Please contact: Lydia Hall Please email: Please direct dial on: 01263 516047 09 March 2015 A meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of North Norfolk District Council will be held in the in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Wednesday 18th March 2015 at 9.30am. At the discretion of the Chairman, a short break will be taken after the meeting has been running for approximately one and a half hours. Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to rearrange the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public. Further information on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic Services, Tel: 01263 516010, Email: Anyone attending this meeting may take photographs, film or audio-record the proceedings and report on the meeting. Anyone wishing to do so must inform the Chairman. If you are a member of the public and you wish to speak on an item on the agenda, please be aware that you may be filmed or photographed. Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Ms V R Gay, Mrs A Green, Mr B Jarvis, Mrs B McGoun, Mr P Moore, Mr J H Perry-Warnes, Mr R Reynolds, Mr E Seward, Mr R Shepherd, Mr N Smith, and Mr R Wright. All other Members of the Council for information. Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us. Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker & Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. SUBSTITUTES 3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive questions from the public, if any 4. MINUTES (Page 1) (9.30-9.35) To approve as correct records the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on the 11th February 2015. 5. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 6. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 7. PETITIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To consider any petitions received from members of the public. 8. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE BY A MEMBER To consider any requests made by non-executive Members of the Council, and notified to the Monitoring Officer with seven clear working days‟ notice, to include an item on the agenda of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 9. RESPONSES OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CABINET TO THE COMMITTEE’S REPORTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS To consider any responses of the Council or the Cabinet to the Committee‟s reports or recommendations. 10. UPDATE ON RESIDENTIAL PARKING AND PAY & DISPLAY IN CROMER AND SHERINGHAM (9.35-10.35) To receive an update on the parking proposals from Norfolk County Council following the issuing of the questionnaire to businesses and residents. 11. BUDGET MONITORING – PERIOD 10 (Cabinet papers - page 14) (10.35-10.45) Summary: This report summarises the budget monitoring position for the revenue account and capital programme to the end of January 2015. Options considered: Not applicable Conclusions: The overall position at the end of January 2015 shows a year to date variance of £2,826,265 to date for the current financial year on the revenue account, before taking into account commitments £2,792,723. This is currently expected to deliver a forecast full year underspend of £376,624. Recommendations: It is recommended that: 1) Cabinet note the contents of the report and the current budget monitoring position. 2) Cabinet note the contents of the Revised Capital Appendix C. 3) Cabinet agree that the Head of Finance in consultation with the portfolio holder be able to approve the most financially advantageous loan repayment option for NNDC with Broadland Housing Group. Cabinet Decision Reasons for Recommendations: Cabinet member(s): Ward member(s) Contact Officer, telephone and e-mail: 12. To update Members on the current budget monitoring position for the Council, and make all amendments to the capital budget as appropriate. Councillor W Northam All Karen Sly 01263 516243 OUTSIDE BODIES REPORT (Page 13) (App A – p. 18, App B – p.24, App C – p.26, App D – p.27, App E – p.44 & App F – p.56) (10.45-11.05) To receive a full report on Outside Bodies 13. NORTH NORFOLK BIG SOCIETY FUND (Cabinet papers - page 38) (11.20-11.40) Summary: This report provides an annual update on the operation of the Big Society Fund and the Enabling Fund. It also includes recommendations on the future use of the funds following the decision by Norfolk County Council to halve the allocation to the District to twenty five per cent of County Council second homes Council Tax receipt. Conclusions: The North Norfolk Big Society Fund has successfully achieved its expected outcomes following its third year of operation. The current management arrangements, administrative and decision making process are considered effective, and this has been confirmed by a recent audit report. The Fund has helped a wide variety of valuable community projects to be implemented, helping to establish and nurture the ethos of „the Big Society‟ in North Norfolk. The enabling Fund has also helped a number of significant community projects to deliver successful outcomes. There is an opportunity, however, to maximise the value of the budget committed to the Enabling Fund by aligning it to the emerging LEADER funding programme and focussing it on themes that would bring more value locally. Recommendations: Cabinet Decision Reasons for Recommendations: Cabinet are requested to note the success of the Big Society Fund and to recommend to Council: 1. to agree to continue the Big Society Fund grant scheme at the current level of funding (£225,000) for another year and to delegate authority to the Head of Economic & Community Development, in Consultation with the portfolio holder, to make appropriate revision to the grant terms and conditions to address the matters raised in this report; 2. that £200,000 of the underspend from the budget allocated to the Enabling Fund in 2014/15 be carried forward from this year into next financial year, to be used as potential match-funding for projects relating to investment, development, regeneration, revitalisation, promotion or marketing of the District‟s seven (market and resort) towns, bidding for funds under the LEADER programme; 3. Delegate authority to Cabinet to agree the details and the „prospectus‟ for the new grant scheme (to replace the Enabling Fund) - which will be brought to Cabinet at an appropriate future meeting, for approval); and 4. That applications for funding under this new grant scheme be brought to Cabinet for decision at the appropriate time. To ensure Cabinet are informed about the operation of the Big Society Fund during its third year. To align financial resources to leverage additional funds to support initiatives aimed at development, investment and improvement in the District‟s towns. Cabinet member(s): Ward member(s) Contact Officer, telephone and e-mail: 14. Councillor J Lee All Robert Young 01263 516162 HOMELESSNESS STRATEGY Summary: (Cabinet papers - page 51) (11.40-12.00) The Homeless Act 2002 requires all Local Authorities to undertake a review of homelessness in their area and publish a Homelessness Strategy based on its findings every 5 years. Options considered: 1. Do nothing. This option was discounted as the Act requires a review is carried out and published every 5 years 2. Review the homelessness within the area. This option was adopted as it ensures the Council carries out its duties as per the Homeless Act 2002. Conclusions: A review of homelessness has been undertaken and the key findings from the review of the current services have identified 5 Aims to carry forward to improve and enhance the service. Recommendations: That Cabinet adopts the Homelessness Strategy 20142019 Cabinet Decision Reasons for Recommendations: To ensure that the Councils Homelessness Strategy is reviewed and published as determined by the Homeless Act 2002. LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere) Homeless Act 2002 & The Homelessness Code of Guidance Localism Act 2011 Making Every contact Count 2012 Cabinet member(s): Ward member(s) Contact Officer, telephone and e-mail: 15. Councillor R Oliver All Lisa Grice 01263 516164 THE CABINET WORK PROGRAMME (Page 61) (12:00-12:05) To note the upcoming Cabinet Work Programme. 16. OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY UPDATE (Page 64) (App G – p. 65 & App H – p.66) (12.05-12.10) To receive an update from the Scrutiny Officer on progress made with topics on its agreed work programme and to receive any further information which Members may have requested at a previous meeting. 17. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution, if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph _ of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 18. TO CONSIDER ANY EXEMPT MATTERS ARISING FROM CONSIDERATION OF THE PUBLIC BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA Agenda item no._______4_______ OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY Minutes of a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 11 February 2015 in the Council Chamber, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am. Members Present: Committee: Mr P W Moore (Chairman) Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Ms V R Gay Mrs A Green Mr R Reynolds Officers in Attendance: Members in Attendance: Mr J Perry-Warnes Mr R Shepherd Mr B Jarvis Mr E Seward The Head of Finance, the Policy and Performance Management Officer, the Democratic Services Team Leader and the Democratic Services Officer Mrs A Moore, Mr G Williams, Mr P Terrington, Mr G Jones, Miss B Palmer, Mr W Northam, Mrs A Sweeney and Mr P High. 107. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mr N Smith, Mr R Wright and Mrs B McGoun. 108. SUBSTITUTES None. 109. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None. 110. MINUTES The minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 14th January 2015 were accepted as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman with the following amendment: Mr B Hannah had given his apologies. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 11 February 2015 111. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None. 112. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None. 113. PETITIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC None. 114. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE BY A MEMBER None. 115. RESPONSES OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CABINET TO THE COMMITTEE’S REPORTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS None. 116. MANAGING PERFORMANCE QUARTER 3 2014/15 Mr G Williams, Cabinet Member, introduced the report and informed Members that the council was meeting the targets set. He said that plans were in place to correct previous issues and that they were on target. Mr P Terrington asked whether there was a target on producing the energy strategy as the topic should have come to Overview and Scrutiny in January but was no longer on the work programme. Mr Terrington also asked about the use of Wells Harbour in connection with this and the Sheringham Shoal development and asked that the entire issue came to the committee as soon as possible. The Chief Executive agreed that the whole of the energy infrastructure of North Norfolk should be looked at. She said that the issues that Mr Terrington had mentioned were not all in the energy strategy but were issues as part of the plan of infrastructure. She added that she was happy to discuss these with Mr Terrington. Mr Terrington said that they were important issues and if the council was going to implement and look at these issues then they needed to maintain levels of openness and transparency. The Chairman agreed and said that the issues should be discussed even if they were not the responsibility of the council. The Chief Executive said that she was happy for a draft report to come to Overview and Scrutiny before Cabinet so that any energy issues not currently planned for could be highlighted. Ms V Gay, referring to page 20 of the report, asked what the planning figures were for major applications: the lost capacity as a result of lost resources in particular. She added that the recruitment into particular planning posts had been unsuccessful in November 2014 and said that she had asked for an organisational structure that included vacant posts and had been told that the full information would come to Committee in March Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 11 February 2015 which made it difficult to fully analyse the information they had been given. The Chief Executive, in reference to the planning posts, said that the vacant planning posts were a part of the restructure and that the adverts had been published before Christmas for two team leaders but that no appointments had been made. She said that the posts had been re-advertised and that the deadline was imminent and that they had received a better response and that they were optimistic that appointments would be made. The Chief Executive commented that they were also looking at how they advertise living and working in North Norfolk and that Human Resources were currently revitalising how posts were advertised to attract people as a career opportunity. Ms Gay asked how long the posts had been vacant. The Chief Executive said that the two posts were created as part of the restructure so they were new posts since November 2014. The Chairman informed Members that the Head of Organisational Development had been contacted and that she would bring the details of the structure during the course of the meeting. Mr G Jones, referring to page 33, specifically items HB01 and HC01 of the report, asked about the 74 additional dwellings. He asked how these targets were fixed and commented that it had been a shocking situation with Hopkins Homes. He asked how they had arrived at the figure of 74 in HB01 and said that HC01 was a nothing statement. The Chief Executive said that 74 was not a target and that there wasn't a target for affordable homes but that in the last year the council had provided 152 homes which was the highest figure in Norfolk. The Chief Executive said that there was no longer any grant funding available and that they had to secure the housing through other means like the section 106 agreements and marketing housing on exception sites and said that they were in active discussions with land owners and parish councils. The Chief Executive said that they were actively looking at a number of schemes and that the 106 agreement was one way of delivering affordable housing and that a huge amount of work had been done by good officers including the Team Leader of Housing Strategy whose work was exceptional. To address Mr Jones‟ concerns over item HC01, the Chief Executive clarified that they had worked on the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) but not implemented it but instead would review section 106 agreements to create a standardised process and added that they wanted to be more pro-active and deal with the issues upfront before the application. The Chairman said that sometimes applicants could wait months for a section 106 that took 15 minutes to write if it was a simple one. The Chief Executive said that they were looking to have models for some section 106 papers and that the work would be moving from planning into legal. The Chief Executive said that the Housing Incentive Scheme in Holt and Blakeney had meant early completion on site through the relaxations provided through the section 106. She said that affordability under the scheme where set at 20% and that 45% would never have been viable in those areas. She added that 20-30% was viable but that 20% was a compromise that resulted in early delivery on site. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 11 February 2015 Mr Jones asked whether the New Homes Bonus meant that the council got homes to mitigate against the argument for affordable homes and asked what qualifications officers had to make the decision regarding Hopkins Homes. Mr Jones asked whether the Council had sought independent advice as 176 homes had been built and not one was an affordable home. The Chief Executive said that in terms of qualifications, the officers were qualified and experienced and both financially and commercially aware. In regards to the Hopkins Homes in North Walsham, independent advice had been sought and the viability had been looked at by officers and externally. The Chief Executive said that the information was available for Members to look at but that it was commercially confidential. The Chief Executive said that the officers had worked hard and that all of their findings were evidenced and that all of the decisions and recommendations made were not without an evidence base. She added that the individual planning decisions were made by the Development Committee. Mr R Reynolds said that due to an expected sharp increase in population growth, that housing was important. Mr Reynolds, referring to page 5 of the report, asked officers to illuminate the points 1. and 2. Mr Williams said that they were small business grants given and that events such as the recent one at Thursford showed that they provided a small allowance of support. The Chief Executive said that this was the North Norfolk Enterprise Scheme and that it had helped 100 new business start-ups. She said they wanted to track how successful they were. She added that the target for the end of quarter 3 had been 30 and that they had supported 60 with funding for another six months. The Chief Executive said that the joint funding from Norfolk County Council had ended but that the funding had been secured from NNDC. Mr Reynolds said that this was an excellent idea and should continue. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds said that she was pleased that so many things were on track or successfully completed. Mrs Claussen-Reynolds asked for an update on customer services which was on page 38 of the report (ref VB01). The Chief Executive said that it wasn‟t specifically about the customer services department but about developing a digital approach. She also informed Members that they were still looking to employ a Communications Manager. The Chief Executive explained that the daily queries received by the Media and Communications team had been moved to Customer Services as they were general and non-political queries. She added that they would also be moving the social media queries to Customer Services as well, with any queries that were more complex still being dealt with by Media and Communications. She added that this was all progressing but not as quickly as they would prefer. The Chairman, referring to the empty post for the Communications Manager, said that it was difficult recruiting to Norfolk. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 4 11 February 2015 The Chief Executive said that Norfolk had so much to offer and that the posts that were currently vacant were not due to the pay offered, but that perhaps there was not enough paid for relocation. She said that they would look at the relocation package and emphasise the quality of life that Norfolk offered. She added that this had been discussed at the Staff Focus Group and that the Council were also struggling to recruit a web developer, especially as the UEA did not specialise in this area and so they were looking at other universities across the Country to advertise an internship. Mr W Northam said that North Norfolk was an excellent place to live. Mr Williams said that the Housing Incentive Scheme exemplified that Cabinet were committed to building new homes including affordable houses. He said that the concerns voiced by Mr Jones were understandable but that developers needed to make a profit. He added that there were regular reviews in place and that the scheme would be reviewed again in 12 months. Mr Williams said that the scheme could not be perfect but that they were achieving the target of making housing available. Mr P Terrington said that 74, on the surface, was disappointing but that they were in a transition period. He said that the price of the land did not come into the viability considerations and that the Housing Strategy Team Leader worked hard. He added that the „Homes for Wells‟ had opened in the past weekend and that ten new tenants had moved in. Mr Terrington said that the council should develop affordable housing and then there would be no profit issues. The Chairman said that the industry was reinventing affordable housing which was council houses. Mr Jones said that it was a myth that North Norfolk was a great place to live. Referring to page 23 of the report, under empty homes (ref HA05), he asked what a base rate of 456 meant. The Chief Executive said that 456 homes were empty as of October 2014. She said that at the comparable time in 2011-12, there were 828 empty homes and that in October 2009, the figure had been 973. The Chief Executive said that the scheme had been incredibly successful and that a levy of 150% council tax had been introduced on the long-term empty properties. The Chief Executive also commented that the cost of the land was taken into account for viability and that the housing need was not just for affordable housing and that it included people moving into North Norfolk. She said that they had to deliver housing for market assessment. Mr Reynolds commented that the five year land supply was fragile. The Chief Executive said that it was dependent on what had been delivered previously and that the five year supply was at risk. She said that there had to be a balance and that there was a shift to delivery rather than just affordable housing. Ms V Gay said that it was good news on the empty homes and asked whether the figures were an estimate by the council. The Policy and Performance Management Officer said that the figures had been submitted and confirmed to be accurate. The Committee NOTED the report Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5 11 February 2015 117. 2015/16 BUDGET REPORT Mr W Northam, the Portfolio Holder for Finance, introduced the report and said that the information was the financial projections for the year. He said that they recommended a 0% increase in council tax and that since 1974, the current administration was the only one not to have increased council tax in their term. He added that the budget was fair and that the Head of Finance and her team had worked very hard. The Head of Finance said there was a reduction of 14% in the Council‟s Settlement Funding Assessment which includes Revenue Support Grant and Business Rates Retention Baseline funding, other figures quoted nationally are in relation to the “Revenue Spending Power” which takes into account other funding sources, for example the New Homes Bonus and Council Tax Income raised locally. . She said that the headline figures were a national reduction of 1.9% in spending power, the comparative figures for district Councils being 3.1% reduction and for North Norfolk a reduction of 4.4% compared to 2014/15. Mr E Seward, referring to page 57, paragraph 1.5 of the report, asked whether there had been any changes. The Head of Finance confirmed that there had been no significant changes from the final settlement. Mr Seward, referring to page 67, paragraph 7.4 of the report, said that parts of the 2015/16 service had been moved to general reserves to make £2m and asked whether in 2016/17 they would reach the „pinch point‟. Mr Seward asked that when the figures were more significant in 2017/18 and 2018/19, why the original reserve was £1m in the past and now nearly £2m. The Head of Finance said that the recommended level of general reserve was increased from 2013/14 due to the changes in the funding system for local authorities and the introduction of the system of business rates retention to mitigate some of the risks around funding. The financial projections for future years are currently forecasting a larger deficit in later years and that allowing for some funding from reserves in 2016/17 could assist with the longer term budget planning and transition to reducing the future budget deficits. Mr Seward expressed his concerns over an increase in publicity about local authorities holding too much in reserves and prioritising 2017/18 and 2018/19 difficulties when they should be continuing the reduction in financial streams now. The Chief Executive said that it was prudent to have a certain level of reserves as income streams were not as certain as they were previously and that they needed to be able to deal with uncertainty and emergency issues. She added that they were looking for savings and additional income to ease the issues and that this was all taken into account when setting the 2015/16 budget. Mr Williams said that the whole process was a dynamic one and that pages 61 to 62 of the report showed the range of initiatives and that having reserves was a part of this process. Ms Gay informed Members that she had great respect for Cllr Northam. She said that the council tax freeze was subsidised by central government. Ms Gay, referring to page 75, paragraph 8.13 section d) in the report on borrowing, asked what the status of capital bids was and whether the council had any notions of becoming a council that Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 11 February 2015 was no longer debt free. The Head of Finance said that this was a way off and there were no current plans to enter external borrowing. She added that they had treasury investments of around £20m and that they could internally borrow in the first instance to finance capital expenditure which would incur a revenue cost without the need to borrow externally. She said that the report was recommending new capital bids as part of the budget report. . Ms Gay commented that this had been agreed in principle. She asked about the decision when it comes to the actual spending. The Chief Executive said that a full business case would be needed for Cabinet to release the funds for the more significant projects for example over £100,000. Ms Gay asked about the drainage problems and that no money had been allocated. Mr Seward asked for clarification on paragraph 8.81 as it was an accounting entry. He said that the majority of the funding was from Norfolk County Council. The Chief Executive said that when Norfolk County Council agreed funding, officers felt it wouldn‟t be significant and additional funding was added. She said this was a short term solution and that it was to give residents confidence in the short term and that a long term discussion was needed. Mr Jones asked about the recommendations and commented that without £1.69million from the new homes bonus there would be a deficit of £1.2m in the current year. He said that this was not a guaranteed income and that it was a precarious situation. He said that following a meeting with external auditors, they would raise the issue with the Chief Executive and the Head of Finance of the car parking income. He asked how many posts would be lost to achieve objectives for income maximisation and if there was no web developer, he asked how likely the savings were and asked whether this was the reason they were selling the Town Council building in North Walsham to Wetherspoons. The Head of Finance replied that the £1.6million was the gross amount of New Homes Bonus allocated for 2015/16 of which 75% was being used in the year and 25% allocated to an earmarked reserve to mitigate the risk of future changes to funding. The risk around the future of the New Homes Bonus had been flagged within the risks in the report. . The Head of Finance said that the earmarked money allowed for mitigation. The Chief Executive said that when the Government made announcements of spending power for authorities that this included the New Homes Bonus and that it had to be treated as part of normal income but that some authorities didn‟t. The Chief Executive said that the money was already here and that they were comparing the projection for land supply and the figures used by the council were to scale back. She