Agenda Item no _________2________ CABINET Minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 28 November 2011 at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 10.00 am. Members present: Mrs H Eales (Chairman) Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T Ivory Mr K Johnson Mr J Lee Mr W Northam Also attending: Mrs L Brettle Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Ms V Gay Mr P High Mr N Lloyd Mrs B McGoun Mr E Seward Mr R Shepherd Mr B Smith Mrs A Sweeney Mr G Williams Officers in attendance: The Deputy Chief Executive, the Deputy Chief Executive, the Strategic Director – Information, the Strategic Director – Community, the Coast and Community Partnerships Manager, the Acting Financial Services Manager, the Technical Accountant and the Democratic Services Officer (AA). 57 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chairman expressed sympathy to Mrs V Uprichard on the recent loss of her husband. The Chairman informed the meeting that Mr J Perry-Warnes was in hospital having suffered a heart attack. He should be able to leave hospital later that week. He was wished a speedy recovery. 58 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None. 59 MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the Cabinet held on 31 October 2011 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 60 PUBLIC QUESTIONS None. Cabinet 1 28 November 2011 61 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. 62 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) Mr T FitzPatrick 63 Minute No. 11 Item Interest Revenues and Benefits Shared Service Personal and nonprejudicial as an IT Consultant JOINT STAFF CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee held on 18 July 2011 be received. 64 RECOMMENDATION FROM THE OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE: 18 OCTOBER 2011: MINUTE 62: COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE LEVY RESOLVED to 65 a) recommend to Cabinet that the Council investigates Community Infrastructure Levy and that the Planning Policy and Built Heritage Working Party progresses the detailed work in relation to infrastructure planning, viability testing, and preparation of a Draft Charging Schedule. b) form a task and finish group to give progress on this matter and bring a report back to Cabinet in due course. 2011/12 REVISED BUDGET The base budget for 2011/12 was approved by Full Council on 23 February 2011. The budget was then updated as part of the Final Accounts process for 2010/11 to take account of roll forwards of previously unspent budgets. The report presented for approval the revised budget for 2011/12 for both capital and revenue. Mr W Northam presented the report. He informed Members that, since the last meeting, Mr D Young had contacted the monitoring officer concerning the way in which the report on the Council’s capital programme was presented as he considered it was not a very user-friendly presentation. A Member asked why there was an underspend in the revised coast protection capital programme as coast protection was paramount. The Deputy Chief Executive responded that this was dependent upon central Government funding, but the slippage would hopefully be agreed to by Cabinet 2 28 November 2011 Members. The Council was waiting for funding to be approved. The Council’s profiling was often dependent upon external funding. RECOMMENDED to Full Council a) b) c) d) e) f) 66 The revised revenue budget for 2011/12; The revised transfers to and from reserves included at Appendix C; The transfer of the forecast surplus of £172,488 to the Organisational Development reserve; The revised capital programme and associated financing as included at Appendix E; The scale of fees and charges from 1 April 2012 included at Appendix D; Delegated authority for setting the fees and charges for waste be given to the Strategic Director for Environment, Deputy Chief Executive and relevant Portfolio Members. PROPOSED SAVINGS REPORT – 2012/13 BASE BUDGET The recent update of the Corporate Plan which was presented to Cabinet in October 2011 was accompanied by an appendix entitled ‘Financial Plan Update 2011/12 – 2014/15, Strategic Context and Organisational Workstreams’. This paper identified a projected funding gap of £0.9 million for 2012/13 and just under £1.1m for 2013/14. This report provided an update on the progression of two of the Council’s workstreams and identified a number of savings and additional income streams that would help to address the funding deficit. In response to Members’ questions, it was explained that the issue of transport was part of the Big Society fund which included a community fund. Clarification was given concerning the cut in £5,000 to the North Norfolk Business Forum which was that the Community Partnership had agreed a further £20,000 for funding other sustainability administration costs. RECOMMENDED to Full Council a) b) Cabinet The savings and additional income as identified within Table 1 of the report. Note the updated position in relation to the management structures and prioritisation workstreams. c) To fund any ‘one-off’ costs in relation to staff restructuring through the use of the Restructuring and Invest to Save Proposals reserve. d) A new reserve is established for the ‘New Homes Bonus’ and that the allocation for 2012/13, estimated to be £595,700 is transferred to this reserve. 3 28 November 2011 67 TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STATEMENT AND INVESTMENT STRATEGY 2011/12 TO 2013/14 - AMENDMENT The report set out a proposed amendment to the minimum credit rating criteria required for investment counterparties within the current Treasury Management Strategy. RECOMMENDED to Full Council that the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Investment Strategy 2011/12 to 2013/14 is amended by reducing the minimum long-term credit rating for investment counterparties form A+ (or equivalent) to A- (or equivalent). 