Please Contact: Emma Denny Please email: Please Direct Dial on: 01263 516010 8 April 2013 A meeting of the Standards Committee of North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Tuesday 16 April 2013 at 2.00 p.m. Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to rearrange the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public. Further information on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic Services, Tel: 01263 516047, Email: Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To District Members: Mr B J Hannah, Mr P W Moore, Ms B Palmer, Mr J Savory, Mr R Stevens, Mrs H Thompson and Mr P Williams Co-opted Members: Mr G Allen, Mr R Barr, Mr A Bullen, Mr M Coates, Mrs M Evans, Mr H Gupta, Mr A Nash, Mrs A Shirley Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby, Corporate Directors: Nick Baker & Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 3. MINUTES (attached – p. 1) To approve as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on 17 December 2012. 4. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 5. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a pecuniary interest. 6. PARISH AND DISTRICT MEMBERS’ REGISTER OF INTERESTS AND OFFICER REGISTER OF GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY The Parish and District Members’ Register of Interests and Officer Register of Gifts and Hospitality are available for inspection in the Legal Section. 7. PARISH COUNCILS AND STANDARDS (attached – p. 6) Summary: To update members on Parish Council development and support Conclusions: That there are advantages to meeting parish councils to discuss standards issues Recommendations: Members to consider the report and instruct the Interim Monitoring Officer as to engagement with parish councils. 8. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act” 9. STANDARDS COMPLAINTS (attached – p. 8) (Appendix A – p.10) (Appendix B – p.13) NOT FOR PUBLICATION – Information contained in the report is exempt under Regulation 8(6) of the Standards Committee (England) Regulations 2008 Summary: Recommendations: Cabinet member(s): Wards Affected: This report advises Members of complaints received by the Monitoring Officer, the type of breaches alleged and the status of the matters. Additional information is provided to update Members on recent cases. Members are asked to note the contents of the report. All All Agenda Item 3 STANDARDS COMMITTEE Minutes of a meeting of the Standards Committee held on 17 December 2012 in the Council Chamber, Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer at 2.00 pm. Members present: District Councillors: Mr B Hannah Mr P W Moore (Chairman) Mr N Smith Mr P Williams Co-opted Members: Mr G Allen Mr A Bullen Mr M Coates Mr H Gupta Mr A Nash Substitutes: Mr N Smith for Ms B Palmer Officers in Attendance: The Monitoring Officer The Investigating Officer The Democratic Services Officer (ED) Also in attendance: The Independent Person The Complainant and one of the Subject Members (Subject Member A) 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Mr R Barr, Mrs M Evans, Mrs H Thompson, Ms B Palmer, Mr J Savory and Mrs A Shirley 2. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received . 3. MINUTES The Minutes of the Meeting of the Standards Committee held on 13 November 2012 were approved as a correct record. 4. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS There were no items of urgent business. Standards Committee 1 17 December 2012 5. 6. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) Minute No. Item Interest Mr A Nash 8 Complaint Reference 160 Personal and nonpecuniary – had previously advised the parish council on earlier complaints PARISH AND DISTRICT MEMBERS’ REGISTER OF INTERESTS AND OFFICER REGISTER OF GIFTS AND HOSPITALITY The Chairman informed the Committee that the Registers were open to display and were available for inspection in the Legal Services area. 7. EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC On the advice of the Monitoring Officer, the Committee agreed to pass the following resolution: ‘That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act’ 8. COMPLAINT REFERENCE 160 The Monitoring Officer explained to the Committee that a new set of papers had been issued as the original set had not included all the appendices and some of the appendices had been published in the wrong order. She checked that all those present had a copy of the re-issued papers. The Monitoring Officer then introduced the Complainant and one of the Subject Members (Subject Member A) to the Committee. Subject Member B was not present. She also introduced the Independent Person, Mr A Oram, and explained that as this was the first time that the Committee had dealt with a complaint under the new process, the Independent Person had been requested to provide his views on it. The Chairman invited the Investigating Officer, Mr D Johnson, to present his report: The Investigating Officer informed the Committee that he had intended to gather the information and present his report as soon as possible but unfortunately the process had taken much longer than he had anticipated. He explained that this was a transitional case. The events had taken place before 1 July 2012 and the allegations had been made under the original Code of Conduct but it had been dealt with under the current Standards arrangements. Ultimately it would be referred back to the Parish Council. Standards Committee 2 17 December 2012 The Investigating Officer outlined the process that he had undertaken in compiling his report: He had spoken to the Complainant first and taken a full statement. He then contacted the two Subject Members. Subject Member A responded and met with him, Subject Member B did not respond. Several further attempts were made to contact him but no response