have been successfully completed and a further seven are on
track. Two activities are having some problems. Performance against four of the eight targeted
performance indicators are on or above target, two close to target and two below target. Where
an assessment against the same period last year is possible performance against one of the
eight indicators is improving, five are static and two worsening.
The Council has:
1. Introduced a new contract for textile bank collections and will look to increase the number
of facilities available for residents to reuse or recycle their unwanted clothing and other
2. As part of a trial project funded by BIS, undertook two collections of waste electrical and
electronic equipment from the kerbside from around 2,000 properties, collecting over 10
tonnes of material which has been sent for reuse/recycling
3. Developed and launched a new web reporting form allowing the public to report fly tipping
details. The details provided transfer directly to the back office system with no need for
rekeying data
4. The Environmental Protection Team have engaged with 4 schools on an anti-dogfouling “POOSTER” campaign to raise awareness amongst school children a provide a
local dimension to signage campaigns
5. Started work to re-align the sea defences on Happisburgh beach
6. Made good progress towards addressing the financial and staffing resources needed to
manage the coast effectively: through the implementation of coastal works and the
development of the business model for a wider Coastal Partnership in Norfolk and Suffolk
7. Seen a rise in planning application numbers and income on last year from 861 to 872 and
£356,660 to £444,544 respectively. While this is only a small rise in overall numbers there
has been a significant rise in major applications from 27 to 36.
Issues and challenges
1. Attracting sufficient third party funding to enable important coast protection works,
such as the embryonic scheme at Bacton/ Walcott coastal frontage, is a key
challenge. Authorities intending to share coastal management services across certain
maritime Local Authorities in Norfolk and Suffolk are expected to formally agree to the
new arrangements this autumn. This is expected to be a milestone in gaining the
resources to foster the innovation, expansion and development of coastal
management across the two counties; managing the change process to bring this
about, however, will bring inevitable challenges
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 9 of 43
Performance Indicators
of planning
(C 002)
Number of
(C 002a)
Q2 13/14
Q2 14/15
Review and
report. Less
than 30%.
The appeal decisions are reviewed on a regular basis by
Development Committee.
(C 003)
Major application workload is still significant and a number of those
applications are requiring S106 obligations, some of which have
become protracted due to challenges to proposed uplift clauses.
There have also been significant issues in recruitment of a Team
Leader in the Major Projects Team. This has remained unfilled for
12 months. The inability to recruit reduces overall capacity in the
team and this will continue to have adverse performance
consequences in helping make development happen. Use of
temporary agency staff has been employed to try and ensure key
tasks are not derailed.
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 10 of 43
within eight
(C 004)
Q2 13/14
Q2 14/15
The workload has increased, at the same time as we have been
unable to fill a Planning Officer position, so has reduced our overall
capacity. This quarter shows an improvement over Quarter 1, and
measures are being taken to try and ensure this continues.
within eight
(C 005)
The workload has increased, at the same as we have been unable
to fill a Planning Officer position, so has reduced our overall
capacity. This quarter shows an improvement over Quarter 1, and
measures are being taken to try and ensure this continues.
weeks over
the last 24
(DM 005)
revised by
from 30% to
40% in June
2014 and
from 40% to
50% in
Our performance is well above the Government target which has
been increased to 50% in September.
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Page 11 of 43
refused and
on appeal
over the last
24 months
(DM 006)
Q2 13/14
Number of
refused and
on appeal
over the last
24 months
(DM 006a)
Q2 14/15
threshold set
at 30% and
confirmed by
and Local
at 20% in
June 2014.
NNDC target
Less than 5.
Our performance is well above the Government target. Three major
decisions have been overturned on appeal:
Magistrates Court Cromer
Crematorium decision
Happisburgh Caravan site
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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time to fly
tipping and
all other
(within 2
(C 007)
Q2 13/14
Q2 14/15
Throughout the quarter the response to complaints has been
consistent and maintained the cumulative response time of 84%
We received 206 requests for service over the quarter of which 167
(81%) were responded to within 2 working days.
This percentage comprises the following data:
90% of Nuisance cases were responded to within two days.
83% of Drainage cases were responded to within two days.
64% of fly tipping cases were responded to within two days.
Having looked into the fly tipping cases in more details it appears
there have been some data entry issues with our contractors, this
has been passed onto them to correct. The fly tipping has been
being cleared on time but the information received back is
Number of
(C 008)
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Review and
Page 13 of 43
Q2 13/14
Q2 14/15
Within the quarter there were eight new pollution cases which were
investigated with a view to potential prosecution. Seven of these are
related to fly tipping, one related to waste duty of care. Two of these
were completed with no evidence to proceed. The other cases are
still pending further investigation/action.
In addition, two further fly tipping cases were completed during the
quarter. One of these being closed due to there being no evidence
to proceed. The other was completed with a warning letter being
sent. Also, a waste duty of care case was closed with a simple
caution being issued
Three noise abatement notices were served two of these on
licenced premises. Another abatement notice was served in relation
to odour.
Number of
fixed penalty
(C 009)
Carry out
The team continues to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) when
incidents are witnessed.
Number of
issued to the
waste and
(C 010)
Review and
A significant number of contract default financial penalties have
been applied for failures to collect residents’ bins on the allocated
day during August and September. Performance across other
areas of the contract remains stable.
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Number of
issued to the
waste and
(ES 015)
Q2 13/14
Q2 14/15
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
No target.
Report to
Head of
Service and
Page 15 of 43
Strategic Overview
There has been a considerable amount of activity against this priority. All six activities are on
The Council has:
1. Successfully transferred the Station Approach Tourist Information Centre (TIC)
and public conveniences to the North Norfolk Railway (NNR) which will result in
a brand new building and facilities as well as financial savings to the Council
2. Successfully delivered two clubs in Sidestrand in martial arts and street dance,
a badminton club in Sheringham with a further club at Sheringham High School
in american football (Flag football) due to open in November 2015
3. Recruited a further 8 Community Dog Wardens during the second quarter
bringing the current total to 21 across the district
4. Enabled the Friends of North Lodge Park to open the North Lodge Park café in
5. Hosted the start of Stage 7 of the Cycling Tour of Britain starting at Fakenham
6. Given support for community initiatives which continues to yield valuable
results and communities of all sizes and locations across the District have
benefited from investment and support from the Big Society Fund
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Performance Indicators
Indicators and Measures
Number of grants awarded to
local communities from the Big
Society Fund (monthly
cumulative) (L 005)
Amount of funding investment
in community projects (from the
Big Society Fund) (£) (monthly
cumulative) (L 006)
Q2 15/16
The Big Society Fund Panel met on 7 September 2015.
13 applications totalling £111,950.55 were presented to the
11 applications were approved
One was deferred
One was declined
Total funding awarded £62,095.31
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Delivering the Vision
Strategic Overview
The majority of actions in the Annual Action Plan delivering this priority are on track (nine of
twelve), one has been completed successfully, one is on hold and one is having some problems.
Performance against four of the six performance indicators where a target has been set are on
or above target and two are below target. Performance against four indicators are improving
compared to the same period last year, two are static and one worsening.
The Council has:
Service Improvement
1. Investigated the legal issues associated with the issuing of electronic licences,
as an alternative to paper copies, which will make the processing of licences
much more efficient both for the Council and customers
2. Worked internally and with our insurers to ensure that our response to
insurance claims against the Council is robust. This has led to fewer insurance
claims and more claims being defended successfully
3. Completed the inspections necessary to allow the Flood Support Grant funding
to be claimed back from Government
4. Launched the new, automated, canvass process to ensure that everyone that is
entitled to is registered to vote
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Performance Indicators
Indicators and
Percentage of
Priority 2
(Important) audit
completed on time
cumulative) (V
Target 2015/16
*Not yet produced. Audit Recommendation follow up exercise commences
October 2015.
Percentage of
Priority 1 (Urgent)
completed on time
cumulative) (V
Percentage of
audit days
cumulative) (V
Working Days Lost
Due to Sickness
Absence (Whole
Authority days per
Full Time
members of
staff) (quarterly
cumulative) (V
6 days per full
time equivalent
The cumulative figure for the first two quarters is the lowest since 2011/12.
The figures will be analysed to see if there are any trends and reported to the
Joint Staff Consultative Committee.
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Indicators and
Percentage of
Council Tax
Collected (monthly
cumulative) (RB
Target 2015/16
98.5% (annual)
There has been an improvement in the percentage collected each month
against target and collection is only marginally behind the same period last
Percentage of
Rates collected
cumulative) (RB
99.2% (annual)
We are significantly behind target by 1.46% as at 30 September 2015
compared to the previous month. This equates to a drop in anticipated
collection of £362,061.33.
The main reason for this is that we increased our debit by growing our NNDR
Rating List. The Rateable Value total has increased by £913,995 from
£65,346,270 to £66,260,265 within the first 6 months of this Financial Year.
The solar farm at Blenheim Way, West Raynham, Fakenham, came into
rating with a Rateable Value of £400,000 which has increased our debit by
£197,200. The debt here will be paid between November 2015 and March
2016 and so will affect our performance negatively until the end of the
financial year.
Average time for
processing new
claims (Housing
and Council Tax
Benefit) (monthly
cumulative) (RB
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
18 days
Page 20 of 43
Indicators and
Target 2015/16
During September, a total of 247 new claims have been processed, taking on
average 17 days to complete. This processing time includes delays by the
customer to provide the information required to process their application.
91% of new claims were processed within 14 days of receiving all information
required from the customer.
Further analysis shows that 58% of new claims were processed within 3 days
of receiving all information required from the customer.
The department has recruited three new Benefits Officers, who have been in
post from 11/08/2015. Following comprehensive training, the new officers
began to process new claims from September.
Work has also been carried out to prepare for the implementation of Universal
Credit. This included all staff attending a training day in September.
Speed of
change in
circumstances for
Housing and
Council Tax
Benefit claims
(average calendar
days) (monthly
cumulative) (RB
10 days
During September, a total of 2156 changes in circumstances have been
processed, taking on average 15 days to complete. This processing time
includes delays by the customer to provide the information required to
process their application.
76% of changes in circumstances were processed within 14 days of receiving
all information required from the customer.
Further analysis shows that 46% of changes in circumstances were
processed within 3 days of receiving all information required from the
In July, August and September the department has been working on
completing the oldest outstanding work by setting aside specific time to focus
on processing this. It is acknowledged that the processing of this work has
had a negative impact on the speed of processing performance. However,
once complete, it will enable the speed of processing to improve to a more
maintainable level. This is already demonstrated by the improvement from 25
days to 15 days between August and September.
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Indicators and
Target 2015/16
The department has also recruited three new Benefits Officers, who have
been in post from 11/08/2015. The new officers have now completed
comprehensive training and began to process new claims from September.
This will enable existing staff to work on changes of circumstances to further
improve and maintain speed of processing thus improving the service
received by the customer and prevent overpayments accruing.
Work has also been carried out to prepare for the implementation of Universal
Credit. This included all staff attending a training day in September.
Percentage of
outcomes for the
Council (monthly
cumulative) (PA
Number of
referral decisions
cumulative) (PA
No target set.
Report to
No target set.
An excellent result so far this year, with reduced numbers of complaints
accepted compared to last year and the only one that was investigated, was
found in favour of the Council.
Percentage of
customers who
were quite or
extremely satisfied
they were dealt
with in a helpful,
pleasant and
courteous way
(quarterly) (CS
Percentage of
customers who
were quite or
extremely satisfied
they were dealt
with in a
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
No target set.
Report to
No target set.
Report to
Page 22 of 43
Indicators and
Target 2015/16
and professional
way (quarterly)
(CS 054)
Percentage of
customers who
were quite or
extremely satisfied
with the time taken
to resolve their
enquiry (quarterly)
(CS 055)
Percentage of
customers who
were quite or
extremely satisfied
they got
everything they
needed (quarterly)
(CS 056)
Average wait time
(minutes) Customer
Services (monthly)
(CS 057)
transaction time
(minutes) Customer
Services (monthly)
(CS 058)
6 min 2
8 min
56 sec
3 min
26 sec
8 min
15 sec
No target set.
Report to
No target set.
Report to
No target set.
Report to
No target set.
Report to
The reduction in both customer waiting time and transaction time by Customer
Services has been achieved through better use of performance management
information and allocation of staff resources to cover identified customer
demand patterns.
Average wait time
(minutes) Housing Options
(monthly) (CS
5 min
25 sec
6 min
12 sec
No target set.
Report to
A number of more complex cases have resulted in spending longer times with
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Indicators and
Target 2015/16
individual customers.
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Appendix 1: Delivering the Annual Action Plan 2015/16
Activity Status
Successfully/ On
Activity has started on schedule, and is on track to be completed by the predicted end
date, to budget and will deliver the expected outputs and outcomes/ impacts or already
Not Started
This is for activities that are not programmed to start yet.
Postponed, Delayed
or On Hold
This is for activities that should have started by now but have not or activities that have
started but have had to pause or are taking longer than expected.
Some Problems
Lead officers should have described the problems and the action being taken to deal
with them.
Needs Attention/ Off
Track/ Failed
Activity is off track (either by starting after the predicted start date or progress slower
than expected), and it is anticipated that it will not be completed by the predicted end
date. Attention is needed from the lead officer and others to get this activity back on
Failed - Activity not delivered and there is no way that it can be.
Jobs and the Local Economy
A - Increase the number of new businesses and support the growth and expansion of
existing businesses
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - J A 01 - We will formulate and
deliver a Growth Plan for North Norfolk,
linked to the New Anglia Strategic
Economic Plan and Norfolk Growth
Prospectus, and identify and promote
future projects which could receive grant
funding support through these programmes
A Growth Plan was approved by
Cabinet and the activities
identified within it are in train. Key
projects have been successful in
achieving grant funding from a
variety of sources (including the
Norfolk Business Rate pool).
AAP 15/16 - J A 02 - We will work with
partners to deliver the Enterprise North
Norfolk Business Start Up and Support
The support scheme has been
operating effectively. Following
monitoring and review, the
contract for its delivery has been
extended to 31/12/15.
AAP 15/16 - J A 03 - Working in
partnership we will develop an Investment
Strategy to increase investment
opportunities in the district through seeking
to remove constraints from allocated
employment sites and promote their
potential to accommodate new job-creating
BE Group have been appointed
as third party consultants to
develop a Business Growth and
Investment Opportunities
Strategy. This is well underway
and will be due for completion by
October 2015.
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - J A 04 - We will promote the
Egmere Business Zone to offshore wind
energy businesses and their suppliers and
Actively promoting Egmere
Business Zone as a desirable
inward investment location.
AAP 15/16 - J A 05 - We will work with
Norfolk County Council to promote new
job-creating development at the Scottow
Enterprise Park (formerly RAF Coltishall)
The Council is engaged as a key
player in the development/
approval of proposals at the
Scottow Enterprise Park site.
AAP 15/16 - J A 06 - We will develop our
corporate position and consult with a wide
range of stakeholders in respect of
emerging renewable energy policy and
technologies through preparation of an
Energy Strategy
A sound evidence base has been
established which will inform
future policy development
through the revision of the Local
AAP 15/16 - J A 07 - We will ensure
regular engagement with business through
established Forums such as the Norfolk
Chamber of Commerce, the Federation
of Small Businesses and local Chambers
of Trade to better understand business
need and where public sector intervention
and/or support is required.
A Business Engagement Strategy
has been formulated, which
includes proposed new methods
of engaging with the business
community and fostering greater
collaboration of the existing
business fora.
Application for investment
funding from the Business Rates
Pool for £450k was successful.
Detailed project proposal now to
be worked up.
B - Improve the job prospects of our residents by developing a skilled and adaptable
workforce that is matched to business growth and development
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - J B 01 - Through the
Council's Learning for Everyone (L4E)
Team we will provide information,
advice and guidance to local people
wishing to enter employment or improve
their levels of skills and raise aspiration
The service is undergoing a review
to focus delivery where it will have
the most impact. Demand for the
services remains high. We have
developed a digital by default
service through webinar workshops
which are being promoted.
AAP 15/16 - J B 02 - We will offer
bespoke programmes of advice and
support to people faced with
redundancy from local companies as
and when such events occur
We are engaging as appropriate with
businesses that experience
difficulties to ensure the impacts
upon staff and the local economy
are minimised and that those staff
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Progress/ Action Note
value of those staff to the local
labour market is maximised.
AAP 15/16 - J B 03 - We will put in place
a sustainable programme of delivery for
the Learning for Everyone Team
recognising the changing policy and
delivery framework of advice and
guidance services, opportunities to work
differently with existing partners and
develop bespoke programmes of skills
training on behalf of local employers
The team has been delivering
employment support initiatives with
external partners. We are in the
process of aligning the provision of
skills support to other programmes
and will utilise the outcomes of the
skills analysis to orientate the skills
support towards the local business
AAP 15/16 - J B 04 - We will promote
work experience and apprenticeship
initiatives as part of our role as an
intermediary member of the
Apprenticeships Norfolk Network
We are continuing to represent the
Apprenticeship Norfolk Network at
North Norfolk events. We are also
handing the general enquiries to the
County website that originate in
North Norfolk. In addition we are
engaging reactively with businesses
to help them with their
apprenticeship ambitions.
AAP 15/16 - J B 05 - We will undertake
an audit of employment opportunities
and skills needs amongst local
businesses and share the findings with
our partners and key strategic bodies
We have completed a skills analysis
of the local labour market which is
expected to yield some valuable
lessons in how the Council should
orientate its resources and work with
partner organisations such as NCC
and NALEP to refine skills provision
in North Norfolk.
C - Improve access to funding for businesses
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - J C 01 - We will
administer, monitor and review a
North Norfolk Small Business
Grant programme and review
effectiveness after 12 months
The BESt grant is now mostly committed. A
recent interim report noted the
effectiveness of the grant with a more
formal evaluation due once all funds are
AAP 15/16 - J C 02 - We will seek
to influence Local Enterprise
Partnership programme delivery
in North Norfolk, particularly in
respect of monitoring the take-up
of grant funding programmes by
North Norfolk businesses
The Economic Growth team has
contributed to the development of the
emerging NALEP Growth Programme and
works in close liaison with the Local
Enterprise Partnership in relation to the
operation of the Growth Hub. More work is
underway to ensure that business support
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Progress/ Action Note
remains proactive and effective.
D - Reduce burdens to business by removing unnecessary red tape and bureaucracy
at the local level
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - J D 01 - Working
with partners we will achieve
more than 90% coverage of
the district with superfast
broadband speeds (minimum
24 megabits per second)
An additional £5.3 million investment for fibre
broadband has been secured for Norfolk,
bringing the total investment to over £12m
including investment of £1m from the Council.
AAP 15/16 - J D 02 - We will
ensure advice and guidance is
readily available to help
business comply with the law
and our approach to
enforcement will consider the
needs of local business
Through our interactions with businesses,
advice and guidance is provided on regulatory
compliance and achieving best practice.