68 REVENUES AND BENEFITS SHARED SERVICE The report updated members on progress to date on the shared service work for Revenues and Benefits. The realisation of savings and efficiencies from working in partnership could only be delivered if the two authorities operated on the same application software. The decision therefore on the software upgrade was crucial to any development of shared working and the development of a fully operational shared service. There were a number of interdependent decisions which were required to be made linked to the software procurement. The report considered these areas and their dependencies. The Chairman presented the report and asked that the proposals be amended to include £72,000 for back fill. She added that the ICT link would be reported to Full Council. A Member welcomed the proposals but expressed concern over whether the project would run over budget and asked for regular updates and reporting. The reference to delegated powers to be given to the Portfolio Holder for Revenues and Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive (to continue to develop the Partnership Agreement) in recommendation (b) was deleted. RECOMMENDED to Full Council a) b) c) Cabinet To agree the revised financial information within the business case as updated verbally at the meeting regarding an additional £72,000 set up for back fill. For the Portfolio Holder for Revenues and Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive to continue to develop the Partnership Agreement for which the Heads of Terms will require approval by Council. Delegated authority to the Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Revenues & Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive, to develop a shared service model and following full consultation and report back to Cabinet. That Council, following discussion by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, agrees to entering into a contract with Civica for the provision of a software system; an outline of the legal obligations to be presented to Council. 4 28 November 2011 d) e) f) 69 To continue to explore the infrastructure requirements with BT and BCKLWN (Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk) and recommend to Council the infrastructure requirements and associated costs. Approve the proposals for BCKLWN to host the ICT infrastructure and business system and for NNDC to host any proposed shared management structure. Delegate authority to the Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holder for Revenues and Benefits and the Deputy Chief Executive, to agree proposed service level agreements with customer services and other support services. SHERINGHAM LITTLE THEATRE BUSINESS PLAN AND GRANT A report to inform Cabinet of the new Business Development Plan for Sheringham Little Theatre which seeks to increase levels of earned revenue enabling the theatre to maintain the level of service to the local community while reducing dependence on public sector funds. The Arts Officer and volunteers of Sheringham Little Theatre were thanked for their hard work on this report. Reassurance was given that, under the new Business Development Plan, Sheringham Little Theatre would continue to be able to support the local economy and the outreach worker as in the past. RECOMMENDED to Full Council that a) b) c) d) e) 70 Cabinet support the priorities and actions and note the financial projections within the SLT business plan. Cabinet confirm £48,000 financial support to the Sheringham Little Theatre in 2012/13, £43,000 for 2013/14 and £38,000 for 2014/15. a three year service level agreement is drafted to aid the monitoring of the grant. a progress report is brought back to Cabinet in October 2012 for further consideration. Cabinet approves £45,000 being placed into the capital programme to cover the cost of property works on this Council asset. THE COUNCIL’S APPROACH TO LOCALISM AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A BIG SOCIETY FUND The report detailed the Council’s new approach to Localism, made recommendations in relation to the Local Strategic Partnership and established the principle of the Big Society Fund. Mr T Ivory updated Members on the status of the Local Strategic Partnership (LSP). The Local Strategic Partnership Board had met the previous week to consider the organisation’s future following the removal of the statutory requirements previously imposed on it and Norfolk County Council’s decision to cease funding all the LSPs in Norfolk from the end of the current financial year. Consequently, the LSP reconfigured itself to become a standing conference that would offer a vehicle through which key stakeholders, including this Council, could come together and coordinate their priorities for the District. Cabinet 5 28 November 2011 Mr Ivory said that he and Mr K Johnson had asked Officers to approach Holt Town Council to suggest that the town consider becoming an early pilot of the new neighbourhood planning system introduced under the Localism Act. The Town Council had supported the suggestion and so a joint proposal had been submitted to the Department for Communities to seek to have Holt included within the Government vanguard pilot project. If successful, funding would be made available by the Government to assist with the process. Mr Ivory asked that it be made clear that the Council was willing to support Holt in a neighbourhood plan pilot even if it was not possible to secure central Government funding and that the recommendation be amended accordingly. He