Agenda Item No_______11______ Summary: The report notes the completion of the Holt Vision Study in February 2012. The Vision report was funded in 2011 through local second homes Council Tax funding and Holt Town Council. The commission for the study was to identify key future priorities for Holt through urban design, public realm and traffic management improvements and economic and community wellbeing initiatives. The role that the District Council has played in supporting the process to date is identified and highlighted. The report also notes the potential partnership areas that Council officers may be asked to support in developing the actions of the Holt Vision as it is taken forward locally. The areas of support that have been identified so far have yielded financial support for taking forward a Neighbourhood Development Plan (wave 5) in partnership with Holt Town Council. A bid put forward by the Council for (£20,000) funding to support this scheme was approved by the Department of Communities and Local Government in March 2012. Conclusions: The Holt Vision Study 2012, has identified areas of support that may be required by the council to consider on an individual basis over the next three to five years as to how it may be able to advise and potentially provide support to Holt Town Council and/or through a new partnership that maybe formed under the auspices of the Holt Vision Strategy Group as it moves forward on a number of actions highlighted within the study. Recommendations: 1. To endorse the Vision for Holt and acknowledge the value of the study in identifying various urban design, traffic management and economic and community schemes that can be taken forward by named lead and partner organisations. 2. To agree that where NNDC can support actions based on the assessment of the merits of the proposals put forward, that officers will seek approval from Cabinet, on an individual basis for support in the development of those proposals. Cabinet member(s): Wards affected Contact Officer: telephone number: e-mail: Trevor Ivory Holt and surrounding wards John Mullen 01263 516104- 07786 854994 1. Introduction The report provides a summary of the objectives, actions and outcomes from the development of the Holt Vision Study. Although the District Council were not the lead partner in developing the Study, the Council agreed with the Holt Vision (partnership) Board that support would be provided through senior officers and members to advise on the technical aspects of the commissioning process, reviewing the recommendations of the Study and to act as the accountable body for purposes of funding and project management. This was to ensure that the Study was well managed, delivered on time and budget as well as to reflect and respond to the partnership agreed commissioning brief. 2. Background 2.1 The completion of the Vision for Holt has marked the 12 month delivery of a project that stemmed from the inception of a broad partnership aspiration that established the ambition for the Holt vision and stated that: “The project is to produce a visioning study for the development of key community, economic and environmental improvements for the town of Holt and its hinterland for the next 3-5 years, that ultimately will have sustainable long term benefits and future activities that are stimulated and achieve impacts over the next 25 years”. 2.2 The Holt Vision Board was established to oversee and steer the development of the Vision Study over several stages. Firstly, for identifying and securing initial funding support, secondly, in commissioning of a multi-disciplined consultancy team and thirdly to work with that team to undertake the study with a key set of agreed objectives. The Board was made up from several key organisations including Holt Town Council (Clerk and Mayor), Norfolk County Council (Senior Highways Manager and local member), Holt Area Partnership (Co-ordinator, Administration Support Officer and Chair) , Holt Society, Holt Youth Project, Holt Chamber of Trade (Chair), Gresham’s School and North Norfolk District Council (Officers from Conservation, Planning Policy and Localities and local members), as well as independent Architect overseen by an independent chairperson. 2.3 The Vision for Holt stemmed from earlier work undertaken throughout 2009/10 with the Holt Town Council led “Planning Group” that had been working up interventions informed by more strategic planning documents such as the North Norfolk Local Development Framework and Holt Conservation Area Appraisal. The Holt Planning Group had met for a 12 month period before approaching North Norfolk District Council and North Norfolk Community Partnership for support and funding to undertake the study for Holt. 3. Holt Vision Board and the key study aims and objectives 3.1 The Study objectives set by the Partnership Board and the key Terms of Reference providing scope and parameters for the work undertaken during the commissioning period are summarised as follows: • • To take responsibility for shaping the strategic direction of the community and planning framework for Holt Town. To oversee the formulation of a Masterplan for Holt’s development with specific recommendations and plans to take forward their development. To oversee the completion of a visioning study and management plans for Holt; • • To advise on and shape the strategic direction, implementation and delivery of projects identified by the Holt Visioning and Management Plan; To act as key decision-makers on behalf of all stakeholders in a way that is visible, meaningful, and accountable in accordance