Delivering the Annual Action Plan 2012/13 Performance Measures V09 Page 1 of 16 Jobs and the Local Economy A district with a thriving economy offering better jobs and prospects for local people Measures for review and management (reported quarterly to Performance and Risk Management Board, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny) Measure Current Measure Annual Review Outcome Frequency Baseline (Year) Assist 25 businesses to retain Jobs and/or increase employment ETD 008 (Q) 25 Quarterly 22 (3rd quarter cumulative 2011/12) The percentage of existing employment land occupied ETD 023 (A) Review Quarterly Mark Ashwell Rate of take up of new designated employment land Review Quarterly Mark Ashwell Number of businesses who access Loans & Grants under the Coastal Pathfinder scheme 15 Quarterly NA Percentage of Loans fund that can be reapplied 95-98% Quarterly NA (reported annually to Performance and Risk Management Board, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny) Page 2 of 16 Measure Current Measure Service user quality assessments of the Council's intervention/support mechanisms – individual feedback Page 3 of 16 Annual Review Outcome Frequency Baseline (Year) Review NA Annual Housing and Infrastructure Everyone in North Norfolk should have the opportunity to buy or rent a decent home at a price they can afford, in a community where they want to live and work Measures for review and management (reported quarterly to Performance and Risk Management Board, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny) Measure Current Measure Annual Outcome Review Frequency Baseline (Year) Number of neighbourhood plans developed 1 Quarterly NA The estimated worth (£) of investment secured in new infrastructure Review and report Quarterly Not known Number of development briefs produced on allocated sites 4 None produced in previous years Quarterly (reported annually to Performance and Risk Management Board, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny) Measure Number of new homes built of all tenures Current Measure Annual Outcome Review Frequency Baseline (Year) 250 Annual 178 (2010-11) Page 4 of 16 Measure Number of affordable homes built Number of long term empty homes (6 months or more) brought back into use (CTB 1) Current Measure Annual Outcome Review Frequency HO 001 (Q) (Cum) Review and report Annual Reduction of 40 from base Annual (October) Page 5 of 16 Baseline (Year) 64 (2010/11) 37 (3rd quarter cumulative 2011/12) 973 (Oct 2009) 828 (Oct 2010) 786 (Oct 2011) Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage A district where the beautiful natural environment and built heritage is valued and protected for future generations and where the coastline is defended against erosion wherever practicable. Measures for review and management (reported quarterly to Performance and Risk Management Board, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny) Measure Current Measure Conservation area plans that have been completed or reviewed CDL 009 (A) Annual Outcome Review Frequency Baseline (Year) 4 (Cromer, Sheringham, Walsingham and Wells) Quarterly 8 (2010/11) Defaults in our waste contract for cleanliness 0 Quarterly Number of rectifications issued to the contractor for cleansing 200 Quarterly Target response time to fly tipping and all other pollution complaints (within 2 working days) EH 003 (Q) (Cum) & EH 037 (Q) 100% Quarterly Planning processing times – major applications NI 157a (Q) (Cum) 50% check with Steve Oxenham Quarterly Page 6 of 16 1 for period 1st April 2010 to 23rd March 2012 Low is good Scott Martin 14 1st April 2011 to 25th March 2012 Low is good 96.90% (2010/11) 87.39% (up to Feb 2011/12) 34.78% (2010/11) 41.67% (3rd quarter cumulative 2011/12) Measure Current Measure Annual Outcome Review Frequency Planning processing times – minor applications NI 157b (Q) (Cum) 72% Quarterly Planning processing times – other applications NI 157c (Q) (Cum) 80% Quarterly Percentage of planning appeals allowed DC 003 (A) Review and report exceptions Quarterly 34.00% (2010/11) Low is good Review and report exceptions Quarterly 93.00% (2010/11) 92.37% (3rd quarter cumulative 2011/12) Percentage of planning decisions taken under DC 001 (Q) (Cum) delegation Baseline (Year) 64.79% (2010/11) 36.72% (3rd quarter cumulative 2011/12) 80.61% (2010/11) 51.33% (3rd quarter cumulative 2011/12) (reported annually to Performance and Risk Management Board, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny) Measure Current Measure Number of applications received for the Graham Allen Awards Annual Outcome Review Frequency Baseline (Year) Review and report exceptions Annual 14 (June 2011) Number of blue flag