~ornerstone Encountering the links of culture and law in Guanajuato

A Magazine for the Alumni, Fliends and
Supporters of the Texas Tech University School
of Law
VolUllle Ten
Number Two
Winter 1993
Encountering the links
of culture and law
in Guanajuato
Table of Contents
Winter, 1993
Volume Ten
Number Two
Winter 1993
The name Cornerstone was derived from the
relationship between the law school and its
alumni: the Tech Law School serves as the
cornerstone for a successful career in law; and
the alumni, through their support, serve as the
cornerstone for developing excellence in the law
Dear Alumni and Friends of the Texas Tech Law School:
The 1993-94 school year is well underway. Thus far the year has been busy and it promises to get even
busier. I am glad to be able to share with you a "snapshot" of activities here in Lubbock.
A Law School Executive Committee is preparing a College Report for review by Executive Vice President
and Provost Donald R. Haragan and President Robert W. Lawless. Each academic unit in the University is
preparing such a College Report. Each report will review past activities with special emphasis on achievements
as well as areas which still need attention. The report is to include the faculty vision of how the school will
address future challenges. I am confident that our report will be one of the best in the University. During the
past years we have improved both the academic ability and diversity of our student body. Our faculty is more
diverse and we have provided major endowment support. Additionally we expect to complete our Law Library
Building and Renovation Project early in 1994. Of course we will need to be even more effective in recruiting
students and supporting placement, given the tight job market for attorneys. Overall this endeavor has provided
us an opportunity to reflect on our strong foundation at the Texas Tech School of Law even as we plan for
additional improvement.
The normal day-to-day activities continue even as we reflect on the past and plan for the future. The cover
story details the experience of our faculty members and students who participated in our summer program of
law at the University of Guanajuato. Also included in this Cornerstone is an alumni spotlight focused on Skip
and Susan Hulett, two of our more active and generous graduates. You will learn of the profile of the Fall
entering class, of law student Erin Gibbens' award in a Consumer Law Writing Competition, and of our ABA
Advocacy Team and their second place national finish.
I am happy to report that construction continues to go well. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May
14, 1994. We will hold a formal re-dedication of the Law School building and we will also celebrate 25 years
of service to the public of our state and nation. We expect to have state and national leaders here to help us
celebrate our achievements. But the celebration cannot be successful unless you make plans and attend!
Finally, this Cornerstone reports on Rod Schoen's selection to be Thornton Professor of Law; Jayne
Zanglein's selection as the Spencer A. Wells faculty member for Texas Tech University for 1993; and the
selection of Marilyn Phelan as the Judge Robert Bean Professor of Law. I also call your attention to a very
fitting memorial to Wynette Hewett and the Class Notes which complete this Cornerstone.
Comments from readers are welcome. Please
send them to Cornerstone, Texas Tech
University School of Law, Lubbock, Texas
79409. The contents of the Cornerstone do not
necessarily represent the views of the
foundation, its officers or trustees, the law
school administration, or Texas Tech University.
Cornerstone editor: Kay Patton Fletcher
Cover Photo: Artie Limmer
W. Frank Newton
Crossing Borders:
Encountering The Links of
Culture and Law
in Guanajuato
During the summer of 1992, the Texas Tech Law School established a consortium of law
schools that includes the University of Guanajuato. Called the Guanajuato Program, the
consortium offers students from these schools, and other qualified students who attend
American Bar Association approved schools, a six-week course of study at the Institute on
International and Comparative Law in Guanajuato, Mexico.
According to Professor Bill Piatt, "Our location, our growing Hispanic presence on the
faculty and in the student body, and an increased awareness of the importance of trade
concerns places Texas Tech in a position of leadership in preparing attorneys for an
increasingly international legal practice."
The Guanajuato Program's curriculum is interlaced with lectures about Mexican society
from the time of the Aztecs to the modem day. The curriculum primarily consisted of six hours
of electives that would qualify as credits at the students' law schools. Specifically, all students
were required to take a three-hour course in Mexican law, history and culture. They could
choose between taking courses in international business transactions or immigration law for
their second elective. Enrollment for the 1993 program was 70 students, with 17 Texas Tech
students participating.
"We still have a provincial notion that the United States can make it on its own
economically - and we can't," said Piatt. "I think we are going to have an increasingly global
economy. We would be really short-sighted to think that the United States can continue to sell
products only in English and only to American consumers. The Guanajuato Program
introduces future lawyers to a broadbased understanding and knowledge of Mexico's rich
history and culture."
Thornton Professorship in Law Established
From his earliest years as a boy in Knox County,
Texas, Charles B. Thornton gained recognition as a
entrepreneur. By age 14, he was a land owner. At 19,
he was a partner in a gas station and a car dealership.
Because he knew that his key to real success was in
receiving an education, he liquidated his businesses
and entered Texas Technological College in 1932.
Post-World War II business efforts were with Ford
Motor Company and Hughes Aircraft. Both Ford and
Hughes Aircraft were made profitable under the
leadership of Charles B. Thornton.
