Document 12927858

Table of Contents
December, 1989
Dear Alumni and Friends of the Texas Tech Law School:
The holiday season is fast approaching as I prepare this letter. Our cover photograph for this
Winter Cornerstone was taken at the Carol of Lights, a Texas Tech tradition signaling the start
of the holidays. During holiday periods we naturally pause to reflect on our lives, and the lives
of our families and associates.
The life of the Texas Tech School of Law is created by those who have studied and worked here
as well as those who currently study and work here. We were fortunate to have attracted superior
students, faculty and staff from the very beginning. Initial success paved the way for continued
growth. This holiday season I salute, on behalf of our alumni and friends, those who established
the Texas Tech School of Law.
Volume Seven
Number Three
Winter 1989
The name Cornerstone was derived from the
relationship between the law school and its
alumni: the Tech Law School serves as the
cornerstone for a successful career in law; and
the alumni, through their support, serve as the
cornerstone for developing excellence in the law
Comments from readers are welcome. Please
send them to Cornerstone, Texas Tech
University School of Law, Lubbock, Texas
79409. The contents of the Cornerstone do not
necessarily represent the views of the
foundation, its officers or trustees, the law
school administration, or Texas Tech
Cornerstone editor: Kay Patton Fletcher
I also salute our current Texas Tech Law School family. It is a special holiday treat to be able to
report on the continued success of our students, valuable additions to our faculty, and the
accomplishments of our faculty and alumni.
The contents of this Cornerstone give all of us grounds for good cheer and reason to expect a
happy new year.
W. Frank Newton
Professors Added
To Faculty
Professor Timothy
Floyd's first trip to
Texas occurred in
conjunction with
his interview for a
teaching position at
the Texas Tech
School of Law.
Why interview at
Texas Tech? "The
description of the
job could not have
been more pleasing
if I had written it
Prof. Floyd
myself." Professor
Floyd is teaching a
Comprehensive Skills Course which covers
interviewing, counseling, investigation,
negotiation, drafting pleadings, depositions, and
trial advocacy skills. Making extensive use of the
video equipment, the students are taped and
critiqued on a variety of assignments.
A variety of legal experiences make Professor
Floyd uniquely qualified to teach the skills
course. He most recently was in the commercial
litigation section for the Atlanta firm of
Sutherland Asbill & Brennan. Immediately after
graduating, cum laude, from the University of
Georgia School of Law in 1980 (where he was
Editor-In-Chief of the Georgia Law Review),
Professor Floyd clerked for the Hon. Phyllis
Kravitch of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
5th Circuit in Atlanta. He later served as the
Assistant Director and then as Director for the
University of Georgia School of Law Legal Aid
Clinic and Prisoner Legal Counseling Project.
"The case load at the Clinic was 2,000 cases per
year. Law student assisted attorneys in everything
from minor offenses to capital murder at both
trial and appellate levels," said Professor Floyd.
"As you can imagine, the amount of supervision
required was monumental."
The skills course at Texas Tech is limited to third
year students and requires active student
participation and preparation. Professor Floyd
finds the students in his class very eager and
willing to do what it takes to complete the
course. "The Board of Barristers' programs give
many students a good background in lawyer
skills before they get to my class," said Floyd.
"As a result, I am able to focus on more
advanced skills in class and that has been a very
pleasant surprise."
Professor Floyd is the first attorney in his family;
his father and his grandfather were Methodist
ministers. Perhaps their influence helped shape
this professor's philosophy of law: "Law is a
profession and an attorney should be serving the
public. "
Professor Floyd's research and scholarship
interests are in ethics and professional
responsibility. He is currently assisting the
Grievance Oversight Committee of the Supreme
Court of Texas in drafting the new procedural
rules for the lawyer disciplinary system.
Professor Floyd's wife, Daisy, is an attorney.
They have two children, Kate (7) and Will (3).
Professor Dean G.
Pawlowic's first
impression of the
Texas Tech Law
School was that it
was a well-kept
secret. Professor
Pawlowic, an
Illinois native,
received all of his
degrees - B.A.
