Please contact: Tessa Gilder-Smith Please email: Please direct dial on: 01263 516047 07 January 2014 A meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee of North Norfolk District Council will be held in the in the Council Chamber at the Council Offices, Holt Road, Cromer on Wednesday 15th January 2014 at 9.30a.m. At the discretion of the Chairman, a short break will be taken after the meeting has been running for approximately one and a half hours. Members of the public who wish to ask a question or speak on an agenda item are requested to arrive at least 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. It will not always be possible to accommodate requests after that time. This is to allow time for the Committee Chair to rearrange the order of items on the agenda for the convenience of members of the public. Further information on the procedure for public speaking can be obtained from Democratic Services, Tel: 01263 516010, Email: Sheila Oxtoby Chief Executive To: Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Ms V R Gay, Mrs A Green, Mr B Jarvis, Mrs B McGoun, Mr P Moore, Mr J H Perry-Warnes, Mr R Reynolds, Mr E Seward, Mr R Shepherd, Mr N Smith, and Mr P Terrington. All other Members of the Council for information. Members of the Management Team, appropriate Officers, Press and Public. If you have any special requirements in order to attend this meeting, please let us know in advance If you would like any document in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or in a different language please contact us. Chief Executive: Sheila Oxtoby Corporate Directors: Nick Baker & Steve Blatch Tel 01263 513811 Fax 01263 515042 Minicom 01263 516005 Email Web site AGENDA 1. TO RECEIVE APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. SUBSTITUTES 3. PUBLIC QUESTIONS To receive questions from the public, if any (Page 1) (9.30 – 9.35) To approve as correct records, the minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 11 December 2013. 4. MINUTES 5. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS To determine any other items of business which the Chairman decides should be considered as a matter of urgency pursuant to Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972. 6. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Members are asked at this stage to declare any interests that they may have in any of the following items on the agenda. The Code of Conduct for Members requires that declarations include the nature of the interest and whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest. 7. PETITIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC To consider any petitions received from members of the public. 8. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE BY A MEMBER The following question has been submitted by Councillor Paul Williams: I would be very interested in finding out exactly the value of the ‘right to buy’ windfall to the authority and where it has been placed. I have heard that there is also a split share of the VAT recovered from the repairs and improvements that have been carried out on the housing stock, an arrangement made when Victory took over the authority’s housing. I believe this total is approximately £400k. I know that some money has been made available as a loan but I believe the amount is far too small, and will have adverse effects. In addition, the government grant has been cut by approximately 60%. This is leaving a void in the funding for current building projects that were agreed before the cuts became apparent. I feel that we should be using some of the two windfall amounts to assist bridging this void as a loan. What are the total windfall amounts earned from Right to Buy receipts for the authority, and VAT receipts for both the authority and Victory Housing? How much of this has been put back into social housing? I would like this information going back for this year to date and the previous two financial years. 9. RESPONSES OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CABINET TO THE COMMITTEE’S REPORTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS To consider any responses of the Council or the Cabinet to the Committee’s reports or recommendations. (Page 8) (9.35 – 9.40) To discuss the Cabinet Work Programme and to consider the programme of business for Cabinet, Overview and Scrutiny, and Full Council. 10. THE CABINET WORK PROGRAMME 11. WASTE CONTRACT UPDATE (9.40 – 10.00) To receive an oral update from the Corporate Director (NB) regarding the authority’s waste contract. 12. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY UPDATE (10.00 – 10.20) To receive an oral update from the portfolio holder for environment regarding environmental sustainability in the district. 13. CAR PARKING REVIEW (Appendix A- Electronic Only) (10.20-10.50) To receive a review regarding car parking usage in the district. 14. OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE Summary: (10.50-11.00) (Page 11) (Appendix B – p.13) (Appendix C – p.16) (Appendix D – p.17) This report updates the Committee on progress with topics in its agreed work programme (attached at Appendix B) and invites Members to identify any arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny Committee’s working style and role is attached at Appendix C. Conclusions: That progress is being made in some areas, others need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny should be discussed. Recommendations: That Members’ should consider any follow-up actions required on these topics. Cabinet Member(s): Mr R Oliver Ward(s) affected All Contact Officer Emma Denny Telephone number: 01263 516010 Email: 15. EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC To pass the following resolution, if necessary: “That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph _ of Part I of Schedule 12A (as amended) to the Act.” 16. TO CONSIDER ANY EXEMPT MATTERS ARISING FROM CONSIDERATION OF THE PUBLIC BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA Agenda item no._______4_______ OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY Minutes of a meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 11 December 2013 in the Council Chamber, North Norfolk District Council, Holt Road, Cromer at 9.30 am. Members Present: Committee: Mr P W Moore (Chairman) Mrs A Green Mrs B McGoun Mr E Seward Miss B Palmer (Sub) Officers in Attendance: Members in Attendance: Mr J H Perry-Warnes Mr R Shepherd Mr N Smith Mr P Terrington Mr A Yiasimi (Sub) The Corporate Director (NB), The Head of Finance, The Housing Team Leader – Strategy, The Growth and Communities Manager, The Health Improvement Officer, The Democratic Services Team Leader, The Democratic Services Officer. Mrs A Moore, Mr P High, Mr T Ivory, Mrs P Grove-Jones Democratic Services Officer (TGS) 98. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds, Ms V R Gay, Mr R Reynolds, Mr S Ward (Sub) 99. SUBSTITUTES Miss B Palmer for Mrs A Claussen-Reynolds and Mr A Yiasimi for Ms V R Gay. 100. PUBLIC QUESTIONS None received. 101. MINUTES The minutes of the meeting of the 13th November were approved as a correct record and signed by the chairman. The Chairman informed members of the committee that the Corporate Director (NB) would be attending the committee to provide an update on the flooding situation in the district. 102. ITEMS OF URGENT BUSINESS None received. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 11 December 2013 103. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Member(s) Minute Item Interest Big Society Fund and Enabling Fund. Other interest: A board member of Homes for Wells. No. Mr P Terrington 110 104. PETITIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC None received. 105. CONSIDERATION OF ANY MATTER REFERRED TO THE COMMITTEE BY A MEMBER The Chairman took this opportunity to thank members of staff involved in the flooding emergency and who were still working hard to resolve the situation. He added particular thanks to the Chief Executive for leading the authority at county level, and to the Corporate Directors for providing support locally. He also thanked the Communications Manager for his hard work in keeping members of the council up to date with on-going issues. He added particular thanks to all staff and volunteers who manned the emergency refuge centres and those who helped in organising housing and accommodation for those who had been affected, as well as those members of the public who had worked hard in their communities. He concluded that he was proud of all members of the North Norfolk community for how well they responded to the emergency, and that the council should be proud of themselves for their timely, organised, and efficient response. 106. RESPONSES OF THE COUNCIL OR THE CABINET TO THE COMMITTEE’S REPORTS OR RECOMMENDATIONS None received. 107. THE CABINET WORK PROGRAMME The Committee considered the Cabinet Work Programme and agreed its content. 108. VICTORY HOUSING – DISPOSALS PROGRAMME The Chairman welcomed Mr Darryl Cox, Deputy Chief Executive of Victory Housing Trust. Mr D Cox gave his thanks for the committee inviting him, and proceeded to give his presentation regarding Victory Housing and its disposals programme. He made a number of comments, including that it was Victory’s goal to develop 1000 new homes before 2023, that all of Victory’s houses met the standards for the governmental ‘Decent Homes Standard’, and that their disposals programme was mainly to enable development of a higher standard of homes. The Chairman thanked Mr D Cox for his presentation and invited members to ask questions. He added that the presentation would be made available to members who wished to view it. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2 11 December 2013 1. Mr P Terrington thanked Mr D Cox for his presentation and stated that whilst homes were being built across the district, their seemed to be a lack of development in particular areas, such as Wells. He also queried why the housing association was selling two-bedroom houses when there was considerable demand for them. He also commented on the selling of houses through this policy which are then bought and rented on the open market at a commercial rate. He concluded that it seemed that the housing association did not work enough on consultation. Mr D Cox replied that he understood Mr P Terrington’s comments and that one of Victory’s key objectives was to invest in local communities. He commented that the housing association had regional aims and objectives, however that sometimes this did appear unfair for more localised areas. He further commented that timescales were important also; that the housing association could not immediately replace lost stock but they would work to meet their 2023 target. Mr P Terrington commented that it would be useful for members to be made aware of disposals , and the Housing Team Leader – Strategy, commented that she would liaise with Victory HT to ensure they were put in the Members’ Bulletin in the future as soon as possible after their Board makes the decision to dispose. 2. Mr E Seward commented on the high demand for 3 bedroom properties in the district. He commented that he did not think it was useful to sell 3 bedroom houses when so many were required. Mr D Cox replied that the size of properties to develop was decided with the Housing team at North Norfolk District Council, and members may feed into this if they wish. He commented that often size of developments impacted on the size of properties the housing association could build. 3. Mr W Northam queried if more single tenant properties would be built. Mr D Cox commented that yes, primarily the housing association’s strategy was focused on building smaller properties. 4. Mrs A Green commented that there seemed to be many sites which had been allocated for redevelopment but which seemed to sit empty. Mr D Cox replied that often the housing association had cost constraints and did not have the resources to bid on market value land. He further commented that due to a selection of other constraints, the opportunities for development were not as extensive as its perception. The Chairman thanked Mr D Cox and members of the committee for their comments. 109. ENFORCEMENT BOARD UPDATE Flooding Update from the Corporate Director Before discussing the Enforcement Board item, the Corporate Director gave an update to members of the committee regarding the recent tidal surge in the district. He commented that he had just left an officer meeting where he had received an update on the situation. He commented that the warning system had been successful in ensuring people were kept safe. He also commented that the Environment Agency were mapping the areas damaged, which was a larger area than expected, to ensure future security. He summarised that the areas damaged had covered the Wells coastal area through to Walcott, and that many areas would need serious work. He then went on to update the committee on availability of access in a number of areas. He hoped that work to make repairs would begin before Christmas. He commented that all house visits had been completed, with approximately 90 homes affected in total and 30 businesses, and that all those who needed to be put in emergency accommodation had been housed. He commented that the authority was taking all forms of waste for disposal from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 11 December 2013 public and was also working to clear debris from beaches, roads and pathways. He commented that in Walcott the Lighthouse Inn had provided excellent emergency support, and the Parish Council had worked very hard to ensure the public’s safety. He commented that an emergency motion to cover the costs of repairs and approximate financial implications would be going to the December meeting of the Full Council. He hoped that the authority would be able to receive support from central government. He commented that the disaster appeal being run jointly between the authority and the EDP was going well, and that people’s support had been hugely beneficial. Finally he thanked everyone involved for providing support at such a difficult time. The Chairman invited members to ask questions. 1. Mrs H Cox thanked the Corporate Director for his update. She queried if the Cromer pier would be reopened for the New Year’s Eve fireworks. He replied he wasn’t currently aware of the situation but communications were on-going. He hoped that as the theatre was reopening following the storm that they would be able to go ahead. 2. Mrs B McGoun thanked everyone for their hard work and gave her thanks that no one was seriously injured in the event. 