Ipsos MORI/10-030955 North Norfolk Local Priorities Topline Results 1,048 questionnaires were returned by North Norfolk residents. This is a response rate of 35%. Base sizes differ at each question, owing to the number of valid responses (ie. excluding don’t know and not stated responses) The base size for each question is all valid responses unless otherwise indicated Fieldwork ran from 19 August to 22 September 2010 Where percentages do not sum to 100, this is due to computer rounding or multiple responses. An asterisk (*) indicates a value of less than half of one percent, but greater than zero. Data was weighted back to the known profile of the North Norfolk population, based on figures for age, gender and work status Section 1: About your local area By your local area, we mean the area which includes your nearest grocery stores, newsagents, doctor’s practice and primary school. Q1 Thinking generally, which 4 or 5 things below would you say are most important in making somewhere a good place to live? Q2 And thinking about this local area, which 4 or 5 things below, if any, do you think most need improving? Q1 Q2 Most important in Most needs making improving in somewhere a this local area good place to live (929) (997) Health services The level of crime Affordable decent housing Shopping facilities Public transport Access to nature Job prospects Clean streets Education provision Wage levels and local cost of living Parks and open spaces The level of traffic congestion Coastal Management e.g. defence / management Community activities Road and pavement repairs Activities for teenagers Cultural facilities (e.g. libraries, museums) Broadband connection Facilities for young children The level of pollution Sports and leisure facilities Race relations None of these % % 56 48 37 35 35 34 27 27 27 21 17 16 16 15 15 14 14 13 13 11 8 3 * 15 12 37 18 32 3 42 12 6 29 5 21 20 11 37 43 6 30 17 4 10 2 1 Q3 Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live? Base: 999 % Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Q4 37 51 7 4 1 Overall, how strongly you feel you belong to your immediate neighbourhood? Base: 973 % Very strongly Fairly strongly Not very strongly Not at all strongly 25 48 21 7 Section 2: Your local public services For these questions, please answer in relation to the service nearest to you Q5 Please indicate how satisfied or dissatisfied you are with each of the following public services nearest to where you live Bases Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Haven’t used the service Your local police force % (979) 12 32 25 10 4 18 Your local Fire and Rescue Service % (960) 26 25 15 * * 33 Your GP (family doctor). % (989) 39 38 9 7 4 3 Your local hospital e.g. community / cottage hospital % (941) 24 33 17 4 4 18 Your acute hospital .e. Norwich and Norfolk, James Padget, Queen Elizabeth % (966) 29 39 10 7 4 10 Your local dentist % (951) 29 31 15 7 3 15 Norfolk County Council % (899) 9 35 36 9 5 7 North Norfolk District Council % (942) 13 41 28 10 5 3 Your parish or town council % (908) 13 31 35 6 4 10 Local Area Partnerships (Fakenham Area Partnership, Wells Area Partnership, Sheringham Area Partnership, Holt Area Partnership, Cromer Area Partnership, North Walsham Area Partnership, Stalham with Happing Area Partnership) % (738) 8 21 34 3 1 33 Q6A For those services that need improving in your local area, tell us how they need to be improved? Quality of provision % (483) Your local police force Your local Fire and Rescue Service Your GP (family doctor) Your local hospital e.g. community / cottage hospital Your acute hospital .e. Norwich and Norfolk, James Padget, Queen Elizabeth Your local dentist Norfolk County Council North Norfolk District Council Your parish or town council Local Area Partnerships (Fakenham Area Partnership, Wells Area Partnership, Sheringham Area Partnership, Holt Area Partnership, Cromer Area Partnership, North Walsham Area Partnership, Stalham with Happing Area Partnership) Q6B1 31 13 32 26 33 19 33 40 32 22 For those services that need improving in your local area, tell us how they need to be improved? Availability of service % (761) Your local police force Your local Fire and Rescue Service Your GP (family doctor) Your local hospital e.g. community / cottage hospital Your acute hospital .e. Norwich and Norfolk, James Padget, Queen Elizabeth Your local dentist Norfolk County Council North Norfolk District Council Your parish or town council Local Area Partnerships (Fakenham Area Partnership, Wells Area Partnership, Sheringham Area Partnership, Holt Area Partnership, Cromer Area Partnership, North Walsham Area Partnership, Stalham with Happing Area Partnership) 1 59 13 42 35 27 29 19 22 17 16 NB: Due to the difference in base sizes between questions 6A and 6B, it is not possible to directly compare levels of response between the two Section 3: Your local council Q7 North Norfolk District Council and Norfolk County Council are also key providers of public services locally, so we would like your views on some of the services they provide. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with each of the following services provided or supported by your local councils? Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (700) 13 39 38 6 3 (772) 5 34 35 17 9 7 38 39 10 5 19 48 15 11 7 4 20 45 22 9 8 37 44 6 4 (894) 10 42 23 18 6 % (825) 29 48 18 4 1 % (916) 29 45 14 8 4 % (808) 11 37 29 15 7 Local bus services % (865) 16 31 23 20 11 Museums/galleries % (670) 14 33 42 6 4 Parks and open spaces % (816) 17 46 26 8 3 Public Toilets % (836) 6 24 26 27 16 Refuse collection % (959) 33 42 14 8 3 Sport/leisure facilities % (744) 10 45 31 9 5 Theatres % (698) 17 34 38 6 5 Bases Arts e.g. exhibitions, festivals, concerts, workshops and events Community Safety e.g. CCTV, Tackling anti social behaviour Community Services e.g. safeguarding vulnerable children and adults, health. Doorstep recycling Economic development e.g. promoting employment, supporting businesses and skills training Environmental health e.g. food safety, pollution control, licensing. Keeping public land clear of litter and refuse Libraries Local tips/Household waste recycling centres Local transport information % % Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied (603) % % (896) (589) % (677) % % Q8 In the current climate of public sector spending cuts, which of the 5 things below would you most like to see protected, as far as possible, from cuts. Q9 And which 5 things would you be least concerned about cutting? Top 5 priorities Refuse collection Community Safety e.g. CCTV, Tackling anti social behaviour Local bus services Community Services e.g. safeguarding vulnerable children and adults, health. Local tips/Household waste recycling centres Doorstep recycling Keeping public land clear of litter and refuse Economic development e.g. promoting employment, supporting businesses and skills training Public Toilets Libraries Environmental Health e.g. food safety, pollution control and licensing Parks and open spaces Sport/leisure facilities Arts e.g. exhibitions, festivals, concerts, workshops and events Theatres Local transport information Museums/galleries Q10 Q11 Bottom 5 priorities % % (995) (906) 60 3 54 11 51 47 7 6 39 36 35 33 5 26 10 22 30 25 23 14 24 17 21 17 10 12 34 70 7 6 5 65 36 58 To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local council provides value for money? Bases Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree or disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree A My local parish or town council % (829) 10 32 39 13 6 B North Norfolk District Council % (868) 9 33 33 17 8 C Norfolk County Council % (806) 5 25 42 18 10 And now taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way your local council runs things? Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied or dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatis fied Bases Very satisfied A My local parish or town council % (869) 11 39 34 10 5 B North Norfolk District Council % (920) 11 39 30 14 5 Norfolk County Council % (845) 6 34 40 14 6 C Section 4: Local decision-making Again, by your local area, we mean the area which includes your nearest grocery stores, newsagents, doctor’s practice and primary school. North Norfolk District Council provides opportunities for people to get involved in decision-making in your local area. Some examples of these are consultation exercises, surveys like this questionnaire, service user groups, and youth forums. Q12 Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the opportunities for participation in local decision-making provided by North Norfolk District Council? Base: 861 % Very satisfied Fairly satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Fairly dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Q13 8 30 39 15 9 Do you agree or disagree that you can influence decisions affecting your local area? Base: 840 % Definitely agree Tend to agree Tend to disagree Definitely disagree Q14 6 32 43 19 Generally speaking, would you like to be more involved in the decisions that affect your local area? Base: 1002 % Yes No Depends on the issue Don’t know 28 15 52 5 Q15 