(1970), M.A. (1972)
and J.D., summa
cum laude, (1979)
Prof. Pawlowic
- from Creighton
University in
Omaha, Nebraska. Immediately prior to coming
to the law school, Professor Pawlowic was a
partner and Chairman of the Department of
Banking of the Omaha law firm of Kutak Rock
& Campbell. The 225 member firm also has
offices in New York, Atlanta, Denver and
Washington, D.C. Enjoying the removal of the
constant phone calls he handled in private
practice, Professor Pawlowic and his family are
pleased with their move to Lubbock.
"Lubbock's sunshine and comparatively
temperate climate have been just great," said
Pawlowic. "Our boys, Matthew (4) and Nicholas
(1), are able to be outside in November, in contrast
to Nebraska, where snow has already fallen."
Professor Pawlowic is teaching Civil Procedure in
the fall semester and will be teaching Banking
Law and Remedies in the spring. He is also
working with Professor John Krahmer on the
TEXAS BANK LAWYER and finds that this
publication provides a unique service to both
attorneys and students. "The dedication of the
faculty and the students to the study of law is
impressive," said Professor Pawlowic.
Upon graduation from law school, Professor
Pawlowic spent two years as a law clerk to a
federal district judge. Prior to entering law
school and after obtaining a graduate degree in
English, he worked several years for an Omaha
testing laboratory, where he was engaged in the
testing of a wide variety of materials, ranging
from asphalt analysis and soil investigation to
gamma and x-ray operations. Professor Pawlowic
claims that it was this experience which impelled
him to law school. Although he enjoyed his work
in private practice, Professor Pawlowic stated
that teaching was always an ultimate goal for
him, and that he is happy to have the
opportunity to begin an academic career at Tech.
Prof. Pawlowic's wife, Rosalie, has a Masters'
Degree from the University of Nebraska at Omaha
in Counseling and an undergraduate degree in
English from Creighton University. Prior to the
arrival of their first son, Rosalie worked for a
number of years as the Assistant Registrar for the
University of Nebraska Medical Center.
Professor Will Rice comes to the Texas Tech
Law School from Texas Southern University
where he was a visiting professor teaching legal
writing and torts. Prior teaching assignments
were at the University of Texas in Austin
(undergraduate constitutional law) and Duke
University (graduate statistics and the Sociology
of Law). Professor Rice has obtained four
degrees in his lifetime: a B.A. in Sociology from
the University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa in 1970,
an M.A. in Sociology/Social Psychology in 1972
from the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, a Ph.D. in Political Sociology in 1975, also
from the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, and a J.D. from the University of Texas
School of Law in 1982. When asked why someone would want four degrees, Professor Rice
responded, "To understand me, you have to
realize that I came out of poverty. My grand-
Prof. Rice
mother had a third
grade education and
my mother had a
10th grade
education. I was
told by my mother
and grandmother
that I had to learn
to read to be
successful. I have
always had an
inquisitive mind
and the degrees are
a by-product of my
need to know."
Professor Rice was raised in Tuscaloosa,
Alabama by his mother and grandmother; he has
never seen his father. He credits his family's
minister with providing the male role model in
his early years. After graduating from a
segregated public school, Professor Rice enrolled
in the University of Alabama three years after
George Wallace had closed the doors of the
school rather than allow black students to enroll.
Professor Rice recalls his college days with no
anger and says that the student body as a whole
was supportive of the presence of the 19 black
students who were in class.
Teaching has always been Professor Rice's goal:
he enjoys working with students and being able
to conduct research. Presently, Professor Rice is
conducting a study covering 55 years of
jurisprudence in the federal courts. The study is
analyzing, historically and empirically, how the
courts have enforced labor laws from 1935-1990.
When Professor Rice was considering coming to
Texas Tech Law School, a frie~d (who is a law
school alumnus) told him that the people and the
climate are great. Professor Rice concurs with
both assessments. Professor Rice did not rely on
one recommendation, however, and he researched
the law school before he came to Texas Tech.
