Agenda Item no _________2________ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 14 February 2011 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am. Members present: Mrs P Bevan Jones Ms V Gay (Chairman) Mr P Moore Mrs H T Nelson Mr E Seward Mr C Stockton Also attending: Mrs J Moss Mr W Northam Mr R Price Mr N Ripley Mr B Smith Mrs A Sweeney Mr R Combe Mrs H Eales Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr P W High Mrs G Lisher Mr J Lisher Mrs A Moore Officers in attendance: The Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executive, the Strategic Director – Information, the Head of Coastal Strategy, the Financial Services Manager, the ICT Manager and the Sustainability Co-ordinator. 106 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mr G Jones. 107 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 10 January 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 108 PUBLIC QUESTIONS None. 109 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. 110 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) Ms V Gay Cabinet Minute No. 118 Item Interest North Norfolk Asset Management Plan Personal and nonprejudicial – Member of National Trust 1 14 February 2011 111 Mr C Stockton 119 Mrs P Bevan Jones 120 Mr C Stockton 121 North Norfolk Pathfinder – Purchase of Beach Road, Happisburgh Properties and Beach Debris Removal Installation of Photovoltaic Panels at Victory Leisure Centre Designated Area Order Cromer Personal and nonprejudicial as a resident and business owner in Happisburgh Personal and nonprejudicial – employed by Eastern Leisure who run Victory Leisure Pool Personal and nonprejudicial interest as a publican JOINT STAFF CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee held on 15 November 2010 be received. 112 MEMBERS TRAINING, DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT GROUP Mr R Combe said that the completion of exit interviews would be very helpful in providing feedback from Members. RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Members’ Training, Development and Support Group held on 30 November 2010 be received. 113 LOCAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK WORKING PARTY RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Local Development Framework Working Party held on 13 December 2010. 114 2011/12 BASE BUDGET AND PROJECTIONS FOR 2012/13 TO 2014/15 The report presented for approval the proposed budget for 2011/12 for both revenue and capital and also provided indicative budgets for the following three financial years 2012/13 to 2014/15. Mr P Moore read out a statement in support of the report (attached as an appendix to these minutes). He thanked Officers for the phenomenal amount of work which they had put into the report. In response to questions, it was confirmed that the central allocation was based on census data and population increases. The amount allocated increased or decreased based on poverty, population sparsity. It was believed that rural areas such as this had lost out to urban areas. The Council had been working with SPARSE (Sparsity Partnership For Authorities Delivering Rural Service – Local Government Special Interest Group) on the Cabinet 2 14 February 2011 Government’s review of funding issues. It was considered that rural issues were not understood in Whitehall. The difference in savings made relating to the new waste, recycling, cleansing and grounds maintenance contract shown in the text and in Table 2 were due to those matters which Officers were already aware of and those which had been factored in since then. It was confirmed that no payment had been made in advance of completed car parks works. It was explained that the increase in Internal Drainage Board rates and levies reflected figures presented at a meeting of the Board concerning grants. Whilst the Council had tried to encourage people to shop in North Norfolk by allowing free parking on its car parks on the four Saturdays leading up to Christmas, it cost the Council £15,000 per year. The Council had been asked to do this again, but in light of present circumstances, it was considered that it would not be possible in the current year. RECOMMENDED to Full Council To agree and recommend to Full Council: 115 a) The 2011/12 revenue account budget as outlined at Appendix A to the report and that the surplus of £58,064 be allocated to the restructuring reserve; b) The demand on the Collection Fund, subject to any amendments as a result of final precepts be: (i) £5,736,464 for District purposes (ii) £1,447,722 (subject to confirmation of one final precept) for Parish/Town precepts; c) The movement on the reserves as detailed at Appendix E to the report; d) The updated Capital Programme and it’s financing for 2010/11 to 2012/13 as detailed at Appendix F to the report; e) The new capital bids as detailed at Appendix G to the report; f) That Members note the current projections for 2012/13 to 2014/15. TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STATEMENT AND INVESTMENT STRATEGY 2011/12 TO 2013/14 The report set out details of the Council’s treasury management activities along with the Prudential Indicators, and presented a strategy for the prudent investment of the Council’s surplus funds for Members to approve. RECOMMENDED to Full Council that the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy and Prudential Indicators, for 2011/12 to 2013/14, be approved. Cabinet 3 14 February 2011 116 BUDGET MONITORING 2010/11 – PERIOD 9 The report presented the budget monitoring position for the revenue account and capital programme to the end of December 2010. RESOLVED to a) b) c) 117 note the contents of the report and the revenue account forecast for the current financial year; approve the virement in relation to public conveniences as detailed within section 3.2 (Resources) of the report; note the current position on the 2010/11 capital programme. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT (QUARTERLY REPORT AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2010 The report, its appendix and the Corporate Performance Management System presented the performance information for the period ended 31 December 2010. Members were informed that this was the penultimate Performance Management report in the current format as the Government had removed many of the indicators. This would now have to be reviewed across the authority and it was intended that there would be more flexibility, with councils able to set their own targets. Mrs H Nelson referred to the recommendation in the report to approve the withdrawal of the target for visits to Museums and said that the North Norfolk Museums Forum which had replaced the North Norfolk Area Museums Committee worked very well. Many independent Museums attended its meetings as well as representatives of Norfolk County Council’s Joint Museum and Archaeology Committee. She considered that this Council had done the right thing in abolishing the Area Museums Committee and supported the removal of the target. It was noted that, overall, levels of sickness were less. A number of planning application determinations were outstanding, but this was due mainly to some which were not straight forward and it had not been possible to determine them within the target time. Members wished to place on record their appreciation that the Economic and Tourism Development Team had significantly exceeded two targets; these were ETD 007 (Q) (Cum) - the number of new business start-ups supported each year, and ETD 008 (Q) (Cum) - the number of businesses assisted to retain jobs and/or increase employment each year. Reference had already been made, under minute 114 (Budget report), to the lack of understanding which it was considered the Government had over rural areas, including community transport. Significant sums of money were provided to community transport organisations which provided quality of life to many people at a time when it was likely that there would be cut backs in subsidies to buses and so community transport would become increasingly important. Cabinet 4 14 February 2011 In order to address this issue, it was proposed by Mr C Stockton and seconded that Members approve the addition of targets, yet to be determined, for the investigation of rural issues including community transport. RESOLVED to a) b) c) 118 note the performance information for the period ended 31st December 2010. approve the withdrawal of the target for visits to museums (LC 007a). approve the addition of targets, yet to be determined, for the investigation of rural issues including community transport. NORTH NORFOLK ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN The Asset Management Plan (AMP) provided the strategic framework within which the Council managed its property assets and ensured that decisions taken in respect of investment, acquisitions and disposals reflected the Council’s strategic and operational objectives. Mrs A Moore was thanked for proof-reading the Plan. Members welcomed the Plan and noticed that whilst some councils were having to close public conveniences, this Council had been able to maintain and improve its own. There were now far fewer complaints about them. The Council was also managing its capital programme and continuing to invest in it this year and beyond. It was a notable achievement for the Council during difficult times and Officers were congratulated for their work. It was noted that the Council was managing to maintain its statutory services as well as its discretionary services and considered that the quality of life mattered as well as surviving it. RECOMMENDED to Full Council that a) the Asset Management Plan be approved as the basis for the strategic framework for asset management in North Norfolk District Council and to provide the property input to the Council’s Capital Strategy; and b) Members note the following changes to the Capital Programme arising from the Asset Management Plan, recommended in the Budget Report on this agenda. The meeting adjourned at 11am and reconvened at 11.20am. 119 NORTH NORFOLK PATHFINDER – PURCHASE OF BEACH ROAD, HAPPISBURGH PROPERTIES AND BEACH DEBRIS REMOVAL The report updated Members on progress and detailed the next steps in relation to the purchase of properties at risk at Beach Road, Happisburgh under the North Norfolk Pathfinder Programme. It set out the approach to be followed regarding the demolition of these properties and the development of their replacement. It sought endorsement of the approach to be taken with the removal of beach debris and sought approval of final details for property purchases. Cabinet 5 14 February 2011 Significant progress had been with the Pathfinder programme. The majority of sales of properties had been agreed, which would be demolished. Whilst the final settlements were not ideal, they were the best deal possible and more than the owners envisaged. The Council would then have planning policy rights to build elsewhere in North Norfolk and it had been agreed that this would be in Happisburgh. Nine properties were to be built and the Policy would show that it was a mechanism for helping communities lost to the sea. The removal of the beach debris would make the beach safer and accessible. A new public car park, public conveniences and access ramp to the beach also formed part of the project. RESOLVED to a) b) 120 approve the final negotiated offers made for Beach Road, Happisburgh properties. approve the beach debris removal scheme at Happisburgh and authorise that tenders for the beach debris removal and provision of the new public car park be invited. INSTALLATION OF PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS AT VICTORY LEISURE CENTRE The report contained a business case for installing photo-voltaic panels on the roof of Victory Leisure Centre. There were two options for Members to consider in relation to the level of capital investment required to take forward the installation of photovoltaic panels at Victory Leisure Centre, North Walsham. It had not been found a good scheme to invest in financially with the feed in tariff which the Government was offering. In addition, it could not be assumed that the scheme would still be in place after 25 years, which was the length of time upon which it was based. Whilst the scheme was in line with the Council’s green agenda and offered significant green savings, it did not represent best value for money and it was considered that the Council should be looking at invest to save projects elsewhere. It was suggested that the report be forwarded onto the Government, who were reviewing feed in tariffs, in order to demonstrate that because of these it was financially unviable to install photovoltaic panels. RESOLVED a) b) 121 To not proceed with the scheme to install photovoltaic panels at Victory Leisure Centre, North Walsham. That a letter be written to the Government expressing the Council’s concern over the feed in tariff for electricity generated by photovoltaic panels which has made their installation at Victory Leisure Centre, North Walsham financially unviable. DESIGNATED AREA ORDER - CROMER The report asked Members to consider under Section 13(2) of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 undertaking the formal process to make a Designated Public Place Order to apply to part of Cromer to reduce the Cabinet 6 14 February 2011 incidence of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour associated with alcohol consumption. It was noted that all Members of Cromer Town and Suffield Park wards were in support of the proposed Designated Public Place Order in Cromer. Cromer Town Council was a formal consultee and its written response would be included in the next report. RESOLVED to give permission for the formal consultation process to commence with the findings being presented to Full Council should the result of the consultation show that there is sufficient evidence, need and support for the granting of an Order. 122 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED that under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1,3 and 4 of Part I Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act. Definitions of paragraphs: Paragraph 1: Information relating to any individual. Paragraph 3: Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information). Paragraph 4: Information relating to any consultations or negotiations, or contemplated consultations or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority or a Minister of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under, the authority. 123 OPTIONS FOR REVENUES AND BENEFITS SERVICE – INCLUDING OUTCOME OF BUSINESS CASE FOR SHARED SERVICES The report concerned the realisation of savings and efficiencies from working in partnership and the development of a formal partnership for the management of the Revenues and Benefits Service. The need to invest in a replacement Revenues and Benefits system was supported by the ICT Strategy Group, who considered that the principal issue to resolve in entering into a joint ICT procurement process was the hosting arrangements. RECOMMENDED to Full Council to a) b) Cabinet note the business case prepared by Xantura Ltd and the funding being made available through the Regional Efficiency and Improvement Programme (REIP). agree to provide capital funding, as per the budget report on this agenda, for the upgrade of the software and associated document management software. 7 14 February 2011 c) d) give delegated authority to the Deputy Chief Executive, in consultation with Portfolio holders, to enter into a joint ICT procurement process with the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk and for a report to be submitted to the ICT strategy group who would oversee the project for North Norfolk District Council. undertake further work to develop the concept of a formal partnership for the management of the revenues and benefits. The meeting closed at 12.30pm. _________________________ Chairman, 21 March 2011 Cabinet 8 14 February 2011