In the quarter, 160 visits to food premises
were undertaken, including to a number of low
risk premises, to ensure that standards of
hygiene are maintained. The level of
compliant food premises remains high. Where
premises do not meet the standard required
officers provide advice and guidance to
secure compliance with enforcement only
considered as a last resort.
Our responses to planning consultations
ensure that compliance on environmental
matters is provided through suitable
conditions on development. For existing
businesses officers work closely on often
complex issues in order to ensure the most
effective solutions having regard to the cost of
AAP 15/16 - J D 03 - We will
streamline the planning
process to facilitate new jobcreating investment in the
district through improved
engagement with businesses
and improved planning
Planning Business Review is progressing and
will move to the implementation stage over the
forthcoming months
This investment brings an additional £1m to
North Norfolk to help achieve more than 90%
superfast broadband coverage across the
E - Promote a positive image of North Norfolk as a premier visitor destination
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AAP 15/16 - J E 01 - We will work with
the North Norfolk Destination
Management Organisation, which is
currently funded by the District Council,
to ensure the positive promotion of
North Norfolk as a leading visitor
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
Progress/ Action Note
The Destination Management
Organisation (DMO) continues to
develop and support a wide network
of tourism related organisations and
has developed effective marketing
campaigns for the area.
Page 29 of 43
Housing and Infrastructure
A - Increase the number of new homes built within the district and reduce the
number of empty properties
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - H A 01 - We will
bring forward detailed proposals
on allocated sites by pro-active
engagement with developers
On Track
Ten of the larger allocations within the
Site Allocation Plan are already under
construction. Discussions are
continuing with developer to bring
forward other schemes.
AAP 15/16 - H A 02 - We will
seek to increase the number of
homes built of all tenures by
reviewing the Housing Incentive
Scheme and exploring other
innovative means of improving
On Track
The Council took the decision to
continue with the Housing Incentive
Scheme during 2015 and the review of
the Local Plan, which has now
commenced, will consider delivery of
housing and the implications of the
Strategic Housing Market Assessment
A further report on the success of the
Local Investment Strategy will be
undertaken and a report brought
forward later in 2015.
AAP 15/16 - H A 03 - We will
develop a Property Investment
Strategy to supplement the
delivery of additional housing
On Track
An initial report on options on the
opportunities and delivery mechanisms
of holding property has been
commissioned and work due to
complete during winter 2015.
AAP 15/16 - H A 04 - We will
support the development of
neighbourhood plans by aligning
the wishes of towns and parishes
with the local plan review
On Track
Two Neighbourhood Plans are being
prepared for Holt and Corpusty and
Saxthorpe. Interest has been expressed
for a number of other Parishes/Towns
to investigate the benefits of
neighbourhood plans.
AAP 15/16 - H A 05 - We will
support owners to bring empty
homes back into use and provide
opportunities to do so through the
application of our statutory
Good progress being made to bring
long term empty homes back into use
through the Council’s Enforcement
Board activity although despite these
efforts to reduce the number of empty
homes the net figure has remained at
the 2013/14 level.
Cabinet agreed to extend the Empty
Homes Manager post to March 2016.
Whilst the processes relating to long
term empty homes have been improved
and Enforcement Board continues to
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Progress/ Action Note
deal with a number of these cases and
bring them back into use, numbers of
LTEs have risen this year partly due to
the changes in staffing for housing
inspection within the revenues team,
which has meant that some properties
have not been dealt with as quickly as
would normally have been expected.
Recruitment to a vacant post in the
team will be made as soon as possible
and it is hoped that further efficiencies
in this area of work can also be made
with a wider review of the Council’s
enforcement activity.
AAP 15/16 - H A 06 - We will
gather the evidence in support of
the review of the local plan
including publishing the joint
strategic housing market
assessment, including identifying
specialist housing need in
response to the prospective age
profile of the district.
On Track
A joint Strategic Housing Market
Assessment (SHMA) has been
produced and a Business Growth and
Investment Opportunities Study is
B - Increase the number of affordable homes with a range of tenure types
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - H B 01 - We will
seek to increase the number of
affordable homes provided
across the district through a
range of delivery mechanisms
and including the local
investment strategy loan to
registered providers
It is expected that 75 affordable dwellings will
be completed across the district during
2015/16 of which seven will be sold as
shared equity or shared ownership. The first
planning applications for schemes funded
through the Local Investment Strategy loan
to Registered Providers have been submitted
over the summer. The first mixed tenure
Exception Housing Scheme has planning
permission and details of when it will start on
site are awaited.
C - Secure investment in new infrastructure
Progress/ Action
AAP 15/16 - H C 01 - We will consult and then obtain
agreement on a process for securing contributions
towards infrastructure from development proposals in
Work on this project
is being delayed,
due to other
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Progress/ Action
the district known as section 106 agreements
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Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage
A - Maintain the integrity of special landscape designations and balance the
development of housing and economic activity with the need to preserve the
character and quality of the district's countryside and built heritage
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - C A 01 - We
will assess and implement
requirements for new
Green Flag Awards and
work to retain the existing
Green Flag awards retained at all three
sites including Holt Country Park, Pretty
Corner Woods in Sheringham and Sadler’s
Wood in North Walsham.
AAP 15/16 - C A 02 - We
will work with other
agencies to retain four of
the district's Blue Flags for
the quality of the beaches
and to achieve Quality
Coast Awards elsewhere
Blue Flags successfully retained at all four
beaches including Sheringham, Cromer,
Sea Palling and Mundesley with Quality
Coast Awards for East Runton and Wells.
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AAP 15/16 - C A 03 - We
will manage the waste and
recycling contracts to
ensure an excellent level
of service and promote
high levels of recycling
Progress/ Action Note
Kier's performance in terms of bin
collections has been poor across quarter 2,
especially during August and September.
Kier have cited the unreliability of agency
staff to cover leave, a spell of crew sickness
and a number of severe vehicle
breakdowns as significant causal
factors. However, their performance
continues to be closely monitored. The
contract clause, where a default is issued
per 100 (or part thereof over 100) bins not
collected on the scheduled day, is being
used to drive improvements - 24 defaults
were issued in August and a further 79 in
September which has resulted in a contract
penalty of almost £5000 for this period.
Missed assisted collections remain
unacceptably high. Kier report they have
recruited into positions that were being filled
too often by agency staff (drivers and
loaders) which they believe will overcome
some of these performance issues.
One of the mobile cleansing teams,
removed through the cost savings
implemented in April 2015, was reinstated
for the school summer holidays at a cost of
£6k. This ensured that delivery of cleansing
services over the summer was generally
good and dealt with reports of problems
early in the season. A review the
cleansing specification will take place
across the quieter winter months to create a
system that will work for both parties whilst
delivering acceptable outcomes for the
The lack of consistent senior management
support at Kier has been the root cause of
many of the issues which filters down to
local management practices. Locally the
relationship with the Kier management is
good with a refreshingly pragmatic and
responsive approach being taken.
The poor performance in some areas needs
also to be balanced against the very high
standards which are maintained elsewhere
and for which the council does receive
These matters will be taken up further at
the Contract Board meeting to ensure a
the problems
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0 longer term solution toPage
34 of 43 we
have experienced.
AAP 15/16 - C A 04 - We
will ensure that all
reported fly-tipping and
pollution complaints will
be responded to within
two working days
Progress/ Action Note
On Track
Throughout the quarter the response to
complaints has been consistent and
maintained the cumulative response time of
We received 206 requests for service over
the quarter of which 167 (81%) were
responded to within 2 working days.
This percentage comprises the following
90% of Nuisance cases were responded to
within two days.
83% of Drainage cases were responded to
within two days.
64% of fly tipping cases were responded to
within two days.
Having looked into the fly tipping cases in
more detail it appears there have been
some data entry issues with our
contractors, this has been passed onto
them to correct. The fly tipping has been
being cleared on time but the information
received back is inaccurate.
B - Recognise the District's built environment as a heritage asset when promoting
North Norfolk
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - C B 01 Through the work of the
Council's Enforcement
Board we will take
appropriate action
where listed buildings
and buildings within
conservation areas are
considered to be at risk
The complex nature of the cases presented to
the Enforcement Board, means these are
resource heavy, and this is a challenge when
our overall workload (no. of planning
applications) is increasing.
C - Design a more cohesive framework for coastline management
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - C C 01 - We will
investigate options to improve
coastal management with
Discussions are well advanced with Local
Authorities, related organisations and
academic institutions and a new model of
coastal management through an
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Progress/ Action Note
neighbouring coastal councils
AAP 15/16 - C C 02 - We will work
with coastal communities and
other agencies to identify coastal
management schemes and
sources of funding working with
the Environment Agency to explore
the best possible solutions for all
our communities
appropriate partnership is expected to be
operational from the start of the next
financial year.
2015 submission into Environment
Agency capital programme completed.
Continual work in assessing opportunities
for funding. Continued engagement with
local communities through Coastal Forum
and one-to-one contact where required.
On-going improvements and innovation in
coastal awareness raising.
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D - Continue to defend coastal settlements against erosion wherever practicable
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - C D 01 - We
will manage the final
delivery of the £8.6m
Cromer Defence Scheme
On Track
The third winter campaign of works will
commence in September 2015. Due to
additional storm surge works and difficult
working conditions in the winter months, the
scheme will continue into a third season of
operations. Progress has been made with
significant effort now focused on seeking
completion of this phase of the Cromer Coast
Protection Scheme.
AAP 15/16 - C D 02 - We
will consider plans to
redevelop sea front property
assets in Cromer for
completion following the
Cromer Defence scheme
The Cromer sea defence scheme was due to
be completed by March 2015 but due to
delays encountered following the storm surge
this has not been possible. The contractors
Volker Stevin are therefore due to return to
complete the works between September
2015 and March 2016, following which the
redevelopment plans can be further
AAP 15/16 - C D 03 - We
will work with other
agencies to assess and
respond to the issues
arising from the proposed
Bacton Gas Terminal
coastal defence scheme
On Track
The Coastal Management Team has
continued with the development of a coastal
management study for the Bacton Terminal,
Bacton and Walcott coastal frontage. It
evaluates the viability and feasibility of a joint
coastal management solution which can
dovetail with any proposed coast protection
work coming forward from the operators of
Bacton Gas Terminal. This has involved
close working with the operators of the
terminal, The Crown Estate and the
Environment Agency. This has linked to
information sharing with Department for
Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA),
Department of Energy & Climate Change
(DECC) and Cabinet Office.
AAP 15/16 - C D 04 - We
will manage the delivery of
the £800k Sheringham
West Sea Wall
Improvement Scheme
On Track
The second season of works will begin in
September 2015, this will include an
additional 26.5m of seawall refurbishment
below the Royal National Lifeboat Institution
(RNLI) station which will be part funded by
the RNLI.
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A - Recognise the important role that Town and Parish Councils have as the
democratic embodiment of their communities
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - L A 01 - We will respond positively
to a Community Right to Challenge to take over
the running of services within their
area/communities if they can be run more
efficiently (to our Service Level Agreement)
Transferred Sheringham
Tourist Information Centre
(TIC)/Toilet assets to North
Norfolk Railway as of 1
October 2015.
Building works underway by
NNR to provide new TIC
and Toilets
Temporary toilets are in
place and transfer of
services are anticipated 1
April 2016
AAP 15/16 - L A 02 - We will maintain a regular
dialogue and work with Town and Parish
Town and Parish Fora are
scheduled for November.
AAP 15/16 - L A 03 - We will hold workshops for
training and development, in particular to
encourage wide community participation in the
planning and democratic processes
Town and Parish Fora are
scheduled for November.
B - Encourage communities to develop their own vision for their future and help
them to deliver it
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - L B 01 - We will
support and encourage
Community Engagement
Schemes in those parishes
where there is a local
Training of all new volunteers has been
completed, officers are undertaking patrols with
the new volunteers, there are now 21 volunteers
working across the district.
We are also working with a number of schools
on a Poster (pooster) campaign, this will be
progressed over the next quarter, looking at
ensuring local community involvement in their
key issues.
Engagement with Flood Warden teams around
the coast continues and a live exercise to test
working practices and links with other agencies
has been planned with delivery in early October.
Work to extend the Flood warden approach to
parishes at risk of flooding outside of the coastal
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Progress/ Action Note
areas continues with good community interest
shown in several areas.
AAP 15/16 - L B 02 - We will
implement a Community
Resilience Planning
programme to increase
uptake amongst local
communities so that
communities are able to
help and support each other
in the face of a common
Engagement with Flood Warden teams around
the coast continues and a live exercise to test
working practices and links with other agencies
has been planned with delivery in early October.
Work to extend the Flood warden approach to
parishes at risk of flooding outside of the coastal
areas continues with good community interest
shown in several areas.
Support to communities that have or wish to
create community resilience groups locally is
continuing. Arrangements have been made to
discuss this with Stalham and Hickling booked in
for late October/November.
C - Encourage the growth of The Big Society within communities
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - L C 01 - We will
continue to support local
communities to obtain
funding and other
assistance to deliver their
local priorities
The Big Society Fund has approved 16 grants to
support community initiatives since April. The
prospectus for the Enabling Fund has been
agreed, grant applications will be able to be
submitted shortly as the LEADER funding which
aligns with the Enabling Fund will launch by the
end of the year.
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Delivering the Vision
A - Deliver strong governance arrangements
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - V A 01 - The Audit
Committee will oversee a
review programme to ensure
that audit coverage reflects the
risks facing the Council
On Track
Work Programme of reports presented to
Audit Committee as a standing item,
quarterly progress reports on track to be
presented to the committee.
AAP 15/16 - V A 02 - We will
set and achieve 100%
compliance with deadlines
agreed with Internal Audit for
recommendations rated as
Important and Urgent
Revised implementation dates set for
previous year recommendations that are
still outstanding, some medium and low
recommendations are outstanding, follow
up work to be carried out in October 2015.
AAP 15/16 - V A 03 - We will
maintain a robust performance
management framework for
managing the Business
Transformation Programme
On Track
Project Manager has been recruited and
is undertaking a review of the programme
and project management processes and
tools of the Digital Transformation
Programme. Following the review revised,
standardised methodology will be used for
all programme elements.
B - Ensure that effective communications exist
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - V B 01 - As part of
the Business Transformation
Programme we will work to
develop our approach to digital
and social media and work to
improve our services for
residents and other customers
A draft Communications Strategy has been
produced by the Communications Manager
and this will be used to inform the project to
procure the Council Contact Management
system which will include Social Media
AAP 15/16 - V B 02 - Following
the Member Induction
Programme we will provide a
programme of Member
Development to allow Members
to be effective in their roles
First phase of Members induction
completed, including committee training.
Phase 2, the on-going programme, has
started. The Member Development Group is
trialling e-learning and media training has
been organised for Cabinet Members. The
bus tour of the District has taken place and
has received good feedback. Next Member
Development Group, on 1 December 2015,
will review the e-learning pilot.
AAP 15/16 - V B 03 - We will
implement a unified
Unified communications deployment is
continuing and will be complete by
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Progress/ Action Note
communications approach for all
of our digital media documents
and will procure a customer
information system
November 2015
Document management - we will implement
Microsoft Sharepoint as a Corporate
Document Management System and
integrate this with service systems as
necessary. A pilot deployment will be in
place by January 2016
A number of products have been evaluated
to inform the production of an Invitation to
Tender (ITT) which will be issued in
September 2015.
Lync rolled out to 85%+ of Cromer Office.
Project is on track with some benefits
already being realised
C - Deliver strong and proportionate organisational management in the Council
Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - V C 01 - We will undertake
reviews of all major business processes
in order to improve customer service
and deliver financial savings detailed in
the financial strategy
Work on Planning Business Process
Review business case is nearing
completion and we will be moving
into implementation phase shortly.
D - Prioritise Services and Functions in line with the wishes of our communities and
to deliver our corporate objectives
AAP 15/16 - V D 01 - We will
review the objectives in the
Corporate Plan to ensure it
takes account of emerging
issues and opportunities
Progress/ Action Note
A new Corporate Plan was approved
by Cabinet and Full Council in
September 2015. An annual action
plan is in the process of being
developed, with a view to be
implemented in April 2016.
E - Deliver year-on-year improvements in efficiency
AAP 15/16 - V E 01 - We will
review the delivery model for
the Revenues and Benefits
Progress/ Action Note
With system stability we will undertake a further
review of processes to ensure the efficient
operation of the service.
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Progress/ Action Note
AAP 15/16 - V E 02 - We will
continue to drive
improvements and
efficiencies to protect the
District Council's part of the
Council Tax Charge
Financial Strategy was presented to Members
in September 2015 ahead of the detailed
budget work to be completed over the Autumn.
AAP 15/16 - V E 03 - We will
identify ways to reward and
recognise staff in the delivery
of high quality services
The East of England Local Government
Association (EELGA) are currently undertaking
a market review on the Council's employee
pay-scales and the staff focus group are looking
at reward schemes for staff. Progress will be
reported to the Corporate Leadership Team.
AAP 15/16 - V E 04 - We will
continue to implement the
Business Transformation
Programme to drive
efficiencies into all of our
The roll-out of the Unified Communications
solution is in progress and will be complete this
The business process review (BPR) of the
Planning Service is progressing well. The
Business Case for the revised operating model
has been approved. Stakeholders are now
developing an implementation plan to deliver
the revised ways of working. Staff consultation
is now in progress.
The Invitation To Tender (ITT) for the
procurement of a Council Contact Centre is
being developed.
The Cabinet have approved the funding for the
implementatrion of both SharePoint document
management facilities and a new Website
Content Management System. Planning is in
progress for deployment of the new technology.
Work on the other enabling technology
programme continues in accordance with
timeline and budget plans.
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Version Control
Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas
Helen Thomas
Description including reason for changes
First draft for Heads of Service to review and
Second draft for distribution prior to submission to
Third draft for pre-Cabinet
Fourth draft with amendments from Performance and
Risk Management Board
Amendments from pre-Cabinet
Managing Performance Quarter 2 2015-16 v1.0
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Agenda Item No: 15
Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
This report updates Cabinet following the publication
with a previous report of an incorrect version of the
North Norfolk Indoor Leisure Facility Strategy. Cabinet
is requested to recommend adoption of the Strategy
which is appended in its correct version.
The paper updates the previous report and provides
further detail and clarity regarding the future provision of
indoor leisure facilities across the district. The Strategy
provides a clear action plan for which a partnership
approach is required in order to ensure successful
implementation. The report highlights the priority for
each project, so the Council and other stakeholders can
move forward with the work contained in those projects
To clarify, whilst this would remain a Council owned
document, it represents the need for provision across
the district and not the needs for the Council per se.