said that the New Home Bonus was a financial incentive. In relation to Car Parking income, the Head of Finance said that it was a significant income stream and that the general reserve allows for fluctuations in demand led income streams for example car parking and planning income along with other factors for example cashflow and emergencies . She said that there was an element in the general reserve to mitigate this. The Chief Executive said that through the Business Transformation Programme, the equivalent of nine full time employees posts would go over the coming four years but Overview and Scrutiny Committee 7 11 February 2015 that they couldn‟t identify which posts before the programme had been completed. She said that the Business Transformation Programme had started with a digitalising process and that they were making changes in a sensible way. The Chief Executive said that property investment was better than other types of investment and gave a better return. She added that community assets like Cromer Pier had a value of £1 and would never make a profit. Mr Jones said that it was not just a financial responsibility but that they needed to have a community responsibility. The Chief Executive said that they looked at social, economic and environmental factors and that property investment was the commercial ideal but that they did need to take account all of the issues and duties. Mr Northam said that £5m had produced a return of £1.2m and a total of £4.5m since 2014. The Chief Executive said that to clarify the point about borrowing that this would not be from the market but would be internal borrowing and said that this could be confusing. She reiterated that the council would not be borrowing from the market and that in the region of £10m would have to be used before they needed to go to public work loans board. Ms Gay commented that a briefing in advance would have been beneficial. The Chairman said that Members had been asked to submit any questions in advance of the meeting. The Chief Executive said that she would be happy to arrange briefings or any workshops on viability and other topics should the Members express a need for them. Mrs Claussen-Reynolds, referring to page 73, paragraph 8.55 in the report, said that there was no Staithe Street in Fakenham. It was PROPOSED by Mr J Perry Warnes and SECONDED by Mr R Reynolds THAT: The Committee AGREED recommendations to Cabinet. Six in favour with two against. Motion CARRIED. The meeting stopped for a break from 11:22 am and resumed at 11:40 am 118. TREASURY MANAGEMENT STRATEGY STATEMENT 2015/16 Mr W Northam, the Portfolio Holder for Finance introduced the report and said that the council was legally bound to produce it. He informed Members that the council was debt free. It was AGREED to accept the report. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 8 11 February 2015 119. ANNUAL ACTION PLAN 2015-16 Mr G Williams said that the Leader had sent his apologies for not being able to introduce the item. Mr Williams introduced the report to Members and gave an overview of its contents. Mr E Seward asked about the funding on second homes and commented that the agreement had now reached for three years and said that the outsourcing of Sheringham toilets had been helpful but questioned whether it needed to be addressed in a community right to bid application. The Chief Executive said that the interest had been dealt with in a transparent way and that they had advertised for expressions of interest. She said that other organisations had the same opportunities to submit an interest and that a community bid process was a good one to follow. Mr Williams agreed that it was a process that allowed for checks as to whether other parties were interested. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds said that there was a section on the report previously where the figures were collected on the help received by people being discharged from hospital and that this had been a regular update. The Policy and Performance Management Officer said that this was in regard to the disabled peoples grants and that these figures were reported monthly to the management team and that the grants were still given. The Chief Executive said that the management report had more indicators and that they looked at the disabled peoples grants and the turnaround time. She added that there was no target but an annual budget that was set and that they had spent all of the annual budget but that there was no back log. The Chairman asked that this information was circulated. The Policy and Performance Management Officer said that the updates were published in the Members' Bulletin. Mrs Claussen-Reynolds asked about mobile phone signal and said that the information regarding broadband speeds had been provided but wanted to know the latest information regarding signal coverage and black spots in the district. The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the latest information they had was from 2012 and that they needed to go back to Norfolk County Council to get more up to date data which would then be circulated to Members. The Chairman asked whether any of the Members present who were also County Councillors were able to comment. The Chief Executive said that Karen O'Cane would be able to assist in the matter and said that £150m had been given for mobile coverage in the area. Mr Seward said that the updates were always about broadband and not mobile phone coverage and asked whether they should approach the mobile phone companies. The Chief Executive advised that Members should contact Karen O'Cane in the first Overview and Scrutiny Committee 9 11 February 2015 instance. Ms V Gay said that there wasn't much in the way of quantitative analysis and that there was not much for Members to focus on. Mr Williams said that the measures used needed to be meaningful and that targets were set as a means to measure performance and that there had to be a mixture. He added that they were constantly looking at how they could improve and the best ways of measuring. The Chief Executive said that the trend analysis was to give direction and that targets were preferable but that there were concerns over how targets are achieved. She said that the volume of waste had increased by 2% according to Norfolk County Council and that lots of factors had to be considered and that they would be monitoring this regularly. Mr R Shepherd, referring to sections a) and e) of the report, and referring to jobs and local economy asked whether Members supported the northern distributor road and commented that it would be worth a huge amount of money. Mr Seward said that he was a strong supporter of it and that it would add value to North Walsham. He said that the Norfolk County Council Liberal Democrat party supported it, and that the Conservatives and Labour supported it. Mr Seward said that the reservations had come from UKip and the Green Party. Mr Williams said that the dualling of the A11 and the distributor road were both significant. Mr Seward said that the matter was reserved for the planning inspector with a report for the Secretary of State. He said that they were expecting a decision soon and that they were optimistic. Mr Seward said that two thirds of the cost would be covered by central government but that £60m needed to be funded by Norfolk County Council and CIL with building funds to pay their share. Mr Terrington said that energy was not just about renewable resources but also about fracking. He said that small businesses were not being catered for in DMO for small tourist places like Wells. He added that they were looking at the neighbourhood plans and it was not being promoted. The Chief Executive said that they were supporting it, but not promoting it. Mr Terrington said that on page 48 of the report, under maintaining landscape that there was nothing about conservation in the item itself. He said that they needed to show they were an authority that took conservation seriously. Mr Terrington said that on page 49 the report mentioned maintaining dialogue with parish and town councils and that Wells had received no contact. The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the Standards Committee had been running Wider Engagement Events - in 2012 and in 2014/15. All of the parishes had been invited to attend these sessions and if they had been unable to attend that the Standards Committee were happy to do individual sessions. She added that all of the information packs were sent out to all of the parishes whether they attended a session or not. The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the last standards event had been held the evening previously in Fakenham and that Wells had been invited but had not attended. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 10 11 February 2015 The Chief Executive said that there had also been three planning forums at the end of 2014 and that when they contacted Wells the parish clerk informed them that no one was interested in attending. The Chief Executive said that the emerging energy policy would take on board Members comments and that they would be discussed with Cabinet. It was AGREED to note the report. 120. THE CABINET WORK PROGRAMME The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the work programme was missing from the agenda but that she would circulate this to Members. The Cabinet work programme had been included and was up to date. 121. OVERVIEW & SCRUTINY UPDATE The Democratic Services Team Leader informed Members that the issues raised about parking in the Councillors' Call for Action would be returning for an update in the March meeting. An update from the Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (NHOSC) had been included with information supplied by Mrs Claussen-Reynolds. The Democratic Services Team Leader said that the Outside Bodies report would come to Overview and Scrutiny in March and that it usually went to full council in May. The annual review was being prepared which included information on grants given by finance. Therefore a detailed report would be received by the committee next month with the summary going to full council. The Democratic Services Team Leader reminded Members that any Member could attend the Constitution Working Party's meetings and that the agenda would be circulated. The Democratic Services Team Leader concluded that the Head of Organisational Development would speak on the vacant posts but that a detailed report would be sent to the Committee for their next meeting. Mrs A Green said that there were five representatives on an Outside Body concerning planning but that the meetings were on a Thursday and clashed with Development Committee and asked whether there was a possibility that the outside body could change their meeting day to accommodate Members. Mr Shepherd commented that they would not change the day. Ms Gay asked whether they still received a levy from the council and could they be persuaded to look at the day again terming it reciprocal consideration. Mrs Claussen-Reynolds asked about the visit to the Ambulance Service Control Hub. The Chairman said that Members were very well received and that they had been tremendously impressed; with the efficiency and calmness of staff. Mr Shepherd agreed and said that the visit was marvellous and that they were a highly Overview and Scrutiny Committee 11 11 February 2015 underrated service and commented that people did not realise that the Norwich hub took calls for the whole of East Anglia. Mrs A Moore said that the visit was compelling and exciting and very interesting. Mr R Reynolds added that it was a complete fallacy about response times and that he could not fault the service. He said that an eight minute response time in Norfolk was ridiculous. The Chairman thanked the Ambulance Service Control Hub for accommodating Members. The Chairman asked Members whether they had any questions for the Head of Organisational Development regarding the vacant posts. Ms Gay thanked the Head of Organisational Development for the additional information she had brought with her and said that it would be really useful to have an organisational chart for each part of the organisation up to date with a picture of the teams, their locations and how they fit into the organisation as a whole. Ms Gay asked whether the two vacant posts were out of a team of ten or a team of three - she said that this was important to determine the impact of the vacant posts. The Head of Organisational Development said that all of that information would be available in the March report. Mrs Claussen-Reynolds asked why when using laptops and dongles, they could not access the intranet. The Chief Executive said that this was being worked on but that a deadline had not been agreed. She said that at the May Council meeting, all newly elected and re-elected Members would be issued with a tablet that would have a lot of information pre-loaded onto it. This would include organisational charts, consultations, etc. She said that the devices would automatically update and sync with the latest version of this information. The Chairman thanked Members and Officers for a hard working meeting and said that he had received tremendous feedback from the public on their recent meetings where the public attended. The meeting concluded at 12.40 pm __________________ Chairman Overview and Scrutiny Committee 12 11 February 2015 Agenda Item No___12___ APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES Summary: At the meeting of Council on 21 May 2014, a request was made for a report to be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee reviewing appointments to Outside Bodies and whether they reflected the requirements of the Council and of the bodies concerned. Conclusions: The current process of presenting a review of appointments to outside bodies to the annual council meeting does not allow sufficient time for a full assessment of the value of the appointment – to both the council and the outside body. If the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are able to consider the review prior to Council, the will have the opportunity to make recommendations before the appointments are made in May. Recommendations: To make the following recommendations to Council: 1. That future annual reviews of appointments to outside bodies be presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in March each year so that recommendations can be made to the Annual Council meeting regarding process or positions. 