was received. A draft report was issued and then Subject Member B contacted him. The Investigating Officer felt that Subject Member B should have an input into the report so a supplemental report was issued. He did not hear from Subject Member B again. The Investigating Officer informed the Committee that the statement of Subject Member B was not a formal statement but was based on a series of interviews. The same applied to the contractor employed by the parish council to maintain their website. The Investigating Officer then outlined the background to the case and the allegations against the two Subject Members. He explained to the Committee that having considered all the evidence he found that Subject Member A was not in breach of the Code of Conduct. In relation to Subject Member B, he had found that there were two breaches of the Code – for failing to treat others with respect and for bringing the office of Councillor and the Council into disrepute. The Investigating Officer told the Committee that he had reconsidered his conclusions in light of the Independent Person’s view on the complaint but having reviewed the evidence his stance remained the same – that Subject Member B’s behaviour fell below that expected of a councillor and that a breach of the Code of Conduct had been committed. Members were invited to put questions to the Investigating Officer: Mr B Hannah asked why there was no statement from the Clerk included within the report. The Investigating Officer replied that the Clerk had not been present at the meeting when the alleged misconduct had taken place and she could therefore not be counted as a witness. In response to a further question regarding Subject Member B’s length of employment, he confirmed that he had considerable experience in his current role. The Chairman invited the Independent Person, Mr A Oram to present his findings on the complaint to the Committee. He explained that the papers provided to the Committee clearly set out his views. He felt that that the main issue was whether the conduct in question was so serious that it constituted a breach of the Code of Conduct. He felt that although Subject Member B’s conduct was unfortunate and ill-advised it did not constitute a breach. He concluded that he agreed with the Investigating Officer’s finding that Subject Member A was not in breach of the Code of Conduct. Members were invited to put questions to the Independent Person: 1. Mr P Williams asked the Independent Person to explain his reference to the Nolan Principles in his report. The Independent Person said that the main principle was ‘Leadership’ and that a councillor had a duty to consider carefully any accusations against another person and ensure that they had weighed up the evidence fully before repeating it. Standards Committee 3 17 December 2012 2. Mr B Hannah asked if the Independent Person had any views on Subject Member B’s failure to respond to repeated requests from the Investigating Officer for a statement. The Independent Person said that he agreed such behaviour was unhelpful but he could only consider the evidence before him. The Chairman thanked the Investigating Officer and the Independent Person for their input. He said that the Committee would now reach a decision on the complaint and he requested that the Complainant, Subject Member A, the Independent Person and the Investigating Officer left the room during the ensuing discussion. They left the room at 2.45pm. Members discussed the complaint: 1. Mr G Allen said that he agreed with the Investigating Officer’s findings. He felt that the allegations that Subject Member B had made against the Complainant and the Contractor had not been substantiated in any way. 2. Mr M Coates commented that the Parish Council had not dealt with Subject Member B’s behaviour effectively. 3. Mr P Williams said that he believed the Complainant also had a case to answer regarding his behaviour. The Monitoring Officer reminded Mr Williams that the Investigating Officer had found no issues of misconduct relating to the Complainant. 4. Mr B Hannah commented that he felt that the Clerk was central to the whole issue. Mr A Nash agreed. He said that the Clerk was vital to the investigation and should be in attendance to give her account of events. The Monitoring Officer replied that the Clerk had not attended the meeting where the alleged misconduct had taken place and as it was the comments made at that meeting that were alleged to be in breach of the Code it would not be beneficial to have the Clerk’s input. She acknowledged that the Clerk may be able to provide information on the background to events but it would not explain why Subject Member B had behaved the way that he did at the meeting in question. 5. Mr N Smith said that the matter should have been dealt with earlier. He believed that if the Chairman of the Parish Council had controlled the meeting in question more effectively then the alleged misconduct could have been avoided. 