Appendix A General Fund Summary 2013/14 Base Budget 2013/14 Base Budget £ 2,325,691 558,987 313,906 4,338,408 934,948 4,230,806 2,783,143 316,703 (23,000) 2014/15 Projection £ 2,218,811 561,717 441,279 3,184,221 938,807 4,187,077 2,819,952 317,763 (46,000) 2015/16 Projection £ 2,225,345 562,727 675,305 2,918,676 912,803 4,066,279 2,873,367 409,651 (46,000) 2016/17 Projection £ 2,214,433 559,987 668,146 2,379,446 906,206 4,069,136 2,913,498 318,751 (46,000) Net Cost of Services 15,779,592 14,623,627 14,598,153 13,983,603 Parish Precepts (Estimate from 13/14 onwards) Capital Charges LCTS - Grants to Parishes Reffcus Interest Receivable Revenue Financing for Capital IAS 19 Pension Adjustment 1,450,000 (2,292,529) 204,738 (2,511,401) (392,490) 400,000 266,577 1,450,000 (2,445,397) 0 (650,000) (382,401) 0 266,577 1,450,000 (2,197,010) 0 (427,578) (379,223) 0 266,577 1,450,000 (2,007,145) 0 0 (374,045) 0 266,577 Net Operating Expenditure 12,904,487 12,862,406 13,310,919 13,318,990 Contributions to/(from) Earmarked Reserves: Contribution from Capital Projects Reserve (VAT Shelter) Contribution to Capital Projects Reserve (VAT Shelter) Big Society Fund Carbon Management Elections Housing New Homes Bonus Reserve Pathfinder Planning Revenue Restructuring/Invest to save The Pier Whistleblowing Contribution to general rsv (Reallocation) Use of General Reserve (400,000) 390,551 169,735 (21,180) 30,000 (142,000) 674,614 (68,358) (43,304) (31,500) (15,000) (10,000) 188,180 (200,000) 0 255,600 0 0 30,000 0 696,458 (36,813) (8,000) 0 0 0 0 (200,000) 0 0 0 0 (60,000) 0 705,536 (28,426) 0 0 0 0 0 (200,000) 0 0 0 0 30,000 0 705,536 (18,126) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amount to be met from Government Grant and Local Taxpayers 13,426,225 13,599,651 13,728,029 14,036,400 (1,450,000) (5,082,610) (664,675) (178,000) (22,740) (5,947,459) (120,000) (143,134) (57,616) (13,666,234) (1,450,000) (5,082,610) (664,675) 0 0 (5,187,000) (120,000) (143,134) (57,616) (12,705,035) (1,450,000) (5,082,610) (664,675) 0 0 (4,742,800) (120,000) (143,134) 0 (12,203,219) (1,450,000) (5,082,610) (664,675) 0 0 (4,363,300) (120,000) (143,134) 0 (11,823,719) (240,009) 894,616 1,524,810 2,212,681 Service Area Assets & Leisure Corporate Leadership Team/Corporate Customer Services Community & Economic Development Development Management Environmental Health Finance Organisational Development Management Structures Collection Fund – Parishes Collection Fund – District LCTS - NNDC LCTS - Parish LCTS Transitional funding NEW FUNDING BREAKDOWN: Rolled in grants Homelessness Council Tax Freeze Funding 11/12 onwards Council Tax Freeze Funding 13/14 & 14/15 Income from Government Grant and Taxpayers (Surplus)/Deficit Appendix B Assets & Leisure Service Area Service Car Parking Markets Industrial Estates Surveyors Allotments Handyman Parklands Administration Building Svs Property Services Parks & Open Spaces Foreshore Community Centres Sports Centres Leisure Complexes Other Sports Recreation Grounds Pier Pavilion Foreshore (Community) Woodlands Management Cromer Pier Public Conveniences Investment Properties Leisure CCTV Total Net Costs Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Cost of Service 2011/12 Actual £ (1,313,172) 24,762 (107,248) (50) (36,413) (32,571) 374,193 406,218 343,650 96,234 4,811 214,311 393,809 45,129 12,108 89,837 378,759 74,518 10,589 443,556 (93,049) 141,609 145,984 Variance 2012/13 2013/14 Base to 2012/13 Updated Updated 2013/14 Base Budget Base Budget £ £ £ (1,357,230) (1,413,503) (56,273) 15,724 18,491 2,767 (85,716) (95,822) (10,106) (50) (50) 0 (34,317) (34,303) 14 (26,480) (27,790) (1,310) 413,849 423,827 9,978 367,513 340,564 (26,949) 391,017 372,274 (18,743) 133,197 129,521 (3,676) 4,189 6,135 1,946 193,382 177,268 (16,114) 374,393 408,223 33,830 59,451 49,618 (9,833) 8,086 9,803 1,717 96,377 93,377 (3,000) 374,763 369,056 (5,707) 93,109 85,699 (7,410) 22,829 22,829 0 408,256 414,593 6,337 (135,544) (152,918) (17,374) 145,334 141,514 (3,820) 150,758 157,802 7,044 1,617,574 1,612,890 1,496,208 (116,682) 0 585,463 1,374,545 (1,304,268) 126,714 625,522 1,356,390 (1,347,903) 126,723 690,028 1,270,600 (1,257,868) 9 64,506 (85,790) 90,035 2,273,314 2,373,613 2,325,691 (47,922) Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ ASSETS AND LEISURE SERVICE AREA Car Parking Gross Direct Costs 617,495 Capital Charges 2013/14 Base Budget £ 699,688 14,205 28,794 (1,974,725) (2,113,191) 135,080 123,800 (1,207,945) (1,260,909) 93,009 95,776 (77,285) 45,980 (77,285) 46,130 61,704 64,621 18,473 (104,189) 18,038 (113,860) Capital Charges 40,441 44,789 Support Service Charges 47,410 50,950 Net Expenditure 2,135 (83) Surveyors Allotments Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (50) 3,370 3,320 (50) 2,890 2,840 82,921 82,935 (117,238) 57,740 (117,238) 44,360 Net Expenditure 23,423 10,057 Parklands Gross Direct Costs 35,860 26,460 (62,340) (54,250) 585 21,310 (4,585) 585 22,650 (4,555) Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Markets Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Industrial Estates Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Handyman Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Gross Direct Income Capital Charges Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Variance Explanation for Major Variances £ 82,193 (£1,200) - Virement of overtime to Markets. £3,600 - NNDR inflation. (£6,446) - Changes to Kier Contract costs. £20,000 Additional maintenance costs for car park machines. £15,760 - Rental on car parks offset by additional income. £1,552 Credit card charges offset by income. £48,875 - Additional contract and Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) administration costs. 14,589 £14,589 - Depreciation charges following capital works to car parks. (138,466) (£94,472) - Additional car park fee income. (£33,435) Additional PCN income. £5,159 - Reduction in recoverable charges following loss of contract management. (£15,000) Additional concession rental income identified as part of savings exercise - AL2. (11,280) (£4,230) - Reducti on in Customer Services recharges. (£9,520) - Reduced Property Services recharge. £2,800 Increase in Fakenham Connect Admin Buildings recharge. (52,964) 2,767 £1,200 - Virement of overtime from Car Parks. £2,325 NNDR inflation. (£1,364) - Changes to Kier Contract costs. 0 150 (£8,030) - Reduced Property Services recharges. £3,000 Increased Accountancy recharges. £4,880 - Increased recharges as a result of direct staff employed . 2,917 (435) No major variances. (9,671) (£9,671) - Additional rental income following renegotiation of leases. 4,348 £4,348 - Depreciation ch arges following capital works to Industrial Estates. 3,540 £1,430 - Increase in Pro perty Services recharges. £2,000 Increased Accountancy recharge. (2,218) 0 (480) No major variances (480) 14 (£4,000) - Transfer of consumable materials budget to Public Conveniences. £2,791 - Non achievement of salary savings identified during 2011/12. 0 (13,380) (£1,190) - Reduced Pe rsonnel Services recharges. (£1,080) Reduced Admin Buildings recharge. (£16,110) - Reduced Property Services recharge. £2,270 - Increased Depots recharge. £3,820 - Increased Accountancy recharge (13,366) (9,400) (£10,000) - Reduction in electricity costs offset by reduced recovery of electricity recharges 8,090 £10,000 - Reduction in recovery of electricity charges. (£1,910) - Increase in rental income. 0 1,340 No major variances. 30 Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ ASSETS AND LEISURE SERVICE AREA Administration Building Svs Gross Direct Costs 506,662 Capital Charges 2013/14 Base Budget £ Variance Explanation for Major Variances £ 508,453 1,791 £1,945 - Additional costs on Windmill Canteen Service. (£31,081) - Reduced NNDR costs following revaluation of properties and the decision to dispose of the Annexe building. (£2,841) - Reduction in Kier contract costs. £31,500 Annexe removal costs (one-off funded from reserves in the year) (5,287) (£5,287) - Reduced depre ciation charges as a result of reduced capital expenditure on admin buildings than origina lly anticipated. 8,187 £7,292 - Potential reduction in rental income from Health Trainers occupation of Cromer Offices. 2,540 £3,040 - Increased Acco untancy recharges 12,287 £43,787 - Red uced recharges out reflecting lower costs incurred. 19,518 81,527 76,240 (92,813) (84,626) 102,570 (539,327) 105,110 (527,040) 58,619 78,137 367,513 340,564 (26,949) (£22,706) - Full year effect of management restructuring and pay and grading review. £7,467 - Inflation on salary costs. £1,000 - Additional Continuing Professional Development training requirement. (£13,682) - Net impact of removal of car alternative allowances and alternative travel costs. 13,659 15,000 180,810 167,690 (561,982) (523,254) 0 0 1,341 £1,341 - Intangible a mortisation of capital expenditure on Concerto system. (13,120) (£13,120) - Lower support service recharges reflecting more accurate allocations of time. 38,728 £38,728 - Red uction in recharges to reflect reduced cost of service provision. 0 Parks & Open Spaces Gross Direct Costs 441,032 408,231 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income 30,909 (50,015) 30,612 (35,957) 91,420 78,460 Net Expenditure 513,346 481,346 (32,000) Foreshore Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Support Service Charges 133,197 7,885 59,030 129,521 8,193 46,020 (3,676) (£3,748) - Reduced staffing costs. 308 No major variances (13,010) (£3,580) - Reduced re charge from Property Services. (£11,070) - Reduced recharge from Coastal Management. Net Expenditure 200,112 183,734 (16,378) 6,189 (2,000) 6,135 27 3,660 7,876 13 4,890 11,038 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Property Services Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Support Service Charges Community Centres Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Capital Charges Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (32,801) (£26,604) - Kier Contract Savings, (£3,539) - NNDR now paid by lessee (297) 14,058 £9,058 - One-off S106 monies received in 2012/13, £5,000 One-off grant in 2012/13 for target hardening at Heather Barrow Court (12,960) (£23,100) - Lower rech arge from leisure services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. £5,730 Legal work undertaken for Parks Services (54) No major variances 2,000 £2,000 - Reduced rental income following transfer of property to another organisation. (14) No major variances 1,230 No major variances 3,162 Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ ASSETS AND LEISURE SERVICE AREA Sports Centres Gross Direct Costs 346,504 Gross Direct Income 2013/14 Base Budget £ 317,390 (153,122) (140,122) Capital Charges Support Service Charges 12,831 128,470 11,188 105,860 Net Expenditure 334,683 294,316 Leisure Complexes Gross Direct Costs 374,393 408,223 Capital Charges Support Service Charges 305,559 28,470 313,485 25,110 Net Expenditure 708,422 746,818 71,088 49,618 Other Sports Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income (11,637) Variance Explanation for Major Variances £ (29,114) £2,000 - One-off purchase of equipment funded by a transfer from Leisure Complexes. £8,916 - Pay & Grading implementation costs. £2,690 - Pay award. (£40,000) Revised Sports Centre management arrangements. 13,000 Income from Sports Halls lower than anticipated, in line with 2011/12 outturn and 2012/13 ongoing participation. (1,643) (22,610) (£5,860) - Lower re charge from Leisure Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£14,670) - Lower recharge from Accountancy reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. (£4,110) - Reduced recharge from Media unit. (40,367) 33,830 £28,095 - Inflation on management contract. £6,300 - Oneoff transfers to other services in 2012/13 to cover the cost of the Olympic Torch relay and purchase of equipment at Stalham Sports Centre. 7,926 (3,360) (£2,970) - Lower recharg e from Leisure Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. 38,396 (21,470) (£11,637) - Mobile gym expenditure. (£4,300) - One-off costs in 2012/13 for the Olympic Torch relay. (£5,000) - Reduced grant following review of all grants and contributions. 11,637 £11,637 - Grant for Mobile gym service no longer received Support Service Charges 31,520 58,100 Net Expenditure 90,971 107,718 Recreation Grounds Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 9,086 520 (1,000) 3,120 11,726 10,803 285 (1,000) 2,650 12,738 Pier Pavilion Gross Direct Costs 96,377 93,377 Support Service Charges 15,840 12,970 Net Expenditure 112,217 106,347 (5,870) Foreshore (Community) Gross Direct Costs 379,513 373,806 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (4,750) 32,290 407,053 (4,750) 30,610 399,666 (5,707) (£12,588) - Kier Contract Savings. £5,000 - Emergency phone rentals, in line with 11/12 actual and ongoing expenditure in 2012/13. 0 No Major Variances (1,680) No Major Variances (7,387) Woodlands Management Gross Direct Costs 111,709 107,299 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income 1,386 (18,600) 6,003 (21,600) 79,670 77,340 174,165 169,042 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 26,580 £21,570 - Higher rech arge from Leisure Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. 