Professor Rice found that the professors are
nationally known and that many have written
nationally recognized legal treatises and books.
Contacted by 43 law schools across the country,
Professor Rice is very happy with his selection of
the Texas Tech School of Law. "You have an
excellent law school. .. alumni should be very
proud of their degrees," said Professor Rice.
Professor Rice taught Insurance Law and
Medical Malpractice in the fall semester and will
teach Family Law this spring.
Professor Frank F. Skillern has completed a
project funded by a Sea Grant through Texas
A & M University entitled "Compendium of
Laws Relating to Texas Coastal Zone
Development." He has also completed Volume I
of TEXAS WATER LAW which was published
by Sterling Press, San Antonio, in December
1988. Work continues on Volume II of this
publication. Prof. Skillern coordinated a
conference on "Employment Opportunities in
Environmental and Natural Resources Law"
sponsored by the Environmental and Natural
Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas.
In addition to his teaching duties and
publications, Prof. Skillern continues to serve as
a volunteer for the Lubbock Rape Crisis Center.
Baker Named To
Federal Courts
Study Committee
Professor Tom Baker has been appointed to an
advisory panel of the Federal Courts Study
Committee. The Committee was created by
Congress and appointed by the Chief Justice.
The Committee was formed to survey the federal
court system and recommend modifications to
meet the needs of the federal judiciary's third
century. Baker will serve as an advisor to a
subcommittee on the structure of the federal
courts. He said, "My assignment is to draft the
portion of the subcommittee's report on circuit
splitting or redrawing of circuit boundaries. This
will follow the direction of much of my
scholarship. The final report of the Committee
will set the agenda for congressional reform of
federal courts during the next decade. It is
exciting to be involved in the process of
translating ideas into statute." The subcommittee
on structure is chaired by Chief Judge Levin H.
Campbell of the First Circuit. Chief-Justice
Rehnquist has said, "The task this Committee
will undertake is one of enormous importance to
the immediate and long-term future of the
CLE Seminars Scheduled
Feb. 16. 1990 -
Consumer Law Conference
Westin Hotel
EI Paso, Texas
Registration fee: $125.00
Contact 806/765-9153 for information
March 23, 1990 -
International Law Conference
Doubletree Hotel
Dallas, Texas
Registration fee: $150.00
Contact 806/742-3804 for information
Weninger Article in
UCLA Law Review
Published in 1988 was Professor Robert
Weninger's article evaluating an attempt to ban
plea bargaining in EI Paso County. The study
was funded by a grant from the American Bar
Association and is entitled The Abolition of Plea
Bargaining: A Case Study of El Paso County,
Texas, 35 UCLA L. Review 265 (1987).
Law School
Video Available
A new video of the law school is available to
alumni who would like to borrow it to show to
prospective students or to keep for their own
video library. The video may be borrowed for ten
days by writing Ann Burbridge, Registrar, Texas
Tech University School of Law, Lubbock, Texas
79409. To purchase the video, please send your
check payable to Texas Tech University School
of Law at the above address.
__ I am requesting __ videos -
$12.00 each.
__ I would like to borrow the video.
March 29-30, 1990 -
Banking Law Institute
Four Seasons Hotel
Houston Center
Houston, Texas
Registration fee: $225.00
Contact 806/765-9153 for information
April 5-6, 1990 -
Medical Malpractice Conference
Plaza San Antonio
San Antonio, Texas
Registration fee: $225.00
Contact 806/742-3804 for information
Tech Finishes Third
in National
Invitational Tournament
Law students Carlos Balido and Ethan Shaw
placed third in an invitation-only National
Tournament of Champions mock trial
competition November 15-18 in Akron, Ohio.
The team was one of two law schools from the
Texas/Oklahoma/Louisiana region selected to
participate in the meet of 12 teams hosted by the
University of Akron.
Additionally, Shaw was awarded second place in
the individual oralist category of the competition.