Reasons for
That Cabinet adopts the North Norfolk Indoor
Leisure Facilities Strategy to provide an
evidence base which the Council and other
leisure facility providers can utilise to access
external funding
That Cabinet tasks the Corporate Director
(SB), working under direction from the
Portfolio Holder, to identify and agree the
relevant project work streams required to
take forward the recommendations contained
in the Strategy
To provide the Council with a high level
guide to the future options for Indoor Leisure
Facilities provision across the district and to
assist in accessing funding
To ensure sound management of the
Council’s Sports and Leisure assets; coordination and promotion of existing indoor
sports facilities to ensure value for money
provision and good levels of participation in
sport and leisure given the demographic
profile of the district, in support of the
Council’s Corporate Objective in promoting
investment decisions regarding provision
and operation of new indoor sports facilities
in the district over the next 20 years.
Cabinet Member(s)
Ward(s) affected
Cllr Becky Palmer
Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Karl Read, 01263
The Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy was discussed at the Cabinet meeting
on Monday 5 October, and Cabinet resolved the following:
To note the submission of the report by Neil Allen Associates and to
take their views into account when formulating the Council’s way
forward for the future with regard to sports and leisure facilities
To task the Corporate Director (SB) working under direction from the
Cabinet Portfolio Holder to identify and agree the relevant project work
streams required to produce an indoor leisure facilities strategy
However, an earlier draft version of the Strategy was wrongly attached to that
report and there is a need to now regularise the position. This report updates
members with the correct version of the Strategy attached, in order that the
Council might adopt the Strategy, to enable future decisions to be made on
indoor leisure provision across the district.
Summary of amended information
The final version of the Consultant’s Report is at Appendix 1
The Executive Summary of the Consultant’s Report is at Appendix 2
The Strategy does not prioritise the build of a new swimming pool at
Fakenham. However, it does stress the need for work to be done to
investigate the possibility of reopening the pool at Fakenham Academy
The final version of the Consultant’s Report contains a more detailed
version of the action plan relating to future provision of indoor sports and
leisure facilities across the district
Approximate costs of each project/workstream are included in the action
A summary of the key findings and recommendations in the Executive
Summary remain as follows and are provided in more detail in the Strategy,
with supporting information and context:
Seek to maintain the provision of swimming in the Sheringham area by
replacing or modernising the Splash Centre swimming pool
Investigate the possibility of reopening the school swimming pools at
There is a need for additional sports hall space equating to seven
badminton courts. NAA suggest that either Sheringham or Wells would be
the best possible locations for any future sports hall build. These could
alternatively be served with additional dance hall space, which would
provide a flexible facility that better serves current needs of the
There is a need for two to three indoor tennis courts across the district.
Either the existing Cromer Tennis facility or Greshams School are listed
as the best venues to host these courts
Consider the possibility of a sports hub to include Cromer High School,
Cromer Sports Centre and Tennis Club, that includes the above provision
of indoor tennis courts
Consider the opportunities to provide a purpose built gymnastics centre
There is no need for additional squash provision but the existing courts at
Greshams should be enhanced and increased community access
The district is well served by health and fitness gyms and aerobic studios
and these should be protected
There is no need for any additional indoor bowls facilities but existing
facilities should be protected
Support the provision of indoor cricket nets in any new sports hall
provision or enhancement
To set up a forum for all leisure operators and providers to meet as a
group and better understand the roles of each provider and share
It should be noted that the Strategy relies on not only the Council but
community and private sector provision of indoor leisure facilities and it is
important that these different stakeholder groups work together to provide the
best possible sport and leisure outcomes for the district.
Benefits of the Strategy
The following details the benefits of the Council adopting this Strategy:
It ensures greater knowledge of the Strategy amongst officers and
It has greater validity within the local plan process
Can be used to secure and guide developer contributions
Enables the Strategy to be used to inform wider council / planning policy
Provides clarity for wider partners regarding Council priorities
Key step to accessing potential partnership funding by the Council
Provides community organisations with the ability to bid for funding
where projects are identified as important
Without adoption of the Strategy, any application, from any
organisation, for external funding, will become a lower priority when
assessed by Sport England. Therefore, the likelihood of any successful
external funding application would be less likely than if the Strategy is
adopted and can then be used as evidence in support of such funding bids.
Financial Implications and risks
This Strategy details the approximate costs associated with future needs for
indoor leisure facility provision or refurbishment. The Strategy identifies a
number of potential options for this and recognises that leisure provision is an
issue far wider than merely Council owned and provided facilities.
Given that sports and leisure provision is entirely discretionary, the current
financial pressures necessitate a prudent approach to future provision by the
Council and other publically funded providers. It is therefore essential that all
stakeholders work together in partnership in order to deliver the actions set
out in this Strategy, which seek to protect and, where possible, enhance
At this stage, the adoption of the Strategy does not give rise to any direct
financial implications for the Council, as any decisions relating to Council
funded sports facilities will be the subject of further reports to Cabinet and will
be judged on their individual merits, albeit guided to a certain extent by the
Equality and Diversity
An Equality Impact Assessment has been completed to ensure that we
identify gaps and opportunities across the sports and leisure facilities offer.
This has been reflected in the Strategy. The Sports and Leisure Service has
a current Sports Equity Policy in operation.
Implications and Risks to the Council
The most significant risk to the Council is reputational. Any significant
reduction in provision of Council owned leisure facilities is likely to be
unpopular with the public, especially those who use or directly benefit from
our leisure facilities provision.
Section 17 Crime and Disorder Considerations
There are no considerations arising directly from the report although it is
widely accepted that the provision of sports and leisure facilities can
have a positive effect in terms of reducing anti-social behaviour.
Appendix 1
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities
Final Report
August 2015
Neil Allen Associates Registered Office:
20 Brook Road, Lymm, Cheshire, WA139AH
A limited company, registered in
England and Wales no. 616528
Section 1: Introduction & Context
Section 2: Strategy Objectives and Key Features of North Norfolk
Section 3: Indoor Leisure Facilities and Healthy Lifestyle –
Making the Case
Section 4: Assessing Needs and Opportunities for Indoor
Sports Facilities – the Methodology
Section 5: Sports Facilities – Key Findings, Issues and Options for
Each Facility Type
Section 6:
Strategy Recommendations and Framework for Delivery
Section 7:
Implementation, Funding and Planning Guidance
Section 8:
Monitoring and Review
Appendix 1:
North Norfolk key documents and application to the North Norfolk
Indoor Leisure Facility Strategy
Appendix 2:
North Norfolk profile of participation in sport and physical activity
Appendix 3:
Audit and assessment for each of the seven sports facility types in the
project scope
Appendix 4:
Description of findings from the site visits, consultation events and
specific consultation with stakeholders
1: Introduction & Context
In September 2014 North Norfolk District Council commissioned naa to produce an
indoor leisure facility strategy for North Norfolk District, with the objective being to set out
the strategic direction and local need for indoor sports facilities up to 2036 and beyond.
The strategy is based on an audit and assessment, which has gathered and developed
the evidence base. This has applied the Sport England methodology of Assessing Needs
and Opportunities (ANOG) guidance, which is the industry - accepted methodology for
developing an evidence base for sports and leisure facilities.
This hard evidence data has been combined with extensive consultations to initially
obtain views on what is important (and why) to people in the district and then to
feedback naa’s views on the findings. This has been with all providers, operators and
organisations with an interest in the provision of sports facilities in the district, public,
commercial and voluntary organisations. Site visits and meetings with all the operators
of the facilities in the district have also been held to understand how things work on the
Assessing the current and future need for sports and leisure facilities and ensuring this is
based on requirements up to 2036 is only part of the story - facilities are the means to the
end. The ultimate objective is to increase participation in sport and physical activity and
create an active and healthy lifestyle for residents across North Norfolk.
Consequently it is important to understand who across the District participates in sport
and physical activity, which sports/activities they do, how often and why, how far they
travel to participate and what are the motivations and barriers to increasing or starting
some participation?
To get this understanding the work has involved the review of data for North Norfolk
District based on Sport England evidence and findings on participation and nonparticipation in sport and physical activity. This has been reviewed and challenged
through the series of public consultations and site visits.
All this work contributes to the development of the evidence base upon which the
strategy is based. This along with the objectives of the District Council, its vision for sports
and leisure facilities across the District and the key drivers for change which will impact
on the delivery of the strategy.
The findings from the development of this evidence base – known as the audit and
assessment - are set out in a separate Appendices to the strategy. This includes Sport
England’s data from its Active People survey; data on the health profile of North Norfolk
and the costs of inactivity; and data from the Sport England Active Places Power facilities
All this information has been supplemented by information gathered on the catchment
profile of the main centres, online surveys to Parish and Town Councils, the extensive
consultations already described and a review of the financial performance of the two
main pubic leisure centres. Collectively, it forms the audit and assessment report.
1.10 The key findings, issues and options that are raised by the audit and assessment are
summarised in this strategy document and set out as strategy recommendations and
framework for delivery. The final section is about financing the strategy
recommendations, monitoring and review.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
1.11 The sports facility types included in the project brief are: sports halls, swimming pools,
health and fitness centres and gyms, dance studios, squash courts, indoor bowls centres
and indoor tennis centres. Specialist facilities for certain sports have been addressed
where these have been identified in consultation. This relates to gymnastics and indoor
cricket. The assessment includes all providers of these facilities: public sector, the District
Council and state schools, commercial and tourist sectors, independent schools and
voluntary organisations.
1.12 The audit includes all facilities in the district. However to be included in the supply and
demand assessment there has to be public/community use of the venue, based on the
amount of time and type of access there is for use by the public, clubs and the local
community, at each individual facility. This is set out in the assessment report and
reported on in the findings for each facility type in subsequent sections.
1.13 The sequence of the strategy document is:
Section 2 - Strategy objectives and key features of North Norfolk
Section 3 - Indoor sports facilities and a healthy lifestyle – “Making the Case”
Section 4 - Assessing Needs and Opportunities for each sports facility type – the
Section 5 - Sports Facilities – key findings, issues and options for each facility type,
Section 6 - Strategy recommendations and framework for delivery
Section 7 - Financing the strategy recommendations, monitoring and review
1.14 The appendices are:
Appendix 1: North Norfolk key documents and application to the North Norfolk
Indoor Leisure Facility Strategy
Appendix 2: North Norfolk profile of participation and non-participation in sport
and physical activity
Appendix 3: Full audit and assessment for each of the seven sports facility types
included in the project scope
Appendix 4: Description of findings from the site visits, consultation events and
specific consultation with stakeholders.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
2: Strategy Objectives and Key Features
North Norfolk District Council set some key objectives and drivers for change for the
strategy. These are set out below together with the source in brackets;
to contribute to creating an active and healthy lifestyles for all residents (Council’s
role as part of its public health responsibilities and agenda);
to facilitate and support communities to deliver and improve the health of local
people (District Council Health Strategy 2010 – 2014);
to engage with local people in shaping local services (project brief);
to promote a positive image of North Norfolk as a premier visitor destination and
maximise the potential of the Council’s tourism assets (Council Corporate Plan
2010 – 2015);
to help define the role of the District Council in the delivery of leisure service
provision (project brief);
to increase participation in sport and physical activity (Council Sports Strategy 2010
– 2015); and
to develop the local infrastructure of the district’s current and future need for sports
and leisure facilities, based on the most effective use of facilities, both the Council’s
and others in partnership, and sustaining the longevity of Council owned assets
(Council Sports Strategy 2010 – 2015).
Within the precise remit of the project the key objectives and requirements are;
a detailed quantity, quality and accessibility audit of existing provision of all indoor
sports and leisure facilities in the District across all providers;
an assessment of the adequacy of these facilities to serve the needs of existing
and likely population in the period ending 2036 and to take account of the needs
of all users including tourists. The future assessment has been undertaken up to 2021
and then to 2026, as it is only feasible to project population changes with any
degree of accuracy up to 2026. Furthermore Sport England guidance is to develop
sports facilities strategies on the basis of a 10 year horizon, as it considers hard
evidence of change beyond 10 years is difficult to predict. The needs of
subsequent dates will need to be addressed as the strategy develops and is
monitored, to plan for what is likely to happen beyond 2026; and
the need for an evidence base to aid decision making regarding priorities for the
District Council and for its owned facilities.
As context for the development of the evidence base assessment and the strategy, it is
important to set out some very important features of North Norfolk. Some of these are
givens and cannot be changed but they are very influential in setting the direction for
the strategy and its delivery. Others are some major findings from the work itself and
again influence the strategy direction – but which can be changed.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Population Change and the Sporting Population
In determining the future demand for sports facilities the changes in population are
integral to that assessment. It is reasonable to assume that an absolute increase in
population will lead to an increase in the demand for sports facilities. However it is
important to consider the age structure of the population now and how this is projected
to change up to 2026 across North Norfolk (bearing in mind the provisos set out above
about the recommended end date of the strategy).
It could be that the age structure of the population means that although there is a
projected increase in absolute population numbers up to 2026, the age structure of the
population means there is a lower total number of people in the main age bands for
sports participation in 2026 than in 2014 (the base date used for the study).
The key findings of population change are set out as context for the assessment for each
sports facility type.
North Norfolk Population 2014
In 2014 the population of North Norfolk is estimated at 102,600, of which 48% are men
and 52% are women (the figures are based on a 2013-based Population Projections
dataset from 2013-2037 by five year age group and gender, available on Norfolk Insight).
The headlines on the overall population structure for North Norfolk compared with
England national averages are:
slightly higher proportion of females than in England wide, due to an aged
population in the district;
fewer people in the 16-19 age group;
fewer people in the 20-24 age group;
a lot fewer people in the 25-34 age group;
fewer people in the 35-49 age group;
more people in the 50-64 age group; and
a lot more than the national average of pensioners (i.e. those over 60/65), with 35%
over 65 compared with around 20% nationally and regionally, and particularly in
the 75+ group.
The 16+ population in North Norfolk has increased since 2007, while younger people have
decreased in number. The overall increase in population since 2007 has been about 5%,
which corresponds with the national and regional average.
There is a small proportion of non-white residents at less than 1% of the total North Norfolk
population, and a larger proportion of disabled people, which could be a reflection of
the predominance of older age groups in North Norfolk.
North Norfolk Future Population
2.10 The total population is projected to rise from 102,600 in 2014 to 106,500 in 2021, a 3.8%
increase, and to 109,600 by 2026 a 6.8% increase. The proportion of females to males
will remain higher. Over the two periods, the population is estimated to change as
By 2021, increases in 5-14, 30-39, 55-64 age groups, with the biggest increase in 70+
of 23%. Decreases in 15-29, 40-49 and 65-69 age bands
By 2026, compared with 2014, increases in 5-14, 30-39 and 55+, with the biggest
increase in 75+ of 44%. Decreases in the 5-9, 20-29 and 40-54 age bands.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Implications of Population Change for Sports Participation
2.11 If these changes are analysed in accordance with the different age groups that have
the highest participation and frequency of participation, the situation is expected to be
as follows (percentages rounded):
Table 2.1: Population change by age band 2014 – 2021 and 2014 - 2026 for North Norfolk
Age group
Change 20142021
+ 11%
Total population
Active population (6-54)
Less active population (55 – 59)
Inactive population (0-5, 75+)
Junior sport (10-19)
Adult indoor sports (20-44)
Veterans sport e.g. bowls (45- 74)
Change 20142026
+ 10%
2.12 The key findings from this assessment are:
While the total population is estimated to rise by 4% over 2014 – 2021 and 7% over
2021 – 2026 for the purposes of participation in sport, the active population (i.e.
those aged between 6 and 55 who are more likely to take part in sport) is projected
to fall by 2% - 3% over the same period
There is a category of less active population in the 55 – 59 age group and this is
projected to increase by 11% between 2014 – 2021 and by 9.6% over 2014 – 2026.
This age band does participate, albeit it has a lower rate of participation than in
the younger age bands of the active population, hence the term less active
population. This less active population does have a sizeable increase over the 2014
– 2026 period and will offset the decline in the more active population. (6 – 54).
Indoor sports/activities in which this age band participates most are swimming and
indoor bowls across both genders and for men snooker. Low impact exercise
classes are also a popular activity and mainly for women. Motivations for
participation are a health benefit and as a social and recreational activity.
Outdoor activities are more popular especially walking and for men golf, fishing
and cycling
The inactive population meantime rises by 10-17% over the same period. It is
important to distinguish the active from the inactive population in terms of age
bands because the active population is the basis of the demand assessment. As
table 2.1 sets out there are different changes in the percentage of the population
in the various age groups of 6 – 55. It is important to understand what these
changes are in each age range as this will directly impact on the demand for the
seven types of sports facilities in the strategy
As a proportion of the total population, the active population falls in total numbers
from 51,150 in 2014 to 49,940 in 2021 and 49,620 by 2026. In percentage terms this
represents a drop from 50% of the total population in 2014 to 47% in 2021 and 45%
in 2026. Conversely the inactive population rises by the same percentages
The implications for the main indoor sports are that participation considered alone
(and irrespective of any increases in participation as the result of sports
development initiatives) is likely to decline for adults. It will increase slightly for
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
young people, although the built indoor facilities considered in this assessment and
strategy tend to be relatively less well used by people under 20
The major increase in the individual age groups (i.e. over 75) is unlikely to have any
significant impact on participation, as most people at this age no longer take part
in sport and only around 2% - 3% undertake regular physical activity. The sports
that are most relevant to older people and included in the project brief are indoor
bowls and indoor tennis.
2.13 To summarise therefore, there is likely over the period of the strategy to be an overall
decline in the most active population (5 – 54) of about 2-3% compared with the
increased population of 4-7%. There is however an increase in the less active population
(55 – 59) of between 10 – 11% which will offset some of the decline in the more active
population. There will be an increase in population in the junior sport age range whilst
the population in the veteran sport age range increases very slightly.
2.14 In terms of overall demand for the facilities that are being considered in this study,
population change is unlikely to result in increased demand by itself. However what must
also be considered are targets and development initiatives put in place by North Norfolk
District, sports clubs and National Governing Bodies of Sport and others to increase
overall participation rates in particular sports. If these are achieved then this will result in
increases in participation.
2.15 Furthermore given the demographic changes then the need for indoor sports facilities
and the activities they provide could increase the demand for health and well-being
programmes, alongside the traditional indoor hall sports programmes. So for example
more demand for exercise and fitness classes for a health benefit. Plus an increasing
demand for activities such as recreational badminton yoga and pilates.
2.16 A trend noticed by Badminton England is the need for public leisure centres to schedule
more court time for recreational badminton in the afternoons because of increasing
demand from an older population. This population has free daytime for activities and
prefers to participate in the day than evenings. School sports facilities are not accessible
during term times and so the focus is on pubic leisure centres to provide for an emerging
peak period.
2.17 Given all these findings it is reasonable to say that maintaining the current overall rate of
sports and physical activity participation by age and gender as measured by the Active
People surveys will be an achievement in itself. There will be a shift in demand for more
recreational activity from an aging population, and activities which have a health and
well-being focus for all age groups will become more prominent.
Settlement Pattern of North Norfolk District
2.18 The settlement pattern and location of the main towns across the District is set out in map
2.1 overleaf. It also shows a 20-minute drive time catchment area of the main public
sports facilities located in North Walsham, Sheringham, Cromer and Fakenham.