In 1953, Thornton established Litton Industries
and built the company into one of the nation' s most
advanced corporations, pushing technology to new
frontiers. A firm believer in civic and charitable work,
Thornton served as a director of many leading
corporations and devoted himself to public service.
Charles Thornton's gifts to Texas Tech have been
many. The Charles B. Thornton Professorship in Law
at Texas Tech University School of Law stands as a
monument to the vision, courage and generosity of a
great American business leader.
In November, 1993, Rodric Bruce Schoen was
named the Charles B. Thornton Professor of Law.
Professor Schoen has also served as Associate Dean
for Academic Affairs of the School of Law and has
been a faculty member since 1971.
Professor Schoen is an authority on Texas tort law
and has published on patronage, public employment
and public education law. He is regarded as a foremost
academic authority on the Texas Equal Rights
In addition to his academic service, Professor
Schoen served as president of the Texas Civil Liberties
Union and as a member of the national board of the
American Civil Liberties Union.
Known to Texas Tech School of Law students for
his dedication to teaching,
Professor Schoen has stated
that his greatest professional
responsibility is interaction
with his students, in and
outside the classroom. As he
concludes, "I like students, I
like lawyers, and I like
"Great law schools
have great law professors.
Creating and maintaining
excellence begins with the
law faculty. There can be no true academic excellence
without a superior faculty . The Charles B. Thornton
Professorship in Law truly supports the mission of the
School of Law - to provide outstanding education,
research and service for current and future generations
of law professors, judges and practicing lawyers," said
Dean Newton. "We are honored to have this professorship in law which recognizes one of American' s
great leaders."
Bean Professorship of Law Is Awarded
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor
Marilyn E. Phelan has been named as the Bean
Professor of Law by University President Robert W.
Professor Phelan is a nationally recognized expert
on the taxation of non-profit corporations. She has
authored books, articles and treatises in the field of
taxation. Her most recent book, Representing
Nonprofit Organizations, will be published in January,
1993 by Clark Boardman Callaghan.
Professor Phelan joined the law school faculty in
1973. She served as General Counsel for Texas Tech
University immediately prior to becoming a law professor. Professor Phelan has served as Associate Dean
for Academic Affairs since 1992.
Professor Phelan is a member of the prestigious
American Law Institute, and serves as a Commissioner on the Commission on Uniform State Laws.
She also is Vice-Chair of the Legal Aspects of the Arts
Committee of the State Bar of Texas.
Professor Phelan and her husband, Harold, an attorney practicing in Levelland, have endowed the
Lubbock Christian University Scholarship which
offers financial support to a Texas Tech law student
who has graduated from Lubbock Christian
The Bean Professorship,
activated in 1988, recognizes the contribution and
honors the memory of
Judge Robert Bean, a
Lubbock County judge who
served for many years. The
professorship was created
through donations from
practicing attorneys and
members of Judge Bean' s
Professor Thomas E. Baker is teaching a new
course on the First Amendment. The class is considering the doctrine and theory of free speech and free
press, as well as the religion clauses. The course
work includes such course materials as rap music
and Playboy magazine, along with the newly-released recordings of Supreme Court oral arguments.
Professor Baker has published A Review of
Corpus Juris Humorous, 24 Tex. Tech L. Rev.
869 (1993) that included a list of the top 10 most
clever judicial opinions. The list had previously
appeared in the Texas Lawyer. His other recent
publications include: Book Review: Joseph
Goldstein, The Intelligible Constitution, 10 Const.
Commentary 167 (1993); Religious Convictions
and Professional Education, 1 J. Professional
Ethic (with T. Floyd); Discomfiting Glimpses of
(Hopefully) Old Ways - Ginsburg Confirmation
includes Bitter Reminders, National LJ., Aug. 16,
1993, at 15; What Questionsfor Judge Ginsburg?
Texas Lawyer, July 19, 1993, at 12; May the
Mentally Retarded be Involuntarily Committed on
a Lesser Showing that is Required for the
Mentally Ill? Preview of Supreme Court Cases,
Mar. 19, 1993, at 282.
Professor Baker was invited to deliver a paper
at the First International Congress of Philosophy
and Political Science, at Universidad del Musea
Social Argentine, in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He
submitted a paper entitled, "Exercising The
Amendment Power to Disapprove of Supreme
Court Decisions: A Proposal for a Republican
Baker continues to represent the Law School
on the University's Steering Committee for Selfstudy and Accreditation Review. He also serves as
a member of the editorial boards of Preview of
United States Supreme Court Cases; Journal of
Supreme Court History; and Texas Lawyer.
Currently, he is undertaking a study of federal
judicial rulemaking procedures on behalf of the
Standing Committee on Rules and Procedures of
the Judicial Conference of the United States;
Professor Baker has been a member of this
committee since 1990.
