Please Contact: Mary Howard Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516047 24 February 2012 A meeting of the Audit Committee of North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Tuesday 6 March 2012 at 2.00 pm Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to rearrange the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public. Further information on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic Services, Tel: 01263 516047, Email: Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Mr N D Dixon, Mr B Jarvis, Mrs A Moore, Mr J Punchard and Mr D Young All other Members of the Council for information. Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Strategic Directors: Nick Baker and Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA AGENDA NOTE: For Item 9 Summary reports are attached at Appendix B. The full reports are available to Members on request. Please contact Mary Howard (Tel.01263 516047 or email 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive public questions, if any 3. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a personal or prejudicial interest. 5. MINUTES (attached – page 1) To approve as correct records, the minutes of the meeting of the Audit Committee held on 6 December 2011. 6. AUDIT UPDATE AND ACTION LIST (attached – page 10) To monitor progress on items requiring action from the meeting of 6 December 2011. 7. CERTIFICATION REPORT (2010/11) – REPORT TO THOSE CHARGED WITH GOVERNANCE (attached – page 12) To receive the Certification Report (2010/11). 8. EXTERNAL AUDIT PLAN 2011/12 To discuss the External Audit Plan 2011/12 (attached – page 33) 9. PROGRESS REPORT ON INTERNAL AUDIT ACTIVITY NOVEMBER 2011 – FEBRUARY 2012 (attached – page 55) (appendix A – page 58, appendix B – 60) Summary: Conclusions: Recommendations: Cabinet member(s): Wards: Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 10. This report examines progress made during the last 4 months in relation to delivery of the Annual Audit Plan for 2011/12, and includes abbreviated management summaries in respect of the audit reviews which have been finalised in the course of this period. At this advanced stage of the financial year, we are now able to confirm that 80% of audit work has been completed. Furthermore, there were changes made to the Audit Plan in December 2011, which subsequently resulted in two additional assignments being brought forward from 2012/13 into the final quarter of 2011/12. There are currently 6 remaining audit assignments at varying stages of delivery and their corresponding management summaries will be incorporated into the Head of Internal Audit’s Annual Report and Opinion in June 2012. It is recommended that the Committee notes the outcomes of the 6 audits completed between November and February, and the recent amendments made to the Annual Audit Plan. All All Sandra King, Head of Internal Audit 01508 533863 RISK To receive an oral update. (Source: David Ablett, tel.01263 516055, email 11. INTERNAL AUDIT’S TERMS OF REFERENCE, PERFORMANCE INDICATORS, CODE OF ETHICS, STRATEGY, AUDIT PLANS AND SUMMARY AUDIT COVERAGE INFORMATION FOR 2012/13 (attached – page 76) (appendix C – page 81, appendix D – page 90, appendix E – page 92, appendix F page 95, appendix G – page 101, appendix H – page 104, appendix I – page 106, appendix J – page 112) Summary: This report provides an overview of the stages followed prior to the formulation of the Strategic Audit Plan for 2012/13 to 2014/15, and the Annual Audit Plan for 2012/13. The Annual Audit Plan will then serve as the work programme and initial terms of reference for the Council’s Internal Audit Services Contractor, Deloitte Public Sector Internal Audit Ltd, and provide the basis upon which the Head of Internal Audit will subsequently give Audit Opinions on the systems of internal control and risk management, and corporate governance arrangements at North Norfolk District Council for the year 2012/13. The report additionally aims to clarify the links between Internal Audit’s Terms of Reference, Performance Indicators, Strategy, and its Strategic and Annual Audit Plans, as well as detailing the way in which Internal Audit will operate at the Council in the year ahead, in order to satisfy the CIPFA Code of Practice for Internal Audit in Local Government and Statement on the Role of the Head of Internal Audit in Public Service Organisations. Conclusions: 12. In reviewing and approving the audit documentation attaching to this report, the Audit Committee is making appropriate provisions to ensure that the Internal Audit requirements as stated in the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011 are being properly met, and due support is being given to securing an Internal Audit Service which is compliant with CIPFA guidance on the subject. Recommendations: The Committee is requested to approve: • Internal Audit’s Terms of Reference and Performance Indicators for 2012/13; • Internal Audit’s Code of Ethics for 2012/13; • Internal Audit’s Strategy for 2012/13; • The Strategic Audit Plan for 2012/13 to 2014/15; • The Annual Audit Plan for 2012/13; and, • The Summary of Internal Audit Coverage for 2012/13. Cabinet member(s): Wards: Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: All All Sandra King, Head of Internal Audit 01508 533863 AUDIT COMMITTEE SELF-ASSESSMENT 2011-12 Summary: (attached – page 113) This report outlines the findings of the recent self assessment exercise undertaken by Members of the Committee. It provides an analysis of the assessment and identifies a number of actions in respect of the responses. Conclusions: Recommendations: Cabinet member(s): Wards: Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 13. By addressing the questions in the self assessment that elicited a “No” answer and reviewing those where the consensus was split (“?”) it is anticipated that the work and output of the Committee will be strengthened and enhanced. That members note the content of this report and commission Officers to provide the improvements noted in section eight (Actions) All All David Ablett, 01263-516055, BUSINESS CONTINUITY Summary: (attached – page 117) Six monthly update on business continuity planning, the progress made to date, ability to respond to any disruptive events that have recently occurred and the outline of future objectives. Conclusions: Recommendations: That members note the contents of the report. Cabinet member(s): All Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 14. Ward(s) affected: All Richard Cook 01263 516269 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK To receive an oral update. 15. AUDIT COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME (attached – page 122) To review the Audit Committee Work Programme 16. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution, if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 3 and 4 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.”