Appendix G Community Service Area Service Development Control Planning Policy Conservation & Design Landscape Building Control & Access Planning Division * General Economic Development Tourism Strategic Housing Private Sector Housing Regeneration Management* Housing - Service Mgmt* Local Land Charges 2010/11 Actual £ 122,649 254,279 92,247 64,938 (63,709) 362,677 116,410 97,495 (754,809) 2,414 140,000 557,080 214,363 Variance 2012/13 Base to 2011/12 Updated 2012/13 2011/12 Updated Budget Base Budget Base £ £ £ 44,213 41,567 (2,646) (192,067) (463,950) (271,883) 90,395 86,964 (3,431) 91,246 56,029 (35,217) (66,931) (66,814) 117 370,862 331,659 (39,203) 93,618 88,618 (5,000) 86,338 52,338 (34,000) (511,096) (527,758) (16,662) 6,300 6,300 0 138,287 137,669 (618) 591,783 560,438 (31,345) 28,680 13,390 (15,290) Total Net Costs 1,206,034 771,628 316,450 (455,178) IAS 19 Adjustment Reffcus Capital Charges Support Service Charges 31,104 502,750 114,045 1,007,396 0 2,277,122 99,809 1,143,748 2,425,947 104,788 1,001,564 0 148,825 4,979 (142,184) Net Costs 2,861,329 4,292,307 3,848,749 (443,558) *1 These budgets represent the Service Management & Support Service Costs for the Council. These costs are recharged in full to the final services, based on an appropriate method of allocation, for example, percentage of time spent. The summary above includes movements on all costs chargeable to the service including notional charges, for example, FRS 17, capital charges and support services for which variances will not impact on the bottom line. The following summary shows the movement on the gross direct costs and income along with those for the notional charges. 2011/12 Updated Budget 2012/13 Base Budget £ £ Explanation for Major Variances Appendix G Variance £ COMMUNITY SERVICE AREA R100 Development Control Gross Direct Costs 602,833 615,187 12,354 £12,562 Employee inflation. (£3,000) Savings in qualification training identified as part of the budget process. 40,170 (558,620) 44,609 (573,620) Support Service Charges 553,670 490,910 4,439 (15,000) New income streams to be introduced as part of the savings exercise. These include a charge for assessing whether a person needs planning permission or not. (62,760) The major changes reflected are (£44,020) Customer Services. (£9.270) GIS. (£7,680) ICT. £8,040 Central Costs R100 Net Expenditure 638,053 577,086 (60,967) R101 Planning Policy Gross Direct Costs 252,106 239,901 (12,205) (£16,100) Savings identified as part of the budget process these include qualification training and contributions budget. 0 (444,173) 0 (703,851) Support Service Charges 114,900 102,660 0 (259,678) Additional income to come from the New Homes Bonus Grant. This has been matched by a transfer to an earmarked reserve. (12,240) This variance is made up of a number of smaller variances. R101 Net Expenditure (77,167) (361,290) R102 Conservation & Design Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 90,445 (50) 69,310 159,705 87,014 (50) 65,590 152,554 92,246 57,029 Gross Direct Income IAS 19 Adjustment Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (1,000) 0 97,600 188,846 (1,000) 0 83,860 139,889 0 0 (13,740) (£10,330) Recharge from Customer Services. (48,957) Building Control & Access Gross Direct Costs 348,823 346,836 (415,754) 205,730 (413,650) 163,680 (1,987) (£6,000) Savings made from Officer mileage and training budgets. £2,013 Employee Inflation. 2,104 (42,050) The major variances include (£21,070) Customer Services and (£5,170) GIS. (41,933) Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Capital Charges Gross Direct Income R102 R103 R103 R121 Landscape Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R121 Net Expenditure 138,799 96,866 R150 Planning Division Gross Direct Costs 370,862 331,659 0 (370,862) 0 0 (331,659) 0 General Economic Development Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 93,618 12,463 0 170,350 88,618 12,463 0 156,550 Net Expenditure 276,431 257,631 R150 R330 R330 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (284,123) (3,431) (£4,000) Savings in conservation works. 0 (3,720) (7,151) (35,217) (£25,000) Removal of one-off expenditure funded from Area Based grant in 2011/12. (£10,000) Savings in external contributions identified as part of the budget process. (39,203) (£26,400) Staff savings identified as part of the budget process. (£10,500) Reduction in supplies and service budgets. 0 39,203 Reduction in costs reflected in recharges to services. 0 (5,000) Reduction in Economic Development Contribution fund. 0 0 (13,800) Reduced recharge from Economic Development and Tourism service management. (18,800) 2011/12 Updated Budget 2012/13 Base Budget £ £ Appendix G Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ COMMUNITY SERVICE AREA R333 R333 R370 Tourism Gross Direct Costs 169,275 52,338 Gross Direct Income (82,937) 0 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 59,380 145,718 54,430 106,768 Strategic Housing Gross Direct Costs 128,994 53,422 (75,572) (£61,572) One off expenditure funded from reserves in 2011/12. (£24,000) Reduction in homelessness accommodation expenses relating to Lockerbie Flats and Private Sector Lease properties, this has been partially offset £10,000 by an increase in costs due to the anticipated increase in the use of B&B accommodation. 1,021,621 47,176 (640,090) 1,088,596 47,716 (581,180) 66,975 540 58,910 (£17,380) Additional income recoverable from accommodation charges. £75,820 Reduction in receipts expected from Victory Housing Trust as part of the vat sharing agreement, this will be offset by lower contributions to the capital projects reserve. 