beaches LC 002 (A) 3 Annual 3 (2010) Number of green flags for parks and countryside LC 001 (A) 2 (new flag at Sadlers Wood, North Walsham) Annual 1 Holt Country Park (2011) Page 7 of 16 Localism To embrace the Government’s localism agenda to empower individuals and communities to take more responsibility for their own futures and to build a stronger civic society Measures for review and management (reported quarterly to Performance and Risk Management Board, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny) Measure Current Measure Annual Outcome Review Frequency Baseline (Year) Number of neighbourhood plans developed 1 (Holt) Quarterly NA Number of grants awarded to local communities Review and report Quarterly NA Amount of funding investment in community projects (from the Big Society Fund?) Review and report Quarterly Funding available £423,000 2012/13 Page 8 of 16 Delivering the Vision We will make the Council more efficient so that we can deliver our priorities and offer value for money for local taxpayers Measures for review and management (reported quarterly to Performance and Risk Management Board, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny) Measure Current Measure Staff sickness levels (number of days per Full Time Equivalent employee) OD 001 (Q) (Cum) Annual Outcome Review Frequency Baseline (Year) 8.87 days per FTE (2010/11) 3.25 (3rd quarter cumulative 2011/12) High and Medium combined=47% (2010/11) 72%(2011/12 to mid Jan) High and Medium combined=47% (2010/11) 72%(2011/12 to mid Jan) 7.5 days per FTE Quarterly Percentage of (High Priority) audit recommendations implemented on time 100% Audit committee cycle Percentage of (Medium Priority) audit recommendations implemented on time 60% Audit committee cycle Level of overspend/underspend (£) by the new service groupings Review and report exceptions Budget monitoring cycle to Cabinet NA Level of overspend/underspend (%) by the new service groupings Review and report exceptions Budget monitoring cycle to Cabinet NA Page 9 of 16 Measure Current Measure Percentage of audit days delivered Annual Outcome 100% Review Frequency Baseline (Year) Audit committee cycle 100% (2010/11) (reported annually to Performance and Risk Management Board, Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny) Measure Current Measure Annual Outcome Review Frequency Baseline (Year) Increase in council tax levels (NNDC element only) Zero Annual Zero (2012/13) Number of actions identified in the Annual Governance Statement action plan completed on time Derived from the Annual Annual Governance Statement in June 2012 3 out of 3 (2010/11) Page 10 of 16 Annual Review Measures we review on an annual basis that provide evidence of the combined impact of all the activities we are undertaking and demonstrate the level of need for further action. This will be an input to inform the development of future plans and startegies. Jobs and the Local Economy Measure Current Measure Baseline (Year) The number of VAT registered businesses 4710 (31 March 2011) The number of JSA 18 – 24 year olds 595 April 2012 (NOMIS) The number of job seekers finding employment ETD 005 (A) 89 (2011/12 to date) The number of economically active - employed & self-employed people 42900 2012 (NOMIS) Number of settlements that have had Broadband upgraded NA The leverage index of external funding in relation to base budget (£s of external funding levered for every £ put in by the council). NA Page 11 of 16 Measure Current Measure Baseline (Year) 76 units during the 2007-2009 period. 30 vacant units taken up during the same period. The number of vacant units within town centres Housing and Infrastructure Measure Current Measure Changes to the housing register system and criteria are planned for 2012. These will be presented to Cabinet in July 2012 for implementation in Autumn 2012. Establish baseline for new measure in time to manage from 1st April 2013 onwards. Number of people on the housing register Number of re-lets from the housing register Baseline (Year) HO 005 (Q) (Cum) 405 (2010/11) 355 (3rd quarter cumulative 2011/12) Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage Measure Current Measure Baseline (Year) Percentage of development on brownfield land and/or allocated sites (housing or all development?) PP 002 (A)? Mark Ashwell Localism Measure Current Measure Page 12 of 16 Baseline (Year) Measure Current Measure Baseline (Year) Town / Parish Council satisfaction with support provided by and engagement with NNDC NA The number of services / activities handed over to Town / Parish Councils NA Voter turnout at elections District 49.71%, Parish 51.95% (May 2011) Delivering the Vision Measure Baseline (Year) Has