with the constitution of the individual partner organisation 3.2 The six main themes that were evaluated and put forward as the main commissioning objectives by two working groups chaired by senior NNDC officers and supported by Holt Town Council and Holt Area Partnership were as follows> Identify improvements that could be made to town centre pedestrian and shared spaces Recommend improvements that could improve civic spaces and shop fronts Recommend improvements that could be made to gateways into the town, green spaces and signage Evaluate the scope and opportunities for developing improved public transport and traffic management actions. Recommend training and employment opportunities to bridge gaps in the local markets and initiatives that could target new markets, especially opportunities for young people. Undertake an evaluation of current and future measures to extend the development of earning and other activities (including those that are linked to healthier and more active lifestyles). 4. Outcomes from the study and where they may have potential input from NNDC 4.1 The Holt Vision study was taken forward over a five month period from the commissioning of the consultancy team (led by Allies and Morrison Urban Practitioners) in September 2011 to the final sign off of the full study by the Holt Vision Board in February 2012. The study was consulted on within the town on three separate occasions during this period, during the preliminary stages for setting the principle areas for the study in September 2011, on the draft report stage in December 2011 and on the final draft stage in January 2012. From this consultation and the working up of the main headline recommendations, four main themed strategic areas that “underpinned” The Vision Study principles were identified to set the context for the rest of the Study these were as follows> 1. An attractive and physical environment 2. A well connected place 3. A flourishing shopping and visitor centre 4. A strong economy and thriving community 4.2 Under each of the key themes above, several recommendations for the future phased delivery of main actions are proposed within the Study. Each action was provided with an assessment of the potential lead partner/s and support organisations as well as indication of the likely timescale, funding and next steps activities that may facilitate the appropriate work areas. 4.3 Under theme one, NNDC are identified as potential lead partners for two of the ten recommended proposals these are> 1. “Establishing spaces for the three Cs supporting the civic, cultural and commercial activities of the town” 2. “First impressions – drawing on Holt’s civic and ceremonial anchors.” Both proposals recognise the value of the unique built environment that the town’s public realm has to offer and builds on the evaluation of these spaces (Shirehall Plain, Fish Hill and the War Memorial areas) and gateways (Obelisk Plain and War Memorial) carried out through the District Council Holt Conservation Area Appraisal. The proposals recognise that these are key spaces within the town and that if treated sensitively with improvements that enhance their use and character, the profile of the town could be enhanced with maximum benefit for the local economy, culture and pedestrian access to existing and potential new services and retail opportunities. 4.4 Under theme two, proposals are identified under traffic and transport movement and linkages in and around the town centre and therefore recognise the lead role that Norfolk County Council as the Highway Authority could play if activities were further developed under this theme. The Council are recognised as having a supporting and partner role to play in regard of any interventions that impact on the built environment and consideration of economic viability of the town centre in future years. it is also highlighted that there is opportunity to establish a thematic working group that could influence the assessment of future potential section 106 / Community Infrastructure Levy finance that could support the development of key traffic and transport movements including pedestrian access routes to and from future new residential developments, improved transport infrastructure and cycleway improvements and links with community areas in the town to the centre. 4.5 Theme three proposals recognise the value that Holt as a principle settlement maintains as a thriving retail and visitor destination and develops the theme of encouraging and embracing the independent and unique nature of the retail and visitor offer that characterises the town. Proposals under this theme range from linking infrastructure renewal interventions such as the creation of new market space in the Fish Hill area via establishing a traditional market in order to spread the retail offer, to the potential of introducing and establishing a Business Investment District model to raise private finance to secure funding for various economic and environmental improvements for town. The linkages under this theme are explored within the second half of the Study with Theme one that highlights the aspect of infrastructure renewal to the development of enhanced commercial and community activity that would develop the local economic offer. 