2. That a financial summary of payments to OB’s should be included within the annual review 3. That all members appointed to outside bodies are required to report back at least annually on the outcome of meetings attended Reasons for Recommendations: To ensure that appointments to outside bodies benefit both the Council and the body and in cases where this does not happen, they are removed from the list of approved appointments. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Benjie Cabbell Manners All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Emma Denny, 01263 51601, 13 1. Introduction 1.1 Appointments to Outside Bodies The Constitution states that appointments to outside bodies is a power reserved to Council. On 26 February 2014 Council resolved as follows:‘To include the following criteria for appointments to Outside Bodies within North Norfolk District Council’s Constitution: 1.2 Is the appointment relevant to any Council responsibilities (portfolio, chairmanship, for example)? Does the appointee bring skills and experience to the appointment? Does the appointee have the time and resources to devote to the role Does the appointee have a low likelihood of conflicts of interest Has there been any expression of preference / approval from the outside body? What is the term of appointment - long or short term? Is appointee able to commit to this length of term?” The procedure for appointments to outside bodies, as outlined in the Constitution is ‘Prior to the Annual Meeting of the Council in each year the Democratic Services Manager will send a list of outside body appointments to the Council’s Party Group Leaders and to any members not in groups. The Council’s Party Group Leaders shall respond to the Democratic Services Manager marking on the list those outside appointments for which they wish to put forward a nominee. Next to each such nominee the Council’s Party Group Leaders will address each of the criteria above and state how they believe their nominee fulfils those criteria. At the Annual Meeting of the Council the nominations are reported and dealt with as follows:In relation to each appointment: If there is one nominee then a motion proposes appointment and is seconded. Members may speak on the motion. Votes for and against are then taken. If the motion is passed the appointment is thus confirmed. If not, no appointment is made to that outside body. If there are two or more nominees then firstly a motion is proposed and seconded for the appointment of nominee A. Members may speak on the motion The Chairman then calls for votes for the motion only. (NB - no votes against and no abstentions need be called for.) Secondly a motion is proposed and seconded to vote for nominee B. Again, the Chairman calls for votes for only.[ and so on and on if there is a nominee C, D, etc] The candidate with most votes is confirmed by the Chairman as the appointee. In the event of a tie (an equality of votes for each candidate) the Chairman has a second or casting vote. 14 The appointee holds the post until the next following Annual General Meeting of the Council unless before that date he or she resigns from the outside body or ceases to be a councillor. 1.3 In May 2012, following a request from Council to review the number of appointments made to outside bodies, a report was presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee proposing that 5 outside bodies were removed from the approved list. A copy of this report is attached at Appendix A. 1.4 The Council currently makes appointments to 37 outside bodies. This does not include joint committees with other authorities. The total number of members appointed, including substitutes is 69. Of those 69, the number of portfolio holder appointments is 22. Appointments are made on an annual basis at the May Council meeting. However, we do receive requests throughout the year to make appointments and these are done at the next scheduled Council meeting. 2. Annual review of appointments to Outside Bodies 2.1 In January of each year, Democratic Services sends out a questionnaire to the outside bodies and to members appointed to Outside Bodies asking for their feedback. In previous years this information has been collated and a report is presented to the May meeting of Council. 2.2 All outside bodies are sent a questionnaire to confirm contact details, terms of reference and aims, the number of Members appointed to each body, the numbers of meetings and attendance. Confirmation is also sought that the organisation is requesting appointment for the forthcoming municipal year (see Appendix B). 2.3 Members appointed to outside bodies are sent a questionnaire requesting confirmation that they were invited to meetings, the number of meetings convened and the number attended (see Appendix C). They are also asked to comment on the following The value contributed by the organisation to the quality of life in North Norfolk and to the Council’s priorities. Whether representatives had received a briefing from an Officer or outgoing Member before attending the first meeting. The best method for reporting on the work of the organisation. The reason for representing the Council on the organisation, that is, specific interest/knowledge or relevance to Ward. Democratic Services consults both the outside body and the member representative in order to gain a more complete picture of the work of the Body and its value to the District. 15 3 Annual review 2015 3.1 In preparation for the Members Induction 2015, additional questions were added to the form sent to outside bodies to ensure that as much information as possible could be provided to new members, with a particular focus on clarifying their role on the body. This information will also enable Council to review the requirements of the Council and the outside body and whether an appointment is still required. The additional questions were: Does this appointment require a Portfolio Holder or Cabinet Member? What is the representative’s role? - member, observer, director Can the representative(s) vote? Do you have Articles of Memorandum or a Constitution? If so, please attach a copy. Does NNDC give any funding to your organisation such as grants? It would also be helpful if you could list any Officers from North Norfolk District Council who attend the meetings. 3.2 The responses received to date from the Outside Bodies are attached at Appendix D. A summary of responses from members is attached at Appendix E. In previous years all of the responses are appended to the annual Outside Bodies report that is presented to the May meeting of Council. It is proposed that in future the responses are considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at their March meeting each year so that the committee can make recommendations to the annual Council meeting regarding appointments to outside bodies. 3.3 There is an expectation that members who are appointed to outside bodies will report back on a regular basis on the meetings that they attend to ensure that other members are kept informed. This information can be provided in the form of minutes from the meetings, a short information piece in the Members’ Bulletin or a longer report to a committee or council meeting. In reality very few members report back regularly – with only one member providing information on a monthly basis. It is proposed that from May 2015, all members appointed to outside bodies will be given an information pack and this will include details on reporting back, with a suggested route. 4 Outside Bodies funding 4.1 A breakdown of the financial impact of appointments to outside bodies is attached at Appendix F. It is proposed that in future this information is incorporated within the annual review of outside bodies and presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration ahead of the May annual council meeting. It should be noted that some of the payments are required by statute. 5 Future approach 5.1 As outlined previously, it is proposed that a full review of outside bodies is presented to the Overview and Scrutiny in March each year, enabling the committee to make recommendations to the annual Council meeting regarding 16 the appointments process and where applicable, whether bodies should be added to or removed from the approved list. 5.2 Financial information should be included as part of the annual review of outside bodies. This will ensure that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is able to consider all of the information available before making any recommendations to Council. 5.3 Members appointed to outside bodies will be expected to report on any meetings attended, at least annually to ensure that all members are kept informed of the work of the body. 6 Conclusion 6.1 The current process of presenting a review of appointments to outside bodies to the annual council meeting does not allow sufficient time for a full assessment of the value of the appointment – to both the council and the outside body. If the Overview and Scrutiny Committee are able to consider the review prior to Council, the will have the opportunity to make recommendations regarding process or positions before the appointments are made in May at the annual meeting of Council. 7 Implications and Risks 7.1 By introducing an additional opportunity for members to review appointments to outside bodies on an annual basis, any risks to the authority should be reduced. The current process takes place at the annual council meeting and members to not have sufficient opportunity to consider the benefits or otherwise of the proposed appointments. 8 Financial Implications and Risks 8.1 By including information regarding financial payments to outside bodies within the annual review, a full overview can be provided to members, ensuring they are able to make informed recommendations about the value of the appointments to the authority. 17 Appendix A Agenda Item No_____15_______ REVIEW OF OUTSIDE BODIES Summary: Conclusions: This report provides the Committee with information on five Outside Bodies referred for review from Full Council on 30 May 2012. It was due for discussion at the meeting of Overview and Scrutiny of 24 July 2012 but was deferred because of other items on the agenda. This version of the report includes additional information requested by Members. Norfolk Tourism and the North Norfolk Community Transport Partnership should be removed from the Council’s schedule of approved Outside Bodies. Representation on the Norfolk Playing Fields Association, Norfolk Rural Community Council and the North Norfolk Skills Partnership requires further consideration. Recommendations: 1. To recommend to Full Council that the North Norfolk Community Transport Partnership and Norfolk Tourism should be removed from the Official List. 2. To further consider the value to the Council of continued representation on the Norfolk Playing Fields Association, Norfolk Rural Community Council and the North Norfolk Skills Partnership. Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Mr K Johnson All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Mary Howard, 01263 516047, 1. Introduction 1.1 At Full Council on 30 May 2012 a report on Outside Bodies was presented by the Legal and Democratic Services Manager. She identified five Bodies where responses from Members (or a lack of response from the Outside Body) indicated that it would be useful for representation to be reviewed by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The purpose of the review would be to 18 decide if continued representation was of value and in the best interests of the Council. This was agreed by Members. 1.2 The five Bodies referred to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee were the Norfolk Playing Fields Association, the Norfolk Rural Community Council, Norfolk Tourism, the North Norfolk Community Transport Partnership and the North Norfolk Skills Partnership. 1.3 In preparing this report, reference has been made to the information already on file from a review undertaken annually by Democratic Services. Information on funding has been obtained from the Accountancy Team and lead officers have been interviewed, where applicable. Reference has also been made to the Corporate Plan. Further information was requested by Members in July 2012 and is included in this report. 2. The process undertaken by Democratic Services before the Annual Meeting of Full Council 2.1 Each year Outside Bodies are sent a questionnaire to confirm contact details, terms of reference and aims, the number of Members appointed to each body, the numbers of meetings and attendance. Confirmation is also sought that the organisation is requesting appointment for the forthcoming municipal year. 2.2 Members are sent a questionnaire requesting confirmation that they were invited to meetings, the number of meetings convened and the number attended. They are also asked to comment on the following The value contributed by the organisation to the quality of life in North Norfolk and to the Council’s priorities. Whether representatives had received a briefing from an Officer or outgoing Member before attending the first meeting. The best method for reporting on the work of the organisation. The reason for representing the Council on the organisation, that is, specific interest/knowledge or relevance to Ward. Democratic Services consults both the Outside Body and the Member representative in order to gain a more complete picture of the work of the Body and its value to the District. 