2.19 The 20-minute drive time catchment area is used because it is the accepted catchment
area (based on Sport England research) for the majority of users to travel to participate
on a regular basis.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Map 2.1: Settlement pattern of North Norfolk District with a 20 minute drive time
catchment area of the main sports facility venues in North Norfolk District 2015
2.20 The map shows the extent of the catchment areas and leaves areas of the district
“outside catchment” of these most important facilities of sports halls or swimming pools.
The areas outside catchment are the areas shaded grey in the inset map. These areas
are outside the catchment of the named facilities. A significant point is that it is not
possible to have all the main settlements within a 20 minute drive time of the most
important facility types of swimming pools and sports halls. The total population outside
the catchment areas of these venues is between 21,000 – 22,000 people. The map does
only show the area of North Norfolk which is outside the catchment area of North Norfolk
facilities. There are facilities in neighbouring authorities such as Breckland that will extend
into North Norfolk and reduce the land area which is outside catchment. However the
map is illustrating the area of North Norfolk which is inside and outside the catchment
area of the North Norfolk facilities.
2.21 The challenge it sets for the strategy is how to meet the needs of residents now and in
the future for these facilities? The dispersed nature of the population/settlements means
there are three choices:
residents travel further to use the facilities – but the Sport England research shows
that participation will not happen on a regular basis because of cost and
competing demands on time to do other activities which fit into the lifestyle of
individuals and families;
provide more facilities than may be needed in recognition of the settlement
pattern of the District. This however has a cost of providing and maintaining more
facilities than may be needed. There may not be a core business case to justify
provision and provide a viable facility without very extensive financial support.
Provision is driven by the settlement patterns and lack of access, not the supply
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
and demand and capacity of the existing facilities to meet all the demand across
the district; and
make more use of what already exists by increasing access to some sports halls
and swimming pools that are (possibly not considered by residents) as facilities that
are accessible to the public. This mainly applies to swimming pools and in effect it
is stretching the catchment areas a bit further – so addressing the settlement
pattern and trying to increase access across a wider area and to more residents.
2.22 To underline the point about how local the catchment areas are for facilities are, map
2.2 plots the location of the membership of the Victory Centre in North Walsham, the
Splash Centre in Sheringham and the Fakenham Sports and Fitness Centre. The map
illustrates these centres because they are the three public leisure centres and where
information on membership is available.
Map 2.2: Catchment area for 60% and 75% of the membership of Victory Swim and
Fitness Centre, Splash Leisure and Fitness Centre and Fakenham Sports and Fitness
2.23 The smaller line for each of the three facilities shows the catchment area for 60% of the
membership of each centre. Whilst the line for the larger area around each centre,
shows the catchment area for 75% of the membership of each centre. Membership
usually represents people who are regular participants and so is a good indicator of the
catchment area for a sports facility. The maps do underline how local the catchment
area for regular participation is and the viability of a sports facility is based on regular
and repeat participation.
2.24 This finding on the implications of the settlement pattern of the district is addressed later
in the strategy in relation to the needs assessment for particular sports facility types.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Concentrated Sports Facilities Provision
2.25 The final feature of North Norfolk District relates to areas of concentrated provision of
sports facilities in one area but where the ownership, management and access of each
individual facility mean that possibly there is not the most sports and cost effective use
of the venues. In short the scale, range and potential of these facilities is dissipated
because each is managed in isolation. The collective critical mass of a sporting hub with
community use and access across several different types of facilities and activities is not
realized, whist individually each sports operator and owner has to continue to try and
provide a viable venue.
2.26 An objective and key driver for the District Council in developing and delivering this
strategy is an explicit recognition of the need to work in partnership in the future with all
providers and operators of sports facilities. To do this to maximize the benefit from what
already exists for the benefit of all residents.
2.27 One example of this fragmented provision and operation is in Cromer where there are
several venues and individual facilities very closely located to each other but each
under separate ownership, management and access arrangements. In this one location
there are at least three different owners (local authority, sports club, school/academy)
and operators and 6 different facility types (sports hall, swimming pool, artificial grass
pitch, tennis courts, squash courts and outdoor pitches).
2.28 A way forward for the strategy is to create a more cohesive structure to the
management and operation of this separate sports facilities. Create a sporting hub with
more critical and sporting mass.
2.29 These three strategic features of North Norfolk of: population change; settlement pattern
across the District; and concentrated sports provision but isolated operation are
addressed in the subsequent sections of the strategy. They are set out here because they
are fundamental to the assessment of need, the strategy direction and content.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
3: Indoor Leisure Facilities and Healthy
Lifestyle: Making the Case
As set out already the indoor leisure facility strategy for North Norfolk has to meet
requirements other than assessing the need for indoor sports facilities. In addition the
contribution that sport and leisure can make to a healthy lifestyle for residents. It is
generally accepted and documented that being active through sport and physically
activity does have a health benefit but relating the two is helpful in making the case.
This is not to say sports facilities are the panacea to getting North Norfolk more active
but it does provide context for the challenges faced in North Norfolk and the benefits
that can be achieved from a more active and healthier population – given one of the
key drivers for the District Council for the leisure facilities strategy is a more active and
healthy population.
The data and evidence can assist in making the connection between health
organisations and those involved in developing and delivering sports facilities and
development programmes. The table overleaf illustrates the two dimensions of how
active North Norfolk is and the costs and benefits to health of more activity. Appendix 2
contains a full description and the facts and figures relating to the sporting and physical
activity profile for North Norfolk.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Table 3.1: Sport and physical activity profile for North Norfolk
How active is North Norfolk?
What are North Norfolk’s sporting statistics?
North Norfolk’s rate of adult sports and physical
activity participation is virtually unchanged over
the period of the Active People surveys 2006 –
In 2006 some 34% of the North Norfolk adult
population participated at least once a week.
By October 2014 the rate is almost unchanged
at 34.2% it did increase to 37.3% of adult
participating at least once a week in 2011.
The North Norfolk rate of participation is in line
with ONS comparator authorities. North Norfolk
has tracked the rate and then improved on the
rate in West Dorset. In October 2006 North
Norfolk was on a par with East Devon but the
latter has increased participation by 4% over the
period 2006 - 2014.
The areas of highest participation In North
Norfolk are in Fakenham and Holt where the rate
of once week participation is between 38% - 42%
of the adult population. This is a statement of the
differing levels of participation by area and
should not be taken as an indication of the need
for facilities.
Since 2011 female participation has declined
from 40.8% to 28.5% in 2014 participating at least
once a week.
Male participation has increased from 30.6% of
males participating at least once a week in 2011
to 40.3% in 2014.
In 2014 there was a 12% difference in once week
male and female participation. This contrasts
with a 7.3% gap in October 2006, when female
adult participation was at 26.8% of the North
Norfolk population and male participation was
Swimming is the most popular activity as it is in
the Region and England wide – despite a
declining rate of participation in all areas. The
rate of once month participation In North
Norfolk is on a par with the Region at 11.4% of
the adult population and slightly below the
England wide percentage of 11.8% of all adults
swimming at least once a month.
9% of North Norfolk adult residents are
regular sports volunteers, compared to
the national average of 6%.
26.7% are members of sports clubs,
receiving tuition or taking part
competitively, compared to 33.6%
55.6% of North Norfolk residents are
satisfied with sporting provision in the
area, compared to 60.3% nationally.
This is wider than just satisfaction with
facilities but facility provision and quality
is a big component.
The most popular sports for adult’s
participation: swimming, recreational
cycling; football; gym and finally fitness
and conditioning classes So three out of
the five most popular activities are
included in the District’s Leisure Facilities
The rate of total NON-participation in
sport and physical activity in North
Norfolk is virtually unchanged between
2006 – 2014. It was 53.8% in 2006 and
53.7% of the North Norfolk adult
population in 2014 not taking part in any
sport or physical activity.
In did fluctuate between these dates
and decreased to 49% in 2011 but then
reverted to the overall trend level of
In terms of non-participation by gender,
female participation is higher than
males at 61.3% of females doing no
sport or physical activity in 2013. This
compares with 53.5% of adult males
doing no activity. It is usually the case
that female non-participation is higher
than male.
What does inactivity cost?
The health costs of
inactivity in North Norfolk
are at least £1.7 million per
year in 2013 – 2014.
The North Norfolk costs
from treating major illness
are £1,781 per 100,000
population. This is almost
the same as the Regional
figure at £1,785 per
100,000 population and
below the England wide
figure at £1,817 per
100,000 population.
The costs of treating
particular illnesses in North
Norfolk in 2012 were
coronary heart disease
cerebrovascular disease
e.g. stroke £286,000.
Overweight adults (not
obesity) in North Norfolk
represent 69% of the adult
population and it is 66% in
the Region and 63%
England wide. So a slightly
higher overweight adult
The child percentages for
under 16’s in North Norfolk
(for obesity) are 20% of all
children, 18% in the
Region and 19% England
(nationally) of a 30-49
football are valued at
£27,600 over their lifetime.
Of the totally inactive population some
36% of adults said they do wish to
participate – this is the target potential
for increasing participation.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
4: Assessing Needs and Opportunities for
Indoor Sports Facilities – The Methodology
This section summarises the methodology that has been used in the development of the
needs assessment and strategy. The assessment has been produced to follow the
guidance from Sport England in its Assessing Needs and Opportunities Guide (ANOG) for
indoor and built sports facilities.
There are seven sports facility types included in the strategy. These are: sports halls;
swimming pools; health and fitness centres and gyms; studios: squash courts: indoor
bowling centres; and indoor tennis centres. Consideration has also been given to indoor
provision for other sports, where these have been raised during consultation - activities
that can take place in sports halls (e.g. indoor cricket) or which would prefer to have a
purpose built facility (e.g. gymnastics). The use of community and village halls has also
been broadly considered, as these provide opportunities for sport in smaller villages
where no purpose built sports facilities exist. The description of each facility type is
included within the assessment of the findings.
The needs assessment has focused on assessing needs based on quantity, quality,
accessibility and availability, which are the components of the ANOG and readily
recognised and adopted in the planning process. The Sport England ANOG guidance
advises to set out the findings from the needs assessment in the strategy in terms of three
main outcomes;
Protect: an evidence base which can inform policy formulation and seek to
protect exiting facilities where there is an identified current and future need for use
by the community;
Enhance: an evidence base which can inform policy and seek to enhance the
provision of existing facilities where there is an identified current and future need
and the most effective way to meet this need is by improvement to what already
exists. This could be by enhanced facility provision but it could also mean changes
in the access and availability of existing facilities to make the existing supply deliver
more use for the community; and
Provide: an evidence base which can inform policy and lead to provision of new
facilities where there is an identified need now and in the future, and where the
most cost and sports effective way to meet this need is by provision of new
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Figure 4.1: Sport England Approach to Assessing Needs
The stages of the Assessing Needs and Opportunities Guide (ANOG) approach are set
out below and this is followed by a description of how the ANOG has been applied in
North Norfolk:
Undertaking the Assessment:
Stage 1 – Prepare and tailor your assessment
Stage 2 – Gather information on supply and demand
Stage 3 – Assessment, bring the information together
Application of the Assessment
Undertaking the Assessment
Stage 1: Prepare and tailor the assessment
A scoping meeting of the North Norfolk Project Steering Group and key stakeholders was
convened in October 2014 to set out the aims of the study, understand in more detail
the key objectives for the strategy, the key drivers for change and to establish everyone’s
views on the collective needs and priorities for the study. The outcome of this preparation
was to refine the scope of the brief.
A review of the North Norfolk District Council key corporate, strategic and sports
documents identified in the project brief was then completed. This allowed naa to
become familiar with the key Council documents and understand the relationship
between the strategy and the wider Council objectives. The focus was in understanding
but then asking and setting out “how does this apply to the Leisure Facility Strategy”?
Then using this knowledge in the subsequent stages of the project. The review of
documents is set out in Appendix 1.
After this work and following a review of the headline findings on participation and
facility provision across the District, three separate consultation meetings were held
where representatives of partnership organisations, national governing bodies of sport,
local clubs, schools. District, Town and Parish Councils were invited, so the aims of the
study could be presented.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
More importantly the focus of the consultations was for naa to understand the views of
these organisations and individuals on what they considered the study assessment
should focus on and the most important outcomes
Stage 2: Gather information on supply and demand
To gather information on the supply side, site assessment visits were made to all the
facilities in the project scope. This included all types of providers and types of operation
from pay and play, to club access at school venues, as well as the commercial
membership providers and the tourism venues which cater for holidaymakers on their
sites but do also provide access to their swimming pools, indoor bowls halls and gyms for
local resident use.
4.10 At the site visits meetings were held with the business and/or facility manager. Discussion
focused on the type of operation, the objectives, hours and types of use, changes and
challenges in operation of the venue for community use from the provider and the
customer. Discussion also focused on the core business case and the business model
applied. Where possible data was collected on the operational business plan but this
was not always requested, as it is commercially sensitive information.
4.11 The site visits and consultations allowed for a cross check on what the hard evidence
data was saying about the facility provision but more importantly what is happening on
the ground, the community access to the venues and the barriers to increasing
participation. Information where available was also collected on customer surveys,
membership details, user group forums or engagement with clubs to provide details of
casual and club user information.
4.12 A full set of the findings from the site visits and consultation is set out in Appendix 4 to the
4.13 An early and recurring theme from the site visits and consultations was that there is quite
a high level of sports facility provision in the district and it is across several different
providers. However it operates sometimes in discrete pockets of activity, so the collective
effect and critical mass from all this provision is not readily known. The example of Cromer
has already been cited. However there is also Gresham’s School in Holt, which is
providing extensive club and community groups’ access to use the school’s indoor (and
outdoor) sports facilities. Also some of the commercial providers provide casual pay and
play use of their venues as well as for their membership, for example Pinewood Leisure
Club for its swimming pool, gym and indoor bowls centre.
4.14 In preparing a strategy setting out the way forward on the need for sports facilities across
the district, it is important to consider all providers and all ways of operation. Very often
it is possible to make more effective use of what already exists by working differently and
in partnerships than trying to provide new facilities based on existing ways of working
and thinking – to repeat a key objective of the District Council is to work more in
partnership in the future. The scope to do this is very evident in North Norfolk and get
more sports and cost effective outcomes from what already exists. This is set out in the
strategy directions and recommendations section.
Stage 3 – Assessment, bring the information together
4.15 The final part of this stage is to bring all the findings together into the actual assessment
of the current and future demand for each of the facility types.
4.16 The assessment is set out in full in appendices to this strategy document. The Appendices
as reported are;
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Appendix 1: North Norfolk key documents and application to the North Norfolk
indoor Leisure Facility Strategy
Appendix 2: North Norfolk Profile of participation and non-participation in sport
and physical activity
Appendix 3: Full audit and assessment for each of the seven sports facility types
included in the project scope
Appendix 4: Description of findings from the site visits, consultation events and
specific consultation with stakeholders.
Application of the Assessment
4.17 The application of the assessment is set out next with the key findings for each sports
facility type. This is a summary of the full assessment, the key findings and the issues and
options that arise from the assessment.
4.18 This is followed by the application of the assessment in the section on strategy direction
recommendations, set out under the headings of: Protect; Enhance; and Provide.
4.19 There are first generic recommendations with a rationale for action and what is required.
This is followed with the same approach for each of the seven facility types.
4.20 The final section of the strategy sets out the monitoring and review and describes the
actions required, responsibilities and timescales.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
5: Sports Facilities – Key Findings, Issues and
Options for each Facility Type
This section sets out the key findings from the assessment report for each of the seven
facility types. It summarises the findings, key issues and options that arise from the FULL
assessment report. This may seem like repetition but it is considered that the strategy does
have to contain this summary of the assessment, otherwise there is no context for the
strategy direction and recommendations.
Swimming pools are the most important facility type in terms of participation and the
costs of provision and operation. So the findings on swimming pools are set out in a bit
more detail than for the other facility types.
Sports Halls Summary, Key Issues and Options
The assessment identifies;
the current supply of sports halls in terms of the number, size and quality of sports
halls is a good range. Furthermore there is a good balance of provision located at
public leisure centres and separate school sites;
in terms of the supply and demand balance, there are insufficient sports halls to
meet all the needs of the community. Demand exceeds supply by 7 badminton
courts when comparing the total North Norfolk demand with the total North Norfolk
supply. This reduces to four badminton courts when the location of sports halls in
neighbouring authorities are included and which are accessible to residents of
North Norfolk; and
as demand is greater than supply the assessment is that sports halls are very busy
in the peak period and above the Sport England level of 80% of capacity used at
peak times. However the site visits suggested there is slightly more capacity than
the hard evidence data says.
The key issues are:
the collective benefit of the sports halls is somewhat dissipated because of
separate ownership, management and access arrangements for community use
across the sports hall sites. There are three different providers of sports halls and so
it is challenging to be able to say how the full stock could be managed and
programmed to create more benefit/use - in effect making more use of what
already exists. Better co-ordination of programming across venues could result in
reducing the capacity used at peak times;
the settlement pattern of the district does work against achieving complete
integration and access to venues by residents. The shortfall in Sheringham for
example is unlikely to be met by the provision in Fakenham;
residents will access different sports halls for a variety of reasons - those closest to
where they live, quality, programming and what fits their own and family choice in
time and lifestyle. If demand exceeds supply it is likely that North Norfolk will most
likely continue to export demand for sports halls;
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
there are changes in the patterns of use for sports halls, with increasing demand
for individual fitness based activity like dance, exercise and fitness classes. This
complicates decisions on what the supply and type of provision should be in the
future. Decisions should be based on these changing trends and their longevity.
Also how the provision and programming of sports halls can meet wider North
Norfolk District objectives, to repeat, dance and exercise classes gets more people
participating than the playing of hall sports and dance/exercise classes appeal
more to females. Female participation is lower than for males in North Norfolk; and
future provision could be for a flexible space that can accommodate a range of
dance and fitness/exercise classes and not actual traditional sports halls. Provision
of a large dance studio in Wells and Sheringham located on a school site could
be one example of meeting the unmet demand there.
Options for the future provision of sports halls are:
do nothing is not an option especially as the sports halls are estimated to be over
used and so quality will deteriorate and participation will be affected;
develop a coordinated approach to management, type of use and programming
of the existing sports halls across all providers - so as to get more effective use out
of the existing stock;
decide how the District Council separately managed and operated sports halls on
school sites at Cromer Academy, North Walsham High School and Stalham High
School fit into the integrated provision of sports halls across all providers in the future
– again the theme of maximizing use from what already exists;
consider provision of new sports halls or a flexible indoor space (not necessarily a
dedicated sports hall) in Sheringham and Wells. If the latter then this could be
integrated on a school site so as to maximize use and operation in Wells but with a
different approach in Sheringham (see swimming pools section). There is also the
opportunity to change the provision, for example North Walsham is not identified
as an area in need of additional sports hall provision. However it could be that
provision is changed by the addition of an indoor gymnastics centre, which is a
requirement in this part of the district;
if new provision is for dance/flexible spaces then focus indoor hall sports activities
at existing venues and through the coordinated management and access to
these venues. Again, in effect getting more out of what already exists.
