Information for North Norfolk District Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee Language Line In 2011/12 the Trust spent £7,010.88 on language line. The cost per minute is £1.25. North Norfolk performance and activity A8 performance (%) A19 performance (%) Total number of red calls Total number of green calls Total number of GP urgent calls 2008 57.25 84.87 3035 2009 54.98 83.65 4449 2010 51.95 82.72 5117 2011 52.11 80.60 4937 2012 48.64 72.40 4380 6201 9111 8873 9862 10288 1756 2456 2339 2007 1767 Ambulance deployed from outside Norfolk into North Norfolk We can only extract information from our system that shows ambulances from outside the Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk area that are deployed into North Norfolk. Since March this year, there have been eight incidents when an ambulance from outside the Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire area have been deployed into north Norfolk. All of these were stood down en route.