0 470,710 447,490 Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Support Service Charges R370 Net Expenditure 1,028,411 1,056,044 R370A Private Sector Housing Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Support Service Charges 6,300 1,600,501 0 0 (345,000) 408,480 6,300 1,838,351 0 0 (501,000) 378,600 R370A Net Expenditure 1,670,281 1,722,251 R391 Regeneration Management Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 138,287 (138,287) 0 137,669 (137,669) 0 Housing - Service Mgmt Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 591,783 0 (591,783) 560,438 0 (560,438) 0 0 208,680 213,390 (180,000) (200,000) 94,550 87,560 123,230 100,950 3,094,252 2,622,122 99,809 (2,322,624) (345,000) 1,143,748 4,292,307 2,789,801 2,926,947 104,788 (2,473,351) (501,000) 1,001,564 3,848,749 R391 R394 R394 Net Expenditure R402 Local Land Charges Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R402 Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (116,937) The decision was taken as part of last years budget process to stop producing the North Norfolk Tourism Guide. This 82,937 anticipates a net saving of £34,000. (4,950) (38,950) 0 (23,220) (£16,330) Reduced management. 27,633 recharge from Housing Services 0 No Major Variances. 237,850 0 0 (156,000) (29,880) Reduced recharge from Housing Service Management following the reduction of one post from the establishment. 51,970 (618) No Major Variances. 618 0 (31,345) The removal of a vacant post from the establishment. 0 31,345 Reduced direct costs reflected in the recharge to final services. 0 4,710 Increased charges from Norfolk County Council in line with 2011/12 actuals. (20,000) A price increase in Land Charge Search fees to be introduced from 1 April 2012. (6,990) (£10,570) Customer Services, this is offset by a number of smaller variances. (22,280) (304,451) 304,825 4,979 (150,727) (156,000) (142,184) (443,558) Appendix G Environment Service Area 2012/13 Base Budget £ 377,059 355,341 0 (74,894) 27,436 11,063 461,851 37,572 139,276 402,417 272,949 299,126 55,151 10,306 120,217 40,955 96,377 376,763 77,489 22,829 408,256 1,056,273 734,655 145,334 86,621 84,579 Variance 2012/13 Base to 2011/12 Updated Base £ 26,159 19,900 0 (19,595) 296 (12,969) 49,018 (19,982) (118,354) 8,626 26,383 (3) (770) (43) (7,583) (5,558) 0 (35,521) 720 0 790 20,137 8,728 364 (15,113) (9,453) Commercial Services Rural Sewerage Schemes Travellers Licensing Street Naming Pest Control Environmental Protection Dog Control Env Health - Service Mgmt * Parks & Open Spaces Sports Centres Leisure Complexes Other Sports Recreation Grounds Arts & Entertainments Museums Pier Pavilion Foreshore (Water Safety, Lifeguards etc) Woodlands Management Cromer Pier Public Conveniences Waste Collection And Disposal Cleansing Leisure* Environmental Strategy Civil Contingencies 2011/12 2010/11 Updated Base Budget Actual £ £ 379,933 350,900 324,858 335,441 5,245 0 (16,045) (55,299) 21,079 27,140 23,559 24,032 371,625 412,833 55,217 57,554 251,574 257,630 335,424 393,791 305,669 246,566 272,364 299,129 58,417 55,921 4,833 10,349 89,514 127,800 47,503 46,513 90,305 96,377 333,523 412,284 87,856 76,769 4,209 22,829 508,733 407,466 1,804,673 1,036,136 522,282 725,927 212,134 144,970 112,890 101,734 55,640 94,032 Total Net Costs 6,263,014 5,708,824 5,625,001 (83,823) IAS 19 Adjustment Reffcus Capital Charges Support Service Charges 24,591 58,440 563,275 1,224,289 0 0 666,661 1,191,293 0 0 863,805 1,116,674 0 0 197,144 (74,619) Net Costs 8,133,609 7,566,778 7,605,480 38,702 Service *1 These budgets represent the Service Management & Support Service costs for the Council. These costs are recharged in full to the final services, based on an appropriate method of allocation, for example, percentage of time spent. The summary above includes movements on all costs chargeable to the service including notional charges, for example, FRS 17, capital charges and support services for which variances will not impact on the bottom line. The following summary shows the movement on the gross direct costs and income along with those for the notional charges. Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget 2012/13 Base Budget Variance £ £ £ Explanation for Major Variances ENVIRONMENT SERVICE AREA R111A Commercial Services Gross Direct Costs 375,334 406,493 (24,434) 230,380 (29,434) 171,600 581,280 548,659 Rural Sewerage Schemes Gross Direct Costs 335,441 355,341 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 800 336,241 0 355,341 19,900 Inflation on Internal Drainage Board (IDB) Rates and Levies. (800) No major variances 19,100 Travellers Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Net Expenditure 10,000 30,000 97,800 (10,000) (30,000) 97,800 10,000 32,897 97,800 (10,000) (32,897) 97,800 0 2,897 Increased lease rental costs. 0 0 (2,897) Additional grant income to offset additional costs 0 124,884 (180,183) 115,289 (190,183) 154,770 150,940 Net Expenditure 99,471 76,046 R117B Street Naming Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 27,140 3,330 0 4,940 27,436 9,960 0 510 R117B Net Expenditure 35,410 37,906 Pest Control Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 28,532 (4,500) 20,250 15,008 (3,945) 6,080 Net Expenditure 44,282 17,143 431,763 480,781 0 (18,930) 222,960 3,600 (18,930) 176,070 635,793 641,521 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R111A Net Expenditure R114 R114 R115 R115 R117 Licensing Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R117 R118 R118 R119A Environmental Protection Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R119A Net Expenditure 31,159 £55,775 Salary and on costs now paid direct to final service. (£24,616) Savings identified as part of the budget process. (5,000) Savings identified as part of the budget process (58,780) (£83,260) Reduced recharges from Environmental Health management unit reflecting that costs are now going direct to final services. (£13,640) Reduced recharges from Personnel and Legal Services. £32,800 Additional recharges from Computer Networks & PCs and Application team, Central Costs, Corporate Leadership Team, Reprographics and Performance Management. (32,621) (9,595) Savings identified as part of the budget process (10,000) Additional income identified as part of the budget process (3,830) (£39,380) Reduced recharges from Environmental Health management unit and Customer Services offset by additional recharge costs of £32,920 for Legal Services, Computer Network & PCs, Central Costs and Corporate Leadership Team (23,425) 296 No major variances 6,630 Depreciation 0 (4,430) Reduced recharges from Environmental Health management unit 