Appendix C Applicant BTCV Excel 2000 District & sub district North Norfolk: Cromer Norwich City Community Sports Foundation To connect people with places, building healthy sustainable communities and increasing people's life skills. To relieve persons suffering from mental or physical disability in particular, by the provision of training, information and advice, to improve the quality of their lives. Encourage and extend accessibility and inclusion for all sectors of the public for the contemporary visual arts. Application summary Amount requested £8,054.00 To contribute to the 'Nature in Mind' project for older people and carers. To fund the development of a network of Wellbeing Clubs in North Norfolk. £6,792.00 To purchase a range of equipment to enable the project to relocate to a new venue. North Norfolk: Multisports provides healthy, safe and To contribute to running costs of the sports programme in North Walsham interesting outdoor sport based activities for 5 to 12 year olds, weekly 2012. during the summer months, aiming to widen access to youngsters of properly organised activities at affordable cost in isolated parts of the county. £5,000.00 North Norfolk: Sheringham North Norfolk North Norfolk: N/A Exhibition Project North Walsham Multisports Organisation purpose North Norfolk: The Foundation delivers a wide range To support the running costs of the North Walsham Kickz North Walsham of programmes that engage people, project raising aspirations and enabling continued participation, supporting their physical, educational and personal development to create a more active and healthier way of life. £2,500.00 £9,800.00 Appendix C Polka Day Care North Norfolk: Wells To create a new sandpit plus decking and fencing. £1,700.00 The objects of the organisation are to advance and provide for the care, education and recreation of children from birth up to the age of 11 by making facilities and services available to them during school term and holidays. Potter North Norfolk: A parish council associated with all Heigham P.C. Potter Heigham matters of concern to members of the parish. Thorpe North Norfolk: The Parish Council manages the Market P.C. Thorpe Market functions and services of the Parish. To provide a litter picker for the staithe area. £400.00 To purchase and install a new notice board. £900.00 West Runton Social Club North Norfolk: Runton To provide a safe place for local people to meet and socialise. To replace the leaking flat roof of the social club. £4,300.00 Bodham Playing Field North Norfolk: Bodham To provide a playing field for children To create a 'trim trail' outdoor and adults from the village of Bodham exercise track for young children on the playing field. and its surrounding villages. £10,000.00 BUILD North Norfolk: N/A To provide activities, practical help and support to people of all ages with learning difficulties to build self confidence and help individuals reach their full potential. To help adults with disabilities in Wells and Fakenham to make informed choices about maximising opportunities for social, leisure and learning activities in their home area. £8,923.00 Cromer Cricket Club North Norfolk: Cromer A volunteer led amateur cricket club fielding adult and junior sides. To purchase roll on covers for the pitch to make it safer for players and to protect the pitch. £2,450.00 Appendix C North Norfolk: Fakenham Fakenham And District Light Operatic Society Amateur dramatics group in Fakenham To purchase new stage which has been running for 45 years. equipment for the society. To deliver a pilot project to stimulate local new enterprise and regeneration. £9,900.00 To replace the Bowling Green wall which has become unsafe. To support the new Bauble To discuss and agree the promotion Trail as part of events during and funding of the Holt Christmas Holt Christmas lights Lights Display. festivities. To open a Countrysider Club To support rural young people for the 10 -16 age range in between the ages of 10 - 26 through educational and recreational activities, Fakenham. empowering them to take control of their own clubs and develop a programme that meets their needs. £6,985.00 Griffon Area Partnership North Norfolk: The partnership has four main areas of North Walsham work: transport and access, the economy, social and community and the environment to provide a better quality of life for all residents in the catchment area. Hempton North Norfolk: Parish Council for Hempton. Parish Council Hempton Holt Christmas Lights Committee Norfolk Federation of Young Farmers Clubs Open Door Community Art Group North Norfolk: Holt North Norfolk: Fakenham North Norfolk: Sheringham Raynham North Norfolk: Parish Council Raynham £4,865.00 To offer arts workshops, projects and opportunities to a wide range of local residents and visitors, run by skilled volunteers, to engage and inspire participants. A Parish Council serving West, East and South Raynham villages. £1,573.00 £5,535.00 To purchase new christmas lights for Sheringham. £1,000.00 To purchase a roundabout to enhance the play area. £7,000.00 Appendix C Screen Next The Sea North Norfolk: Wells Sheringham North Norfolk: Little Theatre Sheringham St Seraphim's North Norfolk: Trust Walsingham To provide entertainment and education through the medium of film to the people of, and visitors to, WellsNext-the-Sea and the surrounding parishes. A community arts venue offering events and opportunities for all ages to engage with the arts. To upgrade equipment with a more technically advanced projector to improve the quality of screenings. To replace the existing roll-up cinema screen as part of wider work to move cinema screenings on to digital formats. St. Seraphim's Trust was established To build an activity room within in 2005 to purchase the property which the community garden site. was the former Walsingham railway station, now an Orthodox Christian chapel with railway platform and adjacent land. The Chapel remains open as a place of mission and pilgrimage, and the group also aims to improve public access throughout, complete the community garden, establish an office and comprehensively improve the building. Stibbard North Norfolk: Parish Council Stibbard Parish Council for Stibbard. To erect a bus shelter. North Norfolk: Stibbard Stibbard Village Hall Management Committee To provide community facilities for the To install double glazing to improve heat efficiency. village of Stibbard and surrounding areas. £8,000.00 £7,470.00 £9,500.00 £2,895.00 £8,160.00 Appendix C Upcher Community Partnership North Norfolk: Sheringham Wickmere North Norfolk: Parish Council Wickmere Fit Together North Norfolk: North Norfolk N/A North Norfolk: Visit North Norfolk Coast N/A and Countryside Ltd Enhance the standard of living and quality of life for the inhabitants of Sheringham and its hinterland parishes to build a stronger, more sustainable and resilient community. Foster community self help and work with a range of partners to support, develop and deliver a cohesive community action plan which meets identified needs. To contribute to the cost of new additions to the Sheringham Art & Sculpture trail. £10,000.00 Parish Council for Wickmere. To improve village hall facilities including a new heating system, fitted kitchen and disabled parking. £10,000.00 Total £153,702.00 £26,072.00 To set up and support the new The Fit Together North Norfolk Community Interest Company aims to CIC in its first year of develop, manage and deliver the North operation. Norfolk Walking for Health scheme and associated activity programme. To support set up and first The company aims to bring together the whole of the North Norfolk coastal year operational costs. and countryside destination and promote it to the market place as a cohesive product. As a private sector led organisation with not for profit objects it will aim to increase the involvement and participation of tourism businesses in the growth of the north coast and countryside destination. £15,000.00 Appendix C Cromer Cromer Skatepark Sheringham Sheringham Skatepark Erpingham Erpingham Parish Council Provision of skatepark Provision of skatepark Provision of Multi Use Games Area Requested £15,000 - awarded £10,000 Requested £30,000 - awarded £10,000 Requested £83,3000 awarded £10,000 Total Overall total £5,000 £20,000 £73,300 £139,372 £293,074.00