Acknowledging participants will travel further to participate; and
review the village halls provision - there are at least 5 village halls throughout the
district plus the Holt Youth Project, which has a one badminton court size venue.
The centre at Holt can accommodate some physical activity (not formal sport).
There may be scope to increase time for more activity in centres such as Holt and
village halls to overcome, in some small part, the areas of the District outside the
catchment area of a sports hall.
These options are set out under the Strategy direct and recommendations section under
the project, enhance and provide headings.
Swimming pools
There are 8 swimming pools in North Norfolk on 6 sites. It is a mixed economy of supply,
ownership, age and type of use. For inclusion in the assessment pools have to be 160 m2
of water (20m x 4 lane) and have access for community use. These pool sites are
summarised in the Table 5.1 overleaf.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Table 5.1: Swimming pool provision North Norfolk
Name of facility
20 x 8
19 x 10
25 x 10
25 x 10
10 x 3
25 x 14
Training/leisure pool
25 x 13
of access
and community
sm and local
+pay and swim
leisure centre pay
and swim/ tourists
leisure centre pay
and swim and
The significant findings on the swimming pool supply are;
the size of the main pools. Four of the six main pools are 25 metres x 4 lanes (212
m2) or larger. This is the benchmark pool size that can accommodate all the main
swimming activities of learn to swim, recreational swimming, fitness/lane swimming,
club use and swimming development. There is no provision for water polo or diving
but these are specialist activities and would not be expected to be provided for
in North Norfolk;
there is a wide range of providers (last column in the table) - there are five different
providers of swimming pools. With two public leisure centres, both provided by
North Norfolk District Council, two commercial providers and two school providers;
access for casual recreational swimming – the main activity - is available at three
sites, including Pinewood Leisure Club (which may not be readily known). There is
also access for community organisations (not pay and swim) at Gresham’s School;
the pool stock is quite old - the oldest pool being Gresham’s School, opened in
1970 but extensively modernised in 1999. The most recent pool is the Victory Centre
in North Walsham opened in 2003.
To underline the strategic comment in section 2 of the strategy – lots of provision and lots
of activity – but with different providers, operators and access arrangements.
5.10 In addition, to these sites there are a further three-swimming pools in North Norfolk which
are not included in the assessment because of their size, being below 160 m2 of water
and/or because they do not provide for public access. Furthermore there are 2 school
swimming pools in Fakenham which are at the Academy and Junior School, which
catered for school learn to swim programmes but closed in 2014.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
5.11 The accommodation of the national curriculum requirement to teach primary aged
school children to learn to swim in the Fakenham area is now very challenging because
of the distances, time and cost to take children to the nearest pools, which include Wells,
Splash at Sheringham and Dereham Leisure Centre.
5.12 The full list of swimming pool sites across North Norfolk and their details are set out in Table
5.2 below.
Table 5.2: Swimming pool provision North Norfolk
Site Name
Facility Sub
am North
25 x
Pay and Play
am North
Pay and Play
Pay and Play
Pay and Play
Pay and Play
Pay and Play
25 x
25 x
10 x
17 x
25 x
20 x
18 x
19 x
18 x
Sports Club /
Sports Club /
School/LA in
Pay and Play
Pay and Play
Membership use
15 x
Membership use
17 x
Membership use
5.13 The existing stock is considered to be in fair condition overall, but the challenge of an
ageing stock is one which will have to be faced over the duration of the strategy. This
assessment indicates that the main ‘public’ pools are in good condition, though Splash
is now nearly 28 years old. Its function as a recreational swimming pool with a wave
machine and other leisure features is designed for both residents and tourist use.
5.14 The school pools are focused more on learn to swim as the primary function and are
therefore smaller in scale – between 130 – 160m2 of water and are not designed to
function as a public recreational swimming facility. Outside of learn to swim they function
mostly for club use. The school pools can be updated and modernised and the Cromer
Academy pool has received this investment in the plant and pool hall.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
5.15 They will however remain with the same pool tank size and this limits the swimming
activities they can cater for. However it is a resource and the cost of replacing such a
resource and providing a pool which can cater for all the swimming activities makes it
very challenging to achieve.
5.16 So “losing” a resource such as a school pool despite its pool tank limitations is not to be
considered without extensive consideration of the implications. Furthermore Alderman
Peel School in Wells has demonstrated very clearly that with a positive and committed
approach many of the limitations of the pool size can be overcome and a successful
community programme of use achieved, which includes a full range of swimming
lessons, lane swimming, Seals swimming club, adult swimming, swim 4 fitness, and ladies
only, and incorporates some casual use (i.e. pay and swim).
5.17 The Pinewood Leisure Club provides for private membership but also provides for a pay
and swim facility. It is in very good condition and offers much potential for additional
further community use, as does the pool at Gresham’s School.
5.18 The total swimming pool provision in North Norfolk equates to 15m2 of water space per
1,000 population. This is higher than the England wide figure at 12.7 m2 of water space
per 1,000 population and the regional figure at 12.5 m2. It is also much higher than the
neighbouring authorities: Broadland 6.7 m2 of water space; Breckland 9.7 m2 of water
space and Kings Lynn and West Norfolk 9.8 m2 of water space per 1,000 population.
5.19 The six pool sites included in the assessment provide a total of 1560m2 of water. When this
is assessed based on the amount of hours available for community use – across all the
sites – this reduces to 1360m2. So some 12.8% of the total water space is not available
for public use. The total supply available for public use equates to 11,800 visits per week
in the peak period.
5.20 The water space not available for public use is more a consequence of programming
ACROSS the school and commercial venues, which reduces the hours at peak times for
community use. It is not that any venue is restricting community use.
5.21 The demand for swimming by North Norfolk residents equates to 6050 visits per week in
the same peak period, or about 1000m2 of water taking into account a ‘comfort factor’
of pools being up to 70% of their total capacity. The 70% comfort level is a guideline from
Sport England.
5.22 The supply and demand assessment therefore has an indicative over supply of about
360m2 of water when looking at the demand and supply within North Norfolk. It should
be noted that this figure does not take into account cross boundary movements or the
attractiveness of facilities in terms of quality and accessibility, so it needs to be treated
with caution. It is simply comparing the North Norfolk demand with the North Norfolk
supply of swimming pools.
5.23 Taking account of the cross boundary movement based on where residents live and the
location of pools inside and outside the district and access to them by North Norfolk
residents based on a 20-minute drive time catchment area for each pool, shows that
75% of the North Norfolk demand can be met. This figure is lower than the England wide
91% and East Region 90% averages but in line with two of the neighbouring local
authorities of 74.4% in Breckland and 72.2% in Kings Lynn and West Norfolk.
5.24 In short, despite the good and high overall provision of swimming pools in North Norfolk
their locations are clustered as shown in the maps in section 2 of the strategy. This means
some areas of North Norfolk are outside the catchment area of an existing swimming
pool – most notably in the Fakenham area.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
5.25 The amount of demand that is outside catchment is termed as unmet demand. This is
because despite there being enough pools to accommodate all the demand some of
this demand is located outside the catchment area of a pool site and, in effect, the
residents would have to travel long distances (and beyond the recognised 20 minute
drive time for regular participation) to access a pool.
5.26 This unmet demand because of lack of access equates to a total of about 250m2 of
water (just larger than a 25m x 4 lane pool) and is relatively evenly spread across the
district with the higher areas of unmet demand being, in order, Fakenham and North
Walsham (the latter area is probably more due to demand fanning out from areas to
the south and east than from North Walsham itself – the pool at Rossi’s is not considered
in the assessment because of its size, but it meets some local demand for members of
5.27 If there is one area best suited to accommodate most of this unmet demand it is
Fakenham. This would not however soak up all this locational unmet demand as there
will always be in rural areas some demand that is outside the catchment area of a
swimming pool. It is the scale of this unmet demand that determines what to do about
Summary, Key Issues and Options for Swimming Pools
5.28 Overall the findings are that North Norfolk has a good level of swimming pool provision,
which is distributed, across the district. There is a mixture of providers with public leisure
centres, commercial providers and commercial holiday providers who also provide
access for public pay and swim use. So a mixed economy of providers and access.
5.29 The provision is however skewed in terms of its distribution within the district. This creates
areas with very high levels of pool provision within North Norfolk and other areas with little
or no provision or access. This has been intensified by the closure of the two school
swimming pools in Fakenham in 2014. This means there is no pool now in Fakenham that
can provide for children to meet the key stage 2 national curriculum requirement to
learn to swim, acquire a life safety skill and develop swimming competence.
5.30 This lack of pool provision for learn to swim plus the wider lack of access to pools for
community use in some parts of the district will impact on a lot of residents’ ability to be
active and swim on a regular basis.
5.31 So it is an overall contradictory position of enough swimming pool capacity ACROSS the
district to meet the total demand for swimming by North Norfolk residents, but because
of the location of pools and their catchment areas there are areas of the District where
there is demand for swimming and which is outside the catchment of the existing pools,
thereby making them inaccessible to these residents. This demand outside catchment is
quite spread out but of sufficient quantity in the Fakenham area to consider the need
for swimming pool provision.
5.32 This last finding is an example or feature of the consequences and challenges in
providing sports facilities created by the settlement pattern of the district, described in
section 2 of the strategy.
5.33 The key issues for swimming are posed as questions and suggested answers/approaches;
Swimming is the most popular activity in North Norfolk in terms of participation and
it is the only cradle-to-grave sports facility for participation. Most importantly
(fundamentally) there is a life skill and safety requirement to swimming – which
gives it more importance. Swimming can deliver more of the Council’s sports,
physical activity healthy lifestyle and wider objectives as set out in section 1 of the
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
strategy than any other facility type. Do all these factors make it the number one
sports facility type to provide for?
How to reconcile that overall there are enough swimming pools within the district
to meet the total demand for swimming by North Norfolk residents. However, the
location of the pools is concentrated and so not all residents can access the pools
– this will impact on their participation levels for swimming – for ALL swimming
activities. So paradoxically although supply is greater than demand there are
areas of the district where there is unmet demand. Furthermore the assessment sets
out that this is of sufficient scale for additional water space, notably in the
Fakenham area.
Re-provision of existing swimming pools in new parts of the district to meet the
unmet demand/access issue in other parts of the district is one way but it could
also mean more people travelling to use pools. It moves the problem around
geographically. There is no “halfway location” for a new or replacement swimming
pool that would meet the needs of ALL residents and be within the catchment
area of all residents.
How to reconcile access to swimming pools in areas of unmet demand with the
increasing requirement to also re-provide or modernise existing swimming pools –
which is the bigger priority within swimming pools provision? Based on the needs
assessment and meeting the Council’s wider objectives in section 1 of the strategy
then modernisation/re-provision of the Splash Centre is a greater priority. It is
located in the area of greatest swimming demand for residents and tourists and
the Council has contractual and financial commitments in place for the operation
of the centre.
5.34 In determining the future options for swimming pools provision in the strategy, it has had
to weigh up all the findings from the needs assessment and the issues which arise from it.
The key is not to try and develop options which try to balance out all the issues but apply
the evidence base findings, address the issues and develop options which best meet
the overall strategy objectives.
5.35 The options for swimming pools provision are to;
establish a swimming pools providers and operators group so as to understand the
role of each provider and ways that there can be more effective use of the total
stock. To understand the issues of each type of provider and develop a more
coordinated approach to meeting the needs of the community across all
providers. In particular this relates to the Cromer Academy Pool to Pinewood
Leisure Club and Gresham’s School in developing a wider programme of
community use;
address the “skewed” distribution of swimming demand based on the settlement
pattern of the District. Options are:
accept the situation and continue to rely on the location of pools in the
District and neighbouring authorities to meet some of the North Norfolk
demand for swimming (this could result in lower rates of swimming
participation in some areas of the district because residents live outside the
catchment area of the pools and the time, distance and cost of travel could
result in lower participation);
investigate with swimming pool providers in Wells (Alderman Peel School)
and Holt (Gresham’s School) the scope, realism and opportunities to provide
access for residents in areas outside the catchment area of an existing pool
to make more regular use of these pools. This relates to increasing access for
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
residents in the Fakenham area. Acknowledging this will require
programming and have a cost of trying to increase the access, especially in
relation to learn to swim programmes for primary school children. This
appears very challenging to achieve in Wells because there is already
extensive community use of the pool. Also the time and cost of travel to
either Wells or Holt is, in all likelihood, going to restrict the long term
achievement of this option;
investigate re-opening and improving the pool at Fakenham Academy for
learn to swim programmes for school-aged children up to key stage 2. This
investigation needs to establish the scope and costs of operating the pool
for this purpose and possibly wider community use, such as adult learn to
swim programmes. Experience of the management, operation and costs of
use of the Alderman Peel school in Wells for community use provides very
relevant experience;
retain swimming pools in the areas of greatest demand within the district. The
Victory Leisure Centre pool is self-evidently an example and needs no further
comment; and
The Splash Centre is located in the area of the district where there is the
greatest demand for a swimming pool at this or a nearby location. The
options for retention of the existing building or re-development of a new
pool. The existing building is a leisure pool accommodating tourism and
local resident uses but has a challenging pool configuration to meet all the
swimming activities of learn to swim, recreational swimming and club based
swimming development programmes. Determining the objectives for
swimming development and type of pool provision – leisure or conventional
configuration, or a hybrid of the two is the central decision and this influences
the options to then investigate for future provision to meet both residents’
use and those of tourists.
5.36 The way forward on all of these options is set out in the strategy direction and
recommendations section and the financing topics are considered in Section 7.
Health and Fitness Centres - Summary, Key Issues and Options
5.37 Overall there is a good distribution of gyms across the whole district, with all the main
towns (except Cromer) served by centres. There is a tendency towards smaller centres
with the largest venue only having 45 stations. The centres are a combination of
commercial and local authority facilities with the majority available on a pay and play
basis, albeit that membership is probably available in all. The quality of facilities is good,
not surprising given the competitive nature of provision between the different types of
5.38 There is consistency between (1) the supply side findings which show the North Norfolk
provision at 2.6 stations per 1,000 population to be only around half the national and
regional average and lower than all surrounding districts except Breckland, and (2) the
participation findings which show around 4% of North Norfolk adults participating at least
once a month in gym and which is less than half the East Region and England wide
participation rate.
5.39 So overall there is a lower supply in comparison with other areas but which reflects a
lower participation/demand rate than other areas.
5.40 These consistent findings are in contrast with the Fitness Industry Association
methodology which identifies a shortfall of between 200 – 250 stations across the district.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Given the commercial nature of gym provision if there were this shortfall in provision then
there would be more and larger gyms in the district.
5.41 The overall assessment is that the number of venues; the different types of access for
pay and play and membership across public and commercial venues; the location
and access to venues based and catchment areas are - collectively all about in
balance for the District.
5.42 It is not anticipated that demand is going to increase, based on demographic change
in the period up to 2026. So any increase in demand and implicitly supply is going to be
generated by any increase in participation from the current low level in comparison to
other areas’ rate of participation.
5.43 So there are no major issues in relation to provision for gyms. It may be that each of the
different providers does lose market between the public and commercial venues in the
Sheringham area and North Walsham area as they compete for memberships but this is
the nature of gym provision and not new to the providers.
5.44 It may well be that changes in gym supply are not driven by change in the gyms per se
but as an integral part of a new major sports facility, in particular swimming pools. So
there is a read across between future provision for gyms and other facility types, notably
pools, so as to provide critical mass and viability for a new facility. This will be
replacement of existing gym provision with some enhancement in scale.
5.45 The options for provision of health and fitness gyms are:
based on the overall supply and demand assessment (and not discounting the FIA
methodology) there appears to be little demand or need for additional and new
provision of gym facilities, except possibly a small scale centre of around 20
stations in the Cromer area and which could be part of the Cromer integrated
sports hub concept; and
consider the scale and type of provision in any re-development project, most
notably a re-development of swimming pool provision in the Sheringham area. The
scale of any gym re-provision will be based on the core business case for the total
project and facility mix but the requirement for a 50-station facility does seem valid.
5.46 The options are set out in the strategy recommendations section of the strategy under
the project, enhance and provide headings.
Studios Summary, Key Issues and Options
5.47 There are only 4 studios identified in North Norfolk although there may well be other
facilities throughout the district fulfilling a similar function to dance studios but which are
not purpose built (for example activities taking place in community centres, village halls
and school halls).
5.48 The participation/demand data on dance studios is very difficult to extrapolate from
published sources because it is not complied for ALL the activities that take place in
dance studios and then assessed for that ONE facility type. For two activities that take
place in dance studios, dance exercise and aerobics, the estimate is that participation
is around 300 and 500 respectively across North Norfolk. Discussion with venue operators
and the programming indicated that demand for dance studios is being met.
5.49 In terms of projected change and future participation/demand the estimated reduction
in the active population (aged 6-55) between 2014 and 2021 of 2.4% and then 3%, by
2026 means there is unlikely to be an increase in demand for studios on the basis of
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
population change. Any increase is going to be from an increase in the current rate of
participation in the activities that take place in dance studios.
5.50 So overall there do not appear to be any major issues in the provision of dance studios
and the existing supply is meeting demand and has scope to cater for any upturn in
demand and participation.
5.51 As with changes in gym, supply changes in dance studio provision are not driven by
change in the gyms per se but are as an integral part of a new major sports facility, in
particular a combined wet and dry venue such as a swimming pool and dance studio.
It may well be that the re-provision of an existing venue such as a swimming pool has a
read across for also re-provision of a dance studio so as to provide critical mass and
viability for a new facility.
5.52 The options for dance studios are set out in the strategy recommendations section of the
strategy under the project, enhance and provide headings.
Squash Summary, Key Issues and Options
5.53 There are four venues for squash in North Norfolk District providing a total of 11 courts.
The venues are well distributed and access to courts for residents based on their
catchment areas is good. North Norfolk has the highest rate of provision when compared
with neighbouring authorities and is higher than for East Region and England wide. The
quality of courts is generally good - despite being opened in the 1970’s, they have been
well maintained. However given the age of the courts there will be a continuing need
to maintain the courts.
5.54 The projected population growth and reduction in the active population in North Norfolk
is unlikely to increase demand for squash up to 2026. Any increase in demand is going
to come from an increase in current participation levels. The Governing Body is
promoting squash participation but it has remained at best static in recent years.
5.55 Overall there are no issues in the number, location and distribution of squash court
venues. Access is predominantly for members and there is maybe a slight issue of access
for pay and play use and encouraging people to try the sport. However the commercial
venues will offer this access to try and then encourage membership. Also it is unlikely a
public leisure centre will provide squash courts for pay and play on the basis of the
current number of courts and locations.