3. Information gathered in the 2012 review 3.1 Norfolk Playing Fields Association The Organisation did not respond to the questionnaire or subsequent reminder. The NNDC representative said that he had never been invited to a meeting. 19 3.2 Norfolk Rural Community Council The Organisation responded that the Council was entitled to appoint a representative. Meetings were held quarterly and there was also an Annual General Meeting. No information on the attendance of the NNDC representative was provided. The NNDC representative said that he received information about the organisation but had never been invited to a meeting. 3.3 Norfolk Tourism The Organisation did not respond to the questionnaire or subsequent reminder. The NNDC representative said that she had not yet been invited to a meeting. 3.4 North Norfolk Community Transport Partnership and North Norfolk Skills Partnership No appointment had been made to these organisations in 2011 – 2012 because it had been understood that they were linked to the North Norfolk Community Partnership, the future of which was under review. As part of the 2012 review there had been attempts to seek clarity, but these had been unsuccessful. 4. Links to the Corporate Plan Norfolk Playing Fields Association: tenuous link to Coast, Countryside and Built Heritage. Norfolk Rural Community Council: Localism Norfolk Tourism: Jobs and the Local Economy D North Norfolk Community Transport Partnership: tenuous link to Jobs and the Local Economy North Norfolk Skills Partnership: Jobs and the Local Economy B 5. Further Information gathered for the purpose of this report 5.1 Norfolk Playing Fields Association The Norfolk Playing Fields Association receives no funding from the Council. The aims of the Norfolk Playing Fields Association are “to support the saving of threatened recreational facilities and to extend the benefits of playing fields, playgrounds and open spaces to all members of the community. Grants are for capital projects and priority is given to projects that involve children’s play.” Applicants for grant funding must be members of the Norfolk Playing Fields Association. North Norfolk District Council is a member. Grants are for small amounts. Meetings are essentially Member Forums and the Lead Officer believes that NNDC should continue to be represented by an Elected Member. He has recently had correspondence from the Norfolk Playing Fields Association 20 urging that a Member should attend meetings and has written to confirm that NNDC has a representative, with contact details for that individual. 5.2 Norfolk Rural Community Council The Norfolk Rural Community Council has not received funding from the Council since January 2008. Its stated aims are: Community Support - helping Communities all the way from identifying needs to delivering solutions with friendly support and genuine expertise. Rural Advocacy - to provide a voice to rural communities to ensure that decisions on services, policies and strategies do not discriminate against them and adequately serve and reflect their needs. Developing Solutions - to research, consult and develop initiatives to solve the problems faced by our communities. These aims are encapsulated in North Norfolk District Council’s Corporate Plan 2012 – 2015, “To empower individuals and local communities to have a greater say in their own futures” therefore the work of this organisation is clearly in line with the aims of the Council. However Members are asked to consider if the Council should continue to be represented on this body or whether it would be sufficient to receive information by other methods, e.g. the Members’ Bulletin. 5.3 Norfolk Tourism Norfolk Tourism last received funding from the Council in 2003. The Economic and Tourism Development Manager has explained that Norfolk Tourism is the governing body for tourism in Norfolk and is under the auspices of Norfolk County Council. It is a partnership of tourism businesses and local authorities from across the county who also work closely with regional and national bodies. Local authorities are represented by the relevant portfolio holder. Norfolk Tourism is, therefore, not a Council appointment and should be removed from the Council’s schedule of approved Outside Bodies. 5.4 North Norfolk Community Transport Partnership The North Norfolk Community Transport Partnership has been dissolved. It should, therefore, be removed from the Council’s schedule of approved Outside Bodies. 5.5 North Norfolk Skills Partnership The North Norfolk Skills Partnership last received substantial funding in September 2011. It is the skills and training arm of the North Norfolk Business Forum. Partners include schools, colleges, Job Centre Plus and Learning for Everyone. The lead officer at NNDC is the North Norfolk Learning & Skill Project Manager who has provided the following description of the Partnership: 21 “We at the District Council understanding the affects of market failure on the economy of North Norfolk created two bodies which fulfilled the corporate aspirations of this Council centred on business development and skills support. The North Norfolk Skills Partnership has operated since 2006 as a sister organisation to the North Norfolk Business Forum, both set up by NNDC. It is a collaboration brought together of organisations involved in skills development in North Norfolk. The reason for its being is to provide a collective voice for the identified needs of learners in the District in response to lack of mainstream provision. It is largely a gathering of public, private and third sector training providers. It has always strived to respond to the skills needs of the local business sector as identified by the North Norfolk Business Forum. Resulting from this collaboration is a better understanding of the issues and lobbying for better penetration of service delivery and strategic projects. In the last twelve months we have carried out an organisation and business review. This has concluded that we need ever greater co-working with the Business Forum. The Forum is embracing this approach and an initial piece of work to survey current local business skills needs by interviewing the various chairs of the sector foras has been published. The agenda for skills is complex, ranging as it does from the performance of schools, through to lifelong learning as a personal development tool. The range of interested parties, government programmes and funding bodies is also complex. Supporting skills in North Norfolk is a corporate priority. As such the Skills Partnership is a vital body to assist the understanding of the local issues related to employability and skills and to lobby for specific action in response of market failure. The Learning 4 Everyone initiative is recognised as the delivery arm of the Skills Partnership. It has focussed on providing information, advice and guidance on employment and learning needs as well as a rapid response to redundancy service, including employability workshops and other short training courses.” Officers advise that, although there is no official representative, the meetings are attended by a Member who has a specific interest and whose expertise is valued. As a direct response to this report the North Norfolk Learning & Skill Project Manager has sent a memo to Corporate Leadership Team advising of the situation and suggesting that representation should be formalised. 6. Conclusions Norfolk Tourism is not a Council appointment and should be removed from the Council’s schedule of approved Outside Bodies. North Norfolk Community Transport Partnership no longer exists and should also be removed from the schedule. Representation on the Norfolk Playing Fields Association, Norfolk 22 Rural Community Council and the North Norfolk Skills Partnership requires further consideration. 7. Implications and Risks It is in the interests of the authority to ensure that the outside bodies that the Council appoints Members to are relevant to the aims and objectives of the Council. 8. Financial Implications and Risks Except for the North Norfolk Skills Partnership, the Outside Bodies under review are not in receipt of funding from the Council. 9. Sustainability There are no sustainability issues in this report. 10. Equality and Diversity The Council’s schedule of approved Outside Bodies needs to reflect the needs of all Residents of the District. 11. Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations There are no Section 17 issues as a direct result of this report. 23 Appendix B NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL MEMBER APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE BODIES Name of Outside Body Contact Details Are the details correct? If not, please amend. Appointments Is the Council still entitled to appoint representatives? Yes/No If “no”, please indicate reason for the change in circumstances. If “yes”, how many? Length of appointment (if specific) Does this appointment require a Portfolio Holder or Cabinet Member? Yes/No Meetings Frequency of meetings/dates of meetings (if available) Usual time and duration of meetings Location Role of Representative What is the representative’s role? eg member, observer, director Can the representative(s) vote? Yes/No Terms of Reference Are the attached Terms of Reference correct? If not, please amend or provide Terms of Reference if not previously supplied Do you have Articles of Memorandum or a Constitution? If so, please attach a copy. Yes/No Yes/No 24 Allowances Do you pay any allowances? eg towards travel costs etc Yes/No Funding Does NNDC give any funding to your organisation such as grants? Yes Attendance It would be helpful if you could provide information on the attendance record of the Council’s appointed representative(s), by completing the table below; Name of Representative Number of meetings (May 2014– February 2015) Number of meetings attended Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Cllr Attendance by Officers It would also be helpful if you could list any Officers from North Norfolk District Council who attend the meetings. Any other information PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED FORM TO: ALISON ARGENT, DEMOCRATIC SERVICES, NORTH NORFOLK DISTRICT COUNCIL BY 28 FEBRUARY Email: 25 Appendix C 9 March 2015 Dear Representation on outside bodies – I am reviewing the Council’s official list of outside bodies and want to ensure that the list which will go to the Annual Meeting of Council in May is as accurate and comprehensive as possible. The success of this task is highly dependent on Member feedback and I would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes and let me have input on the following points: 1. Please could you confirm that you are invited to meetings of your outside body/bodies? 2. How many meetings are convened each year? How many, of these meetings are you/have you been able to attend in the last year? Number of meetings convened Number of meetings attended 3. Do you feel that your outside body/bodies make(s) a valuable contribution to the quality of life in North Norfolk and to the Council’s priorities? If so, how? If not, do you think the Council should continue to send a representative? 4. Did you receive a briefing from an Officer or outgoing Member before attending your first meeting? 5. In your opinion, how should reports from your outside bodies be received or presented? At Full Council Members’ Bulletin Other (if Other, please explain briefly) 6. Did you agree to represent the Council on your outside body because I have interest/specific knowledge in this field It is in my Ward/affects my Ward I was nominated by my Group Leader Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions Alison Argent DEMOCRATIC SERVICES Email:; Tel: 01263 516058 26 Appendix D 2015 REVIEW REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Miss B Palmer 21 May 2014/FC/ Ben Jones, Active Norfolk, Easton College, Easton, Norwich NR9 5DX Tel: 01603 732331 Email: Summary Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr B Smith 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ James Wilson, Environmental Member Health, NNDC; ext 6274; Email: Summary Mr R Stevens 21 May 2014/FC/ Regina Green, Administrative Officer, Broads Authority, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY Tel: 01603 610734 Email: Summary (Outside Body Number in red if different) Active Norfolk Bacton Gas Terminal Environmental Liaison Committee (James Wilson, Ann Humphrey (admin support) Broads Authority 1 4 (up to 6, normally 4) 1 27 Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Member of Partnership Member Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file (Outside Body Number in red if different) Broads Internal Drainage Board 8 Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr R Shepherd Mr R Stevens Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr N Smith Mr P Williams 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Mary Creasy, Water Management Alliance, Kettlewell House, Kettlewell Lane, Austin Fields Industrial Estate, King’s Lynn PE30 1PH Tel: 01553 819600 Email: Summary Broads Tourism (Jose Socao) 1 Mr R Stevens 19 Nov 2014/FC Business Enterprise and Start Up Scheme Advisory Panel (BEST) 2 Mrs A Moore Mr N Smith 19 Nov 2014/FC 19 Nov 2014/FC Bruce Hanson Broads Tourism Yare House 62-64 Thorpe Road Norwich NR1 1RY Tel: 0603 610734 Email: Constitution Rob Young Coastshare Ltd 1 Mr R Oliver 21 May 2014/FC/ 28 Emma Duncan Head of Legal Services North Norfolk District Council Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Member Participate in discussion and feedback to or from your Council 1 Member from ruling group; 1 Member from main opposition group Director Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. (Outside Body Number in red if different) Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Email: Summary Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Community Rail Norfolk (Bittern Line Community Rail Partnership) 1 Mr R Oliver (Director) 21 May 2014/FC/ Chris Wood, Community Rail Norfolk, c/o Broadland District Council, Thorpe Lodge, 1 Yarmouth Road, Norwich, NR7 0DU Tel: 07707 223099 Email: Summary Member who is invited to become a Director. Otherwise, attendance is about moving the CRP’s work forward. Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash Association 1 3 Mrs H Cox Mr T FitzPatrick Mr R Oliver 21 May 2014/FC/ Mr N Amis, Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash Association, Norwich Road, Cromer NR27 0EX Tel: 01263 513741 / 01263 837255 Email: .uk / (always use both email addresses) Summary Voting observer 29 Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file (Outside Body Number in red if different) Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Member Fakenham Community Campus Trust Ltd 1 Mr J Punchard 21 May2014/FC Lisa Mallett, Secretary Fakenham Community Campus Trust Ltd Oak Street Fakenham Norfolk NR21 9DY Tel: 01328 855172 Mob: 07775 445897 Email: fakenhamcommunitycentre@ Former RAF Coltishall Community Liaison Reference Group (Steve Blatch) 3 Mr T Ivory Mr G Williams Mr T FitzPatrick 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 19 Nov 2014/FC/ Tim Edmunds Development Manager Tel: 01603 224435 Email: /Economic Development/Scottow Enterprise Park/index.htm See Terms of reference: w/NCC156794 Member of Group Happisburgh Lighthouse Trust 1 Mrs L Walker 21 May 2014/FC/ Mrs Joy Tubby, Secretary Happisburgh Lighthouse Trust 23 Aldis Road Acle Trustee 30 Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. (Outside Body Number in red if different) Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Norfolk NR13 3BN Tel: 01493 751177 Email: Health and Well Being Board 1 Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds 19 Nov 2014/FC/ Committee Officer Norfolk County Council County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH Tel: 01603 223055 Email: HMP Bure Liaison Committee 3 Mr T Ivory Mr R Shepherd Mr G Williams 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Mrs S Doolan Governor HMP Bure Jaguar Drive Badersfield Norwich NR10 5GB Tel: 01603 326003 Email: Summary Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mr R Shepherd) 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Fatima de Abreu Local Government Association Local Government House Smith Square Local Government Association –SIG- Coastal issues 1 + Sub 31 Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Member of Group Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. (Outside Body Number in red if different) Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file London SW1P 3HZ Tel: 020 7664 3036 Email: Terms of reference Mid Norfolk Citizens’ Advice Bureau 1 Mr D Young 21 May 2014/FC/ Mandy Lewis Manager c/o Dereham CAB Assembly Rooms Ruthen Place Dereham NR19 2TX Tel: 01362 692546 Email: k Norfolk CAB 2 Miss B Palmer Ms V Gay 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Steve Cheshire Norfolk CAB St Crispin’s House St George’s Street Norwich NR3 1PD Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance 1 Mr T FitzPatrick 19 Nov 2014/FC/ David Dukes Economic Development Manager Economic Development Group 32 Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Observer Member has voting rights Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. (Outside Body Number in red if different) Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Norfolk County Council Floor 2 – Bay 6 County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH Tel: 01603 223142 Email: Terms of reference currently being amended Norfolk Arts Forum Executive Norfolk Coast Partnership (Mark Ashwell) 1+1 Sub Mr B Jarvis 1+2 Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Subs (Mrs L Brettle) 1 + 1 sub (Mr R Shepherd) Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) 21 May 2014/FC/ Lindsay Gardner Norfolk Arts Service Archive Centre Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DQ Tel: 01603 222 Email: .uk nd_culture/arts/index.htm Constitution Summary Member 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Tim Venes Norfolk Coast Partnership Manager South Wing Fakenham Fire Station Member of Core Management Group and Partnership Forum 33 Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. (Outside Body Number in red if different) Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Norwich Road Fakenham NR21 8BB Tel: 01328 850530 Email: (personal email) (office email) Summary Memorandum of Agreement Norfolk Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee 1 + Sub 1 Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds (Mr B Jarvis) 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Norfolk Rail Policy Group 1 + Sub Mrs H Cox (Mr R Oliver) 21 May 2014/FC/ 19 Nov 2014/FC/ 34 Tim Shaw Democratic Services Norfolk County Council County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2SG Tel: 01603 222948 Email: As set out in NCC Constitution David Cumming Principal Infrastructure and Economic Growth Planner Environment, Transport and Development Norfolk County Council Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Member Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. (Outside Body Number in red if different) Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2SG Tel: 01603 224225 Mobile: 07500 102509 uk Norfolk County Council General enquiries: 0344 800 8020 Terms of reference Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Norfolk Records Committee 1 Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds 21 May 2014/FC/ Nicola Tuck Norfolk County Council County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH Tel: 01603 222966 Email: Summary Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board 5 Mrs A Green Mr J H Perry-Warnes Miss B Palmer Mr R Shepherd 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Mary Creasy Appointed Water Management Alliance Member Kettlewell House Austin Fields Industrial Estate 35 Voting Member Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Mr J A Wyatt NB Clashes with meetings of NNDC’s Devt Cttee, which all 5 Members are on. 21 May 2014/FC/ King’s Lynn PE30 1PH Tel: 01553 819600 Email: Summary (Outside Body Number in red if different) North Norfolk Business Forum (and Tourism Sector Round Table) NB new memorandum of understanding to be signed – contact Jill Fisher 1 Mr N Smith (council rep) (Director) 21 May 2014/FC/ Robert Simmons Briston Lodge Holt Road Briston NR24 2HR Tel: 01263 860441 E-mail: Summary Memorandum of Understanding North Norfolk Community Transport (formerly North Walsham Area Community Transport Association – name changed to better reflect area of operation) 2 Mr B Smith Mr N Lloyd 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Eileen Oliver Council Offices New Road North Walsham NR28 9DE Tel: 01692 500840 Email: m www.northnorfolkcommunitytr 36 Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) To advise on transport issues in North Norfolk. To give NNCT the views of NNDC. Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) (Outside Body Number in red if different) North Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust 1 Mrs A Green 21 May 2014/FC/ Mr M Crowder OBE FRICS IHBC Surveyor and Secretary North Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust 58-60 King Street Norwich NR21 1PG Tel: 01603 622938 Email: malcolm.crowder@btinternet. com Summary Voting member North Norfolk Renewables Partnership 1 Mr T FitzPatrick 19 Nov 2014/FC/ Steve Blatch Corporate Director, NNDC Tel: 01263 516232 Email: Terms of reference Member North Walsham Sports Hall Management Committee (Normally Supervisor and Community Sports Manager) 2 Mr N Lloyd 21 May 2014/FC/ Colin Brown c/o Stalham Sports Centre Brumstead Road Stalham Tel: 01692 580864 Email: 37 Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file (Outside Body Number in red if different) Sheringham Little Theatre Society Board (Rob Young, Sonia Shuter) 2 Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Debbie Thompson, General Manager, Little Theatre 2 Station Road Sheringham Norfolk NR26 8RE Tel: 01263 822117 Email: debbie@sheringhamlittlethea Investment agreement April 2012 – March 2015 – please see item 6 Sheringham Sports Association (formerly Sheringham Recreation Ground Liaison Committee) 2 Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Mr Charles Sanders Chairperson 20 Cliff Road Sheringham NR26 8BJ Tel: 01263 823401 Email: Southrepps Commons Management Committee There is no officer contact 1 Mrs S Arnold 21 May 2014/FC/ There is no officer contact Leaflet 38 Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Observer Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Robert Simmons Briston Lodge Holt Road Briston NR24 2HR Tel: 01263 860441 Email: m Governance of the company; Articles of Association Miss Sharron Bosley 6 North Lynn Business Village Bergen Way Kings Lynn Norfolk PE30 2LG Tel: 01553 772020 Email: .uk www.washandnorthnorfolkco Summary and project briefing (Outside Body Number in red if different) VNNC & C (Visit North Norfolk Coast and Countryside) 2 Mr P Williams Mr G Williams 21 May 2014/FC/ 19 Nov 2014/FC/ The Wash & North Norfolk Coast Marine Special Area of Conservation Management Group (Kerys Witton) 1 Mrs A Fitch-Tillett (Mrs L Brettle) 22 May 2013/FC/14 22 May 2013/FC/14 Wells Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee 1 Mr T FitzPatrick 21 May 2014/FC/ 39 Louise DeLisle Old Lifeboat House West Quay Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Board Director Member with voting rights. Member Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. (Outside Body Number in red if different) Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Wells-next-the-sea NR23 1AT Tel: 01328 711646 Email: harbouroffice@wellsharbour. Wells Maltings Trust 2 1 Mr P Terrington (Mr J Savory) 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ JOINT COMMITTEES AND PARTNERSHIPS Norfolk County Community Safety Partnership Scrutiny Panel 1 + sub 1 Mr Reynolds (Mr S Ward) 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 40 Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Ben Francis Wells Maltings Project Office Staithe Street Wells-next-the-sea NR23 1AU Tel: 01328 711378 / 07931 262147 Email: Summary – new governance policy Voting Member Karen Haywood Democratic Services Norfolk County Council County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH Tel: 01603 228913 Email:karen.haywood@norfol Voting Member Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. (Outside Body Number in red if different) Norfolk Joint Museums Committee (previously Norfolk Joint Museums and Archaeology Committee) Norfolk Parking Partnership (now includes the Civil Parking Partnership) 1 Mr G Williams (Mrs L Brettle) 21 May 2014/FC/ 24 June 2014/FC/ Mr R Oliver 21 May 2014/FC/ Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Terms of reference Tim Shaw Democratic Services County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2SG Tel: 01603 222948 Email: k Summary / Museums agreement Susan Farrell Norfolk County Council County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH Tel: 01603 222966 Email: Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Member of Joint Committee Voting Non-voting capacity Agreement Norfolk Police and Crime Panel 1 + 1 sub Mr R Shepherd (Mr R Reynolds) 21 May 2014/FC/ 41 Sonya Blythe Democratic Services Voting Member Organisation Number of reps Member(s) & Substitute(s) where required Appointment: date/meeting/minute no. (Outside Body Number in red if different) Contact and Address Website Summary/terms of ref/briefing held on file Norfolk County Council County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2DH Norfolk Waste Partnership New Norse Environmental Waste Services (NEWS) New Partnership Committee – Revenues and Benefits Currently under discussion with Cabinet – outcome to be announced PATROL Adjudication and Bus Lane Adjudication Joint Committee 1 Mr T FitzPatrick 21 May 2014/FC/ Sheila Oxtoby Mr T FitzPatrick (Director) 21 May 2014/FC/ Sheila Oxtoby Mr T FitzPatrick Mr W Northam Mr E Seward (Mrs A Moore) (Miss B Palmer) 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ 21 May 2014/FC/ Steve Blatch Corporate Director NNDC Tel: 01263 516232 Email: 21 May 2014/FC/ Louise Hutchinson Springfield House Water Lane Wilmslow Cheshire SK9 5BG Tel: 01625 445555 Fax: 01625 445560 Memo of Understanding Deed 1 + 1 sub Mr R Oliver NB – one meeting per year in June 42 Role of Representative (see individual terms of reference / summary for further details) Director Member Short-term groups focussed on a specific project North Walsham Leadership of Place North Lodge Park Steering Group 2 2 Mr J Lee Mr E Seward Mr T Ivory Mr J Lee Rob Young Bodies that are currently inactive, suspended or not commenced operating Norfolk Housing Partnership (Strategic Housing Board) 1 Norfolk Archaeological Services Advisory Committee 1 + 2 subs North Norfolk Skills Partnership Currently under review and as such is ‘on hold’ for now. 1 Mr T Ivory Leigh Booth Broadland District Council Tel: 01603 430646 Email: Mr T FitzPatrick (Mrs L Brettle) (Mrs A Green) Tim Shaw Democratic Services Norfolk County Council County Hall Martineau Lane Norwich NR1 2SG Tel: 01603 222948 Email: Mr R Wright John Morgan, c/o Merchants’ Place 16 Church Street Cromer NR27 9GW Tel: 07748 641718 Email: Summary 43 Appendix E REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES – comments for Full Council 20 May 2015 ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Ms B Palmer: Invited to meetings; attended one meeting of unknown number; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mrs A Fitch-Tillett: Mr W Northam: Attended 2 out of 2 meetings; responses to any questions raised at meeting. Mr R Price: Mr B Smith: Invited to meetings; attended 2 out of 2 meetings; the Council’s Environmental Department attend these meetings, however, local Members need to know how the terminals are working and new developments, also coastal defence