Committee Administrator: Alison Argent: Direct Dial on: 01263 516058 7 December 2012 A meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of North Norfolk District Council will be held in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Tuesday 18 December 2012 at 9.30a.m. At the discretion of the Chairman, a short break will be taken after the meeting has been running for approximately one and a half hours. Coffee will be available in the staff restaurant at 9.30 a.m. and at the break. Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to rearrange the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public. Further information on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic Services, Tel: 01263 516047, Email: Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Ms V R Gay, Mrs A Green, Mr B Jarvis, Mr P Moore, Mr J H PerryWarnes, Mr R Reynolds, Mr E Seward, Mr B Smith, Mr N Smith, Mr R Smith and Mr P Terrington. All other Members of the Council for information. Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us. Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker & Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. SUBSTITUTES 3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive questions from the public, if any 4. MINUTES (Page 1) (9.30 – 9.40) To approve as correct records, the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 21 November 2012. 5. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 6. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 7. PETITIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To consider any petitions received from members of the public. 8. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE BY A MEMBER To consider any requests made by non-executive Members of the Council, and notified to the Monitoring Officer with seven clear working days notice, to include an item on the agenda of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 9. RESPONSES OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CABINET TO THE COMMITTEE’S REPORTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS To consider any responses of the Council or the Cabinet to the Committee’s reports or recommendations. 10. THE FORWARD PLAN AND DEMOCRATIC SERVICES WORK PROGRAMME (Page 9) To discuss the Forward Plan and to consider the programme of business for Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny, Audit and Full Council. 11. PRESENTATION - NORTH NORFOLK CLINICAL COMMISSIONING GROUP – COMMISSIONING STRATEGY – 2012-2016 (Commissioning Strategy attached - Page 14) (9.40 – 10.30) Mark Burgis, Head of Clinical Programme Design for North Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group and Rebecca Champion, Engagement Manager, North Norfolk Commissioning Group will give a 10 -15 minute presentation on the Commissioning Strategy and then take questions. 12. 2012/13 REVISED BUDGET (Cabinet agenda – 13 December 2012) (Page 35) (Appendix A – p.48) (Appendix B– p.49) (Appendix C – p.75) (Appendix D – p.89) (Appendix E – p.91) (10.30 – 10.55) Summary: The base budget for 2012/13 was approved by Full Council on 22 February 2012. The budget was updated as part of the 2011/12 final accounts report for the carry forward of funding from the year end process. The budget has continued to be monitored throughout the year to date and reported to Members accordingly. This report now presents for approval the 2012/13 revised budgets for revenue and capital. Options considered: Not reporting the revised budget – recommending a revised budget during the year provides an opportunity to critically review all budgets and to ensure spend and income budgets reflect current service plans and objectives. Due to the significant budget movements in the year in particular the service restructurings following the management restructure and the outcome of the pay and grading review, this thorough review during the year provides a mechanism to ensure the reported budget is accurate and enables meaningful budget monitoring for the remainder of the year. Conclusions: The revised budget shows a small underspend of £1,398 for the current financial year and will be transferred to the general reserve in the year. Recommendations: That Members agree and recommend to Full Council: 1) The revised revenue budget for 2012/13; 2) The revised transfers to and from reserves as detailed within Appendix D; 3) A transfer of £1,398 to the general reserve; 4) The revised capital programme and associated financing as included at Appendix E including the additional sum of £37,084 be made available to fund refurbishment works to the Rocket House, to include the full renewal and upgrade of the lift system and £21,000 for the replacement scanner and printer for the Planning service, both to be funded from capital receipts. 5) The scale of fees and charges from 1 April 2013 included at Appendix C. 6) That delegated authority for setting the fees and charges for waste be given to Corporate Director, Head of Environmental Health, Head of Finance and relevant Cabinet Portfolio Members. 13. Reasons for Recommendations: To agree a revised budget for the current financial year. Cabinet Member Wards affected Contact Officer telephone number and email: Wyndham Northam All Karen Sly 01263 516243 BIG SOCIETY FUND UPDATE REPORT (Page 56) (Appendix A – p. 63) (Appendix B – p.65) (Appendix C – p.71) (Appendix D – p.77) (11.10 – 11.30) Summary: This report examines the operation of Big Society Fund in the first six months since its launch. It outlines the nature and outcome of applications to the Fund to-date and evaluates the effectiveness of the scheme in achieving its objectives so far Options considered: This is an update report with no substantive recommendations. Whilst many options exist in relation to the future operation of the fund, it is suggested that this review take place later in the financial year when the Service level Agreement is to be reconsidered. Conclusions: The Big Society Fund has provided financial support to a wide range of community oriented projects which will undoubtedly help in achieving the purpose of the Fund: to help build strong communities in North Norfolk. In general the fund has been a success and minor procedural or administrative issues have been satisfactorily addressed throughout this initial operational period. The future operation of the Fund should be determined towards the end of its first year of operation, alongside an evaluation of the effectiveness of Norfolk Community Foundation in fulfilling the requirements of the Service Level Agreement. Recommendations: It is recommended that: 1. A politically balanced working group comprising of two Cabinet and two Scrutiny Members is established to work with officers to review the North Norfolk Big Society Fund. 2. A report is presented to Cabinet in March, identifying whether or not the Big Society Fund should be continued in the next financial year and if so, the most appropriate way for this to be implemented. Reasons for This will enable