2,496 (13,524) Savings identified as part of the budget process 555 No major variances (14,170) Reduced recharges from Environmental Health management unit (27,139) 49,018 £63,556 Salary and on costs now paid direct to final service. (£14,365) Savings identified as part of the budget process 3,600 Depreciation 0 (46,890) (£76,300) Reduced recharges from Environmental Health management unit and Customer Services offset by additional recharge costs of £28,190 for Computer Network & PCs, Reprographics, Central Costs, Performance Management and Corporate Leadership Team 5,728 Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget 2012/13 Base Budget Variance £ £ £ Explanation for Major Variances ENVIRONMENT SERVICE AREA R120 Dog Control Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 58,054 (500) 39,540 38,072 (500) 29,900 R120 Net Expenditure 97,094 67,472 R151 Env Health - Service Mgmt Gross Direct Costs 258,480 140,126 9,347 (850) (266,977) 0 11,616 (850) (150,892) 0 Parks & Open Spaces Gross Direct Costs 444,745 438,374 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income 28,059 (50,954) 30,909 (35,957) Support Service Charges 120,720 91,420 R300 Net Expenditure 542,570 524,746 R303 Sports Centres Gross Direct Costs 430,404 426,071 34,725 (183,838) 47,556 (153,122) Support Service Charges 112,560 135,390 R303 Net Expenditure 393,851 455,895 22,830 This consists of various recharges, eg Insurances, Personnel and Computers that are recharged based on where staff costs are allocated. 62,044 R304 Leisure Complexes Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Support Service Charges 299,129 268,440 29,850 299,126 270,834 21,550 (3) No Major Variances. 2,394 (8,300) (£6,360) - Reduced recharges from Property Services. Net Expenditure 597,419 591,510 (5,909) R151 R300 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Capital Charges Gross Direct Income R304 (19,982) Savings identified as part of the budget process 0 (9,640) Reduced recharges from Environmental Health management unit (29,622) (118,354) (£108,604) Salary and on costs now paid direct to final service. (£9,750) Savings identified as part of the budget process 2,269 Intangible amortisation 0 116,085 Reduced recharges reflecting lower direct costs 0 (6,371) (£7,397) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. 2,850 14,997 £14,997 - No charge for Grass verge cutting, no longer undertaken for Norfolk County Council. (29,300) Reduced recharges from Leisure Services reflecting lower Legal and Publicity costs. (17,824) (4,333) (£5,822) - Savings in salaries and on costs following the introduction of new working practices. 12,831 30,716 £28,216 - It has not been possible to meet the 5% participation increases which have impacted on projected income due to the continuing difficult financial climate. £2,500 - Outreach work with schools and the income generated from this has also reduced due to the pressure on school budgets. Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget 2012/13 Base Budget Variance £ £ £ Explanation for Major Variances ENVIRONMENT SERVICE AREA R305 Other Sports Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 84,976 66,788 0 (29,055) 20,860 0 (11,637) 31,520 R305 Net Expenditure 76,781 86,671 R306 Recreation Grounds Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 11,349 0 (1,000) 4,060 14,409 11,306 520 (1,000) 3,120 13,946 129,260 121,677 0 (1,460) 22,670 480 (1,460) 44,080 150,470 164,777 R306 R307 Arts & Entertainments Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R307 Net Expenditure R308 Museums Gross Direct Costs 46,513 40,955 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 4,530 51,043 3,940 44,895 Pier Pavilion Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges 96,377 23,800 96,377 15,840 R308 R309 R309 Net Expenditure 120,177 112,217 R310 Foreshore (Water Safety, Lifeguards etc) Gross Direct Costs 427,034 381,513 (18,188) (£18,188) - Salaries and on costs, end of fixed term contracts. 0 17,418 £17,418 - Fixed term grants not longer received. 10,660 This consists of various recharges, eg Insurances, Personnel and Computers that are recharged based on where staff costs are allocated. 9,890 (43) No Major Variances. 520 0 (940) No Major Variances. (463) (7,583) (£7,720) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. 480 0 21,410 £11,390 - Recharge from Media and Communications. The balance consists of various recharges, eg Insurances, Personnel and Computers that are recharged based on where staff costs are allocated. 14,307 (5,558) (£5,550) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. (590) No Major Variances. (6,148) 0 No Major Variances. (7,960) (£4,980) - Reduced charge from Property Services. (£4,400) - Reduced recharges from Leisure Services reflecting lower Legal and Publicity costs. (7,960) (45,521) (£34,000) - Maintenance budget transferred to the Foreshore service in the Resources Service Area. (£10,000) - Lower maintenance and repair costs for memorial seats. 10,000 £10,000 - No income from memorial seats. (9,400) (£10,130) - Reduced recharges from Leisure Services reflecting lower Legal and Publicity costs. (44,921) Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (14,750) 41,690 (4,750) 32,290 R310 Net Expenditure 453,974 409,053 R312 Woodlands Management Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 95,369 1,497 (18,600) 76,920 96,089 1,386 (18,600) 79,670 720 No Major Variances. (111) 0 No Major Variances. 