Professor Chuck Bubany was the speaker at
the September 10 meeting of the Lubbock County
Women Lawyers Association. His topic was
"Texas Family Code Update." Professor Bubany
also spoke at the Advanced Criminal Law Short
Course sponsored by the Lubbock Criminal
Defense Lawyers Association in October on
"Recent Supreme Court Decisions." At the Texas
Association of Counties Judicial Education
Institute in November, Professor Bubany will
speak on "Family Violence: Protective Orders."
Professor Bubany has received a grant from
the Institute for Law School Teaching, located at
Gonzaga University School of Law in Spokane,
Washington, to do a study entitled "Surrogate
Legal Education: An Evaluation of Law School
Farmout Programs."
language issues in the labor market and offers
insight into workplace discrimination.
Among the main topics considered are
English proficiency tests in hiring and promotion
decisions, "speak English only" rules in the
workplace, compensation for bilingual employees
when they are required to use their language
skills on the job and fair union representation to
members having limited command of English.
This is Piatt's second book on the subject.
His 1990 book, "Only English? Law & Language
Policy in the United States," questioned whether
English should be the official language of the
United States. Both books are available through
the University of New Mexico Press in
Albuquerque and at most retail and college
Mahon Professor W. Reed Quilliam, Jr.
presented a paper entitled, "Important 1993
Changes in the Texas Probate Code" at the Stay
Abreast of Law seminar held at the Law School
on October 1. He will also have an article on
probate law developments in the January, 1994
issue of the Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law
Professor Quilliam is currently serving as the
President of Friends of Classical KOHM Radio,
the classical/public radio station in Lubbock.
Professor Brian Shannon has received a grant
from the Administrative Conference of the
United States to prepare an analysis of the
procedures used by Federal Agencies for
debarring or suspending federal government
Professors Shannon and Dan Benson have
received a grant from the Texas Bar Foundation
and the Texas Alliance for the Mentally III to
prepare a monograph, TEXAS CRIMINAL
GUIDE. The expected publication will be
distributed by the Texas Alliance for the Mentally
III to state and county judges, district and county
attorneys, and other interested persons.
Professor Bill Piatt recently completed a book
Language on the Job, Balancing Business Needs
and Employee Rights, which discusses issues
arising from the increasing numbers of people
with limited English language proficiency
entering the workforce. The book provides
guidance that could minimize conflict about
activities held in
Professor Zanglein
joined the Texas Tech
faculty in 1990. She was
selected to receive the
annual award from
nominations open to all
teaching departments in the
Praised in student
evaluations for her
creativity and role-playing simulations, Professor
Zanglein is a teacher who" ... inspires her
students to think creatively and embrace
challenges," according to one evaluation.
Among the numerous publications written by
Professor Zanglein is her latest book, In Our
Interests, a guide to pension investments which
was commissioned by the AFL-CIO and designed
for lawyers as well as laypersons.
Professor Zanglein serves on the University
Sexual Harassment Committee, Disciplinary
Appeals Committee, Law School Admissions
Committee, the Conference on Advancement of
Women in Higher Education Planning Committee
and Faculty Senate, where she is currently
Secretary. She is also the chair of the Law School
Gender Discrimination Committee and co-adviser
for the Women In Law organization.
17th Annual Banking Law Institute
March 3-4, 1994
Four Seasons Hotel, Austin
Texas Tech Law School Alumni Association
Reception, 6:30 p.m., March 3
Annual Meeting, 7:30 p.m., March 3
Four Seasons Hotel, Austin
Professor Jayne Zanglein received the
Spencer A. Wells Award for Creative excellence
in teaching from the Texas Tech University's
Dads and Moms Association during Family Day
Medical Malpractice Conference
April 14-15, 1994
Sheraton Fiesta Hotel
San Antonio, Texas
Jimmy (Skip) and Susan Hulett
Endow Scholarship
Texas Tech Law School Alumni Jimmy (Skip '83) and Susan Hulett ('84) presented
Law School Dean W. Frank Newton and Lamar University-Beaumont President Rex W.
Cottle with the initial contribution for The Joint Lamar University-Beaumont Pre-Law
Scholarship and the Texas Tech University Law Scholarship. The scholarship will fund
undergraduate education at Lamar University-Beaumont and will also provide a stipend
for a Lamar graduate attending the Texas Tech Law School. The scholarship was
established in honor and memory of Skip's parents, Jimmy D. and Shirley Hulett, and
to honor the leadership of Dean Newton and President Cottle.
"It is significant that a relatively young alumni couple has made such a generous
contribution to the law school. Skip and Susan have been loyal Texas Tech Law School
graduates who have supported the school since graduation," said Dean Newton. "The
Huletts have strengthened our scholarship program and for this we are truly
"It is also exciting to report that Mitch Toups (,83), also a Lamar UniversityBeaumont and Tech Law School graduate, has contributed to this joint scholarship,"
Dean Newton continued.
