Audit Committee 6 December 2011 Agenda Item No________9_____ Progress Report on Internal Audit Activity, April – October 2011 Summary: This report provides an update to the Committee on the outcomes of audit work completed since the previous report (up to August 2011), and assesses the performance and effectiveness of the Internal Service in delivering the Annual Audit Plan between April and October 2011. Conclusions: Three additional audit assignments have been completed since the previous report to Committee, and the audit plan remains on schedule to deliver the Annual Report and Opinion of the Head of Internal Audit. Internal Audit continues to deliver an effective service to the Council. Recommendations: It is recommended that the Committee notes the progress made in delivering the Annual Audit Plan, and the outcomes of the work of Internal Audit completed at this stage. Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: All All Leah Mickleborough, Deputy Audit Manager 01508 533954; Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 1. Background 1.1. The Annual Audit Plan was approved by the Audit Committee on 8 March 2011. On 13 September 2011, we provided an update report to the Committee highlighting that to 31 August 2011, 27 days (13%) of the plan had been delivered, culminating in 2 completed audit assignments. 2. Delivery of the Annual Audit Plan 2.1. Appendix A provides an overview of the status of individual audit assignments. Following the amendments highlighted in our previous progress report, the audit plan now totals 206 days, of which 97 days (47%) have now been delivered. 2.2. In our previous audit report, we noted that the Business Continuity audit had been moved to December due to planned changes in service management. In September, this Committee received an update from the new service manager, and subsequently work has been undertaken to map the Council’s current arrangements against best practice (outlined in the British Standards Institute’s BS25999), then prioritise further work in an action plan. Due to the work required Audit Committee 6 December 2011 within the action plan, we have considered that the audit would be more effective towards the end of Quarter 4. 2.3. We are also engaging with management on the audits of two further areas – namely communications and parks and open spaces, to assess where audit assurance would be of greatest value. This may result in further amendment to the audit plan – any further changes will be confirmed to this Committee in March 2011. 2.4. Due to the original audit plan having orientated work towards the end of the financial year, and the subsequent amendments made to the plan, the plan is not as far progressed as in previous years. However, resources have been allocated to all pieces of work and it is still expected that the plan will be fully delivered ahead of presentation of the Head of Internal Audit’s Annual Report and Opinion. 3. Outcomes of Work Undertaken 3.1. We have completed three additional assignments since our report in September, the outcomes of which are included at Appendix B. 3.2. The review of the waste management contract with Kier resulted in a limited assurance opinion being awarded. One high priority item was raised in respect of the income payable to the Council for garden waste collections. Subsequent to the completion of the audit fieldwork, management have confirmed that the income due has now been received. 4. Effectiveness of Internal Audit 4.1. We assess the performance of the internal audit contractor, Deloitte, against a range of primary measures. These are compared to prior year performance as follows: Indicator Target April – October 2011 April – 12 November 2010 Comment % of audit recommendations accepted 90% 100% 96% Number of days between completion of audit fieldwork and draft report issue No more than 10 days 14.2 days 15.1 days Not meeting target Number of days between issue of draft and final reports No more than 15 days 9.3 days 20.0 days Achieving target Number of days between completion of fieldwork and final report issue No more than 25 days 23.5 days 35.1 days Achieving target Achieving target Audit Committee 6 December 2011 4.2. Meeting the target timeframes for delivery of draft and final reports has proved historically challenging. As such, it is pleasing to note the significant improvement in timeframes to deliver final reports once the draft report has been issued, meaning that the overall time to deliver audit reports has also improved. 4.3. Issuing draft reports within 10 days is still causing issue, albeit we have not had significant delays on any individual audits and, due to ongoing changes made to working practices – some of which were highlighted within our Annual Effectiveness Review (presented to the Committee in June 2011), performance has shown ongoing improvement throughout the year. As such, we are hopeful this will continue to reduce. 4.4. We also assess Deloitte against other measures to monitor their overall performance. Feedback on individual audit assignments has averaged 5.3 out of 6 (good) and no areas have received a rating below adequate (4 out of 6) on any audit. Audit briefs are issued in a timely manner ahead of fieldwork starting, and there has been minimal delays in completing audit fieldwork. 4.5. We continue to monitor and ensure ongoing compliance with the CIPFA Code of Practice for Internal Audit, and have undertaken a review of the effectiveness of our working practices in conjunction with other Internal Auditors nationally and locally, which has been discussed within the Internal Audit Consortium. Changes arising from this review will be incorporated into the Annual Audit Planning process for 2012/13, the outcomes of which will be presented to this Committee in March 2011. 4.6. The outcomes of this work indicate that the Internal Audit service has continued to remain effective for the Council. A more complete review of Internal Audit effectiveness will be provided in June 2012, alongside the Internal Audit Annual Report and Opinion. Appendices attached to this report: Appendix A – Review of work delivered in accordance with the Annual Audit Plan 2011/12 Appendix B – Management summaries of completed audit assignments