2,750 (£15,570) - Reduced recharges from Leisure Services reflecting lower Legal and Publicity costs. The balance consists of various recharges, eg Insurances, Personnel and Computers that are recharged based on where staff costs are allocated. Net Expenditure 155,186 158,545 3,359 R312 Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget 2012/13 Base Budget Variance £ £ £ Explanation for Major Variances ENVIRONMENT SERVICE AREA R314 Cromer Pier Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 37,733 5,232 (14,904) 17,550 38,417 5,232 (15,588) 470 45,611 28,531 409,649 410,439 Capital Charges 65,460 76,380 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (2,183) 61,230 (2,183) 57,980 534,156 542,616 3,753,874 4,010,601 256,727 £122,273 Inflation on contractor costs. £32,257 Stepped increase on Trade Waste contractor costs. (£93,244) Efficiency savings on Kier Waste Contract. £231,779 Commercial contamination and disposal costs - this is due to a change of definition for Prescribed waste being treated as Trade waste. (£15,276) Reduced NEWS contractor costs as lower tonnage of materials processed. (£43,755) Employee costs associated with the restructure of the Environmental Services team, (£17,772) Savings identified as part of the budget process. £212 Garden bin issues from stock. (£3,000) Postage costs Administration of garden bins now undertaken by Kier. (£13,747) Reduced recycling credits paid to third parties. £57,000 One-off reduction in contractor costs associated with the transfer of vehicles in 2011/12. 152,771 (2,717,738) 299,815 (2,954,328) 147,044 Depreciation (236,590) (£33,295) Additional Fee income - this is due to a change of definition for Prescribed waste being treated as Trade waste. £8,145 Loss of recycling credits. (£168,240) Additional Profit Share. (£43,200) Savings identified as part of the budget process 300,860 1,489,767 228,050 1,584,138 Cleansing Gross Direct Costs 759,927 771,401 11,474 £9,445 Employee costs transferred to Waste Collection & Disposal. £21,183 Inflation on Kier Cleansing Contract. £15,000 Cost for cleansing survey for NI 195 Cleanliness Performance Indicator (to measure the cleanliness of the local environment). £5,068 Employee costs following restructure of Environmental Services team. (£5,000) Saving on Initial Washroom contract. (£25,222) Efficiency savings on Kier Cleansing contract. (£9,000) Savings identified as part of the budget process. Gross Direct Income (34,000) (36,746) 19,380 20,480 745,307 755,135 (2,746) Additional income from parish and town councils for recharges from emptying of dog and litter bins. 1,100 (£3,680) Reduced recharges from Environmental Health management unit offset by various smaller increased recharges. 9,828 145,670 (700) (144,970) 0 146,034 (700) (145,334) 0 R314 Net Expenditure R315 Public Conveniences Gross Direct Costs R315 Net Expenditure R316 Waste Collection And Disposal Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income R316 R317 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Support Service Charges R317 Net Expenditure R397 Leisure Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure R397 684 No Major Variances. 0 (684) No Major Variances. (17,080) (£11,750) - Recharge from Coastal Management. (£5,250) - Recharge from Property Services. (17,080) 790 £6,335 - Inflation on Kier Contract costs, (£5,808) Reduction in NNDR and cleansing costs following the transfer of Morston Quay PC. 10,920 £10,920 - Depreciation charges relating to major works undertaken on various public conveniences in 2010/11. 0 No variances (3,250) (£4,080) - Reduction in recharges from Environmental Health. £1,180 - Increased recharge from Property Services. 8,460 (72,810) 94,371 364 No Major Variances. 0 (364) No Major Variances. 0 Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget 2012/13 Base Budget Variance £ £ £ 104,234 97,621 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income 0 (2,500) 7,717 (11,000) Support Service Charges 23,690 35,710 125,424 130,048 (6,613) £2,887 Staff costs. (£1,500) Bike Loan Scheme. (£8,000) Savings identified as part of the budget process. 7,717 Depreciation (8,500) £1,500 Bike Loan Scheme. (£10,000) Savings identified as part of the budget process 12,020 This variance consists of various recharges E.g. Environmental Health Management Unit, Scanning & Postal Services, Computer Network & PCs, Central Costs & Performance Management. 4,624 Explanation for Major Variances ENVIRONMENT SERVICE AREA R412 Environmental Strategy Gross Direct Costs R412 Net Expenditure R420 Civil Contingencies Gross Direct Costs 94,032 84,579 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 0 49,230 0 76,290 143,262 160,869 9,019,903 30,000 666,661 (3,311,079) (30,000) 1,191,293 7,566,778 9,125,914 32,897 863,805 (3,500,913) (32,897) 1,116,674 7,605,480 R420 Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (9,453) (£1,453) Staff costs. (£8,000) Savings identified as part of the budget process. 0 27,060 This variance consists of various recharges E.g. Environmental Health Management Unit, Corporate Leadership Team, Central Costs, Customer Services and Computers that are recharged based on where staff costs are allocated. 17,607 106,011 2,897 197,144 (189,834) (2,897) (74,619) 38,702 Appendix G Information Service Area Service It - Support Services Tic'S Registration Services Publicity Members Services Legal Services * Graphical Info System * Media & Communications * Customer Services - Corporate * Total Net Costs IAS 19 Adjustment Capital Charges Support Service Charges Net Costs 2010/11 Actual £ 839,701 200,169 137,199 34,191 403,332 351,752 41,065 414,722 538,373 2011/12 Updated Base Budget £ 926,807 204,652 257,750 26,388 418,974 340,029 36,412 379,500 529,556 2012/13 Base Budget £ 886,887 198,353 153,109 26,388 392,738 301,754 26,412 368,183 522,040 Variance 2012/13 Base to 2011/12 Updated Base £ (39,920) (6,299) (104,641) 0 (26,236) (38,275) (10,000) (11,317) (7,516) 2,960,504 3,120,068 2,875,864 (244,204) 0 0 63,390 112,340 (1,882,278) (1,805,021) 0 48,950 77,257 20,637 123,643 (1,927,063) 1,177,721 1,301,180 1,183,183 (117,997) *1 These budgets represent the Service Management & Support Service costs for the Council. These costs are recharged in full to the final services, based on an appropriate method of allocation, for example, percentage of time spent. The summary above includes movements on all costs chargeable to the service including notional charges, for example, FRS 17, capital charges and support services for which variances will not impact on the bottom line. The following summary shows the movement on the gross direct costs and income along with those for the notional charges. 