6. Mr G Allen said that he was concerned that the Independent Person and the Investigating Officer had reached different conclusions on one aspect of the complaint. The Monitoring Officer explained that the Independent Person was not overseeing the investigation just providing his views on it. The difference in opinion was not substantial, it just concerned whether the level of behaviour breached the Code of Conduct. The Monitoring Officer asked the Committee whether they wished to make any recommendations to the Parish Council. The Chairman felt the Committee should recommend further action. He reminded Members that it would only be a recommendation and it was up to the Parish Council whether they wished to implement it Mr A Nash commented that he believed that there were several strong characters involved in this case and that a restorative approach may be preferable. He informed the Committee that the Norfolk Association of Local Councils (NALC) held mediation sessions for parish councils. The Monitoring Officer replied that this would have been an option at an earlier stage of the Standards Committee 4 17 December 2012 process but it was down to the Parish Council to implement and they would be unlikely to pursue this approach. She advised that any recommendations should focus on the breaches committed. It was proposed by Mr B Hannah, seconded by P Williams and RESOLVED To accept the findings of the Investigating Officer that Subject Member B was in breach of the following paragraphs of Overstrand Parish Council’s Code of Conduct: • • Failing to treat others with respect Bringing his office of Councillor and the Council into disrepute and that Subject Member A was neither complicit in the breaches of conduct on the part of Subject Member B nor did he commit any breach of the Code of Conduct by his failure to manage the conflict engendered. The following recommendations were made to the Parish Council: • • That Subject Member B should make a written apology to the Complainant That the Parish Council should undertake a programme of development on the conduct of meetings. At 3.25pm, the Complainant, Subject Member A, the Independent Person and the Investigating Officer were invited back into the room. The Chairman informed them of the Committee’s decision. Subject member A asked how the Parish Council would be notified of the decision. The Monitoring Officer said that she would write to the Parish Clerk on behalf of the Committee informing them of the decision. The meeting concluded at 15.35 pm ___________ Chairman Standards Committee 5 17 December 2012 Agenda Item No____7________ PARISH COUNCILS AND STANDARDS Summary: To update members on Parish Council development and support Conclusions: That there are advantages to meeting parish councils to discuss standards issues Recommendations: Members to consider the report and instruct the Interim Monitoring Officer as to engagement with parish councils. Source: David Johnson, Interim Monitoring Officer: 01603 222313 Parish Council Complaints 1. Under the Localism Act 2011 arrangements adopted by North Norfolk District Council, complaints against Parish Councillors are received by the Monitoring Officer and assessed in the usual way. They may be referred for investigation by a person appointed by the Monitoring Officer. They may be dealt with in some other way. The new regime is considerably more flexible than the previous one. Ultimately, however, at the end of every Parish Council case it is the Parish Council itself which determines the guilt or otherwise of a Councillor and applies such sanction as it sees fit. 2. As members will see from the other report of the Monitoring Officer on this agenda the levels of complaints made against Parish Council members are not, at present, high. The stated aim of the New Standards Regime was to prevent the Standards Regime being used as a "vehicle for petty, malicious and politically-motivated complaints against Councillors." It is difficult to assess whether the current low level of complaints is a reflection of these values being taken on board by Councillors. Standards and Conduct Training and Support 3. At their last meeting members resolved to instigate a programme of training, support and development for Parish Council within North Norfolk's District. There being some 122 Parishes within North Norfolk this is undoubtedly an ambitious aim. Nevertheless, a rolling programme of engagement with Parish Councils to explain our role and to promote understanding of Standards and Conducts practices and procedures can only be of benefit to the Local Government community and public perception of Councillors. Proposals 4. Your Chairman, the Monitoring Officer and the Council's Independent Person Mr. Alex Oram have met to give thought as to how the promotion of 6 Standards and Conduct at Parish level can be promoted and how confidence in the new arrangements can be fostered. We were unanimously of the view that formal, structured events (for example, a conference style gathering) would be likely to be of less value than a more informal and location based approach. So, for example, we could suggest to all Parishes that, if they wished, delegates from the Council could attend at a Parish Council meeting either as part of a routine meeting or one specially called for the purpose and following a brief presentation from the Monitoring Officer, use a question and answer session and a general discussion as a way of raising that Parish's own particular concerns and issues over Standards and Conduct. 5. If these sessions proved useful and successful initially then further sessions could be held on a rolling basis. It may be that adjacent Parishes might agree to hold a joint session. 6. Attendees from North Norfolk District Council should probably include the Monitoring Officer together with, as diaries permit, the Council's Independent Person and the Chairman, Vice Chairman and / or other members of the Standards Committee. 7. The Monitoring Officer and the Independent Person have both prepared materials to use in the opening part of each session and will be able to answer questions. However, I am sure that Parish Councillors would be equally very keen to understand from members of Standards Committee how they see their approach to Standards and Conduct and, I suspect, how they consider the seriousness of allegations and what approach they would take to sanctions. 8. The Monitoring Officer will be very interested to receive members' views on the issue of standards and parishes and to hear further suggestions and comments on the proposals. David Johnson Interim Monitoring Officer 7