4.6 Under theme four, further proposed interventions develop the ideas for economic and skills diversification to support new and emerging sectors of the local economy under energy and environmental technologies. The proposals identify support that could help young people opportunities in skills and employment with the need to introduce more opportunity for future job prospects beyond the main hospitality, retail and educational sectors that are more dominant in the town. As with other themes, the possible lead partner aspect for developing the proposals is not defined by the role the District Council could play, but in the supporting role that the council could adopt in an advisory capacity and as a support body to ensure that the opportunity for prioritising appropriate and viable schemes to potentially taking forward any future actions are achievable. 5. District Council potential areas of support 5.1 The Holt Vision Study as outline in section 4 of this report has highlighted the Councils potential future role. This may emerge either acting as a lead partner on proposals and their future development, or in a support role that could be undertaken under the emerging priorities for the town with other lead partners, that reflects the remit of that organisation. However, it should be noted that the Study represents a strategic assessment of opportunities that the town of Holt has the potential to offer and that the objective of the Holt Vision Board was to produce a Vision for the town that could act as a platform for the individual assessment of each proposal. Therefore it will still be necessary to test the viability of each proposed intervention or action, given opportunities or constraints identified through current funding opportunities, resource capacity and lead body and partner support for taking forward actions under each thematic area. 5.2 The forward strategy for developing the key themes that have emerged from the Holt Vision Study is being evaluated through the structure and objectives being proposed by Holt Town Council with the support of the District Council in an advisory capacity. The main body that will take on the task of assessment of the various proposals will form under the title of the Holt Vision Strategy Group. It is the main objective of that group to start to prioritise and test individual proposals that have been identified within the Holt Vision Study. The immediate role therefore for this body, reporting to Holt Town Council, will be to seek advice from various organisations including the District Council on priority setting opportunities for the next stage development of viable proposals, based on the factors relating to timescale, cost, lead body, partnership and local support and funding opportunity. 6. Implications on resources and finance 6.1 Resources As noted there are various recommendations within the Vision Document with linked initiatives that the Council are identified as either the lead body, or one of the main partners. As stated within this report, the role that the Council may adopt will need further assessment of the value of that commitment set against the role that the Council seeks to commit to in developing its future support. This could be assessed on a project by project basis, given the number and spread of the proposals that have come forward under the Holt Vision. As part of this assessment it would therefore be necessary to work with the Vision Strategy Board in the early stages to assist in this process with the required officer support and therefore advise if necessary on the way forward for future District Council support. 6.2 Finance Within the Vision Study the delivery factors are identified for each intervention and highlight a range of possibilities for taking forward actions including the financial opportunities available. These financial opportunities do not commit the individual organisations, including the District Council, to directly funding the Holt Vision proposals, but suggest that there are potential areas for assessment whether it would be appropriate to seek funds either through internal or external budgets and available funding programmes. Therefore the financial implications for the Council are not apparent at this time, given the need to take forward the prioritisation activities in partnership with the Vision Strategy Group so that further individual assessment of the opportunities presented by the proposals can be identified. It should be noted again, that early support through the Neighbourhood Development Plan Programme has been approved (£20,000) for the DCLG funded initiative to be taken forward in partnership with Holt Town Council, after the District Council were successful in its bid for the funds in February. 7. Risks 7.1 Risks to the Council need to be assessed on an individual project by project basis given the variety and the level of input that the Council could have on any of the initiatives taken forward. The level of risk at the current time may be considered low. However, it should be considered necessary to realise the extent to which local expectation has increased as to any future support that may be provided by the Council, given the recommendations put forward in the Vision Study that identifies resources, funding or specific support of officers. 8. Sustainability issues 8.1 Sustainability has been considered widely within the Vision Study and is reflected in the nature of the proposals that have been identified, especially around conservation of the built and natural environment, traffic and transport initiatives and green energy technology initiatives. 9. Equality and Diversity issues. 9.1 The report does not include an equality and diversity impact assessment. Each proposal if taken forward on consideration of the scale and scope of the initiative may require individual assessment based on equality and diversity issues and their potential impact.