Document 12928340

6 June 2011
Agenda Item No______11______
The adopted Site Allocations Plan of the North Norfolk
Local Development Framework has allocated a large
site off Norwich Road, North Walsham for a mixed use
development to include approximately 400 dwellings, 5
hectares of employment land, 4 hectares of public open
space and provision of car parking to serve the railway
station. The site is one of the largest and most complex
allocated through the Plan involving a number of
landowners, a mix of brownfield and greenfield land
uses and established businesses and some constraints
relating to the nearby gas condensate facility. In this
respect in order that a common and shared vision can
be developed for the site allocation, time and resource
needs to be committed to the development of detailed
proposals for the allocation which seeks to engage with
all landowners and the local community.
ATLAS (Advisory Team for Large Applications), a
division of the Homes and Communities Agency, exists
to provide advice and support to local authorities
develop proposals for large and complex site
allocations. ATLAS has indicated that it would be able
to support the District Council develop a robust
masterplan for the site and build and develop the skills
of the Council’s Major Applications Team in taking
forward similar exercises in respect of other allocations
made through the Site Allocations Plan, strengthening
the authorities skills and capacity beyond the
consideration of this site allocation.
That Cabinet endorses the Council’s engagement with
ATLAS in the development of a masterplan for the
complex site allocation at Norwich Road, North
Cabinet Member(s)
Ward(s) affected
Cllr K Johnson
North Walsham West
Contact Officer, telephone number and email:
Steve Blatch, Strategic Director
Tel:-01263 516232
6 June 2011
The North Norfolk Local Development Framework Site Allocations
Development Plan Document was adopted by Full Council at its meeting of
the 23rd February 2011.
The Site Allocations Plan included the allocation of a large site off of Norwich
Road, North Walsham (site NW01) for a mixed use development to include
approximately 400 dwellings, 5 hectares of employment land, 4 hectares of
public open space and provision of car parking to serve the railway station.
The site is one of the largest and most complex allocated through the Plan
involving a number of landowners, a mix of brownfield and greenfield land
uses and established businesses and some constraints relating to the nearby
gas condensate facility. In this respect in order that a common and shared
vision can be developed for the site allocation, time and resource needs to be
committed to the development of detailed proposals for the allocation which
seeks to engage with all landowners and the local community.
Prior to the adoption of the Site Allocations Plan, the Council had held
discussions and agreed with the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), a
Local Investment Plan (as per report to Cabinet of 4th October 2010, Cabinet
minute 69 refers) which identified local investment priorities in the District for
which public grant intervention could subsequently be made available through
the HCA. This Investment Plan made reference to the work which would be
required to develop a masterplan for the complex NW01 Site Allocation for
which HCA funding and support was listed as being desirable.
Following the adoption of the Site Allocations Plan the Planning Policy Team
contacted ATLAS (Advisory Team for Large Applications), which is a division
of the HCA, asking whether they would be able to support the Council take
forward the further work required to assist in bringing forward development of
this major allocation. Representatives of ATLAS visited the site on 31st
March, supported by Cllr Gay, former Leader of the Council and local member
for the North Walsham West ward within which the site allocation sits, so as
to understand the context of the site, issues involved and the Council’s
commitment to realising the delivery of development on the site beyond its
allocation through the DPD.
ATLAS have subsequently prepared a proposal (Project Engagement Plan)
outlining how they might be able to assist the Council develop a masterplan
for the North Walsham allocation, which is appended to this report for
information (Appendix J).
The involvement of ATLAS in supporting the development of a Masterplan for
this major allocation at North Walsham through sharing their experience of
similar complex proposals elsewhere in the country and facilitating
discussions with key landowners; will increase the capacity of the Council’s
Planning Team in bringing this site forward for development earlier than
would otherwise be the case. The ATLAS team particularly have skills and
experience which they will share with the Council around the sensitive issue
of land value equalisation and the development of a comprehensive vision for
the site which seeks to deliver against as many of the policy objectives
6 June 2011
detailed within the Site Allocations Plan as possible. The approach adopted
with respect to this allocation will also allow the further development of skills
within the Council to take forward other site allocations, where there are
multiple land ownerships, and complex issues arising with respect to the
assessment of scheme costs and viability, provision of key site infrastructure
At this stage the advice to be provided to the District Council will be of a
technical nature and is intended to involve a relatively small number of
professional and technical staff from within the authority (together with the
Planning Portfolio member and two local members) and key partner
organisations such as the County Council. Discussions will also be held with
landowners and possibly utility providers, Network Rail etc. In due course,
probably in the autumn, the Council’s Planning Team will undertake a public
consultation exercise on any masterplan proposal which will involve North
Walsham Town Council and the local community.
Implications and Risks
There are not considered to be any significant risks to the authority with
respect to this proposal. ATLAS’ engagement with the Council in the
development of a masterplan for this complex site allocation is intended to
achieve the earlier delivery of development on this major allocation at North
Walsham and develop our in-house skills and capacity which can be
transferred to other site allocations elsewhere in the district.
In working with ATLAS the Council is seeking to identify and resolve complex
land ownership, technical and viability issues associated with this significant
site allocation with the objective of developing a comprehensive vision for the
site and the support and engagement of all landowners.
Financial Implications and Risks
ATLAS’ costs in engaging with the Council on this project (as per the
proposal detailed in the Project Engagement Plan) will be met by the HCA
and at no cost to local council tax payers. In this respect it is not believed
that there are any direct financial implications for the authority for this stage of
the proposal.
The development of the masterplan and comprehensive site proposals may
require the commissioning of further technical studies, towards which the
Council might be asked or wish to consider making a contribution alongside
landowners / developers with an interest in the site. Any such requests will
be reported to Cabinet in due course.
This report does not raise any issues directly relating to sustainable
development. The visioning exercise and detailed master-planning process
proposed will seek to incorporate sustainable design principles within the
development, as required by adopted Core Strategy and Site Specific
6 June 2011
Proposals policies, and will be included within any scheme developed and
submitted for planning approval in due course.
Equality and Diversity
The report does not raise any equality and diversity issues at the present
time. The visioning exercise and detailed master-planning process proposed
will seek to consider issues of accessibility and inclusion with appropriate
measures such as disabled access, parking provision etc addressed through
any proposals developed and submitted for planning approval in due course.
Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations
The report does not raise any issues which relate directly to the Council’s
responsibilities under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. The
visioning exercise and detailed master-planning process proposed will seek to
consider issues of community safety (eg access to the railway station, station
parking, design and management of areas of public open space) with
appropriate measures being included through development of detailed
proposals when submitted for planning approval in due course.