16,747 1,717 No Major Variances (235) 0 No Major Variances (470) No Major Variances 1,012 (3,000) (£3,000) - Reduced grant following review of all grants and contributions. (2,870) (£2,970) - Lower recharg e from Leisure Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (4,410) £2,287 - Pay award. £2,529 - Staff joining pension scheme. (£7,620) - One-off purchase of equipment in 2012/13. (£2,855) - One-off tree works in 2012/13 4,617 (3,000) (£3,000) - Woodland Trust, contract for site management at Pretty Corner. (2,330) (£5,960) - Lower recharg e from Leisure Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (5,123) Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ ASSETS AND LEISURE SERVICE AREA 2013/14 Base Budget £ Variance Explanation for Major Variances £ Cromer Pier Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 38,417 5,232 (15,588) 470 28,531 39,317 5,232 (16,488) 7,810 35,871 900 No Major Variances 0 (900) No Major Variances 7,340 £6,530 - Higher recharge fro m Coast Protection 7,340 Public Conveniences Gross Direct Costs 410,439 416,776 6,337 £4,000 - Virement from Handyman Service for consumable materials. £1,838 - Changes to Kier Contract costs. Capital Charges 76,380 79,481 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (2,183) 57,980 (2,183) 43,280 542,616 537,354 89,243 24,569 89,888 55,538 126,714 (224,787) 126,723 (242,806) Support Service Charges 60,740 82,900 Net Expenditure 76,479 112,243 Leisure Gross Direct Costs 146,034 142,214 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (700) 101,260 (700) 66,060 (246,594) 0 (207,574) 0 195,954 9,807 (45,196) 199,096 14,590 (41,294) 68,180 64,960 228,745 237,352 Net Expenditure Investment Properties Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Gross Direct Income Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure CCTV Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 4,571,108 4,563,608 126,714 126,723 625,522 690,028 (2,958,218) (3,067,400) 1,356,390 1,270,600 (1,347,903) (1,257,868) 2,373,613 2,325,691 3,101 £3,101 - Increase in dep reciation following capital expenditure on public conveniences. 0 (14,700) (£19,900) - Reductio n in recharge from Property Services. £4,620 - Increase in Accountancy recharge. (5,262) 645 No major variances 30,969 (£2,794) - Reduced depre ciation costs relating to Other Lets. £33,409 - Increased depreciation charge following major revaluation of Rocket House. 9 No major variances (18,019) (£9,450) - Increase in Beach Hut rentals following price increase and additional site lets. (£3,000) - Increase in Chalet rental. (£4,763) - Increased recoverable charges for Rocket House. 22,160 £8,850 - Increase in Property Services recharge. £10,730 Increased Accountancy recharge. 35,764 (3,820) (£4,434) - Savings resulting from the review of the car alternative policy. 0 No Major Variances (35,200) (£24,430) - Lower re charge from Accountancy reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. (£9,500) - Reduced recharge from Legal Services 39,020 Reduced recharge s out reflecting lower costs incurred. 0 3,142 £2,618 - Employee inflation costs. 4,783 3,902 £3,902 - Contributions from businesses lower than expected. (3,220) £4,570 - Recharge fro m Fakenham Connect to reflect the space taken by the CCTV control room. (£3,940) - Lower recharge from Accountancy reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. (£4,160) - Lower charge from Property Services. 8,607 (7,500) 9 64,506 (109,182) (85,790) 90,035 (47,922) Appendix B Community & Economic Development Service Area Service Planning Policy Health Arts & Entertainments Museums General Economic Development Tourism Coast Protection Pathfinder Strategic Housing Hsg Strategy & Needs Determination Regeneration Management Independent Living Team Hsg Strategy Local Land Charges Environmental Strategy Community and Localism Coastal Management 2011/12 Actual £ (210,084) (559) 130,296 46,510 162,668 76,169 240,042 171,091 (21,315) (56,489) 133,914 186,862 0 40,494 99,817 144,432 139,605 Variance 2012/13 2013/14 Base to 2012/13 Updated Updated 2013/14 Base Budget Base Budget £ £ £ (448,950) (542,792) (93,842) 0 0 0 120,217 114,950 (5,267) 40,955 41,017 62 104,851 198,705 93,854 62,338 52,338 (10,000) 533,632 370,252 (163,380) 0 7,697 7,697 0 0 0 5,620 5,620 0 137,669 206,267 68,598 192,306 128,093 (64,213) 0 130,406 130,406 13,390 5,389 (8,001) 106,711 53,739 (52,972) (114,286) (221,660) (107,374) 120,801 135,452 14,651 Total Net Costs 1,283,453 875,254 685,473 (189,781) Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges 1,649,863 (658,992) 743,666 1,796,457 (880,531) 2,926,947 (501,000) 484,026 1,724,900 (847,896) 2,827,678 (443,000) 728,895 1,353,660 (814,298) (99,269) 58,000 244,869 (371,240) 33,598 Net Cost of Service 3,933,916 4,662,231 4,338,408 (323,823) Appendix B 2013/14 2012/13 Base Updated Budget Budget £ £ COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICE AREA Planning Policy Gross Direct Costs 254,901 254,917 Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ 16 £30,922 CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) post funded from the New Homes Bonus. (£15,000) One off CIL expenditure funded from a budget roll forward from 2011/12. (£6,237) Implications from the pay and grading review. (£8,794) Car Alternative savings. (93,858) Increased allocation of New Homes Bonus, transferred to the earmarked reserve in the year. (6,410) (£3,940) Reduced recharge from Accountancy. (100,252) Gross Direct Income (703,851) (797,709) Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 102,660 (346,290) 96,250 (446,542) Health Support Service Charges 8,410 0 Net Expenditure 8,410 0 121,677 116,410 480 (1,460) 44,080 1,300 (1,460) 25,020 164,777 141,270 Museums Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges 40,955 3,940 41,017 570 62 No Major Variances (3,370) (£3,430) - Lower recharge from leisure services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. Net Expenditure 44,895 41,587 (3,308) 104,851 329,663 Arts & Entertainments Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure General Economic Development Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income (130,958) Capital Charges Support Service Charges 12,463 156,550 175,760 Net Expenditure 273,864 374,465 Tourism Gross Direct Costs 62,338 52,338 Support Service Charges 54,430 62,870 Net Expenditure 116,768 115,208 Coast Protection Gross Direct Costs 533,657 370,277 Capital Charges 463,366 719,879 Support Service Charges 183,550 242,960 1,180,548 1,333,091 Net Expenditure Pathfinder Gross Direct Costs 7,697 Support Service Charges 10,490 0 Net Expenditure 10,490 7,697 (8,410) (£8,200) - Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (8,410) (5,267) (£5,000) - Reduced grant to Little Theatre Sheringham, in line with 2012/13 savings target. 820 0 No Major Variances (19,060) (£13,860) - Lower recharge from Leisure Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£6,590) - Lower recharge from Media and Communications. (23,507) 224,812 £32,424 Economic Development Projects funded from the Pathfinder Reserve. £8,271 IAS 19 Adjustment. £198,976 Learning for Everyone budgets, £68,018 of which is funded (130,958) from a budget transfer from Discretionary rate relief and the balance (£130,958) is funded from external grants and contributions. (12,463) 19,210 Increased costs within Economic Development and Tourism Management unit recharged to final services. 100,601 (10,000) (£10,000) One off expenditure relating to residual Tourism Guide Distribution costs. This was funded from a roll forward in 2011/12. 8,440 Increased costs within Economic Development and Tourism Management unit recharged to final services. (1,560) (163,380) (£181,000) Underspend on Sea Defences in 2011/12 rolled forward to 2012/13. £17,620 Consultancy fees transferred from Coastal Management. 256,513 Debt charges on Cr omer Coast Protection Scheme commenced in 2012/13. 59,410 £50,590 - Additional charge from Coastal Management reflecting increased work on revenue schemes. 152,543 7,697 Residual Pathfinder project costs funded from Earmarked Reserve. (10,490) Reduction in support costs reflecting end of Pathfinder project. (2,793) Appendix B 2013/14 2012/13 Base Updated Budget Budget £ £ COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICE AREA Strategic Housing Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus 1,838,351 1,350,000 Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ (488,351) Revenue Expenditure Funded From Capital Under Statute (Reffcus). This reflects the 2013/14 Housing Capital Programme 58,000 Reffcus - This reflects the 2013/14 Housing Capital Programme Gross Direct Income - Reffcus (501,000) (443,000) Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 378,600 1,715,951 269,000 1,176,000 (109,600) This reflects the restructure of the housing staffing budgets. (539,951) Hsg Strategy & Needs Determination Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus 5,620 1,088,596 5,620 1,477,678 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 131,490 1,225,706 71,710 1,555,008 0 389,082 Reffcus - This reflects the 2013/14 Housing Capital Programme (59,780) This reflects the restructure of the housing staffing budgets. 329,302 Regeneration Management Gross Direct Costs 137,669 206,267 Support Service Charges 124,880 89,260 Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure (262,549) 0 (295,527) 0 Independent Living Team Gross Direct Costs 192,306 128,093 Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 167,090 (359,396) 0 51,620 (179,713) 0 Housing Strategy Gross Direct Costs Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 130,406 68,598 £65,197 Costs relating to the management restructure. (£5,274) Car Alternative saving. £4,511 IAS19 adjustment (35,620) (£25,750) Corporate Leadership team (£7,692) Media and Communications. (32,978) Increased costs recharged to services supported. 0 (64,213) (£21,726) This reflects budget transfers to other areas as a result of the housing budgets being restructured. (£22,726) Staff saving following restructure. (£6,792) Savings resulting from Pay and Grading. (£7,159) Savings from Management restructure. (£5,274) Car Alternative saving. (115,470) This reflects the reallocation of the housing Budgets. 179,683 T his reflects the reallocation of the housing Budgets. 0 130,406 £127,570 budget transfers, this reflects a new budget created as a result of the Housing budgets being restructured. (£4,857) Pay and Grading Saving. £6,466 IAS 19 adjustment. There is no overall growth. (130,406) This reflects the reallocation of the housing Budgets. 0 0 (130,406) 0 213,390 211,389 (2,001) (£2,918) Staff Savings as a result of Pay and Grading work. (200,000) (206,000) Capital Charges Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 87,560 100,950 86,440 91,829 (6,000) Income generated from new Street Naming and Numbering fees. 0 (1,120) No Major Variances (9,121) Environmental Strategy Gross Direct Costs 117,711 64,739 Gross Direct Income Capital Charges Support Service Charges (11,000) 7,717 35,710 (11,000) 7,716 23,300 Net Expenditure 150,138 84,755 Local Land Charges Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income (52,972) (£32,882) Staff restructure - budget transferred to Coast & Community Partnership. (£20,090) Area Based Grant - one-off funding from Reserves for 2012-13 0 (1) (12,410) Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (65,383) Appendix B 2013/14 2012/13 Base Updated Budget Budget £ £ COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICE AREA Community and Localism Gross Direct Costs 592,943 645,903 Gross Direct Income (707,229) (867,563) 130,310 85,700 16,024 (135,960) Coastal Management Gross Direct Costs 120,801 135,452 Support Service Charges 105,150 73,200 (225,951) 0 (208,652) 0 2,498,819 2,926,947 484,026 (1,623,565) (501,000) 1,724,900 (847,896) 4,662,231 2,700,188 2,827,678 728,895 (2,014,715) (443,000) 1,353,660 (814,298) 4,338,408 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ 52,960 £6,191 - Pensions deficit funding adjustment. £46,095 2013/14 projects funded from the Big Society Fund. (160,334) £50,417 - Staff costs funded from Big Society earmarked reserve (LSP balance). (£210,751) - projected increase in 2nd homes money. (44,610) (£38,310) - Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£5,990) - Lower recharge from Computer Applications Team. (151,984) 14,651 £27,487 - Salaries & Oncosts following a restructure to be funded from an earmarked reserve. (£17,620) Consultancy fees transferred to Coast Protection. £2,245 - Pensions deficit funding adjustment. (31,950) (£31,450) - Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. 17,299 Reduced recharges reflecting reduced service cost. 0 201,369 (99,269) 244,869 (391,150) 58,000 (371,240) 33,598 (323,823) Appendix B Corporate Service Area Service Members Services Corporate Leadership Team Legal Services Total Net Costs Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Cost of Service 2011/12 Actual £ 386,013 845,847 317,426 Variance 2012/13 2013/14 Base to 2012/13 Updated Updated 2013/14 Base Budget Base Budget £ £ £ 397,988 446,377 48,389 747,508 507,996 (239,512) 301,754 286,970 (14,784) 1,549,286 1,447,250 1,241,343 (205,907) 404,522 (1,405,564) 383,620 (1,298,802) 290,340 (972,696) (93,280) 326,106 548,244 532,068 558,987 26,919 Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ 2013/14 Base Budget £ Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ CORPORATE SERVICE AREA Members Services Gross Direct Costs 398,388 446,777 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (400) 134,080 (400) 112,610 Net Expenditure 532,068 558,987 Corporate Leadership Team Gross Direct Costs 747,508 507,996 Support Service Charges 143,490 104,770 (890,998) 0 (612,766) 0 Legal Services Gross Direct Costs 352,804 347,020 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (51,050) 106,050 (60,050) 72,960 Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure (407,804) 0 (359,930) 0 Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 1,498,700 (51,450) 383,620 (1,298,802) 532,068 1,301,793 (60,450) 290,340 (972,696) 558,987 Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 48,389 £53,402 - Transfer of staff from another unit. £2,249 - Pay award. £6,175 - Management restructure. (£2,703) - Pay and grading implementation. (£3,000) - Members' NI costs. (£5,000) - Travel, subsistence, phone, post & allowances. 0 No Major Variances (21,470) (£23,790) - Lower recharge from the Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. 26,919 (239,512) (£200,057) Management Restructure savings. (£37,648) Car allowance policy savings. (38,720) Lower recharges - (£20,260) from Legal Services, (£4,700) Personnel Services and (£4,580) Admin buildings 278,232 Lower recharges reflecting lower costs incurred. 0 (5,784) £2,855 - Pay award. £5,879 - Pay and grading implementation costs. (£12,081) - Savings resulting from the review of the car allowance policy. (9,000) (£9,000) - Additional external legal fee income generated. (33,090) (£33,060) - Lower recharge from the Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. 47,874 Lower recharges reflecting lower costs incurred. 0 (196,907) (9,000) (93,280) 326,106 26,919 Appendix B Customer Services Service Area Service It - Support Services Tic'S Home Improvement Agency Homelessness Housing - Service Mgmt Transport Publicity Graphical Info System Media & Communications Customer Services - Corporate Total Net Costs Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Cost of Service 2011/12 Actual £ 869,005 156,764 (3,300) (393,749) 361,456 3,806 24,088 18,116 323,916 493,611 Variance 2012/13 2013/14 Base to 2012/13 Updated Updated 2013/14 Base Budget Base Budget £ £ £ 886,886 860,188 (26,698) 198,353 166,671 (31,682) 6,300 6,300 0 (533,378) (379,749) 153,629 368,132 235,342 (132,790) (1,580) (1,500) 80 26,388 0 (26,388) 26,412 26,832 420 368,183 315,334 (52,849) 522,040 524,096 2,056 1,853,713 1,867,736 1,753,514 (114,222) 135,331 1,164,509 (2,823,231) 153,497 1,223,090 (2,984,989) 141,986 1,106,450 (2,688,043) (11,511) (116,640) 296,946 330,322 259,334 313,907 54,573 Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ CUSTOMER SERVICES SERVICE AREA It - Support Services Gross Direct Costs 887,296 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Explanation for Major Variances 2013/14 Base Budget £ Variance £ 862,098 (25,198) £4,032 - Pay award. (£46,411) - Management restructure. £23,278 - Pay and grading implementation costs. (£9,604) Savings resulting from the review of the car allowance policy. £5,178 - Inflation on IT contracts 67,582 (410) 77,997 (1,910) 121,680 117,240 10,415 (1,500) (£1,500) - Recharges for broadband , phone and internet usage. (4,440) £13,560 - Higher recharge from Customer Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. £4,670 - Recharge from Fakenham Connect to reflect the space taken. (15,330) - Lower recharge from the Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (1,082,708) (1,055,425) (6,560) 0 Tic'S Gross Direct Costs 239,085 199,382 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 8,105 (40,732) 77,590 8,105 (32,711) 62,520 Net Expenditure 284,048 237,296 6,300 6,300 6,300 560 6,860 47,802 57,251 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income 47,716 (581,180) 23,130 (437,000) Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 316,000 (169,662) 356,070 (549) Housing - Service Mgmt Gross Direct Costs 368,132 235,342 Support Service Charges 186,530 133,780 (554,662) 0 (369,122) 0 26,020 31,500 (27,600) 48,070 (33,000) 40,720 Net Expenditure 46,490 39,220 Publicity Gross Direct Costs 26,388 0 Support Service Charges 72,330 31,080 Net Expenditure 98,718 31,080 Home Improvement Agency Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Homelessness Gross Direct Costs Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Transport Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 27,283 Lower recharges reflecting lower costs incurred. 6,560 (39,703) Savings anticpated from the TIC review as reported to Cabinet in January 2013. 0 8,021 No Major Variances (15,070) (£21,960) - Lower recharge from Customer Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (46,752) 0 No Major Variances. 560 560 9,449 £9,449 , This is the admin costs relating to the Vat shelter agreement with Victory Housing, this was not previously budgeted for and was netted off against the income. Costs are now shown gross. (24,586) 144,180 £120,000 Central Government Homelessness Grant now within overall funding grant. £24,180 Reduction in anticipated Vat Shelter Receipts from Victory Housing Association. 40,070 Reallocation of Housing Staffing budgets 169,113 (132,790) This represents budget transfers to the Community and Economic Development Area following the restructure of Housing Services Budgets. (52,750) (£28,600) Corporat e Leadership team and (£15,040) Legal Services. 185,540 Reduction in costs to recover through recharges. 0 5,480 £5,500 - Higher number of rail cards purchased, offset by additional income. (5,400) (£5,400) - Increased number of rail cards sold. (7,350) (£7,320) - Lower recharge from Customer Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (7,270) (26,388) (£26,000) - Saving in costs of producing Outlook magazine. (41,250) (£41,730) - Lower recharge from Media and Communications as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (67,638) Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ CUSTOMER SERVICES SERVICE AREA Graphical Info System Gross Direct Costs 26,412 Capital Charges 3,780 Support Service Charges 140 2013/14 Base Budget £ 26,832 3,780 8,950 Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure (30,332) 0 (39,562) 0 Media & Communications Gross Direct Costs 375,683 322,834 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (7,500) 117,290 (7,500) 106,530 (485,473) 0 (421,864) 0 Customer Services - Corporate Gross Direct Costs 532,040 534,096 Gross Direct Income Capital Charges Support Service Charges (10,000) 26,314 283,460 (10,000) 28,974 249,000 (831,814) 0 (802,070) 0 Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 2,535,158 2,275,635 153,497 141,986 (667,422) (522,121) 1,223,090 1,106,450 (2,984,989) (2,688,043) 259,334 313,907 Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ 420 No Major Variances 0 8,810 £8,750 - Higher recharge from Computer Network & PC support. (9,230) Higher recharges reflecting higher costs incurred. 0 (52,849) (£54,697) - Transfer of staff to another unit. £3,148 - Pay award. £3,771 - Pay and grading implementation costs. (£4,330) - Savings resulting from the review of the car allowances. 0 No Major Variances (10,760) (£19,510) - Lower recharge from the Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. £18,200 - Higher recharge from Customer Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£4,610) - Lower recharge from Computer Applications Team. (£3,300) - Lower recharge from Media. 63,609 Lower recharges reflecting lower costs incurred. 0 2,056 £9,631 - Pay award. £8,546 - Management restructure. £16,402 - Pay and grading implementation costs. (£24,740) - Officer restructure. (£4,330) - Savings resulting from the review of the car allowances policy. 0 No Major Variances 2,660 (34,460) £11,250 - Higher recharge from Computer Applications Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£36,540) - Lower recharge from Fakenham Connect to reflect the space taken. (£10,830) - Lower recharge from the Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. 29,744 Lower recharges reflecting lower costs incurred. 0 (259,523) (11,511) 145,301 (116,640) 296,946 54,573 Appendix B Development Management Service Area Service Development Management Conservation & Design Landscape Building Control & Access Planning Mgt & Comm Support Total Net Costs 2011/12 Actual £ 149,152 87,256 56,111 (58,266) 354,448 Variance 2012/13 2013/14 Base to 2012/13 Updated Updated 2013/14 Base Budget Base Budget £ £ £ 41,567 89,122 47,555 88,464 67,636 (20,828) 70,029 57,954 (12,075) (66,814) (77,091) (10,277) 346,659 315,422 (31,237) 588,701 479,905 453,043 (26,862) Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges 41,018 915,206 (476,537) 44,609 932,340 (459,959) 47,437 866,620 (432,152) 2,828 (65,720) 27,807 Net Cost of Service 1,068,388 996,895 934,948 (61,947) Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT SERVICE AREA Development Management Gross Direct Costs 615,187 Capital Charges Gross Direct Income 2013/14 Base Budget £ 687,742 Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ 72,555 (£15,548) Car Allowance saving following policy review. (£10,073) Pay and Grading. £31,125 Increased staff recharge from other Planning services. £45,088 Balance of two temporary planning assistants, £35,304 of which is being funded from a reserve. £6,563 IAS 19 adjustment. £16,265 Employee inflation. 2,828 (25,000) Additional income following 15% fee increase, £50,000 was already included in the base budget (26,780) The main reason for this variance is due to the reduced costs in planning management being reflected in the services it supports.(£14,460) 23,603 44,609 (573,620) 47,437 (598,620) Support Service Charges 490,910 464,130 Net Expenditure 577,086 600,689 Conservation & Design Gross Direct Costs 88,514 67,686 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (50) 65,590 154,054 (50) 57,050 124,686 71,029 58,954 Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (1,000) 83,860 153,889 (1,000) 78,510 136,464 Building Control & Access Gross Direct Costs 346,836 277,703 (413,650) (354,794) Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 163,680 96,866 150,200 73,109 Planning Mgt & Comm Support Gross Direct Costs 346,659 315,422 (31,237) £3,302 Employee inflation. (£3,219) Pay and Grading review. (£5,696) Car alternative saving. (£12,167) Management Restructure. (£15,000) one off use of reserves. Support Service Charges 128,300 116,730 Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure (459,959) 15,000 (432,152) 0 (11,570) (£10,510) Reduced recharge from Corporate Leadership team following restructuring savings. 27,807 Reduced costs to recover from recharges. (15,000) Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 1,468,225 44,609 (988,320) 932,340 (459,959) 996,895 1,407,507 47,437 (954,464) 866,620 (432,152) 934,948 (60,718) 2,828 33,856 (65,720) 27,807 (61,947) Landscape Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income (20,828) (£8,105) Increased recharge of staff time to other planning services. (£6,274) Pay And Grading review. (£5,275) Car Alternative saving. 0 (8,540) No Major Variances. (29,368) (12,075) £15,080 Pay and Grading review. (£20,549) Increased recharge of staff time to other Planning services. £2,712 Employee inflation. (£14,000) one-off expenditure funded from reserves in 2012/13. £8,000 Biodiversity work funded from Planning revenue reserve. 0 (5,350) No Major Variances. (17,425) (69,133) (£29,186) Pay and Grading Review (£37,457) Restructure of the service. (£5,775) Saving following review of car allowance policy. £2,667 Employee inflation. 58,856 Reduced income reflects current market conditions and the requirement that the service is self financing. (13,480) (£3,850) Planning Management (23,757) Appendix B Environmental Health Service Area Service Commercial Services Rural Sewerage Schemes Travellers Licensing Street Naming Pest Control Environmental Protection Dog Control Env Health - Service Mgmt Waste Collection and Disposal Cleansing Community Safety Civil Contingencies Total Net Costs 2011/12 Actual £ 348,158 335,441 0 (57,163) 21,384 23,572 396,795 53,807 237,897 910,866 738,260 57,818 70,621 Variance 2012/13 2013/14 Base to 2012/13 Updated Updated 2013/14 Base Budget Base Budget £ £ £ 377,059 340,786 (36,273) 346,505 356,897 10,392 0 0 0 (74,894) (59,658) 15,236 27,436 26,926 (510) 11,063 11,205 142 461,851 432,496 (29,355) 37,572 37,788 216 139,276 136,848 (2,428) 1,079,273 986,110 (93,163) 734,655 655,855 (78,800) 26,984 20,000 (6,984) 84,579 87,708 3,129 3,137,456 3,251,359 3,032,961 (218,398) Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges 32,897 (32,897) 587,300 808,420 (197,875) 0 549,188 974,785 (288,831) 32,897 (32,897) 422,791 907,920 (191,062) 164,509 (99,500) (6,813) Net Cost of Service 4,372,598 4,391,008 4,230,806 (160,202) Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICE AREA 2013/14 Base Budget £ Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ Commercial Services Gross Direct Costs 406,493 365,720 (40,773) (£13,045) Reduction in establishment. (£18,734) Staff savings mainly due to the pay and grading review. (£9,494) Saving resulting from the review of the car allowances policy. Gross Direct Income (29,434) (24,934) 4,500 Reduction in the provision of food hygiene courses due to a team restructure Support Service Charges 171,600 123,750 (47,850) (£12,380) Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£10,590) Lower recharge from Environmental Health reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. (£13,660) Lower recharge from Legal Services as a result of changes in duties. (£11,100) Lower recharges from Customer Services, Personnel Services and the Computer teams. Net Expenditure 548,659 464,536 (84,123) Rural Sewerage Scheme Gross Direct Costs 346,505 356,897 10,392 Inflation on Internal Drainage Board (IDB) Rates and Levies. Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 346,505 380 357,277 380 No major variances 10,772 10,000 (10,000) 32,897 (32,897) 97,800 4,000 (4,000) 32,897 (32,897) 97,800 3,320 97,800 101,120 (6,000) Reduction in running costs 6,000 Reduction in contributions 0 0 0 3,320 Recharges from Accountancy and Environmental Health reflecting a more accurate allocation of time 3,320 115,289 110,525 (190,183) (170,183) 150,940 127,130 Net Expenditure 76,046 67,472 Street Naming Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Support Service Charges 27,436 9,960 510 26,926 10,148 2,310 Net Expenditure 37,906 39,384 Pest Control Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 15,008 (3,945) 6,080 17,143 15,150 (3,945) 6,880 18,085 Travellers Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Capital Charges Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Licensing Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges (4,764) (£5,274) Saving resulting from the review of the Car allowance Policy. 