added that at a recent meeting between the Cabinet and representatives of most of the District’s town councils, there had been significant interest in the potential of neighbourhood plans. Discussions on this matter would be progressed in the coming weeks and expanded to include parishes as well. It was hoped that any lessons learned from the Holt pilot would be of benefit across the District. He thanked Norfolk County Council for the decision to transfer the money previously provided to the LSP directly to the districts. Should the proposals be agreed to, a detailed policy would be brought forward on the operation of the fund. It was important to ensure that the Council maximised the impact which the fund would have on communities and so options for administering the fund internally as well as considering external options were being explored. A future report would be making recommendations on this issue. Assurance was sought that community transport would not lose out because of this. Mr Ivory responded that anyone wanting to secure funding would be able to seek to do so. Concern was expressed that the report lacked detail of what the issues were and the evidence used. It was suggested that it would have been better to include more detail in the report to enable the reader to make a sound judgement on it. It was confirmed that the £68,000 rate relief and £20,000 community transport would be met out of the Big Society Fund. RESOLVED that Cabinet a) Cabinet support the proposal for North Norfolk Community Partnership to be reconfigured from being a formal committee to become a standing conference with an annual summit for the strategic partners operating in North Norfolk and a 6 monthly review meeting. b) the Council support Holt Town Council in becoming a pilot for a neighbourhood plan, regardless of whether or not the Town Council is able to secure central Government funding, with any funding coming from the Council’s resources if necessary. c) a Big Society fund is established from the return of the second home council tax income and any uncommitted funds from this year allocated to this fund through the establishment of an earmarked reserve. 6 28 November 2011 71 d) the principles of the Big Society fund are agreed as outlined within Appendix L and a policy developed which will provide more detail on the operation of the grant scheme. e) the fund is split between revenue and capital based upon an indicative allocation of £500,000 for revenue and £200,000 for capital projects. NORTH NORFOLK SHORELINE MANAGEMENT PLAN: KELLING TO LOWESTOFT NESS The Shoreline Management Plan (SMP6) covered the frontage from Kelling to Lowestoft Ness, thus including frontages in Great Yarmouth Borough Council and Waveney District Council. This plan was first subject to public consultation in 2004/5 and as a result of considerable public concern the plan had not yet been adopted. Major amendments were made to the plan in 2007 to reflect these concerns and a revised version was subject to consultation in 2009, with the version now before Cabinet finalised in November 2010. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett read out a statement in support of the report. She considered that the Council should support the recommendations. She also considered that the Local Development Framework should be revisited. Ms V Gay read out a statement from Mrs L Walker, the local Member for Happisburgh ward. She considered that the SMP had caused much concern since 2004. It was crucial that justice was sought for communities living along the coast and there was a need to take measures to protect the future of the coastline. RECOMMENDED to Full Council that a) b) 72 the provisions in SMP6 relating to North Norfolk District Councils Coast Protection responsibility (Kelling Hard to Cart Gap) be approved and that delegated authority be given to the Cabinet Portfolio Holder for the Coast and the Chief Executive to adopt the full SMP6 following its approval by Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Waveney District Council and the Environment Agency. an Integrated Coastal Management Plan process be commenced to be overseen by the Council’s Coastal Management Board. FAKENHAM CONSERVATION AREA: ADOPTION OF CHARACTER APPRAISAL AND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS The report concerned adoption of the Fakenham Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Proposals for statutory planning purposes: report on further community consultation. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, a local Member for Fakenham (North) said she and Mr R Reynolds, also a local Member for Fakenham (North) wished to thank the Cabinet for allowing further consideration to be given to the views of Fakenham Town Council. Officers were also thanked for all their hard work. Cabinet 7 28 November 2011 RESOLVED that the Fakenham Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Proposals document, as amended following further consultation with Fakenham Town Council, is formally adopted and that it becomes a material consideration in the planning process. 73 REVIEW OF THE DISCRETIONARY COMPENSATION POLICY FOR STAFF The report proposed changes to the current Discretionary Compensation Policy to reflect the continuing need to have a policy which was workable, affordable and reasonable for the Council. It was noted that a formal response to the report was awaited from UNISON. RECOMMENDED to Full Council that (subject to consideration of the formal consultation of the formal consultation response from UNISON) to amend the Discretionary Compensation Policy as outlined within the report. The meeting closed at 11.00am. _________________________ Chairman, 9 January 2012 Cabinet 8 28 November 2011