"This competition included teams invited from a
field of 176 law schools in the nation. Texas
Tech finished third. That says a lot about the
students and the school," said Dean Frank
During the competition, team members are given
a hypothetical case and argue its merits - pro or
con - before a judge and jury made up of
professional lawyers who evaluate the students'
courtroom skills. Team members are not told
which side of the case they will take until
minutes before each round.
According to Lubbock attorney Don Hunt, team
coach and adjunct law professor, the Texas Tech
team survived four rounds undefeated to get
into the semi-final round of the Akron
tournament and was considered a favorite for the
championship. However, a split decision and tiebreaking vote gave the win to Stetson University
College of Law from St. Petersburg, Florida.
That team went on to defeat Wake Forest
University School of Law in the final round of
competition. "Of course our team was
disappointed at the tie-breaking vote - especially
since Stetson went on to win the tournament, and
that was our only loss for the meet," Hunt said.
"Texas Tech's placement in the invitational
tournament is noteworthy," Hunt said, "but is
secondary to the law school's being counted
among the best competition schools in the United
States." To be considered for an invitation to
Akron., each school had to earn consistently
outstanding performances in national
competitions for the past three years.
Student Paper
Selected for Publication
Shelley D. Turner (Class of 1988) has published
an article entitled The Native American's Right
Shaw (left) and Carlos Balido (right) represented Texas
Tech Law School at the Tournament of Champions.
to Hunt and Fish: An Overview of the
Aboriginal Spiritual and Mystical Belief System,
the Effect of European Contact and the
Continuing Fight to Observe a Way of Life, in
the Spring 1989 issue of the New Mexico Law
Review. The article addresses the logic behind the
struggle of Native Americans to preserve their
right to hunt and fish the lands and waters of
their forefathers. Going beyond the text and
interpretation of treaties, the article examines the
relationship Native Americans have enjoyed with
nature, and explores some of the spiritual and
mystical interrelationships between nature and the
aboriginal Indians. While the article covers the
major cases dealing with hunting and fishing
rights, it also seeks to "provide the reader with a
more compassionate and realistic understanding
of why the Indians considered such rights important enough ... to fight for in a legal battlefield. "
Turner is an attorney in the Office of Chief
Counsel, Internal Revenue Service, Dallas.
Law School Wins
Regional Negotiation
Second-year students Glenn Shook and Tom
Shute won first place in the American Bar
Association's Regional Negotiation Competition.
Law schools from Texas and Louisiana participated in the competition which was held
November 18 at South Texas College of Law in
Shook and Shute will advance to national
competition February 10 at the midyear meeting
of the American Bar Association in Los Angeles,
California, where 12 regional champions will vie
for the 1990 national negotiation ,competition
Law Prof. James Viator, who coached the
negotiation team' through an average of 20 hours
of practice per week, said, "We've traditionally
done well in negotiation competitions on the
regional level. This team could be the school's
chance to win the nati<mal competition for the
first time."
The negotiation competition requires teams to
negotiate a legal document, such as a contract,
for a hypothetical client. Three weeks before
each competition, teams receive a packet of information to use as a basis for a negotiating
strategy. Teams are scored for preparation,
research and performance in direct competit~on
rounds against teams representing the other side
of the negotiation process.
NEGOTIA TION TEAM - Tom Shute, Vicki Magnus,
Betsy Schlobohm and Glenn Shook (left to right) participated in the regional competition.
Another Texas Tech Law School team, third-year
students Betsy Schlobohm and Vicki Magnus,
finished fourth in the one-day competition.
Order of the COIF
Announces New Members
The Texas Tech Chapter of the Order of the Coif
is pleased to announce new members from the
graduates of the Class of 1989:
Susan Blackwell
Terry Channell
Gregory Curry
William Davis
Mary Fullmer
August Linnartz
Holly Lytle
Rod MacDonald
Kyle McDonald
Deborah McGregory
Edwin L. Parsley
Blake Rasmussen
Michael Reed
Jeffrey Robnett
Leslie Summerford
Alexander von Kreisler
Robin Workman
Class of 1971
SUZANN E. FENNER has been elected
President of the Southwest Pension Conference
for 1990-1991.