20,000 Reduction in general licensing income due to closed premises (public houses, restaurants and arcades) (23,810) (£12,300) Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£10,640) Lower recharge from Environmental Health reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. (8,574) (510) No major variances 188 No major variances 1,800 Recharges from Accountancy and Creditors reflecting a more accurate allocation of time 1,478 142 No major variances 0 800 No major variances 942 Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICE AREA Environmental Protection Gross Direct Costs 480,781 2013/14 Base Budget £ Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ 451,426 (29,355) (£10,548) Saving resulting from the review of car allowances. (£13,847) Staff savings due mainly to the pay and grading review. (£3,385) Reduced budget for equipment repair and maintenance. (£1,500) Reduced budgets for professional fees relating to Bacton testing station and abandoned vehicles. 0 0 11,140 (£12,030) Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£7,290) Lower recharge from Environmental Health reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. £26,100 Higher recharge from Legal Services as a result of changes in duties. £3,950 Recharge from Accountancy to reflect a more accurate allocation of time. Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 3,600 (18,930) 176,070 3,600 (18,930) 187,210 Net Expenditure 641,521 623,306 Dog Control Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 38,072 (500) 29,900 38,288 (500) 19,230 Net Expenditure 67,472 57,018 140,126 137,498 11,616 (850) 40,170 7,337 (650) 53,690 (191,062) 0 (197,875) 0 (6,813) 0 4,033,601 299,815 (2,954,328) 228,050 3,917,267 468,415 (2,931,157) 216,660 (116,334) 168,600 23,171 (11,390) 1,607,138 1,671,185 64,047 Env Health - Service Mgmt Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Waste Collection and Disposal Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure (18,215) 216 No major variances 0 (10,670) (£4,990) Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£3,870) Lower recharges from Personnel Services and Admin Buildings (10,454) (2,628) (£5,695) Saving resulting from the review of the car allowances policy, partly reduced by pay award (4,279) Intangible amortisation 200 13,520 £24,400 Higher recharges from Customer Services, Fakenham Connect, Accountancy and Central Costs offset by lower recharges of (£11,560) from Personnel Services, Admin Buildings and Performance Management See Note A below Depreciation See Note B below (£4,890) Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. £23,990 Higher recharge from Environmental Health reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. (£6,650) Lower recharge from Accountancy to reflect a more accurate allocation of time. (£7,840) Lower recharge from Sundry Debtors reflecting a more accurate allocation of duties. (£12,630) Lower recharge from Admin Buildings, Personnel Services and Media and Communications Note A: (£105,211) Kier contract savings. (£85,473) Reduced disposal costs for trade waste customers. £49,000 Waste haulage charge - the cost of taking waste to Caister transfer station instead of direct to Landfill - this cost is fully recharged. (£23,000) One-off procurement costs for the Materials Recycling Facility (MRF). £34,146 Norfolk Environmental Waste Services (NEWS) processing costs. £3,818 Additional garden bin stock. £16,950 Transfer staffing costs to Cleansing. (£6,555) Staff savings. Note B: £41,746 Reduced Fee income - this is due to a change of definition by Defra for Prescribed waste being treated as Trade waste. (£29,725) Additional fee income from Increased number of garden bins. £15,585 Loss of recycling credits - street sweepings are no longer being processed. £42,754 Reduction in Profit Share (reduction in the price per tonne). (£49,000) Recharging for Tipping Away. Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget £ ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SERVICE AREA 2013/14 Base Budget £ Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ Cleansing Gross Direct Costs 771,401 696,462 (74,939) (£15,000) Payment for cleansing survey National Indicator 195 (Cleanliness Indicator) no longer required. (£32,415) Kier contract savings. (£16,950) Transfer of staffing costs from Waste. (£9,007) Reduction to establishment. Gross Direct Income (36,746) (40,607) 20,480 21,590 755,135 677,445 (3,861) Additional income from Parish and Town Councils for recharges from emptying of dog and litter bins 1,110 Recharges from Accountancy reflecting a more accurate allocation of time (77,690) 26,984 20,000 (6,984) Reduction for the contribution for the mainstream analyst 7,830 4,650 Net Expenditure 34,814 24,650 (3,180) Recharges from Accountancy reflecting a more accurate allocation of time (10,164) Civil Contingencies Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges 84,579 76,290 87,708 41,620 160,869 129,328 (31,541) 6,496,275 32,897 422,791 (3,244,916) (32,897) 907,920 (191,062) 4,391,008 6,227,867 32,897 587,300 (3,194,906) (32,897) 808,420 (197,875) 4,230,806 (268,408) 0 164,509 50,010 0 (99,500) (6,813) (160,202) Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Community Safety Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Costs - Reffcus Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Gross Direct Income - Reffcus Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 3,129 £2,896 Staff costs (34,670) (£8,380) Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£17,520) Lower recharge from Environmental Health reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. (£5,900) Lower recharges from Customer Services, Personnel Services and Computer teams Appendix B Finance Service Area Service Local Taxation Benefits Treasury Management Discretionary Rate Relief Non Distributed Costs Benefits & Revenues Mgmt Corporate Finance Internal Audit Central Costs Corporate & Democratic Core Total Net Costs IAS 19 Adjustment Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Cost of Service 2011/12 Actual £ 168,045 (329,301) 0 62,952 369,726 71,900 576,796 99,822 44,857 331,388 2012/13 Updated 2013/14 Budget Base Budget £ £ 115,400 82,734 198,967 277,801 0 76,161 68,018 68,000 256,842 266,577 72,512 73,330 573,133 478,417 105,967 109,613 97,485 42,614 347,386 297,338 Variance 2013/14 Base to 2012/13 Updated Base £ (32,666) 78,834 76,161 (18) 9,735 818 (94,716) 3,646 (54,871) (50,048) 1,396,185 1,835,710 1,772,585 (63,125) (157,726) 46,567 2,566,442 (1,444,041) (256,842) 99,048 2,561,360 (1,465,672) (266,577) 111,883 2,496,750 (1,331,498) (9,735) 12,835 (64,610) 134,174 2,407,427 2,773,604 2,783,143 9,539 Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget 2013/14 Base Budget £ £ 622,263 565,597 15,000 (506,863) 15,000 (482,863) 434,210 564,610 416,400 514,134 35,305,113 27,271,528 (8,033,585) £5,485 Balance of System Admin post transferred from Council tax.(£19,851) One off temporary staffing. £3,560 IAS 19 adjustment. £25,190 Pay and Grading Review. £16,398 Employee inflation. (£5,274) Car Alternative saving. (£8,056,786) Council Tax Benefit payments, change in the way these are treated through the introduction of the Local Council Tax Support Scheme (LCTS), this is offset by reduced subsidy. 75,054 (35,106,146) 85,289 (26,993,727) 10,235 8,112,419 £8,056,786 Subsidy on Council Tax Benefits (LCTS implication). £55,633 Reduction in Benefits Administration grant received from the Department for Works and Pensions. Support Service Charges 651,930 628,960 Net Expenditure 925,951 992,050 Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ FINANCE SERVICE AREA Local Taxation Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Benefits Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income Treasury Management Gross Direct Costs 76,161 (56,666) (£30,000) one off expenditure funded from reserves. (£3,696) Pay and Grading review. (£5,485) Balance of System Admin post transferred to Benefits. (£84,000) One off expenditure related to setting up new council tax scheme, this was funded by government grant. £60,000 One off Expenditure funded by Grant from the County Council relating to the new local council tax scheme. 0 24,000 One off Government grant for developing LCTS. (£60,000) One off grant from the County Council relating to the new Local Council Tax Scheme. (17,810) (£14,100) Computer applications team (50,476) (22,970) £20,550 Fakenham Connect, (£28,730) Reduced costs from ICT. (£16,550) Customer Services. 66,099 76,161 £75,496 Transfer of Treasury Management budgets including bank charges which were previously included under Corporate Finance. 8,570 Increased recharge from Accountancy. 84,731 Support Service Charges Net Expenditure 50,430 50,430 59,000 135,161 Discretionary Rate Relief Gross Direct Costs 68,018 68,000 Net Expenditure 68,018 68,000 256,842 (256,842) 0 266,577 (266,577) 1,580 1,580 72,512 73,330 37,230 (109,742) 0 16,800 (90,130) 0 (20,430) (£18,320) Corporate Leadership team. 19,612 0 573,133 478,417 (94,716) (£11,992) Car Alternative savings. £5,734 Pay and Grading review. (£75,496) Transfer of Treasury Management budgets including bank charges to Treasury Management Final Service. (£12,207) Staff savings. 8,994 267,750 (843,318) 6,559 11,594 260,570 (750,581) 0 Non Distributed Costs Gross Direct Costs IAS 19 Adjustment Support Service Charges Net Expenditure Benefits & Revenues Mgmt Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Corporate Finance Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure (18) No Major Variances. This budget is funded through the Big Society Fund. (18) 9,735 £9,735 - Inflation on Added Years payments. (9,735) 1,580 No Major Variances. 1,580 818 £4,462 Pay and Grading review. (£5,696) Car alternative saving. 2,600 (7,180) (£2,580) Corporate Leadership Team 92,737 Reduced Costs recoverable through recharges. (6,559) Appendix B 2012/13 Updated Budget 2013/14 Base Budget £ £ 105,967 109,613 11,340 3,060 (117,307) 0 (112,673) 0 97,485 42,614 297,820 335,500 (395,305) 0 (378,114) 0 Corporate & Democratic Core Gross Direct Costs 347,386 297,338 Support Service Charges 810,650 774,880 1,158,036 1,072,218 (85,818) 37,448,719 99,048 (35,613,009) (256,842) 2,561,360 (1,465,672) 2,773,604 29,249,175 111,883 (27,476,590) (266,577) 2,496,750 (1,331,498) 2,783,143 (8,199,544) 12,835 8,136,419 (9,735) (64,610) 134,174 9,539 Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ FINANCE SERVICE AREA Internal Audit Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Central Costs Gross Direct Costs Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Capital Charges Gross Direct Income IAS19 Pension Adjustment Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 3,646 £3,646 - 11.5 Planned audit days carried over from 2012/13 (8,280) (£5,430) - Lower recharge from Accountancy reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. 4,634 Lower recharges reflecting lower costs incurred. 0 (54,871) (£51,584) - Pay and Grading implementation. These costs now feature in the relevant service areas. 37,680 £6,270 - Higher recharge from Customer Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£16,010) Lower recharge from Accountancy reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. £44,610 - Higher recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. 17,191 Lower recharges reflecting lower costs incurred. 0 (50,048) (£50,000) - Saving in external audit costs as a result of abolition of Audit Commission. (35,770) £9,620 - Higher recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. £26,550 - Higher recharge from Environmental Health, reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. £11,580 - Higher recharge from Human Resources as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£11,460) - Lower recharge from Accountancy reflecting a more accurate allocation of time. (£29,040) - Lower recharge from Legal Services as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (£73,950) - Treasury Management no longer a charging management unit. £31,500 - Higher recharge from Administrative Buildings for Annexe. Appendix B Organisational Development Service Area Service Personnel & Payroll Supp Svs Insurance & Risk Management Policy & Performance Mgt Registration Services Total Net Costs Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Cost of Service 2011/12 Actual £ 320,910 276,386 131,181 230,219 Variance 2012/13 2013/14 Base to 2012/13 Updated Updated 2013/14 Base Budget Base Budget £ £ £ 321,800 338,543 16,743 238,229 250,178 11,949 154,456 119,492 (34,964) 154,609 154,763 154 958,696 869,094 862,976 (6,118) 270,878 (883,215) 283,570 (877,565) 348,750 (895,023) 65,180 (17,458) 346,359 275,099 316,703 41,604 Appendix B 2012/13 2013/14 Updated Base Budget Budget £ £ ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICE AREA Explanation for Major Variances Variance £ Personnel & Payroll Supp Svs Gross Direct Costs 321,800 338,543 Support Service Charges 124,340 113,680 (446,140) 0 (452,223) 0 238,879 (650) 9,190 250,828 (650) 23,570 Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure (247,419) 0 (273,748) 0 Policy & Performance Mgt Gross Direct Costs 154,456 119,492 29,550 49,560 (184,006) 0 (169,052) 0 Registration Services Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges 160,888 (6,279) 120,490 161,042 (6,279) 161,940 154 No Major Variances 0 No Major Variances 41,450 £34,070 - Higher recharge from Human Resources as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. £11,920 - Higher recharge from Corporate Leadership Team. Net Expenditure 275,099 316,703 41,604 876,023 (6,929) 283,570 (877,565) 275,099 869,905 (6,929) 348,750 (895,023) 316,703 (6,118) 0 65,180 (17,458) 41,604 Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Insurance & Risk Management Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure Gross Direct Costs Gross Direct Income Support Service Charges Support Service Recharges Net Expenditure 16,743 £8,773 - Pay award. £4,000 - Fees for lone working monitoring. £7,547 - Pay and grading implementation costs. (£4,330) - Savings following review of the car allowances policy. (10,660) (£7,560) - Lower recharge from Corporate Leadership Team as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (6,083) Higher recharges reflecting higher costs incurred. 0 11,949 £11,978 - Inflation on insurance premiums. 0 No Major Variances 14,380 £16,660 - Higher recharge from Human Resources as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. (26,329) Higher recharges reflecting higher costs incurred. 0 (34,964) (£38,036) - Staff transferred to another unit. £9,635 - Pay and grading implementation. (£5,000) - Reduced grant following review of all grants and contributions. 20,010 £16,730 - Higher recharge from Human Resources as a result of changes in duties following the officer restructure. 14,954 Lower recharges reflecting lower costs incurred. 0 SAVINGS SUMMARY - 2013/14 TO 2016/17 Appendix C Ref. Service Brief Outline of Saving/Addition al Income AL2 Assets and Leisure Car Parks concessions AL3 Assets and Leisure Revised arrangements for the DUSC Dual Use Sports (Cromer and Stalham) (in addition to current Centres review of NW). CS1 Customer Services Customer Services EH2 EH4 Environmental Health Environmental Health Environmental EH5 Health Brief Outline of Saving/Additional Income (where applicable) Introduction of concessions (refreshments trailors etc) to some of the car parks. 2014/15 Savings /Income 2013/14 Savings /Income 2015/16 Savings /Income 2016/17 Savings /Income (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (15,000) (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) (40,000) Generating efficiencies through maximising use of Front Office Reception, Cabinet report December 2012 (24,740) (33,000) (33,000) (33,000) Handyman Reduction in establishment for handyman function. (0.5 fte). Previously post used for waste associated work (now within contract) and street signs back log of work - mostly now complete. (9,007) (9,007) (9,007) (9,007) Recycling Initiatives Reduction in the recycling initiatives budget, currently used for promotional activities associated with recycling and composting, previous years spend has been less than level budgeted. (6,500) (6,500) (6,500) (6,500) Service Review Service review over the next 6-12 month period, combination of savings and additional income. 0 (44,000) (44,000) (44,000) SAVINGS SUMMARY - 2013/14 TO 2016/17 Ref. Service Brief Outline of Saving/Addition al Income Appendix C Brief Outline of Saving/Additional Income (where applicable) F1 Finance Internal Audit Review of Internal audit and management pending end of current contract (Sept 2014), assume savings from new arrangement, part year in 14/15, then full year. F2 Finance Staffing and Other Outlook C1 Corporate (no form) DM2 Development Management Assets and AL6 Leisure AL7 Assets and Leisure OD1 Organisational Development EH6 Environmental Health TOTAL Grants and contributions review Grants and contributions review Grants and contributions review Grants and contributions review Grants and contributions review 2014/15 Savings /Income 2013/14 Savings /Income 2015/16 Savings /Income 2016/17 Savings /Income 0 (6,000) (12,000) (12,000) Deletion of vacant Exchequer Services Assistant post. (19,700) (19,700) (19,700) (19,700) Cessation of the publication of outlook. (26,000) (26,000) (26,000) (26,000) Landscape contributions - not currently committed (2,150) (2,150) (2,150) (2,150) Reduction in the 13/14 contribution from £6k to £3k then full amount thereafter for the Folk on the Pier (3,000) (6,000) (6,000) (6,000) Contribution to the Village Games event. (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) Norwich and Norfolk Racial Equality Council (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) (5,000) Community Safety - Remove contribution of £7k for funding analyst. (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) (163,097) (224,357) (230,357) (230,357) Appendix D Fees and Charges - Assets & Leisure Service Area CAR PARKING Pay & Display Car Parks between 08:00 - 18:00 Coastal Car Parks Cromer East Runton Happisburgh Mundesley Overstrand Sea Palling Sheringham V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 - Runton Road - Beach Road - Cart Gap - Beach Road - Pauls Lane - Clink Road - Beach Road - Station Road - Stearmans Yard - Beach Road T T T T 50p for 30 T minutes only, T £1.20 per hour thereafter T T T T 50p for 30 minutes only, £1.20 per hour thereafter - Cadogan Road - Meadow - Promenade (Disabled only) - Albert Street - Station Road - Chequers - Morris Street - Staithe Street T T T T T T T T 50p for 30 minutes only, £1.00 for the first hour, 70p per hour thereafter 50p for 30 minutes only, £1.00 for the first hour, 70p per hour thereafter T T 50p for 30 T minutes only, £1.00 for 2 T T hours, 70p per T hour thereafter T 50p for 30 minutes only, £1.00 for 2 hours, 70p per hour thereafter Stalham - Bridge Street - The Limes - Queens Road - Bank Loke - New Road - Vicarage Street - High Street All P&D Car Parks (Coastal Car Park tickets transferable) - All day ticket T £5.00 £0.00 0.0% £5.00 T £1.00 £0.00 0.0% £1.00 Wells Weybourne Other Car Parks Cromer Holt Sheringham Wells Fakenham North Walsham Pay & Display Car Parks between 18:00 - 23:00 All Car Parks Comments No Change Appendix D Fees and Charges - Assets & Leisure Service Area Other Charges Coach Parking (where permitted) Carnival Day (Runton Road) Weekly Permit Annual Permit Half Year Permit Quarter Year Permit Penalty Charge Notice V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 - 3 hour permit - 24 hour permit - 3 hour permit - 24 hour permit - 3 hour permit - 24 hour permit - Full - Prompt Payment T T T T T T T T T T T T T £5.00 £10.00 £6.00 £3.00 £27.50 £55.00 £200.00 £30.00 £120.00 £16.00 £65.00 £50 - £70 £25 - £35 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £5.00 £10.00 £6.00 £3.00 £27.50 £55.00 £200.00 £30.00 £120.00 £16.00 £65.00 £50.00 £25.00 - April, May, June, Oct, Nov, Dec - July, August, Sept - Jan, Feb, March - April - June - July - September - October - December - January - March - April - Sept - October - March - April - Sept - October - March T T T T T T T T T T T £20.00 £30.00 £15.00 £152.00 £234.00 £111.00 £88.00 £297.00 £153.00 £223.00 £115.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £20.00 £30.00 £15.00 £152.00 £234.00 £111.00 £88.00 £297.00 £153.00 £223.00 £115.00 - April, May, June, Nov, Dec - July, August, Sept, Oct - Jan, Feb, March - April - June - July - September - October - December - January - March - April - Sept - October - March - April - Sept - October - March T T T T T T T T T T T £35.00 £45.00 £25.00 £338.00 £520.00 £247.00 £195.00 £660.00 £340.00 £495.00 £255.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £35.00 £45.00 £25.00 £338.00 £520.00 £247.00 £195.00 £660.00 £340.00 £495.00 £255.00 - Half day (up to 4 hours) - All day ticket - Per Car, Per Entry - Per Motorcycle, Per Entry Comments MARKETS Site = 4m Frontage x 5m Depth Cromer, Stalham and Sheringham (Weds) - Per Site Weekly Quarterly Half Yearly (Up to 2 pitches, £ per pitch) Half Yearly (3rd pitch +, £ per pitch) Sheringham (Saturday) - Per Site Weekly Quarterly Half Yearly (Up to 2 pitches, £ per pitch) Half Yearly (3rd pitch +, £ per pitch) No Change Appendix D Fees and Charges - Assets & Leisure Service Area V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 Other Charges Full Annual Payment in Advance Refunds - Administration Fee New Traders Discount (conditions apply) T T T 10% discount £15.00 25% discount £0.00 0.0% 10% discount £15.00 25% discount CHALETS & BEACH HUTS Chalets Sheringham Old Chalets New Chalets (incl electricity) T T £650.00 £770.00 £10.00 £20.00 1.5% 2.6% £660.00 £790.00 Cromer West Beach East Beach T T £600.00 £650.00 £10.00 £10.00 1.7% 1.5% £610.00 £660.00 Weekly Lets - Cromer & Sheringham Low Season High Season T T £60.00 £110.00 £0.00 £5.00 0.0% 4.5% £60.00 £115.00 Weekly Lets - Cromer East & Sheringham New (Serviced) Low Season High Season T T £75.00 £135.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% £75.00 £135.00 Winter Lets Per Month Per Week 40 Week Lets (October - July) 40 Week Lets (October - July) T T T T £60.00 £20.00 £450.00 £500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £15.00 £15.00 0.0% 0.0% 3.3% 3.0% £60.00 £20.00 £465.00 £515.00 Cromer West Cromer East Comments No Change Appendix D Fees and Charges - Assets & Leisure Service Area V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 Hut Sites Cromer, Overstrand & Sheringham One Year (Excluding Rates) Mundesley T T £205.00 £195.00 £5.00 £5.00 2.4% 2.6% £210.00 £200.00 Huts Weekly Lets Low Season High Season Mundesley - Seasonal Let T T T £45.00 £95.00 £500.00 £0.00 £5.00 £15.00 0.0% 5.3% 3.0% £45.00 £100.00 £515.00 T £30.00 £0.00 0.0% £30.00 PARKLANDS CARAVAN SITE Site Per Year T £960.00 £25.00 2.6% £985.00 HOLT COUNTRY PARK School visits where Ranger's assistance required (Per Person) T £3.20 £0.10 3.1% £3.30 T T £1.50 £20.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% £1.50 £20.00 T T £2.90 £2.40 £0.10 £0.10 3.4% 4.2% £3.00 £2.50 Termination of Licence (early - mid-term) Car Park Per car per occasion Annual Permit (NNDC Standard Car Park Season Tickets are also valid) MOBILE GYM Fees for the use of the facility per session Concessionary price per session Admin Fee Comments Appendix D Fees and Charges - CLT / Corporate Service Area LEGAL SERVICES Legal Work (exclusive of VAT charged) Mortgage Redemption Preparation of a new lease Sale of land Preparation of License Private Mortgage Quest re: second Mortgage Agreement - section 18 Public Health Act 1936 Legal Work in connection with release of covenant V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p T T T T T T T T At Solicitors Hourly Rate Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 At Solicitors Hourly Rate Comments Appendix D Fees and Charges - Customer Services Service Area V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRES Concessionary Fares Application processing T £7.00 £0.50 7.1% £7.50 FILMING TV drama/advertisements/feature films Per Day Per Hour T T £512.50 £82.00 £12.50 £3.00 2.4% 3.7% £525.00 £85.00 Documentaries and charities (depending on nature of organisation, subject and crew size) Per Day Per Hour T T £310.00 £52.00 £10.00 £3.00 3.2% 5.8% £320.00 £55.00 Administration Charge (only charged where a fee and/or contract is appropriate) Standard Less than 7 days notice T T £25.60 £51.30 -£0.60 £3.70 -2.3% 7.2% £25.00 £55.00 Stills (specifically commercial advertising with props, etc) T £100 - £500 £100 - £500 Free Free £10 - £15 Education/news/weather/student/individual photographers or 'in the interest of the district' Parking (if required) T £10 - £15 PHOTOCOPYING Per Copy Per Copy - Staff Colour Copying (A4) Colour Copying (A3) Colour Copying - Staff (A4) Colour Copying - Staff (A3) T T T T T T £0.07 £0.07 £0.61 £1.21 £0.61 £1.21 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £0.07 £0.07 £0.61 £1.21 £0.61 £1.21 Comments Appendix D Fees and Charges - Development Management Service Area V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 DEVELOPMENT PLAN Development Plan for North Norfolk (all prices inclusive of postage) Core Strategy (incorporating Development Control Policies) and Proposals Map (complete set) T £63.30 £1.70 2.7% £65.00 Individual Core Strategy Documents (all prices inclusive of postage) Core Strategy (incorporating Development Control Policies) Map Set (complete set including the Proposals Map) Proposals Map Map Key CD-ROMS (contains all documents and maps) Inspectors Report of the Core Strategy LDF Magazine File T T T T T T T £10.60 £52.80 £5.30 Free £5.50 Free £6.00 £0.40 £2.20 £0.20 3.8% 4.2% 3.8% £0.00 0.0% £0.00 0.0% £11.00 £55.00 £5.50 Free £5.50 Free £6.00 Single page extracts of Core Strategy Maps (various sizes inclusive of postage) T N/A Supplementary Planning Documents Design Guide SPD Landscape Character Assessment SPD T T £15.90 £21.10 £0.10 £0.40 0.6% 1.9% £16.00 £21.50 Other Publications and Background Studies LDS - b/w or colour AMR - b/w AMR - colour Core Strategy Sustainability Appraisal (Final) Tourism Study - b/w Tourism Study - colour Landscape Character Assessment - b/w Landscape Character Assessment - colour Retail & Commercial Study - b/w Retail & Commercial Study - colour 3 Dragons - b/w 3 Dragons - colour Settlement Planning - b/w Settlement Planning - colour Rural Economy - b/w Rural Economy - colour Open Space Study - Volume 1 Open Space Study - Volume 2 Open Space Study - Volume 3 Open Space Study - Volume 4 Open Space Study - Complete T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T Free £5.90 £23.10 £27.30 £17.40 £52.00 £5.90 £11.50 £8.50 £34.60 £5.90 £28.90 £5.90 £23.10 £11.50 £57.60 £9.20 £11.50 £19.60 £7.00 £52.00 £0.10 £0.90 £0.70 £0.60 £1.00 £0.10 £0.50 £0.50 £1.40 £0.10 £1.10 £0.10 £0.90 £0.50 £1.40 £0.30 £0.50 £0.40 £0.00 £1.50 1.7% 3.9% 2.6% 3.4% 1.9% 1.7% 4.3% 5.9% 4.0% 1.7% 3.8% 1.7% 3.9% 4.3% 2.4% 3.3% 4.3% 2.0% 0.0% 2.9% Free £6.00 £24.00 £28.00 £18.00 £53.00 £6.00 £12.00 £9.00 £36.00 £6.00 £30.00 £6.00 £24.00 £12.00 £59.00 £9.50 £12.00 £20.00 £7.00 £53.50 £10.00 Comments Previous Fees & Charges included various sizes & sites, proposal for one set fee. All are currently available online. Appendix D Fees and Charges - Development Management Service Area V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 T T T T £2.50 £28.00 £24.00 £2.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £2.50 £28.00 £24.00 £2.00 Part 1 Enquiries Non National Land Information Service Search One Parcel National Land Information Service First Parcel Additional Parcels T T T T T £77.00 £77.00 £77.00 £66.00 £15.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £77.00 £77.00 £77.00 £66.00 £15.00 Optional Enquiries Printed Additional Enquiry 22 T T T £15.00 £20.00 £26.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £15.00 £20.00 £26.00 T £70.00 £0.00 0.0% £70.00 T £7.00 £0.00 0.0% £7.00 LAND CHARGES Official Search of - One Part Official Search of - Whole - Paper Search - Electronic Search - Additional Parcel Other Fees relating to Local Land Charges Registration of a charge in Part 11 of the Register (Light Obstruction Notice) Filing a judgement order or application for variation or cancellation of any entry in Part 11 of the Register (Light Obstruction Notice) Filing a definitive certificate of the Lands Tribunal under rule 10 (3) of the Local Land Charges Rules 1977 Inspection of documents filed under Rule 10 in respect of each parcel of land Office copy of any entry in the Register (not including a copy or extract of any plan or document filed pursuant to 1977 Rules) PLANNING Weekly list Planning Applications per annum Preparation of Section 106 Agreement (simple) Discharging of conditions PLANNING - MISCELLANOUS Misc. Photocopies (per copy) A4 copies - per sheet A3 copies - per sheet Large documents - subject to negotiation High Hedges Complaint Architects Plans A1 & A2 Sheets (per copy) - Non householder permission - Householder permission T £2.50 £0.00 0.0% £2.50 T £2.50 £0.00 0.0% £2.50 T £5.00 £0.00 0.0% £5.00 T T T T £290.00 £300.00 £85.00 £25.00 £8.00 £25.00 £0.00 £0.00 2.8% 8.3% 0.0% 0.0% £298.00 £325.00 £85.00 £25.00 T T £0.10 £0.20 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% £0.10 £0.20 T T £395.00 £2.50 £10.00 £0.10 2.5% 4.0% £405.00 £2.60 Comments Cost of dealing with s106 higher than current charge Statutory Charge Statutory Charge Appendix D Fees and Charges - Development Management Service Area V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 Supply of Information on Permitted Use/History Administrative Staff - per hour Professional Staff - per hour T T £43.00 £84.00 £1.00 £2.00 2.3% 2.4% £44.00 £86.00 Check compliance with Conditions (for Solicitors, Agents) Administrative Staff - per hour Professional Staff - per hour T T £43.00 £84.00 £1.00 £2.00 2.3% 2.4% £44.00 £86.00 General Research Administrative Staff - per hour Professional Staff - per hour T T £43.00 £84.00 £1.00 £2.00 2.3% 2.4% £44.00 £86.00 Comments Appendix D Fees and Charges - Environmental Health V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p WASTE COLLECTION SERVICES Clinical Waste - Commercial & Prescribed Commercial Waste Bins - Collection & Hire Commercial Recycling Bins - Collection & Hire Prescribed Waste Bins - Collection & Hire Prescribed Recycling Bins - Collection & Hire Sacks - Commercial & Prescribed Bulky Items - Commercial, Prescribed & Household T T T T T T T Prices on Application Garden Bin Collection - Per Annum T £40.04 £1.56 3.9% £41.60 EDUCATION & PROMOTION (CIEH) Foundation Certificate in Food Hygiene Resident or employed in North Norfolk Other T T £48.60 £60.00 £1.40 £2.00 2.9% 3.3% £50.00 £62.00 Emergency First Aid Courses Manual Handling (4 hours) Manual Handling & Patient Handling (6 hours) Specially arranged courses for businesses - held at business premises T T T T Prices on Application DOG CONTROL Environmental Protection Act - Stray Dogs Charge when dog collected:- Release Fee (Vets fees, collection charge and kennelling charge to be added if appropriate) T £25.00 £0.00 0.0% £25.00 COMMERCIAL SERVICES Food Inspections Unfit food inspections Food export certificates Sunday Trading Application for loading consent T T T £34.90 £26.70 £81.60 £1.10 £0.80 £2.40 3.2% 3.0% 2.9% £36.00 £27.50 £84.00 - 5+ parameters - 17 parameters - 33 parameters T T T £25.00 £100.00 £500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £25.00 £100.00 £500.00 - Single Private Dwelling - Small Domestic Supplies - Large Domestic Supplies - Commercial or Public Small - Commercial or Public Medium - Commercial or Public Large - Commercial or Public Very Large T T T T T T T £100.00 £100.00 £200.00 £200.00 £300.00 £500.00 £500.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £100.00 £100.00 £200.00 £200.00 £300.00 £500.00 £500.00 Private Water Sampling Laboratory Analysis Risk Assessments Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 Prices on Application Comments Delegated Authority to be given as set out in the report Prices on Application Statutory Fee Actual cost charged by the testing laboratory plus any transport costs will be charged up to the maximum shown Appendix D Fees and Charges - Environmental Health V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 Sampling - per visit Other Investigations (e.g. Investigating failure) Granting an authorisation to depart from the standard authorisation T T T £50.00 £100.00 £100.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £50.00 £100.00 £100.00 T T T £15.70 £382.80 £823.70 £0.30 £17.20 £26.30 1.9% 4.5% 3.2% £16.00 £400.00 £850.00 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION SERVICES Register of Authorised Processes T £80.00 £2.00 2.5% £82.00 Abandoned Cars Abandoned Car release fee comprising of: Collection Costs + Storage Costs (per 24 hours or part thereof) Destroyed vehicles - disposal fee T T T £105.00 £12.00 £50.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £105.00 £12.00 £50.00 T T T T T T T £90.00 £170.00 £90.00 £170.00 £190.00 £190.00 £150.00 £40.00 £0.00 £40.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 44.4% 0.0% 44.4% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £130.00 £170.00 £130.00 £170.00 £190.00 £190.00 £150.00 T T T T £19.06 £3.00 £1.50 £36.05 £0.44 £0.00 £0.00 £0.95 2.3% 0.0% 0.0% 2.6% £19.50 £3.00 £1.50 £37.00 Registration of Food Premises Charge for copies of Register (or parts of) TAXI LICENCE FEES Taxi Licences Licence to Drive Hackney Carriages or Private Hire Vehicles Licence to Drive Hackney Carriages or Private Hire Vehicles Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licence Private Hire Vehicle Licence Private Hire Operators Licence - Single Entry - Part of Register - Complete Register - New Licence valid for 1 year - New Licence valid for 3 years - Renewal valid for 1 year - Renewal valid for 3 years - New or Renewal valid for 1 year - New or Renewal valid for 1 year - New or Renewal valid for 5 years Taxi Licence Charges Replacement badge (including name or address change) Replacement drivers badge holder with lanyard Windscreen pouches (additional or replacement) Replacement plate for vehicle Vehicle Inspection full initial test (if undertaken other than at a time of licensing or relicensing vehicle) Vehicle Inspection re-test following failure of initial test Meter test or retest undertaken separate to full vehicle inspection T £52.80 £12.12 23.0% £64.92 T T £12.00 £24.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% £12.00 £24.00 Other Charges Criminal Records Bureau Enhanced check T £44.00 £0.00 0.0% £44.00 T £30.00 £10.00 33.3% £40.00 OTHER LICENSING Permits for Goods and Amenities on the Highway - Application Fee Comments Set on Cost Recovery Basis Set by Statute As recommended by L&A committee - 21/5/12 As recommended by L&A committee - 21/5/12 Current charge as set by the CRB Appendix D Fees and Charges - Environmental Health V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 Premises Licences (Alcohol) Premises Licences, under the Licensing Act 2003, are based on bands determined by the non-domestic rateable value of the property concerned. The fees relating to applications for premises licences, club premises certificates and variations or conversions to existing licences are: Band Non-domestic rateable value A £0 - £4,300 B £4,301 - £33,000 C £33,001 - £87,000 D £87,001 - £125,000 E £125,001 and over T T T T T £100.00 £190.00 £315.00 £450.00 £635.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £100.00 £190.00 £315.00 £450.00 £635.00 Annual charges relating to the above are: Band A B C D E Non-domestic rateable value £0 - £4,300 £4,301 - £33,000 £33,001 - £87,000 £87,001 - £125,000 £125,001 and over T T T T T £70.00 £180.00 £295.00 £320.00 £350.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £70.00 £180.00 £295.00 £320.00 £350.00 Premises applying to vary conditions in relation to the sale of alcohol during transition will be charged a supplementary fee, according to their fee band: Band Non-domestic rateable value A £0 - £4,300 B £4,301 - £33,000 C £33,001 - £87,000 D £87,001 - £125,000 E £125,001 and over T T T T T £20.00 £60.00 £80.00 £100.00 £120.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £20.00 £60.00 £80.00 £100.00 £120.00 Personal Licence T £37.00 £0.00 0.0% £37.00 - Initial Fee Comments Subject to changes in legislation Appendix D Fees and Charges - Environmental Health V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T £10.00 £10.50 £10.50 £23.00 £23.00 £23.00 £315.00 £10.50 £10.50 £10.50 £21.00 £10.50 £10.50 £10.50 £21.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £10.00 £10.50 £10.50 £23.00 £23.00 £23.00 £315.00 £10.50 £10.50 £10.50 £21.00 £10.50 £10.50 £10.50 £21.00 - New Application - Annual Fee - Application to Vary - Application to Transfer - Application to Reinstatement - Application for Prov. Statement - Application (Prov. State Holders) - Copy Licence - Notification of Change T T T T T T T T T £2,522.80 £505.70 £1,261.40 £1,011.30 £1,011.30 £2,522.80 £1,011.30 £25.00 £50.00 £77.20 £14.30 £38.60 £38.70 £38.70 £77.20 £38.70 £0.00 £0.00 3.1% 2.8% 3.1% 3.8% 3.8% 3.1% 3.8% 0.0% 0.0% £2,600.00 £520.00 £1,300.00 £1,050.00 £1,050.00 £2,600.00 £1,050.00 £25.00 £50.00 Maximum set by statute Maximum set by statute - New Application - Annual Fee - Application to Vary - Application to Transfer - Application to Reinstatement - Application for Prov. Statement - Application (Prov. State Holders) - Copy Licence - Notification of Change T T T T T T T T T £1,261.40 £842.80 £1,044.00 £799.50 £799.50 £2,104.20 £799.50 £25.00 £50.00 £38.60 £27.20 £26.00 £20.50 £20.50 £55.80 £20.50 £0.00 £0.00 3.1% 3.2% 2.5% 2.6% 2.6% 2.7% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% £1,300.00 £870.00 £1,070.00 £820.00 £820.00 £2,160.00 £820.00 £25.00 £50.00 Maximum set by statute Maximum set by statute Additional Fees and Charges Supply of copies of information contained in the register Application for copy of licence or summary on theft, loss etc of premises licence or summary Notification of change of name or address (holder of premises licence) Application to vary to specify individual as premises supervisor Application to transfer premises licence Interim authority notice Application for making of a provisional statement Application for copy of certificate or summary on theft, loss etc of certificate or summary Notification of change of name or alteration of club rules Change of relevant registered address of club Temporary event notices Application for copy of notice on theft, loss etc of temporary notice Application for copy of notice on theft, loss etc of personal licence Notification of change of name or address (personal licence) Notice of interest in any premises Premises Licence Fees - Gambling Act 2005 Betting Premises (excluding tracks) Tracks Comments Set by Statute Appendix D Fees and Charges - Environmental Health V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 - New Application - Annual Fee - Application to Vary - Application to Transfer - Application to Reinstatement - Application for Prov. Statement - Application (Prov. State Holders) - Copy Licence - Notification of Change T T T T T T T T T £1,685.50 £630.70 £842.80 £799.50 £799.50 £1,681.00 £799.50 £25.00 £50.00 £64.50 £19.30 £27.20 £20.50 £20.50 £69.00 £20.50 £0.00 £0.00 3.8% 3.1% 3.2% 2.6% 2.6% 4.1% 2.6% 0.0% 0.0% £1,750.00 £650.00 £870.00 £820.00 £820.00 £1,750.00 £820.00 £25.00 £50.00 Maximum set by statute Maximum set by statute - New Application - Annual Fee - Application to Vary - Application to Transfer - Application to Reinstatement - Application for Prov. Statement - Application (Prov. State Holders) - Copy Licence - Notification of Change T T T T T T T T T £1,685.50 £842.80 £842.80 £1,011.30 £1,011.30 £1,681.00 £1,011.30 £25.00 £50.00 £64.50 £27.20 £27.20 £38.70 £38.70 £69.00 £38.70 £0.00 £0.00 3.8% 3.2% 3.2% 3.8% 3.8% 4.1% 3.8% 0.0% 0.0% £1,750.00 £870.00 £870.00 £1,050.00 £1,050.00 £1,750.00 £1,050.00 £25.00 £50.00 Maximum set by statute Maximum set by statute - Application Fee - Change of Name - Copy of Permit T T T £300.00 £25.00 £15.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £300.00 £25.00 £15.00 Prize Gaming - Application Fee - Annual Fee - Change of Name - Copy of Permit T T T T £300.00 £300.00 £25.00 £15.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £300.00 £300.00 £25.00 £15.00 Small Lottery Society - Application Fee - Annual Fee - Change of Name - Copy of Permit T T T T £40.00 £20.00 £25.00 £15.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £40.00 £20.00 £25.00 £15.00 Club Gaming - Application Fee Gaming Permit - Application Fee Machine Permit - Annual Fee - Change of Name - Copy of Permit T T T T T £200.00 £200.00 £50.00 £25.00 £15.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £200.00 £200.00 £50.00 £25.00 £15.00 Family Entertainment Centres Adult Gaming Centre Permits Family Entertainment Centres Comments Maximum set by statute Appendix D Fees and Charges - Environmental Health License Premises Gaming Machine Permit Licences and certificates of suitability Body Piercing Goods & Amenities on the Highway Motor Salvage Operator Sex Establishment Sexual Entertainment Venue Street Trading Consents Animal Boarding Dangerous Wild Animals (and vet fees where appropriate) Dog Breeding (and vet fees where appropriate) Pet Shop Riding Establishment (and vet fees where appropriate) Zoo (and vet fees where appropriate) V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 - Application Fee (2 or less) - Application Fee (3 or more) - Annual Fee - Change of Name - Copy of Permit T T T T T £50.00 £150.00 £50.00 £25.00 £15.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £50.00 £150.00 £50.00 £25.00 £15.00 - Registration T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T £65.00 £30.00 £80.00 £1,685.80 £2,522.80 Free £65.00 £110.00 £145.00 £110.00 £110.00 £155.00 £155.00 £44.00 Free £155.00 £1.60 £10.00 2.5% 33.3% £64.20 £77.20 3.8% 3.1% £2.00 £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 £5.00 £45.00 £5.00 £0.00 3.1% 4.5% 3.4% 4.5% 4.5% 29.0% 3.2% 0.0% £45.00 29.0% £66.60 £40.00 TBC £1,750.00 £2,600.00 Free £67.00 £115.00 £150.00 £115.00 £115.00 £200.00 £160.00 £44.00 Free £200.00 - 3 years - Non profit - Commercial - New/Renewal - New/Renewal - New/Renewal - New/Renewal - New/Renewal - Variation - CRB Per Person - Employee - CRB Per Person - Volunteer - New/Renewal Comments Maximum set by statute Check legislation Appendix D Fees and Charges - Organisational Development V A T 2012/13 Charge £:p Actual Increase Proposed % Increase Proposed Charge 2013/14 ELECTIONS Statutory Charges Edited Register of Electors - Printed Copy - Basic Charge (per first 1,000 names) Printed copy as above, extra 1,000 names or part thereof Edited Register of Electors - Data Form - Basic Charge (per first 1,000 names) Data form as above, extra 1,000 names or part thereof Full Register and monthly updates - Printed Copy - Basic Charge (perfirst 1,000 names) Printed copy as above, extra 1,000 names or part thereof Full Register and monthly updates - Data Form - Basic Charge (per first 1,000 names) Data form as above, extra 1,000 names or part thereof Marked Registers - Printed Copy - Basic Charge Printed copy of Marked Registers - 1,000 names or part thereof Data form of Marked Registers - 1,000 names or part thereof Overseas Elector List - Printed Copy - Basic Charge (per first 100 names) Printed copy as above, extra 100 names or part thereof Overseas Elector List - Data Form - Basic Charge (per first 100 names) Data form as above, extra 100 names or part thereof T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T £15.00 £5.00 £21.50 £1.50 £15.00 £5.00 £21.50 £1.50 £10.00 £2.00 £1.00 £15.00 £5.00 £21.50 £1.50 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% £15.00 £5.00 £21.50 £1.50 £15.00 £5.00 £21.50 £1.50 £10.00 £2.00 £1.00 £15.00 £5.00 £21.50 £1.50 Non Statutory Charges Certificate of Registration T £12.00 £0.50 4.2% £12.50 Comments Appendix E North Norfolk District Council Council Tax Summary 2013/14 2012/13 Actual Proposed 2013/14 0% Council Tax Increase Variance £ Demand on Collection Fund (excluding Parish/Town Precepts) £ 5,789,171 £ 5,082,610 District Council Tax Level at Band D £ £ 1.08 -£ Less Estimated Collection Fund Surplus at 31st March Net District Council Tax at Band D Note: -£ £ 139.95 138.87 £ Variance % -£706,561 -12.2% 139.59 -£0.36 -0.3% 0.72 £0.36 -33.3% 138.87 £ - 0.00% The Tax Base for 2013/14 is 36,411 so each £36,411 change in net expenditure has a £1.00 effect on Council Tax at Band D. M:\Accountancy\Shared Information\BUDGET\2013-14\Appendicies Base\Apx E Council Tax Summary 2013-14 CTax 13-14 Draft Appendix F Reserves Statement - 2013/14 Base Budget Reserve Purpose and Use of Reserve Balance at 1/4/2012 £ General Fund General Reserve A working balance and contingency, current recommended balance is £950,000. This also includes the rellocation of a number of previously earmarked reserves to be used over the next three years. Budgeted Budgeted Revised Budget Balance at Balance at 2012/13 2014/15 2013/14 31/3/2013 1/4/2014 Movement Movement Movement £ £ £ 2,049,920 (266,524) 1,783,396 (486,940) 1,332,529 £ £ (11,820) 1,771,576 (200,000) Balance at 1/4/2015 Budgeted 2015/16 Movement Balance at 1/4/2016 £ £ £ Budgeted Balance at Movement 1/4/2017 2016/17 £ £ 1,571,576 (200,000) 1,371,576 1,371,576 255,600 1,578,680 0 1,578,680 1,578,680 Earmarked Reserves: Capital Projects To provide funding for capital developments and purchase of major assets. This includes the VAT Shelter Receipt. 1,819,469 Asset Management To support improvements to our existing assets as identified through the Asset Management Plan. 26,669 (15,000) 11,669 0 11,669 0 11,669 0 11,669 11,669 Benefits To be used to mitigate any claw back by the Department of Works and Pensions following final subsidy determination. Timing of the use will depend on audited subsidy claims. 640,242 (99,100) 541,142 0 541,142 0 541,142 0 541,142 541,142 Big Society Fund To support projects that communities identify where they will make a difference to the economic and social wellbeing of the area. Funded by a proportion of NCC element of second homes council tax. Annual contributions to and from the reserve will be determined as part of the budget process. 0 639,625 639,625 169,735 809,360 0 809,360 0 809,360 809,360 Carbon Management To fund revenue invest to save initiatives and projects within the Carbon Management Plan. 21,180 0 21,180 (21,180) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coast Protection To support the ongoing coast protection maintenance programme. 208,000 (208,000) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Common Training To deliver the corporate training programme. Training and development programmes are sometimes not completed in the year but are committed and therefore funding is carried forward in an earmarked reserve. 32,000 (4,000) 28,000 0 28,000 0 28,000 0 28,000 28,000 Economic Development and Tourism Earmarked from previous underspends on Economic Development and Tourism Budgets along with funding earmarked for Learning for Everyone. 55,072 (26,233) 28,839 0 28,839 0 28,839 0 28,839 28,839 Election Reserve Established to meet costs associated with district council elections, to smooth the impact between financial years. 1,500 28,500 30,000 30,000 60,000 30,000 90,000 (60,000) 30,000 Environmental Policy Earmarking of a previous underspend to meet future costs of environmental policy initiatives. 20,090 (20,090) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (9,449) 1,323,080 30,000 60,000 0 Appendix F Reserves Statement - 2013/14 Base Budget Reserve Purpose and Use of Reserve Balance at 1/4/2012 £ Housing Previously earmarked for stock condition survey and housing needs assessment. Budgeted Budgeted Revised Budget Balance at Balance at 2012/13 2014/15 2013/14 31/3/2013 1/4/2014 Movement Movement Movement £ £ £ £ 242,000 (142,000) £ 100,000 0 Balance at 1/4/2015 Budgeted 2015/16 Movement Balance at 1/4/2016 £ £ £ 242,000 0 100,000 116,068 (84,494) 31,574 0 31,574 31,574 50,356 (1,380) 48,976 0 48,976 48,976 46,599 (3,506) 43,093 0 43,093 0 0 Budgeted Balance at Movement 1/4/2017 2016/17 £ £ 100,000 100,000 31,574 31,574 0 48,976 48,976 43,093 0 43,093 43,093 Previously established from the disposal of the European Treasury (Property) Investment Bank (EIB) to offset future imlications. Now held to mitigate fluctuations in investment income from pooled Reserve property funds. Land Charges To Mitigate the impact of potential income reductions. Legal & Democratic One off funding for Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) work and to undertake a review of the Constitution. Services Local Strategic Partnership Earmarked underspends on the LSP for outstanding commitments and liabilities. 671,958 (615,230) 56,728 0 56,728 0 56,728 0 56,728 56,728 LSVT Reserve To meet the cost of successful warranty claims not covered by bonds and insurance following the housing stock transfer. 435,000 0 435,000 0 435,000 0 435,000 0 435,000 435,000 New Homes Bonus Established for supporting communities with future growth and development. 0 611,678 611,678 674,614 1,286,292 696,458 1,982,750 705,536 2,688,286 705,536 3,393,822 Organisational Development To provide funding for organisation development to create capacity within the organisation and address anomalies within the pay structure. 494,488 (394,911) 99,577 0 99,577 0 99,577 0 99,577 99,577 196,036 (196,036) 0 0 0 0 0 404,000 (198,175) 205,825 (68,358) 137,467 (36,813) 100,654 (28,426) 72,228 110,835 (56,196) 54,639 (43,304) 11,335 (8,000) 3,335 0 3,335 3,335 37,837 0 37,837 0 37,837 37,837 37,837 468,216 9,872 478,088 (31,500) 446,588 446,588 446,588 This reflects the balance of Funding as at 31/03/12 on the Partnership Budgets Revenues and Benefits Partnership project. This will be 0 utilised in 2012/13 Pathfinder To help Coastal Communities adapt to coastal changes. Previously unspent HPDG for use on related revenue Planning - Revenue projects, timing to be confirmed. Regeneration Projects Carry forward of underspends relating to Regeneration Projects. Restructuring & Invest to Save Proposals To fund one-off redundancy and pension strain costs and invest to save initiatives. Transfers from this reserve will be allocated against savings proposals as business cases are approved. Timing of the use of this resrve will depend on when business cases are approved. 37,837 0 446,588 0 (18,126) 54,102 Appendix F Reserves Statement - 2013/14 Base Budget Reserve Purpose and Use of Reserve Balance at 1/4/2012 Budgeted Budgeted Revised Budget Balance at Balance at 2012/13 2014/15 2013/14 31/3/2013 1/4/2014 Movement Movement Movement £ £ Sports Hall To support renewals for sports hall equipment. Amount Equipment & Sports transferred in the year represents over or under achievement of income target. Facilities 23,339 (6,500) 16,839 0 16,839 The pier To be used to support the costs of works to Cromer pier. 15,000 0 15,000 (15,000) 0 Whistle blowing Commissioning investigation activity as required. 10,000 0 10,000 (10,000) 0 521,738 7,324,972 Total Reserves 8,195,874 £ (1,392,640) 6,803,234 £ £ £ 0 Balance at 1/4/2015 Budgeted 2015/16 Movement Balance at 1/4/2016 £ £ £ Budgeted Balance at Movement 1/4/2017 2016/17 £ £ 16,839 0 16,839 16,839 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 737,245 8,062,217 417,110 8,479,327 717,410 9,196,737 Appendix G GENERAL FUND CAPITAL PROGRAMME Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/12 Actual Revised Budget Expenditure 2012/13 Actual Expenditure 2012/13 (period 9) Comments Updated Budget 13/14 Updated Budget 14/15 Updated Budget 15/16 £ Jobs and the Local Economy Fakenham Industrial Estate Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 140,000 50,000 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 50,000 Public Conveniences Improvements - Phase 1and 2, and Mundesley Prom PC Upgrade Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 6,736 0 10,295 39,705 0 277,068 147,932 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 140,000 North Norfolk Enterprise Innovation Centre Fakenham Factory Extension Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 133,264 425,000 The project is currently on hold. 114,313 All works have been completed and we are currently in the defects period. 425,000 This scheme is complete 404,665 389,246 15,419 15,419 87,674 14,336 16,567 Works have been completed 404,665 Cromer Red Lion Toilet Refurbishment Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) RCCO 102,010 Car Park Ticket Machines 238,000 and we are currently in the defects period. 90,095 11,915 Final invoices are awaited Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 234,946 3,054 on the replacement of a vandalised machine at Weybourne. 238,000 Asbestos Works 51,000 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 51,000 Rocket House 77,084 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 77,084 0 following completion of works 39,672 11,328 2,144 Further asbestos removal 0 0 0 1,469 75,615 6,497 Works have commenced, 0 0 0 works have been undertaken at Edingthorpe and final invoices are awaited. although some slippage of the lift scheme is anticipated into 2013/14. Appendix G Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/12 Actual Revised Budget Expenditure 2012/13 Actual Expenditure 2012/13 (period 9) Comments Updated Budget 13/14 Updated Budget 14/15 Updated Budget 15/16 £ Wells Sackhouse Refurbishment Financed by; Other Contributions NNDC (Capital Receipts) Maltings Wells Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 71,752 100,000 0 This scheme is still on hold Carbon Reduction Scheme Financed by; NNDC (Cap Receipts - Carbon Reduction Fund) 108,318 26,723 0 0 100,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 126,723 0 0 pending the outcome of a large grant funding submission. 0 0 111,395 0 58,917 49,401 20,989 106,011 0 This scheme is still on hold pending the outcome of a large grant funding submission. 100,000 111,395 Sheringham Little Theatre Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 0 27,752 44,000 Car Park Environmental Improvements Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) Sheringham East Prom Public Conveniences Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 45,029 (1,975) This scheme is now complete. 111,395 9,454 108,318 127,000 Works have been completed 108,752 and we are currently in the defects period. 127,000 45,000 0 45,000 0 181,681 0 25,000 46,760 Works have been completed. 45,000 The works have been Car Park Resurfacing and Refurbishment 181,681 Financed by; NNCD (Capital Receipts) 181,681 Openwide Loan Repayment Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 25,000 189,520 completed. 0 This scheme has been requested for approval as part of the budget for 2013/14. 