3. Mr P Terrington also gave his thanks for everyone’s hard work, and commented the flood wardens worked very hard to ensure everyone was aware of the situation. He hoped that in the future this system would continue to work. The Corporate Director commented that he agreed, and that every house that was in danger was visited to provide a warning previous to the storm hitting the area. He hoped that in the future people would continue to volunteer as flood warnings to ensure appropriate warnings were able to go out. 4. Mr E Seward commended everyone for their hard work, giving particular thanks to the Chairman of Walcott Parish Council. He further commended the officers from the authority who worked through the night, based at the Lighthouse Inn in Walcott. He commented that all those involved showed exceptional commitment to the cause. He further stated there was now a need to focus on the future and improve defences for any further event. Enforcement Board Update The portfolio holder for Housing, Mr T Ivory, introduced the Enforcement Board item. He commented that the report provided an update to Members on the work of the Enforcement Board over the past six months and also gives an assessment of progress made since the Board’s inception to provide a cohesive enforcement approach. He commented that the board has considered 81 properties, of which 46 have seen a positive outcome. He concluded that the board had made significant progress towards its objectives of dealing with difficult and long standing enforcement cases. The Chairman then invited members to ask questions. 1. Mr E Seward commented that he was happy with the report and it was good to see progress. He suggested that any following reports on Enforcement should include information on the impact of the Council Tax premium on Empty Homes and should also include information on the impact of derelict land and derelict shops. He suggested that whilst it was not easy to judge successes, they should continue working hard. The Chairman reinforced this and suggested that legal action sometimes took significant time, which could explain why it was a long process. 2. Mrs B McGoun raised the issue of the Broads Hotel in Hoveton, suggesting it was an eyesore in the community. Mr T Ivory agreed and commented it may be useful to have a discussion with the parish council regarding the property. He commented that it was due to be demolished following removal of asbestos from the property. He Overview and Scrutiny Committee 4 11 December 2013 commented that whilst the demolition should be a fairly swift process, resolving other issues at the property may take some time. Mrs P Grove-Jones and Mrs B McGoun enquired about a derelict property opposite the Broads Hotel, and Mr T Ivory replied that this property sat under the Broads Authority’s remit. 3. The Chairman queried if the new process still allowed individuals to ‘play’ the system. Mr T Ivory replied that hopefully that was not the case, as having a cohesive process and procedure from different areas of the authority allowed them to prevent this. He did comment however that this process was resource intensive. He further commented that he was grateful for officers’ hard work. 4. Mr W Northam imparted his thanks for the work done for the public hall at Mundesley. 5. Mr R Shepherd requested an update on the status of the Shannocks Hotel in Sheringham. Mr T Ivory replied that whilst he did not have any specific details for Mr R Shepherd, he would ask for a response from the Corporate Director on the matter. The Chairman thanked members for the comments and it was RESOLVED To support the report. 110. BIG SOCIETY FUND AND ENABLING FUND The Portfolio Holder for Localism and the Big Society, Mr T Ivory, introduced this item. He commented that since its inception in 2012 the fund had provided financial support to over sixty projects. He commented that grants for the year so far totalled £101,007 for thirteen projects, with a total project value of £341,863. He commented that support for The Atrium and Homes for Wells had been given in the December meeting of the Cabinet and delegated power would be awarded to the Chief Executive in order to agree the terms of a financial contribution. He further commented that the Big Society’s support of the 4x4 Responders Team had been beneficial during the recent flooding, and the committee and other members should remember the hard work of the group when it came to nominating for the Big Society awards. The Chairman then invited members to ask questions. 1. Mr P Terrington voiced his thanks for awarding Homes for Wells funding in order to progress with their project. 2. Mr E Seward queried why Homes for Wells could be awarded grant funds, whereas housing associations could only be awarded loans. Mr T Ivory replied that Homes for Wells were a charitable organisation working for the benefit of a local community, whereas housing associations, whilst doing beneficial work, still had business aims. He commented that the work of Homes for Wells was an example of Localism at its best, and that all areas should be encouraged to set up groups similar to Homes for Wells. Mr E Seward went on to say that he was happy to see the Atrium becoming a successful and viable entity with what seemed to be a dynamic manager in place. The Chairman thanked members for their comments and it was RESOLVED to support the report. Overview and Scrutiny Committee 5 11 December 2013 111. PARISH AND TOWN COUNCIL UPDATE The Chairman introduced Sue Lake of the Norfolk Association of Local Councils who was present to provide members with an update on town and parish councils in the district. Ms Lake proceeded to give her presentation covering a number of areas, including current issues for parish councillors including Standards, neighbourhood planning, and development issues, and established the role of NALC in supporting town and parish councils in their work. The Chairman thanked Ms Lake for her presentation and invited members to ask questions. 