Agenda Item No_____14_______ Business Transformation Programme Update Summary: This report is brought to provide the six monthly update on progress within the Business Transformation Programme, as per the Cabinet Recommendation for the Programme. The initial programme has been identified and work to deliver key elements of the infrastructure necessary for delivery has been started. The timelines, expected outcomes and anticipated costs are identified below. Recommendations That the Overview and Scrutiny Committee notes the Business Transformation Programme update. Reasons for Recommendations: To provide appropriate governance and oversight of the Business Transformation Programme. LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS AS REQUIRED BY LAW (Papers relied on to write the report, which do not contain exempt information and which are not published elsewhere) Cabinet Member(s) Ward(s) affected Cllr G Williams Cllr R Oliver All Contact Officer, telephone number and email: Sean Kelly, 01263 516276, 1. Introduction 1.1 Members will recall that in the Business Transformation (BT) Programme that Cabinet approved in October 2013, it was identified that six monthly progress reports would be submitted along with updates on the workstreams within the programme as these were developed. 1.2 Cabinet approved the commencement of work to communications and website enhancement earlier this year 1.3 In addition, the initial work to identify other priorities, along with estimated costs and timescales has now been completed and is summarised below. It deliver unified should be noted that for obvious reasons, no significant pieces of works will go live around the election planned for spring 2015. Jul Unified Communications Council Document Management System Electronic Document & Workflow Management Mobility Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Feb Mar Jun * * * * * * * * * * Customer Information & Contact Management * * * * * * Current Position The requirements resulting from the eight workstreams identified within the BT Programme have been defined and a top-level workplan produced as set out below. Each area of work has an indicative cost and likely completion date attached. It should be noted that at this time, these are approximate and based on the initial information officers have at this time. 2.1 Unified Communications: £80k Jan 2015 We will deliver a Council wide fully integrated solution allowing Officers and Members to communicate effectively and efficiently using: Telephony Video Conferencing Instant Messaging Document Sharing More detail of this work can be found in the Cabinet papers for April 2014. 2.2 Jul * Printing Management Management Information Web Technology 2 Jan Election Apr May Council Document Management System: £40k Dec 2014 We will deliver a central repository and management system for all electronic records. This will also include implementation of document workflow to * manage the creation, approval, distribution and access to, all documents used by the Council. Clearly not all the documents will be migrated by this date, but will follow the delivery of the initial system. 2.3 Electronic Document and Workflow Management: £80k We will migrate, as far as practicable, all paper based activities to use the Council Document Management System for record and workflow optimisation. Transition will be prioritised to deliver maximum benefit benefits. 2.4 Prioritised List of processes to be re-engineered Oct 2014 Electoral Registration process re-engineered Jan 2015 Planning process re-engineered Mar 2015 Other Processes re-engineered (On-going from) Jul 2015 Mobility: £60k We will integrate existing and future mobile devices into the systems and infrastructure used within the rest of the council including: 2.5 Access to the Intranet Sep 2014 Access to the Document Management System Dec 2014 Access to Unified Communications Jan 2015 Field Worker back office systems (On-going from) Jun 2015 Printing: £40k Oct 2014 We will implement a fully integrated printing, scanning, copying and fax system which will contribute to efficiency and the Green IT agenda by actively driving down the use of paper within NNDC and reducing the cost of the printing that remains. 2.6 Management Information: £40k Mar 2015 We will commission software and systems which provides up to date management and performance information as a summary of the key performance and quality metrics which is configured to the requirements of the user’s role. 2.7 Web Technology: £70k This will involves re-engineering of the existing Website and Intranet to the same technology to enable efficient development and deployment of modern transactional services. This will support both the internal processes of the council and the interactions with service users. The facilities will act as a portal for a single route into the services and facilities delivered by the Council. 2.8 Website on new technology Nov 2014 E-mail & Messaging Alerts Nov 2014 “Webforms” to replace existing forms (On-going from) Nov 2014 Social Media Integration Jan 2015 Intranet re launch Feb 2015 “My NNDC” User registration/management Jun 2015 Customer Information Management: £80k Migration of user contact to the most appropriate and efficient mechanism. Single record of all contacts and activities for users of NNDC services and information. Contact Centre system deployed Website Integrated with Contact Centre Social Media contacts Back Office Systems Activity Integration 3 Procurement 3.1 Procurement Objectives Feb 2015 Jun 2015 Jun 2015 (On-going from) Jul 2015 Overall procurement activities will be controlled and co-ordinated to ensure value for money on all expenditure across the BT Programme. 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 Goods and services will be procured in accordance with the existing NNDC Procurement protocols In line with central government directives Open Source (ie with no licensing costs) solutions and components will be actively considered for all elements of the BT Programme and only where the core requirements cannot be met will proprietary software and systems be considered. Procurement will be executed using existing approved frameworks wherever possible. 4 Financial Implications and Risks 4.1 Financials 4.1.1 All major expenditure within the BT Programme will continue be submitted for approval by Cabinet. 4.1.2 To date two such approvals have been received: April 2014: Telephony – £90,000 capital funding for the procurement of replacement Telephony and Unified Communications. June 2014: Web Infrastructure Refresh - £45,000 revenue funding for the establishment of a new permanent web development post within the Applications Development Team and £37,500 capital funding for Web Infrastructure. 4.1.3 As the work-plans are developed and requirements and costs clarified, these will be submitted for Cabinet approval. 4.2 Risks 4.2.1 The funding estimates were calculated some time ago against the known business requirements and technology costs. Current indications are that the full range of deliverables can be achieved within the current funding limits. However should business requirements alter significantly as a result of external legislative or other influences there is a risk to either or both of the programme timescales and or costs. This will be managed by strict change control which will assess the impact on the project of all such external influences. Any such changes which significantly affect the programme will be referred to Cabinet. 5 Equality and Diversity Requirements will be included in all specifications for system to ensure as far as possible they can be used by customers and staff with disabilities. In addition, it is accepted that some customers may not wish to use some of the services, which may become automated as part of the business transformation programme. The Council will continue to provide mediated services where this is required by customers. 6 Section 17 Crime and Disorder considerations There are no section 17 implications. 7 Conclusion The Business Transformation Programme business model remains viable and is on track to deliver as planned.