5.56 The options to consider for future squash provision are considered as follows:
it is unlikely there is a need for additional courts;
focus on partnership with clubs as the providers of squash. Encourage clubs to
develop pay and play access as well as membership; and
longer term quality improvements where necessary to ensure long-term fitness for
5.57 These options are set out in the strategy recommendations section of the strategy under
the project, enhance and provide headings.
Indoor Bowls Summary, Key Issues and Options
5.58 There are three purpose built indoor bowls facilities within North Norfolk providing a total
of 18 rinks. All three venues are commercial venues, which operate on a membership
basis but do provide rinks for pay and play and to encourage membership. Average
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
membership across the three centres is between 350-400 members and at best static.
Retaining current membership levels is challenging and an achievement.
5.59 The North Norfolk centres were all built in the 1970s and each has been refurbished or
extended more recently. Quality is generally considered to be good and fit for purpose.
Continued investment over the strategy period will be required to maintain building
quality and condition. This is challenging to achieve in the context of membership levels.
5.60 North Norfolk has the second highest level of provision based on a measurement of rinks
per 1,000 population at 0.17 rinks. Only Great Yarmouth has a higher provision at 0.25
rinks per 1,000 population. The average for East Region is 0.07 rinks and for England it is
0.03 rinks per 1,000 population. Bowls provision in Norfolk County is high because of the
demographics of the county and a long established history of participation in outdoor
5.61 The key issue in indoor bowling seems to be one of reconciliation between supply now,
participation now and a projected increase in demand for indoor bowls provision based
on population growth.
5.62 The options for indoor bowling are:
On balance the assessment is that there is no need for additional provision of
indoor bowling centres or rinks. The focus should be on supporting the existing
centres to promote indoor bowls as a participant activity. In effect, helping the
centres increase their membership (as there is around 40% of spare capacity
across all centres). The projected increase in demand for indoor bowls from
population growth can be absorbed by the spare capacity at the existing venues.
5.63 These options are set out in the strategy recommendations section of the strategy under
the project, enhance and provide headings.
Indoor Tennis Summary, Key Issues and Options
5.64 There are no indoor tennis centres in North Norfolk District. Again the Sport England
methodology does not consider indoor tennis in the same degree of detail as some other
facilities. It is possible however to assess demand by reference to Lawn Tennis Association
(LTA) data. In ‘Priority Project Funding, Policy and Operational Procedures’, the LTA states
that one indoor court can serve 200 regular tennis players.
5.65 The Active People Survey found that about 1% of adults regularly participated at least
once a week in 2012 across Norfolk, the latest year for which participation data is
available. The County level is the lowest geographic level at which participation data is
5.66 Applying the County participation rate to the district’s current adult population of 88100
residents shows there is potential for 88,100 x 1% divided by 200 = around 4 courts for the
district. In reality this is likely to be lower given the age profile of the district currently and
the projected change up to 2026. In terms of projected future demand – the already
reported reduction in the active population (aged 6-55) between 2014 - 2021 of 2.4%
and between 2021- 2026 of 3% could reduce the demand/participation unless
development initiatives are undertaken.
5.67 So overall and taking all the findings together there are currently no indoor courts
available in North Norfolk. On the basis of the Norfolk County demand calculation
modified to take account of the changes in the North Norfolk population age structure
and active population, there is justification to consider a demand and provision for an
indoor tennis centre of 2 courts.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
5.68 A provision of this scale is supported by the Norfolk LTA facilities strategy and the North
Norfolk area is one of the preferred locations by the LTA.
5.69 The options for indoor tennis are:
Initial provision of a 2-court tennis centre located at the Cromer Lawn Tennis and
Squash Club venue as part of the Cromer Sports Hub. This would provide further
critical mass to the Cromer Sport Hub. Bringing these together under one operation
is more sports and cost effective. Also it builds on the long history of an established
outdoor tennis club venue.
Other Sports Facility Types
5.70 While it is not the prime intention of the study to consider specialist facilities for sport, as
the brief concentrates on community provision, nevertheless the initial consultation with
clubs and some governing bodies has identified some specialist facility requirements,
which might be able to be incorporated in existing or proposed new community sports
halls and the like, or provided in their own right. Consideration of these specific issues is
addressed below.
5.71 Gymnastics was not one of the sports/facility types included in the project brief. It was
however a sport/facility type which was articulated clearly as a need in the consultations
and is therefore included in the strategy.
5.72 North Walsham Sports Hall Gymnastics Club currently operates from the small hall at
North Walsham Sports Centre for 15 or so hours per week on most evenings and at the
weekend. The club currently has about 140 members aged 3-16, the vast majority girls,
and there is a waiting list of 160 (which represents a two years’ wait to join).
5.73 The club’s catchment is wider than the local area and includes parts of Norwich, Cromer
and Reepham. The club is in need of a permanent venue preferably in the North
Walsham area, to accommodate existing users, but also competitive gymnasts (up to 18
hours a week) and all potential gymnasts from Pre School to adult. The ideal facility
would allow fixed equipment to be left in situ between sessions, and a purpose built
venue is not necessary – a converted industrial or warehouse unit would be acceptable.
5.74 The club is supported in principle by British Gymnastics, whose objective is to work
towards ‘more people taking part in gymnastics activities through developing and
increasing opportunities, space, delivery partners and volunteers’. Facility needs are
increasing the numbers of dedicated facilities and improve existing facilities, and
increasing access to non-dedicated venues. There is a clearly identified strategic and
local need for improved gymnastics facilities in the area, and the strategy should include
proposals to facilitate these.
Gymnastics, Issues and Options
5.75 The issue is can the need for a permanent base for the gymnastics club be met?
Leadership of a project would need to be a partnership between the North Walsham
club and North Norfolk District. An option could be to provide a dedicated venue at the
North Walsham Sports Centre but this would then conflict with dedicated time for other
activities. The resolution of this issue could be provision of a sports hall at another location.
This option is set out in the strategy recommendations section.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Cricket Nets/Indoor Cricket Leagues
5.76 Similarly Indoor cricket was not an activity which was included in the project brief but it
did arise in consultation and so the findings are included. North Norfolk is a relatively
weak area for cricket club provision and participation in Norfolk. There are currently only
8 clubs in the District. Latent demand for cricket is low, as indicated by the Active People
surveys on participation and the population profile for the area is not ideally matched
to cricket participation. That said it has been highlighted through consultation that
cricket needs these clubs to continue to flourish as any further losses would increase the
issues of travel to local clubs in this rural area. The clubs in the area are generally
successful and well organised, with 5 of those 8 clubs holding English Cricket Board
Clubmark Accreditation and running successful youth sections. There is good use made
by existing cricket clubs in the area of indoor sports halls at Cromer, Fakenham, North
Walsham and Gresham’s School for nets and indoor competition.
5.77 The quality of existing indoor facilities is the area of need highlighted by clubs within the
Norfolk Cricket Board facilities strategy. Overall the quality of facilities for cricket is poor,
especially with regard to netting, matting, flooring and lighting. The ECB Player Survey
2014 has indicated strong evidence that cricket participation is affected by the quality
of facilities. NCB anticipates that enhancing the quality of indoor provision will have a
beneficial impact on retention of players. The key challenge for indoor cricket is to
improve the quality of indoor provision, giving clubs the best chance of providing a
quality experience and retaining players.
5.78 The option for indoor cricket is that any project for new or re-provision of sports halls
should in the project specification include the requirements for indoor cricket leagues
and nets.
5.79 This concludes the summary of findings, issues and options for each of the sports facility
types in the strategy.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
6: Strategy Recommendations and
Framework for Delivery
This section sets out the recommendations for each sports facility type based on the
findings, issues and options set out for each facility type, in the preceding section. This
starts with generic recommendations which relate to the overall strategic approach to
the provision of indoor sports facilities in North Norfolk. These are recommendations
about setting the strategic direction and working in partnership. It is then followed by
recommendations relating to each facility type.
The recommendations are categorized under the headings of ‘Protect’, ‘Enhance’ and
‘Provide’, as recommended by Sport England in the ANOG guidance. These categories
are not mutually exclusive and some options will sit comfortably both within ‘Enhance’
and ‘Provide’ for example.
Also some recommendations are not self-contained to one facility type or location and
so there is a read across between some of the options. They have been crossreferenced. Between them, they encompass the approach to underpin the
development of a sustainable framework for the future provision of facilities across North
Norfolk District.
Before describing each of the three headings it is important to provide some context of
their application in North Norfolk The needs assessment has identified that the scale of
the existing provision across each facility type facility now and up to 2021/2026. The
assessment has included the implications of the projected change in population and
the overall reduction in the active population of North Norfolk have on the projected
demand for each sports facility type now and in the future.
In effect, the increase in total population is offset (for most sports) by a reduction in the
size and age distribution of the active population (aged 5 – 55). The combined impact
is that the quantity of provision is for most facility types sufficient to meet the projected
demand in the future. There are issues over and above quantity, these being of quality,
access and availability of the sports facilities, so as to make the most overall effective
use for the community.
Hence the focus in this section of the strategy is more about;
Protection of what already exists – because there is an identified need and
Enhancement and making more effective use of the existing sports facilities. This is
by strategic management and intervention to work with all providers in
partnership. Do this so as to ensure that opportunities to work collaboratively are
taken and the opportunities for community use are maximized; and
New provision of facilities is much less of a focus, in large part because of the needs
assessment finding that there is not a considerable amount of new provision
identified. It is also based on the it is also based on the realism that the District
Council has to make expenditure savings of £1.8m up to 2018 and the Council’s
expenditure position beyond that date is unknown. It is not for the Council to find
development in isolation and the strategy is one for the District. It is the context of
the Council’s financial position which is important to note. There are opportunities
for partnership funding through the re-letting of a long-term leisure management
contract with direct capital investment by the commercial operator.
There are two further important points on the strategy direction;
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Firstly the needs assessment has been very careful to assess supply and demand
based on the known rates and frequencies of sports participation using Sport
England, National Governing Bodies and local data where this is possible. The
projection of future supply and demand is based on the projected population
changes and assuming the current rates and frequencies of sports participation.
Should the rate and or frequency of participation increase then there is the need
to review the assessment on the quantity of provision. It is an objective of North
Norfolk District Council to increase sports and physical activity participation and
create a more active population, but as yet this is unspecified
Secondly there is the need to replace existing provision if, based on age, condition
and quality, a building has reached the end of its sports and cost effective life. So
there is re-provision of an existing facility. Replacement or re-provision provides the
opportunity to define the FITNESS FOR PURPOSE and OBJECTIVES of a re-provided
facility, and also to possibly change the location of an existing venue so as to
increase access, and most importantly change the scale and content to meet the
needs in the future.
A description of each heading is;
To maintain the overall balance of facilities where the needs assessment has
identified a continuing need for community use. This recognises there could be re
– provision of existing facilities by identifying a better facility mix and/or location to
meet demand and improve access.
To upgrade and enhance existing sports facilities for community use so as to ensure
that sports facility needs are met by the provision of appropriate, high quality
facilities in the future
To manage and programme facilities effectively and sustainably across sites and
promote partnership working to enable greater use of existing sports facilities and
the sharing of skills, expertise, resources and facilities
To improve accessibility to sports facilities, in order to encourage greater
participation by all sectors of the community
In order to increase participation for a healthy and active lifestyle benefit, it is
considered enhanced facilities at existing sites (which are already known to the
local community) are a more effective way to encourage and develop more
participation across a wider population.
To provide facilities for sport and active recreation where, based on the needs
assessment, there is a gap in the existing supply and/or a demand which exists now
and which is projected to be sustained and possibly increase
To provide updated information on sports participation and the demand for
facilities based on the needs assessment reports.
The suggested recommendations for delivery of the strategy and what could be done
under each of these headings are set out in Table 6.1 below. Firstly there are generic
recommendations that apply across the district and these are set out as G
recommendations. Each G recommendation is described followed by the rationale/
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
justification and suggested action. This is followed by the recommendations for each
facility type: SH Sports Halls; SP Swimming Pools; H&F Health and Fitness; S Studios; SQ
Squash; IB Indoor Bowls; and IT Indoor Tennis. There are also recommendations for
gymnastics GYM and indoor cricket CRIC. These sports/facility types were not included
in the project brief, however in the consultations they emerged as key topics and are
therefore included.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Table 6.1: Strategy recommendations rationale and action required
Rationale and Action Required
G1 Develop a forum for all providers and operators of sports facilities to meet as a group and better understand the roles of each
provider and share information
Currently there is no forum whereby North Norfolk District Council, the commercial providers, schools and clubs who provide and
operate indoor sports facilities can meet to understand the roles of each provider and discuss opportunities for more effective use and
access to f facilities across all the different providers.
It is acknowledged there are discrete and different rationales for each provider. It is also understood there is no opportunity to review
and consider how all providers could work collaboratively to ensure there is the most access for all residents to participate and
understand the role of each provider.
The recommendation is for the District Council to lead the establishment of this group The key purpose to be to understand the role and
remit of each provider, share information and provide opportunities for more collaborative working so as to maximise the access for
local residents.
Rational and Action Required
G2 Review the differing approaches on access to education based sports facilities for community use so as to develop a more cohesive
approach for community use and maximize the opportunities for community use (relates to G1)
There is a mixed economy of providers and access to school based sports facilities, ranging from formal community use agreements
between the District Council and individual schools to provide for school and community use under one operation with a core business
case and shared responsibilities and costs.
There are also individual schools who independently provide for education and community use under their own direction and
assessment of need and business case.
The study has also shown that school based sports facilities used for curriculum use are vulnerable to closure without first identifying the
current and continuing need for wider community use of these facilities.
The needs assessment report (Appendix 2) sets out the requirements for each sports facility types up to 2026 and beyond. The action is
to use the assessment report findings when there is any consideration to close, reduce or increase community use of education sports
facilities. In effect it is a watching brief to consider the impact of any changes recognizing this mixed economy of providers, operators
with formal and informal agreements at different venues.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
This recommendation could also be part of the work of the operators forum set out as G1
G3 Development of the sports hub concept at Cromer (also relates to recommendation SH 2)
The assessment has identified lots of sports facility provision and activity in different parts of the district by different providers but where
the collective benefit is not realised because of isolated operation by each provider. The Cromer example set out in sections 2 and 5
of the strategy is an example.
Furthermore the continued operation of some of these facilities by individual owners or operators maybe vulnerable to changing
circumstances where one particular provider may decide in isolation there is not a continuing need, or, the cost of providing the facility
outweighs the benefits.
There is potential benefit in terms of maximising the opportunities for participation and shared costs of management and operation by
creating a Cromer Sports Hub where the overall management and operation of all the venues in the Cromer location is made brought
together under one organisation. This provides critical sporting and financial mass as well as providing longer-term security to individual
sports venues. It also provides enhanced opportunities for external capital grant aid funding from organisations such as Sport England
and National Governing Bodies of Sport who are very supportive of the sports hub concept and invest in sports hub capital projects.
The organisations involved in the Cromer Sports Hub are: Cromer Academy (swimming pool) North Norfolk District Council and Cromer
Academy (sports hall) North Norfolk District Council and Cromer Lawn Tennis and Squash Club (outdoor tennis courts and squash courts
plus potential for an indoor tennis centre). The Cromer location and mix of facilities provides the best opportunity to develop a sports
hub in the District. The range of existing facilities appeal to all age ranges and both genders. The quality of the existing stock across the
venues is good.
Recommendation G 3 is the recommendation that has the potential to protect and develop the widest stock of facilities at one location
and deliver significant benefits.
The action is to undertake a feasibility study, with the engagement of all current owners and operators of the current sports facilities,
described above. To develop the sport hub model which sets out the options for changing the ownership and operation of the individual
facilities into one cohesive structure with a funding plan and viable operational business model.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
SH 1. Determine how the District Council separately managed and operated Cromer Sports Centre, North Walsham Sports and Stalham
Sports Centre can be better integrated with other sports halls provision.
It is acknowledged these are District Council venues which have contracted commitments with schools for joint education and
community use on a shared cost and operation basis.
The study and assessment report has identified that the existing supply of these three sports halls needs to be retained in quantity terms
but there are options for changing how it is provided. Firstly the inclusion of the Cromer sports hall in the Cromer Sports Hub already set
out under G 3. Secondly the study identified the need for the North Walsham Gymnastics Club to have a dedicated venue to meet is
current membership and sustained waiting list. There may be the opportunity to re provide the existing North Walsham Sports Hall at an
adjacent site to the Victory Leisure Centre. This would meet the need for a sports hall in North Walsham for community use. It would also
allow a dedicated venue to be provided for the gymnastics club at the existing sports hall in North Walsham. The study did not identify
any potential for change in Stalham there is a need for a sports hall in this part of the district to meet the community demand.
The action required is for North Norfolk District Council with the partners in the community use agreements to review the most sports and
cost effective ways to retain this level of sports hall supply from these three centres but at potentially a new location for North Walsham
and in a different operation at Cromer.
SH 2 Consider the provision of a new sports halls or a large flexible indoor sports space such as a studio in both Sheringham and Wells
The needs assessment has identified that across the District the demand for sports halls exceeds supply and the sports hall are well
The assessment has also identified there is demand for sports halls and a gap in provision in both Sheringham and Wells. The existing
sports halls in both locations are located at Sheringham High School (1950) and Alderman Peel Sports College (1970) in Wells. Both
are, in effect, school gymnasiums and are one badminton court size. They are not fit for purpose in meeting the requirements for
playing indoor hall sports or providing for fitness/exercise classes.
The assessment has identified a need for a sports hall in and this could be a 4 badminton court size sports hall at each location. This
will provide for indoor hall sports and exercise classes for education, club and community use at each location.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
In terms of locations to maximize the benefits of the venue the first choice location would be a school site. The Alderman Peel School
is a sports college with an established track record in developing community use of its sports facilities use. In Sheringham the location
could be Sheringham High School as the first choice. However the potential re-development of the Splash Centre could provide the
venue and more critical mass if the decision is to develop a more flexible indoor space for exercise, fitness and dance classes. In
effect a studio rather than a sports hall.
SP 1. Maintain a review on the existing supply of swimming pools to meet demand for community use up to 2026 and beyond.
The assessment has identified that across the District the supply of swimming pools is sufficient to meet current demand now and up to
2026 and beyond. However this overall assessment has to be qualified because the District wide assessment has a “skewed distribution”
of the location and catchment area of swimming pools (set out in section 2). This has created areas of the District that are outside the
catchment area of an existing swimming pool for regular participation. Notably in Fakenham where there has also been the closure of
two school pools in 2014. This has created problems of fulfilling the key stage 2 national curriculum requirement of teaching children to
swim and swimming competence.
The action for this recommendation is that there needs to be a mechanism in place across all levels of local government, owners and
operators of pools to consider the impact of any further potential closure of swimming pools, especially swimming pools on school sites.