issues; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting, reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward. Mr R Stevens: Invited to meetings; attended 12 approx out of 16 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – The Broads are situated in the NNDC area and their decisions affect us; reports should be emailed; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; it is in his Ward. Active Norfolk 1 Ms B Palmer Bacton Gas Terminal Environmental Liaison Committee 4 Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr B Smith Broads Authority 1 Mr R Stevens 44 ORGANISATION Broads Internal Drainage Board NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 8 MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr R Shepherd Mr N Smith Mr R Stevens Mr P Williams Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett: Mrs P Grove-Jones: invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – has the interests of our region foremost in its sights; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; précis minutes of Broads IDB and ask Members if they have anything etc to add; has an interest in this field; it is in Ward/affects her Ward; was nominated by her Group Leader. Mr W J Northam: attended 2 out of 4 meetings due to conflicting County Council meetings; response to any questions raised at meeting. Mr R Price: Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 5 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – parts of Broads in North Norfolk, tourism and leisure ;did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made at Full Council; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; Mr N Smith: attended 2 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – without the IDB flooding would create many problems; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; was nominated by his 45 ORGANISATION Broads Tourism Business Enterprise and Start Up Scheme Advisory Panel (BEST) Coastshare Ltd Community Rail Norfolk Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash Association NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Mr R Stevens Mr N Smith 1 1 Mr R Oliver Mr R Oliver (Director) 1 Mrs H Cox Mr T FitzPatrick 46 Notes Group Leader. Mr R Stevens: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – the work of the Broads IDB directly affects the wellbeing of NNDC; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made by email; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward. Mr P Williams: Mr R Stevens: Invited to meetings; the one meetings convened has not yet taken place and so cannot say whether it makes a valuable contribution or whether the Council should continue to send a contribution; reports should be made by email; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; nominated by his Group Leader. Mr N Smith: has an interest in this field; was nominated by his Group Leader. Mr R Oliver: Mr R Oliver: Invited to meetings; attended 0 out of 3 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; did not receive a briefing before first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; was nominated by his Group Leader. Mrs H Cox: Is not invited to meetings; has not attended any meetings; makes a valuable ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Mr R Oliver contribution and Council should continue to send a representative in certain cases; did not receive a briefing before first meeting; reports should be in Members’ Bulletin; nominated by her Group Leader. Mr T FitzPatrick: Mr R Oliver: Invited to meetings; attended 2 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; did not receive a briefing before first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has an interest/specific interest in this field. Mr J Punchard: Invited to meetings; 12 meetings convened; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – Community Centre provides a venue for many activities in community; reports should be made by email; nominated by his Group Leader. Fakenham Community Campus Trust Ltd 1 Mr J Punchard Former RAF Coltishall Community Liaison Reference Group Happisburgh Lighthouse Trust 3 1 Mr T Ivory Mr T FitzPatrick Mr G Williams Mrs L Walker Mr T Ivory: Mr T FitzPatrick: Mr G Williams: Mrs L Walker: Health and Well Being Board 1 Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds: Invited to meetings – not yet attended any as only just appointed; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made to Democratic Services; nominated by her Group Leader. 47 ORGANISATION HMP Bure Liaison Committee Local Government Association – SIP- Coastal issues NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 3 1+ Sub MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Mr T Ivory Mr R Shepherd Mr G Williams Mr T Ivory: Mr R Shepherd: Attended 2 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – ties in with his roles in Police and Crime Panel and treatment and follow-up of prisoners in community; reports should be made to Full Council; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mr G Williams: Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mr R Shepherd) Mrs A Fitch-Tillett: Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – coastal protection is of paramount importance, together with off shore reefs etc; did not receive a briefing before first meeting; reports should be made to Full Council; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward; was nominated by his Group Leader. Mid-Norfolk Citizens’ Advice Bureau Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance 1 Mr D Young Mr D Young: 1 Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T FitzPatrick: Norfolk Arts Forum Executive 1+ 2 Subs Mr B Jarvis Mr B Jarvis: 48 ORGANISATION Norfolk CAB Norfolk Coast Partnership NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 1+2 Subs MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Ms B Palmer Ms V Gay Ms B Palmer: Not invited to meetings; Council would continue to send a representative if it were included; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; it is in her Ward/affects her Ward. Ms V Gay: Mrs A Fitch-Tillett: Mrs L Brettle: Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – important say in marine conservation, fishing; did not receive a briefing before first meeting; reports should be made to Full Council and ; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; is in his Ward/affects his Ward; nominated by his Group Leader. Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mrs L Brettle) (Mr R Shepherd) Norfolk Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (must be a Member of Overview & Scrutiny Committee) 1+Sub Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds (Mr B Jarvis) Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds: Invited to meetings; convened approx. monthly – missed 2; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; reports should be made from Democratic Services to Overview and Scrutiny Cttee; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field. Mr B Jarvis: Norfolk Rail Policy Group 1+Sub Mrs H Cox (Mr R Oliver) Mrs H Cox: Not invited to meetings; no meetings attended; Council should not continue to send a 49 ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Norfolk Records Committee 1 Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board 5 Mrs A Green Ms B Palmer Mr J H Perry-Warnes Mr R Shepherd Mr J A Wyatt 50 Notes representative; did not receive a briefing before first meeting; nominated by her Group Leader. Mr R Oliver: Invited to meetings; attended 0 out of 2 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; did not receive a briefing before first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; nominated by his Group Leader. Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds: Mrs A Green: Invited to meetings; attended 2 out of 4 meetings – coincides with Planning every other month; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – local knowledge; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; it is in her Ward/affects her Ward. Ms B Palmer: Invited to meetings; attended 2 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; received a briefing before first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in her Ward/affects her Ward. Mr J H Perry-Warnes: Meetings held bi-monthly – attends whenever possible – unfortunately the ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED North Norfolk Business Forum (and Tourism Sector Round Table) 1 Mr N Smith North Norfolk Community 2 Mr N Lloyd 51 Notes meetings fall on the same day as the Council’s Development meetings and he travels with Cllr Shepherd; reports should be made at Full Council and in the Members’ Bulletin; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward; nominated by his Group Leader. Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 2 out of 6 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – important chalk rivers in North Norfolk with upkeep and wildlife; did not receive briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made by internal Rivers Bulletin to Members; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; great problems with dates which almost always clash with Development and Planning meetings (4 Planning Members on the Board). Mr J A Wyatt: Attended 2 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; received a briefing before attending first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward, nominated by his Group Leader. Mr N Smith: I have not received any communication in 2014 regarding meetings, the only one was regarding flood relief. Mr N Lloyd: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 5 ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES Transport MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Mr B Smith meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative –NNCT provide transport to vulnerable people who would not normally have access to it – very valuable; did not receive a briefing before first meeting; reports should be made on request – NNCT are very transparent; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward; nominated by his Group Leader. Mr B Smith: Invited to meetings; attended 5 out of 6 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative because the Council makes an annual donation; did not receive a briefing before attending meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward. Mrs A Green: Attended 3 out of 3 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – it is helpful to have a North Norfolk councillor on the committee; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; nominated by her Group Leader. Mr T FitzPatrick: North Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust 1 Mrs A Green North Norfolk Renewables Partnership 1 Mr T FitzPatrick North Walsham Sports Hall Management Committee 2 Mr N Lloyd 52 Mr N Lloyd: Invited to meetings; 4 meetings used to be convened each year – this is now 2; attended 4 out of 4 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Council should continue to send a representative – promoting sport for all is very beneficial to our communities; did not receive a briefing before attending first meeting; meetings are run and managed by NNDC staff – no point in reporting elsewhere; has an interest/specific knowledge in this field; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward. Sheringham Little Theatre Society Board 1 Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd Sheringham Sports Association (formerly Sheringham Recreation Ground Liaison Committee) 2 Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd 53 Mr R Oliver: Invited to meetings; attended 1 out of 3 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; received a briefing before first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward. Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out of 6 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – important input in the arts and good publicity nationally for the area; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward; nominated by his Group Leader. Mr R Oliver: Invited to meetings; attended 5 out of 12 meetings including grant meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative; received a briefing before first meeting; reports should be made in Members’ Bulletin; it is in his Ward/affects his Ward. Mr R Shepherd: Invited to meetings; attended 4 out ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Southrepps Commons Management Committee 1 Mrs S A Arnold of 8 meetings; makes a valuable contribution and Council should continue to send a representative – priority for youth sport and facilities , also good selection of sports for all ages – continue; did not receive a briefing Mrs S Arnold: Visit North Norfolk Coast & Countryside (VNNC&C) The Wash & North Norfolk Coast Marine Special Area of Conservation Management Group 2 Mr G Williams Mr P Williams Mrs A Fitch-Tillett (Mrs L Brettle) Mr G Williams: Mr P Williams: Mrs A Fitch-Tillett: Mrs L Brettle: Wells Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee 1 Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T FitzPatrick: Wells Maltings Trust 2 Mr P Terrington Mr J Savory Mr P Terrington: Mr J Savory: Mr R Reynolds (Mr S Ward) Mr G Williams (Mrs L Brettle) Mr R Reynolds: (Mr S Ward): Mr G Williams: Mrs L Brettle: 1 JOINT COMMITTEES AND PARTNERSHIPS Norfolk County Community Safety Partnership Scrutiny Panel Norfolk Joint Museums Committee 1+Sub 1+Sub 54 ORGANISATION Norfolk Parking Partnership Norfolk Police and Crime Panel Norfolk Waste Partnership Norse Environmental Waste Services (NEWS) Partnership Committee – Revenues and Benefits PATROL Adjudication and Bus Lane Adjudication Joint Committee NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 1 1+Sub 1 1 3+2 Subs 1 MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Notes Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd (Mr R Reynolds) Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T FitzPatrick Mr R Oliver: Mr R Shepherd: Mr R Reynolds: Mr T FitzPatrick: Mr T FitzPatrick: Mr T FitzPatrick Mr W Northam Mr E Seward (Mrs A Moore) (Ms B Palmer) Mr T FitzPatrick: Mr W Northam: Mr E Seward: This body to my knowledge no longer exists and I have not been involved for the last twelve months. Mrs A Moore: Ms B Palmer: Mr R Oliver: Mr R Oliver 55 Appendix F OUTSIDE BODIES FUNDING ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Active Norfolk 1 Miss B Palmer Bacton Gas Terminal Environmental Liaison Committee 4 Broads Authority 1 Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr B Smith Mr R Stevens Broads Internal Drainage Board 8 Citizen’s Advice Stakeholder Forum 2 Community Rail Norfolk Financial Impact NNDC 2014/15 (unless otherwise stated) Budget of £4,033 for grant award. Also we will be receiving £10,000 via the Sports Hubs & Clubs project N/A N/A Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett Mr W J Northam Mr R Price Mr R Shepherd Mr R Stevens Mrs P Grove-Jones Mr N Smith Mr P Williams Ms B Palmer Ms V Gay Levy setting board, NNDC are required to pay the levy that is set annually by the board. 