"We are pleased to be able to contribute something back to the Law School. We are
blessed to have had the opportunities to receive the undergraduate and legal educations
we have received. Susan and I will always be proud supporters of the Texas Tech Law
School," said Skip.
Skip and Susan live in Beaumont with their three children, Jimmy D . Hulett III (5),
Holly Elizabeth (3) and Andrew William (1). Skip is a partner in the firm of Moore,
Landry, Garth, Jones, Burmeister & Hulett, L.L.P.
Pictured L-R are
Jimmy "Skip"
Hulett, Susan
Hulett and Dean
(J.D. '74)
By Mahon Professor Reed Quilliam, Jr.
In the give and take of classroom dialogue that I have experienced during a quarter
century of law teaching, a few students especially stand out in my memory. When the
question posed was the toughest, the analysis the most demanding, or the policy behind the
law the most subtle, they were the ones whose responses provided new insight and
understanding for fellow students and, often, for the professor. Wynette Hewett was one of
those students.
I learned with great sadness that Wynette, a resident of Arlington, Virginia, and a 1974
honors graduate of the Law School, died April 25, 1993, after a lengthy illness. She was
survived by her husband, Michael J. Roach, her mother, Ruth O. Johnson of Lubbock, and a
brother, Dr. E. Wayne Johnson of Benbrook, Texas.
Wynette had a distinguished career of nearly two decades as an attorney with the Tax
Division of the United States Justice Department. She was promoted to reviewer in the
Appellate Section and then to Director of Training for the Tax Division, the post she held at
her death. She received numerous Outstanding Performance Rating Awards and, while in the
Appellate Section, argued many important cases in the United States Courts of Appeal. As
Director of Training she established and conducted an annual advocacy institute for the
training of new attorneys in the Tax Division.
In law school Wynette was elected to Order of the Coif, ranking 8th in a class of 131. She
was a student who improved her performance every year and had the highest average in her
class for her senior year. She was an important member of the law school's National Moot
Court team which advanced to the final rounds in New York City, and also participated on the
State Moot Court team. She was a co-founder and Chairman of the Women's Law Caucus.
Wynette kindly credited me with kindling her interest in tax law (her undergraduate
degree was in education and she taught physical education for five years before law school).
But I received from her far more than I gave. She was fun to have as a student .. . bright,
industrious, inquiring, incisive, and a genuinely nice person. And her legal career was the
kind that makes law teachers believe they are doing something important. I will hold her
memory dear.
A scholarship fund in Wynette's name has been established by her husband, classmates,
and other friends. Those wishing to contribute to the fund in her memory are invited to do so.
Checks should be made payable to the Texas Tech Law School Foundation for the Wynette
Hewett Scholarship.
The fall, 1993 class of entering law students
continues to reflect the law school's strong
academic competitiveness among law schools. A
total of 1460 completed applications were
reviewed by the Admissions Committee
composed of Chairman James Eissinger, Dan
Benson and Jayne Zanglein. Two hundred and
seventeen students were enrolled on the first day
of classes.
The class has an average LSAT score of 157
and an average GPA of 3.2899. There are 37
minority students in this class. The male/female
ratio is 63% / 37%. Average age of the class of
1996 is 25. Thirty-one Texas undergraduate
schools are represented in the class and thirtyseven out-of-state schools are represented.
Texas Tech Law School students Jessica
Brown (,93), Lisa Mokry ('93) and Coby Smith
('93) participated in the American Bar
Association's National Appellate Advocacy
Pictured (Left to Right) are Dean Newton, Lisa
Mokry, Jessica Brown and Coby Smith.
Competition in New York last August.
The Texas Tech team won its quarter-final
round and semi-final match. Advancing to the
final round, the Tech team lost in a split decision
to South College of Law in Houston.
The Texas Tech Board of Regents recognized
the accomplishments of the team and its coach,
Don Hunt, at its October, 1993 meeting.
In his remarks to the Regents, Dean Frank
Newton stated, "On many occasions, Don Hunt's
teams have excelled at the national level, and he
has numerous national championships and
national runner-up achievements to his credit.
This continuing record of achievement helps us
to demonstrate the quality of education
characteristic of Texas Tech University and its
law school."
Class of 1971
Class of 1977
TOM EDWARDS was elected State Bar Director
representing Houston. His address is 5625 F.M. 1960
W . #600, Houston, Texas 77069. Tom's phone
number is 713/580-1500.
CHUCK LANEHART was elected as Director of the
State Bar of Texas, District 16, in May, 1993 and took
office in June. Chuck's address is Chappell, Lanehart
& Aldridge, 1217 Avenue K, Lubbock, Texas 79401.
Class of 1973
Class of 1978
elected the 1994
President-Elect of
the Texas
Association of
Defense Counsel at
its Austin fall
meeting. Joe is a
shareholder in the
law firm of Wright
& Greenhill, P.c.,
P.O. Box 2166,
Austin, Texas
Erin Gibbens ('94) was named as the winner
of the State Bar of Texas Consumer Law Section
Individual Writing Competition for 1993.
