Appendix D OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY PUBLIC TRANSPORT REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS (AMENDED) Portfolio Holders: Wards Affected: All All 1 SUMMARY 1.1 On the 29 May 2012 the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed a series of recommendations identified by their Time and Task Limited Panel who worked with colleagues from North Norfolk District Council. These recommendations were presented to Cabinet for endorsement on the 18 June 2012. The Cabinet referred these recommendations back to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to further identify how those recommendations could be achieved and prioritised. 1.2 This report presents those recommendations again with further information on how each recommendation could be fulfilled and by who. The recommendations have also been themed to provide a clearer understanding of what the recommendations are trying to achieve. 2 KEY DECISION 2.1 This is not a key decision and has not been published in the Forward Plan. 3 INTRODUCTION 3.1 In September 2011, the Overview and Scrutiny Committee agreed that Broadland Scrutiny Members would work jointly with Members from North Norfolk District Council’s Scrutiny Committee to review public transport arrangements for Broadland and North Norfolk. The joint Time and Task Limited Panel met for the first time on the 26 October 2011. 3.2 During the course of the review, the Time and Task Limited Panel members met with the Assistant Director Travel and Transport Services Environment, Transport and Development, Tracey Jessop and County Council Portfolio Holder for Planning & Transportation, Graham Plant. The Members also engaged with Community Transport Providers, Parish Councils and Bus Operators. 11 September 2012 Appendix D 4 THE ISSUES 4.1 The Overview and Scrutiny Committee identified during their work programming exercise in early 2012 that there were concerns around access to Public Transport across the district. Upon consultation with other Norfolk Authorities, North Norfolk District Council identified similar concerns and agreed to work with Broadland District Council as a Joint Time and Task Limited Panel to review the effectiveness of Public Transport. The Joint TTLP were tasked to undertake the following: • Identify gaps in the public transport services provided (Bus, Rail and Water) • Identify services that are under threat to continue or to be reduced • Conduct a Rural Proofing assessment which can be presented to the County Council as evidence to support continuing services in rural areas and where applicable invest in them • Review the impacts on access to the SureStart centre being set up in Cawston, accounting for the cuts proposed to the bus services • Investigate access to bus stops in terms of older people and disabled people capabilities, identifying possible improvements to be made • To identify specific problems with public transport services for the elderly and the disabled • To investigate how opportunities for employment were restricted by access to public transport in rural areas 4.2 Over the course of four months the TTLP identified a number of recommendations to be endorsed by each Council. 5 DISCUSSION 5.1 While the Overview and Scrutiny Committee reconsidered their initial recommendations, they were made aware of the ongoing work being undertaken by Norfolk County Council during their own service review. To date the County Council has increased the investment in Community Transport, and are building capacity with third sector organisations to increase the volume of journeys that can be undertaken. They have established a new 11 September 2012 Appendix D social enterprise called Norfolk Community Transport Association, which is offering significant economies of scale for back office activity like recruitment, insurance, health and safety, operational good practice, CRB checks, vehicle and legislative compliance, vehicle and driver pooling. 5.2 Members from North Norfolk District Council attended the Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting on the 31 July 2012 to continue their involvement with this review and agreed with our Committee that the recommendations remained relevant and achievable should they be delivered how suggested. 5.3 Following consideration the Committee did agree to withdraw the recommendation “District Councils to support Community Transport Providers with their long-term running to enable the service to remain sustainable and deliverable e.g. charitable trusts/cooperatives” as it is more relevant to North Norfolk Council than to Broadland Council considering the number of Community Transport Operations active within the North Norfolk district. 6 PROPOSED ACTION 6.1 The Cabinet are asked to endorse the following recommendations identified by the Joint Time and Task Limited Panel and supported by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (as amended). Recommendation How it could be achieved Responsible for delivery a. The Council could do more to raise the profile of Community Transport Schemes available including what the benefits are to using community transport Coordinated through community grants to such organisations. b. Ensure that transport providers are aware of the Bus Service Operators Grant and help them to meet the criteria to apply Information could be added to the Community Engagement pages on the Broadland Council website, a feature could be published in Broadland News and articles raising awareness placed in Parish Pages. CTP are local businesses, information could be advertised in Business Focus magazine to raise awareness. Theme Awareness Economic Awareness Development Team 11 September 2012 Appendix D c. d. e. f. Recommendation How it could be achieved Responsible for delivery Ensure that Parish/Town Councils are informed with the correct information about services available e.g. up to date bus timetables, factsheets on SureStart services and how to access them, community buses, particularly evening services and the Kickstart moped scheme; and encourage them to disseminate the information proactively District and County Councils to provide more positive advertising of the uses of public transport and how to access it. This to also include basic operator information and a link to ‘Travel Line’ on the Council’s website County/District/Parish or Town Councils to consult with communities to fully identify their needs and find ways of providing community bus sharing schemes and supporting voluntary drivers to provide the service to begin with, for example through Neighbourhood Planning exercises Support and promote the new river ferry service being provided from the old power station to Trowse (Broadland/City area) Encourage the County Council to provide the information of services available to parish Councils through their existing communication means. A letter from the Council leader to County Council should suffice Norfolk County Council Awareness District Council Leaders writing a letter to County Council Lobbying Provide a positive article on the Council website ‘Transport and Streets’ along with basic information that can be downloaded and link to the Travel Line website. Communications Team Awareness Build these questions as part of consultation process for parish plan and neighbourhood plans. Also consider using these points of reference when consulting on infrastructure needs for a