CABINET – 02 November 2015 Decision List Notes: All decisions in this Decision List which are not identified as RECOMMENDATIONS to Council are capable of being "called-in" under Section 8 of Chapter 4, Part 3 of the Constitution. If not called-in, they will take effect on the expiry of 5 clear working days after the publication of this decision list. For the avoidance of doubt, the deadline for a call-in request for this decision list will be 09 November 2015 The officer listed as taking action will generally be the author of the original report unless otherwise notified to the Democratic Services Team. ACTION BY ITEM 9: BUDGET MONITORING REPORT 2015/16 – PERIOD 6 DECISION RESOLVED: To note the contents of the report and the current budget monitoring position. Karen Sly Head of Finance 01263 516243 ITEM 10: HALF YEARLY MANAGEMENT REPORT FOR 2015/16 DECISION RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL That the Council be asked to RESOLVE that the Half Yearly Treasury Management Report for 2015/16 is approved. Tony Brown Technical Accountant 01263 516126 Council Decision Nov 2015 Decision List – 02 November 2015 ITEM 11: INFORMATION AND ADVICE SERVICE DECISION RESOLVED 1. To agree that North Norfolk District Council enters into a three year partnership agreement with Norfolk County Council to enable the pooling of North Norfolk District Council and Norfolk County Council budgets for information and advice services for the three year period starting January 2016. The pooled fund to be used to fund the provision of a new three year Information and Advice Service for North Norfolk at a combined annual cost of £109,000 (NNDC £66,323 NCC £42,677) in accordance with recommendations 2 and 3. Sonia Shuter Health and Communities Officer 01263 516173 2. To agree that subject to the agreement of a satisfactory contract terms incorporating quality and service monitoring arrangements and the inclusion of break clauses and an appropriate partnership agreement between Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice and Norfolk Citizens Advice that North Norfolk District Council and Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice enter into a three year contract for Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice to provide a generalist Information and Advice Service for the North Norfolk District Council area at an annual cost not exceeding £109,000 3. To delegate authority to the Head of Economic and Community Development in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing to negotiate and settle with Mid Norfolk Citizens Advice satisfactory contract terms. 4. To agree that North Norfolk District Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee will receive a report every six months on the outcome of the contract monitoring and performance review meetings. ITEM 12: PARTNERSHIP OF MARITIME AUTHORITIES IN NORFOLK AND SUFFOLK DECISION RESOLVED 1. That a Norfolk & Suffolk Coastal Management Team be established in partnership between North Norfolk District Council, Great Yarmouth Borough Council, Suffolk Coastal District Council and Waveney District Council. 2. That a Councillor Partnership Board and Operational Officer Group be created respectively Decision List – 02 November 2015 Rob Young Head of Economic and Community Development 01263 516162 to oversee and manage the work of the Norfolk & Suffolk Coastal Management Team. 3. That should secondment of staff be required that is arranged under Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972. 4. That the initial decision on the delivery of support services for the partnership be delegated to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members. 5. That the detailed terms of the relevant Agreement and protocols, including the secondment of staff under Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972 be delegated to the Chief Executive Officer, in consultation with the relevant Cabinet Members. ITEM 13: REVIEW OF GAMBLING POLICY DECISION RESOLVED TO RECOMMEND TO COUNCIL Gemma Faircloth Public Protection Manager 01263 516139 That the draft Gambling Policy be adopted Council Decision Nov 2015 Decision List – 02 November 2015