the audit committee approved the forward year’s internal audit plan? Reviewed by CLT and approved by Audit committee (2011/12) An increase in the level and proportion of customer contact through electronic means Set up mechanism during 2012 to measure customer contacts through each channel to set baselines and set target for 2013/14 Sustained or improved customer satisfaction levels including those of groups protected under the equalities Act 2010 51% satisfied, 19% dissatisfied (North Norfolk Local Priorities Survey 2010) Completion of the External Audit Plan leading to an unqualified set of accounts Achieved (2010/11) Page 13 of 16 Measure Baseline (Year) Number of pre- Annual Governance Statement audit recommendations 3 (2010/11) Levels of empowerment identified by staff through the Staff Survey Demonstrate levels of effective challenge based on staff survey and resident survey findings Increase in council tax levels (NNDC element only) I can describe how I am encouraged to take responsibility for decisions that affect the performance of individuals, teams and the Council, at a level that is appropriate to my role. Strongly agree = 13%, Tend to agree = 37% (North Norfolk District Council Staff Survey 2010) There is enough opportunity for employees to let North Norfolk District Council know how they feel about things that affect them and their work. Strongly agree = 2%, Tend to agree = 21% (North Norfolk District Council Staff Survey 2010) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the opportunities for participation in local decision-making provided by North Norfolk Council? Very satisfied = 8%, Satisfied = 30% (North Norfolk Local Priorities 2010) Zero (2012/13) Page 14 of 16 Measure Total cost of management overheads as a percentage of the gross revenue expenditure budget excluding benefits payments and adjustments for pensions and capital Baseline (Year) This indicator has been calculated by taking the Council’s gross revenue expenditure excluding benefits payments and adjustments for pensions and capital, which has then been compared to the costs included as part of the Council’s management unit (MU) overhead allocation process. The comparatives provided are based on the figures calculated as part of the Council’s annual budget setting process and are based on the base budget figures as follows; 2011/12 Base budget 31.65% 2012/13 Base budget 30.98% The actual reduction in cash terms in the management overhead costs between the 2011/12 base budget and the 2012/13 base budget is just over £445,000, which equates to a reduction of 6.12% over the 2011/12 base budget figure. Perception of Value for Money amongst the residents 42% (North Norfolk Local Priorities Survey 2010) Annual Governance Statement with Statement of Accounts presented to Members? Yes (2010/11) Number of actions identified in the Annual Governance Statement action plan completed on time 3 out of 3 (2010/11) Has the audit committee approved the forward year’s internal audit plan? Reviewed by CLT and approved by Audit committee (2011/12) Page 15 of 16 Measure Baseline (Year) An increase in the level and proportion of customer contact through electronic means Set up mechanism during 2012 to measure customer contacts through each channel to set baselines. Sustained or improved customer satisfaction levels including those of groups protected under the equalities Act 2010 51% satisfied, 19% dissatisfied (North Norfolk Local Priorities Survey 2010) Completion of the External Audit Plan Achieved (2010/11) Number of pre- Annual Governance Statement audit recommendations 3 (2010/11) Levels of empowerment identified by staff through the Staff Survey Demonstrate levels of effective challenge based on staff survey and resident survey findings I can describe how I am encouraged to take responsibility for decisions that affect the performance of individuals, teams and the Council, at a level that is appropriate to my role. Strongly agree = 13%, Tend to agree = 37% (North Norfolk District Council Staff Survey 2010) There is enough opportunity for employees to let North Norfolk District Council know how they feel about things that affect them and their work. Strongly agree = 2%, Tend to agree = 21% (North Norfolk District Council Staff Survey 2010) Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the opportunities for participation in local decision-making provided by North Norfolk Council? Very satisfied = 8%, Satisfied = 30% (North Norfolk Local Priorities 2010) Perception of Value for Money amongst the residents 42% (North Norfolk Local Priorities Survey 2010) Annual Governance Statement with Statement of Accounts presented to Members? Yes (2010/11) Page 16 of 16