community. Spatial Planning Awareness Raise awareness of the service on the Council website and within notices in Broadland News and Parish Pages. Communications Team Awareness Theme 11 September 2012 Appendix D Recommendation g. h. i. j. k. How it could be achieved Responsible for delivery Partnership and Funding Officer Theme Encourage Community Transport Providers to use regular bus routes in addition to providing bespoke trips for individuals Consider ring-fencing funding to support community transport schemes and encourage new providers to come forward. Schemes that would assist local businesses to pick up employees would be particularly supported Provide supported funding or sponsorship to community transport providers to obtain new vehicles Feed this information back to providers when they are applying for funding. Partnership and Funding Officer working with Norfolk County Council grants officer to improve access to funding streams. District Council/ Norfolk County Council Negotiate with Bus Operators to be consistent in how they provide information and what they include with it. A lot of information is bundled together which do not relate and causes confusion The Council to support and encourage Community Transport Providers to reach out to young people who need a service in the evenings in order to attend groups or clubs. Include these points of reference within same letter to Bus Operators outlining the Council’s feedback from this review. Initially consult parish councils to outline which information from operators is most useful. Identify operating CTP’s and make them aware of groups/clubs for Young People who would benefit from their services, engage through YAB. Merge with existing Leisure arrangements and advertising methods. Parish Liaison Officer Lobbying Economic Development, Leisure Team Lobbying Would have to be agreed Economic by the Grants Panel how Development much funding is put aside Team. and endorsed by Cabinet. Raise awareness of available funds through community newsletters and BroadlandDC Twitter account. Awareness Funding Funding District Council Leaders writing a letter to County Council 11 September 2012 Appendix D Recommendation How it could be achieved l. Persuade Bus Operators to provide double decker buses on the most popular and logical routes to maximise patronage. For example X29 Norwich to Kings Lynn/Fakenham Economic Development and County Council. Lobbying m. Provide bus timetables at local shops/village halls/central notice boards/libraries/schools/do ctors surgeries and Parish Magazines not just parish councils. Providing the information where people are most likely to access transport. Timetables for Bus Operators and contact/time information for Community Transport Providers displayed together. This should include information within the bus stops of which buses stop there Ask the Leader to write to the Government outlining the consultation undertaken and request them to consider an alternative regulatory framework and public transport funding systems that is accessible to both voluntary sector and private sector District Council to compile a joint letter with Norfolk County Council appealing to Bus Operators. County Council should have existing information of which routes maximise patronage The Council writes to Parish/Town Councils informing them the expectation that information needs to be provided in these areas across the parish area. A letter to Parish Councils encouraging them to obtain the information and pass to their local shops/libraries. Parish/Town Councils Lobbying Compile a joint letter from each Norfolk Authority countersigned by all Leaders and MP’s and sent to Government as per recommendation Democratic Services Lobbying n. Responsible for delivery Theme 11 September 2012 Appendix D o. p. q. r. Recommendation How it could be achieved Convey to County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport concerns about the information boards present at the key bus service stops that are frequently not working. In addition consider linking up Public Authority websites or media accounts to share up to date information about service delays e.g. Twitter accounts and websites. The Council to encourage Bus Operators to provide safer collection points in areas where the main roads are dangerous. Compile a letter to the Norfolk County Council Portfolio Holder for Transport (Graham Plant) conveying this concern and asking them to be included within their review of public transport services. Implementation would be at discretion of County Council. District Council Leader Consult with Parish Councils where their current collections points are and if they are hazardous. Outline this feedback in a letter to Bus Operators asking them to revise collection points. Include within main letter from Council Leader to Bus Operators, and site separately with Rail Companies, Taxi Firms and Ferry Services. Collectively the Parish Councils working together to compile one letter Lobbying Democratic Services Lobbying Include as part of the Grants Review conducted on an annual basis. Recommendation reported to the Partnership and Funding Officer for information. Partnership and Funding Officer/ Democratic Services Lobbying (internal) Convey to any public transport provider that it is important for drivers to be courteous, welcoming and helpful. These simple behaviours are extremely valued by service users and can influence their use of the service Relax criteria to achieve funding for community transport schemes, providing bespoke support to applicants to help them to complete a successful application form Responsible for delivery District Council Leaders writing a letter to County Council. Theme Lobbying the County Council 7 RESOURCE IMPLICATIONS 7.1 There are minimal resource implications within this report. The delivery of recommendations to improve advertising and raising awareness will require 11 September 2012 Appendix D officer time, any literature about available services or grants or volunteer schemes can be included within existing Council publications like Broadland News, Parish Pages and Broadland Business Focus. Leaflets from community transport providers could be obtained from the providers directly and supplied at community events across Broadland or relevant to those operator areas at no cost to the Council. Recommendations have been delegated to existing Council functions or to Parish Councils within their community facilitator role. 8 LEGAL IMPLICATIONS 8.1 There are no legal implications associated with this report. 9 CONCLUSION 9.1 In conclusion the Overview and Scrutiny Committee have reconsidered their initial recommendations, they have identified how each recommendation could be fulfilled in consultation with officers and collectively agreed three themes the recommendations apply to. The Cabinet are asked to deliberate these recommendations and consider them for action. 10 OPTIONS 10.1 The Cabinet has the following options (1) Endorse the updated recommendations (2) Agree alternative course of action to be taken by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Councillor Peter Balcombe Chairman of the Joint Public Transport Time and Task Limited Panel Martin Thrower Head of Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer Background Papers None 11 September 2012 Appendix D For further information on this report call Stacy Cosham on (01603) 430567 or e-mail 11 September 2012