consideration of the first three quarters Recommendations: of the Fund’s first year of operation to be evaluated, alongside the review of the SLA. LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on the write the report and which do not contain exempt information) Service Level Agreement between NNDC and Norfolk Community Foundation BSF Prospectus Big Society Board Terms of Reference Report/ minutes of Cabinet (31/1/12); O& S Committee (6/2/12); and Full Council (22/2/12) Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Cllr Trevor Ivory All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Rob Young/ Sonia Shuter, 01263 516162, 14. HOUSING ALLOCATIONS SCHEME (Cabinet agenda – 13 December 2012) (Page 100) (Appendix F – p. 106) (Appendix G – p.125) (11.30 – 12.15) Summary: Options considered: Conclusions: The Council has reviewed its Allocations Scheme to reflect the changes in legislation introduced by the Localism Act and statutory instruments. The changes ensure that the Council’s Allocation Scheme complies with all statutory requirements whilst also ensuring that it maximises the number of affordable dwellings which will be occupied by households with connections to towns and villages in North Norfolk. The new Allocations Scheme will be delivered through the Your Choice Your Home scheme which is a partnership between the Council and 8 Housing Associations. Once adopted, the new Allocation Scheme will be used to allocate properties from April 2013. 1. Do nothing. This option was discounted as this would mean the Council’s Allocations Scheme was not in accordance with legislation and did not meet members’ aspirations for how affordable housing is allocated. 2. Review the allocation policy. This option was adopted as it ensures the Council’s new Allocations Scheme reflects changes in legislation on the operation of housing registers. It also ensures that member’s aspirations that the number of affordable dwellings which are allocated to households with connections to towns and villages in North Norfolk is maximised. The Localism Act has introduced changes to the operation of housing registers. The Council’s Allocations Scheme has therefore been amended to reflect the changes and also to meet member aspirations. The proposed new Allocations Scheme has created 3 housing registers and includes both qualifying and non-qualifying criteria and introduces a new 2 Stage Approach to allocations which will seek to maximise the number of properties allocated to households who have connections to towns and villages in North Norfolk. The proposed new allocation scheme has been subject to wide consultation and now requires adoption by the Council. Once adopted the new Allocations Scheme is expected to go live in April 2013 following an implementation period. Recommendations: Cabinet recommend the adoption of the Housing Allocations Scheme to Full Council. 15. Reasons for Recommendations: To ensure that the Council’s Allocations Scheme reflects the legislative and regulatory requirements for housing registers following a change in these requirements. Cabinet Member: Wards affected Contact Officer telephone number and email: Trevor Ivory All Nicola Turner 01263 516222 EMPTY HOMES PILOT (Cabinet agenda – 13 December 2012) (Page 128) (*Exempt Appendix 1- p.171) (12.15 – 12.35) * The exempt appendix is not for publication by virtue of paragraph 2 of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) of the Local Government Act 1972 Summary: Options considered: Conclusions: In October 2011 Cabinet received a Report on Empty Homes as classified on the Council Tax Register and resolved to establish an Empty Homes Pilot Project to identify a way forward in dealing with the issue of long term empty homes in the District. This report reviews the Empty Homes Project and its outcomes. N/A The outcomes achieved through the Pilot Project to date are as follows; • • • • • The appearance of the properties/gardens has been enhanced by the use of the statutory notice procedures. Where building condition impacted negatively on adjoining properties, this has been remedied Debts owed to the Council have been recovered from the property owner through the use of the charging order procedure. One property has been sold and the Council Tax status changed as a result and one is currently under repair. A record of intervention has been developed that • • • Recommendations: would support an application for a Compulsory Purchase Order on the properties as required. Learning from pilot will be used in implementation of new Empty Homes Policy. The pilot has shown that the willingness of the Council to use CPO powers and the use of other enforcement powers to improve the appearance and condition of the empty homes has achieved results, although in one case further action is required to ensure improvements in property condition are maintained. This process of enforcement action as the Council prepares the CPO case will continue. The learning from the pilot will be used to ensure that the new Empty Homes Policy will be able to deliver a reduction in the number of empty homes and the ability to use a range of enforcement powers including the enforced sale procedure and where appropriate and effective CPO powers. (1) That all required enforcement action on empty homes be directed through the Enforcement Board. (2) That £200,000 is ringfenced to support bringing back into use properties through the use of enforcement methods including enforced sale and CPO powers. LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on to write the report and which do not contain exempt information) ODPM Circular 06/2004 Compulsory Purchase and the Crichel Down Rules ODPM Empty Property : Unlocking the Potential Cabinet Member: Wards affected Contact Officers telephone number and email: 16. Trevor Ivory All Nicola Turner & Emma Duncan 01263 516222./516045 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE (Page 79) (Appendix E – p.81) (Appendix F – p.84) (Appendix G – p.85) (Appendix H - p.89) (Appendix I – p.90) (Appendix J – p.114) (12.35 – 12.45) Summary: This report updates the Committee on progress with topics in its agreed work programme (attached at Appendix E) and invites Members to identify any arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny Committee’s working style and role is attached at Appendix F. Conclusions: That progress is being made in some areas, others need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny should be discussed. Recommendations: That Members should consider any follow-up actions required on these topics. Cabinet Member(s): Ward(s) affected Contact Officer telephone number and email: 17. Mr T FitzPatrick All Emma Denny 01263 516010 EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution, if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph _ of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 18. TO CONSIDER ANY EXEMPT MATTERS ARISING FROM CONSIDERATION OF THE PUBLIC BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA