Respondee Comment Made Response

Comment Made
Housing Options Team
Need to make clear the local connection criteria used for
connection to North Norfolk.
Amend Allocations Scheme to
include explanation.
No changes to Allocations
Scheme required re
implementation comments.
No changes to Allocations
Scheme required.
Other comments related to implementation.
Wells-next-the-Sea Town
Council (2 responses)
Are supportive of the new scheme as outlined in the
consultation documents.
Proposed new allocations scheme is good as it now
reflects more accurately what is happening on the ground.
The real problem we face is a severe shortage of housing
of all tenures that is affordable to our residents. This
scheme does not address that issue but does explain how
a scarce resource will be allocated.
My view is I support the scheme as it is the best answer to
the problem we face.
I am very pleased that you have not withdrawn support
from people on the list by their removal. There is a real
housing need and residents require support and advice
and it is good that you will still be requiring that.
Young People’s
Transitions Strategy
Development Manager
We welcome the naming of care-leavers in the allocations
policy as a group of people who could return to the area
with a local connection having being placed away by
Children’s Services. It is also very welcome to see that
applicants to the housing register will be accepted for
under 18s where Children’s Services support their
application to live independently.
It is also helpful to see priority to foster carers and those
approved to adopt.
Where there is the risk of demotion from band 1 to 2 due
to non-bidding we would be hopeful that individual
circumstances would be taken into account at what are
No changes to Allocations
Scheme required.
Concerns re young people and
demotion and offers of
accommodation are noted and are
covered in allocations scheme
(timescales for accepting an offer
and moving must be reasonable,
especially if the applicant is
vulnerable. This can be reinforced
in operating guidance.
Northrepps Parish
often stressful and difficult transitional times for a careleaver. The same consideration would be helpful when a
young care-leaver is feeling pressure to accept an offer of
housing. In this situation also it is helpful to understand
their individual circumstances and the importance of
making the right decision the first time.
Members ask that all forms are clear and simple for
applicants to complete with no ambiguous questions.
Fakenham Town Council
A comment received from one Councillor under the Local
Allocations Agreement is a request to consider
connections over boundaries in Districts i.e. Great
Ryburgh in North Norfolk and Colkirk in Breckland
(adjoining parishes).
Blakeney Parish Council
The members of Blakeney Parish Council support the
District Council’s proposals, within the suggested scheme,
and we look forward to seeing how this works for real in
due course. Thank you for continued efforts with regard
affordable housing for local people.
No changes to Allocations
Scheme required.
Such an approach could be
contentious where a resident in an
adjoining parish had no
connection to North Norfolk other
than their residence in a parish
which adjoins a North Norfolk
parish. Changing the Local
Allocations Agreement in this way
could mean a household with a
connection to North Norfolk could
miss out on the offer of an
affordable home to a household
who has no connection to North
Norfolk but simply lives in an
adjoining parish. This would be
contrary to the ethos of changing
the allocations scheme and on this
basis, no change to the
Allocations Scheme is proposed.
No changes to Allocations
Scheme required.