REAS, the role of education in our society is not to guarantee our citizens success, rather it is to guarantee the oppbrtunity to achieve success; and , vocational education is an important componmt of that effort by government; and ,the State of T& should continue a deliberate course to encourage expansion and development of busimsses, rdated vocational institutions, and education of business graduates from its schools, ,the ~aster-planfor Vocational Education in Texas refpost secondary levels, and vocational education at both the secon- REAS, the refocusing of vocational education is tied to the private sector in the development and implemen- and training conducted by Texas' public -Is and i~wtituti~ns of highn education. THEREl?ORE, I, William P.Ckments. Jr., Governor of Texas, unda the authority vested in me do hereby create and establish the GOVERNOR'S TASK FORCE ON VOCATIONAL EDUCATION hereinafter referred to as TASK FORCE. The TASK FORCE will consist of not more than 20 members appointed by the Govemor who shan serve for two; year tams and at the pleasure of the Govemor. The TASK FORCE shall be comprised of a broad representation . from small business, corporations, public schools, institutions of higher education, extensive savices and other intaested~andorganizations.TheGovernashan~aCbainnanandVicaChainnan~tbemanbazship who shall serve in those positions at the pleasure af,the Govanor. The TASK'FORCEis charged with the following responsibilities: (a) examine the role and scope of instruction involved in vocational education; (b) examine the programs and responsibilities of loql school districts, the Texas State Technical Institution and institutions of higher education to determine areas for errpansion and consolidation and areas in which state funds can be used with greater costcfficiency and cost e f f e c t i v ~ ; ' (c) make recommemhtionsto the Govanor regarding necesmy legislation or actions by the Governor's Office which will aid in the development of new vocational -; and (d) paform othu du& as requested by the Governor. On or before January 1,1988, the TASK FORCE shall make a written report of its activities and recommendations to the Govetnor. The TASK FORCE shall meet at the call of the chairman. The Chairmayshall, with the consultation of the Gover'* nor, establish the agenda. The members of the TASK FORCE shall serve without compensa!ion or expenses. AU agencies of state and local governments are hereby directed to moperate with and assist the TASK FORCE :NOW, . This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amend- ed, or rescinded by me. Issued in Austin, Texas,on April 21, 1987. Wiiliam P. Clements, Jr. Gownor of Tern