1. Mrs A Green requested that the information from the presentation be circulated. This was agreed to be actioned. 2. Mr E Seward commented that a size difference between parishes often raised a number of issues. He also said that controversial planning applications often became problematic for parishes, particularly when they weren’t provided with guidance or support. Ms Lake agreed with this, commenting that often parishes or town councils did not have the resources to deal with large planning applications. She also commented that due to problems with legislation not being changed, some authorities did fall behind. 3. Mrs H Cox thanked Ms Lake for her presentation and her hard work in the district. She commented that as Chairman of the Standards Committee, she felt the committee was beginning to be very proactive in recognising issues, and commented that recent Standards engagement events in the district had provided a good forum for town and parish councils to learn about changes to the system. She commented that it was important for the district to provide a steer and guidance to towns and parishes particularly when they did not have adequate resources. Ms Lake thanked Mrs H Cox for her comments and agreed that town and parish councils should be made aware that there had been a change to the Standards regime. She further commented that some parishes had even lost councillors due to vitriolic complaints, and this may become an issue in the district. 4. Mrs P Grove-Jones commented that Stalham now had a new clerk who was providing an excellent service for the parish. She said that she agreed that the clerk could act like a ‘gatekeeper’ for the parish and that having a good clerk was integral to the successful running of parish and town councils. Ms S Lake agreed and said that hopefully this was changing but that it was a slow process. 5. Mrs B McGoun said that the issue of not being able to use BACS for payments acted as a barrier to the efficient running of one of her parishes. Ms S Lake agreed and commented that the legislation of the need for ‘two signatures’ to authorise a payment did act as a barrier. She added that it could be possible to add two pins to become proxy signatures, or to produce a list of proposed payments which could then be signed off by two people. She further commented that legislative reform was hopefully becoming more likely. 6. Mr P High commented that Holt were interested in producing neighbourhood plans but had come against issues of a lack of knowledge. Ms S Lake replied that Cringleford parish had put together a very successful neighbourhood plan and it might be worthwhile to contact them. The Chairman thanked Ms S Lake for her presentation and her useful comments. 112. FEES AND CHARGES 2014/15 The Portfolio holder for finance, Mr W Northam, introduced this item. He commented that fees and charges for the coming financial year would be set at the following meeting of Council. He stated that fees had been introduced for the installation of wood burners, Overview and Scrutiny Committee 6 11 December 2013 to come into effect from 1 January 2014. The Chairman queried if recommendations could be made from Scrutiny to alter the report. The Head of Finance replied that yes they could make recommendations from Scrutiny to full council. The Chairman thanked the Head of Finance and asked members if they had any questions.There not being any questions, it was APPROVED to support the recommendations to Council. 113. HOUSING BENEFIT AND COUNCIL TAX SUPPORT COUNTER FRAUD POLICY AND PROSECUTION POLICY The Porfolio holder for Finance Mr W Northam introduced this item. He commented that the policy was an update on the existing policy, creating a strategy towards fraudulent benefit claims following the introduction of Council Tax Support in April 2013. There being no questions from members, it was proposed by Mr J Perry-Warnes, seconded by Mr E Seward, and APPROVED To support the recommendations to Council. 114. OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE The Democratic Services Team Leader introduced this item. She commented that there had been an update on reducing ambulance turnaround times which was attached as an appendix. She further stated that the Police and Crime Commissioner had agreed to attend the February meeting of the committee. She also commented that regarding the previous meetings’ information on domiciliary care, that Roger Morgan at the County Council was being kept up to date from the NHOSC and from issues in the district. Mr P Terrington asked if it would be possible to receive an update on the district’s energy strategy, and the Democratic Services Team Leader replied that she would find out the information before the following committee meeting. The Chairman commented on the inclusion on the dates of various other Scrutiny committee meetings in the county, stating that he thought district members attending would be beneficial for the committee. The meeting concluded at 12.38pm ____________________ Chairman Overview and Scrutiny Committee 7 11 December 2013 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 February 2014 to 31 May 2014 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) 3 Feb 2014 North Lodge Park Rhodri Oliver & Trevor Ivory Corporate Plan Priority` Lead Officer Status Feb 2014 Cabinet Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 Scrutiny 12 Feb 2014 Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 Scrutiny 12 Feb 2014 Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 Scrutiny 12 Feb 2014 Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 Overview & Scrutiny 12 Feb 2014 Council 26 Feb 2014 Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure 01263 516330 Exempt Information Revenues & Benefits shared services Wyndham Northam Steve Blatch Corporate Director 01263 516232 Performance Management Update Q3 Tom FitzPatrick Delivering the Vision (A) Helen Thomas Policy & Performance Management Officer 01263 516214 Cyclical Treasury Strategy 2014/15 Wyndham Northam Delivering the Vision Tony Brown Technical Accountant 01263 516126 Annual 2014/15 Base Budget and Projections for 2015/16 to 2017/18 Wyndham Northam Delivering the Vision Karen Sly Head of Finance 01263 516243 Annual Key Decision – a decision which is likely to incur expenditure or savings of £100,000 or more, or affect two or more wards. (NNDC Constitution, p9 s12.2b) * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 8 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 February 2014 to 31 May 2014 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) Corporate Plan Priority` Lead Officer Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 Budget Monitoring Period 9 Wyndham Northam Delivering the Vision Overview & Scrutiny 12 Feb 2014 Karen Sly Head of Finance 01263 516243 Cabinet 3 Feb 2014 Enabling Fund Applications Trevor Ivory Rob Young Growth & Communities Manager 01263 516162 3 Mar 2014 Annual Action Plan All Helen Thomas Policy & Performance Management Officer 01263 516214 Status Cyclical March 2014 Cabinet 12 Mar 2014 Annual 30 Apr 2014 May 2014 Cabinet 12 May 2014 Overview & Scrutiny 20 May 2014 Nick Baker Corporate Director 01263 516221 Business Transformation update Key Decision – a decision which is likely to incur expenditure or savings of £100,000 or more, or affect two or more wards. (NNDC Constitution, p9 s12.2b) * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 9 North Norfolk District Council Cabinet Work Programme For the Period 01 February 2014 to 31 May 2014 Decision Maker(s) Meeting Date Subject & Summary Cabinet Member(s) Corporate Plan Priority` Lead Officer New Telephony System Russell Wright Nick Baker Corporate Director 01263 516221 Cabinet North Norfolk Business Loan and Grant Scheme Russell Wright Cabinet Cabbell Park Tom FitzPatrick Jill Fisher Head of Economic and Community Development 01265 516080 Duncan Ellis Head of Assets & Leisure 01263 516330 Status To be confirmed: Cabinet Scrutiny Key Decision – a decision which is likely to incur expenditure or savings of £100,000 or more, or affect two or more wards. (NNDC Constitution, p9 s12.2b) * Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (As amended by the Local Authorities (Access to Information) (Exempt Information) (England) Order 2006) 10 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 15 January 2014 Agenda Item 14 OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY UPDATE Summary: This report updates the Committee on progress with topics in its agreed work programme (attached at Appendix B) and invites Members to identify any arising items for future meetings. The Scrutiny Committee’s working style and role is attached at Appendix C. Conclusions: That progress is being made in some areas, others need to be monitored and opportunities for scrutiny should be discussed. Recommendations: That Members’ should consider any follow-up actions required on these topics. Cabinet Member(s): Ward(s) affected Mr R Oliver All Contact Officer: Telephone number: Email: Emma Denny 01263 516010 1. Introduction The Scrutiny Update report is a standing item on all Overview and Scrutiny Committee agendas. The report updates Members on progress made with topics on its agreed work programme and provides additional information which Members may have requested at a previous meeting. 2. Progress on topics since the last meeting 2.1 Energy Strategy At the last meeting of the Committee on 11 December 2013, Mr P Terrington had asked when the Energy Strategy would be coming to the Committee for consideration. Mr S Blatch (Corporate Director) has confirmed that it is likely that it will come to the March meeting. 