Document 12927906

ntments Made May 15
ce Commission of Texas
term to expire February 1, 1989:
Appointments Made May 16
Advisory Council on SA~O
Business Assistance
l~su* in Austin, -xa% on May 1691986.
Mark White
Governor of Texas
For a term to expire February 1, 1989:
Roy L. Fuller
Appointment Made May 23
Mr. Fuller is replacing Jack M. Fields of
Humble, whose term expired.
Charlene Smith (Chairman)
Capital Area Region Community
Development Block Grant
Review Committee
For a tenn to expire January 1, 1987:
Stephen Palmour
ustin, Texas, on May 15, 1986.
Mark White
Governor of Texas
City Councilman
City of Burnet
127 East Jackson Street
Burnet, Texas 78611
Councilman Palmour is replacing Clarence
Schwake of La Grange, who is deceased.
B o d of Tmstees Fire Fighters'
Relief and Retirement Fund
For a tenn to expire September 1, 1989:
Joe Rice
Assistant Chief
Canyon Fire
Mr. Rice is replacing Jimmy Lynn Dugger
of Dalhart, who resigned.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on May 23, 1986.
Mark White
Governor of Texas
Executive Order
WHEREAS, foreign nations are glutting the world oil market with excessive production, resulting in a 50% decrease
in the spot market price of oil and driving down posted prices significantly below earlier projections; and
WHEREAS, the sharp decline in oil prices will result in a slower rate of growth for the Texas economy and a
loss of jobs in energy and energy-related industries in 1986 and 1987; and
WHEREAS, falling oil prices, federal budget reductions and other external factors have caused a dramatic change
in the outlook for Texas state finances; and
WHEREAS, the Comptroller of Public Accounts has taken these factors into account and revised the estimate
of state revenues, resulting in at $1.3 billion reduction in estimated revenues for the current biennium; and
WHEREAS, the Texas Constitution requires a balanced budget and the people of Texas expect their state government to live within its means; and
WHEREAS, Texas government recognizes the need to immedjately implement cost saving measures as part of the
State's effort to reduce expenditures to levels commensurate with anticipated revenues;
NOW,THEREFORE, I, Mark White, Governor of Texas, pursuant to my constitutional and statutory authority
as the chief budget officer and chief planning officer of the state, do hereby direct each state agency and university
to structure a contingency plan to achieve an overall 13% reduction in spending from existing fiscal year 1986-1987
biennial general revenue appropriation authority and to implement the plan by not later than March 1, 1986. The
to the extent that such reductions would enhance fund balances remaining in the State Treasury.
Furthermore, I hereby direct each state agency and university to implement the following cost saving measures
and to incorporate these into its plan:
the provision of life-sustaining health services. The hiring of employees in these positions shall not be made Without
the prior written authorization of the chief executive of the agency. State agencies shall not enter into professional
or personal services'contracts to avoid the hiring limits described in this order.
(3) Effective immediately, no new professional and personal services contracts shall be entered into except those
absolutely required for the continuation of the most essential public services. Such contracts shall be subject to
the prior approval of the chief executive officer of the agency.
(4) Effective immediately, no purchases of nonessential supplies, motor vehicles and capital equipment shall
be made, except those for which documented savings can be clearly demonstrated during this biennium. No new
motor vehicles shall be purchased except for replacement purposes, and agency motor vehicle replacement schedules
shall be adjusted to achieve maximum biennial savings in this area.
(5) Effective immediately, all construction and renovation of buildings shall be deferred indefinitely except that
shall develop and implement procedures to reducd in-state travel expenditures by at least 20% for the fiscal .year
1986- 1987 biennum.
Effectively immediately, state agencies and universities shall review the operation of all lighting, cooling,
provisions contained in this order.
Issued in Austin, Texas, on February 18, 1985.