According to Consumer Law Professor John
Krahmer, "It is noteworthy that a student at the
Texas Tech Law School has won either the
Individual Writing Award or the Law Review
Article Award from the Consumer Law Section
every year since inception of these awards five
years ago. No other law school can make that
claim. It speaks well of our students and our
faculty that our students have the legal
background and the writing skills to achieve
state-wide recognition in an important field of
Texas law."
In addition to her monetary prize award from
the Consumer Law Section, Ms. Gibbens' article
will be published in the "Caveat Vendor"
quarterly newsletter of the Consumer Law
Section. The winning article was entitled,
"Comparative Bad Faith in Texas."
Class of 1974
1. SCOTT CRISSMAN was appointed, effective July,
1993, to the U.S . Embassy, Bridgetown, Barbados,
W.I. , FPO AA 34055.
WILLIAM ALLENSWORTH announces his election
as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of St. Andrew's
Episcopal School. William is a partner at Haynes and
Boone, 600 Congress, Austin, Texas 78701.
Class of 1975
FELIX J. STALLS, III, (LT. COL.) has assumed a
new position as Staff Judge Advocate, Ellsworth AFB,
South Dakota, 28 BW/JA, 2372 Westover Avenue,
Suite 6, Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota 57706-4700.
His phone number is 605/385-2326.
Class of 1976
L. JEAN WALLACE is now an attorney with the
Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory
Services, State Office in Austin, Texas. Her phone
number is 512/450-3803 .
JIM RAUP will serve as Chair of Austin Adopt-ASchool Board of Directors for 1993-94. He is a recent
graduate of Leadership Austin program. Jim is with
McGinnis, Lochridge & Kilgore, 919 Congress, 1300
Capitol Center, Austin, Texas 78701. The phone
number is 512/495-6000.
Class of 1979
JANET DAVIS BAKER and Jennifer Smith Blum
have opened a law office at 8686 W. 96th Street, Suite
100, Overland Park, Kansas.
FRANK G. McDONALD, formerly Senior Counsel
for Grace Energy Corporation, has become Vice
President and General Counsel for Cross Timbers Oil
Company, 810 Houston Street, Suite 2000, Fort
Worth, Texas 75080, 817/870-2800.
ANITA E. BURGESS announces the opening of her
law office in Plainview, Texas. Anita served for
thirteen years in the U.S. Marine Corps as a Judge
Advocate, from 1980 to 1993. She now holds the rank
of Lieutenant Colonel (select) in the Marine Corps
Reserve. In 1988, Anita received her L.L.M. in Labor
and Employment Law from the University of San
Diego. The firm has renovated an historic building in
Plainview. The practice consists mainly of
employment and labor issues including employment
discrimination, wrongful termination, sexual
harassment, Americans with Disabilities Act, wage
and hour issues, ERISA and COBRA. Contact Anita at
Burgess & Pyles, 207 East 6th Street, Plainview,
Texas 79072; phone number is 806/293-1507.
Class of 1980
KAREN A. VANDIVER became a New Mexico
Board Certified Specialist in Family Law in 1992. Her
address is 300 Central S.W. , Suite 1000-E, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. The phone number is
elected to the State
Bar Board of
Directors for
District 8. He has
been certified as a
Civil Trial
Specialist by the
National Board of
Trial Advocacy and
was previously
certified in Civil
Trial Law and
Personal Injury
Trial Law by the
Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Jay' s office
address is 3131 Briarcrest Dr. , Suite 200, Bryan,
Texas 77802.
Class of 1983
KERRY L. RUSSELL announces the formation of
Law Offices of Kerry L. Russell, P.O. Box 658, Tyler,
Texas 75710.
BART McDOUGAL was elected Judge of the newlycreated County Court at Law of Erath County. His
address is Courthouse, Stephenville, Texas 76401.
SHARON CURTIS is Board Certified in Criminal
Law by the State Bar of Texas. She has been an
Assistant District Attorney in Collin County for the
past four years. Sharon's office address is 210 S.
McDonald Street, McKinney. Texas 75069.
submitted the following
Class of 1981
JOE R. POIROT has become a partner in the law firm
of Ferer, Montes and Poirot. The firm practices
primarily in the plaintiff's area of personal injury law,
including medical malpractice. He and wife, Jackie,
also announce the birth of their fIrstborn son, Collin,
born November 17, 1992. The fIrm's address is 2603
Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75219.
The phone number is 214/521-4412.
JUDITH YOUNG ROBERTSON has been transferred
from Shell Oil Company's Exploration and Production
Legal Department in New Orleans, where she has
practiced oil and gas litigation for the last twelve
years, to Shell's Corporate and Securities Legal
Department in Houston, where she will be doing
corporate transactional work. Judi and her husband,
James, and their two sons, Will, age 12, and Ben, age
9, will reside in Kingwood, Texas. Judi' s offIce
address is Suite 4706 One Shell Plaza, P.O. Box 2463,
Houston, Texas 77252-2463. The phone number is
Class of 1982
MICHAEL P. FREDERICK has been transferred to
the position of Staff Judge Advocate, Office of
Defense Cooperation, Madrid, Spain, ODC Spain
(SJA), PSC #61, Box 2000, APO, AE 09642. His
phone number is 34-1-543-2803 .
