Business Engagement Programme INVITATION TO TENDER Deadline for Submissions: 11th April 2016 mid-day Summary In July 2015 a Business Engagement Strategy (BES) was presented to NNDC’s Economic Growth Board. This internal paper identified a number of ways in which NNDC could improve its current approach to engaging businesses – both in terms of its internal processes and its external-facing communication. NNDC now seeks to find an organisation to work with the Economic Growth Team in delivering some of the key elements of the Strategy. It is felt that by working with a partner the Council will be able to achieve outcomes beyond that possible with current resources. It will also encourage a greater commercial approach with scope beyond the traditional remit of a Council. The partner organisation must demonstrate that they have the capability and capacity to design, implement, and provide on-going delivery of a ‘dynamic’ multi-faceted engagement programme. This work will form an integral element of the Council’s overall approach to engaging the business community, putting in place the infrastructure required to better communicate en-masse with the District’s local businesses. The work has an indicative budget ceiling of £20,0001. This amount represents a one-off seed investment to set up and sustain this initiative. Tenderers are required to present a submission detailing how the programme will be self-financing on an on-going basis. Whilst the Council will be fully engaged in the on-going operation of the new engagement activity, there is expected to be no further financial contribution from NNDC. Purpose and Objectives Business engagement – developing meaningful relationships with businesses in a productive, purposeful and open manner - has historically, for many councils, been one of ‘reaction’ rather than a more leading and ‘proactive’ approach. Yet, businesses are engaging with the Council’s services on a daily and consistent basis. Generally, this tends to be when they need something – planning, commercial waste, business rates, grants, business support signposting etc. The purpose of the proposed business engagement activity is to: 1 Promote a closer business community within North Norfolk Provide open channels of communication – both business-to-business and with NNDC Encourage networking and the forging of new business relationships Raise the profile of the District as a place to do business Support the generation of growth This includes travel, subsistence and any other associated cost. 1 This work will help NNDC in meeting its commitment to the Corporate Plan 2015-192, particularly in relation to achieving the ambitions set out within the ‘Jobs and the Local Economy’ strand. The Economic Growth (EG) team plays a primary role in signposting businesses to relevant NNDC departments, business support, funding and related programmes, useful contacts, and any other help that a business may require to start, operate or grow. However, whilst the team handles a regular stream of relevant and useful information for business, it struggles to communicate this and therefore misses out on the opportunity to develop a mutually beneficial dialogue with the local business community. It is suggested therefore that suitable communication channels are developed using appropriate media (to include a business e-newsletter). It should seamlessly link to the other elements of the work outlined, align with the Business Engagement Strategy and conform to the Council’s corporate branding3. Business events represent a good opportunity for business engagement. They can be used as a strong vehicle for providing useful information, engaging with a high volume of businesses, promoting the work of the Council, and encouraging networking. Within the last 2 years, the EG team has hosted 2 business events. Whilst successful, it is thought to be more difficult to attract delegates to such events if they are organised by the Council. A third party may be better able to develop an agenda that aligns to local business interests/ opportunities/concerns. A variety of formats and frequency could be considered for future events. However, they must, as a minimum, meet the following criteria: Appeal to a range of local business sectors, size, backgrounds and geographical location. Be accessible to local business representatives, at convenient venues, times etc. Be informative and relevant. Be regular (eg at least quarterly for business breakfasts and annually for wider/longer events). Encourage participation and a sense of ownership from the business community. Foster a strong relationship between the North Norfolk business community and NNDC. The tender must demonstrate a fully transparent, detailed and robust business model that ensures the financial sustainability of the work. This could encompass methods such as corporate sponsorship, a fee-based model or a membership fee etc. The core objectives of the project are to: 2 Create a multi-medium communication infrastructure that will allow the dissemination of business, key stakeholder and relevant Council information. This will include but is not limited to: o Website4 o e-newsletters o social media o others by recommendation Generate and maintain a database of local businesses5 and contacts. 3 We will only provide this to the successfully appointed contractor Final design to be discussed and agreed by NNDC 5 Information collated and held within this database will belong to NNDC and will be provided to NNDC upon request. 