Four Month Monitoring Report – Panel 1, May 2012
Fund Object:
The aim of the fund is to help build strong communities in North Norfolk. It aims to help communities to
develop new and innovative projects which will improve their social and economic wellbeing.
Grants Awarded:
The Fund committee met in May 2012 and awarded the following small grants (£10,000 or less) totalling
£81,776 and large grants (over £10,000) totalling £58,000.
Cromer and
Sheringham Arts &
Literary Festival
£2,050.00 Cromer and Sheringham Arts & Literary Festival (CASALF)
organises an annual festival which takes place over the
period of a week every October half term. This grant was
awarded to contribute towards the costs of piloting the
COAST Art of Food & Drink Trail.
North Norfolk : N/A
Work commenced on recruiting the North Norfolk food outlets for The COAST Art of Food Trail in July. The
group decided to delay their start date so as not to conflict with the conclusion of The Crab & Lobster
Seafood Snack and Sandwich Trail.
To date they have 15 confirmed eateries that will participate in and help host the event. It has also been
decided that the Food Trail element of the event will continue for 6+ months to Easter 2013.
The leaflet design is well underway, and 40,000 copies should be printed and available for distribution by
mid/late September. Printing will be done by Barnwell Print and distribution across Norfolk will be
undertaken by a combination of volunteers and professional marketing companies (including Creative
Arts East ‘Arts Rounds Up’ and Best Promotions.) The leaflet will include a user-friendly map of North
Norfolk, information about “alternative to car” modes of transport (e.g. bus, rail, bicycle hire etc.) as well
as affordable advertising opportunities for other small commercial enterprises. This will serve as an
informative pocket-guide to quality food and cultural attractions around the district.
The group have found that it is businesses in outlying areas and in the vicinity of non-coastal towns that
have responded the most positively to this opportunity. These places rely heavily on year-round custom
from both residents and visitors and therefore have warmly welcomed the relatively cheap promotional
opportunity that this project offers.
Cromer Skatepark
£10,000.00 Cromer Skatepark is a local group campaigning for a
permanent, public skatepark in Cromer. This grant was
awarded to install a skate park facility.
North Norfolk :
The grant was awarded on the condition that the group is successful in coming to an arrangement
guaranteeing the future use of the site (e.g. a secure lease and planning permission.). Plans have been set
back with planning permission refused on the preferred site, though the group continues to progress with
its fundraising towards a new skate park for the area.
Recreational Charity
£7,645.00 Higginbottom Recreational Charity supplies, maintains and
improves the facilities at the playing field in Briston. This
grant was awarded to purchase new windows and doors in
the Briston Pavilion to improve heat retention and security.
North Norfolk :
Jenny English reported that “the group were absolutely delighted to get the grant from the North Norfolk
Big Society Fund.” The group was keen to begin the work as soon as the money was received, however
after receiving a visit from a Crime Prevention Officer plans changed. A recommendation was made for
modifications to improve security further, such as thicker laminated glass and locks to the original
They have recently received a new quote from the chosen suppliers, including this new recommended
specification. The suppliers are now planning to measure up and begin installing the windows at the
beginning of October.
High Kelling Village
£10,000.00 High Kelling Village Hall provides facilities for a variety of
user groups including a luncheon club, bowling, educational
groups and leisure and social gatherings. This grant was
awarded to rebuild the lobby area to improve energy
efficiency and visitor experience.
North Norfolk :
High Kelling
Geoff Bedford reported that the group is currently concentrating on being able to secure all the necessary
funds for the project before the release of the £10,000 awarded by the Big Society fund. They are
currently awaiting the result of two final grant applications, one with the Environmental Projects Agency
Ltd (landfill tax credits scheme) and one with the Norfolk Rural Community Council. Both are due to meet
imminently so they should have the answer very shortly. Their own fundraising continues and they are
confident that they will be proceeding with the project soon. With the agreement of the Management
Committee, the next stage should be going out to tender and they are hopeful that they should be able to
do this in the next 6-8 weeks.
Since the North Norfolk Big Society fund they have received an additional £5,000 from the Norfolk
Community fund also administrated by the Foundation.
Recreation Ground
£5,712.00 Hindolveston Recreation Ground Committee is a small sub
committee of the Parish Council overseeing the
management of and fundraising for the recreation ground
and pavilion. This grant was awarded to provide a range of
play equipment for all ages.
North Norfolk :
The equipment has been ordered and they expect delivery and installation to be within 5 to 6 weeks. A
new toddler climber, basket swing and trim trail will offer more exciting play facilities and cater to all ages
from toddler upwards.
Holt Community
North Norfolk :
£4,000.00 Holt Community Centre provides facilities for community
hire and a venue for many regular groups. This grant was
awarded to purchase and install an electric six plate oven
range and a "bain marie" for holding hot food before
serving as part of general improvements to the kitchen
The installation of the cooker and bain marie will take place shortly. The delay in implementation has
been caused by the interaction of this project with other improvements currently underway.
The first step in installing the new cooker is to provide a new powerful (21.6kW 3-phase) electricity supply
to the kitchen - now necessary to accommodate the change from gas to electric cooking. The electricians
have been instructed to undertake this work and have already been on site to plan the task. Once the
power supply is installed – expected within the next few weeks – the cooker and bain marie will be
purchased and installed.
Holt Town Council
North Norfolk :
£1,629.00 Holt Town Council has the duties and responsibilities of a
town council, for and on behalf of the local community,
including projects and events to foster community
cohesion. This grant award was to pilot a weekly market in
Holt Town Centre to benefit the local economy and increase
footfall in the town centre.
A cheque returning the first instalment of the grant of £324 was received on 17 July following the
cancellation of the project.
Kettlestone Village
£6,800.00 Kettlestone Village Hall committee manages the village hall
for the benefit of all residents of the village. This grant was
awarded to re-locate the village hall bar as the final stage in
a project to extend and re-order the kitchen facilities.
North Norfolk :
Apple Interiors installed the new bar in the village hall in early August. Deborah Skinn stated "The village
hall looks fantastic." The new facilities have already been made good use of during a street fair held in the
village. They are planning a function where the residents can see the renovated village hall and officially
open the bar.
Nancy Oldfield Trust
North Norfolk :
£5,000.00 Nancy Oldfield Trust provides a Centre where anyone who
is disadvantaged or has a disability be it physical, mental or
emotional, temporary or permanent, regardless of age can
throughout the year and without charge enjoy sailing,
canoeing, fishing, bird-watching and environmental studies.
This grant award was to replace two oil tanks which provide
fuel for residential accommodation and the motor cruisers.
The Trust was able to raise the full £6,880 and replace the oil tanks. The old domestic fuel tank had come
to the end of its life and no longer met with current regulations. The second Fuelmaster tank was for gas
oil (red diesel) which is used for the motor cruisers, bass boats and Greylag.
They are currently catering to around 5000 clients per annum, many of whom are disabled or
disadvantaged. The beneficiaries are the visitors requiring fuel for their engines and those staying in the
residential accommodation at the Centre that requires domestic fuel.
North Walsham
Town Football Club
£7,525.00 North Walsham Town Football Club provides facilities for
and to promote community participation in the amateur
sport of association football in North Walsham and
surrounding areas. This grant was awarded to increase
dressing room accommodation and provide disabled toilets.
North Norfolk :
North Walsham
The project started at the beginning of June and is virtually finished. The dressing accommodation was
passed by the North Norfolk District Council building control and the extension to the changing rooms is
nearly complete. Everyone is pleased with the work so far and it has made a huge improvement. They are
awaiting the installation of an alarm in the disabled toilet to complete the work. The new facilties benefit
both regular members and visitors to the club.
North Walsham In
North Norfolk :
North Walsham
£4,824.00 North Walsham In Bloom promotes the development of
floral displays in North Walsham using beds, bubs or
hanging baskets either by their own endeavours or by
encouraging traders to enhance their premises. This grant
award enabled the group to replace 24 half barrel tubs with
new plastic models.
Christopher Roberts reported “We have placed orders with the company supplying the tubs and towers
however cannot progress any further until autumn planting time (around October) when the old half
barrel tubs will be exchanged for the new ones.”
Sheringham Skate
£10,000.00 Sheringham Skate Club provides sport and leisure activities
to young people in Sheringham, to promote health and
wellbeing and reduce anti-social behaviour throughout the
town. This grant was awarded to contribute to the costs of
building the skate park.
North Norfolk :
This grant was awarded on the condition that the other funds needed to undertake the project were
secured, and following this confirmation the grant was paid in early August. The project should get
underway shortly.
Southrepps Parish
£5,176.00 Southrepps Parish Council provides services to the local
community in Southrepps through democratic decision
making. This grant was awarded to purchase two nest
swings as part of a project to renew all equipment on the
play area.
North Norfolk :
Elaine Pugh was delighted to inform us that the grant has been spent in full on the two items of play
equipment. The nest swings have been installed on the playing field and have been popular amongst the
younger children who visit the play area.