25,000 2,257,905 1,409,964 721,218 507,452 Appendix G Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/12 Actual Revised Budget Expenditure 2012/13 Actual Expenditure 2012/13 (period 9) Comments Updated Budget 13/14 Updated Budget 14/15 Updated Budget 15/16 £ Housing and Infrastructure Housing Renovation Grants Private Sector Renewal Grants 60,809 Annual programme Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 60,809 850,000 Disabled Facilities Grants Financed by; Specified Capital Grant NNDC (Capital Receipts) Housing Associations Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) NNDC (Capital Projects Reserve) Affordable Housing Contributions Strategic Housing & Choice Based Lettings System Financed by; NNDC (Capital receipts) Capital Projects Reserve Empty Homes Financed by; NNDC (Capital receipts) 8,718 Schemes are progressing. 523,787 Schemes are progressing. 443,000 407,000 2,022,500 Annual programme 926,600 Schemes are progressing. 1,050,890 920,614 50,996 120,650 100,650 113,950 6,700 200,000 0 11,000 4,000 0 200,000 320,650 15,000 200,000 0 200,000 100,650 3,148,309 1,459,104 500,000 500,000 355,000 500,000 500,000 355,000 850,000 150,000 72,578 443,000 407,000 0 150,000 0 72,578 1,477,678 0 0 1,077,678 400,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,832,678 650,000 427,578 Appendix G Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/12 Actual Revised Budget Expenditure 2012/13 Actual Expenditure 2012/13 (period 9) Comments Updated Budget 13/14 Updated Budget 14/15 Updated Budget 15/16 £ Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage Gypsy and Traveller Short Stay Stopping Facilities Financed by: Grant Sheringham Beach Handrails Financed by; NNDC (Capital Projects Reserve) NNDC (Capital Receipts) Cromer Pier Structural Works - Phase 2 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) Sheringham Promenade Lighting Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) Other Contributions Cromer Pier and West Prom Refurbishment Project Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) Refurbishment Works to the Seaside Shelters Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) Cromer Coast Protection Scheme 982 and SEA Financed by: Environment Agency Grant SMP Preparation of Common Version for Approval and Other Additional Studies Financed by: Environment Agency Grant Pathfinder Project 1,409,000 1,062,593 346,407 0 0 0 0 36,897 3,126 0 0 0 0 81,395 1,337,236 458,234 Works are progressing. 0 0 0 10,609 67,391 54,094 Works are progressing. 0 0 0 76 32 199,892 0 0 0 55,000 100,000 0 0 5,000,000 443,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,409,000 40,023 5,023 35,000 1,418,631 1,418,631 78,000 45,000 33,000 200,000 32 The scheme is on going. 200,000 155,000 The scheme has commenced 32,654 with works on a number of shelters having been completed. 155,000 10,400,000 188,717 4,768,283 128,230 2,770 10,940 The scheme is on going. 10,400,000 131,000 Major works have been 4,326 completed and the scheme is currently being finalised. 131,000 1,967,015 1,508,839 458,176 141,809 Pathfinder projects under this scheme are progressing. Appendix G Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/12 Actual Revised Budget Expenditure 2012/13 Actual Expenditure 2012/13 (period 9) Comments Updated Budget 13/14 Updated Budget 14/15 Updated Budget 15/16 £ Financed by: DEFRA Grant Cromer to Winterton Scheme Financed by: Environment Agency Grant scheme are progressing. 1,967,015 110,000 0 110,000 20,631 Approval has been received 110,000 0 0 0 60,000 30,000 0 0 0 15,968,669 3,017,356 7,208,421 752,720 5,299,892 443,000 0 Playground Improvements - Various Financed by: Contributions Grant NNDC (Capital Receipts) 276,057 245,257 27,800 3,000 0 0 North Lodge Park Financed by; NNCD (Capital Receipts) 197,000 0 717 196,283 0 0 Sheringham Skate Park 20,000 0 0 0 Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 20,000 200,000 0 0 0 0 0 Coastal Erosion Assistance Financed by: Government Grant 60,000 0 and works are at the tender stage. 60,000 Localism 51,679 222,561 1,817 Big Society Fund 400,000 400,000 70,000 70,000 717 This scheme is on hold awaiting the outcome of public consultation. 197,000 Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) North Walsham Regeneration Schemes Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 25,794 Final invoices are awaited. 0 20,000 0 200,000 17,045 52,955 20,000 The capital contribution has been made following approval of the scheme at Cabinet in July 2012. 110,858 Expenditure reflects the approvals for grant to capital schemes from round 1 of the Big Society Fund. 0 The project for capital works on traffic calming have been approved. Appendix G Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/12 Actual Revised Budget Expenditure 2012/13 Actual Expenditure 2012/13 (period 9) Comments Updated Budget 13/14 Updated Budget 14/15 Updated Budget 15/16 £ North Walsham Public Conveniences Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 68,000 6,918 61,082 North Walsham Car Park Environmental Impro Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 40,775 40,775 0 1,071,832 309,995 Street Signs Improvement Programme 99,600 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) Grant 95,500 4,100 59,441 Works have been completed. 0 0 0 254 0 0 0 362,554 217,064 399,283 0 0 73,775 25,825 (0) 0 0 0 79,690 193,010 0 0 0 280,802 15,000 126,986 0 0 0 0 0 11,394 0 0 68,000 40,775 Delivering the Vision Trade Waste Bins/ Waste Vehicle 272,700 Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) LPSA Grant 194,784 77,916 BPR EDM Project Financed by; Planning Delivery Grant/Housing and Planning Delivery Grant Capital Projects Reserve NNDC (Capital Receipts) 422,788 Personal Computer Replacement Fund Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) NNDC (RCCO) 137,802 Waste Management & Environmental Health IT System Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) WPEG Grant DEFRA Grant No further orders for capital works have been placed under this scheme at the current time. 0 No further orders for capital works have been placed under this scheme at the current time. 939 The design phase of this scheme is at the tender stage. Physical works are likely to be programmed in for the summer period 2013. 16,682 5,967 400,139 97,995 39,807 215,933 5,100 30,000 The scheme is on going. 100,033 37,769 232,427 131,514 83,486 17,427 0 The scheme is on going. Appendix G Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/12 Actual Revised Budget Expenditure 2012/13 Actual Expenditure 2012/13 (period 9) Comments Updated Budget 13/14 Updated Budget 14/15 Updated Budget 15/16 £ Asset Management Computer System Financed by; NNDC (Capital Projects Reserve) NNDC (Asset Management Reserve) 75,000 Probass 3 Financed by: Planning Delivery Grant/Housing and Planning Delivery Grant NNDC (Capital Receipts) 34,010 Procurement for Upgrade of Civica System Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) Other Grants (RIEP) DWP Performance Standards Fund 306,156 e-Financials Financial Management System Software Upgrade Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 52,173 22,827 4,563 The system is now live and final 0 0 0 1,910 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 131,026 0 0 invoices are awaited. 60,000 15,000 24,075 8,025 37,679 268,477 7,525 The scheme is on going. 5,600 28,410 82,995 The scheme is progressing with expenditure being incurred on the joint scheme by KLWN, to be invoiced at a later date. 210,947 53,800 41,409 Testing of the installed system 33,000 0 33,000 0 is on going, with scheme completion anticipated by the end February 2013. 33,000 Administrative Buildings 275,000 Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 275,000 Fakenham Connect Financed by; NNDC (Capital Receipts) 25,000 Fakenham Community Centre Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 45,000 Replacement of Planning Printer and Scanner Financed by: NNDC (Capital Receipts) 21,000 5,950 The first phase of the scheme 474 143,500 18,782 6,218 0 The scheme is progressing. 0 0 0 36,280 8,720 0 The scheme is currently on 0 0 0 0 0 0 for the provision of emergency lighting and fire alarms is progressing. 25,000 hold. 45,000 0 21,000 0 Approval for this scheme was given as at revised budget. 21,000 1,979,483 917,658 790,509 131,973 271,316 0 0 21,598,539 5,755,623 12,231,011 3,068,313 8,929,892 1,093,000 427,578 Appendix G Scheme Scheme Total Current Estimate Pre 31/3/12 Actual Revised Budget Expenditure 2012/13 Actual Expenditure 2012/13 (period 9) Comments Updated Budget 13/14 Updated Budget 14/15 Updated Budget 15/16 £ Capital Programme Financing Environment Agency Grant DEFRA Grant Disabled Facilities Grants Other Grants Affordable Housing Contributions Other Contributions Asset Management Reserve Revenue Contribution to Capital (RCCO) Capital Project Reserve Capital Receipts TOTAL FINANCING 4,941,053 458,176 443,000 474,863 50,996 60,800 15,000 14,500 932,441 4,840,182 5,000,000 0 443,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 400,000 3,083,892 443,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 650,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 427,578 12,231,011 8,929,892 1,093,000 427,578 Appendix H Summary of Capital Bids 2013/14 to 2016/17 Ref. Bid Title/Brief Description CAL02 Car Park Refurbishment - Resurfacing and relining CAL03 Chalet Repairs - Refurbishment of chalets roof structures and replacement of windows / doors CAL05 Doctors Steps - Replacement of iron structure CAL07 Victory Swim and Fitness Centre Addressing of damp issue in reception area and dance studio. CAL10 CCS01 Public Conveniences - Plumbing and drainage improvements programme PC Replacement Fund - Rolling programme for the replacement of personal computers to facilitate efficient and effective provision of Total Estimated Project Costs 2013/14 2014/15 Annual Revenue Costs Comments / (Income) where applicable Funding Identified Estimated Costs 2016/17 onwards 2015/16 180,000 180,000 0 0 0 0 There is a need to invest in car parks as they are a major source of income to the Council. Good surfacing and lining 0 should reduce the number of complaints concerning car park charges and will facilitate enforcement procedures. 36,000 36,000 0 0 0 0 There is a need to invest in the fabric of the chalets to 0 ensure that they are fit for use, and that they continue to contribute to the Council's income streams from lettings. 0 The Doctors Steps access to Cromer East Promenade is popular and gives direct access to 5 chalets elevated from 0 the prom. The iron structure is suffering from erosion and fatigue and is in need of refurbishment in order to ensure continued use of this access point. 0 As part of the contractual obligation with DC Leisure the Council are obliged to maintain the structure of this facility. 0 The damp issue present in the reception area and dance studio in the building requires resolution on a permanent basis, in order to fulfill this commitment. 0 The scheme involves the replacment of non operational hot water devices, improvements to pipework and fitting of thermostatic mixer valves, and improvements to toilet and 0 basin fittings. These works are a commitment under health and safety regulations, in terms of legionella risks and general risks of injury to the public from steam / scalding water burns and slip / trip hazards. 0 This is a renewal of the decision by the ICT strategy group and capital programme from 2007/08, to replace old and 0 unsupported equipment which will facilitate efficient and effective provision of services. 22,000 54,370 15,000 80,000 22,000 54,370 15,000 20,000 0 0 0 0 0 20,000 0 20,000 0 0 0 20,000 services. CAL08 Openwide Loan Repayment - Early repayment of a loan from Openwide resulting in a reduced charge and potential additional income 25,000 25,000 0 M:\Accountancy\Shared Information\BUDGET\2013-14\Appendicies Base\Apx H Summary of Capital Bids 2013-14 0 0 0 The early repayment of the balance of an outstanding loan to Openwide will result in an annual profit share element becoming payable to the Council on an annual basis. The monies are to be reinvested in the Tides Restaurant, where a cash injection could result in improved profits, a proportion (5,000) of which would then become eligible for profit sharing. Whilst the bid has been submitted as part of the 13/14 budget preparation, it is requested that it is included wihtin the 2012/13 revised capital programme and is included within Appendix G - updated capital programme. Appendix H Summary of Capital Bids 2013/14 to 2016/17 Ref. CCED01 CAL13 Bid Title/Brief Description Disabled Facilities Grants - funding adaptation for disabled residents to enable them to live independently in the commun ity. Play Area Refurbishment - Various Total Bids Total Estimated Project Costs 2,100,000 2013/14 2014/15 0 2016/17 onwards 2015/16 700,000 Annual Revenue Costs Comments / (Income) where applicable Funding Identified Estimated Costs 700,000 700,000 1,329,000 This is a continuation of the provision of a base budget for Disabled Facilities Grants in line with statutory requirements. The income identified relates to direct DFG grant funding 0 from central government and assumes that funding will be available on an annual basis at the same level as 2012/13 (£443,000 per annum). The Council owns a number of play areas containing traditional equipment which dates back to the 1980's, some of which is approaching the end of its economic life. This bid requests capital funds to address those playgrounds and 0 equipment in the poorest condition. A needs assessment will be undertaken to identify those areas which would benefit most from the funding prior to undertaking any improvements. 100,000 100,000 0 0 0 0 2,612,370 452,370 720,000 720,000 720,000 1,329,000 (443,000) (443,000) (443,000) 277,000 277,000 277,000 Less Funding identified -1,329,000 Schemes to be funded 1,283,370 452,370 M:\Accountancy\Shared Information\BUDGET\2013-14\Appendicies Base\Apx H Summary of Capital Bids 2013-14 -5,000