VINCE MARTINEZ has opened his own law firm.
The fIrm's mailing address is P.O. Box 94064,
Lubbock, Texas 79493. The phone number is
National Plaza, Downtown El Paso, Texas 79901; the
phone number is 915/533-4424.
&leel (1J &Leel and fo.Mociata
is proud to enllOllnce
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M'Kenzie Anne Sleel
eniveci at 11,00 o'cloc~ p.m.
OR October 8, 1m
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DAVID ZIMMERMAN and his wife, Laura, moved
to Godollo, Hungary on August 27, 1993. Godollo is
about 20 miles northeast of Budapest. Their new
address is: Godolloi Agrartudomanyi Egyetem,
Kollegium D. Sz. 304, 2100 Godollo, Hungary.
GRIFFITH announce the formation of Griffith &
Griffith, P.C., in January of 1993. The firm is located
at 2017 East Lamar, Suite 100, Arlington, Texas
76006; the phone number is 817/265-6557. George
has a general civil practice and Leann practices in the
area of personal injury.
HUGH LYLE and wife, Melissa, are the proud parents
of their fIrst child, Madison Ashley Lyle, born April
27, 1993. Hugh is with Carr, Fouts, Hunt, Craig,
Terrill & Wolfe, 1001 Texas Avenue, Lubbock, Texas
2. II: years or ~mplaf)' service
M'\(enzie Anne olcel
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rcmein.s primarily rupol\!ible for Ml'IIMin&
the dO& lccping Mom and Dod bu6y. and
are opposing candidates in the Republican primary for
the 325th District Court, Tarrant County, Texas.
Diane, Board Certified in Family Law this year, is a
partner in Wanger & Associates, 304 Harwood Road,
Bedford, Texas 76021. Bill is a solo practitioner at
1901 Central Drive, Suite 200, Bedford, Texas 76021.
SHARON A. MOSTELLER is an attorney for
Chicago Title Insurance Company, 1211 Avenue of
the Americas, 28th Floor, New York, New York
Class of 1984
DAN PERKINS is the President of the Hunt County
Bar Association for 1993-94. He is a partner in
Beasom, Watkins & Perkins, P.O. Box 1665,
Greenville, Texas 75401-1665.
announce the birth of their third child, Sarah Lane
Osborn, born May 6, 1993. Big brother Matthew is
four and big sister Deborah is two. Congratulate the
Osborns at Kemp, Smith, Duncan & Hammond, State
Class of 1985
husband, Cody, announce the birth of their third child,
Madeleine DeChamplain Aufricht, born February 4,
1993. Madeleine joins big brothers William (4 years
old) and Graham (2 years old). Jennifer is with
Thompson, Coe, Cousins & Irons, 200 Crescent
Center, 11th Floor, Dallas, Texas 75201-1840.
R. MAX BEST was elected as Chairman of the
Business Law Section of the State Bar of New
Mexico. Max also recently chaired a committee of
attorneys and accountants to draft the New Mexico
Limited Liability Company Act. Max and his wife,
Sherry, also announce the birth of their second son,
Corbin Richard, born October 6, 1992. Corbin has a
five (5) year-old brother, Conner. Max can be reached
at 229 Innsdale Terrace, Clovis, New Mexico 88101;
phone number is 505/762-1753.
Class of 1986
EVALEEN M. DAVIS and husband, Kenneth J.
Rossi, announce the birth of a son, Joseph Davis
Rossi, weighing 91bs. 5 oz., born April 20, 1993.
Congratulate Evaleen at Geary, Porter & West, P.e.,
at 16475 Dallas Parkway, Suite 550, Dallas, Texas
75248; phone number is 214/733-2239.
HEIDI BRUEGEL COX has been admitted into the
American Academy of Adoption Attorneys.
Congratulate her at 2300 Hemphill, Fort Worth, Texas
76110; 817/922-6043.
Class of 1987
SUSAN PAUL KRAVIK and her husband, Michael,
announce the birth of Kaitlyn Sara Kravik on April 21,
1993. Susan practices in business and commercial
litigation with Pezzulli & Associates. The address is
1845 Woodall Rodgers, Suite 1700, Dallas, Texas
Class of 1988
(Borchers) COZBY are pleased to announce the
arrival of twins born May 23, 1993. Meredith Clark
Cozby weighed 5 Ibs. 4 oz. and Raymond Wilson
Cozby IV weighed 5 Ibs. 2 oz. Twins and parents are
doing fine . Congratulate Raymond at Hardy &
Atherton, P.e., 909 ESE Loop 323, Tyler, Texas
75703 and Mary Ann at the U.S. Attorney's Office,
110 N. College, Suite 700, Tyler, Texas 75702.
PAT SALCIDO MONTES has become a partner in
the law firm of Ferrer, Montes and Poirot. The firm
practices primarily in the Plaintiff's area of personal
injury law, including medical malpractice. The firm's
address is 2603 Oak Lawn Avenue, Suite 300, Dallas,
Texas 75219, and the phone number is 214/521-4412.