Stalham Brass Band
North Norfolk :
£5,000.00 Stalham Brass Band aims to help the community of Stalham
by training and encouraging people of all ages to play in the
brass band, bringing music, cohesion and enjoyment to the
community. This grant was awarded to fund the costs of a
project to get young people playing brass instruments
The brass band training scheme is underway, catering to over 50 children aged between 6 and 11 years
old. The trainees have had individual and ensemble training from tutors, both during the holidays and
after school. Tim Thirst, the Director, held a Brass Band Week allowing guests to drop in on a practice
session and explore and try out the different instruments from the cornet, horn, baritone, trombone and
the euphonium. The group have already received great publicity in the Great Yarmouth Mercury after
Norman Lamb (North Norfolk MP) visited the group to see how they were progressing. He stated that ‘it is
fantastic to see so many young children playing a musical instrument and they are learning skills that are
invaluable to them in their education and life.’
The Mo Museum
North Norfolk :
£6,415.00 The Mo Museum provides and maintains the museum
exhibition facilities in the area of Sheringham and its
environs. This grant was awarded to create a 'History Hub'
at the museum for the benefit of the townspeople and the
wider community.
The Mo Museum is a tourist attraction and therefore the summer months of June through to October is
the busiest time of the year receiving the majority of the annual visits. This has had a knock on effect to
the History Hub and the project has been slightly delayed. The work is scheduled to begin properly from
early October/November when the museum closes for the winter period. This will allow the space
required and time to get volunteers in place and allow the work to begin.
They have however carried out some initial work on the project utilising the behind the scenes “back of
house” areas. Two new volunteers have been recruited to begin the digitisation of the existing collections
and this takes place on a Wednesday and Thursday. The group are hopeful they will be able to recruit
around 40 volunteers as the project builds momentum, utilising their relationship with Voluntary Norfolk
and the Charity Backroom membership the museum holds to do a ‘call for volunteers.’
The main season launch is due to happen in March of 2013 when the museum re-opens and they are
hopeful they will have an estimated 8000 photographs and objects recorded, ‘digitised’ and uploaded on
the History Hub relating to the history of Sheringham and its people. A software engineer has been
recruited to help run the project and oversee the volunteers work. Once the collection is ready to view
the general public will be asked to access the collections and contribute their own oral histories, written
memories, documents and artefacts to the database.
Wells Maltings
North Norfolk :
£38,000.00 Wells Maltings Trust aims to create a sustainable
community looking at the social, economic and
environmental needs of the area. The project aims to
transform a historic former Maltings and Sackhouse
building town into a viable and self sustaining hub at the
centre of the community providing a permanent home for a
range of new and improved facilities including workspaces
for smalls businesses and start up enterprises, a new
heritage celebrating the maritime history of the local area,
and improved auditorium space, meeting rooms, a
community café, and a dedicated youth space. This grant
was awarded to to restore and repair the Sackhouse
Things are progressing positively - the Big Society Fund grant was used as match funding to help draw
down over £125,000 of funding from the RDPE fund which was agreed in September. The group is now in
the process of contacting local builders to select a contractor. All being well, work should start by the end
of the year with a view to being complete and ready for new business users in late spring next year. In the
meantime they are planning a comprehensive marketing strategy to make sure that small local businesses
are aware of the opportunity.
Wells Skate Park
£10,000.00 Wells Skate Park Group is a voluntary group of local adults
and young people formed to respond to local young
peoples' request for a safe area for skating, bmx-ing and
scooting. This grant was awarded to contribute towards the
capital needed for the skate park.
North Norfolk :
This conditional grant award was released following confirmation that funds have been secured for the
main build. Funds now stand at £57,000 against the £65,000 total project cost, and the group has
recently applied to the Co-op Community Fund and the Tesco Community Fund for £2000 each for 'street
furniture' (i.e. bins benches and a gate). Local young people have held a stall and sideshow during
Carnival Week and at the Pirate Festival, and are also organising a Disco in the Maltings. An application
has been submitted for a grant from the Lovewell Blake fund to be considered in October. It is expected
that works will be fully underway by the spring. The work will be carried out by Wheelscape of
Bristol. They are making a further visit to meet the users and the steering group in October. At a later
stage a presentation will be given by Wheelscape to the Town Council.
The main beneficiaries will primarily be the young people of Wells and outlying district of 20+
villages. The multitudes of young families visiting the area during each holiday season will make use of
the facility and relieve the pressure and nuisance caused by older children on the children's playground.