4 2 Design and deliver an ongoing programme of business engagement events. This will be co-ordinated, organised and fully managed by the applicant /partner. These should seek to raise the profile of the Council as an ‘enabler’ for business, provide invaluable information to businesses and improve business networking within the District. Provide a fully transparent robust business model that is financially self-sustaining and that will enable continuous engagement at no extra cost to the Council on an on-going basis. The core objectives set out the minimum expectations of the contract; however, the Council is open to fresh and innovative approaches to meeting these and we particularly welcome proposals that include any additional outcomes that can be achieved over and above the core objectives, so long as this is aligned with the BES. Deliverables A fundamental component of all proposals is that the business model is self-sustaining and thus the partner should clearly set out a sound business case, demonstrating how the costs will be met. It is also important to provide assurance that adequate resources can be sourced and committed to the continuing engagement between NNDC and local businesses. The proposed strategy must be clear, realistic and potentially could encompass a variety of options. Deliverables Development and delivery of a fully transparent and robust self-sustaining business model, which will be reported quarterly for monitoring against achievement for the first 2 years (with a review at the end of this period). Development and delivery of a marketing plan, that evidences the routes to achieve a multi-medium communication infrastructure model to encompass: Evaluation Method Reported Tender document, panel Quarterly & annual interview & progress evaluation reports Tender document, panel Quarterly & interview & progress evaluation reports annual at least one annual event; quarterly business breakfasts; constant business liaison via modern methods of communications such as social media etc. Identify and communicate with North Norfolk businesses to create and populate a database that will be continuously refreshed, updated and cleansed to serve as the main avenue to engage with stakeholders. Collate and report data to evidence the success of engagements. This would include numbers of businesses supported, new businesses created, and others to be mutually agreed. The provision of a thorough evaluation Tender document panel interview & Annually Progress reports Quarterly & evaluation Annual report Annually 3 annual at the end of each year’s engagement for at least the first 3 years. Coverage The work should embrace the business community located within the North Norfolk District Council boundary only. It is important that the delivery is as inclusive as possible, embracing businesses located within the towns, rural and coastal areas. Budget The indicative budget parameter is £20,000. Criteria for Selecting Consultants Criteria Weighting Quality of overall tender 15% Score 0-10 Innovativeness of tender response 10% Score 0-10 Cost and budget breakdown 20% Score 0-10 Relevant experience/track record 15% Score 0-10 Quality of business model to achieve self-sufficiency 30% Score 0-10 Quality of interview and presentation 10% Score 0-10 References Pass/Fail North Norfolk District Council is not bound to accept any tender and will be accepting only one supplier to complete this work. No tender will be considered unless it is received by the time and date stipulated in the Invitation to Tender. No tender delivered in contravention of this shall be considered. Main Submission The Council requires submissions of no more than 8 sides of A4 (portrait style and excluding appendices). Submissions must be printed. Font size must be no smaller than size 10 font. The format of the proposal should include, as a minimum: Introduction. Overview - setting out clearly the strategy, approach, working methods and how this aligns to the core objectives and higher level outcomes. 4 Database creation and management – collation methodology, format, data security, maintenance and purpose. E-communication proposal – purpose, content and information sources, design and maintenance. Revenue generation – types, alignment to budget and sustainability. Delivery timetable – pre and post launch and itemised delivery timescales eg Gantt chart. Budget – a fully costed breakdown of both pre and post launch expenditure and identification of how revenue generation will meet the ongoing cost of delivery and cash flow. Company details – working structure/methods and contact details. Experience - three relevant examples of where you have prepared for projects with similar characteristics or objectives. References - contact details of appropriate references for two examples of projects you have been involved with that we can contact. Team - summary details of the team that will undertake this work. You must enclose copies of certificates of: Professional Indemnity Insurance. Employers Liability Insurance. Professional Indemnity. The proposal will need to be presented to the review panel as detailed below. Project management The project manager will be Stuart Quick, Business Development Officer. It is anticipated that the panel reviewing the bids will be: Robert Young: Head of Economic and Community Development (NNDC) Michelle Burdett: Economic Growth Manager (NNDC) Stuart Quick: Business Development Officer (NNDC) Instructions to tenderers We require you to submit THREE PAPER COPIES of your tender by the closing date. Only the information contained within this invitation to tender document, or the accompanying documentation, or otherwise communicated in writing to Bidders, should be considered by you when making your offer. In accordance with North Norfolk District Council’s Contract Standing Orders, a tender will not be valid unless it has been delivered, marked ‘PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL, FAO Head of Legal Services’, to North Norfolk District Council at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer, Norfolk, NR27 9EN by 11 April 2016 mid-day. Do not mark the envelope/package in any other way as this may invalidate your tender. A further electronic copy of the tender (under 10mb) should be sent by email between the 12th and 14th April 2016 (inclusive) to You will be required to complete fully and sign all tender documents, and complete and submit the ‘Form of Tender’ document at the end of this ITT. 5 Tenders are submitted to the Council on the basis that it is completed at the tenderer’s own expense. If arithmetical errors are found within tender proposals these will be notified to the tenderer who will be asked to confirm or withdraw their tender. Bidders are obliged to declare any potential or actual conflict of interest that could arise if they were awarded to contract, for example: where your organisation, a related organisation or your advisors are participating in some other capacity in this procurement or where Directors, Partners, Senior Managers or