In which, if any of the following ways would you like to be more involved? Base: All those who want to be more involved in local decision-making (638) % Responding to a survey Voting in local elections Attending a public meeting Taking part in a campaign about a local issue e.g. save your local hospital, local transport etc Contacting my local councillor or member of parliament Volunteering e.g. village hall committee, school governor, befriender, driver, charity shop Attending a focus group Taking part in an on-line campaign e.g. Facebook, other social media, other websites Writing letters to an editor (local, national papers, magazines etc) Helping with fundraising drives Paying a subscription to a local charity e.g. Break, Benjamin Foundation, Age UK North Norfolk Standing for election myself (e.g. Parish, Town or District Council) Other involvement Q16 62 59 44 32 30 22 18 17 13 12 7 6 8 What would help you to get involved with making decisions about your local area? Base: All those who want to be more involved in local decision-making (630) % Being more informed about what’s happening locally 61 If I knew what was being decided on 55 If I understood how the decision making process worked 38 If I was asked 38 22 Hearing about how other people have got involved in my local community Costs/expenses paid Better public transport links If I was able to use the internet Opportunities to learn new skills, for example (How to write a newsletter, How to chair a meeting, How to fundraise, How to organise an event) Help with childcare Improved disabled access Help with care for a dependant (e.g. an elderly or ill relative) Information about how to stand for election, or how to become a local representative Information about how to start a community group 22 16 15 11 7 6 5 5 3 Section 5: Respect and consideration Q17 To what extent do you agree or disagree that your local area is a place where people from different backgrounds get on well together? Base: 863 % Definitely agree Tend to agree Tend to disagree Definitely disagree 16 64 14 6 Section 6: About yourself Please complete these questions which will help us to see if there are differences between the views of different residents. All the information you give will be kept completely confidential. Q18 Do you live in a: Base: 998 % Town Village/countryside Q19 43 57 My nearest town in North Norfolk (or the town I live in) is: Base: 1007 % Cromer Fakenham Holt North Walsham Sheringham Stalham Wells Next The Sea Q20 15 15 14 28 10 13 5 Do you have access to a car or van for your own personal use. Base: 1010 % Yes No Q21 84 16 Are you male or female? Base: 1000 % Male Female Q22 47 53 What was your age on your last birthday? Base: 993 % 16-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Q23 18 11 17 20 34 How is your health in general? Would you say it is…… Base: 1012 % Very good Good Fair Bad Very bad 33 39 23 4 1 Q24 In which of these ways does your household occupy your current accommodation? Base: 1005 % Owned outright Buying on mortgage Rent from council Rent from Housing Association/ Trust Rented from private landlord Other Q25 49 22 2 12 13 2 And how many adults aged 18 or over are living here? Base: 991 % One Two Three Four More than four Q26 33 57 7 2 1 Which of these activities best describes what you are doing at present? Base: 1012 % Employee in full-time job (30 hours plus per wk) Employee in part-time job (under 30 hours per week) Self employed full or part-time On a government supported training programme (e.g. Modern Apprenticeship/ Training for Work) Full-time education at school, college or university Unemployed and available for work Permanently sick/disabled Wholly retired from work Looking after the home Doing something else Q27 26 12 9 * 3 5 36 6 6 Do you have any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? (long-standing means anything that has troubled you over a period of time or that is likely to affect you over a period of time) Base: 969 % Yes No Q28 36 64 Does this illness or disability limit your activities in any way? Base: All those who have a disability (396) % Yes No 72 28 Q29 To which of these groups do you consider you belong to? Base: 1015 % White British Irish Any other White background Black or Black British Caribbean African Any other Black background Mixed White & Black Caribbean White & Black African White & Asian Any other Mixed background Asian or Asian British Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Any other Asian background Chinese and Other ethnic groups Chinese Other ethnic group 100 97 * 3 * * * * * * *