Class of 1972
MARK W. LANEY, who has been Board
Certified by the Texas Board of Legal
Specialization in both Civil Trial Law and
Personal Injury Trial Law since 1982, has now
become Board Certified, Civil Trial Advocate,
National Board of Trial Advocacy. His private
civil law practice is with Laney Law Offices, 600
Ash Street, Plainview, Texas 79072.
M.E. RAKE, JR. announces the establishment of
his new firm, Rake, Copple, Downey & Black,
P.C., 2025 N. Third Street #300, Phoenix,
Arizona. The office phone number is
Class of 1973
THOMAS C. AKINS has a new address: 108 W.
Main, Denison, Texas 75020. The phone number
is 214/465-2720.
N. Texas, Odessa, Texas 79761. Gary's phone
number is 915/332-0676.
G. MICHAEL FJETLAND is co-founder of the
High Tech Legal Group, a partnership with a
national and international practice. Houston
address for the firm is 2000 Bering, Suite 850,
Houston, Texas 77057. The phone number is
713/787-1020; FAX 713/974-3142. Dallas offices
are located at 700 N. Pearl, Suite 300, Dallas,
Texas 75201.
position with Mobil Oil Corporation, 1201 Elm
Street, Dallas, Texas 75270. The phone number is
SHIRLEY A. FRYMAN has formed the law firm
of Fair, Seal & Fryman, Inc., at 5933 Berkshire
Drive, Dallas, Texas 75225. The phone number is
J. MICHAEL NAVE is a partner in the law firm
of Nye & Swanson, 510 Bercut Drive, Suite V,
Sacramento, California 95814. The phone
number for the firm is 916/444-3072.
Class of 1976
BILL M. REIMER was elected District Attorney
for Comal County. Congratulate him at Suite
307, 150 N. Seguin, New Braunfels, Texas 78130.
The phone number is 512/620-5533.
Class of 1975
Announcing the address of his new office is
GARY L. BRIDGES. The office is located at 409
Class of 1979
WELDON R. GRISHAM announces his new
address at 8300 Douglas Avenue, Suite 800,
Dallas, Texas 75225.
BARKLEY T. MILLER was awarded a
Distinguished Pro Bono Service Award for his
pro bono legal work in Dallas, Texas during
1989. Barkley practices law at Lokey & Miller,
9533 Losa Drive, Dallas, Texas 75218.
ELIZABETH SISCO announces the opening of
the offices of The Center for Mediated Solutions,
3607 Twenty-second Street, Lubbock, Texas. The
phone number for the office is 806/792-9466 or
The Bell County Legal Secretary Association has
named WILLIAM R. (BILL) HIBBS II as their
"Boss of the Year" for 1989-90. Bill's address is
P.O. Box 307, Temple, Texas 76503.
LEA BROWNFIELD has taken a sabbatical
from the practice of law to pursue graduate
studies at NMSU. She will be working part-time
for Paulowsky & Sandenaw, P.O. Drawer 0, Las
Cruces, New Me~ico 88004.
DONALD R. COLPITTS has been appointed
Senior Attorney with Legal Service of North
Florida. His new address is 124 N. Eglin
Parkway, Fort Walton Beach, Florida 32548 and
the phone number is (904) 243-8407.
DAN SNYDER has recently joined Pannell Kerr
Forster, an international accounting firm as a
partner practicing international tax. His address
is 83 Friar Gate, Derby, England DEl 1FL.
Dan's phone number is 011 44 332 372936.
KEITH D. SWIM, JR. is pleased to announce the
opening of his office for the general practice of
law at 1805B Briar Oaks, P.O. Box 3747, Bryan,
Texas 77802. Keith's new phone number is (409)
STEVEN D. HALE is now an Assistant District
Attorney for Fort Bend County, Richmond,
Texas. His address is 4700 Redbud, Rosenburg,
Texas 77033.