2014/15 £269,843 and 2015/16 £273,356 1 Mr R Oliver (Director) £1,000 from second homes money Cromer Lawn Tennis & Squash Association 1 £30,900 annual grant CSG East (Coastshare) 1 Mr R Oliver (Mrs H Cox) (Mr T FitzPatrick) Mr R Oliver (Director) 56 £51,310 annual grant ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Financial Impact NNDC 2014/15 (unless otherwise stated) N/A Former RAF Coltishall Community Liaison Reference Group 3 Happisburgh Lighthouse Trust 1 Mr T FitzPatrick Mr T Ivory Mr G Williams Mrs L Walker Health and Well Being Board 1 Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds HMP Bure Liaison Committee 3 Mr T Ivory Mr R Shepherd Mr G Williams Holt & Dereham Citizens Advice Bureau Local Government Association – SIG - Coastal issues 1 Mr D Young £15,405 annual grant Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mr R Shepherd)) N/A 1+ Sub N/A £20,900 income in 14/15 to be used for health projects N/A Norfolk Arts Forum Executive 1+ 2 Subs Mr B Jarvis N/A Norfolk Coast Partnership 1+2 Subs Mrs A M Fitch-Tillett (Mrs L Brettle) (Mr R Shepherd) Annual Contribution of £14,032. Norfolk Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee (must be a Member of Overview & Scrutiny Committee) 1+Sub Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds (Mr B Jarvis) N/A Norfolk Rail Policy Group 1+Sub Mrs H Cox (Mr R Oliver) N/A 57 ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Norfolk Records Committee 1 Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds Financial Impact NNDC 2014/15 (unless otherwise stated) N/A Norfolk Rivers Internal Drainage Board 5 Mrs A Green Mr J H Perry-Warnes Miss B Palmer Mr R Shepherd Mr J A Wyatt Levy setting board, NNDC are required to pay the levy that is set annually by the board. 2014/15 £91,001 and 2015/16 £92,181 Norfolk and Suffolk Energy Alliance 1 Mr T FitzPatrick £7,500 paid from Economic Development. Norse Environmental Waste Services (NEWS) 1 North Norfolk Business Forum (and Tourism Sector Round Table) 1 Mr N Smith North Norfolk Renewables Partnership 1 Mr T FitzPatrick N/A North Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust 1 Mrs A Green £1,000 is allocated to this from Conservation Design & landscape Budgets. Mr T FitzPatrick (Director) 58 Contract for Material Recycling Facility approximately £120k per annum, NNDC is also a shareholder and therefore benefit from any profit made, but not subject to penalties if losses incurred. Funding is £5k to the Business Forum in 2014/15 ORGANISATION NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER (S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Financial Impact NNDC 2014/15 (unless otherwise stated) £6,000 (part of £17,000 transport grants within 2nd Homes Money) North Norfolk Community Transport Association 2 Mr B Smith Mr N Lloyd North Walsham Sports Hall Management Committee 2 Mr N Lloyd Sheringham Little Theatre Society Board 2 Mr R Oliver Mr R Stevens Sheringham Recreation Ground Liaison Committee 2 Mr R Oliver Mr R Shepherd £10,000 from 2nd Homes money in 14/15 Southrepps Commons Management Committee 1 Mrs S A Arnold N/A The Wash & North Norfolk Coast Marine Special Area of Conservation Management Group Wells Harbour Users’ Advisory Committee Visit North Norfolk Coast & Countryside (Directors) Wells Maltings Trust 1 Mrs A Fitch-Tillett Mrs L Brettle (substitute) £2,700 annual contribution from Conservation Design & landscape 1 Mr T FitzPatrick N/A 2 Mr G Williams Mr P Williams N/A Mr J D Savory (Mr P Terrington) £17,000 14/15, £14,000 15/16 & £10,000 16/17 grant for the running of Wells TIC 1 (1 sub) 59 No grant to Committee. Expenditure budget for Hall hire from school is £30,666. £38,000 annual grant Short-term groups focussed on a specific project ORGANISATION North Walsham Leadership of Place NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES 2 MEMBER(S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED Mr T Ivory Mr E Seward Balance outstanding of £25,698 remaining in the LSP reserve Bodies that are currently inactive, suspended or not commenced operating ORGANISATION Fakenham Community Campus Trust (formerly Fakenham Community Centre Management Committee) Norfolk Archaeological Services Advisory Committee NUMBER OF REPRESENTATIVES MEMBER(S) & SUBSTITUTE(S) WHERE REQUIRED tbc Mr J Punchard 1 + 2 Subs Mr T FitzPatrick (Mrs L Brettle) (Mrs A Green) 60 £20,000 from 2nd Homes money for Museums Service North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 March 2015 to 30 June 2015 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) Lead Officer Cabinet 09 Mar 2015 Budget Monitoring Period 10 Wyndham Northam Scrutiny 18 Mar 2015 Karen Sly Head of Finance 01263 516243 Cabinet 09 Mar 2015 Growth Plan Tom FitzPatrick Scrutiny 18 Mar 2015 Council 25 Mar 2015 Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development 01263 516162 Cabinet 09 Mar 2015 Big Society Enabling Fund John Lee Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development 01263 516162 Cabinet 09 Mar 2015 Homelessness Strategy Rhodri Oliver Lisa Grice Team Leader – Customer Services 01263 516164 Status / additional comments March 2015 Key Decision – a decision which is likely to incur expenditure or savings of £100,000 or more, or affect two or more wards. (NNDC Constitution, p9 s12.2b) * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 61 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 March 2015 to 30 June 2015 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) Lead Officer Status / additional comments Cabinet 09 Mar 2015 Department for Work and Pensions – colocation Rhodri Oliver Steve Blatch Corporate Director 01263 516232 *Contains an exempt Appendix April 2015 Cabinet 13 Apr 2015 Property Investment Strategy Rhodri Oliver Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive 01263 516000 Scrutiny Could go to Council first for debate/input Council Cabinet 13 Apr 2015 Corporate Enforcement Policy Rhodri Oliver Nicola Baker Head of Planning 01263 5165165 Cabinet 13 Apr 2015 Coast Protection Measured term contract – extension of term Angie Fitch-Tillett Rob Goodliffe Coastal Management Team Leader 01263 516321 Key Decision – a decision which is likely to incur expenditure or savings of £100,000 or more, or affect two or more wards. (NNDC Constitution, p9 s12.2b) * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 62 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 March 2015 to 30 June 2015 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) Lead Officer Cabinet 13 Apr 2015 Re-tender for North Norfolk Enterprise Glyn Williams Michelle Burdett Economic Growth Manager 01263 516233 Cabinet 13 Apr 2015 Learning for Everyone – Tom FitzPatrick Rob Young Head of Economic & Community Development 01263 516162 Wyndham Northam Malcolm Fry Chief Accountant 01263 516037 programme of work, future funding through the LEP and any overlap with DWP funding Cabinet 13 Apr 2015 Procurement Strategy Status / additional comments Key Decision – a decision which is likely to incur expenditure or savings of £100,000 or more, or affect two or more wards. (NNDC Constitution, p9 s12.2b) * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 63 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 18 March 2015 Agenda Item 16 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE Work Programme at Appendix G 1. Introduction The Scrutiny Update report is a standing item on all Overview and Scrutiny Committee agendas. The report updates Members on progress made with topics on its agreed work programme and provides additional information which Members may have requested at a previous meeting. 2. Progress on topics since the last meeting 2.1 Organisational Structure charts / vacant posts Following the update on vacant posts at the February meeting, it is suggested that information is made available for members to access as and when required. This information will be updated on a regular basis and will provide an overview of service / team structures with any vacant posts indicated. The Head of Organisational Development is in the process of collating this information and will notify members as soon as it is available. 2.2 Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee The latest outcomes and actions report for the NHOSC is attached at Appendix H. 3. Responses to issues raised at previous meetings Mobile Phone Coverage I have contacted Karen O’Kane regarding mobile ohone coverage across the District and she has confirmed that she will provide me with information in time for the meeting on 18th March. 4. The Work Programme and Future Topics 4.1 The Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) will be providing induction training for Overview and Scrutiny Committee members. I will be contacting you all shortly for any specific areas/topics that you would like to see included within the training. 4.2 The next meeting of the Committee is scheduled for 22 April. The April meeting is usually kept clear for setting the work programme and there is no scheduled business due. Given the proximity of the meeting to the election, members may wish to consider cancelling this meeting. 64 Appendix G OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME 2014/2015 Period March 2015 March Benjie Cabbell Manners Emma Denny Rhodri Oliver Duncan Ellis Requested by committee and senior officers Requested by committee Customer Access Strategy – including concerns over telephone answerphones Planning Restructure Update Glyn Williams Nick Baker Annual Benjie Cabbell Manners Nicola Baker Planning Peer Challenge Benjie Cabbell Manners Nicola Baker Angie Fitch-Tillett Richard Cook Tom FitzPatrick Steve Blatch Requested by the committee for update 6 months following July report Requested by committee Outside Bodies Report Update on Residential Parking and Pay & Display Parking in Cromer and Sheringham TBC Environment Agency Energy Strategy 65 Requested by committee Requested by committee Appendix H Outcomes and Actions Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (NHOSC) 26 February 2015 Agenda Report Title Item Number Outcomes and Actions 5. Norfolk Constabulary has offered another opportunity to visit the police control room for Members of NHOSC who were unable to attend previously. The visit is to observe the liaison between mental health staff and police in the control room. Potential dates:- Chairman’s announcements Action By Whom Thursday 9 April 2015, 10.00am or 2.00pm Tuesday 14 April, 2.00pm 6. Diabetes care within primary care services in Norfolk Members who are interested should notify Maureen Orr of their availability on these dates. The one that suits most people will be chosen. Members NHS England East Anglia Area Team (the current commissioners of GP services) to be invited to a future meeting to answer Members’ questions. Representatives from the West Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group area also to be invited to that meeting to discuss their performance in delivering care processes and treatment targets for diabetes in primary care. Maureen Orr Great Yarmouth and Waveney CCG area’s apparently poor results in the Diabetes UK 2012-13 audit of target care processes and treatments to be raised at Great Yarmouth and Waveney Joint Health Scrutiny Committee. Maureen Orr 66 7. Ambulance response times Information about links between drugs for mental health issues and diabetes to be circulated to Members. Suzanne Meredith The commissioners and East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST) were asked to provide the following additional information:- Mark Burgis / Matt Broad 1. How much have EEAST and the acute hospitals in Norfolk paid in penalty fines for breach of contract in relation to ambulance response times and handover times? 2. Which commissioners have levied the contract penalty fines? 3. What have the commissioners done with the money that has been paid in fines by EEAST and the acute hospitals in this context? NHOSC agreed to return to the subject in 12 months time. 8. Forward work programme and NHOSC nominated Margaret Somerville as substitute link member appointment of substitute link with Norwich Clinical Commissioning Group. members with NHS Trusts The proposed forward work programme was agreed with the following changes:‘Diabetes care within primary care services in Norfolk’ – to be added to the forward work programme for 28 May 2015. NHS England East Anglia Area Team and West Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group to be invited to attend. ‘Ambulance response times and turnaround times in hospitals in Norfolk’ to be added to the agenda for February 2016 NHOSC 67 Maureen Orr Copied to:Representatives attending the NHOSC meeting for NHS / other organisations District Council Members of NHOSC Member Support Officer - Christine Byles CCG engagement contacts (x5) Health and Wellbeing Board support officer – Linda Bainton Healthwatch Norfolk – Chris MacDonald 68