Manual:System/Time Clock and Time zone configuration

Applies to RouterOS: v3, v4
Clock and Time zone configuration
RouterOS uses data from the tz database [1], Most of the time zones from this database are included, and have the
same names. Because local time on the router is used mostly for timestamping and time-dependant configuration,
and not for historical date calculations, time zone information about past years is not included. Currently only
information starting from 2005 is included.
Following settings are available in the /system clock console path, and in the "Time" tab of the "System > Clock"
WinBox window:
• time (HH:MM:SS, where HH - hour 00..24, MM - minutes 00..59, SS - seconds 00..59)
• date (mmm/DD/YYYY, where mmm - month, one of jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec, DD date, 00..31, YYYY - year, 1970..2037) : date and time show current local time on the router. These values can be
adjusted using the set command. Local time cannot, however, be exported, and is not stored with the rest of the
• time-zone-name (manual, or name of time zone; default value: manual) : Name of time zone. Like most of the
text values in RouterOS, this value is case sensitive. Special value manual applies manually configured GMT
offset, which by default is 00:00 with no daylight saving time.
Startup date and time is jan/02/1970 00:00:00 [+|-]gmt-offset. If router has a battery (for example RB230), then
BIOS stored time is used as a startup time.
Active time zone information
• dst-active (yes or no>; read-only property) : This property has value yes while daylight saving time of the current
time zone is active.
• gmt-offset ([+|-]HH:MM - offset in hours and minutes; read-only property) : This is the current value of GMT
offset used by the system, after applying base time zone offset and active daylight saving time offset.
Manual time zone configuration
These settings are available in /system clock manual console path, and in the "Manual Time Zone" tab of the
"System > Clock" WinBox window. These settings have effect only when time-zone-name=manual. It is only
possible to manually configure single daylight saving time period.
• time-zone, dst-delta ([+|-]HH:MM - time offset in hours and minutes, leading plus sign is optional; default value:
+00:00) : While DST is not active use GMT offset time-zone. While DST is active use GMT offset time-zone +
• dst-start, dst-end (mmm/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS - date and time, either date or time can be ommited in the set
command; default value: jan/01/1970 00:00:00) : Local time when DST starts and ends.
SNTP client
SNTP client is included in the system package. RouterOS implements SNTP protocol defined in RFC4330. Manycast
mode is not supported. NTP server and a NTP client is included in the separate ntp package, that is not installed by
Client configuration is located in the /system ntp client console path, and the "System > NTP Client" WinBox
window. This configuration is shared by the SNTP client implementation in the system package and the NTP client
implementation in the ntp package. When ntp package is installed and enabled, the SNTP client is disabled
• enabled (yes or no; default value: no)
• mode (One of broadcast or unicast; default value: broadcast) : In broadcast mode, client does not send any
requests, and listens for the broadcast messages sent by the NTP server. In unicast mode client periodically sends
requests to the currently selected active server, and waits for a reply message from that server.
• primary-ntp, secondary-ntp (IP address) : IP addresses of the NTP servers. These properties have effect only
when mode=unicast. Value is ignored. If both values are zero and mode is unicast then SNTP client is
disabled. If both values are non-zero, then SNTP client will alternate between the two server addresses, switching
to the other when request to the current server times out or when the "KoD" packet is received, indicating that
server is not willing to respond to requiests from this client.
• active-server (IP address; read-only property) : Currently selected NTP server address. This value is equal to
primary-ntp or secondary-ntp.
• poll-interval (Time interval; read-only property) : Current iterval between requests sent to the active server.
Initial value is 16 seconds, and it is increased by doubling to 15 minutes.
Last received packet information
Values of the following properties are reset when the SNTP client is stopped or restarted, either because of a
configuration change, or because of a network error.
• last-update-from (IP address; read-only property) : Source IP address of the last received NTP server packed that
was successfully processed.
• last-update-before (Time interval; read-only property) : Time since the last successfully received server
• last-adjustment (Time interval; read-only property) : Amount of clock adjustment that was calculated from the
last successfully received NTP server message.
• last-bad-packet-from (IP address; read-only property) : Source IP address of last received SNTP packed that was
not successfully processed. Reason of the failure and time since this packet was received is available in the next
two properties.
• last-bad-packet-before (Time interval; read-only property) : Time since the last receive failure.
• last-bad-packet-reason (Text; read-only property) : Text that describes reason of the last receive failure. Possible
values are:
• bad-packet-length - Packet length is not in the acceptable range.
• server-not-synchronized - Leap Indicator field is set to "alarm condition" value, which means that clock on the
server has not been synchronized yet.
• zero-transmit-timestamp - Transmit Timestamp field value is 0.
• bad-mode - Value of the Mode field is neither 'server' nor 'broadcast'.
• kod-ABCD - Received "KoD" (Kiss-o'-Death) response. ABCD is the short "kiss code" text from the Reference
Identifier field.
• broadcast - Received proadcast message, but mode=unicast.
• non-broadcast - Received packed was server reply, but mode=broadcast.
• server-ip-mismatch - Received response from address that is not active-server.
• originate-timestamp-mismatch - Originate Timestamp field in the server response message is not the same as
the one included in the last request.
• roundtrip-too-long - request/response roundtrip exceeded 1 second.
Log messages
SNTP client can produce the following log messages. See article "log" on how to set up logging and how to inspect
ntp,debug gradually adjust by OFFS
ntp,debug instantly adjust by OFFS
ntp,debug Wait for N seconds before sending next message
ntp,debug Wait for N seconds before restarting
ntp,debug,packet packet receive error, restarting
ntp,debug,packet received PKT
ntp,debug,packet ignoring received PKT
ntp,debug,packet error sending to IP, restarting
ntp,debug,packet sending to IP PKT
Explanation of log message fields
• OFFS - difference of two NTP timestamp values, in hexadecimal.
• PKT - dump of NTP packet. If packet is shorter than the minimum 48 bytes, it is dumped as a hexadecimal string.
Otherwise, packet is dumped as a list of field names and values, one per log line. Names of fields follow
• IP - remote IP address.
NOTE: the above logging rules work only with the built-in SNTP client, the separate NTP package doesn't have any
logging facilities.
NTP client and server
To use NTP client and server, ntp package must be installed and enabled.
Client settings
Client configuration is located in /system ntp client.
• enabled (yes or no; default value: no)
• mode (One of broadcast, unicast, multicast or manycast.)
• primary-ntp, secondary-ntp (IP address)
[1] http:/ / www. twinsun. com/ tz/ tz-link. htm
Article Sources and Contributors
Article Sources and Contributors
Manual:System/Time Source: Contributors: Eep, Janisk, Marisb, Normis
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors
Image:Version.png Source: License: unknown Contributors: Normis