2011/12 Updated Budget £ Appendix G Explanation for Major Variances 2012/13 Base Budget £ Variance £ INFORMATION SERVICE AREA R261 It - Support Services Gross Direct Costs 929,217 887,297 37,742 (2,410) (958,549) 6,000 74,141 (410) (961,028) 0 Tourist Information Centres Gross Direct Costs 245,384 239,085 (6,299) (£7,465) - Computer software costs lower as a result of a renegotiated contract. Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 9,556 (40,732) 45,540 8,105 (40,732) 77,590 R311 Net Expenditure 259,748 284,048 (1,451) 0 No Major Variances. 32,050 £39,840 - Recharge from Customer Services. (£4,580) - Recharge of Internal Audit costs. 24,300 R400 Registration Services Gross Direct Costs 288,939 159,388 Gross Direct Income (31,189) (6,279) 98,820 120,490 356,570 273,599 26,388 76,650 26,388 72,330 R261 R311 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Support Service Charges R400 Net Expenditure R430 Publicity Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges (41,920) £3,921 - Salaries and oncosts. £15,010 Inflation on computer licences. (£65,661) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. 36,399 2,000 No Major Variances. (2,479) No Major Variances. (6,000) (129,551) £12,999 - Salaries and oncosts. (£144,910) - One-off costs of District Council election in May 2011. £2,400 Costs relating to postal vote refresh 24,910 £24,910 - One-off recharges to Parish and Town Councils for local elections in May 2011 21,670 This consists of various recharges, e.g. Insurances, Personnel, Computers and Central Costs that are recharged based on where staff costs are allocated. (82,971) 0 No Major Variances. (4,320) (£4,260) - Recharge from Media and Communication . (4,320) R430 Net Expenditure 103,038 98,718 R450B Members Services Gross Direct Costs 419,374 393,138 (26,236) Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (400) 161,850 (400) 134,080 Net Expenditure 580,824 526,818 0 (27,770) (£24,770) - Reduced recharge Computer Network and PCs. (54,006) R450B (£6,236) - Salaries and oncosts. (£20,000) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. from Appendix G Explanation for Major Variances 2012/13 Base Budget 2011/12 Updated Budget £ Variance £ £ INFORMATION SERVICE AREA R481 Legal Services Gross Direct Costs 351,079 352,804 1,725 £8,000 - Books, there are a higher number of legal case updates as a result of a higher number of legislative changes. (£4,000) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. Gross Direct Income (11,050) (51,050) (40,000) (£40,000) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. (340,029) (301,754) 0 0 36,412 26,412 4,519 (40,931) 3,780 (30,192) 0 0 387,000 375,683 (11,317) (£10,000) - Copier lease rentals are lower as a result of a renegotiated contract and copy charges now being part of the contract price. (7,500) (379,500) (7,500) (368,183) 0 0 0 No Major Variances. 11,317 Reduced recharges reflecting lower direct costs. 0 537,556 532,040 (5,516) (£13,666) - Salaries and oncosts. £7,965 - Transfer of stationery budgets from other cost centres as a result of the centralising of stationery purchases. 11,573 (8,000) 26,314 (10,000) 14,741 (2,000) (£2,000) - Additional income from the processing of bus pass applications. (546,129) (548,354) (5,000) 0 5,000 3,221,349 63,390 (101,281) (1,882,278) 1,301,180 2,992,235 112,340 (116,371) (1,805,021) 1,183,183 (229,114) 48,950 (15,090) 77,257 (117,997) Support Service Charges R481 Net Expenditure R481B Graphical Info System Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Support Service Charges R481B Net Expenditure R481C Media & Communications Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R481C Net Expenditure R481D Customer Services - Corporate Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R481D Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 38,275 Reduced recharges direct income. reflecting higher 0 (10,000) (£10,000) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. (739) 10,739 Reduced recharges reflecting lower direct costs. 0 (2,225) Higher recharges reflecting higher costs. Appendix G Resources Service Area 2010/11 Actual £ 40,847 (1,231,510) 23,498 (79,343) (50) (31,718) (30,077) 171,119 (206,054) 0 56,783 407,169 72,041 345,440 441,297 385,015 670,721 267,860 132,154 50,189 77,997 9,911 (102,003) 449,383 (143,303) 12,602 770,088 79,152 137,872 46,613 363,778 744,453 257,370 2011/12 Updated Base Budget £ 5,092 (1,246,810) 53,140 (69,482) (50) (30,782) (19,707) 140,815 154,418 0 68,018 251,277 71,981 342,862 428,468 378,324 618,197 247,459 111,467 115,099 99,600 4,190 (104,087) 379,632 0 178,472 22,355 45,777 174,051 188,470 353,631 742,464 188,678 0 (1,357,230) 15,724 (85,716) (50) (34,317) (26,480) 85,400 198,967 0 68,018 256,842 72,512 321,800 413,849 367,513 573,133 238,229 105,967 154,456 133,197 4,189 (135,544) 352,632 0 (527,286) (1,580) 26,984 173,258 97,485 347,386 747,508 120,801 Variance 2012/13 Base to 2011/12 Updated Base £ (5,092) (110,420) (37,416) (16,234) 0 (3,535) (6,773) (55,415) 44,549 0 0 5,565 531 (21,062) (14,619) (10,811) (45,064) (9,230) (5,500) 39,357 33,597 (1) (31,457) (27,000) 0 (705,758) (23,935) (18,793) (793) (90,985) (6,245) 5,044 (67,877) 4,189,294 3,893,019 2,707,647 (1,185,372) IAS 19 Adjustment Reffcus Capital Charges Support Service Charges (7,064,901) 99,426 1,278,634 (510,241) (251,277) 0 665,978 (543,588) (256,842) 126,714 748,560 (436,375) (5,565) 126,714 82,582 107,213 Net Costs (2,007,788) 3,764,132 2,889,704 (874,428) Service Health Car Parking Markets Industrial Estates Surveyors Allotments Handyman Parklands Local Taxation Benefits Treasury Management Discretionary Rate Relief Non Distributed Costs Benefits & Revenues Management* Personnel & Payroll Support* Administration Buildings Service Property Services Corporate Finance* Insurance and Risk Management* Internal Audit* Performance Management* Foreshore Community Centres Investment Properties Coast Protection Pathfinder Coast & Community Partnership Transport Community Safety Cctv Central Costs* Corporate & Democratic Core Corporate Leadership Team* Coastal Management* Total Net Costs 2012/13 Base Budget £ *1 These budgets represent the Service Management & Support Service Costs for the Council. These costs are recharged in full to the final services, based on an appropriate method of allocation, for example, percentage of time spent. The summary above includes movements on all costs chargeable to the service including notional charges, for example, FRS 17, capital charges and support services for which variances will not impact on the bottom line. The following summary shows the movement on the gross direct costs and income along with those for the notional charges. Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget £ RESOURCES SERVICE AREA R112A Health Gross Direct Costs 2012/13 Base Budget Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ £ 5,092 0 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 0 15,530 0 8,410 R112A Net Expenditure 20,622 8,410 R200 Car Parking Gross Direct Costs 659,381 617,495 (41,886) £14,720 - Inflationary increase on NNDR costs. (£11,957) - Reduced rental expenditure due in respect of leased car parks. (£6,737) - Reduced Car Park Contract Costs following changes to Excess Charge Notice charges and processing. (£38,500) - Removal of one off costs of implementation of new Car Parks and Markets Contract. 13,844 (1,906,191) 14,205 (1,974,725) 361 No major variances. (68,534) £32,515 - Reduced Excess Charge Notice income following changes to charges implemented in November 2011. (£1,689) - Additional Rental income. (£100,000) - Additional Fees and Charges based on revised car parking charges, identified as part of the Savings exercise. 127,810 135,080 (1,105,156) (1,207,945) 7,270 £6,980 - Increased recharge from Customer Services. £2,910 - Property Services. (£4,430) Reduced recharge for Internal Audit Services. £2,710 - Increased recharges from Legal. (102,789) Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (5,092) (£5,092) - Transfer of costs to other service areas following restructuring. 0 (7,120) Costs now recharged to other service areas following restructuring. (12,212) R200 Net Expenditure R200A Markets Gross Direct Costs 126,425 93,009 Gross Direct Income (73,285) (77,285) Support Service Charges 31,550 45,980 R200A Net Expenditure 84,690 61,704 (22,986) R201 Industrial Estates Gross Direct Costs 34,028 18,473 Capital Charges 18,686 40,441 (103,510) (104,189) (15,555) (£15,655) - Reduction in rental expenditure identified as part of the savings exercise. Rentals due in relation to Catfield and Fakenham Industrial premises are no longer required to be paid over to EEDA. 21,755 £21,755 - Additional depreciation charges following reclassification of properties, and resultant requirement to charge depreciation. (679) £3,500 - Reduction in anticipated rental due in relation to Fakenham Factory, following delay in extension. (£3,179) - Additional rental income for Catfield and North Walsham following renegotiation of leases. (£1,000) - Service charge income following renegotiation of leases. 31,990 47,410 (18,806) 2,135 0 0 0 3,370 0 No variances 3,370 £3,370 - Property Services recharges. (50) (50) (50) 3,320 0 No variances 3,370 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R201 Net Expenditure R202 Surveyors Allotments Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges R202 Gross Direct Income Net Expenditure (33,416) (£1,277) - Reduction in salaries costs following direct employment of Markets Supervisor. £2,155 Inflationary increase on NNDR costs. £1,165 Additional rental expenditure in relation to leased car parks based on anticipated income. (£16,500) Removal of one off costs of implementation of new Car Parks and Markets Contract. (£19,698) Full year effect of savings as a result of bringing Markets management back in house. (4,000) (£4,000) - Additional Markets Fees anticipated following increased promotion of the service 14,430 £18,370 - Increased Property Services recharge. (£4,430) - Reduced Internal Audit Recharge 15,420 £12,180 - Increased Property Services recharges. £3,010 - Increased Sundry Debtors recharges. 20,941 Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget £ R203 Handyman Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 2012/13 Base Budget £ 86,456 82,921 (117,238) 52,190 (117,238) 57,740 Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ (3,535) (£3,903) - Reduction in staffing costs following reorganisation of Handyman and Caretaker Service, as part of the Savings exercise. 0 No variances 5,550 £940 - Scanning and Postal Services. £4,440 Computer Network and PC recharges. (£5,060) Reduced Property Service recharges, £1,890 Increased Insurance recharge. £1,830 - Central Costs. £1,290 - Performance Management. R203 Net Expenditure 21,408 23,423 R204 Parklands Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges 35,860 5,051 35,860 585 (55,567) (62,340) 18,640 21,310 3,984 (4,585) 519,330 508,263 (11,067) (£7,900) Full year effect of Workstream savings made in 2011/12. £10,946 Post transferred from Corporate Finance. (£8,945) Employee savings resulting from a post being regarded 15,000 (378,515) 15,000 (422,863) Support Service Charges 486,060 434,210 R210 Net Expenditure 641,875 534,610 0 (44,348) (£40,000) Additional Income to be generated by increasing court costs. (51,850) (£28,970) Reduced charges from Sundry Debtors to reflect reconciliation work no longer being undertaken for the service. (£30,550) Customer Services. (107,265) R211 Benefits Gross Direct Costs 33,571,921 35,305,113 1,733,192 1,723,822 Estimated benefit payments based on Mid Year estimate 2011/12. This will be offset by Department for Works and Pensions Subsidy. 23,358 75,054 (33,417,503) (35,106,146) 51,696 (1,688,643) (£1,723,822) Subsidy on increased benefits Payments. £50,179 Reduction in Benefit Administration Subsidy. (£15,000) Increase % of Benefits paid to be recovered from subsidy. 83,680 Increased charges from the following areas £14,200 Performance Management. £19,800 Central Costs. £40,990 ICT recharges. £23,420 Postal and Scanning. This has been offset by a reduction in charges from Customer Services. Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R204 Net Expenditure R210 Local Taxation Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Capital Charges Gross Direct Income 2,015 0 No variances (4,466) (£4,466) - Reduction in depreciation charges applicable to Parklands following revaluation of property in 2010/11. (6,773) (£1,665) - Additional rental income following increase in site fees for 2011/12. (£5,108) Increase in Recoverable Charges to reflect the full recovery of electricity costs for Parklands, as part of the Savings exercise. 2,670 £6,930 - Property Services recharges. (£3,940) Reduced Sundry Debtors recharge. (8,569) Support Service Charges 568,250 651,930 R211 Net Expenditure 746,026 925,951 R213 Treasury Management Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 0 52,210 0 50,430 0 No Major Variances (1,780) R213 Net Expenditure 52,210 50,430 (1,780) R214 Discretionary Rate Relief Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges 68,018 0 68,018 0 0 No Major Variances 0 Net Expenditure 68,018 68,018 0 R214 179,925 Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget £ R219 R219 R251 Non Distributed Costs Gross Direct Costs IAS 19 Adjustment Net Expenditure 2012/13 Base Budget Variance £ £ 251,277 (251,277) 0 256,842 (256,842) 0 Benefits & Revenues Management Gross Direct Costs 71,981 Gross Direct Income 0 Support Service Charges (71,981) 72,512 0 (72,512) R251 Net Expenditure R260 Personnel & Payroll Support Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Explanation for Major Variances 0 0 342,862 321,800 0 (342,862) 0 (321,800) 5,565 Inflation on Added Years. (5,565) Increased costs allocated to services. 0 531 No Major Variances. 0 (531) 0 (21,062) £7,339 - Salaries and oncosts. (£15,000) - Oneoff training consultancy costs, funded from reserves. (£13,796) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. 0 21,062 Reduced recharges reflecting lower direct costs. R260 Net Expenditure 0 0 R262 Administration Buildings Service Gross Direct Costs 501,220 506,662 5,442 £6,433 - Increase in NNDR costs as a result of inflation and property revaluations. £11,591 Additional contract cleaning costs following removal of Fakenham Connect and North Walsham Offices from Kier Contract. (£4,991) Reduction in Canteen costs as a result of Savings exercise. (£2,000) - Reduction in Grounds Maintenance costs following Savings exercise. (£6,097) - Salary savings identified following reorganisation of Handyman and Caretaker functions. 87,424 81,527 (5,897) (£5,897) - Reduction in depreciation charges as a result of amending lives of Admin Buildings. (72,752) (92,813) (20,061) £1,425 - Reduction in Fakenham Connect rental income following Adult Education's vacation of the premises. (£1,406) - Increase in other recoverable charges for North Walsham Offices. (£1,042) Increase in rental income following delay in occupation of Cromer Office by North Norfolk Health Team. (£8,869) - Additional income due to Canteen identified as part of Savings exercise. (£,3900) - Increase in other recoverable charges for Admin Buildings as part of Savings exercise. (£6,250) - Additional rental income for Cromer Offices, identified as part of Savings exercise. (477,551) (436,757) 40,794 (£1,570) - Reduced Personnel Services Costs. £2,720 - Increased Computer Network and PC's recharge. (£1,840) - Admin Buildings. £9,870 Property Services. (£1,520) Insurance recharges. £1,730 - Central Costs. £31,960 Reduction in Admin Buildings recharges to final services. 38,341 58,619 378,324 367,513 0 13,659 0 (373,069) 0 (381,172) 5,255 0 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R262 Net Expenditure R262A Property Services Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R262A Net Expenditure 0 20,278 (10,811) £944 - Increase in essential car user costs. £2,619 - Additional pensions deficit funding - IAS19. (£15,093) - Removal of one off budget funded from Reserves, used for Professional Fees associated with additional lease work. 13,659 £13,659 - Intangible amortisation costs associated with introduction of the new Asset Management System 0 No variances (8,103) (£4,280) - Reduced recharges from Customer Services. £7,540 - Computer network and PC's. (£1,790) - Computer Applications Team. £1,380 Reprographics. (£1,370) - Admin Buildings. (£2,050) - Insurance recharges. £2,230 - Sundry Debtors. £4,690 - Central Costs. £6,960 - Internal Audit. £3,520 - Performance Management. £8,820 - Legal Services. (£1,210) - Graphical Information System. (£40,433) - Additional recharges to final services from Property Services.£8, 460 Reduction in Property recharges to capital funded projects. (5,255) Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget £ R263 Corporate Finance Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 2012/13 Base Budget Variance £ £ 618,197 573,133 2,170 0 (620,367) 2,435 0 (575,568) R263 Net Expenditure 0 0 R263B Insurance & Risk Management Gross Direct Costs 248,109 Gross Direct Income (650) Support Service Charges (264,126) 238,879 (650) (238,229) R263B Net Expenditure (16,667) 0 R263C Internal Audit Gross Direct Costs 111,467 105,967 (111,467) (105,967) 0 0 Support Service Charges Explanation for Major Variances R263C Net Expenditure R263D Policy & Performance Mgmt Gross Direct Costs 115,099 154,456 Support Service Charges (54,430) (154,456) R263D Net Expenditure 60,669 0 R301 Foreshore Gross Direct Costs 99,600 133,197 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 7,996 0 64,080 7,885 0 59,030 171,676 200,112 (45,064) (£18,422) Full year effect of Workstream savings made in 2011/12. (£10,946) Post Transferred to Council Tax Admin. £10,000 Additional Maternity cover. (£25,125) Savings identified as part of the budget process. 265 0 44,799 Reduced costs to recharge to other services. 0 (9,230) (£8,862) - Salaries and oncosts. 0 25,897 Reduced recharges reflecting lower direct costs. 16,667 (5,500) (£5,500) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. 5,500 Reduced recharges reflecting lower direct costs. 0 39,357 £49,745 - Costs transferred in, following restructuring. (£6,364) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. (100,026) Higher recharges reflecting higher costs. (60,669) 33,597 £34,000 - Transfer of budget for Foreshore Fixtures and Fittings from Beach Safety. (111) No major variances 0 No variances (5,050) (£8,430) - Reduction in Property services recharges. £6,670 - Recharge from Coastal Protection. (£4,580) - Reduced Internal Audit recharges. 