2.2 Internal Boards The Democratic Services Team Leader has asked the Monitoring Officer for his input into this item. He has requested that the report comes to the February meeting of the committee to give him more time to look at all the information available relating to the Boards. The Chairman has agreed to this request. 3. Items of interest to the Committee: Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee 11 Overview and Scrutiny Committee 15 January 2014 The latest outcomes and actions and the forward work programme for the Norfolk Health Overview & Scrutiny committee (NHOSC) are attached at Appendix D. Changes to the Work Programme and Future Topics The updated work programme is attached at Appendix B. Please note that some items have been moved to make sure that the schedule for each meeting is not too heavy. 12 Appendix B OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE WORK PROGRAMME 2013/2014 Period November 2013 – March 2014 January John Lee Nick Baker Report on the Internal Boards – Sheila Oxtoby to cover Functions/powers, who Tom FitzPatrick sits on them, and where the minutes go Environmental Sustainability Nick Baker Update John Lee Review of Car parks – to include Duncan Ellis income by ticket type and Rhodri Oliver figures for specific car parks. Waste contract update Cyclical Requested by Councillor Terrington Cyclical Requested February Performance management update Q3 Helen Thomas Tom FitzPatrick Cyclical Cabinet Approval Treasury Strategy 2014/15 Tony Brown Wyndham Northam Annual Cabinet Approval 2014/15 Base Budget and Projections for 2015/16 to 2017/18 Karen Sly Wyndham Northam Annual Council Approval Budget Monitoring Period 9 Karen Sly Wyndham Northam Wyndham Northam Cyclical Cabinet Approval Cyclical Revs and Bens Shared Service 13 Cabinet Approval Update Police & Crime Commissioner Presentation PCC Steven Betts Requested Customer Access Strategy Nick Baker Russell Wright Nicola Baker Benjie Cabbell Manners Julie Cooke Tom FitzPatrick Nicola Turner Trevor Ivory Sonia Shuter Angie Fitch-Tillett Jill Fisher Russell Wright Annual Kate Sullivan Tom FitzPatrick Steve Blatch Annual March Planning service – overview & future Annual Action Plan 2014/15 Housing Renewal Policy Health Update Update on Tourism across the District – overview of the 2013 season. Include figures for Mundesley & Wells TICs. Challenges & progress in addressing shortcomings. To include presentation on the DMO. Equalities Data Annual report Energy Strategy May Housing Allocations Scheme Nicola Turner Trevor Ivory 14 Requested Cyclical Council Approval Annual Key Decision Cyclical Requested Council Decision Business Transformation Project- Six Monthly Update Nick Baker Tom FitzPatrick Requested by the committee Enforcement Board update- to include an update on the Empty Homes Policy with information included on the impact of Council Tax premiums on reducing empty homes. Steve Hems Nicola Turner Nick Baker Cyclical and requested. June Trevor Ivory Also information on derelict land and derelict shops. October Leisure Services – an overview Karl Read of the leisure services across the District – to include costings, input by stakeholders, profit etc. Also figures on running of Pier Theatre and Openwide contract Profile of those using leisure centres TBC Customer Service Update New Telephony System (Business Transformation Work stream) Nick Baker Russell Wright 15 Requested by the committee Appendix C Working Style of the Scrutiny Committee Independence Members of the Scrutiny Committee will not be subject to whipping arrangements by party groups. Member leadership Members of the Committee will take the lead in selecting topics for scrutiny and in questioning witnesses. The Committee will expect members of Cabinet, rather than officers, to take the main responsibility for answering the Committee’s questions about topics, which relate mainly to the Council’s activities. A constructive atmosphere Meetings of the Committee will be constructive, and not judgmental, accepting that effective scrutiny is best achieved through challenging and constructive enquiry. People giving evidence at the Committee should not feel under attack. Respect and trust Meetings will be conducted in a spirit of mutual respect and trust. Openness and transparency The Committee’s business will be open and transparent, except where there are sound reasons for protecting confidentiality. In particular, the minutes of the Committee’s meetings will explain the discussion and debate in a balanced style, so that they could be understood by those who were not present. Consensus Members of the Committee will work together and, while recognizing political allegiances, will attempt to achieve consensus and agreed recommendations. Impartial and independent officer advice Officers who advise and support the Committee will give impartial and independent advice, recognizing the importance of the Scrutiny Committee in the Council’s arrangements for governance, as set out in its Constitution. Regular review There will be regular reviews of how the scrutiny process is working, and a willingness to change if it is not working well. Programming and planning The Committee will agree the topics to be included in its published work programme and the extent of the investigation to be undertaken in relation to resources, and the witnesses to be invited to give evidence. Managing time The Committee will attempt to conclude the business of each meeting in reasonable time. The order of business will be arranged as far as possible to minimize the demands on the time of witnesses. 