Document 12928466

Agenda Item No_______12_____
This report seeks the support of Cabinet to a business
start-up support programme called Enterprise Norfolk
which responds to one of the objectives of the
Corporate Plan 2012-2015 under the theme Jobs and
the Local Economy to increase the number of new
businesses by working with partners to develop and
deliver such a programme.
The NCC grant and additional NNDC funding will
enhance the local delivery of a business start-up
support programme to help nurture new business startups in North Norfolk.
That Cabinet accept the NCC grant of £35K per
annum over the period 2012/13 and 2013/14 (£70K
for two years) and authorise the release of £25K per
annum over the period 2012/13 and 2013/14 (£50K
for two years) from the ETDU budget as match
funding to that NCC grant to deliver a business
start-up support programme called Enterprise
Norfolk and to ultimately increase the number of
Business Start-Ups (NI 171 – New business
registrations) in the district. This programme seeks
to assist a minimum of 300 beneficiaries and create
50 business starts.
Cabinet Member(s)
Wards affected
Contact Officers:
telephone number
and email:
Robin Smith; Jose Sacao
01263 516236, 01263 516303
With East of England Development Agency (EEDA) and Business Link no
longer existing to deliver the government’s Solutions for Business programme
which aims to support entrepreneurs and companies to start and grow their
businesses, local authorities were left to fill in the gaps of providing support to
them under limited resources. In the last 18 months, NNDC’s Economic
Development Service has thus delivered a decent business start-up
programme comprised of enterprise awareness events and business start-up
surgeries in Cromer, Fakenham and North Walsham at a budget of around
£20K per year.
At the same time, the ED team has continued to work with North Norfolk
Business Forum (NNBF), EDOs of other district councils in Norfolk, business
support providers and other partners to look at more effective ways of
providing support to business start-ups and existing businesses. A Review of
Business Support Services was also commissioned by the ED team in
partnership with WLP and a report in 3 phases was prepared and completed
in May 2012.
Through those discussions with partners, Norfolk County Council’s Cabinet
has recognised the need for County-wide Enterprise Support by providing a
budget of £200,000 per year for 2 years initially – with the option to extend the
project, based on a review of the outcomes achieved.
It is proposed that £35,000 (per year for 2 years) is made available to North
Norfolk District Council in 2012/13 as a grant to provide and/or enhance a
business start-up service in one or more venues across the District area.
The County Council wishes to use this funding as the basis for a wider
programme of support that is aimed to develop in partnership as and when
additional resource becomes available, as part of what will be called
“Enterprise Norfolk”. (See Appendix 1 for more information)
Enterprise Norfolk’s delivery in North Norfolk
Through the Enterprise Norfolk programme, Norfolk County Council has
encouraged NNDC to support this grant with a proportion of match funding to
provide an enhanced local provision of business start-up support to
beneficiaries in the district as a result of the grant.
If NNDC’s Cabinet approve the match funding to support the project, the ED
team will be able to provide a wider range of bespoke support than they have
previously been able to offer and to further enhance the training that business
start-ups will have received as part of Enterprise Norfolk.
This enhanced local delivery of Enterprise Norfolk will include the following
activities which will be part of our Service Plan 2012-2013 under SG 1 –
Business Support and in accord with the priorities set by the Council for 20122013 under the corporate theme of Jobs and the Local Economy.
Raising Aspirations – holding of enterprise awareness events and presence in
trade exhibitions, fairs, festivals and carnivals in different areas of the district
promoting entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurial Readiness – group sessions on enterprise training and
business planning.
Planning to Succeed – one to one advice and guidance which involves
enterprise coaching or mentoring.
This support programme will increase the chance of the business start-up
surviving and growing into a successful business at a time when they are
most vulnerable and require assistance to get off the ground.
Procurement of deliverer(s) of programme activities in the district will be the
responsibility of NNDC. This will ensure all of the resource dedicated to the
area is retained in it. The deliverer can be an individual (employee or selfemployed), or a small business, or a larger organisation. The terms of
reference for the activities will be prepared and detailed prior to tendering the
Outcome targets
300 individuals getting one to one sessions designed to provide bespoke
advice and support
200 individuals who have viable business ideas attending workshops for
entrepreneurial readiness
50 new business starts
Option 1 – To accept the £35K per annum for two years NCC grant and to
authorise the release of £25K per annum for two years from the Economic
Development Service budget to enable a high level of enhanced local support
for business start-ups.
Option 2 – To accept the £35K per annum for two years NCC grant and to
authorise the release of a lesser amount of additional funding which will
enable a lower level of enhanced support for business start-ups.
Option 3 – To accept the £35K per annum for two years NCC grant and to not
authorise any additional funding and offer no additional support for business
start-ups after the initial training.
Option 4 – Not to accept the £35K per annum for two years NCC grant.
Financial Implications and Risks
The grant of £35,000 per year for two years from Norfolk County Council will
have conditions attached such as procurement responsibility and project
management and administration. The NNDC match funding of £25,000 per
year for two years will come from the Economic Development Service budget.
There are no sustainability issues raised by this report.
Equality and Diversity
There are no equality and diversity issues raised by this report.
Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations
There are no anticipated impacts on Crime and Disorder arising from this
The NCC grant of £35K per annum for two years and additional NNDC
funding of £25K per annum for two years will enhance the local delivery of a
business start-up support programme to help nurture new business start-ups
in North Norfolk. This is in line with one of the objectives of the Corporate
Plan 2012-2015 under the theme Jobs and the Local Economy to increase
the number of new businesses by working with partners to develop and
deliver such programme.
That Cabinet accept the NCC grant of £35,000 per annum over the period
2012/13 and 2013/14 (£70,000 for two years) and authorise the release of
£25,000 per annum over the period 2012/13 and 2013/14 (£50,000 for two
years) from the Economic Development Service budget as match funding to
that NCC grant to deliver a business start-up support programme called
Enterprise Norfolk and to ultimately increase the number of Business StartUps (NI 171 – New business registrations) in the district. This programme
seeks to assist a minimum of 300 beneficiaries and create 50 new business