Class of 1981
Class of 1977
Class of 1974
Class of 1978
TERRI BOARD MOORE and husband, Patric,
are proud to announce the birth of their
daughter, Meredith Susan Moore on August 23,
1988. Terri is with the Dallas County District
Attorney's Office, 601 Elm Street, Juvenile
Division, Dallas, Texas 75202.
The firm of Boyd & Adams has recently
relocated to 901 Main Street 50th Floor, NCNB
Plaza, Dallas, Texas 75202. The firm continues
to concentrate its practice in the area of litigation
of both complex business and personal injury
cases. Partner SAMUEL L. BOYD was invited in
August of 1989 to address the Annual
Convention of the Colorado Trial Lawyers'
Association. He presented a lecture on the
management of major litigation by small and
medium-sized firms.
Class of 1980
BRADLEY C. UNDERWOOD was appointed by
Gov. Bill Clements as the first judge of the newly
created 364th Judicial District Court of Lubbock
County. Judge Underwood was judge of the
Lubbock County Court at Law No.2 before his
appointment to the district court bench.
Tax from Boston University Law School; he is
associated with the Boston firm of Kassler &
Feuer, 85 Devonshire Street, Boston, MA 02109.
The phone number is (617) 227-4800.
JIM L. PEACOCK is now a solo practitioner
with offices at 4400 Louisiana No. 1600, P.O.
Box 52188, Houston, Texas 77052. The phone
number is 713/225-6500.
Class of 1981
STEPHEN R. LUPTON announces the
formation of a partnership with Daniel A.
Edwards for the practice of law. The firm,
Edwards & Lupton has offices at 311 West
Harris, San Angelo, Texas 76903 and the phone
number is 915/658-1111.
JACK R. CRIER, formerly associated with
Ronald F. Yates & Associates of Marble Falls,
Texas, is now an associate of Lucius D. Bunton,
506 West Twelfth, Austin, Texas 78701; phone
number is 512/478-0077.
BRUCE A. MARTIN became Board Certified in
Criminal Law in 1988. He has been appointed as
Associate Director of the Texas Criminal Defense
Lawyers Association. Bruce's address is 1007
11th, Wichita Falls, Texas 76301.
Texas 79606. Jeff's phone number is now
CHARLES W. KING, formerly a director and
shareholder in House & King, has gone into
private practice in San Antonio. His firm is: Law
Office of Charles W. King, NBC BankColonnade, 9901 IH-lO West #8017, San
Antonio, Texas 78230. The phone number of the
firm, which handles insurance defense and civil
litigation, primarily personal injury, is
STEPHEN N. WILLIAMS, formerly of Hulett,
Roth & Williams and Garry A. Offerman,
formerly of Wells, Peyton, Beard, Greenberg,
Hunt & Crawford, have formed the firm of
Williams, Baird & Offerman, P.C., 700 North
Street, Suite 101, Beaumont, Texas 77701.
DAVID W. TOMEK has become associated with
Haynes & Boone in its Austin office. David's
address is now 1600 One American Center, 600
Congress, Austin, Texas 78701.
G . DAVID SMITH has become associated with
the Law Offices of James C. Barber, 4310
Gaston Ave., Dallas, Texas 75246. The office
phone number is 214/821-8840.
PAUL K. HUTSON has become a staff attorney
in the Enforcement Division of the Commodity
Futures Trading Commission, Western Region.
The address for the Commission is 10880
Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1005, Los Angeles,
California 90024.
JON L. ANDERSON and wife, Karla, are proud
parents of a second son, Lucas Jackson
Anderson, born May 17, 1989, weighing 8lbs.
4% oz. Their mailing address is P.O. Drawer
1528, Lufkin, Texas 75902-1528.
CONNIE LANGSTON, formerly associated with
the Attorney General's office has become a staff
attorney with Zachry, Hill, Beatty & Butcher of
Fort Worth, Texas 201 Main Street, Suite 1300,
Fort Worth, Texas 76102. Her phone number is
Class of 1982
ED PRICE of Price & Ogan, P .C. announces his
new address at 2301 Broadway, Lubbock, Texas
79401. Phone number is 806/763-9299.
TERRI J. MEADOR has left Morgan &
Weisbrod to establish Goff & Meador, a
partnership with Ben Goff, husband of Carmen
Mitchell of the Class of '82.