In this approach there does need to be clarity as to how the programmes of use for example learn to swim will be met based on the
reduced supply of swimming pools and that the programmes are secured with other providers. It is recommend that this action could
be undertaken by the providers and operators group described in G1.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
SP2 investigate the scope to (re) provide a swimming pool in Fakenham by the re-opening of the Fakenham Academy swimming pool,
to provide for learn to swim programmes and potentially wider community use.
The needs assessment had identified very clearly there is a level of demand for swimming in the Fakenham area. So whilst (to repeat)
there is overall enough swimming pool supply and capacity for the district to meet residents demand now and in the future, there are
areas of the district where demand and lack of access to pools because of their location and catchment area of pools is creating
unmet demand.
The issue in Fakenham has undoubtedly been exacerbated by the closure of the two education pools in 2014. This means that
realistically the time and cost of travelling to the nearest pools in North Norfolk of any of Wells, Holt or Sheringham means that the
national curriculum requirement up to key stage 2 for children learn to swim and have swimming competence cannot be realistically
delivered. Plus the time, cost and distance for Fakenham residents to access the nearest swimming pools is restricting their participation,
as well as possibly access for adult learn to swim programmes.
The opportunity to meet learn to swim needs and potential for wider community use in Fakenham is to investigate the scope to reinstate the Fakenham Academy swimming pool. This will require a full condition and services survey to identify the costs of reinstating
the building. It will also require a detailed business plan to identify the operating costs, projected income and the management
operation of the pool.
It would provide a pool for the national curriculum requirement of learn to swim programmes in Fakenham. It could also provide for
wider community use swimming programmes, The Alderman Peel School pool operation in Wells does demonstrate how a small school
pool can develop a programme of community use. So there is local experience of achieving a viable operation for community use as
well as learn to swim programmes at a school pool and which is located within the District.
The responsibility for progressing this recommendation should include the District Council, the Fakenham Swimming Group along with
Norfolk County Council, the Town Council and the local schools.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
SP 3 Maintain the provision of swimming in the Sheringham area by replacing or modernising the Splash centre
The needs assessment has identified that the area of greatest demand for swimming in North Norfolk is located in Sheringham.
Modernisation or re-provision of the Splash Centre is the most important swimming recommendation.
The reasons being: the pools is nearly 28 years old and in need of major modernization or replacement at either this site or within
Sheringham - if it is re-provision; it is located in the area of greatest swimming demand for residents and tourists; the Council has
contractual and financial commitments in place for the Centre; the financial performance of the centre is good but the centre is in
need of major investment, if this centre is to be modernised.
So there are two options: modernisation of the existing building, or re-provision of a new pool at this site or in Sheringham.
In deciding on which option the fundamental question to answer is – is the current Splash Centre a swimming pool which is fit for purpose
in meeting ALL the swimming activities of: learn to swim; recreational and lane fitness swimming; and swimming development based
around clubs? Plus meet the needs of tourists?
IF it does then the work is to develop a full building condition and services survey along with a financial viability assessment and business
case for modernisation of the building.
If the view is that the current Splash Centre does not provide for all the swimming activities described - then the alternative option is to
consider the development of a new swimming pool centre on this site or elsewhere in Sheringham
Based on the assessment and consultations in this project the defined facility mix for a re-provided swimming pool is for a 25m x 6 lanes
main pool and a 100sq metre learner/teaching pool. On the dry side and based on the assessment findings (plus enhancing the core
business case), then the recommendation is to also re-provide the health and fitness suite but with a 50 station gym. Plus new provision
of a dance studio to replace the one court activity hall.
The action is for the District Council to commission a full feasibility study considering the 2 options described. The view from this project
is that the second option is the one that will provide a fit for purpose 21 st swimming pool that provides for all swimming activities in one
centre. The study would then require a design, build, cost, management operation and procurement route to meet the facility scale
and mix as defined.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
HF 1. Maintain the existing supply of health and fitness venues in the District and promote enhancement of the quality of the venues
The assessment recognises it is a mixed economy of provider and operators of health and fitness provision in the District. There is
competition between providers and there are distinct markets based on the quality of venues and the ability and willingness to pay a
There are 12 venues in North Norfolk providing 293 stations. The largest is at the Victory Leisure Centre with 40 stations. The small-scale
venues reflect the size of the settlements and market for health and fitness in North Norfolk.
Based on the Fitness industry Association methodology, there is a projected shortfall of between 200 - 250 stations. However based on
consultations and the pattern off supply this is questioned and not supported, if there were market forces would have addressed this
The action is for the District Council to consider the re-provision of health and fitness as part of the Splash Centre (recommendation SP3)
where it is suggested there should be a 50-station health and fitness centre.
S 1. Consider the scope for studios as part of new development projects at Alderman Peel School, Sheringham School or the Splash
There is a read across between the provision of studios and the provision of sports halls. One does not provide for the other as they
serve different functions. (Recommendations SH 2 and SP 3 cross reference).
North Norfolk only has 4 purpose built dance studios and the participation data is limited. This makes it difficult to project demand and
need in the future. Undoubtedly demand is increasing for a multi-purpose flexible space to accommodate dance exercise, fitness
classes and yoga and pilates.
If the decision is to provide sports halls that could also accommodate exercise and fitness classes then the location in Sheringham
should be at Sheringham High School. If the decision is to also provide a studio in Sheringham and there is sufficient long term
demand for both then it could be located at a re-provided Splash Centre. This would also add more critical mass and viability to the
business case. In Wells the location for either a sports hall or dance studio should be Alderman Peel School.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
Rationale and Action Required
SQ 1: Consider enhancement of the squash courts at Gresham’s school and negotiate increased access for community use through
North Norfolk Squash Club.
There are four venues for squash in North Norfolk providing a total of 11 courts. The venues are well distributed and access to courts for
residents based on their catchment areas is good.
North Norfolk has the highest rate of provision when compared with neighbouring authorities and is higher than for East Region and
England wide. The quality of courts is good despite being opened in the 1970’s they have been well maintained. However given the
age of the courts there will be a continuing need to maintain the courts
The changes in the active population in North Norfolk are unlikely to increase demand for squash up to 2026. Squash participation
levels in recent years have remained at best static.
Provision is predominantly for members and there is maybe a slight issue of access for pay and play use and encouraging people to try
the sport. However the current venues will offer this access to try and then encourage membership.
Gresham’s School has 4 conventional courts, with a viewing gallery, in a dedicated building, with separate changing rooms. The courts
are maintained for school use with regular painting and new lighting, but the floors and walls require additional work and in general the
courts are dated. The courts are used about half of the time by the school, including boarders, and the remaining time (mainly in the
evenings) are available for North Norfolk Squash Club (who have one team in the Norfolk League), parents and staff at the school.
The school would like to improve the courts with glass backs, preferably as part of a wider improvement of all school sports facilities to
extend community use for local residents and existing school users.
The action is to encourage the school and club to apply for external grant aid to organisations such as Sport England’s Inspired Facilities
Fund to improve the quality of the squash courts.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
IB1. Protect the existing stock of indoor bowling centres, number and quantity from any loss, as there is a need to retain the existing
quantity of supply across the district to meet demand up to 2026 and beyond.
The demographics and sporting participation profile of the district does support the need for and provision of indoor bowling centres.
There are three purpose-built indoor bowling centres in the district. Furthermore the assessment is supportive of the need for 3-4
additional rinks based on the participation rates for the Region applied to North Norfolk.
That said the reality on the ground is that the membership at each centre is at best static at around 350 – 400 members at each
So the action is to retain each of the three centres and assist the clubs in developing the membership – because there is a potentially
bigger indoor bowling market.
There is a national initiative by the England Indoor Bowling Association to promote the sport with specific targets for new membership
and which is being achieved.
The action is for the venue operators with the engagement of the District Council to work together to try and promote the sport and
increase membership – it is a key sport/facility for the district based on the sporting profile of North Norfolk.
IT 1. Consider the provision of an indoor tennis centre of 2 courts. (This relates to recommendation G 3) or Gresham’s School
North Norfolk does not have any indoor tennis courts. The Norfolk LTA facilities strategy highlights North Norfolk as a priority area for
investment in indoor tennis together with West Norfolk, Great Yarmouth and the Thetford area.
Appling the Norfolk County demand calculation modified to take account of the changes in the North Norfolk population age structure
and active population, there is justification to consider a demand and provision for an indoor tennis centre of 2 courts.
Potential locations for an indoor tennis centre are first and foremost at the Cromer Lawn Tennis and Squash Club venue, as part of the
suggested Cromer Sports Hub (recommendation G3). Such a project would give significant critical mass and momentum to the creation
of the Cromer Sports Hub. The second potential location is at Gresham’s School in Holt.
The action is for the District Council to consider along with the County LTA and the Cromer Lawn Tennis and Squash Club the scope to
develop an indoor tennis centre at Cromer but as an integral part of the Cromer Sports Hub project.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
GYM 1: Consider the opportunities to provide a gymnastics venue. (This relates to recommendation SH 2)
Gymnastics is not one of the sports facility types or activity included in the project brief. However in the consultations it was cited as an
important activity and with a high demand in the North Walsham area. Hence its inclusion in the strategy recommendations.
North Walsham Sports Hall Gymnastics Club currently operates from the small hall at North Walsham Sports Centre for 15 or so hours per
week on most evenings and at the weekend. The club currently has about 140 members aged 3-16, the vast majority girls, and there is
a waiting list of 160 (which represents a two years’ wait to join). The club’s catchment is wider than the local area and includes parts
of Norwich, Cromer and Reepham.
The club is in need of a permanent venue preferably in the North Walsham area, to accommodate existing users, but also competitive
gymnasts (up to 18 hours a week) and all potential gymnasts from preschool to adult.
The ideal opportunity from the club’s perspective would be to have dedicated use to allow the fixed equipment to be left in situ
between sessions at the North Walsham Sports Centre. However the venue has a range of other uses and activities, not least by the
school. However if a management solution could be found then the dedication would allow the club to develop. It would also provide
for a sport and a venue for young people and apart from swimming none of the other facility types in the study are focused on very
young people’s participation.
The club is supported in principle by British Gymnastics, whose objective is to work towards ‘more people taking part in gymnastics
activities through developing and increasing opportunities, space, delivery partners and volunteers’. Facility needs are increasing the
numbers of dedicated facilities, improving existing facilities, and increasing access to non-dedicated venues.
Scope to achieve the club’s need for a dedicated base at North Walsham Sports Centre could be achieved if a new sports hall is
developed on a site adjacent to Victory Leisure Centre, which it is understood is a consideration.
The action required is for the club in partnership with the District Council and school to consider the scope to provide a dedicated
venue for the North Walsham Gymnastics Club at the North Walsham Sports Centre.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
CRIC 1: Support the provision of indoor cricket nets and indoor cricket leagues in any enhancement or provision of sports halls
Again indoor cricket was not one of the sports included in the project brief. However in the consultations and site visits the need for
indoor cricket did emerge as an issue and was mentioned frequently and hence its inclusion in the strategy recommendations
North Norfolk is a relatively weak area for cricket club provision and participation in Norfolk. There are currently 8 clubs in the district.
Latent demand for cricket is low (as indicated by the Active People survey findings) and the demographic profile for the area is not
ideally matched to cricket participation. That said it has been highlighted in site visits and consultations that cricket needs these clubs
to continue to flourish, as any further losses would increase the issues of travel to local clubs in this rural area. The clubs in the area are
generally successful and well organised, with 5 of those 8 clubs holding ECB Clubmark Accreditation and running successful youth
There is good use made by existing cricket clubs in the area of indoor sports halls at Cromer, Fakenham, North Walsham and Gresham’s
School for nets and indoor competition.
The quality of existing indoor facilities is the area of need highlighted by clubs within the Norfolk Cricket Board facilities strategy. Overall
the quality of facilities for cricket is poor, especially with regard to netting, matting, flooring, and lighting. The ECB Player Survey 2014
has indicated strong evidence that cricket participation is affected by the quality of facilities. NCB anticipates that enhancing the
quality of indoor provision will have a beneficial impact on retention of players. The key challenge for indoor cricket is to improve the
quality of indoor provision, giving clubs the best chance of providing a quality experience and retaining players.
The action is to consider the scope to provide indoor cricket nets and potentially the organisation of an indoor cricket league in any
enhancement of an existing sports hall or as part of any new sports hall.
North Norfolk District Indoor Sports Facilities Strategy
7: Implementation, Funding and Planning
This part of the strategy sets out some views on the implementation of the main strategy
recommendations, guidance on ensuring the provision of the identified future built sports
facility needs throughout the district, including through the planning process, and
recommendations on the means of financing the provision and modernisation of the
sports facility requirements identified in the strategy.
It should be reiterated that while NNDC (as the client for the study in the first place) is the
key organisation in putting into place the main strategy recommendations, it is a plan
for the district as a whole, and the role of other organisations in implementation is crucial.
The Action Plan overleaf has been devised to set out the strategy’s main
recommendations by sports facility type, and more generally. It includes relative
priorities, timescales and overall capital budget costs. By way of explanation the priority
categorises recommendations as high/medium/low to reflect local consultation and
other factors, the timescale refers to short term (up to 2017), medium term (up to 2021)
and longer term (up to 2026) and the budget capital costs are derived from Sport
England data where possible, and relate to costs as at Quarter 1 2015, and include
external works and fees, but exclude site specific costs, inflation, VAT, land and regional
variations. They should therefore be used with extreme caution, and only as a basis for
broad comparison. Detailed costs would be expected to be identified at the feasibility
stage for all facility recommendations.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Strategy Action Plan
Main partners
Budget capital
G1 Develop a forum for all providers and
operators of sports facilities to meet as a
group and better understand the roles of
each provider and share information
NNDC, leisure
G2 Review the differing approaches on
access to education based sports
facilities for community use so as to
develop a more cohesive approach for
community use and maximize the
opportunities for community use (relates
to G1)
G3 Develop the sports hub concept at
Cromer (also relates to
recommendation SH2)
Cromer LTSC,
facilities on site
NNDC, Places
for People
1 court £855k
2 court £975k
SP1 Maintain a review on the existing
supply of swimming pools to meet
demand for community use up to 2026
and beyond.
SP2 investigate the scope to (re) provide
a swimming pool in Fakenham by the reopening of the Fakenham Academy
swimming pool, to provide for learn to
swim programmes and potentially wider
community use.
People, ASA
feasibility but
say £500k for
SH1 Determine how the District Council
separately managed and operated
Cromer Sports Centre, North Walsham
Sports and Stalham Sports Centre can
become part of the overall sports hall
provision across the district.
SH2 Consider the provision of a new sports
halls (or a large flexible indoor sports
space such as a studio) in both
Sheringham and Wells
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
SP3 Maintain the provision of swimming in
the Sheringham area by replacing or
modernising the Splash Centre swimming
HF1 Maintain the existing supply of health
and fitness venues in the District and
promote enhancement of the quality of
the venues
NNDC. Places
for People
feasibility say
£135k each
Private bowls
Cromer LTSC,
Club, NNDC
Within range of
£350k (Easton,
S1 Consider the scope for studios as part
of new development projects at
Alderman Peel School, and Sheringham
High School/ Splash Centre.
SQ1 Consider enhancement of the squash
courts at Gresham’s School and negotiate
increased access for community use
through North Norfolk Squash Club
IB1 Protect the existing stock of indoor
bowling centres, number and quantity
from any loss, as there is a need to retain
the existing quantity of supply across the
district to meet demand up to 2026 and
IT1 Consider the provision of an indoor
tennis centre of 2 courts, at Cromer Hub
(this relates to recommendation G3) or
Gresham’s School
GYM1 Consider the opportunities to
provide a gymnastics venue. (This relates
to recommendation SH1)
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
CRIC1 Support the provision of indoor
cricket nets and indoor cricket leagues in
any enhancement or provision of sports
Funding and Finance
Using assets innovatively will be a key feature of the next few years, as will working in
partnership on a multi-agency approach.
The strategy has deliberately focused on;
Applying the findings from the needs assessment to try and make more effective
use of what already exists and dong this by greater partnership working across all
providers. This is a very valid direction given the assessment findings and hence the
focus on enhancement in the strategy recommendations.
The delivery of the provision requirements will, to a large extent, be dependent on the
ability to first secure capital funding, whilst acknowledging delivery is much wider than
just about capital funding. The capital funding picture for public leisure facilities is always
changing. Local authority finances are under even more pressure and previous major
national funding programmes, which supported indoor sports facilities, are no longer
Swimming pools are the biggest cost of the provision recommendations. The Council is
the lead but NOT the only provider of swimming pools. The Council has ownership and
contractual financial commitments to existing swimming pools. It is also facing a budget
reduction and making savings of £1.9m up to 2018.
In meeting the strategy findings on need for swimming pools, there is a need but it is not
the ONLY consideration. There has to be a viable and sustainable long term business
case for any new provision or re-provision of an existing pool.
So it is need as the first part, with a long-term business case that can finance the costs of
constructing and operating a swimming pool as the second part. Provision of a new
swimming pool has to consider and integrate both parts and that can demonstrate
viability and long term deliverability. In short, a developer or provider that can meet the
costs of constructing the pool and an operator who can meet the costs of operation
(these can be one of the same or more than one organisations). All parts of need, core
business case and long term viability have to be achievable
The needs assessment has identified a need for a community pool in Fakenham. The
strategy recommendation is to determine through a feasibility study the scope to reopen the Fakenham Academy pool for learn to swim programmes and possibly
community use. The estimated costs to modernise the pool for this range of uses is
£500,000. The feasibility study would have to develop these costs in detail as well as the
operational business plan, funding partners and management operation. Potential
sources of funding are set out overleaf.
7.10 In relation to the recommendation concerning the re-provision of a new swimming pool
in Sheringham, the defined scale of project and facility mix is a 25m x 6 lanes main pool
and a 100sq metre learner/teaching pool. Plus on the dry side a health and fitness suite
with a 50 station gym and a dance studio.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
7.11 To provide a financial context, the capital build cost of the facility scale described and
based on the Sport England Affordable Swimming Pools model is £5m for the pools and
changing, plus £1m for the gym and dry changing based on an additional 500-600sq.m
of building. This is the building costs and does not account for site specific costs such as
ground condition and access. There is a 15% allowance included for external works in
the base Sport England figures. These costs are set out for guidance.