SCOTT M. KEETH has joined Thompson, Ezell &
Rogers as an associate attorney. Scott married Vicki
Wheat on April 30, 1993. Congratulate him at 230 W.
Main Street, Denison, Texas 85020. The phone
number is 903/465-3455 .
AUDREY LOYD SWEET was married to Kevin
Sweet on May 2, 1993. She is now criminal staff
attorney for the Dallas Court of Appeals. Congratulate
Audrey at the Dallas Court of Appeals, 600
Commerce, 2nd Floor, Dallas, Texas 75202. Her
phone number is 214/653-6923.
LISA CATHEY MONTMAN announces the April 20,
1993 birth of a daughter, Sara Elizabeth. Congratulate
Lisa at 2114 Autumn Cove Drive, League City, Texas
77573 . Lisa's phone number is 713/538-3398.
ERIC CORLEY and wife Jane ('90) announce the
birth of their son, Nathaniel Braker Corley, born
September 9, 1993. Nathaniel weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz.
Congratulate the proud parents at Corley & Corley,
L.L.P., First Interstate Bank Building, 6301 Gaston
Avenue, Suite 302, Dallas, Texas 75214. The office
phone number is 214/826-8288.
Class of 1989
SHARON E. CONWAY, formerly associated with the
Houston firm of Dishongh & Thompson, P.e., has
joined the Litigation Section of the General Counsel's
Office of the State Bar of Texas. Sharon represents the
State Bar and the Commission for Lawyer Discipline
in disciplinary actions and in other suits involving the
State Bar. She is practicing in the State Bar's Regional
Office at 1111 Fannin, Suite 1370, Houston, Texas
77002. The phone number is 7131759-6931 .
SHANNON SMITHERMAN has joined the Law
Offices of Larriet E. Thomas (' 80), Plaza of the
Americas, Suite 1030, 600 N. Pearl St., Dallas, Texas
75201-2833 .
JOE H. NAGY, JR., is now associated with the law
firm of Tourtellotte & Sims, P.e., 3910 South IH-35,
Austin, Texas 78704. The phone number is 512/4446200.
JOHN R. LAWSON has joined the firm of Johnson &
Sylvan, Renaissance Tower, 1201 Elm Street, Dallas,
Texas 75250. The firm's phone number is 21417484747.
Assistant City Attorney, City of Victoria, P.O. Box
1758, Victoria, Texas 77902-1758. The phone number
is 512/573-2401.
DA VID L. GARRISON reports, "David finally did it.
He married Lavonne Burkhardt on February 6, 1993."
Congratulate David at Porter, Rogers, Dahlman,
Gordon & Lee, 800 N. Shoreline, Suite 800, Corpus
Christi, Texas 78401. (Editor's Note: David's name
was incorrectly printed in the last issue of
Cornerstone. Our apologies to him for the error.)
KERRY (KEMP) SIMPSON and her husband Jim
Simpson ('90) announce the birth of their daughter,
Samantha Faye (4Ibs. 11 oz.) born on April 2, 1993.
Congratulate Kerry at Federal Labor Relations
Authority, 525 Griffin, Suite 926, Dallas, Texas
75202. Jim is with Royla Cox & Associates, P.e.,
S.W. Wilshire, Burleson, Texas 76028.
JONES, ('90) are the proud parents of a boy born
November 2, 1993. He is named James Frederick
Jones and weighed 6 lbs. 141/2 oz. at birth. Parents and
son are doing fine . Congratulate Jim at Mounce &
Galatzan, 201 E. Main, Suite 700, El Paso, Texas
Class of 1990
('89) proudly announce the arrival of their son, James
Frederick Jones, born November 2, 1993. James
weighed 6lbs. 141/2 oz. and, reports Elizabeth, "He
has a litigator's lungs." Elizabeth is a briefing attorney
for the U.S . Magistrate's Office, U.S . Courthouse, 511
E. San Antonio Ave., El Paso, Texas 79901.
JANE CORLEY and husband Eric ('88) announce the
birth of their son, Nathaniel Braker Corley, born
September 2, 1993. Nathaniel weighed 7lbs. 9 oz.
Congratulate Jane and Eric at Corley & Corley,
L.L.P., First Interstate Bank Building, 6301 Gaston
Avenue, Suite 302, Dallas, Texas 75214. Their phone
number is 214/826-8288.
JOHN R. JONES was honored as the Outstanding
Young Lawyer of EI Paso for 1993. He is a Fellow of
the Texas Bar Foundation and was also recently
elected Chairperson, EI Paso Legal Assistance Society
Board of Directors for 1993-94. Congratulate John at
Kemp, Smith, Duncan & Hammond, P.O. Drawer
2800, EI Paso, Texas 79999-2800.
THOMAS L. REES, JR. , is a partner in the newlyformed Sweetwater law firm of Griggs, Sheridan &
Rees, L.L.P., Third & Locust, P.O. Box 488,
Sweetwater, Texas 79566. The phone number is
915/236-6647. The firm also has an office at Third &
Elm, Colorado City, Texas 79512.
LYNN ALLISON was married to Dr. Michael James
Bollish on June 5, 1993. Lynn will continue as an
Assistant District Attorney in the Appellate Section of
the Tarrant County District Attorney, 401 W. Belknap,
Fort Worth, Texas 75252-020l.
GEORGE e. NOELKE has transferred from the Lubbock Regional Office to the Consumer Protection
Division, Office of the Attorney General, Box 12548,
Austin, Texas 7871l. The phone number is 512/4632070.
BENJAMIN A. ARMSTRONG is an associate with
Brock and Person, P.e., 10101 Reunion Plaza, Suite
1000, San Antonio, Texas 78216.
JIM B. SIMPSON and Kerry (Kemp) Simpson ('89)
announce the birth of their daughter Samantha Faye,
on April 2, 1993. Samantha weighed 4lbs. 11 oz.
Congratulate Jim at Royla Cox & Associates, P.e.,
S.W. Wilshire, Burleson, Texas 76028 ; 817/295-1345.
Kerry is with the Federal Labor Relations Authority,
525 Griffin, Suite 926, Dallas, Texas 75202; 21417674996.
L. ANGEL YN SCHMID is an associate with Baron &
Budd, P.e., 3102 Oak Lawn Avenue, The Centrum,
Suite 1100, Dallas, Texas 75219-428l. The phone
number is 214/621-3605 .
Class of 1991
JEFF MOORE is an Assistant City Attorney with the
City of Austin, Municipal Court, 700 E. 7th Street,
P.O. Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767-8828.
KIMBERLY W. ASHLEY received the West Texas
Legal Services 1993 Outstanding Pro Bono Attorney
of the Year Award for Tarrant County and the William
O. Johnson, Jr., Legal Clinic Award for the 1993
Outstanding Urban Volunteer Attorney Award at
ceremonies held November 9, 1993 in Fort Worth.
Kim accepted 28 pro bono cases during the year and
donated 70 hours of clinic time in addition to the pro
bono casework. Congratulate Kim at 4200 Airport
Freeway, Suite 101, Fort Worth, Texas 76013 . Kim' s
phone number is 8171731-2590.
R. KIRK FRANKLIN and wife, Stacey, are the very
proud parents of a beautiful baby girl, Hanna Teresa,
born April 15, 1993. Congratulate the happy parents at
Kirk's work address: Governmental Service Agency,
Inc., 10935 Estate Lane, Suite 475, Dallas, Texas
Class of 1992
KARLA R. BAUGH, Assistant District & County
Attorney for Fannin County, has been appointed as an
adjunct professor in the Political Science Department
of East Texas State University. Karla's address is the
Fannin County Courthouse, Bonham, Texas 75418.
DA VID BRADLEY is an associate with Touchstone,
Bernays, Johnston, Beall and Smith, 4700 Renaissance
Tower, Dallas, Texas 75270. David's phone number is
JAMES F. SADLER is now an associate in the
Litigation/Business Law Section of Beggs &
Woodruff located in the Xerox Centre, Los Colinas
Urban Center, 222 West Las Colin as Boulevard, Suite
744, Irving, Texas 75039. James's phone number is
214/444-9797. James has recently been admitted to the
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.
TOMI KAY MILLS is now an associate with the firm
of Kelly, Hart & Hallman, 2500 First City Bank
Tower, 201 Main street, Suite 2500, Fort Worth,
Texas 76102. The phone number is 817/332-2500.
TIM NEWSOM, formerly the briefing attorney for
Justice Carlton B. Dodson, of the Seventh Court of
Appeals in Amarillo, has joined the Amarillo law firm
of Gamer, Stone & Lovell, P.C., where he practices
both civil trial and appellate law.
Class of 1993
THOMAS GAVIGAN is an associate with Calhoun &
Stacy, 5700 Nations Bank Plaza, 901 Main, Dallas,
Texas 75202; the phone number is 2141748-5000.
joined the Amarillo
law firm of Sprouse,
Mozola, Smith &
Rowley, P.e. as an
associate attorney.
Kirk's address is
801 South Fillmore,
First National Place
I, Suite 600,
Amarillo, Texas
79105. The office
phone number is
GARY ALLEN HALL is an associate with Porter,
Rogers, Dahlman, Gordon & Lee, 800 N. Shoreline,
Suite 800, Corpus Christi, Texas 78401. The phone
number is 512/985-0388.
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