26 16 Appendix D Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee 2014 Item no Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee ACTION REQUIRED Members are asked to suggest issues for the forward work programme that they would like to bring to the committee’s attention. Members are also asked to consider the current forward work programme:whether there are topics to be added or deleted, postponed or brought forward; to agree the briefings, scrutiny topics and dates below. Proposed Forward Work Programme 2014 Meeting dates Briefings/Main scrutiny topic/initial review of topics/follow-ups 16 Jan 2014 System-wide review of health services in west Norfolk a report from NHS West Norfolk Clinical Commissioning Group on the current review of the health care system in west Norfolk, including an update on the action plan for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn Administrative business Changes to Mental Health Services in Central Norfolk – an update on implementation of the Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust Service Strategy 2012-16 in the central Norfolk locality. Mental Wellbeing in Norfolk and Waveney – Shaping the Future – a report from North Norfolk CCG on plans for the recommissioning of the ‘Improving Access To Psychological Therapies’ service 27 Feb 2014 Report of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk Joint Health Scrutiny Committee on the Proposals for Liver Resection Services – the report of the joint committee is presented for information and discussion Depending on whether the joint committee is ready to report. Changes to Mental Health Services in West Norfolk – consultation by the CCG and Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust on potential closure of inpatient facilities Feb or Apr 2014, depending on when WN CCG and NSFT are ready to consult with NHOSC Norfolk Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2014-17 – consultation by the Health and Wellbeing Board Depending on whether the 17 Appendix D HWB is ready to consult with NHOSC Delayed Transfers of Care – a report on the levels of delay at the three acute hospitals in Norfolk and the work underway across the local health and social care system to reduce delayed discharge from hospital. 17 Apr 2014 Use of the Liverpool Care Pathway in Norfolk’s hospitals – an update on practices regarding end of life care in hospital following the report of the review the LCP published in July 2013. NOTE: These items are provisional only. The OSC reserves the right to reschedule this draft timetable. Provisional dates for reports / briefings to the Committee 29 May 2014 – Wheelchair provision by the NHS – an update from the commissioners of wheelchair services in central and west Norfolk. NHOSC Members on Regional Joint Scrutiny Committees (task & finish basis) Joint Committee (task & finish) Liver Re-section services (joint committee with Suffolk and Cambridgeshire) NHOSC Membership Progress Cllr Michael Chenery of Horsbrugh Cllr Alexandra Kemp Cllr Margaret Somerville The Joint Committee met on 25 September 2013 and will meet again on 29 November. The Joint Committee expects to complete its report in December 2013. (Substitute for all Members:Dr Nigel Legg) 18 Appendix D Outcomes and Actions Norfolk Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (NHOSC) 28 November 2013 Agenda Report Title Item Number Outcomes and Actions Action By Whom 5. Progress in reducing ambulance turnaround times at the NNUH was noted. EEAST, NNUH and Norwich CCG were asked to update the NHOSC with progress at a future meeting. Adrian Matthews Jon Moore Matt Broad Chris Hartley Chris Cobb Jonathon Fagge Ambulance turnaround times at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital (17 April 2014 is suggested as the date for an update report) 6. Quality of services at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King’s Lynn Noted the hospital’s progress with the Quality Improvement Plan. 7. Forward work programme NHOSC accepted the forward work programme with the addition of:‘Mental Wellbeing in Norfolk and Waveney – Shaping the Future’ - 16 January 2014. ‘Report of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk and Suffolk Joint Health Scrutiny Committee on the Proposals for Liver Resection Services’ – 16 January 2014 19 Maureen Orr Appendix D ‘Delayed Transfers of Care’ – 27 February 2014 Copied to:Representatives attending the NHOSC meeting for NHS / other organisations Chairman of NHOSC District Council Members of NHOSC Member Support Officer - Christine Byles CCG engagement contacts (x5) Health and Wellbeing Board support officer – Linda Bainton Healthwatch Norfolk – Chris MacDonald 20