Overview and Scrutiny 25 January 2012 Agenda Item No______12_______ UPDATE ON PROGRESS UNDER THE CORPORATE SUSTAINABILITY THEME AND DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY STRATEGY REFRESH Summary: Conclusions: Recommendations: This report outlines progress with projects in our Carbon Management Plan and wider sustainability work. It includes a draft refresh of the Council’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy. Three projects have been implemented in our Carbon Management Plan, all in conjunction with ICT. Since 2008 we have reduced our electricity costs by £20,000 as a result of the Carbon Management Plan projects that have been completed. A draft refresh of the Council’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy is appended for comments and approval. This year’s Green Build event was the most successful to date with over 7000 visitors over the weekend. Subject to any suggested amendments made by the committee, the draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy review is approved for adoption by the Council. Cabinet member(s): John Lee Contact Officer, telephone number, and e-mail: Ward(s) affected: All Helen Dixon, Sustainability Coordinator, 01263 516271, Helen.dixon@north-norfolk.gov.uk 1. Introduction/background 1.1 This is the latest biannual report requested by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, to provide an update on the work of the Sustainability Team. Overview and Scrutiny 25 January 2012 2. Action to date and future plans 2.1 Carbon Management Plan The Council’s Carbon Management Plan commits the Council to reducing its CO2 emissions by 33% (from a 2008-9 baseline) by 2014. This will help keep energy bills similar to what they were in 2008/9, and avoid a predicted £1.4million cumulative cost increase by 2014. This will be achieved by implementing about 30 projects over the 5 year period 2009-14. Since the last update 3 projects have been implemented, all involving ICT: The ICT server virtualisation project is taking place over two years (2010-12). To date 39 servers have been virtualised, an additional 27 servers have been created and 6 remaining servers require virtualisation. An evaporative cooling system has been installed in the server room, which replaces the air conditioning unit. As a result of these two projects electricity use in the server room has gone down from 8.4kWh to 2.8 kWh, a reduction of 76%. The server room was using 13% of the electricity used in the Cromer office and is now using 4% and we estimate this will result in a saving of £400 per month on our electricity bills, assuming prices remain the same. A project to rationalise the number of printers in the Cromer office is also underway with agreement from the ICT Strategy Group. The project has identified under-used printers and then plans to remove these. This will help reduce the use of electricity and paper in the Cromer office. Based on today’s prices our head office electricity costs have reduced by £20k between 2008 and present, as a result of 5 projects in the Carbon Management Plan being implemented. 2.2 Environmental Sustainability Strategy Review The Council’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy is due for review by April 2012. The new draft Strategy is appended for comment and approval. This version has been approved by the Environmental Sustainability Board. The strategy includes NNDC’s environmental policy on p3 which remains unchanged from our previous policy. It then outlines the rational for action, including links to our new corporate plan, the memorandum of understanding between the Local Government Group and Department of Energy and Climate Change, and a recent citizen’s panel survey on climate change. Our key achievements to date are listed on p5 along with a discussion of the key challenges facing the district – climate change, protecting and enhancing the natural Overview and Scrutiny 25 January 2012 environment, reducing resource consumption and engaging and enthusing our residents, businesses and visitors. A number of targets are listed on p9, and the action plan to deliver those targets stars on p12. 2.3 Environment Awards This year’s winners of the Environment Awards were: Category Winner Description Reducing Carbon Emissions Drury’s Yard, Southrepps Biomass-fuelled heating of a small housing development Raising Environmental Awareness Mundesley Junior School Food glorious food - project to promote local food Improving Natural Spaces Plumstead Village Pond Pond Rejuvenation and Creation of a Wild Flower Meadow John Sweeney Award Truly Local, Stalham Developing a business website Western Terrace Allotments, Sheringham Securing a water supply From 2012 onwards there will only be one award given: ‘The John Sweeney Award for Environment Excellence’, bringing the Environment Awards more in line with the Graham Allen Award. 2.4 Green Build This year’s event took place on 10 and 11 September at Felbrigg Hall and was sponsored by Kier, the Council’s new waste collection, street cleansing and grounds maintenance contractor. Over 60 exhibitors attended covering a range of topics including renewable technologies, energy efficiency, sustainable transport and how to produce your own food. Many of these businesses are from the local area and the event represents a key opportunity for them to promote themselves and generate business. There was also a full programme of talks by expert speakers, children’s activities and a farmer’s market showcasing the best local produce. Over 7,000 members of the public attended the event, the highest number ever, indicating how important residents feel about green issues and the environment. Next year’s event will take place on 8 and 9 September. 2.5 Planning issues Since the last update we have responded to 156 planning consultations regarding compliance with Core Strategy policies EN6 and 7. We have noticed a market increase in the number of applications for renewable technologies in response to the Government’s Feed in Tariff as shown in the table below: Overview and Scrutiny 25 January 2012 Year Wind turbines Solar panels Heat pumps other total 2008 6 5 0 0 11 2009 9 5 0 0 14 2010 6 11 3 1 20 2011 13 32 9 3 54 2.6 Norfolk Climate Change Task Force The task force comprises officers of all Norfolk Authorities and was awarded £20k from Sustainability East to develop a county-wide communications campaign and supporting web presence around the issue of greener living. The Sustainability Team and Communications Manager are involved in working groups delivering both projects. The aim of the website is to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for advice on energy efficiency, renewable energy and green living for County residents and the Communications campaign will publicise the website and key themes such as saving energy and money. Both are due to be launched in the spring. 2.7 Bittern Community Rail Line The launch of the North Walsham Station Travel Plan which the Sustainability Team made a significant contribution towards, was delayed due to the franchise change from National Express East Anglia to Abellio taking place in early February 2012. However the 24 February has been proposed as a launch date for the plan, and a verbal update on this will be given at the meeting. 3. Risks and Implications 3.1 Financial The Carbon Management Plan (2.1) has funding approved and the remaining projects are being funded through the Sustainability Team budget. Any actions requiring significant additional funds would be proposed to members through the growth-bid process in the usual way. 3.2 Reputational Implementation of these actions, contained in the Environmental Sustainability Strategy, alongside appropriate publicity and promotion will help the Council become a community leader and exemplar in the area of environmental sustainability. The actions already undertaken have achieved significant and beneficial media coverage for the Council. 4. Equality and Diversity There are no equality and diversity issues arising from this report. Overview and Scrutiny 25 January 2012 5. Conclusion Three projects have been implemented in our Carbon Management Plan, all in conjunction with ICT and since 2008 we have reduced our electricity costs by £20,000. A draft refresh of the Council’s Environmental Sustainability Strategy is appended for comments and approval. This year’s Green Build event was the most successful to date with over 7000 visitors over the weekend. 6. Recommendations Subject to any suggest amendments made by the committee, the draft Environmental Sustainability Strategy refresh is approved for adoption by Full Council.