Audit Committee 6 December 2011 Agenda Item No_____10________ The status of agreed audit recommendations due for implementation by 30 September 2011 Summary: This report provides an overview of the progress made in implementing the audit recommendations due at 30 September 2011. Conclusions: No high priority issues due at this stage remain outstanding, and the overall number of outstanding items has continued to reduce. Action has been taken to address areas of weakness in respect of network infrastructure in particular. Recommendations: It is recommended the Committee notes the progress made to implement audit recommendations, and the areas where further work is required Cabinet member(s): Ward(s) affected: All All Leah Mickleborough, Deputy Audit Manager 01508 533954, Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: 1. Background 1.1. We provide reports on the progress made in implementing audit recommendations to this Committee on a 6 monthly basis. The previous report was as at 31 March 2011. 1.2. The process used to monitor the status of recommendations has remained the same; recommendations are input on the TEN performance system at the time the final report is issued, and managers requested to provide reports as and when recommendations fall due. At the end of the reporting period, Deloitte visit services to confirm there is supporting evidence to demonstrate the completion of audit recommendations. 1.3. This report incorporates all updates provided to Internal Audit by 3 November 2011, in respect of recommendations which fell due between 1 April 2011 and 30 September 2011, or were outstanding at the time of the previous report to the Committee. Audit Committee 6 December 2011 2. Overall Position 2.1. The number of outstanding recommendations, listed per audit, is identified at Appendix C to this report. A summary of the current, and previously reported positions, is shown in the table below: Recommendation status as at 31.10.11 No. % 31.03.11 No. % No. % Due for implementation 86 Completed/superseded 44 51.1 41 54.7 28 48.3 Partly implemented 9 10.5 7 9.3 10 17.2 Outstanding 33 38.4 27 36 20 34.5 2.2. 75 30.09.11 58 There are several items to highlight within the current report: • We would usually provide additional details to the Committee in respect of high priority recommendations. However, there were no high priority items outstanding at 30 September 2011. • Overall, the number of recommendations due, and the number outstanding, continue to fall – reflective of implementation of previous recommendations, and also that more recent audits are raising fewer recommendations. This demonstrates the ongoing improvement made in the Council’s internal control environment. The proportion of completed recommendations has fallen at this stage. • 5 recommendations remain outstanding in respect of partnerships. The Committee will be aware, from their meeting on 13 September, that the Interim Accountancy Manager is undertaking work to review the Council’s partnership framework, and the audit recommendations are being considered as part of this work. • There are presently 4 outstanding recommendations in respect of the Environmental Health service, which have arisen from difficulties in finalising the contracts for pest control and dog kenneling services. • The committee has received two updates, in June and September, on the progress made in implementing the recommendations arising from the network infrastructure audit. 14 of the 17 recommendations raised have now been completed, and the service expects that the three remaining items should be resolved by 31 December.