Associates or relatives of such who have an involvement in other organisations who provide goods or Services to the Council. If there is any conflict of interest, which may affect your ability to deliver this programme for the Council, please declare it at the start of the procurement process. Tenderers must declare that the tender content, price or any other figure or particulars concerning the tender have not been disclosed by the supplier to any other party. The successful bidder will enter into a Contract with North Norfolk District Council, a copy of the Terms and Conditions will be provided upon request. Project Timescales Respondents shall adhere to the following schedule in all actions concerning this Invitation to Tender: Development milestones ITT launched Responses received Interviews with applicants Final decision and commencement of the project End Date 21st March 2016 11th April 2016 mid-day 19th April 2016 20th April 2016 Process Please consider this tender brief and offer a suitable suite of options to deliver the greatest economic value for the project and the District overall. Key Milestones 21st 2016 Deliverables A project inception meeting with the Economic Growth team to present an April overall project plan and agree timescales and approach and to resolve any outstanding issues before work commences. Progress meetings Progress review meetings to be held at mutually convenient times monthly thereafter until the Partnership has been set up. Quarterly review and performance meetings to be held to monitor progress. 6 1 1.1 1.2 FORM OF TENDER GENERAL Name of your organisation/sole trader: 1.3 Name of your nominated Contract Manager if applicable: Position / Job Title: 1.4 Contact Address: Post Code: 1.5 Telephone Number: 1.6 Fax Number: 1.7 E-mail address: 1.8 Website Address (if applicable): 1.9 Company registration number: 2 Insurance Please provide state the level of Public Liability, Professional Indemnity and where applicable Employer’s 22 Liability that you hold by completing the table below. INSURANCE AMOUNT INSURER RENEWAL DATE POLICY REF. Public Liability: Employer’s applicable) Liability (if Professional Indemnity: Please provide copies of insurance certificates with your completed Form of Tender as evidence of the cover stated above. Tick here to confirm a copy of each certificate is attached: ____ 3 Health and Safety Has your organisation, during the last 3 years been prosecuted or had a notice served for contravention of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 or associated regulations or been the subject of a formal investigation by the Health and Safety Executive or similar national body charged with improving health and safety standards (Yes / No)? If yes, please give details Does your organisation have a written Health and Safety at Work policy, with arrangements for implementing and monitoring the policy (Yes / No)? If yes, please give details. Yes / No Details Yes / No Details 7 Does your organisation hold a recognised quality management certification for example BS/EN/ISO 9000 or have a quality management system? (“System” means processes and procedures to ensure that the subject is properly managed. This includes making sure that legal requirements are met) (Yes / No). If yes, please give details Yes / No Details 4 Confirmation of Bona Fide Tender In recognition of the principle that the essence of selective tendering is that North Norfolk District Council shall receive bona fide competitive tenders from all those tendering WE CERTIFY THAT: 1. The tender submitted herewith is a bona fide tender, intended to be competitive. 2. We have not fixed or adjusted the amount of the tender under or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person. 3. We have not done and we undertake that we will not do at any time before the hour specified for the return of the tender any of the following acts: (a) communicate to a person other than the person calling for this tender the amount or approximate amount of the proposed tender (except where the disclosure, in confidence, of the approximate amount of the tender was essential to obtain insurance premium quotations required for the preparation of the tender); (b) enter into any agreement with any other person that he/she shall refrain from tendering or as to the amount of any tender to be submitted; (c) offer or pay or give or agree to give any sum of money or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any person for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other tender or proposed tender any act or thing of the sort described above. In this certificate: 1. "person" includes any person and anybody or association corporate or incorporate. 2. 5 "any agreement or arrangements" includes any transaction of the sort described above, formal or informal and whether legally binding or not. Declaration I declare that to the best of my knowledge the answers submitted in this questionnaire (and any supporting text) are correct. I understand that this information will be used in the evaluation process to assess the completed tender document in relation to the council’s requirement. I understand that it is a criminal offence to give or offer any gift or other consideration as an inducement or reward to any officer of the Council and that any such act will enable the Council to exclude this applicant from the tender evaluation process and/ or to cancel any contract subsequently awarded. I understand that the council reserves the right to cancel the procurement process at any time up to the award of contract stage and that tenderers need to cover their own bid costs. I understand that the Council reserves the right to carry out any investigations in connection with the 8 letting of this contract that at its discretion it considers necessary or appropriate. I can confirm that the tender proposal content, price or any other figure or particulars concerning the tender proposal have not been disclosed to any other party, except where such a disclosure is made in confidence for a necessary purpose. This form should be signed by a company director, partner, company secretary, or any other company employee duly authorised to sign such documents. Form signed by: Name Job Title Telephone Number E-mail Date Signature 9