7.12 The main funding sources for delivering the strategy are:
Section 106 developer contributions - this in association with new development to
meet the costs of providing or improving community infrastructure. However this
will be very limited in terms of the contributions that can be generated and the
costs of providing the sports facilities identified in the strategy recommendation
section (see below)
Capital Grant funding from local and national agencies such as Sport England,
including its major programmes of capital grant aid for provision and
modernisation of sports facilities. The development of an evidence base, which is
NPPF and Sport England ANOG compliant, certainly ensures there is a robust
assessment in place to support grant aid investment. Experience has shown that
an evidence base that is ANOG compliant and applies the Sport England strategic
planning tools – along with extensive local consultation in the strategy - does
secure capital investment. The Sport England capital funding programmes are
reviewed regularly in terms of funding levels, criteria and possibly themed
rounds/criteria for investment. Without a doubt investment from Sport England will
require matched capital funding from other organisations and demonstrate a long
term viable business case
Commercial sector funding in return for a long-term leisure management contract
of existing and new facilities. This is a very real opportunity given the Council does
have an existing leisure management contractor in place and there is the
opportunity to review the timing and coverage of future leisure management
contracts. This appears to be the most realistic and major way of financing the
new sports facility requirements identified in the strategy. It is however subject to
detailed feasibility to determine the core business case for long term capital
investment and meeting the whole life costs at any new or re-provided project
Education and Further Education sector: while the previous sources of funding
(including BSF and Primary Schools Programme) have changed and the scale of
the education capital programmes have been reduced, the provision of sports
facilities as new or improved projects on school sites is still a possible key funding
stream. The Department of Education does have a Schools Improvement
Programme. This funding programme is heavily subscribed to. Future funding
rounds maybe themed. Provision for science and languages have been past
themes and it maybe that sports provision is a future theme. This could provide
substantial capital funding
A traditional source for maintaining and modernising the schools provision has
been the Norfolk County Council Capital Works Programme and the planned
preventive maintenance works programme. However this also no longer exists and
the capital works funding from the County Council budget is now focused on
ensuring buildings are fit for purpose in meeting statutory health and safety
requirements. There is little if any funding for improvements or modernisation of
7.13 It is recognised this is a short list of potential sources of funding for the initial provision or
re-provision of existing sports facilities. The strategy has set out the needs assessment on
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
what is required. Development of these projects is subject to the next stages of work in
matching the needs assessment to a long-term core and viable business case with a
procurement route.
7.14 Finally and to reiterate, recognition of the limited financing opportunities means the
strategy has placed greater focus on making more effective use of the extensive range
of existing facilities by partnership working across all providers to maximize the scope for
greater community use of what already exists. This is the first priority and the assessment
does reflect it as being first.
Developer Contributions
7.15 For many years, local authorities have sought and secured developer contributions for
local physical and social infrastructure through Section 106 (and other provisions) of the
various Planning Acts. Strict regulations have controlled these contributions in order that
they are reasonable and proportionate to the development, and in principle are
necessary for the development to be acceptable in planning terms.
7.16 From April 2015 the legislation covering Section 106 developer contributions changed.
Local authorities are no longer able to pool more than 5 secured S106 contributions to
fund infrastructure projects. Projects which currently rely on funding from a wide number
of tariff-based Planning Obligation contributions will instead need to be secured via the
new Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). CIL is a new levy that local authorities can
charge on developments in their area. The monies collected are used towards the
delivery of infrastructure and services required as a result of growth - for example, school
places, health facilities and provision of public open space.
7.17 North Norfolk District Council was considering whether to adopt a CIL levy. If introduced,
it could apply to all new dwellings, and other types of additional development of 100 m2
floor space or more, such as new commercial premises. Development for charitable
purposes and affordable housing would be exempt.
7.18 CIL would largely replace the current system of securing contributions from developers
via Section 106 agreements. However, Section 106 agreements would be likely to
continue being used to secure local site-related infrastructure such as open space,
access and habitat protection - and affordable housing. CIL would therefore operate in
tandem with a scaled-back system of Section 106 agreements.
7.19 CIL would give the Council and local communities greater flexibility to help deliver
infrastructure, as it is not ring-fenced and can be spent on any identified local or strategic
infrastructure need. It would also give developers certainty on what they will have to pay
towards infrastructure.
7.20 The Government announced in January 2012 that communities that have a
neighbourhood development plan in place could receive 25% of the revenues received
from CIL from development in their area, and those without can receive 15%. This money
must be used to support the development of the area by funding the provision,
improvement, replacement, operation or maintenance of infrastructure or anything else
that is concerned with addressing the demands that development places on an area.
7.21 However, further work on the possible introduction of CIL in North Norfolk was suspended
following a decision by Cabinet at its meeting on 15 July 2013. In the foreseeable future
therefore, developer contributions towards community infrastructure will be restricted to
S106 agreements, and the opportunity to develop these for the benefit of sport will be
curtailed. S106 agreements will remain available but in the main they may only be used
to secure new or improved infrastructure which is either site specific or immediately
available to the development, e.g. affordable housing, children’s play facilities,
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
community centre and playing fields on larger developments.
7.22 The evidence gathered in the production of this strategy indicates that much of the
investment in new and improved facilities is required to meet the needs of North Norfolk’s
existing population in 2014. It would not, therefore, be equitable to apportion the cost
of delivering the new and improved facilities solely to new housing development. The
total costs of implementing the investment should be apportioned to new development
and therefore population on a pro rata basis i.e. the projected population increase to
2026 is 7100 people which will represent about 6% of the total populations by the two
future dates. It follows therefore that 6% of the costs should be sought from new housing
development. While this will significantly reduce the amount that could be secured, in
the current planning and economic climate, it is more likely to stand up to
scrutiny. Other sources will be required to help fund leisure projects as set out in previous
7.23 A basic example of calculating S106 contributions is considered below, as a broad
indication of calculating the cost of recommended provision (figures are illustrative only).
The precise methodology needs to be worked up in greater detail and kept under
constant review to ensure up to date information is included.
Cost of provision of new/modernised facilities in the strategy say £8.7m
Whole life costs (20%)
say £1.8m
Total cost
say £10.5m
6.5% of total is £0.685m
Cost per house up to 2026= £0.685m/likely number of new houses eligible (say 3000) =
£228 per house
An alternative method is to apply Sport England’s Sports Facilities Calculator. The
additional sports halls, swimming pools and indoor bowls centres (the only facilities that
are considered in the SFC) that the increased population of 7100 people of the
appropriate age would generate in North Norfolk by 2026 are as follows:
Sports hall – 0.49 4-court halls, cost £1.25m
Pools – 0.32 4-lane pools, cost £975k
Indoor bowls – 0.12 6 rink centres, cost £204k
Total cost £2.429m/say 3000 houses = £800 per house.
These different methodologies result in different contributions, but it would be for the
Council to develop these in more detail in its Local Infrastructure Plan in the future.
Planning Policy
7.24 For many years, certainly since before PPG17 was first produced in 1991, the ‘standards’
approach has been a fundamental part of planning and delivering future facility
provision, on the basis of a per head level of provision e.g. 6 acres of recreational open
space per 1000 people and more recently x m2 of sports hall space per 1000. This
enabled an easy-to-calculate method of delivery, but was inflexible, difficult to manage
and implement and generally ineffective in securing larger facilities other than
recreational open space. More recent advice contained in the NPPF and from Sport
England is leading towards a new system based on actual needs as identified by robust
assessments such as that carried out in this strategy.
7.25 This new system requires the development of sound planning policies, which are derived
from evidence of need, thorough assessment and consultation with stakeholders. This
current study should be used in conjunction with the emerging Local Plan (draft plan
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
anticipated 2017) to ensure the appropriate provision of sport and recreation facilities to
meet the needs of the North Norfolk population now and to 2026, ensure new housing
development makes appropriate sports provision for new residents, and addresses
health issues by early intervention and preventative measures in line with the Council’s
greater collaborative role in public health. The local plan will need to include policies
 Highlight the need for essential sporting infrastructure to be provided as identified in
this strategy
 Protect existing sports facilities unless they can be replaced or replicated in
appropriate locations nearby
 Secure developer contributions towards their provision by the means set out here.
Investment Strategy
7.24 The strategy action plan sets out the projects that need to be developed to deliver the
strategy over the period up to 2026 and where there is a capital cost. It sets out a
timescale and the key partners in delivering the strategy recommendations.
7.25 An investment strategy looks to deliver these projects and requires criteria to determine
the priorities. This is for the District Council and its partners to determine. For guidance,
and based on the assessment of need and strategy recommendations, some suggested
criteria to apply and the recommendations which follow from each one are set out
investment in projects which deliver sustained increase in participation and
contribute to the wider objectives in North Norfolk to improve the health and
wellbeing of residents. On this criterion the priorities would be to improve swimming
provision and so recommendations SP 3 and SP 2 in that order would be the
investment that secures more cost effective provision and savings from changing
the way facilities are currently provided and operated - in effect making better
and more use of the existing stock. This could result in savings from current
management and operation to be reinvested in enhancement of the facilities. On
this criterion recommendations G3 and G2 in that order would be the priorities;
investment in facilities where there is an identified need and which are identified
in National Governing Bodies facility strategies or consistent with delivering the
objectives of Sport England capital programmes. On this criterion
recommendations IT1 and S1 are the priorities, especially with schools and colleges
applying for funding for S1 under Sport England’s Inspired Facilities Fund; and
investment that does not require money and can form some “quick wins”. This
applies to getting a more cohesive approach to overall management of the
facility stock. This investment requires time, not money but could result in savings
by more shared use of facilities across the different providers. On this criterion
recommendations G1 and G2 would be the priorities.
7.26 So an investment strategy is linked to first defining the criteria for investment and
outcomes required, then reviewing the criteria to determine which strategy
recommendations this applies to. The actual investment strategy will be determined by
the District Council and its partners in taking the strategy and action plan into delivery.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
8: Monitoring and Review
It is recognised the strategy is a series of recommendations for the District Council to
consider and then decide how it wished to consult, adopt and deliver the strategy.
Given the current status then the monitoring and review section focuses on the key
evidence base requirements that need to be reviewed and updated.
Monitoring and review of the indoor strategy is as important as the creation of the initial
strategy. Monitoring is essential if the strategy is to successfully deliver improved provision
of indoor sports and recreational facilities over the longer term. Monitoring and review
represents the final stage in the Assessing Needs and Opportunities Guidance produced
by Sport England.
The needs assessment reports that underpin the strategy are from data compiled and
analysed in 2014/15. This does provide a robust evidence basis on which to evaluate
current and future supply, demand, access and availability of the sports and
recreational facility stock. It is however essential to keep this under review and to monitor
changes, and the implications of these changes.
Priorities will change over time as the strategy is delivered and new issues and challenges
emerge. Furthermore, it is essential to evaluate the implications of actions taken and the
knock-on effect on the overall strategy and its associated priorities. While the strategy
vision should therefore remain consistent over the defined period, the action plans
should be dynamic and responsive to change.
Monitoring and review of this strategy should be undertaken as follows;
Ongoing monitoring of changes to the database. This is usually regarded as an
onerous and tedious task. However for all 7 facility types included in the strategy
Sport England does update the database regularly and this is available on line to
the District Council. In effect therefore it is not about reviewing and updating data
but much more about ensuring that an officer in the Council is: aware of the Sport
England Active Places Power (APP) database, has access to it (which is organised
through Sport England and set out in the APP section of their web site); understands
how the database works and can interrogate the data
In effect, it is an electronically updated source of data for the facility types in the
strategy (and other facility types), which can be accessed and manipulated for
any particular purpose from now on. Should the District Council wish to undertake
a refresh of any findings for any facility type then it will be important to use the
latest database but also do a bespoke review of the data at that time. This is not
Assessing the impact of demographic changes and new population estimates. The
needs assessment and strategy is based on the 2014 population and its distribution
across North Norfolk. It then projects forward to 2021/2026 based on the projected
population growth. Should the population projections change significantly – a very
unlikely occurrence - then the assumptions about demand changes from
assumptions about the active population would need to be reviewed
Reviewing participation/frequency of participation rates. The needs assessment is
based on Sport England and National Governing Bodies of Sport participation and
frequency of participation rates. The assumption in the strategy is that these
participation/frequency rates do not change. It is possible to monitor participation
trends for specific sports and for specific facility types for each local authority area
through the Sport England Active People Survey. It is also possible to monitor
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
changes by age and gender across all sports for 14 +, also at each local authority
area level. So changes in participation can be reviewed and can be compared
in trend terms to participation rates since October 2006. It is acknowledged and
as reported in the strategy that participation data at the North Norfolk level is only
available for a few facility types and for age and gender participation. The
geographical area applied to the North Norfolk assessment is set out in the strategy
for each facility type
Overall though it is possible to put annual change into a longer time perspective.
The findings in the strategy on facility needs are valid within a 5% change in
participation up or down. It is unlikely that there will be this magnitude of change
between 2014 – 2026. In effect this is almost a 0.5% annual change in participation
up to 2026. It will still be important however to monitor the changes in the rates and
frequencies of participation as there can be specific changes caused by the
popularity of particular activities or the promoting of particular activities, for
example the growth of spinning classes. This can create pressure for more access
and facility time at venues. These changes can usually be absorbed by
programming changes and not require additional provision of facilities
Monitoring the delivery of the recommendations and identifying any changes that
are required to the priority afforded to each action. This is the most important part
of monitoring and, in effect, it is monitoring the delivery of the strategy. It is assumed
that North Norfolk District Council will take the responsibility for doing this. It should
be an annual review, set against the generic and facility specific
recommendations. The life span of the strategy is to 2026 (we consider although
the brief does say 2036) and the projects reflect that timescale. That does not
mean that it is an 11 year work programme to work through - as given - but the
needs and projects are not for just the next 1- 2 years either. An annual review
against progress and delivery of projects, set alongside changes, which have
arisen, is the suggested approach. A refresh of the major findings, delivery and
directions set in the strategy could be undertaken in 5 years’ time, or, in line with
any local planning reviews and the need to update local planning policies. The
North Norfolk District Council decision to establish the providers and operators
group could be constituted to be a standing working group of all stakeholders to
monitor the strategy?
Analysis of funding sources and new funding opportunities for the
provision/improvement of sports facilities. The needs assessment reports do
provide a profile of adult participation in sport and physical activity. This can be
used as the evidence base to support grant aid applications – as much as the
facility needs assessments. They are adaptable reports and which can be used to
support not only local authority major bids for new projects but also to support
individual schools and clubs for grant aid to upgrade changing accommodation.
Familiarity with the content of these needs assessment reports does provide the
evidence base to support grant aid bids. The hard work is done; the application is
now s for officers and sports clubs/organisations to use the data.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Appendix 2
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities
Executive Summary
August 2015
re description neeed also
Neil Allen Associates Registered Office:
20 Brook Road, Lymm, Cheshire, WA139AH
A limited company, registered in
England and Wales no. 616528
Executive Summary
This executive summary is intended to be read in conjunction with the North Norfolk
District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy, which, together with its four appendices as
follows, comprise the final report:
Appendix 1 Key Documents Review
Appendix 2 Population and Participation Context
Appendix 3 Audit and Assessment Report
Appendix 4 Findings from Site visits and Consultation Events
The overall study was prepared in accordance with the advice produced by Sport
England in ‘Assessing needs and opportunities guide for indoor and outdoor sports
facilities - How to undertake and apply needs assessments for sports facilities’. The full
strategy highlights the major findings of the audit and assessment of need, and is a
robust, fully justified document based on a comprehensive assessment of the
circumstances that apply to the North Norfolk area in 2014/15.
The strategy overall is intended to be a plan for the district as a whole, and takes into
account the full range of indoor sports facilities, in whatever ownership, tenure and
management they currently exist. It is not a document for the DC alone, though the
Council produced the brief, managed the process and will be a key player in its
This executive summary sets out the main recommendations from naa consultants, with
a costed and prioritised action plan for its implementation. Details of how the document
can be put into action, monitored and reviewed are set out in the main strategy.
As a strategic document, it does not purport to make specific proposals where these
require additional feasibility, and it is to be hoped that this further stage will be taken on
board by NNDC and others.
The recommendations are categorized under the headings of ‘Protect’, ‘Enhance’ and
‘Provide’, as recommended by Sport England in the ANOG guidance. These categories
are not mutually exclusive and some options will sit comfortably both within ‘Enhance’
and ‘Provide’ for example. The focus of the strategy is more about:
Protection of what already exists – because there is an identified need and
demand (PROTECT);
Enhancement and making more effective use of the existing sports facilities. This is
by strategic management and intervention to work with all providers in
partnership. Do this so as to ensure that opportunities to work collaboratively are
taken and the opportunities for community use are maximized (ENHANCE)
New provision of facilities is much less of a focus, in large part because of the needs
assessment finding that there is not a considerable amount of new provision
identified (PROVIDE).
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Executive Summary
The suggested recommendations for delivery of the strategy and what could be done
under each of these headings are set out in the summary below, and include generic
recommendations that apply across the district, and others relating to specific sports
facility types.
Strategy Recommendations and Action Plan
Main partners
Budget capital
G1 Develop a forum for all
providers and operators of
sports facilities to meet as a
group and better understand
the roles of each provider
and share information
NNDC, leisure
G2 Review the differing
approaches on access to
education based sports
facilities for community use
so as to develop a more
maximize the opportunities
for community use (relates to
G3 Develop the sports hub
concept at Cromer (also
relates to recommendation
Cromer LTSC,
facilities on site
NNDC, Places
for People
1 court £855k
2 court £975k
SH1 Determine how the
District Council separately
managed and operated
Cromer Sports Centre, North
Walsham Sports and Stalham
Sports Centre can become
part of the overall sports hall
provision across the district.
SH2 Consider the provision of
a new sports halls (or a large
flexible indoor sports space
such as a studio) in both
Sheringham and Wells
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Executive Summary
Main partners
Budget capital
SP1 Maintain a review on the
existing supply of swimming
pools to meet demand for
community use up to 2026
and beyond.
SP2 investigate the scope to
(re) provide a swimming
pool in Fakenham by the reopening of the Fakenham
Academy swimming pool, to
provide for learn to swim
programmes and potentially
wider community use.
People, ASA
feasibility but
say £500k for
SP3 Maintain the provision of
swimming in the Sheringham
Centre swimming pool
NNDC. Places
for People
MAINTAIN HF1 Maintain the existing
supply of health and fitness
venues in the District and
promote enhancement of
the quality of the venues
feasibility say
S1 Consider the scope for
studios as part of new
development projects at
Alderman Peel School, and
Sheringham High School/
Splash Centre.
£135k each
SQ1 Consider enhancement
of the squash courts at
negotiate increased access
for community use through
North Norfolk Squash Club
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Executive Summary
IB1 Protect the existing stock
of indoor bowling centres,
number and quantity from
any loss, as there is a need
to retain the existing quantity
of supply across the district
to meet demand up to 2026
and beyond.
IT1 Consider the provision of
an indoor tennis centre of 2
courts, at Cromer Hub (this
relates to recommendation
G3) or Gresham’s School
Main partners
Budget capital
Private bowls
Cromer LTSC,
Club, NNDC
Within range of
£350k (Easton,
opportunities to provide a
gymnastics venue.
relates to recommendation
CRIC1 Support the provision
of indoor cricket nets and
indoor cricket leagues in
provision of sports hall
The full strategy highlights the main means of implementing these recommendations,
including funding, planning policies, management, partnership and cooperation, and
suggests that it is crucial that the strategy is kept up to date regularly to ensure that the
recommendations remain fit for purpose into the future.
North Norfolk District Indoor Leisure Facilities Strategy
Executive Summary