Document 12928496

Agenda Item No____11________
North Norfolk Housing Strategy 2012 – 2015 (Housing and Infrastructure)
The North Norfolk Housing Strategy 2012-2015 will
consist of 3 separate documents reflecting the key
areas of supporting the delivery of new housing and
infrastructure, making the most effective use of the
existing stock and supporting independence. The first
of these 3 documents sets out the vision for the strategy
and contains a detailed action plan for the period
2012/2015 of actions which will support the delivery of
new homes across the district.
The North Norfolk Housing Strategy 2012-2015 will be a
suite of 3 documents which address the following
specific areas:
Supporting the delivery of new homes and
• Making the most effective use of the existing
• Supporting independence.
Each document will set the context for the area it relates
to and will include a dedicated action plan. The first
document to be completed is the North Norfolk Housing
Strategy 2012-2015 Housing and Infrastructure
document for adoption by the Council.
Cabinet recommend the adoption of the North
Norfolk Housing Strategy (Housing and
Infrastructure) document to Full Council.
Cabinet Member(s)
Keith Johnson
Ward(s) affected: All
Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Karen Hill, 01263 516183,
A Housing Strategy is a comprehensive document which sets out the
Council’s approach to both the existing supply of homes and the provision of
new homes. It aims to ensure that housing needs across the district in terms
of both market and affordable homes can be met and that residents in the
district can live independently in good quality, safe and secure homes for as
long as possible.
The Housing Strategy has previously been one document which has
endeavoured to meet all these requirements but has often concentrated too
much on one area at the expense of another and the delivery of market
housing has often not been included. To ensure that the Housing Strategy is
a fit for purpose document which sets out a clear vision for the district and
challenging but achievable actions to deliver the vision a new approach has
been adopted for the 2012-2015 Housing Strategy. The new approach
reflects the need to ensure that the Housing Strategy reflects the Council’s
corporate vision and objectives and supports the delivery of the Corporate
action plan.
The vision for the 2012-2015 Housing Strategy is that “everyone in North
Norfolk should have the opportunity to buy or rent a decent home at a price
they can afford, in a community where they want to live or work.” The new
strategy will through its action plans aim to deliver the Council’s vision.
The New Housing Strategy – the new approach
The approach taken to the development of the Housing Strategy for 2012-15
is to produce 3 separate documents, each document will concentrate on one
of the following areas:
• Supporting the delivery of new homes and infrastructure
• Making the most effective use of the existing stock
• Supporting independence.
Each document will set the context for the area it relates to and will include a
dedicated action plan.
The first document in the suite of 3 documents, the North Norfolk Housing
Strategy 2012-2015 Housing and Infrastructure has now been prepared. The
remaining 2 documents will be completed over the summer. This approach
allows each document to be separately considered and adopted by the
Council as the documents are prepared.
North Norfolk Housing Strategy 2012-2015 Housing and Infrastructure
This document considers the context within which new housing will be
delivered across the district and identifies that the Localism Act 2011 and the
new National Planning Policy Framework are enablers which will support a
new more flexible and progressive approach to ensure the delivery of more
market and affordable housing. The document contains a detailed action
plan which sets out specific actions to be taken to ensure the delivery of more
The North Norfolk Housing Strategy 2012-2015 will be a suite of 3 documents
which address the following specific areas:
• Supporting the delivery of new homes and infrastructure
• Making the most effective use of the existing stock
• Supporting independence.
Each document will set the context for the area it relates to and will include a
dedicated action plan. The first document to be completed is the North
Norfolk Housing Strategy 2012-2015 Housing and Infrastructure document for
adoption by the Council.
Implications and Risks
If the Council does not have a Housing Strategy it may not deliver against this
key corporate priority and may not deliver against the actions under the
Housing and Infrastructure priority in the Corporate Plan Action Plan 2012/13.
Financial Implications and Risks
There are no specific financial implications related to the Housing Strategy.
There may be financial implications linked to individual actions but these will
be considered as the actions are taken forward.
The Housing Strategy is supported by the Core Strategy which has been
developed to ensure that housing growth in the area is sustainable.
Equality and Diversity
There are no specific equality and diversity implications related to the
Housing Strategy. An Equality Impact Assessment will be undertaken as
appropriate on any policies developed as a result of the strategy.
Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations
There are no specific Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations related
to the Housing Strategy. The Section 17 Crime and Disorder implications will
be considered as appropriate in the development of any policies arising from
the strategy and resulting from individual planning applications.