Document 12927505

Data communication and networking………………………………………………lab 7
Creating network from two router and two pc
1. Go to routers list
2. Select router(generic router_pt) from router list
3. Add router to workstation and repeat the steps(1-3) to add the other router as in
Figure 1 .
Figure 1
4. Go to connection list
5. Select connection (serial DEC) As in Figure 2.
Figure 2
Data communication and networking………………………………………………lab 7
6. After selecting connection (serial DEC) click on router 0 and select serial 2/0 port
and drag to router1 and repeat the previous As in Figure 3 .
Figure 3
7. In figure 4 You will notice that the connection between router0 and router1 is
effective ( the red light on both sides of connection)because the serial2/0 port for
router0 and router1 is shutdown .
Figure 4
8. To configure router0 and router1 follow these steps:
click on router0  config tabinterfaceserial2/0 .
change port status to on.
change clock rate to 64000.
Data communication and networking………………………………………………lab 7
Figure 5
Inter ip address .notice in the figure 8 there are three net net1 between r1
and pc2 and net2 between r0 and r1 and net3 between r0 and pc1 so each net
has ip address for its own , router1 and router0 in the same network so the
network address for them is same and host address is different ,inter ip
address for serial2/0 port for r0 is and subnet mask as in the
figure 6.
Figure 6
Data communication and networking………………………………………………lab 7
repeat the pervious steps to configure r1 as in figure 7
Figure 7
Notice that the light green is active , the two routers is connected now as in figure 8
Figure 8
9. Now after connect two routers with each other and configuration for two routers
show figure 9,complete the ne1 and net3 by depending on the pervious lecture .
Data communication and networking………………………………………………lab 7
Figure 9
10. After adding two pc to network ,You must define the network that connected
with the router 1 to router 0 and vice versa.
Follow this steps :
click on router0  config tab  routing static
Inter the ip address for net1 that connected with router1 and subnet mask
inter ip address for serial 0/2 port for router1 and click on add ,so the network
address add to table as in figure 9
Figure 9
Data communication and networking………………………………………………lab 7
11. Repeat the pervious steps for router1 as in figure 10 .
Figure 10
12. Test the network by sending simple PDU from pc1 to pc2 .
13. You can add the note for each part in network include information about each part
like ip address and so on , by select place note tool from list that located on the
right side from packet tracer window
Notice the network after note place
Data communication and networking………………………………………………lab 7