JOINT STAFF CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee held in the Committee Room, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on 13 June 2011 Members Present: Mrs S A Arnold Mrs H Eales Mr K E Johnson (Chair) Mr G R Jones Mrs B McGoun Staff Side Present: Mr A Mitchell Mr P Godwin Mrs C Lowin-Green Officers in Attendance: The Organisational Development Manager and the Democratic Services Team Leader. 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE None received. 2 ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR The outgoing Chair, Andy Mitchell, reminded the Committee that the office of Chair of JSCC alternated each year between Members and UNISON. This year it was the turn of the Members to appoint a Chair. RESOLVED that Councillor Keith Johnson be appointed Chair and Phil Godwin be appointed Vice Chair for the ensuing year. After this item Andy Mitchell vacated the chair. Councillor Keith Johnson took the chair. He thanked Andy for his chairmanship in the past year and encouraged the Committee to work together in the year ahead so that good decisions would be made. The Committee agreed that, since meetings had been re-scheduled to a later time at the request of someone who was no longer a councillor, JSCC should revert to its original time of 2.30 pm. 3 MINUTES The minutes of the meetings of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee held on 10 January 2011 were approved as a correct record. The Attendance and Authorised Absence Policy had come into force as soon as it had been approved by Full Council. UNISON asked that, in future, two weeks notice should be given so that work could be done with staff in advance. The Organisational Development Manager explained that managers had been briefed but that the information had not been effectively cascaded down in every case. 4 ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS There was an item of urgent business concerning staff who were being made redundant. It was urgent because the situation was immediate. It would be taken at Item 8. JSCC 1 13 June 2011 5 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 6 SICKNESS ABSENCE UPDATE There had been less sickness absence in January/March 2011 than in the same period in the previous year. Although depression rates appeared to be high in some months this was due to long term absence, which affected the figures. The Organisational Development Manager produced an annual analysis of the figures. This would be distributed to the Committee. 7 UPDATES The Organisational Development Manager would not give oral updates to this meeting. She would produce a written report for the meeting on 18 July 2011. This would include the Pay and Grading Review. Both Members and UNISON wanted to see the Pay and Grading Review moving forward. It was noted that, since the last meeting, timesheets had been produced for UNISON officers to record the time they spent on union-related activities. Councillor Helen Eales expressed concern about items on the UNISON table in the Canteen. This could be discussed at a future meeting. 8 REDUNDANCIES There had recently been some embarrassing situations caused by Members and staff being unaware that someone was being made redundant. A suggestion was made from UNISON that it might be helpful if, provided the person concerned gave consent, there could be greater awareness when someone was leaving. However, this was not a straightforward issue. Redundancy itself was a sensitive issue and some people preferred to go quietly, regardless of the reason they were leaving the Authority. The Organisational Development Manager would reflect on this issue. In response to a Member’s request, the Organisational Development Manager would contact the Norfolk Pension Scheme and ask for someone to come and talk to the Committee at an appropriate time/date to update on changes (when they are confirmed). The meeting concluded at 4.15 pm. _______________ Chairman JSCC 2 13 June 2011