28,436 R301 Net Expenditure R302 Community Centres Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 6,190 0 (2,000) 30,470 6,189 27 (2,000) 3,660 R302 Net Expenditure 34,660 7,876 R318 Investment Properties Gross Direct Costs 104,800 89,243 (15,557) £1,449 - Increase in NNDR costs. (£2,015) Reduction in Rocket House contract cleaning costs. £1,290 - Additional staffing costs associated with Beach Hut and Chalet lettings. (£1,310) - Reduction in property costs associated with the Sackhouse building following its transfer to the Maltings Trust on 12/7/11. (£15,000) Removal of one off grant for Maltings Trust Manager. 0 126,714 126,714 REFFCUS transactions due as a result of capital expenditure in relation to the Maltings, slipped into 2012/13. 2,900 24,569 (208,887) (224,787) 21,669 £18,200 - Additional depreciation charges following reclassification of properties, and resultant requirement to charge depreciation. £3,469 - Depreciation as a result of capital expenditure on Beach Huts. (15,900) (£10,000) - Additional income identified for Beach Huts and Chalets as part of the Savings exercise. £7,000 - Reduction in rental due from the Sackhouse building, following transfer of the property to the Maltings Trust on 12/7/11. (£12,900) - Additional rental, service charge and other recoverable income, following renegotiation of leases during 2011/12. 100,850 60,740 (337) 76,479 Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R318 Net Expenditure (1) No major variances 27 No major variances 0 (26,810) (£26,730) - Reduced recharges from Property Services (26,784) (40,110) £1,160 - Increased recharge from Computer Network and PC's. (£38,700) - Reduction in Property Services recharge. (£2,380) - Reduction in Sundry Debtors recharge. 76,816 Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget £ R340 2012/13 Base Budget Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ £ Coast Protection Gross Direct Costs 379,657 352,657 (27,000) (£22,000) Termination of Coastal Monitoring Budget. (£5,000) Savings in NPS fees budget. Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 468,477 (25) 239,880 463,366 (25) 183,550 (5,111) 0 (56,330) (£77,830) Reduced charge from Coastal Management reflecting new structure. £21,920 Increased charge from Property Services. 1,087,989 999,548 (88,441) R340 Net Expenditure R341 Pathfinder Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 0 0 46,530 0 0 10,490 R341 Net Expenditure 46,530 10,490 R410 Coast & Community Partnership Gross Direct Costs 288,075 179,943 (108,132) (£49,357) - Costs transferred out following restructuring. (£58,586) - Salaries and oncosts. This represents the full year effect of Workstream savings made in 2011/12. (109,603) (707,229) 106,300 284,772 130,310 (396,976) (597,626) (£656,812) - Redistributed second homes income. £59,186 - End of fixed term grant. 24,010 £32,310 - Recharge from Property Services (681,748) 49,955 26,020 (27,600) 63,120 85,475 (27,600) 48,070 46,490 56,123 26,984 (10,346) 25,630 0 7,830 71,407 34,814 Gross Direct Income R410 R411 R411 R413 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Transport Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Community Safety Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R413 Net Expenditure R414 CCTV Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 196,747 21,072 (22,696) 20,370 215,493 195,954 9,807 (22,696) 45,680 228,745 Central Costs Gross Direct Costs 188,470 97,485 (188,470) (97,485) R414 R450 Support Service Charges R450 Net Expenditure 0 0 R450A Corporate & Democratic Core Gross Direct Costs 353,631 347,386 Capital Charges Support Service Charges 0 842,110 0 810,750 1,195,741 1,158,136 R450A Net Expenditure 0 0 (36,040) (£36,040) Reduction in recharges reflecting completion of Pathfinder Project. (36,040) (23,935) (£23,935) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. 0 (15,050) Reduced recharge from Customer Services. (38,985) (29,139) (£18,303) - Salaries and oncosts. (£10,346) - End of fixed term contracts. 10,346 £10,346 - End of fixed term grant. (17,800) This consists of various recharges, e.g. Insurances, Personnel, Computers and Central Costs that are recharged based on where staff costs are allocated. (36,593) (793) No Major Variances. (11,265) 0 No Major Variances. 25,310 £22,370 - Recharge from Property Services. 13,252 (90,985) (£90,000) - One-off use of reserves for the pay and grading review. 90,985 Reduced recharges reflecting lower direct costs. 0 (6,245) (£10,960) - Savings identified as part of the budget process. 0 (31,360) (£18,230) - Recharge from Property Services. £12,930 - Recharge from Corporate Leadership Team. (£26,700) - Recharge from Customer Services. (37,605) Appendix G 2011/12 Updated Budget £ R460A Net Expenditure R472 Coastal Management Gross Direct Costs Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ £ Corporate Leadership Team Gross Direct Costs 742,799 Gross Direct Income (335) Support Service Charges (742,464) R460A 747,508 0 (747,508) 4,709 £4,271 IAS 19 Pension adjustment. 335 (5,044) 0 0 188,678 120,801 (67,877) (£28,719) Salaries & oncosts for staff engaged on Pathfinder Project now at an end. (£22,908) End of fixed term contracts. (£11,463) Transfer to Coast & Community Partnership. (£4,187) IAS 19 Pension adjustment. 0 (220,371) 0 (120,801) 0 99,570 Reduced recharges reflecting lower staff costs, and staff costs coded direct to final services. (31,693) 0 31,693 Total Gross Direct Costs 40,399,772 41,650,283 Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus 0 126,714 IAS 19 Adjustment (251,277) (256,842) Capital Charges 665,978 748,560 Gross Direct Income (36,506,753) (38,942,636) Support Service Charges (543,588) (436,375) 1,250,511 126,714 (5,565) 82,582 (2,435,883) 107,313 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges R472 2012/13 Base Budget Net Expenditure Net Expenditure 3,764,132 2,889,704 0 (874,328)