Class of 1983
The law firm of Calhoun, Grump, Spillman &
Stacy of Dallas is pleased to announce the
addition of ALICE L. NYSTEL to the firm.
Alice practices in the bankruptcy law section.
Her new address is 4242 Lincoln Plaza, 500
North Akard, Dallas, Texas 75201-4296.
JEFF JOHNSON has opened a solo practice at
4400 Buffalo Gap Road, Suite 4200, Abilene,
Class of 1984
Class of 1985
Newly associated with the law firm of Ernest
Cannon & Associates is W. MARK LANIER.
The address for the firm is 1100 Louisiana, Suite
3900, Houston, Texas 77002 and the phone
number is 713/757-1400.
DEBORAH D. HAYES has recently joined the
law firm of Johnson & Vorwerck, 320 Golden
Shore, Suite 40Q, Long Beach, California 90802.
Deborah's phone number is 213/437-0307.
New shareholder in the Ft. Worth firm of Harris,
Finley, Creel & Bogle, P.C. is KENDALL D.
ADAIR. Offer congratulations at 3100
Continental Plaza, Ft. Worth, Texas 76102.
PATRICIA A. HARRIS was recently married to
James M. Rose of Boston. Patricia Harris Rose
is Assistant Supervisor, Board Records &
Information, First Church of Christ, Scientist,
Boston, Massachusetts.
GEORGE GRIFFITH and Leann (New) Griffith
proudly announce the birth of their first child,
Cameron Hunter Griffith. Cameron was born on
October 24, 1989. George practices with the
Arlington firm of Atkins & McLarty; Leann is
with Hill, Heard, O'Neal, Gilstrap and Goetz of
JERRY R. GIBSON, JR. is an associate of True,
Rohde & McLain, Eighty-Eighty Central, Ninth
Floor, Dallas, Texas 75206-1887.
The EI Paso firm of Hicks & Ray, P .C. has a
new associate, JAMES A. MOUNTS III. James
may be reached at the firm's address of 211 W.
Yandell, EI Paso, Texas 79902.
has been named
new General
Counsel for the
Texas Bankers
Association by TBA
President Robert E.
Harris. Norcross
was formerly with
the Financial
Institutions Section
of the law firm of
Martin & Brought, Inc. in San Antonio.
SCOTT A. NEEL and wife Cheryl announce the
arrival of their fourth daughter, Melinda
Christine, born March 25, 1989. Scott recently
opened a new office for the practice of law at
4422 F.M. 1960 West, Suite 410, Houston, Texas
77068, 713/583-0202, emphasizing Estate
Planning, Probate, Financial Planning and Tax.
MUNGERSON ('86) announce the birth of a
daughter, Meredith Corinne Alley, born on
October 22, 1989.
DOUG ATNIPP and wife, Roni, would like to
announce the birth of their second daughter,
Sarah Adele. Sarah was born on July 7, 1989.
Class of 1986
MEL VIN A. HUNN has become a partner in
Felsman, Bradley, Gunter & Dillon, specializing
in patent, trademark and copyright law. Melvin
may be congratulated at 777 Main Street, Suite
2850, Fort Worth, Texas 76102. His phone
number is 817-332-8143.
KEN BRAXTON's new address is P.O. Box
4641, Lubbock, Texas 79416-2021. The phone
number is 806/742-2155.
Class of 1986
Married on August 11, 1989 to Jacquelyn
LaQuey, ROBERT F. BROWN became an
associate with Vial, Hamilton, Koch & Knox,
NCNB Tower II, Suite 1500, Dallas, Texas
NI GEL FOOTMAN GANT is an attorney with
the State Board of Insurance, Legal Services #016-1, 1110 San Antonio, Austin, Texas
JOE L. COPE has accepted the position of
Director of Alumni Development Systems with
Abilene Christian University. He continues in
private practice at 767 Oldham Court West,
Abilene, Texas 79602. His phone number is
ROBERT F. BROWN has left Hutchison Boyle
Brooks & Fisher to work for Vial Hamilton Koch
& Knox as a municipal litigator. His address is
NCNB Tower II, Suite 1500, Dallas, Texas
75201. The phone number is 214/922-9393.
ROBERT C. LASSMANN was recently
appointed Assistant District Attorney for the 24th
Judicial District serving DeWitt, Goliad &
Refugio counties. His office address is District
Attorney's Office, DeWitt County Courthouse,
Cuero, Texas 77954. The office phone number is
('85) announce the birth of a daughter, Meredith
Corinne Alley, born on October 22, 1989.
GERALD SMITH and wife, Debbie, are proud
to announce the April 11, 1989 birth of their
daughter, Kathryn Rose Smith. Gerald served as
the President of United Way of the Greater
Hillsboro Area Board of Directors for 1989.
MAC SMITH has left the law firm of Vick,
Chrestman, Carney & Smith and opened his own
office at 107 N. Alamo, Weatherford, Texas
76086. Mac's office number is 817/599-3884.
Class of 1987
CHARLES E. MORSE has become associated
with the firm of Hardie-Hallmark, 1400 MBank
Plaza, EI Paso, Texas 79901-1443.
LYNETTE MANISS, after serving as briefing
attorney and then research attorney for the 11 th
District Court of Appeals, is now an associate
with Brin & Brin, 1202 Third Street, Corpus
Christi, Texas 78404.
JEFF GAMSO has moved to Toledo, Ohio where
he is serving as law clerk for the Lucas County
Court of Common Pleas. Jeff may be reached at
Lucas County Court of Common Pleas, 700
Adams Street, Toledo, Ohio 43624.
ELAINE CHILDRESS LEE has relocated to
Amarillo and now practices with the firm of
Whittenburg, Whittenburg & Schachter, P.O.
Box 31718, Amarillo, Texas 79210.
proud to announce the August 24, 1989 arrival of
their son, Patrick Lane Williams III (Trey).
TIM BEDNARZ is employed with Sanders,
Baker & Jesko of Amarillo, Texas. His phone
number is 806/353-7463.
BRIAN LONCAR recently celebrated the first
anniversary of Law Offices of Brian Loncar &
Associates, 501 Elm Street, Suite 400, Dallas,
Texas 75202. The firm is composed of two
attorneys practicing in the areas of civil
litigation, personal injury and criminal law.
Assistant District Attorney of Dallas County. His
office address is the Dallas County District
Attorney, 601 Elm, Dallas, Texas 75201.
GAR YD. PEAK is now an associate with
Boswell & Hallmark, 1100 Louisiana, Suite 2100,
Houston, Texas 77000. The phone number for
Gary is now 713/650-1600.
GLEN N. HARRISON was appointed Judge of
Nolan County Court at Law on August 21, 1989.
He had previously served as Assistant District
Attorney of the 32nd Judicial District. Judge
Harrison may be contacted at the Nolan County
Courthouse, P.O. Box 1201, Sweetwater, Texas
Class of 1988
WILLIAM MORROW, JR. is now with the law
firm of Ewers & Toothaker, P.O. Box 3670,
McAllen, Texas 78502.
AUDREY L. LOYD is an Assistant City
Attorney for the City of Dallas, Prosecution
Division, 2014 Main Street, Room 206, Dallas,
Texas 75201.
Class of 1989
KYLE HILL McDONALD is now practicing with
Andrews & Kurth, 4200 Texas Commerce Tower,
Houston, Texas 77002.
STEVEN K. SOUTHERS has accepted a position
as an associate at the law firm of Grun & Grun,
1214 Alamo National Building, San Antonio,
Texas 78205.
MICHAEL P. REED is an associate with Jones,
Flygare, Galey, Brown & Wharton, P.O. Box
2426, Lubbock, Texas 79413.
Texas Tech University School of Law
Lubbock, Texas 79409
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